,J PJ -t3. a WsssssssssssV . a KWP't' R A V. VOL. XXXV, NO. 140. OASIS H C8 $ O C3 e o o s I. L OSGOOD. Tin Exclusive GJotliicr and H ilti-r. HO luNDER J SHIRT.E -HVrdtlcl3 prlcIon kw .SK to the FtoosTYlinr. Inc. fll "k-UJZE!t!iE IffiTTBG HU-v 3 k Id'SfT If If PR0TECT0 t3L ordinary bSstt18- 7 "-LUZERNE EMTING BIJAVF Mt jjj b a g& c I J I now and le.ne our order for AND AS WE WILL HAVE A TON OF FINE TURKEYS WHICH WE WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY MAR KET IN TOWN, GIVE US A CALL. BUSINESS CAEDS. J- r. n.MKir'. A1TOKNKV T LAW, Asloria, - - - Oregon. Ofilce, three doors cast Cjurl House, Third street. pf J. CIJUTIS. Attoracy-at-Lw: NoUrj Public. Commissioner of Deeds for W.ishiuston "erriton-. Otfice in Plael' new brick ".uMdint:, Cor. Second and Cass streets. IJI II. $HIT. ATTOilNEY AT LAW. naicf o Cass street, 2 doors bacl; of Odd Hkiwv Buildtng, Astoria, Oregon. I r. H. X. IROIVIiBV, Kinrnc) rmtt (,'nnnxflSor at law See on Chenamus Street. Astoria, Oregon &. R. KANACA, ATTOKNKY ATLaW. Oace over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. n. MAXM'.LL, -T NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 18SX Tliird Street, noxt to W. C. Y h-tfuph Or rtcc, Astoria, Or. r w. parKer,- Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Convejancer and Notary Pub'K 112 Bentim Mrc t. opposite the Poblofllei. Uctwecn Chenaniua & Squenioipie Sts . Atori 1. Oregon. A. .. CLEVELAND, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Ota-e Flaeriuc brick building, cirnei -xcoud siud Cass streets : u. stairs. ::t . v. 1 am J. .. rr:iix Cass street, between Srd and 4th Sprcial attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. Fniton. Office hoars from 10 to 12 a. i.. and 1 to 4 r.ac pK. . "W. STBICKLER, POYSTCrAN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIST lasiuiplc cases, cliarges only for medi- 2er Postofflce, Cbenamus Street. AMoria, Orafioa. TliBlsei, later & Anflersen, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Smrveyors and Architects. Office, Room 9, Flavel's Bld'g SECOND STREET P.O.Bx81S. ASTORIA, OR. OITB FH2GE CD CO o o - J ' H B CD Ul P Sole Agent, " ( M. (502 Third St., Cor. West Ninth FOR I LOOK OUT FOR THE FXKTES BISPXjiAir AT H MARKET. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. rhysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Ofllce, Koom c. Pi Uii.m Building. Office hours : lu to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, KU) Cedar Street. r"vit.o 11. i:stks. I'll YblCI AN AND SUKGJSON. Special altention 1o Dtseases of Women ind Suri-rj . k. ik: Opposite Telegraph Ofllce, up Stairs. Astoria, njron. T V.. IlLLKIt. 'A. I. Cmdunte of Cleveland HoinodopaUiic TIos pital College, and Post-Craduate of New V'ork City Polyclinic School of Mcdiciue and Surgery First and Main streets, Portland. DIseuHCH of Women a Mpcelalty. TK. V. .1. KKI , DENTTIST Kooms3and4.Flavels new Rrlckliulld ing. W. T. nUKKKT, U T. I8ARIN J. W. UUAI'CR. Bnrney, Barin & Draper, Atturne3' Rt-LUV. .Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve jcars experience as Register of :he U. S. L.md Ofllce here, recommends us in our specialty of Alining and all other bus iness before the Xand Office or the Courts. nd involving the practice in the-General Land Otllce. H. EKSTE0M, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OK. A fine 1-ae of 5oM and Silver Watches, olid Gold ;iik1 Pla'ed Jewelry, (Hocks, etc, at icisonablc prices. Repairing Promptly Sonc. Nert to Morgan &Sli,armn. Jolm C. Dement. DRUCCIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions Carcftil!y CoHipoundcd. Agent tor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cur Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and '. Groceries Fancy Give Us a Call ami Be Convinced. GAME! I. W. .CASE Insurance Aent. KEPllESBNTI.vr. California Marine Ins. Co , S F. Columbia Fire anl Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Instance Co S. F. Phosnix of London. Imperial of London. I. W. Case, BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In any i! ul Hit 0. S. and Europe, and on Hong Koo. China Offick Ilotnut : in a. m. ton r. . Oli Kkltxws1!uii.!im:. Astoru. )n-jj!i Astoria National Bank IS NOW Os-UN FOK GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts of Finns and Individual Sollc i led on Favorable icnus. Interest naid on 'lime Depns.K Mont y 1.0.1111 il on Pergonal security. Foreign anil Domestic Kxchange bought and sold. C. T. i:dcc, President. John Uobion, Vice Pits. A. B. Kdcc, Cashier. . K. Warren. (. rectors Maverick National BANK, BOSTON, ITiASS. OAriTAl,... simrLU&... .