The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 08, 1890, Image 1

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Ud "1s..
Mfe-'-- J?& -.
?3r55S??s.:. T.
Ifii T;S-rfi-V-,-
t .
T. IfO. lk
f . W .A- j.
if S? SWA . W II 2? -JK . JSi. ui 3v - 'ZZSiSfcwWKf .-?AJKJs5?y:
a: sar' h & .s s5 &'$& s js.5a ,-.w -"s-isfiSir&'aK
1. 4IL x I lib 1 I -1
F . sglfe rwS s-'jePr'
'uJSSK i
UBSB EMMG iffi,-
few Jtee2aci 0lctk.
r ?'1"E'4t.
AaK, - rS.
O&t, atw 4m aH.ttwt Rou-ck, i
Tkltri FZ&. i
i ftua. i
IKiw a r'rr
'l.l -r
BhT 4
.- -tjf. s '-
T at. wstirr
.A t
f ia 2 w i-i
ttat-cT-r. jrsna. Ofrn
p1 -?V
.mi. IWW"- -'
r9 .
- mtv!KK sstn, &?-a. ('
?t. KAA.IA,
& AI !tv .
.f v-
, lilii
WIKM- CM Utt i
MntiK Vf
3i. saaiV2tl.
' . iy'Hu,t:)l VJ
ml w
7-Bl Sdaftt v? HttJrmt2 &Qn
Upaata Swan, 'va"' tu rNai
i J.A W,
tt. raaa
a. ft
J1 -dCssaBie" s4lA-Abi
iwaan - , itmnm. oi
T M, ' f
aM( rMtawa.'sf :t a & &
jr! aaaaasaaaja aapvVt t f J? i
aw . i
5v. 35. W.
Rr TIAK. sir SS " . ft mS9Sli
Mten ca. i-6j r. Ilr Redl
v 'soaa. ' s !art. tj4a.
JAY TO TVI.S. . t.
. "kvEJi,wJJn3gEa ua Aawachirar.
fsre. IUa- i. ryf m. ft jiitftB.
(Mg . 1 ta tc kI S t Jj.
a&atCTor. fas SWa StwiA.
lcjo. s.aR3.?as.
! Y?ICIAK A s'tSSe.
ksUS-7. .
r ; UPf- sana-
Os1j;c, up
3 fa-ijai
il4ai itite aErr rrtl.-.'
7 N f,5:"
, "rsv V'5-
Tiw-?, h?I
iaWIbi . ftaWflii
GM g?fffl:EP.
- - -
. tjerjfju
W. T- T3
v ?;
j.w. n:bR.
AcF t-tv OJlts i, tacoafvfc
la r T.JV5 : 'i-rMie an tar ia
es "rr the La4 Ose r Ht-s 'ui
xbA lovrfti Use pracaco In ia? eenecc
LaiO j.
oars s'sascs
: : i .v at
1 MB,-ff
Solo agent,
r35. r2 Third St., Gar. "Vf :
QUSTAT Pa5RKR, Profr-r.
A liryKnc A'a'Slft-r- l- v. i Jms
-in t
bu r
a i xtr j'. j i.j- ?d
Wsejanttd GsuJffD
ssa; unu r'trx. 3?ae( a uoa
15 V ;i3aiTR
- J asR iV ojr ,r GiiVbijfJOso
swiu. '.jvjun.'n-.
' .
- -
Arfislcd !n
syaaaei Ktarta rOn.4Li-araUlo Ojjr.
M VSW 'IttttSE. Ai'.'iA. li
F dXLSff
O'iA. -tltb tli
t :aM ?ap? .(i Qi! Paiiiagsl
- ri'.w.j,
t AH Work 5.&ranLtti3tf.
IfftViH j-tfitfC Wii. OS4i
jTlCSaVpSO 4fe SG9S
SNiBTr p. J-uH iJt.- f
hcls Stsls sue Fany
S;ve Us a SgH R3l 2s .Ssv:ns.
All N'Uht LtgliL. icr itonMi, cash
10 '
$2 60
1 59
........ 1 Si
Wcxt Siorc IZills onrpsrzy
Notics of Trustea's Stlo.
JLi ; nrsaaai the rrn ms el" s. Mrctla
fcn!rv etwec the .si8 a Soali
Coast nauway .:its rn4" Gorsrcve
Uoa C. ; aai J. H. Zraliis. rierlx -aia
Tfte4 sbS tas.cifBr-d so ns : Jt fco fi
if E'carirrforfcio' of tt uq or
KS.74? 48 tuc t;i r?li J g. 5m t f .r rreri
is ih cfl"s.--R'- cj --.. ral rsstf. sd 1
ease ?& eiia suai ekoe'tf i: e'd ritoa
e pk lo sre avtt. Kt tec Uatklic
'm' -f iie I TT. C?t Sszilcf ., r cbt
ti-y ci Xht'.x. ff.ztcos cocst, ut f
Orecoa, vroeecd t i: tt txcsiox t 6 biuitrlor eaih la fec.S.xK er eo
rnarh nrthf to;iOT;inc "oortTsd p-psjBf w
tiiav la 'inc.a: t ctxrTBld rr.ttW sil
Itnt fT:r. sriKiidiT f ArircJ. ISM.
at tnt E'.,iSiu"'i- ?? tti:n aa Sit
f the Srsts'irtc?. fei ys of tzM ?'.l:sty
ronfanv, sjtn'i-rsfl f- r- oe t Sl lr.aTa-
siv. aj-si A-a s"o; l r-8sjr. ef 51.e?
