-TvF7? ,i3r U 0) :51tv gang gstrofem. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY ...DECEMBER 5. 1E90 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. P. W. PARKER, Publisher and Proprietor. srORlAK llUILDINO, Cass Stiiket Ttnsi of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per week .... Sent by Mail, per month .. ent bj Mall, one j car Free of postage to subscribers, 15 eta . cocts .97.00 Thk Astokian guaranteis to its adver .ten the larpest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. (Additional Local News on 1st Page. E. J. Ford & Co. moved into their new office jesterdav. The Y. M. G. A- entertainment will be next Monday evening. The second and third stories of Kinney s new brick will be finished by Januarv 1. The boiler for Capt. Babbidpre's new steamer is ready to be put in the boat and will probably bo placed on board to-day. W. L Crawford and Dr. Aug. Kin ney, have moved into the house for merly owned by Capt Graham, No. 46G Astor street The Methodist Sunday school will have a snow honso (with a Santa Clans) and a free treat for every per son present on Christmas eve. Captain Mortcnsen is building a steamer for 3. A. Seaborg. The keel is laid on the beach near Christenson .fc Co.'a butcher shop at Alderbrook. A number of football pla era are going to Portland on the steamer this evening to take part in the match game to be played in that city to morrow. From present indications, there will be a large attendance this evening at the opera house to listen to the unique masic furnished by the Spanish Stu dents. Hunters had better read the notice which appears in our advertising col umns this morning, or they may get into trouble by trespassing on for bidden grounds. The report of the escape of Geo. Rose from the jail of Mpntesano on Sunday night, which reached here yesterday, excited considerable com ment on the streets. Yesterday was bright and sunny, such & day as was delightful to all, and that it was appreciated was apparent by the large number of persons who were out on the streets. The Bev. Vm. S. Short, of Astoria, will hold service at the Skipanon school house Monday evening, De cember 8, at 7 o'clock. The commun ity are invited to attend. At the meeting of Rescue No. 2, last evening, a resolution was passed that all delinquents must pay up before next meeting, under penalty of expul sion. It was also decided to enforce all fines for non-attendance at meet ings. Now is the time of the year when the married ladies are visiting the stores and buying Christmas presents for their husbands, the bills for which will be presented by the merchants to the aforesaid husbands about four weeks later. The steamer Eclipse wentun to Chad well last evening, carry iug a num ber of jouug people, who were going to attend a dance given by W. J. Ingalls, and expected to have a jolly time, returning early this morning by the same steamer which will wait for them at Chadwell. J&ok Lewis was drowned sometime Wednesday night or Thursday morn ing from the dock at the Astoria wood. yard. It is thought he was trying to go on board Capt. Shaw's scow from the wharf while he was in an intoxi cated condition and that he fell over board. The ladies of the Baptist church will give an entertainment in Bescue ballon Tuesday evening, Dec 9th, consisting of a fine literary and mu sical program, to be rendered by some of the best local talent The admis sion will be only 25 cents which will include refreshments. The Karnival Karmesse will be con tinued at Liberty hall to-day, opening ct 1 p. ., and a supper will be served at the same place by the ladies of Grace church after the "Spanish Student's" entertainment at the opera house this evening. Price for supper twenty-five cents. A company, to bo called the British Combination Insurance, is to be fonsed in Edinbxrg to issue a policy inmikig against accident, sickness and fire. Considerable doubt is ex pressed as to the -success of an en tirely new combination of risks covered by a single policy. Tbe meeting of the football club called for last evening was slimly at tended. A representative of the Port land team, Mr. -Geary, was present After nsach discussion it was decided that tbe match will be hod and that w Astoria team, will meet tbe Port luti kickers on their own ground on tbe 6th inst, the boys leaving here to-night la bis garden near the Episcopal chwoh in this city, on