$400,000 .. 800.000 Azcouutb of Hanks, Duikers and Corpora tions solicited. Our facilitlcsror COLLECTIONS an ei cl ient, and we re-discount fur l.uiks when b t'auces v. arrant It. Huston is a ltcservc Cit, and balances with ui from Hanks (not locr.:id in other UoeneCi ies) count n a resen e. We draw our own exchange on Ixnidon and theContiue.iS,:uid make cable tratisfers and place inoncj by telegraph throughout the United Slates and Canada. Welune a nurkt for imnie, flrsl-c'ass Investmedt Securities, and Invite proposals fni'ii Mate-t. C-oiudiAs and Cities v. lieu Is suing bonds. Wo do a gem ral KankiiuiHusiuess, and in ite torrcsjKjiidei.ce. ASA P. POTTEU, PresldenL JOs. W. WOKK, Cashier. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK OF I'ORTt.AD, OUKGOX. PatiTup capital Surplus and prollts.. .S2CO,000 ... co.ooo Interest allowed on savings deposits as follows. On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent per annum. On term sa Injjs boolas. c 1 er c nt per annum. On cerliflcates of deposit : For three months, 4 per cent p-r annum. For six months, 5 per cen: per annum. For twelve months, c per cent er annum. FRANK DEKUM. President. D. P.'lHOMPSON. Vice-President. II. C. SlKATfON, CaUIcr. Astoria Iron forte. Concomly Sr,, Foot of Jackson, Astoria u acueral Machinists M Boiler Mate. Land and Marine Engines ttoiLKie rossK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. JOHN Fox President, and Suut A. L. Fox, . Vice President J. G. IIcsTLitu. Sec. and Trcas -THE- -CORNEK- WEST FIFTH AND WALL STS. ASTOHIA, OllEGOX. CASTINGS Of all Descriptions MADE WJDRDER ON SHORT NOTICE. W. F. Sclieibe, dGAIt AlANUI'ACTUJtKR. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. ?peclal Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STRF.ET, - - Astoria, Or LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpenters and Builders. Holt & McCortrie's old stand, have over 200 plates and drawings of all kinds and styles of dwelling-houses, ranging from $900 to 112.000 Call and see them. INCANDESCENT I Prices. All Night Lights, per Month, each .....$2 00 12 o'clock " " 1 50 10. - " M " 125 West Shore mills Company. Never Travel Without a Box of Scow Bay FoMflry IMT Mj&UIIUO ASTORTA, ORBGOIV. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, IHim. TELEGRAPHIC SDMMEY. The king of Holland died yesterday morning. Moro outrages against the Negroes are reported from the South. Thomas Hush was drowned in Lake Merced near San Francisco, while hunt ing. The shipisTcckcd crew of the whaling bark Eliza havo arrived in "San Fran cisco. The courso of General Miles in the Indian trouble is defended by a brother officer. At Marvsvillo, Cain., Michael llyan, 19 years of ago was convicted of man slaughter. Keporled discoveries of rich gold leads on tho Navajo Indian reservation are confirmed. Tho report that tho Navajo Indians would join tho Sioux in an outbreak is unfounded. The work of tho coming seisiou of con grcss is attracting much attention in "Washington. Tho Plaquemine Lumber mill at Plaquemine, La., was doslrojcd by firej the Io5s is heavy. Tho fruit and produce dealers of the East are arranging for an excursion to the Pacific coast. An important meeting of the directory of tho Union Pacific company will be held in Boston on "Tuesday. Creed Haymond, tho California lawyer, names Blaine and Senator Stanford for president and vice-president. Itynn and Bartlelt, the feather-weight champions, fought with skin gloves at Grand Kapids, Mich.; Byan won in three rounds. ljgtGOKlOOflpiJRlfrfR. mHEAU-HRESTORER. IT IS THE IDE All MEDIOHTE. It rouses the lavcr and Kidneys and Stomacb, Cures Headache. Dyspepsia, creates aa Appe tite, Purifies the Impure Blood, and Makes The "Weak Strong. IBMTOIgB rruwuLrr' llil.llk'J3;iN3H Used everywhere, 91abattle;sizfor95k JACOB!; & PLUMER, Contractors and Bolers. Estimate Gwen on Brick, Stone, or Wood Votk Concrete and Cement Worlfc a Specialty. OFFICE, 118 Genevieve St. B. F ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Wail Paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL: PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sis.. Artoila, Contractor and Stone Mason All kinds of Slone Work done In a neat and substantial manner. Address all Orders or Correspondence Box 213. Astoria, Or. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN 0LSEN, Successor to K. C .Tlolden. The oiaest esfcibhslied Commission House in Oregon floods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing. Jobbing and uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. Wheu you want Bargains in Household (ioods ro to MAKTIN OLSE.N E. P. N00NAN & CO. (Successors to) DEALHltS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon TELLI'IIOXE SO. 7. ,I O. BOX 390 Cheap For Cash. Inquire at Standard Saloon FARM AND DAIRY RANCH TO LET Twenty to Thirty Choice Cows AD 30 to 50 Acres of Fine Meadow Farming Land A Farm of ICO acres, 4 to 5 acres of orchard in entice fruits, complete farm buildings, near Astoria. Convenient to sell milk in tha city. All farmlne tools and dairy appli ances. One span fine Farm Horses and Wagon. Apply to this office, or to A. II. Sale, on the premises, at Woodland Farm Young's River, Or. Meeting Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Masonic Land and Bnlldincr Association of Astoria will be held at the office of CapL-j ueorge ciavei, on weuuesuay. xrecemuer 17th. 1890. at two o'clock r, k.. for the pur pose of electing five (5) directors for the en suing ye&r, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. S. T. McKEAN. Secretary, Astoria, Oregon, November ic, i860. - lH ifn FOR SALE JiKtoreantM THE INDIAN OUTBREAK General liles'ConrseBefenieOyff - Brother Officer. THE 0EAZE-STILL OONTDTDES Additional .Reports of an Ominons Character Prom the Sioux Country The Navajos. Special by TiiKUf red Phkss.1 New York, Nov. 23. A special to tho Press from Washington says: "Ad mirers of General Miles express great indignation over a story priuted here yesterday in a local journal, and tele graphed to several New York morning newspapers. "An officer ot General Miles' staff said: 'Whoever charges that onr com- mauder is overrating tho danger ot an Indian uprising in order to boom him self for president can only be actuated by n cowardly and envious spirit. " 'I have recently visited Pine Bidgo and other agencies in Dakota whero tho Messiah craze exists, and I have liltlo donbt that it is or has been the snbject of very great apprehension on the part of tho authorities."' "ThoIndiaus conld probably put be tween six and eight thousand warrio g in the field, and although they would in tho end be defeated by our troops, before tho redskins could bo sub jugated millions of dollars worth of damage would be Buffered in property; the prosperity of the country would receive a serious blow, and many lives would be sacrificed. "President Harrison thoroughly understands the situation. Ho has absolnte confidence in General Miles, and has directed him to employ all possible precaution against an out break. ' 'General Miles, next to the late General Crook, perhaps, is the best Indian fighter that we have. He knows tho character of the redskins better, probably, than any officer in the army, and uothiug could be moro UDJust than the charge thathe is seek ing to manufacture political capital out of this crises." NAVAJOS NOT IN IT. The)' Will Not Join the Sionx In An Outbreak. Special to The ASTORiAX.l Albuquerque, Nov. 23. A rumor that tho Navajo Indians of New Mexico, and Arizona, intended to go on the war path simultaneously with the Sionx is without any foundation whatever. The Navajos are one of the most numerous tribes and could possibly mnster 5,000 fighting men, but they have too many interests at stake to go to war with the whites. They havo large herds of horses, cattle and sheep, a largo number of good farms and more property than auy other Indian tribe in the country. They tried fighting the government abont twenty five years ago and the experience they gained at that time is all they want in that line. SETTLERS SCARED. Ominous Reports Frem Outly injj Districts in Dakota. , Special to The AsroniAX.1 New York, Nov. 23. A Herald special from Forest City, Dak., says: "Settlers along tho Missouri river from this point northward for ono hundred miles, arc in a paroxysm of excitement over the prospects of an outbreak by Ibo Sionx within tho next forty-eight hours. 