1.&.0 'vrt cfr.i:ap esptxl sei nf j
w :f T-vm-.r 1
a- ttt i..- m svrh9J laH ta Etui!
A'diH ni
.rr. ta-rlt :'?a l. IA.
-. 6 7 s it sb
, i? JttMiT-cf Vt:, l i,
. ?. i is ti. is. it. n i. .
-.i:! t.i.i j T. ; r.
1 S. 4. S, t. T
j y aal ?
17 - 0 . 2! Shn J fc 5 ,
frI,8 5
V1!liJ.'S 5.6 "5W Z
jcf v;l;s.eo: io5 i.i.Si.t.t.j tfsdsl
-fb'k? .-a sz C'-.a ctntr tht t
ii. inn i. m. . . .i fts ii
-?c j1kt -p?&psr vJ siYrt si
, -j
,rt' ?
.. - e ,'i.-. , . A
r .! as.Q airf a viS- -SW? rVi.TMkmiwri
Kft'SMtt irii i ar, i . r iaS? i jjBtV &7
vr:'i-i--TirJiii.i c
!thrSr8.'oidrBr'fiaraioiEejort Ttat Is Eri Oyertes
K12C KalaltABa and
eiarci in S?a Fraccisco.
4tuii f.ttrndsd :
EiiJroad bosiacs oa thi.5 eoaat i? caid t
to bo ia aa stt'ed co-dition.
Tho ParnciIiteA are UkioR vRdivracj
and rostitiR on their srnn ss il were.
Tiftj-firo sottlcrs oc tea (3he?okr
Strip traro driven off by the railitary.
Gficorl Grubb, tte scsr AacerUan
rini3ior of Epiin baa arrirod la Pari.
A. J. Pritcbard, cz-rasjor of 7ndsor,
K. C, was found stripped and tied to
tre. j
. '. . , . .. , I
..., t-Jlr ., ; nr.,;a-
yUltCU litX.iU' tclllVVl libU
T, . . ,,, . .: - , .
Ifcjj reported th-t thane :s r. sLorUga
ia tna r.coonnt of lbs sfciio trHirDr
ha fl&'l -i nt tin in insoivr:rv in iJan
Fraao sco
A ocekace ccntainuu: 7.O,CO0 francs
was stofea whi:o c:i rout froa En-land
to Aeiafei&u.
An cjd san was feend nir Lawrence,
Has., vila fcia skcH crcshod ia; bt h-d
h6n baien aad robbed.,
Kogautb, the raai Hungarian, m ra
porid to b9 ia oasy circs asstaneea nnd
cot ".iarvis r i vrii ntatd.
No tidinya of tJo crew of ibv tcboonir
IdaFlcrczcc that pet io aoa ia an upec !
J feoat kaT8 been recoirea.
Tc-day c:Jl bo a basj one in ooa5vM.; )
the f; elcsiion bill and otbor ifiip-r-
tint m5Rcrts wjII cosio tip. j
A nte.ic.VAjp and milium vesaal cViiided
at Sandj Jiook; no lon3 of lifo occsrred
I a.5 n ?ift'3 rr,n,A TJa aiil
It itacwrasrtslt'riatH.icgSr.lakaaa
ticiS Vi vfcs Ua.tsd States si mad wife v
w io r.cnsxiDg i:s :jIRd kuisdora k
rajs &yaiTT.
3eaiys2s of tfc Iriih party
aad o-kar poiats yecterday warn vary ox- j
ciiips: ia Dnolin. iiaalay aad c..3r o- j
poxits of FaiacJl Trcrc burned c iSlg$. I
.tfWJlCrral leieijraph cr- Fcri Page
& 2r (21-
TautoisfclkaLrtiJ rafc-tb.T !&&
! .. .IrTT ijL. t
i . 4. w 3 . . .,- .3 ... 1Jt iae, t .-a-'
,,nir?i&tf?s!Wfa? 2
astnria aSonai lank:
JS Jf.k? Ol'SK 7X-lt
$!8mL BAM13& IWmV.ZPfunger'-
trd oaSrt7.tiit a ctau.
intev -id tt it; c-sp.-kta. IVIoasy i
Lttatd. oa r"sisn.i! sec.rltT. I
I'rrtga aaJ i.jaiei,.K KxtUx.i&'s b-n.rM
zulst.-a.' -
C T. Edcp, P.w'-'sat.
Jha 55obsa, Tice yti. 1
A. K. 5Jrc, Cm' r.
2i. .. Trrfa. I
3. 3. TTrXftJtt. i
TiW.. s.
rsck National1
SAK, KO:i'?(, 33Ad. '
3inLj,Xa..!:twa-l r,rira-.mnTj
lltStl 4114-1.