the 10th of last AKgast, Ed. O'Connor planted a few bilk of the Darling potato, and now for & week his table has been supplied with sew potatoes. That they are food w apparent by the bremght to tins office last evening, New potatoes in December would be s rarity in the eastern states. In consequence of the .small nnm-M ivr nf SHbeoribera nrpfipofc nfc flift ateetiaglaet evening at the Chamber e(LOW&erce rooms, no action was iakea ia regard to the removal of the well-boring machine to Warren ton, aad tbe meeting adjourned to theJ same place on Saturday evening, when.: a fall attendance is desired, as the bctfiaess is of great importance to every citizen of Clatsop county. nl f r rMetiitr. All peo who subscribed to 0Sii&JSff. f.l for purchasing the well boring MuefctHC lately us'd on the John Day's rier are requested to meet at thei Ch)Mter of Commerce rooms in As teria, Iec &JU, at o'clock P. M to take steps for the proper organization f tbe cespaay. A Number of Subscribebs. , TBE lILrBESTAnMKI-JEFPS GEORGE ROSE IS AT LIBERTY, Tie Mmflers or tbe Frefterlclsens Escapes from Jail. A VERY XEGZECTFUZ SHEItlFJF. Under date of the 2nd inst from Aberdeen, "Wash., a correspondent of the Oregonian sends an account of the escape of George Bose and two other prisoners from the jail at Mon tesano, which was published in that paper yesterday morning, and is cop ied as follows. No news of the escape reached this citj : Three prisoners escaped from the county jail at Montesano Sunday night They were George Bose, held for safe keeping from -Pacific county, charged with complicity in the of aairder JensFrednclcaenmnd wife; John, Black, seat from Elmo, Chehalis conaty, for- robbery, and tinder sen tence to serve three years at the state penitentiary, and Baptiste Otook. an Indian, also of this county, sentenced J to one year The two last were to have been, taken to "WallalrValla Tues day morning. Besides these there were in the jail G. "YV. "Walker, undergoing a six months' sentence for shooting a man at his ranch on the Humptulips, in tho western part of this county, and John Lindbeek, a weak-minded Ger man of Montesano, sentenced for one j ear for burglary. These two refused to leave the jail. Walker tells a story to this effect: Some time since he became aware that the other prisoners had a plot hatching to escape, -and so informed the sheriff; but no notice was taken of it Sunday evening. about 730, he heard noises outside the jail, which he rightly surmised, were made by per sons who were there to help Bose and Black out The latter told Walker and Lindbeek to keep quiet, and then walked from their cells into the main corridor of the cage and proceeded, to the task of making a place of exit. This was accomplished about mid night, and after asking Walker and Lindbeek to go with them or remain quiet, Bose, Block and tho Indian dis appeared from view. After an examination Monday morning your correspondent found no traces of a forcible entrance into tho jail -from the outside. The jail is a small wooden atruoture the outer door of which opened into a small ante-room. Beyond this is a larger room in which stands a Panby steel cage about 12x14 feet, in which are two steel cells whore the prisoners are confined at night These cells open into a corridor from which a door opens into the joom fiom which only a wooden door opens to tho outside ante-room. Not being confined to their oells the prisoners were practi cally freewhen'ih3y-pried off ihesor ridor door Walker, exhibited a bar of iron about three feet long and an inch and a half in diameter with which he said the door was opened, it being handed in to- the prisoners by their -confederatea. JJut as Walker remained in '-bis cell he could not see how, or by whom the -work was done.. It is quite probable that Black or Bose, who had worked more or less in tho jail yard, bad contrived to get this bar into their cell and pried off the door with it. All -the marks on the door were made from the inside, whichjwould not'have been the caso had confederates on the outside done the work. The door of one of tbe cells had been previously broken off while the other one was not locked at all, thus all five of the prisoners prac tically being in one room. There was no guard and none of the prison era were ironed at night, although three of them were under sentence to the penitentiary, expecting to leave the