m ASTOBIA, OBEGOK: MOXUA DECEMBER 15, 1800 XilK TA3IiE FOR ASTORIA. ! DECEUBKtt. UI AVATKK. LOW WATKB. llwl. Second. 1 First. Second. jst E a E 5 Jr h : ? h b h a In. hu $ h. m. t h, m. g ft. m. K sT 7 1 1 23 9 2 7 28 3 1 S 21 -13 14 2 7,7 1 2 10 9 0 8 15 3 1 9 09 -10 1'. J 7 1 2 S3 S C 90S 32 955-0 6 If. 4 37 2 3 S3 SI 10 07 3 2 10 45 0 0 IT S 17,7 4 4 5G 7 3 11 12 31 11 33 07 18 fi 67 7 5 COS 67 -- --1220 27 7 t 7 77 24 63 034 13 137 23 1 7 V.J7 S 61 134 19253 16 i xI.M 9 C! 2 45 2 4 3 57 0 8 4 : 4 11 0 C 3 3 42 2 7 4 52 0 1 3HJI; - - -- 4 37 29 5 43 -0 5 ri at J A II 10a S S 5 28 3 1 C 28 -10 25 6 raliC 7 12 W S 9 C 15 3 3 7 10 -1 1 2- 1 3S S 12 42 8 7 i 59 3 4 7 49 -11 27 2 17J 9 1 21 o 5 7 42 3 4 8 24 -0 8 28 2 7 9 1 5S ii 2 S 2J 3 5 S 57 -0 4 23 V 1 2 .IS 17 b 9 03 36 928-01 ! 4 ri: 1 3 15 7 S 9 47 3 6 9 58 0 3 3l4 3.7i 4 06 lull 10 34 3 6 10 31 0 8 The l.iur bftvct;n midnight ana noon are dcntard hy a ta. in.), thoie between noon and hsHiMilit by p (p. in.). 0 7l 00m. a de n..- mtdHicht, oft. oom. p denotes noon. Tm- isctplit is reckoned from the level of x pr; j imvr low watri tow hlch the sound ing r civeii oi. the Coabt Survey charts. -.K'tKTx ilKSTOSGS. Aator LotigX) No. 6, K. of P. 5nU'i.AK MEETINGS EVERY WED JSX n . j ev-im ;: at 7 :30 p. m. at Pythian 0Kir -x.hnirniuK Knights in good stand in.: ivrt'x.1v invitee, to attend. ft . U-rC i D. 11. BLOUNT. KoIK.audS. Scaacrtiiaviaa Benevolent Society. rt .'iji MKirrrNGsoFTinssoriE- it it tlnrtr pmnis in Pythian building a A,i ti'clitck r 3i.. on the second ani ls Tedavs of ia!i month, AUlS. UANIKLSON, Secretary. hvtdide IjOilge No. 12. A. O. U. W. !t -SULK MEETINGS OF SEASIDE a- -Ue No. 12, a. O. U. W. will be held ta : Ur! in Pythian Castle, on i ii mt rs ttiiv of tuidi week, at 7 o'clock. Me. t f i:- m-Jt in pood standing, and vr4-"n. trot(tiT ar' uivilcd to attend. Li Orar h-h be opn flfleen minutes before ana rnr exec me?un. liy order ii. w. Y. B. KOSS, llec. Oocsaa tsacanpniear. No. 13, 1. O. O.P SDH'XjAitMKBnXGSOF OCEAN EN ctuupmeut No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the ixdT m the Odd Fellows Buildinp, at sevfa v m., on the second and fourth lou..4 ol each month, Sojourning breth ren vHT.ally invited By rusr C. F. Aston.i Building & Loan jssoemtion ITUIK lUMiUUllt MEETINGS OF THIS JL Asctation at: held at 8 r. m.. on the fir: Vsincdav of cadi month. Office on ticsvleve street, south or Ghenamus. W. L. liOBB, Secretarj'. Comraou Council. KE:t'LVlt MEETINGS, SECOND AND I tivui Tuesday evenings of each month at 7S 'ckKrk. &&-1 rstu'. '"nIi lev; to have matters acted xnwu . iuev'ouuai.at any regular meet tas iwi prsent tl.e same to the Auditor and ;Vrk, on or before the Friday evening pnoruitlic Tard:iy on which the Councu ttold-x tegular meeting. TJIOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Police Judge. Dissolution of Partnership. Thy is to notify all whom It may concern that tlte partnership hprctoforc -existing botweon P. O'Hara and H. IL Ingalls under the firm name of O'Hara & Ingalls, is this dav dissolved by mutual consent, P. O'Hara writhdrawmc TheoM firm will settle all accoBHts with the busines up to Nov. lit, and settle all Mils against the firm. P.O'HAUA.. IL IL INGALLS. Executors7 Notice. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLALMS . acalnt the estate of Louis Wilson, de ceased, and finn of Wilson & Fisher, are reinfc.td to present them properly veriflod at the office of J. Q. A. lioulby, and all perHs tiwinj said estate should make im tacdtaU settlement at the same place. J.Q. A.BOWLBY. WILEY B. ALLEN, Executors. A-sl-ria. SepU 16. 1S90. d-6t Stockholders' Meeting. piiK ::e;ulah annual meeting of - b Morkhidders of the Pythian Land & Zla luitti .vsocia!nm will be held at the hall WodHta-day, Dec 31. 1X at 2 o'clock p. m.. toe xbr purpose of electing a board of five directors for the ensuing year, and trans acting Mich .ther business as mav come up before the meeting. E. A NO YES. Secty. Meeting Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Masonic Land and Bnllding Association of Astoria will be held at the office of Capt. Georpe Flacl, on Wednesday, December 17th. 13 at two o'clock r, at., for the pur pose f elwalng five (5) directors for the en rz ear, an-i for the transaction of such other bustuess as may come before the rarrtia?. S. T. MCKEAN, Secretary, Aterw. Oregon. November 10. 1890. Administrator's Notice. rrtHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN JL appointed administrator of the estate of hii.f xnran, aeccasea, au pcrssns naving dlaN azaint tlie sdd estate are hereby re quired io prcent them with the proper -voaefcerv. within six mouths from this date to the undersigned administrator, at the office of F. D. Winton in the city of Astoria, c;sp county, Oregon. WM, A SHERMAN. Administrator. Dated Astoria, Oregon, Dec 3, 1S90. Notice. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL WHOM IT nrav concern that Emil Shu man has this day purchased the interest of P. O'Hara in the arm ot O'Hara & Ingalls, butchers, and the firm will henceforth be known as Ingalls Saum&n. A continuation of the generous patronage given the old firm is solicited, and new patrons are respectfully invited to give usalnaL ILH. INGALLS. E. faHUMAN. ANtaria.Nov. 1, 1SD0. Final Account Notice. XTCVnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I 1A have filed mv final account in the estate of Chas. Gratke, deceased and that the hear ing thereof has beeu by the couuty judge oi Clatsop comity. Oregon, set for the 4th day of January, at the hour of 10, A. M. ANNA GRATKE, Administrator. CUtfip county, Oregon, Nov. 11, 1890. xvso-St Z PURE CREAM AKlHg DEIKJIODS UVORIHG EXTRAGTi! i SEVERAL IilVJBS IjOST.' Used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the head? of the Great Univers .sides :md Public Food Analysts, as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price's Dellciou FJavonng Extracts. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc., do not contain poison ous Oils or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. New York, Chlaigo. San Fran-Msco CDQCCKXX3GCXratU 1 HAT You feel tired Do you know jRj A I "wkafc it means? Yon are nerv ous "Why? You cough in the morning Do you realize the cause? Your appetite is poor "What makes it so ? You seem like a changed person to your friends Do you know what is the matter, or has the change heen so gradual it has escaped your notice? You havo Consumption ! "Wo do not say this to frighten you, but it is true. These are tho sure symptoms of this terriblo disease. There is one thing which will check it and that is Dr. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY It U recommended by tho best physician la Europe and America. 25 .cent , CO ccnU and $1.00 per Bottle W. H. HOOKER & COe, 46 West Broadway, New York. DO Giro'. -Vv YOU 7AILS nCYOU? A Bad. .Railroad. TVrcclc on a South. Carolina Road. Special to Tns AsromAX.l Ciiablotxe, S. 0., Dec 14. There wa3 a disastrous wreck on the branch line of the Eichmond & Danville rail way, near Lawrence, S. 0., last night. A construction train heavily loaded with iron rails and cross ties was rushing down grado near Lawrence, when one of the cars jumped the track. This derailed the entire train of some 20 cars and all were pHed up together. John Lawrence, a train hand, who was sitting on one of the cars loaded with iron rails, crawled out of the wreckage with his clothes torn almost entirely from his body and hia right arm crushed into a jelly beneath ten heavy rails. He was otherwise badly wounded and died during tho night. His home was at Newberry. The body of Conductor James T. Walling, of Columbia, was found deep down under the wreckage horribly mutilated. John "W. Ennis was also killed. His head was crushed by the rails falling on it; and another victim was Kobert Scott, another train hand. His body was horribly crushed in the wreck and four others were injured. An Editor 111. Special to TliK ASTOKlAX Kxoxvrr.ij:, Teun., Dec. 14. John FJemiujr, the well known editor, with whom Congressman Phelan had the celebrated controversy, which ended by him sending tho editor a challenge to light a duel, it? lying very ill at his hotel in this city, with poor chances of recovery. The rrojfctcJ New Jersey Bridge. KNOW Portland and Coast S. S. Co. GRAYS HARBOE. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from Port land every Thursday at 7 r. M. ; and from Astoria the following morning, land ing at Hoquiam, Aberdeen, Cosmopolis and Montesano. SHOALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at North Cove, South Bend, 'Willapa and ilay Center. F. B. STROA'G, President C.P. UPSHUlt, Agent Astoria. The Str. Telephone THE- j Portland and Astoria. Timo Table. cavc Asteria: Tuesdays. Thursdavs and Saturdays at G A. at. Arrives at Asteria: Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 3r.M. Leaves jLorlIanlz Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridajs at A M. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND LIVERY S LADLES Conveyances of any kind, on short notice Transferring Baggage, etc, a specialty. Telephone No. 12. H. W. SHERMAN & CO. HilfiiiSS liO Wholesale and Retail LEQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of FonMgn and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz itottled Beer. Finest brands t Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. agaiis C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, Stoves, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper. Tho lSnyinberitiu News says that thaNe.v Jersey Bridge commission er have received a report from Th'iinas C. Clarke, tho chief engineer. The Ian proposes to bring all the tho railroads centering in New York into one great union station at 3Sth street and Broadway, within the city, crossing the river at 71st street. The brulgo would havo eight tracks, and wonldcnst "between $30,000,000 and S10,000,000." This is not the North river bridge upon which congress has taken action, and which has engineers now at work on tho snrve3's. Scow Bay Foonoiy CORNER WEST FIFTH AND WALL STS. Astoria. - - Okkgox. Of all Descriptions MADE 10 ORDER ON SHORT hOTlCE. A&0 Children Hry for Pitcher's Castoria mica Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. SVhcn ho was a Child, she cried for Castoria, Then she becamo Mis, sho dun? to Castoria, iVhenshchad Children, she gave them Castorif Chili and Pern's Cable. The submarine cable between Val paraiso, in Chili, and Callao, in Peru, will be laid in a very short time. From Valparaiso, on the Pacific side of the South American continent, a laud line connecting with the new cable is to be laid across the Argen tine Republic to Buenos Ayres, on the Atlantic side. The Babe Objected. BOOTS AKB S&QES The Largest Stock, Best Quality anl Lowest Prices at the Sign of The Golden Shoe. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., County Corcncr. c . 's- r T? PP5S"5-2V "Bock-a-by, baby!" began the new nurco in a Boston family. "Desist!" exclaimed the infant im periousl'. "I am awarothat the vi bration of the atmosphere will cause a cradle suspended in the tree-top to oscillate." Great tilvcr Itlcillclnc. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for sick headache, bilious complaints, dysnepsia, indicestion, cos tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pills insure perfect digestion, eorrect the liver and stomach, resjulate ihe bowels, purify and enrich the blood and make the skin clear. They also rroduce a good appetite, and invigorate and strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. Sold at25 cents a box by i J. W. Conn. ITirst Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral materia! Nest to ASToniAX office. AUOTIOSr AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN 0LSE, Successor to E. C .Uulden. Thb oiaest established Cominiion Houw in Origon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock or Furniture on hand. When ycu wat Birgaln3 in Household Goods go to Zl-XZVTIH OLJSB.N' Millinery Stock and Fixtures for Sale. mHE STOCK AND FIXTURES OP -L Thrall & German's rellllnerv store are for s lie. Apply to W. A SHERMAN, AdaiinLvtrator of the estate of Katie Thrall, deceased. Stockholders' Meeting. TlJimeK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE lA Annual Mecnsg of the Stockholders of Uie a: sk a Packing Company will be held ai th residence oi P. H. Johnson. Aider-bro-k.oa Monday. December 15th. 1S80, at 7 33 v. .. for the purpose of electing a Board ol Directors for the ensuing year, and the xran?ieUon of such other business as saay come before the meeting. Bv order of the President, did G. A. NELSON, Sec'y. Disstntion of Partnership. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALT. WHOM IT may concern ttettfee partnership here -tofroc cstiar botweew Earnest Loll and L.LxTfh'nis iMstey HUeolved. The busl mw 'WW h gontUiacAteL. Larsen who will K all it eh to 4ed settle all claims .rtwrm i urn k Laaen. .vaur. isea. CiienJetlcls FOR RENT. CmiHMKttfcltas csesveRteoUy situ a. tMk Net itacks will b rented tar w MWtnc scwwr en tlte Cetembia Carnaliaii & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, TMFoKTEltS AND WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALEES IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTOKIA ----- OKEGON S. ARNDT & FKilCfi EK A810KIA, - OEBGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop .,,.. -VS. lKUAJJ.oaiixxi 5t SHOPj SJSrKivji ind e 3esPuagOrA45 n rut v-wt nt "i Boiler Shop 2B;: All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, Aira STEAMBOAT WOES Promptly attended to. Afir w.w.PAjtutg.: '4" C. E. BAIN, Manufacturer and Dealer in Sash, Doors, Itloulditiga and Brackets. All Kinds of Hard Wood and House finish ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe cialty. YYOOU,Xliruiui;. Cor. Genevieve and Aslor Streets. Astoria, - - Oregon. Dissolution of Partnership. THE PARTNERSHIP HEBETOF0RE existing between G. B. McEwan and Louise McEwan has been dissolved by mu tual consent, this tu day of December, um. G. B. McEwan retires irom me dhsi ness on account of fll health. Mrs.'LoutKe McEwan will continue the business and col laot all accounts due and pay all bills against te late firm. 0. 1! McKWAN. LOUISE MCEWAN. Notice of Trustee's Sale. 7VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JLi pursuant to the provisions of a certain contract between tho Astoria & South Coast Railway Co. ; the Pacllls Construc tion Co.; and J. U. Smith, wherein the property hereinafter described, was con vcyed and transferred to me in trust to hold as security for the payment of tho sum of S4S.749.49 due the said J. H. Smith for work in tho construction of certain railroad, and to be sold by me and converted into cash la case the said sum should not be paid when due ; and tho said sum having been due and unpaid since the 12th day of August. 189o, and being still unpaid, I will, on the 17th day of December. 1803 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the banking house of the I. W. Case Banking Co., in tho city of Astoria. Clatsop county, state of Oivgon, proceed to sell at auction to tho highest bidder for cash In hand, all or so much of the following described property as may be sufficient to satisfysaid demand and interest from said 12th day of August, 1890, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum and the costs of this proceeding, to-wit : 391 of the of the first mortgage bonds of said railway company, numbered from one to 391 inclu sive, and each being In the sum of si.ooo. ' l.coo shares of the paid up capital stock of said railway company. 1 he following described lots In Railroad Addition to Ocean Grove, to-wit :Iots 1. 2. 3,1. S, G. 7. 8, 9 and 10 of blk one ; lots 7 and 8 of bIk2;lots3,8, 10. 10 and 17 of blk 3 ; lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5. G. 7. 