'Eumors of a most alarming charac ter are constantly coming in to agitate tbo people, and as near all the troops are at Forts Bennett and Sully on the south and Fort Yates on the nortb, there is some reason for their dispo sition to regard the outlook with ap prehension." WITH SKIN GLOVES. A. Short Fight Between middle Weights In the East. Special to The astoriak. Grand Kapids, Mich., Nov. 23. Eyan and Bartlett, tbe feather weights, fought to a finish with skin gloves at daybreak this morning. Kyan won in threo rounds, Bartlett being out-classed and whipped from the start. I( Consumption Incurable? Read the follewing: Mr. C. 11. Morris, Newark, Ark says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy sicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Dise ovcry for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee tho work on my farm. It is tho Gnest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. Some very good people look as if they had lived on gooseberries all the year. Headache and Iyspepsia. William E.Rockwell, No. 512 West 57tn street, .New lorlr. says: Ml have been a martyr to bilious head ache and dyspepsia. Any indiscretion in diet, overfatigue, or cold, brings on a fit of indigestion, to be followed by a headache lasting two or three days at a time. 1 think I must have tried over twenty different remedies, which were recommend as certain cures by loving friends, hut it was 110 use. At last I thought I would take a simple course of purgation with Brandreto's Piixs. For the first week I took two pills every night, then one pill for thirty nights; in that time I gained three pounds in weight, and never have had an ache or a pain since." Disease in one part of the body will eventually fill the whole body with dis ease, .kvery year or two some part 01 the system grows weak and begins to decay. Such part should be removed at once, and new matter be allowed to take its place. There's no need of cut ting it out with a surgeon's scalpel. Purge away the old, diseased and worn out parts with Brandreth's Pills. THE RACE PREJUDICE. More Outrages Against tfce Negro In The SeHth. Special to The ASTORiAir.l New Orleans, Nov. 23. Governor Nicholls has received information of outrageous acts of lawlessness on the part of a gang of bull-dozers in the south eastern part of this parish. Last week half a dozen negroes were ordered to leave town and on Wednesday night one was killed. Last night two were injured. The governor says this sort of work will be stopped if it takes the whole executive power of the state. A BOX MURDERER. Die Escapes With a Verdict of Manslaughter. Special to The AsToniANl. Marysvxele, Cal., Nov. 23. The jury in the case of Michael Ryan, 19 years of age, charged with the murder of Simpo Garcia, a Spaniard, of about his own age, near Hansonville, re turned a verdict this afternoon, charg ing the defendant with manslaughter. The day for the passing of sentence was not fixed, but he will probably be sentenced in a few days. The jury was out Binco yesterday afternoon. GOLD GALORE. Rich Discoveries Made In New Mexico Torltery. Special to Tiik Astoriax. I Albuquerque, N. M, Nov. 23. The reported discovory of rich gold leads in the Carriscoo mountains on the Navajo Indian reservation, is fully confirmed by subsequent reports. The agent of the Navajos who has visited the ground states that ho was convinced from what ho had seen that it will prove to be the richest gold district in tho United States. To Visit the Pacific Coast. Special to Tub Astoriax I New York, Nov. 23. Members ot the fruit, produce and grocery ex changes of New York and Erooklyn are receiving invitations from the Boston Fruit & Produce exchange to join in an excursion to the Pacific coast in February, next The fruit region and commercial centers are to be visited. SURVIVORS FROM THE ARCTIC A SttivrecM Whaling Crew Ar rive In San Francisco. THE MEX It ADZ Y FROST JJ ITXJBX. Special by The Uxited Press San Francisco, Nov. 23. The steam whaler Belvtdere, Captain "Whiteside, arrived last night, twenty five days from St. Lawrence island, with 700 barreb of whale oil, 15,000 pounds of bone, 70 fox and 51 bear skins. She brought the crew of the wrecked whaling bark Eliza, which left hero December 21st, 1889, and was wrecked on October 12th, 1890, on St. Lawrence island. Captain Edward Kelly, of tho Eliza. presented a detailed report ot the wieck