next-morning, and one was held for self-oonfessel murder, aa well as being the chief witness against two other murderer The sheriff oflera a, reward of $200 for the capture of the escapes and $100 for the apprehension of their con federates, George Bose is about 19 years old heavy build, fair complexion, light hair, stolid expression of ioce and has a small mole on one cheek; has scarcely any beard John Black is about SO years of age; dark complexion, dark-hair and eyes has short growth of board, is an old offender and wears a very burdened expression, , .' Baptiste Atook iran ordinarjr-lookt ing, villain, , with "no distinguishing features; he is about 50-years of age. Tbe escapes bad plenty of blanketa and wore their ordinary clothing. Attention Democrat. The Democratic City Committee will meet in the sheriff's office at the county court house Saturday evening; December 6th, at 7 o'clock p. is. C. J. Tbenchabd, Chairman. Dom't Go Shabby But look out for the Famous Ply mouth Bock -Pants Co.'s Pants, to order irom $3:00 to $&25. Suits irom $1325 to $25.00. Overooats from $10.- "25 to $25.00. Every garment guaran teed P. J. Meant, Agent There will be a special sale of chil- drena' and misses' hats, at reduced prices, for the next ten days at Mrs. Derby & MoKenzie's. Cor. Main & Third St ' Remeraber-the Austin house at the I Seaside is opentho year 'round. Erwiti, CatIy,"Hmt8. t .FreahPeanuts every day, I. X. L. Building. - Fine lot on Water Street lor, Sale or Lease, on easy terms. Apply at HamburgHouse, untiLJec.45. WeiHlwr4't Beer. A r L.niiJ.in.i.i j u 41. BfniEieJ4eading newspapers on Ale at the Sun- nysiae baiooa.- Icr- M . .Cmm4yun4. jfttts ? At Unlmro !n-Thlvrt fwf- -,- ....j. .v. IrV hi "7t- '& Tb latest styte ot'GeWal Eoot3"d Shoes at P, JGoodmjLh & Co.'s. First-ciass shaving, 25c, Ferd Ferrell's. ;'1?J5?' LuiHaw'a rtadles f&00' Fine Sbeea; also flexible hind-turaed French Kids, at P. J. noodnutn.ifc Co. , Fiae Tle Wtee . 1 Deliver fed atTGO cents' acallMi. to"- ttav IV. Ut7ing(r's Cosmopolitan akOB., f -Ailthb nstent Medicine atfvertfeed in this paper, tpgether with thefeoieest perfumery, and toilet articles etc can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Cobnfe drag store, opposite Occident hotel, Astonar- lGo to Olaen's for Cuban Blossoms, 10c WHAT A SEEE SAW IN 1000. Astoria, Fertkad aad Orrgsa City asTbey Will Then Appear. And lol and behold, I had a vis ion in the hours of tho night And the Angel Gabriel (which his surname was Wingate) pointed hi3 flesh-colored index to two great cities. Whereupon I looked forth from the great falls of the Willamette and beheld a-rand succession of spires and minarets and towers from thence to the junction xf two great rivers, and I heard the noise of the factories and of the falls and rumble of the wheels and the shriek of the engines,like unto the roar of the great waters. And Gabriel pointed his index to a great central tower which was in the land of Oswego nigh unto .the waters of the beautiful Willamette, and unto the inscription thereon. And Gabriel sayeth unto me: "Put on thy;-glasses which doth magnify and read' the in--Bcription thereon."- And I read there on in tbe language of the sons of Be lial: 'One-half million pop." Turn now thine eyes northwesterly to the other city, .ssyeth the angel And behold I looked and saw as the fairest vision of the morning a like scene as of a suburb ornear neigh bor of the other great oity. .1 beheld two double tracks of railway and thereon running swiftly with the elec tric power drawn from tho Falls' City trains of cars almost without number running to and fro between the two great cities. And the angel sayeth' unto me what seest thou? And I read, over the great arch north of the first city, that spanned the double track, "from Portland to Astoria' in 1 hour." And 1 looked again and saw upon the central tower on Smith's point another inscription in the Ian-, guageofthe sons of Belial, "Astoria one-tenth million pop." And the angel sayeth unto me look, upon this keymap and say what thou, seest And I looked upon a faint panoramic picture from the dim light of the Past that taught unto me a lesson. . t It showed Oregon, City a large town with canoes and -small craft scurry ing past a landing place marked with' the words, 'Portland and Astoria,". with its nsn nouses and shore lined with trappers. But upon turning the greater light upon