8. . 10. 13, 13, IC, 17, 18. 19. 20. 21 and 22 of blk 4; lots 1.2,3.4.5. 6. 7, 8, 9, 13. 14. 15, 16.17, 18. 19, 20. 21 and 22 of blk 5; lots 1,2. 3. 5. 7, 8. 9. 10 aua 17 of blk C: lots r and 9 of blk 7 and lots 1,2,3.4,5,0,7 and 8 of blk 8, in said Ciat.op couuty, state of Oregon, also all thestoek .subscriptions now delinquent and unpaid and assigned to me as sucn trustee. The above property was advertised to be sold Noy. 27, 1S90. but by consent of the panies auovo namen. mo saio waa adjourned until Dec 17, 1SS0 I. W. CASE. Trustee. Satisfactory Postal Efficiency. "Wartr c n Kc fa rf it-it mnnU. .. , wj .uulu.; 4WIUIB U1U IV- maker in his annual report. ThegrocS 85,000,000 larger than ever befoie. Nearly 5,000 new postofnees, more th3n in uuj uuo ..cui uviuic, uiivu oeen es tablished upon the petitions of com- TnTiniKpa whvVh TiAorJnl tl,A.v. A .3-. creasing limit for the extension of tho irea ueuvci ojaiem nas pernuttea tno employment of letter carriers in over fifty towns, and three times as many sub-stations and stamp agencies were established as during the previous year. The star-route mileage has increased over 5,000,000 miles, and the railroad mileage over 11,000,000 miles. The number of pieces sent to the dead letter office has been reduced by 2,000,000, and the office expects that by encouraging postmasters in free delivery cities to prepare supplementary directories and by general suggestions to the public through the newspapers to take greater care in the direction of matter, its labors will be reduced by at least one-third. A Lons Di:tax:cc Telephone. Aspaclalty made of repairing CANNERY DD3B, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET Tie Geleliratefl feci toe CCHO0L OF PRACTICAL CIVIL, .mechanical, Mining Engineering, Survey lug. DraughUng, Architecture. Assaying and Navigation. 170& Second Street, Port laad.Or., and 723"Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Established 18M. A VaxderHajllk, Pres. Send for circular. Warranted ' i 1 Q II D f n IT! U C" or money to euro ArnrlUUllint refunded IS BOLD OX A POSITIVE Gairantee to euro any form of ner vous diseaso or any dis order of tho generative or cans of- Attnnr mrH BEFORE irhother ar- AFTER Isisgfrom the exceesivo useof Slimulants.To baceo or Opium, or throcKhj'0ithfalindiscre don, over indulgence, &c such as Low of Brain Powor. wakefulness. Bearing dows Pains in the Sack, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, ".Nervous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Leucorrhoea, Diuiness, W eak Memory, Loss of Power and Impotcncy. trhich if zo dected often lead to premature old aco and lBsanity. Price $1 a box, 6 boxes for S5. Sent by sail on receipt of price. A WKIITEH 0UABA5TKE for every $5 or der, to refund the money if a Frraaaest core is sot effected. Thousands of tesumoniak from old and 70011;, of both eexee, perma nently cared byApasoDmxK. Circular free. Adores. THE AFMKO SKPICLSK CO. Bex 27. tf HSTKRS Brxuch, Pertlaad, Or. For wl e fey J. C. DEMENT. health. "" 'anftAu 1.8 n.ca:iuM CoM, .j Balaam IJo 1 Curw Ch-ancrw, firz. and cond Btaffe Seres r a Ihj kpi tnd Body; Sore Ear? cl':.w! VaVCo??cr-co,orcd Blotches'. Syph. it.-:( atari h,.:lfeasrf Scalp, and all primary torn cf tho discaso known ai byphilu. Prlcj, S 3 CO per BotUc. La Ulcitatz' Golden BaltamNei Curcs-Tcriiar-. HcrenrialSyphlliUc Rheu matlsm. Taias In tho Bono, Pains in tho S Jl .tho Ncck Ulcerated Sore Throat, Syjh:iit'c lsii, Lumps and con tractcd Cora, Stiffness of theLImbs. and enuliatcj all d :o from the system, whether used indiscretion or abuse rf Mcrcorr. lirinff the blxxl pure and t r V rf,',S 00 Pr Bottle. Lc Hlcliau Go'.dcn Spanish. Antl- aoto frr the care of Conorrhca. Gleet. Irritation Card, and all Urinarfor Gen? toldbarran-cacnts. Price $3 5S, per Lo ttlchaui Coldou Spanish. la. Jectlon, fors-svero cases of Gonorrhaa. InSunmitary Gleet. Strictures.&c. Price 31 f0 per Bottlo. Lo Klchait'a Golden Ointment for the ca" tt.vjhcalinjof SyphlliUc Sores. aadcrnpttona. PriroSl OO per Box. ho Flclum'a Golden PlllB-Kerve ui.d i,.-n treatment; loss of physical pow- c-, eces or over-wort, rrostratfat', ett 3s -c $3 OO per Box. L T 13 nnd Xcrvlac, B ! ', everywhere, C. O. D secarajy iSeeJ ,-z express. THE RICHARDS DRUG .CO.. AGENT 289 tnd 511 Xarket street, Sam Fraaebee, Cal, CIECDLAKS SENT FREE. Tho long distance telephone line be tween Vienna and Prague has been in operation for a little over a year, and the success of the line has been so satisfactory that another is to bo in stalled very shortly. During the year there havo been 38,857 conversations, 1G,461 being calls from Prague to Vienna, and 22,393 from Vienna for Prague. The total receipts for the year were close on $20,000. The most that tho line was interrupted during 31 days of the year. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? Wo refer to tho full and comprehensive troalise on tho Blood and skip Whether you arc sick or well, every home should havo a copy. If you are well, it tells you how to keep so. If you are sick, it tells you how to regain your health. This valuable pamphlet will be mail ed free to applicants. The Swift Specific Ca, Atlanta, 6a a 2raTW J 9(ofxe) a vaUjAUm fO ZZ.1Z S5 SALOOXii. Standard - Saloon, Southeast Corner Third and Olney Sis. Astoria, Oregon. The Colebratecl North Pacific Brewery Beer on Draught. .47$o ihe Finest Kinds of Wines, Li quors and Cigars. The Best of French Brandies AXD BRANDY PEACHES. H. CRUBE, Propr. ASTOKIA. - - - - OKEGON. The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Christian Wcjen, Proprietor. (Formerly Bartender at the "Kesort," Bcstof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner Main and First Streets. AUG. DM1ELS0N, Sample Rooms, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for theGUION Steamship Line and the THINGVALLA Steamship Line, direct. au 1, agent ior "avcnsKa xnDunen" ana Sveuska Anrerikanaren." Corner ot Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria. Oregon. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. W IS Poiis. Tv?.bccna srcat "Offerer froir. hSSItT and ysPPSla. Every tbinslato disagreed Tvlth. me until i wOU UUUIi iflliS Tutt'sPilliiM!J Icannow digest any kind of food, ?SE havo a headache, and have sain ea fifteen pounds la tvelght." VT. C.SCHTJLTZE, Columbia, S. C. SOLD EVERYWHEKS. Office, 44 Murray St., Hew York, or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM 8ALOON. ALKX. CAMPBELL. - - PBOPKIET0B Fate's Mil Fail? Pis For Female lrres nlaritles ; nothing llkl thrill nn tho market. XeterfaiL Duccessiuiiy use a bv prominent I. ifi:.-s monthly Gnaraii- teeu relieve mi pressi'.l menstrua tion. SuroIS-ifelCertMa! Don t be humbii- pcu. .Mic nine ,;ini health a:i i m n- ; in enooiiH'!. ent t. any a -dres, hccnro oy nuvl n n'ceipt of li.iee. 52. Address. THE APHRO KEDIO'NE 0 MPANY. Western Branch Box 27. PORTLAND, OK ItAIIiWAY.- AND bTHAMEJIS. I0E8 & CO., Wines, Lipors aot Ciprs. A Large Stock of FIrst-Class Goods. The Trade Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders tilled promptly and Accurately. Agents lor First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opp. Parker House. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, Oa Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. WM . BOCK, Proprietor. 1 prescribe nd fnllj endorse Blr ti &i th only specific fur th e cer ui n cure 01 mis aueste. G.73. lNQRAJrAU.il. IX. Amsterdim, K. Y. We nave sold B' G f oa many years, and H hoi .51 ven mo 00:1 01 uus (action. I), it. DYcnr it Co., ChIcjuto.lli t91. 8oidbrlrorrr Sld br J. W. Oecfl, Aitarla, Ore con. gk fSKm 5'sijK II From Terminal or Interior Points TMK- Norton Pacilc MHti Is the Hue to Takr To All Points East and South. It Is Thtr DinlngCarRoutc. Ir runs'l'liroupli Vcstlbulcd. Tralnn livery lisiy In the Vcnr to ST. PAUL and CHiCAiO No Change of Cars, Composed of Dilnr Cars unsurpassed. Pullman Dru. win jrRooui Sleepers Of Latest Eqiiipnu-ui Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that can be constructed and In which accommodations are botli Froc and Furnlsliud to holders of First or SecomS-clas Tickets, and for Elegant Day Coaches. X Continuous Lino Connecting with All Lines, affording Direct and Uninterrupted. Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations Can be Secured In .Vdvauco through anv Agent of the ltoad. Through Tickets To and from all IViutj in America, England and Europe cau he purchased at any Ticket Oflice oi this Company. Full Information couerruint; mtes.tlme of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any age t, or A. D. CHARLTON, As.sbtaut General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First St . c -r. Washington, Puril tiid,')reK0n. K 8- V E6V S 5s? U ii Mils JJ Nil HI 8 VAil g cc h k a u hi v n t v E Qu 8 w 111 L &2oJS AWAAUISNI In Twelve Lsffge Iumes9 PMa?mmt!&&Mmjmi,t wtMMimmMmim caAELES Dicnnj. "TThicIi "wc Offer xrltli a "dear's Subscription to tliis Paper for a Trifle Hore taaa Our Segular Subscriptioii Pries. WiaLinu to largely increase tho circulation of this paper during the next six months, wo havo mado arrangements with a New York publishing hoc?" whereby we aro enabled to offer as a premium to on subscriber? a Set of tlio Worlcs of Charles Die m, in Twelve Largo and Handson. YtlKiaei, with a year's subscription to iis paper, for a trifle inoro than our regular sub scription price. Our great offer to Bitbscribera eclipses any ever he retoforo made. Chark-a DicLcns was tho greatest novelist who over lived. lo anthor uelore or since his timobss won the fanio tliat ho achieved, and his works are even ir.oro popular to-day than during Lis lifetime. They abound in wit, humor, pathos, masterly delineation of character, vjvm Qcsccipuuiia ui puuca aua incidents, thrilling and skillfully wrought plots. Uach book is iutecscly interesting. No nomeahould bo without a set of these great and remark ablo works. Not to havo read them ia to bo for behind tho age in which we live. The ect of Dickens' works which we offer as a DAVID COPPERFsELD, TflARTiri CHUZZLEWE7, K1GHOLAS NICKELBY, DOrffBEY AMD SON, BLEAK HOUSE, LITTLE DORRIT, OUR JV.U7UAL FRIEND, PSCiCWICK PAPERS, BARNABY RUDCE AND CHRISTMAS STORIES, OLIVER TWIST AND GREAT EXPEC TATIONS, THE OLD CURIOSITY .SHOP AND THEUNCOMMERCIALTRAVELER, A TALE OF TWO CITIES, HARD TIMES AND THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD. Tho abovo are without question the moat famous novels that wero ever written. For a quarter of a century they havo been