and of the sufferings of tho crew, at the merchants' exchange. Captain Kelly is badly frostbitten, and of his crew, two will be sent im mediately to tho hospital. All the men show evidences of their great suffering. Captain Kelly closes his report by expressing much gratitude to the crew of the JSelvidere for the manner in which the Eliza's people wero treated by them. J1ARINF. NEWS AND NOTES. Tho steamer General Miles arrived from Sboalwater bay yesterday, and left for Portland. The steamer lZice Blanchard Bailed for the Sound yesterday with a miscellaneous cargo. Tho steamship Oregon, Captain E. Polemann, is due to sail for San Fran cisco this morning. The British ship City of Carlisle arrived down from Portland yester day. She is flour-laden for tho United Kingdom, and will complete cargo at this point. Tho steamship Columbia, Captain F. Bolles, is duo this morning from San Francisco. The list of her pas sengers was published in theso col umns yesterday. Tho steam lighthouse tender Man- zanita, Captain Kichardson, went to Tillamook Kock yesterday, landing a supply of provisions, leaving Mr. Hunt, the head keeper, and Steward Burchell, and bringing away one of the assistant keepers for his vacation. On returning up the coast a storm was rising, and tho steamer put in here, as it is no use trying to land at Destruc tion Island in rough weather. If the weather is favorable she will start out this morning for up the coast. A Sure Cnro far Piles. Itchine Piles are known bv moistnre like perspiration, causing intense itch ing when warm. This form as well as Blind. Bleeding or protruding, yield at once to Dr, Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly on the parts afTectcd, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent oure. 50c. Druggists or mail; treatise free. Dr. Bosanko, Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. Money is like grain it is never so well invested as when it is well sown. Important Notice. Now is the time to teat the best Ca tarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and .Rheu matic Core in the City of Astoria. Fifty packages of LeRoy's West India Catarrh Cure, the regular price of which is 5.00, can be had from J. W. Conn, the druggist, at 1.00 per package, thereby saving $4.00. This is a preparation warranted to cure. Call and get a packace, as they go fast. Kemember the place Conn's, oppo site the Occident Hotel. S. Brown & Co., Proprietors. Los Angeles, Cal. P. O. Box 892. Blumanr-Frank Drag Co., Portland. ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitabzer is a positive cure. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shi loh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and 1. THE C0M1N& C0MRES3 Mentors Bepnins to, ArriYe at Washington, PLEflTY OP WORK TO BE DOHE. Forecasts as to the Business to Engage Both Houses Pension And Other Bills. Special bv The Uxited Press. Washington, Nov.'T23. Nearly every train arriving from tho west brings to the capital one or more members of the Fif ty-first congress, tho last session of whioh will convene a week from Monday. By the middle of the week the Capital City will have settled itself for usual gayetiea and hustling, which invariably accom pany the short session. Work sufficient to keep the respect ive houses busily engaged seven hours each day, until spring time, has been mapped out by the different states men, who have been interviewed upon their arrival here. At the present writing no definite idea oan be given as to what will engage the time of the session, beyond consideration of the several regular appropriation bills. Indications warrant the assertion that the pension appropriation bill will be the most earnestly debated measure, owing to the enormous proportions it i3 reaching. There are apparently many democrats in the house of representatives who will decide on an extra session of the Fifty-second con gress and believe that it is their policy to work to that end. Leading republicans stand ready to encourage such a move on the part of their opponents, believing that its effect will result in great benefit to tho republican party at the next election. Speculation, of course, runs high on the other side of the question and almost any opinion sought may be obtained, with plenty of statesmen ready to father it The silver men are determined, if possible, to force