the picture I bo held under, the figure3u1870-1890,M the much larger ships hovering around the ancient landing place, now become the greatest city of the three and lo, I awoke and found it was all a dream. Graxqer. Weather Report for Nevenber. The monthly report of Lieut Johnf P. Finley, in charge of the Hignal service office in San Francisco, has been received and is full of matters of interest in reference to the weather on this coast for the last month. The most remarkable feature of the weather for the month is the extraor dinary defioienoy of rainfall. It is a deficiency which affects the entire'. Pacific coast from Mexico to British Columbia. The proximate cause for this deficiency is .found m the high latitude of the easterly movement of cyclonio areas from the Pacific ooean. Bain fell on the following dates in Oregen: 5 to 8, 11, 22 to 27. The heaviest rainfalls in twenty-four hours were 0.66 inches at Fort Canbv on the oTiVabd 056 inches at Son Diego on. the 7 th. The heaviest monthly ram falls were 0.70 inches at San Diego and Olympia. The following stations report no rainfall: Walla Walla, Win-l nemucca, iied iiluti, Sacramento and' San Francisco. Snow is reported as follows : Oregon, 6th, Harney county. The temperature has been above the, normal in all districts. The excess ranges rom three degrees at Olympia to twelve degrees, at Los Angeles. The highest temperature. 96 degrees, occurred at Los Angele3 3rd. The lowest, 10 degrees occurred at Winne mucca on 13th. Mr3. Zuinwalt harreruoved her dre.s makiug parlors to GO Front street, be-i tween bpruce and Madl-on, near the gasworks, v here she will be glad to rerelve her customers and friends. Lest. A lady's jet breastpin, set with pearls, between Martin Foard's now horue on' West Eighth street and the store of Foard & Stokes. A suitable reward will be paid by returning It to Foard & btokes. - . t Go to the Columbia bakery for all kinds of cakes. IMPORTANT. Every person purchasing Ten Dollars worth of Goods from Herman Wise, the Ec- liahle Clothier, in the Occi- i dent Hotel building, will re ceive a Ticket free of Charge, entitling the holder to a chance in the Brawing ibra number of Handsome Christ mas Presents. - t Frcsk OjAters, OBastcra Clams At John Eoeers' market. onDOsif a O. H. Cooper's, Third street Wasted. Position as planer man, or to work a handsaw, or a-sticker, or mortlser. Can Hie and hammer saws. Address "J. M.", care Astobiak. $l,eOJWWAIKD, i t Wfcat WeaU Aatarim Be Witk But Jeff? $1,000 reward In TJ. S. gold coin will be paid by "Jeff," the World Renowned Caterer, to any person who can satis factorily prove he can get a better -meal or a greater variety of all the Delicacies of the season to chose from, than he can at Jeff's for the money. Second street, opposite Telephone Landing. : Attentiem Smekers. Commercial. Lurllne, La Perla Cubana all Imported. Flpde;Madrtd. La Paliadina. LaErmlna. o . La Famana in Key West Brands. The (Bejraont. Mocha. Reading Room In rear of Cigar Store.. -CahlespOlsen's Exeiteaaeat Runs hieh at J. W. Conn's druc- store over System BuDderas -everybody is uslngit.for Catarrh of. the stomach, 'Dyspepsia, Constipation and Impure lifooJ; &Rd to build an thesvsteai it cer tainly jwssesses wonderful merit when all speak so'vt ell of It. Clfltm CrytfrPitcicrt Cisfiria PIONEERS OF OREGON. Interesting ItemlBlsccHces by One of The Number. Astoria, Dec 4th, 1690. Editor Astebian: In the AsTORiAN of Dec. 2nd, in the report of the entertainment of Mr. Elbert Bappleye by the committee of the chamber of commerce it is claimed that I "was tho first white mole child born west of the Bocky mountains," when called upon to respond to the' sentiment, "The Pioneers of Oregon, Tho gentleman who proposed it made that statement In responding I stated that, "I wa3 tho second male and third American child born in Ore- Son." In order that this unimportant it of history may no longer tangle the brains of reporters of the northwest, I wish, to state that my mother's diary says that Eliz. Warren, nee. Spaulding, now of Brownsville, was born in 1837, and Cyrus H. Walker, now of Warm Springs, -was born in 1838, and I was born March 20, 1839, at the Lapwai, now Idaho. Oregon at that date embraced all the territory north of California, west of the Bocky Moun tains to the Pacific ocean, and south of British Columbia. I do not claim any honor in connection with