celebrated in every nook and corner of tho civilized world. Yet there aro thousands of homes in America not yet supplied with a act of Dickens, the uanal high coat of the boola preventing people in moderate circumstances from enjoying thie Insnry. But now, owing to tho use of modern improved priutiug, folding and stitching m . Mtiery, tho extremely low prico of whito paper, and tho great competition in tho took tr.i..,, we aro enabled toolllrto our subscribers and rcadera a set of Dickens' works at a priif which all can afford to pay. Hvery homo in tha land may nou bo supplied with a set if thv great author'j work.:. tiUi Premium dr to tie &dMjk to "f eeMy Astorian" By special arrancitit nt with the 1 ublbher of SIamjiotii Cyclopedia, we are enabled to make to our subscribes and readers the follcwiu extraordinary effer: We trill s:nd1i JIAJIUIOTII CVCICliEDI.4, Complete in Four Volumes, as above described, all pdstaac prepared, also 'X333: AVEEKU ASTOKIAN, f(rr GIVE 1HEAK, tipon receipt of only S2.73, tcMch is hut 75 Cents more than our regular subscription price, so Uiat you ii actteally jel thfr laryc and valuable icoik for the trifling sum of 75 Gents. This is a great offer, si wonderful bargain, and it is a pleasure to us lo b enabled to afford our readeia ao remarkable an opportunity Through this extraordinary offer wo hore to largely lucre sc our circulation, l'lcasc tell all yi.ur iriends that they can get the IffAiaittOTH CYCl.OI?DSA ia four volumes, with a year's subscription to our paper, for only S2.75. Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed toaU who take advantage ot this great premium offer. 'Jhoaa whoso subscriptions hae ma et expired who lenew now will receive the MAMIHOT1I CYCLOPiEDlAatonco, ard their subscriptions will be extended one year from date of expiration. The mcAItiBlOTJl CLOCI.oi?iEDIA will also bo given free to any cue sending us .1 club of three j early snbsci ibcrs to our paper. Address all letters : Tickets ON SALE TO DENVEE, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, AND All. POINTS East, North and South AT ASTORIA E. A. Noycsj Agent", Astoria. in. B. Bozortli, Ticket Agent. UlSIttS PACIFIC WniRF Overland Route. East bound from Portland : Xo. 2 Lim ited Fast Mail, leaves at a r. m. No. 8 Over land Flyer, leaves at 7 A. m. "West bound : No. 7 Overland Flyer, ar rives at 9 :00 p. st. No. 1 limited Fast Mail, arrives at 9 :00 A. h. Main Line. Nos. 7 and 3, "The Overland Flyer," carry through Pullman Sleepers. Colonist fclcepers, Frco Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago, alo Pullman Buffet Sleepers and Chair Cars between Portland and Spokane Falls, without change. Main Line. Nos. I and 2, "The Limited Fast Mall," carry Pullman Dining and bleep ing Cars between Portland and Chicago. Also Pullman Buffet Sleepers and Chair Cars between Portland and "Walla Walla without change. Daily. TO PORTLAND. The steamer Bonlta leaves at 6 a. m., Mon day, Wednesday and r rlday, via the Oregon day, 1 side. The steamer R. R. Thomvson leaves As toria at S P. m. on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. From Portland at 11 30P. jr., on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Astoria and San Francisco SAX FKANCISCO TO ASTOKIA. STlfAMEB I DAY. DATE. Oregon ............. Sunday Dec 7 Columbia ..... Wednesday " ... .10 State of California- Saturday.. " .... .13 Oregon. ................. Tuesday " ic Columbia . Friday " 19 State of California- Monday " . .22 Oregon- -........ Thursday . " 25 Columbia .. Sanday " 2S ASTOItIA TO SAX FItANCISCO. STEAMER. I DAY. I DATE. State of California- Oregon.....,,... Columbia State of California- Oregon . ........ Columbia. -.. State of California. Oregon , Monday- Thursday aunuay Wednesday Friday Monday IDec .r-' 9 12 .,,......15 18 .21 - .21 .27 .30 Time: SCHEDULE. Astoria & South Coast Railway. Leave Lv. Clatsop Yia Steamer Astoria Beach, Electric 9:J0OA.sr. 8:WA.ar. Electric. S3 :00 p. m. SI : r. ai. () Dally except Sunday and Monday. (S) Dally except Sunday. W TO DATS. MEM aMMSirietsr. fl Mrd.mlytylit k ClxdssAtLlLHI ouayV 1ni4imMmmWrxui. I. R. & N. Go. THE STEAMEBS "Gen, Canby" or "Suomi" Leave Astoria daily at 8 a. at. forTanzy Point, Ft. Stevens and llwaco, connecting with railroad running north at 10 a. ar. and It with boats on Shoalwater Bay, for South Bend, Sunshine, North Cove and other points through to Gray's Harbor. South Bound Trains Start From Nahcotta and Sealand At 1 P. TO.., Daily, Connecting With Steamer For Astoria And. Night .Beat For Portland. Cj. A. Leemli, B. V. Egoert, President. Superintendent. JekH R. Gonlter, Sec. UTIIE ASTORIAN,"' Astoria, Oregon. or Laiesf anl m CH V mn HmM VOLUMES. A Great and Wonderful Work, m 2, 1 76 Pasres if 620 Beantlfnl Illnstrations'-! Iji'ij Tnn ;aMM0Tn Ctclopjedix has baoa pnb MJut IlbheJ to meet tho wanu of tho raowea ror a 'JAM useful. EctentlQcnnd general. Tlw w.,fk Is pu! jif.H lisheil complete In four laree nn.l lisncU.Hn (J, 3 Tolucic3,comprl!luBa. total : 2.173 rcevaiI BJwRHKSZSriUM.vkrasat'av.t -nKz. "- ,'5iin!l profusely UlntrateawU!iC20b.uti:..leniraT. Sli illS'S SSfi&frltTthrZr! - --"lli io. ThomaniN of dollars liaTeienexpemlH S;S5s P?2 aiMffeSsiJS2 ?!l'lil t0 ',rake lJ th? movt C'"P, te- valuable ai.J SS5KS'!?'?