!ut. ai 8 re-.i tcuul for ) Ui y,iwu
!irh, viatraot
Ci is a Itrrs ill, lad liatAmvi
wits s fjosi !Jjil (mt )i -rf u otacr
r.i8' llrni :t?u rt-rv3.
ani tLe C.titnn!it.-MHl make caWe traaalvrs
"1 iU e, iin.iicj bj telegraph Vhrntliout
U.c C SMtf a Slates an-J ( anada.
Ve Tfc a marift for jinniP, first -e'as
lav'stennt Srcurltics, r nd IhtIU pritpoials
fri vt3i!i. Cotmtcs n& Cli T.lirn U
e di a err.l n ta:n Itdsiufsi. au.l in
xs r. rorrsii, rrosWfuu
i. W. CASE
Insurance Agent.
Osfiforaki'tc r.s. Ca , S. F.
CeSumbii Fire ss Kcrisefns. Cs..
rorUand. '
Kso:e Sutuai Jnsutanee C , S. f.
?hnix ef London.
Irrijisrixi f London.
Ortf fn Fire and SsHs f Pori-
CiAr, Tba sxd Ssuir,
KrzjtitcaAUii fc esk2 rirzr-.
Pfckst CuUcrv. Mris glasses,
i; m OilPCDCHHIT c nn
1 . ii. bub rhhN ANT & CO.- J
Cft??i;Y Oflronor.
v'--vr - "J
C-Ouf ...r-
. 'sr- r-
- ,"
?! ..
4?.trsef snl'L? Ta.
-. ,. , - -..T.
!-'' j-vsis
asto-5;i' Cf-:at'3f',-vT--
5Tjai?55' !i JcEg iMgT-a.
i m ' if i iifnir nTaafr
i? "v&ajyfriWaaaaaaaaaa.Jt'lt
Ht te Mw'ct-nlr'sAMdiaA.Iis
.t Moffyi
gjijof dm-Il!-nj-lra. muri5i
K" t J.2.C03 Ca:i and tbflV
Pan AT5'n.-!i',fifnM -
13a, -
More Profit Would Es -Bealizcd Proa
Their Sugar Grops Biaiac
Tavors It-
Sp?c,al by Trr . pRr1
WAsnixrre: Dec. 7.-Ii
la rn-
rcored here that tnc vist of .tuns Kal-1
nkaua to the United States has a moro ;
importais. object lar ximi Doioa'ator
- j
It is rporred here thai bo Im.Sfei'
"b !'' upusinu la iiawnn on
i ; snbjcct of annexation to the
partment to effect that purpose.
! ,? ,Rro, ;a.'r with the
cUtireoi ice iHiBzju ki.juuui, pome TO
the fact ibat under the operation of
j tho fllcKinlcy bill, which authorizes
the payment or a bounty for sugar of
1' home production of two cents a
poucd, the Hawciian planrcM would
receive about $5,CC0,C00 a rear moro
for their-ugar crop if tbor becamo -
ctJizens of tbe united States.
Ii is bettered hero ist tha auraini'i-
I traiion wdl receive Kal.tkaa.T5 over-
tures with favor.
Blaine, on repeated cc&wio-j. Iv.n
expressed the opinion that po!-
: J 3- Jl t. At. TTL. 1 O..L.
iryons..uui ict uc umicu .5&J:3
should control the
iiawanw lssnoa
111 &il0t -11 fhbVUAril AATA.l J
jeet thir aoquisifcior, on
J .1 riaJb icreitrarrst.
j t on- wbich Is gf.v.'.ntcdio bring
-i ai fi-t'.ry rt.aJ s. "r ia ca of
; ..' T" :i rf:ur, ? pure! v p'jci'. ii
'".! f" I'U'A ja pfif tuy r-o-n i.i;r
J Kins it-w Jn -ctjv-rj' f r'!!w.
It m :iiaite'd a If r i In oT.'rr
' c.. wrr ?. t r anj 3uct. ti i"f
t!iroaLu .rt. cTrit, hHrh ai Cos.-
:aui:ijtt.oi, Ii-i! v .a.4.lln !, Lu:f-.
Brchi';5s, Ak n . Whoo-icg C n J,
!rntj!Pro to.-. -th-cU? kift, :uwl
s ilo i-rl - .1 W i . -.. .in..,....,. -
- !..
. it IfcE. JL
Oli MAUK if.lH'rurjTj by Io:-
t WiAlM. Oll-aip'l'ti.. IHj; .ld!.H, l yxJ
!f A-';-ct.t, Y.- .y iiu? h't'oii'-i
j Vtv . s. I a j-.ti v c jl.
tiiLjiicijita v
'vSPviffSi? uSSITT
It ro jii tke LiTfr ITJ dneim An.I IV.eraica,
5C, ranS taalxpua Vtml, x
Xes T 'VaiV Xt
532x2 oTcrynhcro. 51abctt2o;aIrrcr55.
mL xunijjiiitu ouyiiiiio DMin
or rosTi.vsn, oasoo:.-
Ts.iCL c; apital
Surplu 3tlJ lTt)!ltS.,
Intcrot altuwcd on saviuw .'epoiii s
O ordtmrr saving books, 4 ysr ent per
0:i tf nn saviars books, c i r riit jrr
Oucirtificstn of dr;cvt :
lr three mouth, i per cat ff-r Raima.