tho in cident of my birth, that honor as well as the nativity of my friends, Mrs. Warren end Mr. Walker belongs to our pioneer mothers and fathers who left friends and home and were months traveling across the continent on horseback to our now favored Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Mon tana, and I believe that all will say that they did well their part of the pioneer work of Oregon. Bespectfully, J. H. D. Gray. PERSONAL MENTION. A. Sorenson, of Gray's river, was in the city yesterday. A mortgage for $1,100 was yesterday left with the county recorder for Tecord Miss Eugenie Johnson bos secured a position as clork with Messrs. Grif fin Reed. Mrs. -Julia Zimmerman, of Pacific county, Washington, is here on her way home from a visit up the river. Elbert Bappleye, the canoe voyager, started for San Francisco yesterday afternoon on tho steamship Oregon, one day behind time. In reference to dog salmon, the Oregonian of yesterday says that Peter .Esaer, the state food commis sioner, has been busy the past four or five days in looking after the dog sal mon, with a view lo preventing their further importation here. Ho in formed a reporter yesterday that he has beea-succcosful in his efforts, hav ing, saen the Bhippers of fish and for bidden -their handling, this injurious article of -diet He has also called upoB tho steamboat captains and cautioned them to the some effect THIRTY TKAKS PRACTICE A letter from an Eminent Fliyglclaa Ma. Editee: At tho risk of indorsing' proprietary preparation, I hat o a f ew words la favor of a-aew laxative principle. Baft first, how I came to discover it A. patient asked About tallng Joy's Vegetable Sana parllla. As sarsaparlllas Usually contain mercury or Iodides I objected, and aslcd for the formula, which finding purely vegetable, and so mild as to be to my mind almost Inert,- I consented. Imagine my astonish ment when perfect laxative action wa3 re ported. It has two great points. Ftrtt, being purely vegetable, It Is (unlike mercury) not cumulative lathe system, being easily car ried off by tho digestive processes ; and second, It Is effective with a less quantity of the cathartic principle than has hitherto been attainable. It in this respect ranks as a discovery, and approaches the Ideal, v!z the least medicine consistent 1th the great est good. It harmonizes natural laxatho action and perfect safety, and should Inter est both the public and tho profession. xcrrrPBYSicuf of tiiibtt years- pbactioi. Sas Francisco Examiner, March 10. 1BS0. Worn Tluui Leprosy Is Catarrh, and there Is but one prepa ration that does cure that disease, and thatlsthe California Positive and Neg ative Electric Liniment. S ild by .1. V. Conn. It aho cures neuralgia, rheuma tism, headache, sprains, burns and all pain, iry it and tell jour neighbor wuere tojet it. AUCTION AND. COMMISSION HOUSE. MABTIN OLSEN, Successor to K. O .Ilolden. The oldest established Commission House in Oregon Goods of nil klniU sold on coin mission. Auction Sales Ever) Saturd a . Ceneml Repairing. Jobbing and Uuol tturing done. Flue stock ot Furniture on hand. When you w.mt Hartal ns in llousrliold' UoodsRo to MAKTIS OI.MK.N i The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLETELAXD, ProirT. (M-BreaiUaie ant Pastrj None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. . E. P. NOONAN & CO. (Successors to) J. X9. Biynes, DEALERS IN- Grroceries Produce. WaterStreet, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE HO. 7. P. O. BOX 890 S.ARNDT&FERCHEN A810SIA, - OEEQON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH B'Bt O P titer Ship Allklndsof EMGINE, CANNERY, JJTD STEAMBOAT WORK Frofiaptly attended to, AspeeUltyaiftieof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE 8TEKET. &2bLj REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed or recorded December 4, 1890, as reported for The Mobkxxq Astobian by the Astoria Abstract Title and Trust company : S D Adair and wife to Olios. E Getty, lots 39,40. 