m- 'KiWllflS (flftRMURl " Xa other WecJJjf Paper gircs so ?? 33D: To any NEW SVIJsC HIBEt who w cut cut and send n this slip with nnmc and aldrc nail S!.7." Ua Po$fal or Jrrs Money Order or Registered Zttler at our risk), wo will hend THE YOUTH'S COMPANION rREEloJanuary, 1S91, and for a Fall Year from that Date. This oner Include the FJYE DOt BLE HOLIDAY NUMBERS for Tlmnkscivinc, ChristtnaB, New Year, Euoter and Fonrth-of-JiiIy, and all the Illustrated Weekly Supplements. 1 Address, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 4! Temple Place, Boston, Mass. a5 0 El sLEI HUE TABLE I'OK ASTORIA. OVi:MK3. HlltH VTATBU. LOW VTATKK. FltM. Xeot. Pirt. ScCODd. Ill sJ a. mJ . jfc. m. X fc. m. k. m l!4KXI X 3 (ft. II 37 3 1 10 31 11 27 12 C7 320 2. t 17 4 10 2 3 5 4 0 07 j ft 01 i 7 m -. 6 il J ! ; . . 5W i 91 ft 10 Till 3. ! 2 0 3 ii r is ; ? 1 1 6 01 2 121 4 4 it 223 3 15 4 OJ 4 41 j 23 ft 59 GS 7 06 7 42 3U it us :m 11 id H OS 1 12 1 1 J 4 07 2 0 1 i 0 7 0 1 0 1 -U7 0 7 ; 4 lu : I :; u i SI - - fiSl 1 4 4 6 eo ox 7 12 7.M 8 32 a 17 r o 1 7 1 S 2 0 -1 2 3 2 15 l;ll Ji i I i 2 : j J 4 . I. l nj I . r 21 r. P7 4 in 2 J M; 3 1 1A 97 4 41 ii T II -. 4 3 4,11 01 . 4, .. US .. . ao ; 42 ; fcii si 'II M 7 i 3 C 12-S . 1 -V -' r 2 IK i 1 4 3 GS 4 in t 1 4 2' t t 3 1R 1 4 V . I7 5 2 fi 33 7 i: 7 M K 36 1 l 4 IU -ill -Cj 1 1 - r-j 4.: - ! m i : s tfi ; - 2 1 3 i 2::7 2. i-i i 2 li . 113 1 0 ;!.(.: ( 3 2i U 22 0 1 RRIW W OH H 4WT 4 12 21 3 15 ! 14! 2 a 1. 1 . 3 M T 24 I The Immts tort mnnm MHliMr and nhh mm- lp4jtWlK-4 lJ M I A. MM, ! In-IWIVM IMHM. Att4 MMMtM b.v (J. JO.). 0 h WMK i lc- MlXy IllMlligM, Bl Wm.KtiUOlolHMIH. T)Mehi t irt!Mtrl from Hi l-H f x-aH(eHMrrrli .u-r-UH-hiPltlb'siMiiiil-ucmxrraittli0Ht Srve chiri" vk-sski ox im: u'-av FrtMrt FwrpfcH INr!s for iUn ColHinbia Uiver. a4. Mr. MSH. Maaniiaa. A n. Hrl. IMC. Cai Ttwni. X cmonIim, Br up. 17W. (ae?Ww. AtatMHtM? IaWR-rgn!. UrU, RK. loM. lUrtMK. HrWt. Haft. HoMtutti. t attBCr. Aw all. 12SS. New VmIL. -w iiiaiHa.Cran. 12ST. Ui(. Walnuaie. U Ht. t. AMqi. Jaly 9t I ya4a a. Br -, !!. I.tvrna Kieaifiditihirv. Mr i. int.VaMtja. -rr. Br I. IS lirdTMl. I . lWlaanh ; W.. I'Si KAm9. aoaW. Itr H. irjt, AliWWfi. Jafl. I.M-mia.Rr li .t Hiaf. AK Id Mniai,.jli 3 MimiMw. Vm-OvIC ttr.hi.v 2Z Smu KaaatM. Vhailtb Itrnp Ita.baaialtofatMl ,. X Krk. ;2. I. OLhlwUra. br Wi. 1ST. Alcoa Bay. I aK. Hr jj. IM, rrt OariMe. Br Ufc. KSS, aaa ltaaaMa. itidi GtaBS. Cr sp. 9M: . Kia Jaaolre. :8tUs U(c. Ur ah. li. ItaUria, AacSi. FROM AKBU1CAX PORTS Reaper, Atn tf, H, Now York. TriKc CSUrbcoV. Am yp. liW. K. Y. .lair IN THE niVKR. Alcasoas, Ir sp, 547. Nexv castle A, Aansslex. Ur. sr , IS, livorpt XBnjrftt. UrF 1J. lloaolcU. OitTOfCarHf4c Ur lk,82S. L'mbiwe. CHreirMiaaalpttia.Aai so., INI. N' Y. Mar. IS. Eetnse, Am. ep , 1S9C. YoVobama. KiaVenu Ur. sm, 17W, linden, r&rtM&, Ur.bV 3tC. I. vorpoal. JIaj-21. SOCIETY 31KETIXWS. Astor L.od8fO No. 0. K. of P. LGUIA.K MEETINGS EVEIIY WKU X. nesay evcHinp at 7 30 r. M. at PyUutin Castle SopHirnlHR Kuiglits in good staiiri irc corlhUlv m ited to tutend. Uy order C.C. U.It BLOUXT. KoI 11. and S. Scandinavian Bsnevolent Sociotv. ISGUIVi: JIEET1XGS OFTniS SO0IE- it. ty at their rooms in I'ytlilau buildmu at viAx o'clock r. m.. on the swwiid aid loarth Tuosdax's of each niomh, AUG. DAXIELSON, Secretary. Seaside Lode No. 12. A. O. TJ. W. T?KGULAU MEETINGS OF SEASIDE i Udse No. 12, A. O. U. W. 