For fix inrntlw, h :-e- e-nt iv r anuuta
lr twnSTr-ni'wtln. 6 nr cent por aniuw.
FJtA.SK UKKt'K. r.entUeEt.
1. 1'. 1 HOillStiN. Vlctf i'rosdeat.
II. C. -1 itA.1 fo:-T. Ca-aier.
liil Meads,
Letter Meads.
Mote Heads,
?hnji'iwi "J 'jMicJuai-i
'Plain and
s.s SAuns at the
I2?l SAW :3Vt?r-
a 3 i"ym
ri .3 J.tfj...
r V t s
Umicd States, hihJ lie Teals authorized j ".u was Jiornujy orusueti ami ik: .vns
j . io onr Sfcto dn l.drffi '1' iLL
Tqniatily.pCswiaiportoil r circacac. ' ' & -ttt WL
iut i.iai miuai. ju iw n3 ri-j.oii-,- . lahnr bi!L? b: - to -r"'- t, ;'
creating steadilv at Ibe rate of abort Lesuox, Per. 7- From Vicuun if n,,,,: inTk'
fkVXX).-0 poinds a yea?, is will be is learned that the re..t Kossuth Snot care le K-ke v--
scca thni this eaiimate U well within sot suffering from depressing puverf y 0 cf csilerciia,Cri
the mark. as hsn been rportod. buc iiin com- . cs.f MJaXJsakke. ' .?
JuM rBiifilillSi
7 1 nfys
joo Omee
I General Grnbb ancL Faially Ar
rive In X?arls.
Special to TnE Asroi:ivj.
tba notvly appointed Amencau mmi3
tor to Spam, has arrived Hero vnih His
farnilr. Ho is in the best cC health.
Thov Trill continue their jonrney to
Madrid about Glirisimas. They are
pleased at bavins secured tho palace
jot tho court of Benaravis on Pasco
! Bastellano, -nrhich was tho residence of
j General Gxnbbs proleccssor, Gov-
enior Palmer.
Seen by a Ilcrald correspondent
i respecting .his mission, the General
said bis position forbade himlogpealc
Ho merely remarked that it "was no
secret that negotiations vrero pending
' with a view to reciprocity between the
I two nations.
.TiKrESE3 for
llU U1U iliUU 1IUU1 .HiIUOUWVm J-U.I,
,5-53 fonnfl ja an ,cc liousc in Aortb
Lawrence yesterday morning. His
?everal hundred dollars on hi per
son, and was seen with tramps on
Friday nibi. Several tramps were
arrested in Kansas City last night and
.brcnght to this city. Tho old man
died last evening witbont regaining
Tfi-irAytO'iimifr.nwd jilthnncrri ytA.
rich. He lives quietly -with his lister,
l-"i tt- V- " .i .v.;. - .
: nme. Ivutic??, who w?s for many jcaw
'- vwher of languagea in New Yo:k.
I CfpDTDTjUn SaTT) f?TIr I?1 A 3DI?P
liiiiitiuu Linu ID a iziuii,
iieai33t a Pm-
tteflt Citizen Was In,
i?riT o:sj:s oi:rm,'a tirsy.
Sr.ttvA byTbi rjsir lurtk.l
WlXBaon, X a. Dec.
-A. J.
I'riiohanl. cz msyor of Windsor, was
found this morning stripped aud tied
toatreoabjui fcn ra.'e-. iroo. hrre.
Ka w.w in an unconscious condition
from a terrible whipping which he
bad received.
xt3 body " was raw and bleeding,
from hh neck clear to his feet and
hii ew3ailanfci had shaved oao side of
hia head and face.
ifr. Pritcbard, while mayor was
Tary hkrd on offenders brought before
him and it i thought that some par
tia -whoa ha hnd punished, iiti thus
taken vaagoanee npon him.
A VAicaals i?ac:t.i52 SloXen.
AnmrjiKir, Doc. 7. A package can
taininy $75J,000 franej, consigned by
an Jlnlua bank to Amsterdam, has
b5n atolea while en route, the rob
bry having taken place between
Ostend and Antwerp. There is aa yet
no alae to the thief. Through some
'carelessness tho packago was onlv
inaured for S123.C00 francs.
Th Grot XoTtlirt.
Oniita severe upon rho fomen
! writer of Amorica. 'rou havo no
women -writers in America, have you':'
was her recent inquiry of a corre
spondent; and then she went on to
say that 'In Franco and Germany tho
women havo taken a front place in
literature, while in America tho
women havo every advantage, but pet
ticoat government coes not moan in
tellectual adyaucement for women.'