41 and 42, blk 8, Merriwether Downs addition 210 D Keefe and wife to Caro line Olstdt, lot 19, blk 1 Keefe's Astoria 40 C J Hall and wife to Julius Schwensinger, lots 11 and 12, blk 22, Columbia addi tion 137 W B Crews and wife to Chas. E Metz, lots 17, blk 16, North addition 55 Annie Beidt and husband to V J De Freitos, all blk 18, Eosedale 300 U S to Susan Boyle. SE ofSEMof sec 5, EK of NEK of sec 8T7N,B TW 200 US to Lou J Fillev,SKof NWif, NEif of NWJtf NWM of NEM of sec 9, T 7N,B7W 200 Deeds filed 7; total amounts 1,172 Previously reported this year 1,881066 Total to date $1,882,238 MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The Bteamer Dolphin will sail for Shoalwater bay this morning. The steamship Oregon sailed for San Francisco yesterday afternoon. The government steamer Cascades, Capt Whitcomb, arrived this morning at 2 o'clock, bringing two barges of rock for the jetty. The steamer Michigan is now in Portland for repaira and a general overhauling. She will be housed up, a new quarter deck added and othr improvements will be made. m Frcsli Eastern Chestnuts, Main St bet 1st. and 2d. 1, X. L. Building. Tctephono Jjodtnxzc House. Best Beds In town. Rooms per night CO and 2T cts., per week $1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. Hfolliiiij; Succeeds 1,1 ko Success. It is verified by tho fact that nearly everybody eats at Jeffs .New re staurant. Wciuhard's Boer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Tor Kent. The Store lately occupied by Thrall & Sherman. Apply to C. S. Gumeksox. A fine line of Cigais and Cigarettes can bo found at the Columbia Bakery, 596 Third street. Cigars At Holmes, W0 Third strci't. Girl Wanted To help in a small family. Apply at this office. A BARGAIN LOT 01 W St. -ON- MOTOR LINE ONLY- S500- Wingate & Stone. FOR SALE Cheap or Cash Inquire at Standard Saloon PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There is no occasion lor the most fastidi ous of oar citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits, Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call and see him and satisfy yourself. P. J. Meany, Merchant Tailor. GO TO LARSON & H1LLBAGK -FOR- GROCERIES AND FRESH FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free or Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third street, next to Pioneer ofllce. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and IFIttlnpi, Stoves, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead, Strip Lead, Sheet Iron. Tin and Copper. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., County Coroner. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. Mew Styles, Caskets and funeral materia) Next to Astorian office. JuntStoreaniStocK frlllllll iit L HOLIDAY W& are Receiving Novelties Daily and BuJfrg This Month Many New Thmgs Will be on Exhibition. MONDAY MORNING We will Show a Handsome Line of Embroidered Toilet Set r CONSISTING OF Bd'lsler Sham, ? Pillow Sham, Bureau Cover. Pincushion Cover. " c Pillow Shams Hemstitched and Richly Embroidered, Tray Cloths?, Stand Covers, Splashers, Carving Cloths, Bureau Scarp, Tidies, Etc. The above Goods have The Leading and Largest Store in the State Outside of Portland. 517, 519, 521 3rd St., Astoria, Oregon. R B. PtflER & Co. Morgan & Sherman' GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention CIvento Filling Of Ordarsr . .- A FULL JJNKMRIED And Supplies f urHSgb&I at Satls JatoryTOTB3. Purchases delivered in ay part of the city Office imd 'Warehouse. In Hume's N$w Bulldimroa Water Street. )?. O. Boxtl&a. Telephone No, 37. A STOMA. - OREGON Saturday, September 27th, We will open pur ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OP Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, SILK : SEALETTES Our House" SIS a standard reputation which never fails to attract general atten tion during oux Cloak Sales. CORKESPONDENOKfrSOpCITED. McALLEN & McI)QNNEt-L, 131 193 3n! St., riUiH4, Or. , Leading Dry-Goods Store uf or" irst class goo4at Eastern prices. , .; Agents for McCalls Bazaar Glove Fitting Patterns. Caiefy Jiles! CLBtf SiES r .. Outlininu Goods been received direct from New York, and arc the Newest and Latest in the Market. u. H. bUUr tit, WSwM ..trrtJ -.. . !ocv .!. .. MKHHHBK1U1KJ! V' ' WV.I TCTIV North Pacific Brewery, JOHN KOPP, - - Proprietor. BREWER OF EITRA FINE BOHEMIAN LAG-ER BEER. EXTRA PINE E-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY . ATTENDED TO." New RESTAURANT SECOND - STREET (Opp. Telephone Landing.) Is tlie Bon Ton Restaurant of tie Town (AND TIIB FIXKST OX THE COAST.) Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Specially TJie Finest Wines nnrl TAquors. Private Entrances and Rooms. N. R No connection with his old place on Main Street. All Xainen, 521 Bill St stork STEAM BEER. , . . ,j.t m