1!l Ie lield Is vaetr Halt ih Fythiau Castle. v. Saturday cruRtas oC each wek, at 7 o'cioe'e. Mmteerg the order .n pool iadtug, and rivttitt; KroUer are laritcd to attend. Li brary will toe open afleca mtn;!tes before xd a?l6r cadi zneetint;. !ty order M. '. D. 1J0SS, ltec. Ocean Kccatnpmenr. No. 13, 1. O. O. F RBGUIVllMXETINGSOF OCEAN EN umitotit No. IS. I. O. O. F., at the Uxlpe, la the Odd Fellows UuiiiHajr. at eren r ., on Ue secosid and fourth MMtay: nt each mAiitli, Sojourning breth ren oATdiaUy iiivlltnl. Uy order G. 1 ABCoria Building & Lean association r?lHS KHGULAK MEETINGS Or THIS JL A.M)rtatioa at lidd at S i. i.. on Uc first. TaiMps4iay of eaeii month. Office on Gcvcvtev itvt, fmih of Oienamus. W. lu ItOl'.B. Secretary Commoa Council. RBGULAK MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuvsday evenings of eah mouth at 7m o'oloek. tJjrlrOH U4ritti; t have mattois acted ut hy Uie GohhcJI, at any rvjnil&r nief t Iac xw reseat the ame to tite Auditor hhI fStirk. oh or before the Friday eveninj: Cic to the Twsda on hicti the Council 1 Ha rcsar iiu':hik. rilOS.N..tKViKTl. An JitivraiMl l'ohce .Jude OCH00L OK I'KACflCAIi CIVIL. meohaoioal. Minlue lItieinecnnB.burvc - lac. )ranglilinK. Arch'lectiire. AsiviiiB aa NavigAUou. 170'4 Second Street, Port land. Or.. anl 723 Market St.. Sail FraneUro, tiai. EvtaMivhedlfil A VANDStitNAii.U'N, ls Soad fw ciroulnr. Notice io the Public. THIS IS IT) NOTIFY ALL "WHOM IT way c nctra that G. S. Gnrthpe is man aifr the tilwhe SmIooh, No. 53. on Main s'leeU Astoria. and from thW dato he will 1m ItRble fr all elalniR. against the btfsme f the Glob balo.ni, and will collect al! hills dHrlt- l horohy lender my thanks lo all inv old cavtincrs. and bespeak tlie .same rood will ! ih successor Uat 1 ha e ejo ed . CUKI- WE.IEN. AsUna. Oclcr 23. l S00, Meeting Notice. mriK ANNUAL MEiniNG OF THE JL Maoi lnd and I'lillriiu;; As&oci;itlnn (if A4orki will lie hold at the oIRmj or Cant. torpc nvcl, on Wednesday. December 17th. ISM nttwoclock r, M.. fortheiiiir lose of electinc five (5 directors for the en mJnc year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the weeUns. S. T. McKEAN, Sccrctarj", Attoria, Orejn, Xovctnbcr 1C. 1S90. Disstlution Gf Partnership. This Is to not ny all whom It mav concern that the nartncrship heretofore x!stn letwccn P. O'Hara and II. II. Injni'ls under the Orm name or O'Hara &ItijU, is this daydhsotved bv mutual consent, P. O'Hara TKlthdrawine. TTucnl.1 firm will settle all accounts with the business no to Nov 1st, and settle all bills againsr the firm. r.O'HAIiA. H. II. INGALLS. A Reward of $25 TITlLLBErAID FOU THE HECOVEUY Tf 1 tite body of T, J. Smith, supposed toluMrefeeen dfowncd near Stella, wasli.. Me ercMifr of Nov. sth. IRK). UKEKA PACKING CO. T J. L. SMILEY, M'gr. Specimen Copies and Beautiful Calendar great a Variety cf Lnicrlaining and Instructive Reading at so low a price. E'ISS't? Tfn I A 815 t IQQl Um-1 l. tl . S mini Stales Goveruiuent. Endorsed by the heads of the Great I'mver" site's i.l Public 1 m 1 Analysts, :is theStioiiKest, Purest ;nu! most Healthful. I r. Piire'.s t'reaiii P. ikni' Powi'en'oes not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Pr.ce 'a DHIcitui FiavoriuKl'tr, Ms V.Hillla, Lemon, Oraujje, Almond, Hose, etc , do not cnM.