&ci5Kvs'JS!:. --''ir"! astful work for il.emaswaev.rpiiblWio.l. It la SS'enrT" iV " "".5-pll atwlcforeTfrbHlj-niaii. weman ami oUllJ. lraS.fj5Wfe!Ti13 Ia-teryiccni..itioti,r walk in Ui. Tim suU Sh!f&jOSK'.SXral!!3 strnconnd rrnrtlral utility cf trontyordlifary SSSwiiSiOt.U..'S.VJ'iEiS&vt-fii.! -fei'iiM n-p'tto ia iha wurlc with knowIiHtrH. i,T ttvrrr 2sSSsi 3KS!LrisSclJiSr"?fa:H.:rJ inh.i. so dici i it SS??RtZi5SNSl510:jr:i su-reestimw. tlmi ssassana aB'sa zii&S'fxw homo to wi.ici. n 1 w ''lajr.a vriiiearyrif-jr.rnhwrJ-rJvjrrTvuiii , . Sfti : nlth useful lilnta ami It-lDful : we folly bellere that In Yerr :.iliall find lu vrav It will ,n EfiSSj-':'9?jlM Fiirwantofajiccowecaa only briefly imnimnr. KHTIlsPgiJ v a fmall portion of the contents of tint cc- .; vrcrrf, us iu:ots : 1 tlltl'OUV. Tns JIiifUOTBOrctoriOtiCcaUIoi aeemptetc I Clilnei, Japanu. tha people of laJli. Africa. Wilti"., unlautbentlaliUtoryof tto exeat Am:rt:ai Civil War, po- I!cs!c-. Icclatil. Hornco, Rarmah. tha SauJwUh Ulanit. faKlylllnitrated, wllh cnraeroai Aneclitej of IhJ ReVIIika; a ' Servla. KafTra:l, Tortary, Cajbmera as 1 TanU. Xht rU. (ompl'is History of Amorica, from its Uluartry by Culumbci m l Turk. j:ex!can, Pouth Amertcani. Araerlcau IutlUai. Ecj;. Ihsprrseattlms; eraphla descriptions of famcua battles cccl j tlatn. Siamese. Abrsilnlanv, KorwegIau, S i ai.l-r.'. Sm, Ir.iiortiut eTcaU la lbs L'.Jtary of ell natloct, chrcco!ae,!.a! ' !ta'Un. Greeks, Ruitlaas, Siberians, aWimu. l"vrliix I.Ulorj.et.ctc RlOQltAPlIT'. This jrrcat work contains tha I.lr:s of all il l'reJenLs ot tba L'nUeJ Statos. froct TCabIni;toa to lUrilaoa, with pottralMaad-ctberlllsstratloas. alia liret and ;uralt of Napoleon Bonaparte, Sbakespeare, Byron, tniliao l'cn-i, Iteajtmla Franklin, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, at. 1 r.n-.ia statesmen, authors, roets, generals, clermca, etc, '.ox-i ta tjie ptessat iij, . !iyarraer. treating of Cell crops, gates and fences, fertilizers. I "'t"r' f-ra tniplements ; livestock raisin?. Including tbe treatment cf I'OICKFf.X I scfuaomcsu3 animais; poaury scepma;, ana uo7 uriii . icceufjl ac I proQtabli; bee keoplntr, dairy farming, cl:. Tus (rrat-nnitoftbcsa subjects is completa and exhaustive, and en lrrs tno irark of great pra;ti:al uia ta fmera andstockmen. nnirriCPI.TUUn. Herein is glren tha most useful Mats totroirariofa'l binds of vegetables and fruIU, as gaiLcred ir ra 1L0 cperlen:a of the most successful LorUculturists. i KC 11 1TECTU ItE. Ceslgns tnd plans for bonnes , cotuca, b.ru-t anl other ouunlldlags, vi:! raluiblo eagcs'ios ta lLo-e Lttsudlng ta build. I!UVSE!IflI.l. This work contains tried anl tested recipe lr almoit every iniaglnablad'shfjr breakfast, dinner and tea. iM department alonsLelng worth mors than nine tenths cf tbaccok bosks sold; atmostinnnmerabla hints, hclpsacd sng cestUnsta housekeepers; designs and suggestions for making uanv bcantlful things for the adornment of hams, In oeedie oort, einbrol lery. etc. ; Lints on Coricalture. tolling howta be (ucMisful "lib all the various laats ; toilet bints, tcllllng hair to preserve fnj beautify tha ccopiesloa, bands, teeth, lelr, etc, etc itlEDICAT.. Jf any dollars ia doctors' bills will ta saved annually to every possessor ot this book through tho valuable Information herein contained. It tells how ta care, by simp's yet rcllablebome remedies, available in every honsebolJ, every iiseose and aliment that is curable, this department forming a fotap'cte medical book, tha value of which la asy hern: can hardly la computed la dollars asd cents. INVENTION" AXI IMSCOVEUr. r.erwriMy Iitcr-e-ilsg.lencrlptlorji of great Intentions, including t'o Steam r.ia:iio. tbaTelrgrajh. the rrinting Press, the Kleoric U;bt. l.e irin llaebine, the Telephone, tho Typo Writer, te Typo saiiag Machine, the Cotton Gin, etc. Ttir. WORLD'S WONDERS. Crapble dcscrfptlons, l-naiir.illr Illustrated, of the Yellowstone Park, Tosemlta Vnilrr, Niagara Tails, the Airs, Tarls, Vesuvius, Venice, rimna. tlta Canons of Colorado. Mammotri Cave. Natural Lndg", Vfa'klu Clca, tho White Mountains, etc., etc. 1 'J 'EI S. ncscriptlons, profusely Illnitrated, of the life. v . , cuttvni", peculiar forms, rites and ceremonies of tba Slosicnii, Australians, Uu'garlans, Sicilians, ata , cd). MANUFACTURES. In this great work I ac-:-S and Illustrated the arts and processes of priutiug. ete(ent.l.f IxwLblnduig. wood cngraslng, lithography, pliuio;r.r . calka irlailng. piano making, Vateh making. rrr hrakfue. Iha aarufacture of silk, iron, steel, glass, chlua. prrrumrr. susp, leather, (larch, wall paper, turpentine, po.tal esnt, ;t stamps, envelopes, pens, pencils, needle, and siaav tkt iLIazs. all of which Trill be found peccliar'y iutcrc.tlag bd la:ri:ct:ve. RODCOT8. IuteresUns; d-Ttl.tlrn. nius. Iratc.1. ol Lie culture and crooamlon for market f to.nffjs. c'iocoIt e, cotton, flax, hemp, sugar, rice, iiutrmx. eivr. glu;cr. ciumnion, allspice, pepper, coooanuu. tiuttdit'.bs ecas, prunes, dates, raisins, Cgs, olives, inJixrubbcr, cjiu pcrcl.a, ccrk, camphor, castor oil. tapioca. u.. etc. NATURAL HISTORY. Interesting anl lr..ii-i doscrlptlons, accompanied ar Illustrations, of iiiikkmui bwu, birds. Cshea and inseots, wlutmuch carious luiorraairaii tejn j Ing their life and habits. LAW. Tno- IfAuuoTK