through the free coinage bill and they are struggling, impressed with their ability to accom plish the work in the senate. They will nave tne assistance of new sen ators from Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. There will not be suffi cient strength, however, to carry such a bill over the presidential veto, which is almost certain to follow its passage, although some of the strongest adher ents to free coinage express a belief that the president will not antagonize such a measure after giving it mature consideration. The recent democratic successes, it is claimed, will figure greatly to their advantage. Representative Lodge, of Massachu setts, is of the opinion that the house will certainly pass the apportionment bill and the senate will complete the work of the majority by passing the election bilL Lodge ventures the opinion that if the democrats get an extra session next spring it will be the beginning of the end for them. He thinks that Mills will win the speaker ship contest. Many republicans also entertain tnis opinion. An announcement that a strong lobby is on its way to Washington with a view to securo the enactment of the legislation, which will lead to a dis franchisement of the Mormons has created quite a commotion in political circles. There are now two bills pen ding in the respective houses, whioh propose to take the privilege of fran chise from any person aiding or abet ting, or countenancing polygamy, or who may be attached to any institu tion that does. Shipping Nates. Special to The astokian.1 San Francisco, Nov. 23. Sailed Barkentine Tarn WShanter for As toria. A LIFE FOR A DUCK. A Huntsman Drowned. While Retrieving a Bird. Special to Tbe AstorunJ San Francisco, Nov. 23. Thomas Bush", while out hunting on Lake Merced, near this city, was drowned to-day. He had shot a duck and having no dog, swam to the middle of the lake to get the fowl. He was seized with cramps and sank before help could reach him. Vigorous Men and Women. rhe vigorous are they who pav attention to tne laws of hralth. of which one of the foremost Is, Take care of your digestion. Should a temuorarv attack of the enemy djspepsia, surprise you, foil his subsequent assaults with llostetter's Stomach Bitters. From the stomach come the fundamental supplies which minister to vizor, and. thor oughly transmuted Into blood actively cir culated, are the maintenance of the system. Failid in countenance, nervous, aitenuaiea in figure, appetlteless. poor sleepers, are the dyspeptic Kelnforced and built up by the great stomachic, the wan and the thin In crease In color and bulk, appetite improves. nervous symptoms disappear, sleep grows tranquil and refreshing, and the Intran quility of mind and despondency notable In invalids gives place to lightheadedness, a capacity for racy enjoyment of the good things of this life. Use the bitter for ma larial, bilious, rheumatic and kidney troubles. People who wont to pleaso every body very often are not so much ami able as dependent. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so wel known and so popular as to need no special mentfon. AH who have used Electric Bitters sing tho same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Bheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure Malarial le vers. For cure of Headache, Constipa tion and Indigestion try Eleotric Bit tersEntire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and 1.00 per bottle at J. W. Conn's. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relievo Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. L'RICE FIVE CENTS COUJLD AND THE U. P. Ah Importaat Meetina; 'Will Held. In Beaten Taesday. Special to Ths Astobian.I Omaha, Neb Nov. 23. S. H. K Clarke, vice president of the Missouri Pacific Bailroad Company, yesterday received a telegram to repair at once to New York to hold a consultation with Jay Gould. Upon the heel3 of this telegram came another to J. H. Millard, one of the board of directors of the Union Pacific Kaflroad Com pany, and evidently from President Adams, asking him to meet the direc tory at Boston on Tuesday next Mr. Millard will leave for New York this evening. Mr. Clarke left for New York yesterday afternoon. In a conversation with an ex-official of the Union Pacific he stated that while he had no definite information upon the matter he had no doubt that Jay