-.ln I'oImiii ux ( 'i rriif'inii i!s PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. New York. Chicago. San Fnm msco. WHAT jfh IfrrA wmmB'ir vmio mj Ee ii ti xmi 1 1 c- ; Stj iJs-cr yy g We do not say this to frighten - or n n you, but it is true. These are the sure symptoms of this terrihlo disease. There is one thing which will check it and tliat is D:-- JOKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY It Is recommended by the best physicians in Europe and America. 25 .tends GO cnt and $1.00 per Bottle. W. H. HOOKER fe C00, 46 West Broadway, New York. ylSTOItlfi E:rAItT. MARlkKT Floai per obi L004.30. Wheat, per cental S1.-10S1.Gj Oats, " 5LC31.7."i Uncoil, sides per lb, 12J cts. Shoulders, " 12K cts. Breakfast 4' 1C.17 Hams, " 14l7cts. Ijard, ' 32X15cts. Beef, 10113 cts i utton, 710 cts. Iork,l0ificts. Veal, 1015 els. Butter, per loll 00 !o 7.1 cts. Ecs, jx;r dozen " 1.1 ota. I'otatoes, lto IX its per lb Ch csc, per & iriAO . : (Jonnneal, per S."1 cts. Oatmeal, r0cts. lteans, :'M7 cts. Ckitl'ee. " 't&iQct. Tea. ' 2TI)0cts. Iviee, " 7K8 cts. Sugar, u 810cte. Syrup, per gallon coc C5c Union?, -i lo." Apples dried per lb 121G cts. Pt-achcs " " l2K3-cts. Plums, " io 20c $ 11 Candles, per ib 122j cLs. . ChK'ka'iiii, each 75 cts. Hay, per Ion S18.$2."5. Uitie, per lb 1 10 cts. ltiiuej, ;kt gallon $1.13. Oils, per callon, boiled linseed, 85c; raw l:nccd, 80c: coal oil. o5c; lardSl.25 Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Annual Sleetinc: or the Stockholders of the Alaska Packing Cjmpjny will be held at the n sidence ol P. 11. Johnson. Aider brook, on Monday, December 15th. 190, at 7 .30 r. v.. for ihe purpose of electing a Hoard of D.it ctors for the ensuing vear, and the transa:iiin of Mich other business as may come berore the meeting. 15v order of the President, did G. A. NELSON, Scc'y. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVEhAM), rrop'r. M Breas, Caie anil Pastry None bul the Bust Materials Csed. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers irval deli-. .- I In any part of the city. F.H.SURPRENANT&C0., County Coroner. Pirst Class Under taking ESTABLISHMENT. KewSljles, Caskets and fnnenil material N"et to A.STOni A" ofllce. Notice. f".IJIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL WnOM TT -. . ay concern that Emil Shuman has this da purchased the interest of P. O'Hain in thefinnof Oinara& Ingsdls, butchers, and the firm will heuccrcrth be known as Ingalls A Sliiuuan. A continuation of the generous patronage given the old firm is solicited, and new patrons arc respectfully" invited to civc us a trial. H. H. INGALLS. E. SHUMAN. Astoria, Nov. 1.1S0O. Final Account Notice. NOTICE IS HF.KEBY GIVEN THAT I have filed mv final account in the estate of Ghas. Gratkc, deceased and that tlio hear- iig thereof has been by the county judge oi Clatsop county. Oregon, set for the 4lh day of Jauuary. at the hour of 10, A. M. ANNA GHATKE, Administrator. Clat'on county, Oregon, Nov. 11, 1S90. w-J0-5t Executors7 Notice. LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Louis Wilson, de- cnasnd.and firm of Wilson & Fisher, are requested to present them properly verified at the office of .T. Q. A. Bowlby, and all persons owing said estate suouia make im mediate settlement at the samo place. .T.Q A. BOWLBY. WILEY B.ALLEN, .Executors. Astoria, Sept. 10, 1896. d-6t Jt 24rS--n.. - '- e K" "ii?" ' ' ' ' ... .A Bent Free. ii WITH $1.75 HAT0R1L FRUIT FLAVORS ' Tou feci tired Do you know -what it means? Yon are