The correspondent found Otuda in a
lilac frock, drinking tea and brandy
and Bmoking cigarettes. -
v Telfsaa?b to tlic Ilrin
FrOM the stotnae'i Is tho 2re.1t syr.ipatliotie
.".ore in ths epigastrium. L-t tosuiiuii be
ccinesf rioiwlyuisjrJi'r.etl.and th t: !IwrJcr
Is .-ura to fiml .. rll-;cti m In symptoms
vhich react disadvautncoiii'y upim ttie or
gan cf tiioutit. Insomnia, nervoiiMi ss.
ca vies t( p esslo.i and anxlctv, are all
KMiilfcatatious of djsp'psa. jJie mx.
iuraurr nietlj nifj anu restoring tr:i"q I.
Iiy !; brain nad sr;tn e'l. and of rmn!.itn.:.
it nia be ad ltd. btuuus srovtion. i ; 11 t-M-a
wiueclassful of II-3'e ter' Eunuch Hit
ters before mels dtuiu; tee t'.vy wd be ru4
n-iinu. imscwrij uc'U'J, r-iotm pi 1 1
directttin ot complete b-dfl well b lag h s
beun-nithir. Cu-!tlpjt o.i". sie'e hea-a h-.
neuralgia, rlirumatlsni ami malarial cm-
Balnts, are anion; tne truu'j'es m whleti t!o
Ittcrs is speedily ani tluruuh y
Doa't deUy, but take H15 sure courso at
Only Oiso in tho United Mt"..
Out of 3357 cot:i;h srttp3 uianttfac
tured in the United States, but one has
been found io be entirely free fn m
ot)jates and that U the Califurnia Tosi
tive and Negative Kleetrtc Cough Cine,
winch ie tbe bft on oai Ik for coughs,
colds, crour. etc. rfoht by ,J. W. ( 'oun.
Pioneer Machine Shco
fe rr
i Sc-iJcr
Ali atuda of
i nSS
1 . -" . wmnTfir r- y ii- tt ---s
rroaiptly attended to.
fi.ip:tdtyuRdeot reyatriDg
ij r
Tbe Order of Business in Congress
M Yet Deteiinci.
Time is "Short aad DiffloQlt7'i3n
Espeoted in A'rranging tbe r
Special Io n Vn n si l'jss-s
'tt'ASHixoiojDec. 7.-The republican
cnncu3 committee has not determined
v on an order at business as yet. so that
nothing definite can be known o the
pra'spectsof bnetness ia that body.
except that the debate on the fedeiai fi&a their opponents rested on their
election; wifi bcinafeedffcTward during , .ir.ns to-day after the exciting events
the week. The election bill i? ia tb '"iiVyi111 J th mem
,..,., . ,., . k bejs tondaltchuroh in the mornmg
unbuild, bancs of Ibesjah' t.?nell spcludeddrimself from all
as anch it cm?c nrscJ day at 2 tmt his intimate tnend'.
o'clock. " ! The Parnellites, it is understood,
Demoeralie wnators wiil coi.tmiKrp'TWfF? io joroo aa oppeoi to tne
to speak ct length
bdi daring this vec
i... ,.-..(,.. -.n
that it be taken m ianieSiaiely after
the aomiag "bniLCSs to the rxcjmion
of calendar bns:i.cisbin order tlsit it
' - 5J.
io eL.x:-e tho rn! lo to c t
the proving, quaafi.), . lIe., .
tnc question j.? lo t:I! m.
divcrtoil iuto akl'i4Us:ai)n j'!iMi
! tion, but il U
i.i gVmr hJol
ri on' itioa o tbe uuu"j.i,isoua s posaima anu ciaim
may be hrout to a ypi zi e:rlya i Sas rCISCO Dec 7Snt mh
aS,Sf iSl- r- w ' infarin-stioa has-been received here by
-rr-i -r'r.: - . : vuaxonts.or mo several
rmfWf r'fP
the c mmitte.
the rules changed and co mnca p j-i cr
put in the hands c the maj t.
the democrats' wit! ?irttMy eonf!
to the pnsrage of the bill.
Thercarc tbitti-tlirto ;
jng. bills en. tlii cdj. u teifhoxizz, "
awaiting SnLnc;aI ac.ioi, ircd the
committee on rude; tkl gtvo the pu!.
lie omJumg eimi.'ce i. v.ry c vi pos
sibly'two dav. thu wook' f r .tho !.
position of their raeaiures.
ciai dav in Atrhich to disi
bills referred to. It'i prAo"
p ....., -'.k x, ,11- .:.!
up to the passage of biili tnder . sas-
pension of rules. $
The commerce couiBKsicp ' hsQ tC
number of bridge billa to dispose of
and a day will probacy ban;ea
for their final conskter.. ion d pa
sage during tho week.
IV is lik?y that tho apprFiations
eommiltee will report JhSfion and
deticiencj- appropriations bill,, and an
effort will bv m.ide to havo these con-1
sidered if reports are made early in
tho weok. r , ,
Monday will be devoted to business
affecting the District of Colttfcibja.
anvTAis ZZUEj ii&nTS.
jiULLfX '
Aa Exciting Snada? at t GU7
oS Jaarct i3Sesico.