Crctor-JOU is al a eomplete law bock, telling every man how be maybe hia own l.uvtr.aui containing full and concise explanatlona of tb stu.r.l !. and Uie laws of tlie several States upon all maitrrs Lleh aalject to litigation, cith numerous farms otlegkt docuaisuU. iinilNO. DeserlpUons and illustrations of the mlkla; tr gold, silver, diamonds, coal, salt, copper, lead, sUo, Ua ud ;ulckillver. WONDERS OF THE SEA, Herela are irtil aad illustrated the many wonderful and beautlfal tblngi rb.u.t at U botton of the ocean, the plants, flowers, shells, nihil, ale., Ilkr wlsc pearl diving, coral Cshlng. eta., ett. STATISTICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS- "."l Is given a vast amount of useful and interesting Iufrm.tlu. soma of which Is the population ef American cities, araa ! populalloaof the continents, of IheSutes aad Terrltoiira. and cf tha principal countries of the world, length of tha iitiiolrct rivers. Presidential Tote for sixty years. Presidential stati.tks, area and depth of sess, lakes aad oceans, height ef ruoaeiams. Ifloomotion of animals and Telocity of bodies, helsbt ut snonn racnts. towers and structures, distances from Wa.blrgtsn. aU from New York, to important points.chronalogfeathUtarTcf dis covery and progress, popular sobriquets of Am.tl'aj a'aica, cities, etc., common grammatical errors, rule fur pilli. ptv nanclatlon anduso of oapltals. Wall Street pbrae. -,wn..r ef the world, curious facts in natural hlstars,lnuvesltv oi animals, origin of the names of States, and of countries. of greit works, ipnlar fables, familiar quotations, of genius M 1 plants, djing words of famous persons, fat: .fil.s Air, sratlstlcsofthe globe, leading gorernments cf ti su!4. ri. : i lliOiilKiro brief summary of its contents 5omo i'et oftvbat a. reraarkablrlnteregtlDp, histruc lv s . - -I'.:.-w.,iktlieMAiiMO-nr Cyclopedia. Is may bo caiGfd. yet but frastlonal part of the tiwle Ui-a- it ;' at work liavc been namnl. It is a vast storehouse cf 'useful and entertalninp knowl.'tly nii(U-ll s- . if orUinbentand most valuable works ever pubk-lnil l-i any land orl.mqunpc. Xnhnnvai-noiiM It- wth- .t'ir It jti wprk to be consulted ovry day wltii rcar.lt i the varlons perplexlnx nnestlor.a thatcnitaUmty i xt i t tTriiir.B and convprsation. by th firmer nml ImiiHonifc In their dally dntloa and puraults, ami forcv .j'nureailinr no vyorlc lscioroeitertalab icrlcstructivj. Oor Great Offer to SiscrilieFs to the " Weeily Astorian' - We will send the JdVTJITE SET OF DICKENS' WORKS; in TWELVE VOIjUJIiIES. as above described, all postage prepaid by ourselves, also THE "WEEKXY ASTORIAN for ONE YEAR, uvon receipt of S2.T5, which is only 15 Cents more than the regular subscription price of thispaper. Our readers, therefore, practically eet a set of Dickens' works in twelve volumes for only 75 Cents. This Is the grandest premium ever offered. Up to this time a set of Dickens' works has usually been $10.00 or more. Tell all your friends that they can cot a set of Dickens' works, in twelve volumes, with a vtar subscription to THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN, for only 83.75. Subscribe now and get thisCTcat piemlum. If jour subscription has notyetexplred.it -will make no dim rente lor it will be extended one year from the date of expiration. We will also eive a set of lilckena as above, free and post-paid, to any one sending us a club of three yearly subscribers. Address : "THE ASTORIA,'' Astoria, Oregon. s ., t.' !?? K" fart i LAERGHANT.S fr&T 2Si 'fU HrA1 1 SIS w 11M1MMT IfO TllimiTnriHKm Tlnmo C.n1.la ri.i ' 1 liliilns. Vrrtt. "Riti n.lr.o . : i I Bruises. Chapped Hands, External Poisons, l riCMi .ounas, Aootnacne, tTampG cr Int' r nall'ain.R:tc3ofAniraalsandInsect,GaIl" ALL kinds, Lamo Back, Spasms of tl. : I Stonxtcli. AsHim-i. Pinchnrtn Rltfncf '.1., ' Garwt In Cows, Spavin3. Poll Evil, lnte-r' i -, j PAINS Sweeney, Strinshalr, 1'oandert'J A I Fed. FontTJnf.in.hrn Si.pitilin3 r.nr-.L. z iltoup in Poultry, VindRall3, Contract!: I OF TH E Muscles, Fistula, Cracked llec-l Z 3 .Mjteu tit uozs, epizootic, cuius anti Fever, i i Sand Cracks. Caked Breasts, and many other h j diseases incident to human, fowl and animal ? lnnH hottlPB. 51 (W mwimm "-W. . cm.1l Ke ,2Cc.;i.mallsizo for family use 23c. Sold byn chandlsc. ilanufactured by Merchant's Si GarKlhi.? Oil Co., Lockport, N. Y TJ. S. A. sj ouniM ntjijut., secy. H rr . " &n UIiY OP MILLION SI OH, 3V BKCKl t?i i I have 1 STOP IT NOW. IT WIIL DE TOO ATE. If v-ft-i tV ft1 4E bcem troubled many vears witi disease of the kidneys and have tried many dUTerest remedies and 'have sought aid from dLSerent physicians without relief. About the 15th of April 1 wa? suflerin,t from, a very -violent attack that almost prostrated me ia sucn a manner tnat J. wa3 Dent ovea'. Jvlien I sat down it was almost impossibl4.ior mo to get up alone, or to jut en my cloUtes,--whex kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the ORHGON' JCID-tfEY TEA, to my hold. 1 immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculoits effect, and to the aston ishment of all the fjuests at the hotel. ia a few days.I ant happy to state, that I was a new man. I win recommend the tea to all aflltctedj as l have been. Proprietor Occidental Hotsl ' Santa Rosa, Cal- "lrf. Mf