nerv ous Wl iv ? You cotigl i i n the morning Do you realize, the cause ? You r appetite is poor "What makes it so? You seem like a changed person to your friends Do you know what is the matter, or has the change been so gradual it has escaped your notice? You have Consumnilon ! a 4T BOOTS AND SR0ES The Largest Stock, Best Quality ani Lowest Prices at the Sign of The Golden Shoe. iFO:o::Kr ir a -r-ryr FOR SALE Cheap For Cash. Inquire at standard Saloon agnus 0. Orosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and jFlttinjrs, Stoves, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron. Tin and Copper. u 1 XI U b JLLU.UALXJ FOR RENT. Commodious Buildings conveniently situ ated, witli ample Net Backs will be rented fur the coming season on the Columbia River. Apply to W. W. PARKER. S. ARNDT & tfERCUKN ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop ffrsu BLACKSMITH SHO Boiler Shop Xc All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AirD STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to, Aspeclalty made of repairing CANNERY DIES. . . FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STRSK1 E. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper and OH Paintings : PRACTICAL: PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria , M oreanaStoGK Mr 9 Qnr Vu &GS iSgSEc g' RSS5?' An Actress and a Lawyer. An ambitious maiden has adopted the novel idea of being an actress for a year to fit herself for the study and practice of the law, and her story is told as follows in yesterday's Orego nian. Most actors and actresses are in the profession because they are in love with the business, bat among the members of the "Brass Monkey" com pany, is a handsome and bewitching brunette, who but sis months ago made her debut on the stage a3 a step ping stone to some ulterior object in life. This young lady hails from Chicago and is just 17. She is tn exceptionally brilliant linguist, has a fine voice, is graceful in the extreme, and is a clever little actress. Her in tentions are to remain on the stage just one year and then study law with a view of practicing as an attor ney in Illinois. She is taking this preliminary course on the stage for the purpose of perfecting her elocu tionary powers anu. io uuiuvuio uu "at home" feeling with large audi ences. The real name of this young lady is Fanchon Conyers, and it is safe to predict that she will be heard from toaie day in the legal arena, lite tho cricket on the hearth. Cost of Wars. Since 1857 England's small wars have cost her about SllO.000,000. The war with China in 1857-62 cost her 30,000,000; the Abj-ssinian expedi tion in 1S67-70, S42,500,000; tho South African war in 1879-80, $14,000,000; tho Nile expedition in 18S4-bo, 5bV2oO,- 000; tho Afghan war, between 1830 and 18SG, 15,000,000. Children p.ry for Pitcher's Castoria Vhon Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. tVhca sbo was a Child, sbo cried for Castoria, Vhcn sbo becamo 31iss, sho clung to Castoria, Vhcp she had Children, sho gave them Castorii People who wait for what is offered generally have long spoils between meals. Great Liver Itlcdlcinc. Dr. (5 u nn'.s improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for moIc headache, bilious complaints, dyspepsia, indincstioii, cos tiveiipss, torpid liver, ete. These pills in.stire peifcct digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate I lie bowels, purify and enrich t lie blood and make 11. c skin clear. They also produce a good appetite, and invicoralo and .strength en tho entire system by their tonic ant ion. told at2j cents a box hv .1. W. Conn. Matting will always look bright if wiped oft' with cloth dampened with salt water after sweeping. A Sure Cure for 1'ilcs-. Itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration, causing intense itch ing when warm. This form as well as B.ind. Bleeding or piotruding, yield atonce to Dr. Hosaiiko's Pile "remedy, which acls directly on the parts affected, absoibs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure. 50c. Druggists or mail; treatise free. Dr. Basalt kn, Piqua, O. Sold by ,J. W. Conn. A wise man and a fool understand eash other better than any two wise men. Important Kotlcc. Now is the time to test the best Ca tarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and llheu matic Cure in the City of Astoria. Fifty packages of LeKoy's West India Catarrh Cure, the regular price of which is $5.00, can be had from J. W. Conn, the druggist, at 1.00 per package, thereby saving .$4.00. This is a preparation warranted to cure. Call and get a package, as they go fast. Kemember the place Conn's, oppo site the Occident Hotel. S. Brown & Co., Proprietors. Los Angeles, Cal. P. O. Box 892. Blumaur-Frank Drug Co., Portland. The man who loves his duty slights it never Buclilcn's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ithe um, Fever Sores, 'itetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For s tie by. I. W. Conn. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. A1IVCI OOV3IHO sip Ax qou Xiiy uadud Airep -e pB9J 05 mLorto rtoj pouiquioo saijiup oStkhiq jaipo p2 jo 4i2ii spasoxo 31 SDlTJJg pDlUf 014; UI S3 -Sjuj oip 'uo:id9Dxo aiSins BipiAv'sisMSN ATIVCI OOVDIHO 3lP 1 uoP -cjnojp 3ijjl J9dedsA3U XJODAV TJ ipiAV 3U33UOD sq J3xUO p3DU 3DIAJ3S IBUI A"jrep TJ JO 3JoE4UBApi2 3111 SUIJ OUAV 3UO OT 3do3fJ A"snq joj jscxnd Avep "e si 3J JJOAV S XTjp S3U0ll UTi JOJ 3J3 3UI11 3ATjq ps pUB a 1 pB3J ubo noj J3dBd posuspuoo B SI 3J 433qs -;3UBq b W si SMHN AllVa 00V3IH3 3lIX jsdBd Suiujoui oSbduq J31I0 XUB JO 33UfJ 3ip UBqj SS3 JB3A J3fJ ooS$ SI S!lIX lPutU J3d SU3D Sz jo jb3 jsd oo'Sj joj 'pred -3SOd 'pSlJUJ, 'Bp B 5U3D I JOJ 31 SH3S pUB SAV3U 3UJJ B SlUIjd qj 'SS3JJ psBio -ossy sqj jo jsquisui b si 1J J3dBdSAV3U 5U3pU3d3p -ui 'BpjEduii ub si SMHN ATlVa OOVDIHO 3ifX P133av 3iup-po sq; UBip 3J0UJ 3p3i 3nq ssoo AVOU J3dBdsAV3U XjiBp y A'-BQ E U93 i J9dEJ ApQ v CIIA DWELL ITEMS. A Thanksgiving dance will be held at "W. J. Ingall's new hall, on Novem ber 27th, and a boat will leave Astoria that evening. The road dance held on tho 14th, netted Sift That is a starter toward a road fund. A public meeting is called to be held at the Heckard schcolhonseon Nov. 23rd, at 10 o'clock a. 3i., to take further measures to raise funds to open the road to the Plains. The L ijmg business is practically closed f.ir the season. "Wisner & "Wal ton t.nd P. Sabo haveent out several large rafts and they have one or two more ready for shipment. Harry Mc Cormick and the Olsen boys have quite an amount of logs waiting for the winter freshets. Residents of Russian town make daily excursions up tho river and return with loads of hay, potatoes, etc They are economical and saving and don't believe in paying out money needlessly, so they do