SpecPal lo TnEAsro)s:.5LV.-ri ;
Drxvrn. Dec. 7.-A speciaf from El
Paso, Texas, to the Republican s-tys:
The bnll fightj this afternoon at
Jnares, Jlexico. were viewed ,by an
immense crowd. They were brutal
and fierce in everx resnect and one
horse ridden by a fighter was horned
Tho last bull waabaedaad fcr.gged
from the arena deadr
IZUJfTflXe OFF "B003S EK3.
fifty-five boCLatre from the Cherokee t
Strip jesterdtiy. They -were camped 1
on Bitter creek, twenty milei south, of J
uaitivrei 1. tma weroiurced to crofe 1 be
stale lino several tviepici b (JSld-
UlllJ) UlUUV.Ui.-V1
i'etisiou ScssZva-icy. '
SprinoTjift.:. ,t
San Ecakckc D.e. 7. -T.e U -d
& Grant 'Farm Iiaplonwul Co L w
ucu .1 pruiu iu ic30.venoy, ifr.Cii i
president, CLas. Mouf oi-t ry.
Tlio 1 labilities are 3i"&73, wh2e
nssits are J&oUd'J.
, i
godbleis.xg rmir'r.vciry '
-bit -ys ai U:gw ata cj . i
a SStLJrT?.7-,i:rj;'X3K : HOW-W (HS RICH.
senators beiicrd thudaidfj M . c .
Speaker Soedjput ,dowui oc paohc ' caurcn the pastor, Eev. G. C. Hall
buildings appropriations last scicn, 1 preached a practical sei-mon on uHow
Uilb LU li"ltUU IV U ICUUUh tur 1
ever, tuac tnerc ".V7i;jiojno jnora puoiic 1 cgiieas auvico anu utter
imikiiug Jeg!8lnt:on tnis E0&raf at- f things which' are well w
LbilUilL, i--.Lll, UJA liiU lu9l iUJk. UtilD
tnrcc times, nppmg ns ieiB roreiegai owner? of this town over get. nek out
most from the bedy. . Tke bulb were of fheir property it will ba whan ihar
vicious and kept the crowd at a fever net with fciith in our text, give, and it
of excitement during the aftcrrooa. shall be iriroa unto thee."
(Il.nrVnn 2fi9 f!. t.....
.www .,--.- 'j-'y, V'"1'' riwaie owaer. a
u:irroi9Ri:F.t aaiart, anra fenongh, to
bpooial lo iitT: Afxojux 1 f gagd- io promoting
Wichita, Kas., D?c. 7. Lieut. 1 plce wher,Q ho.,has
Elliotrl tf the 5lh Cavalry, eiecled ! tereats! '
ForrG..vr Or v,- - , th-Yu'rd wrong, old man.
Ii? lii lilWWatlp ,'J 'iThoiruqkey tojqcaasa is made of
TEA rd AfalifRihBllKr.- kIk?. bra?3-
lUClotlsb:c-s.i.TohnriUr't-. jAaxe ; 2 , - u .
pleasure in ri"co t mending it f,ii.i- ' iriijicrtaafi notice.
S r.. L?!11 SaCl1" arSP"r! ,
i:. "a" i ..3T Ji'rEifiS : 2s" ?'-' 1
,... ... .... ...
It is Ibo Mackrst invntitoAn. n - 1
.iianiwf .. j t
cept tho beat of any om-6 endeavor
to pleaso you and repay it with mdif-
fcrence. ('lt .- -
SSent U ln.
Wedoslrfa.. tn ,. ,, - . f? -
tO ) '-.'" ' . f! t .,
for jenrs w !"ie hec MJ!if? 1 .
Kina's New D?aerer &r finjtC:tt 1 ,
D King's Ne-.v Life TV s,TJt; n'-j A -'
idea t5.ilv and Elect U- f'ttf i-
Mmf xmi-. 1 mAiV lieUr ,., r AT?tv , m " L'ure tn t'. e City of Astoria.
SiVnVVfv t .?,; J:';', , 'JtTN Fit j pecVaco-s ( f I.o-ojN Vi'est India
r1L:NrVi.yVTVr M-v.nh cure, the ro-ttlar price of
-AlJj..iLOL. fwhieh i S5W. c.:n be had from .1.
nave never bandied n- initl .. ti .t . r !
as well, or that Iiare g'.ven .?i-h 1 hv. ,-B1hM'- It -oothes the emm,so-en
sal satisfactftm. Y'- i nar htirit.j tn 'r".a!!iys at! pain, enres wind
guaniiiU.0 thenuw? xe!e' .i..! 1 iimN-st rutly fordizr
btand ready toJchuBL !; jreJiase r A ' ftents-nvpeeti- nl-oula.
t rice, K saiisfaotoirjDltsm TMft-fo:- "
low their ' us.ei 'rBrvnR;f! Hasrei-.' WxY W
won tile r great lVpnlttriJo-lirW7W,s Cre
won tiler great lVpnlttrJQiirew7,s Cre wrl give limned'aie rulic.
their merits. J. GoS" Jirugts - Tri;rio cfip.. no et-?., and 1. .
SniLOir-, C V'L'AT.'ltliltEMEDT- .
jsitive ctiref'r Cntarrii, Diphtheria
and Canker-Mouth
Tisc Stats Treasurer In Arlcan-
sas Reported, in Trouble
Special to Tnc ASTOMAy.