Gould was in control of tho Union Pacifio railway and that Sidney Dillon was to be made president as a matter of vindication and that a new vice president will be created. He also thought that Mr. Dodge, general man ager ot one of Gould's Texas hues, would come to Omaha as gen eral manager of the Union Pacific. THE KING IS DEAD. Holland's Raler Dies After A Brief Illness. Special to The Astobia ) The Haqtje, Nov. 23. The King ot Holland died at 6 o'clcok this morn ing. His illness took a sudden turn for the worse yesterday morning, symptoms of tremia appearing. Uueen .timma was at once summoned and remained with her husband until his death. The king's last hours were peace ful, life ebbing quietly away. Imme diately upon the announcement ot tho sad event the palace and other public buildings were closed and notices were posted of the cancellation ot all business. A Lumber mill Burned. Special to The Astorian.I Plaquemine, La., Nov. 23. The Plaquemine Lumber and Improve ment Company's mill was burned this afternoon. Five million shingles were also destroyed. The loss is very heavy. BLAISE AND SEHATOR STANFORD A Californian Names Them For Tne Presidential Race. CREED XA.Y3LOm8 MIS8IOV. Special bvThe Uarrro Prkss. 'New York, Nov. 23. A special to the Press, from Washington, says Creed Haymond, the Pacifio coast lawyer, who at the last two republican national conventions earnestly sup. ported the nomination of Mr. Blaine, has been here for a day or two. For a greater portion of the time Mr. Haymond has been a guest of the secretary of state. It is stated very positively that tho Califorhian's mission is to ascertain officially whether the Maine states man will consent to run for president in 1892. It is also understood that Haymond comes on at the request of the republican leaders in his state, who favor a ticket headed by Blaine, with Senator Stanford as candidate for vice president Admirers of the senator say that hi3 efforts to secure legislation beneficial to tho farming interests have made him exceedingly popular m the North west and on the Pacifio slope and if Blaine will accept the nomination for president the ticket will carry every thing beforo it Mr. Haymond declines to divulge what has passed between him and Mr. Blaine, but the United Press corre spondent was informed to-night by a friend of the Californian that he would return and immediately enter upon a campaign in behalf of Blaine and Stanford. Your correspondent's informant also stated that the republican leaders in California will see to it that.delega tions favorable to the nomination of the ticket indicated, shall represent the Pacific slope in the national con vention. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Leila Hughes came down from Eugene yesterday for the benefit of her health. Mrs. A. Hiner, ot Albany, Or., is in the city visiting her sister-in-law Mrs. Elizabeth Coe. J. E. Kelly, of Portland, grand lecturer of the Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks, was in this city yesterday, on his way to Pacific county, Washington. He will return on Wednesday and go up to Portland. Ifeticc. GOD'S BLESSING TO HUMANITY So Says aa Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old. Forest Grove. Or., March 19. L have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA and obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it to the afflicted. I am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the em ploy of tho Hudson's Bay Company, and since 1 began using the OREGON KIDNEJf TEA I enjoy good health. DAVID MUNROE. advice to mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Stbup should always be used for children teething. It -soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and is the best remedy for dlar-rhosa-Twenty-five cents a bottle. $ JACOBS OR CURES PERMANENTLY RHEUMATISM. Suffered far Nearly SO Tears. 187 N. Chester St, Baltimore, Md. Fr nearly SO years I suffered with rheum Una. In arm and shoulder; could not lift mi ana. Less than two bottles of SL Jacobs Ofl ored me. W. H. HEESON. Of Maay Tears' Staadlac;. Gadsden, Crockett Co., Term. Hr ease was rheumatism f many years standing, contracted during the war: tries! most everything without relief: St Jacob! OH finally cured me. FRED. &OGGE. At Dbcgqists and Dealxss. TM CHAILE A. ViMELEK CO., Wsjri,H4 t; , . ... .. if - r-- i i