their own freighting. Carnaban, Wingate and Morrison were over last Monday, looking out a route for a tollroad from Astoria to tho sea. BETTER THAT? GOLD. EESTORED HER HEALTH. For IS years I suffered from boils, erysipelas and other bleed affections, taking during that time great quantities of different medicines with out giving mo any perceptible relief. Friends Induced me to try S. S. S. It Improved me from f ho start, and after taking several bottles, rc- etorcd my health as far as I could hope for at Tnv flfro. wmca is now fccvum-uc viuy. i Mas. S. M. Lucas, Bowling Green, Ey. Efccatisc on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. C. B. Smith Has bought the Mikado Cindy Factory and will keep a fine assortment or Candies, C gars, and Fruits In season. Give me a call. h; ekstrom, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTOREA, OK. A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches, solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc., at reasonable prices. Repairing Pjomptly Sone. Next to Morgan & Sherman. WM. EDGAR. Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, MEERSCHAUM & BRIER PirES, Pocket Cutlery, Marine Glasses, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. Comer Main and Second Sts., Astoria. Or. FISHER BEOS, Successors to Wilson & Fisher. SHIP GHANDLERS nEAVY AND SHELF Farm Implements, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. Loggers' Supplies. Provisions, and Mill Feed. :GENERAL AGENTS FOR: SALEH PATENT ROLLER 3IILLS. Portland Roller mills. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ETC. Astoria, - Oregon. Job Pi infln AT THE As! rial Joi Office Bill Heads, Letter. Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, O.A.jELIS Plain and Fancy SEE SAMPLES AT THE SJSS; I Astorian Job Office. TOU HATTE no appetite, Indigestion, Flatnlence, Sick Headache, "allrim down,"loslnc: flesh, you tvUllind tlio remedy yon need. They tono np tho -weak btomacb. and tho sagging energies. Sufferers from mental or physical overwork will find great relief from them. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25 cents per box, SOIiD EYEEYWHERE. Office, 44 Hurray St., Hew York. Fate's (Mte Female Pills 1 For Female Irreg ularities ; nothing lik3 them on the market. Never fatL Miccessfully used by promiuent ladles monthly. Guaran teed to relieve sup pressed menstrua tion. SarclSafelCertala! Don't be humbug ged. Save time and health and money ; tate no other. Sent to any ai dress, secure by mail on receipt of price. 52, Address. THE APHR0 MEDICINE 0JMPANY, Western Rrauch. Box 27. PORTLAND. OR. ST. -."OTZj P01lTZ;tiSrD, OJiE., Is The Only Exclusive rivals Disease Dispensary en tills Coast, and it Treats more of these e.iics 'f luu all the doctors on 1 lie Coast combined. Dr. BOXELL THE GREAT HOT SPBIHGS DOCTOR "New Sj-stem of Treatment." Seminal Weakness Permanently Cured. dost Manhood Fully Restored. fJoriorrrelia Quickly Cured. ftlcct Checked ami Cured. Stricture Cured without P.siu. Hydrocele; The Burden Lilted. Varicocele Its Withering Mopped. Phimosis; Operated Tor Successfully. (Jliancroid Cleared Up. Sjpliilis Thoroughly Eradicated, i'.itit nLs all over tlie Co.i't receive Special Trcitineut from this Ois p its iry iLii y. M ed eines. aeetir.l imrto junr Trouble, an ciniully co.iuHiuudeil . Libeled for iue, .se- urcly pucked, boxed, sealed and free from expusure. s.Mit by Ex press, j re pad. 