Lrrn.B Eocs, Ark., Dec. 7.-rBumors
wqre.freely circulated on the streets
yesterday that stato treasurer, "Vrm.B.
7oodrulf, w,as.87,G00 short in his ac
counts. It'seeins that large sums of
f money have been advanced to certain
parties lor private purposes and owing
to the stringency of the markets those
parties were unable to return it. A
United I?rc33 reporter visited the
stale-trcasureryesterday and in reply
tb'a question in regard to tho nllegeiT
shortage Atr. Woodruff said ho knew
nothing of it; that it was time enough
j to talk of such matters should an in-
fvsjfgation disclose the'facts to bo as
KES2,a?iG OtfTXS:EIiAE3i;5.
JParacIIitcn Arc jTaltiifa;
! to Tun ASTOni.VN.1
t London-.- Drc. 7. Thn P.-irnnllifps
' lb ?plc. .
K a! Iran si iSrisinci.
' affeco.l fe tho-trans continental pool
conejGrtivig: thit measure. AH are
.eojitraifjl most of them confess that
1 theJrAih?c h occaciDnod by lack of
inirmLiod. Kiilroad business, so
J f.rija yiw.ooast is concerned, is in a
dvcKtedly nmdttled and unsatiafactory
j tondUion; and Avill probably not ssttle
, dknnOo a. regular and steady basis
tfi&it ntter thomoeting of the Trans-
cJiatirfontJl assoclnlion hers .Tanuary
' '
PrapeLPeials in, a. Sermon ly
, Iiast evaaing in tho Congregational
toQ'5lJfeh,,"clr tfa? ffospol as applied
to Astona, m wmen he gavo noma ax
ed many good
orih repeating
"Katio MuiiiiiiMsu, uu ojy it (
;s :..! 1 l . i i
mention can be made. ,
' Gamblers and speculators were
Suu0ed"' to and well described, tha
mnot ,, t,- v.t i
SfiSSEi ISSt?1 V-103
?S.S SflSS T Cla3Sb " ll0nii
SSfi-SwR Sr m br3 "aa
I "?& f wxQomble? ar1
- N .waf Ifit? , Ql1
I JJt He said W hare lv3ulafam
Wt- i,SecfaBt,-,n2. ,0 sun03. ?
gambling on speculation."
Yory few of our working men owa
their homes, that is. houses snd loSs.
and I wi3h we had ten timea aa many
vrorinng men ag we nave, nraurage
homo industry: , by inviting anter-
PrismgMerihavingj capital, to start
in juitiuiimutiii-tu 2.-1U t-Oiiilu-iruiill
business. The ,best -iaTitarioni to
giveSncn men ar .5 the form of
wtr.rrnty deeds to rrd estate suitxbls
to their business Ownera of larga
tracts of land had better give away a
few lots to uidnstrious ifion who will
build" on them, for thereby th remain
ing !ot3 are as valuable a ireri all
the lotr; bafore. If tho real eatato
I Home oAmers aro men wha take
a,, latere:: in all public enterprises
and beneflcctces. Tho way to make
every resident a true citizen and pub-
ilieiintelrinan is to niake him a
man neeus to do
bo actively en-
tho wolfa'reof a
no property in-
Tho entire discourso was decidedly
practical and instructive, and should
have been hoard by all.
-A Per;
txti? jTxprzviLCiicr.
cars acco my health bc-
t'caa' jijHialrctl. and rheumatism set
i.Yi -fy.r'!.uKiriT v.t; intnniv lint Hih-
'bhrd'nin - nni.itrc Svrun has relieved
o, . ipt.cJy of iheupiausui, regulated
f:'rkidiys and Itver.mul benefited my
, ' : ,k " 'c?- . . W BockwkijTm
. nw .jj-..?. ,0?,firt ,v,. 1. ," ,-!,..
wo 1 can bo jelled itfion" Y. n.
VnuiiTisOZi. res.. .Tackisoa City Bank.
. r by J. W. t onn.
Joaes There is no mialako that
rjld io the only key to success ia this
m- ia the lime to test the best C.i
rre, lV.onehitis. Asilima a:.d Itheu-
oni ? urn.'gr. at fciJi per
1 !' x.ige.t'iercoy saving 5400. 'imsis
a pnp Vttn . warranUI w cure. Call
j and get a paekaue, as thoy go fast,
K"ineiuoer tliw plice Conn's onpo-
Uivtbe dceiiient iiotel. i?. Uro.n &
''. I r.pritors. Los Antreles, Cal.
. '- Q.-J?- BltiKMHrFrank Drug
Mils. VVlAt.OW'S Sooxmxo STitTP
shu'iJ'l aiuas le u.d for children
HiliYOU cough when'hi-
AS'r. lNMRi'Tnrj fr,. wuu
e ieh bttlu of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
k iiCvt tJie'rnco- J"1Ji iaeir a"KO'ats are airaiu to
j ,cot iswomis me isancoc tneir coaaucD to
Sni. i t"k Tnit ArrotrAVf
11 10.
Otters BirM
Effie ia DffiB.
iarge Meetings Held ia. BubUn aad
Other Points Aftermath of
th.9 O'Shea Osce-
Special by Tao UarrKD PHS3.1 '
Lojtoow, Dec. 7. Ireland was
ablate with oxoikmenfc to-day, many
public- meetings being held and tho
splk in tho party being tho universal
topic qE convsrsation and discussion
The mas3 meeting in Phcanix; Park,
Dublin, was not so largo as had- bean
anticipated. In fact ifr wa3 'not a
formidable gathering in point of sire,
though ib wr.- quite turbulent. 16
was distinctly a Parncll meeting, and
Haaly and othor opponents of that
leader wore burned in effigy.
Judging from tho bitterness ef:
I denunciations against them they would
nave oen burned in person had they
been present.
solas tjuusn. sToieiss
Af tcrcaatli oi" tlio O'Saca 3iTorce-
Special to Thb astoriax 1
Lodos-, Dec. 7. Sinco the Parnoil
Gladstono assumption, any njarnbor of
queer stor:e3uro afloat. One is to the
effect that wh?n Parneli aad Glad
stona were negotiating an alliance,
Mrs. O'Shea played a part. 8aa and
Gladstone took dinner at the Thomas
hotel and the dinner had a favorable
sKtct on tho old man.
Anothsr srorv is that O'iShea wss or
fared 30.000 to leave tha country be
fore the divorce trial. H refused be
cause he thougkt tharnonsy wonldnot
be forthcoming, bat in this he was
, rstis niisg k 02anrcl2.
Special taTTHB Asiokiajc J
Sas- J"axcic, Dsa. 7. This Morn
ing, Sing -Ktlakna airad divine
sorriwafc tho Triaity IpisoojaL He
was sceompasied. by Lord High
Chamberlain Mcxarlane and his
A eifite? Coaarj Csit Paraiawd. ia 'fVirt
laaa. Hugk MaCoranaek waa vt the oiiy
last evening aad ststad thai hs kad
sold his aalebl'stad 2-yanr-old nlh to
A. J. Jaffrisu ef PortInd for $1,600.
This is fco.1 tj, for it aho'v that
Gaa rsiKnr aioii aan aa rtudd ia tkis
sectioa. fe rro-ya-ir-old ia qasuon
waa "raiiai ca Mover, aci's Xoung'a
rivsr rsaaii. and aisde a raord oa tka
'ilswat traai rscsaJ a 2. Hr.
jAitri-M iaadara sbat a Ti5 sccurad
a prize ibarao. If tk raeord of CiaSaop
cottaiy ia kot up ii i a it uaarobiblo
that ilcCoratack" frai will dsvalop
ink a a4oad ?als Alta, as prior "Sb tha
advaatof tha fewe-yaar-oll wondar
Manfcionea, aararal osh3r sje-aJy
youngaters hava been turnod oat
frora the farm.
Blasoreryof Coal.
Girwit Tralliaar left laat xivsniag
for Porllaad aad ?rn thoaCa'will go
t tha Trallinjer rsaoa near XfeT
barg, oa tka Narroir Gaua road,
whaca a rih 7in of coal reported.
io hara bea diatorerad. Mr. Trul
Imgar'a inforat-tian i to tha effect
that about I wftl7s feat balow tha srur
faea a riah ysLa of anal waa streak. It
was abant ona faot ia thiakucM,. acd
samalaa aant ia ikis ciiy burnad frealy
and arpacta aroxoanca it af axcellant
charaetar. 3fr. Tru!iin2cJ Kisaioa.
xvp tha river is So thorougaly prospect
tka dwoyaT7, aa ft is thoujfafe ikat af
tar tha sasall Tain report! i passed
through and tho stratum of earth
which necessarily follows is passed, a
rich bed of coal will be uncovered.
Children Cry far Pitcher's Cas'tdria
VTjs.cs. ISaty was riai, tro gearo bcr Caefcxfe.
7aca sao -was a CSriM, she aeied or Cfestaria,
7ht s" "wcaino ISSss, aka elsa- to Gasteria,
Tha aas had Children, sbo gavo thera Castori
If tho throat is vary sore wring a
cloth out of salt and cold wator, and
bind it on the throat tightly when go
ing to bed; covar it with a dry towel.
This is ercel lezt.
Grtat Xii7sr 5CaIelK.
Br. Gunn's IrajroredLiTcr Pills are
a suro curator sick headache, bilious
complaints, ayBpepsLi, indisestioa, cos
tivenfss, torpii liver, ote. These, yilia
insurs nerfecfe diarestio. rmrrot,. rfcn
I liver and stomach, regulate the bowels,
f pnnfy and enrich tha blooa' and make
tne ssia clear. Tafy also 1 roduce a
pood appetite, and invigorate aad
strengthen tha entira sjsU-nt br taair
tonie action. :d at 25 ceais a box by
J. W. Cnn.
Bourbon, Ind., says: -JBoth mrself
and Vifadwour H-res lo SHILOa'B
CONSUL P riOX CU22, -v-
&L A. X K2. T aV'
SsgaiaaTulH, grgfc SeaJft"
vr jfc m Mji c- "-
& Js.C?
" I
, rnce su cents.