'IVims of Treat ment are within Ih- reach or all, and a GUARANTEE CUBE Given in fcry lac. Paticu's know th.it by placing their cases with an Exclusive Private Disease -DLspensary they will get a Perma nent Cure in Less Time than w ith a dispensary that treats any and all diseases and re.i'ly cures but few. Per-ona' consultation and exami nation, frcc.1 WRITE, ISkile Your Case Fully. Address, with stamp enclosed, St Paul Dispensary Over "Portland National Bank," PORTLAND, OREGON. Oim AND TRIED. NOTICE. EWARD To tlte party receiving the largest list of names fof THE GREAT NEW 5LLUSTRATED By HUBERT II. BANCROFT THE EMINENT HISTORIAN READY at last Only true History of Mor monlsm published Fascinating.lntensely Interesting, powerful Endorsed alike by Mormons ana Gentiles. WONDERFUL ADVENTURES Of Trappers and Travelers Bloody Indian Wars-Thrilling accounts of Massacres and Miraculous Fscapes The famous Danite Association. Eta, Etc. MYSTERIES OF POLYGAMY The tithing House Celestial Marriage Strange Religious Customs Biography or Brigh.im Young, as thrilling as a novel yet true history. A grand book to sell. Everybody Wants It. Merchants, Fanners, Me chanics, and all classes have eagerly awaited the appearance of this remarkable book. AGENTS Send quick Si 00 for costly and elegant Canvassing Outfit. Don't wasto time w ril ing for circulars, but secure territory before it is given ouL Remember this Is a subject of intense interest to all. and the Grand Dlustratfons attract attention every where, Addkess THE HISTORY COMPANY 723 Market St. San Francisco Salesman. A N ENERGETIC MAN WANTED TO i3L push our manufactures on this ground. One of our agents earned S5, 200 In 'S9. Ad. dress P. O. Box 1371, New York. tf50t? MiAyprf & n A Vb? ... v- TAt J sQ -c fc.M iAQt. araxajwi' rm-. MEAS.TH. - DISEASE. r Le Kiclxjm'd Coldon IJalsum Xo. I Curc3 Cliaacresf, tlrs'. and sjcond sta"es Sorcscn tin Lcga and Body; Sore Ears Eyes, Jsose, tc, Copper-colored Blotches! Sypliihtic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary foms or tho discaso known as . 'l1'!- 1.rirp. 5 OO per Sottle. l.o Itlclinu'a Golden Balaam No.a Cures Tertian-, irercurialSyphilitic Rheu raatism. Pains in tlio Bones, rains in the Head, back or the Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Hash, Lumps and con tracted Conls, Stiffness of tho Limbs, ami eradicates all dwo from the system, whether caused . indiscretion or abuse cf Mcrcurv. leaving the blrxxl puro and healthy.. Prico S5 OO per Bottle. Lo ltichau's Golden Spanlsli Anti dote for tho cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Oeni tal disarrangements. Prlco 83 50 per Bottlo. l Lo Uichan'!! Golden Spanish.' Ih Joctlon, forssvero cases of Gonorrhcca, InBammatory Gleet. Stricturcs.ic. Price SI r0 per Bottle. Lo Rlchnu's Golden Ointment for tho effectiv2 hcalingof Syphilitic Sores, and eruptions. Price 31 OO per Box. Lo Indian's Golden PlLs Xerva and Brain treatment; loss of physical pox cr, excess or over-work, Prostraticc. etc. Price 93 OO per Bos. rk Tonic and Nervine, vV Sent everywhere, C. O. D., Eccurely i!5xed per express. THE RICHARDSON DRUG CO., AGE T 609 ud 511 Market strett, Saa Fraaelsco, Cal. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. b iil1!'? fflHEl J IIISIIIIU M UTAH rjm -&3& K AiJtf mams Wmt MWl.V'O-fM Iroin Terminal or Interior Points THE Northern Pacific Railroad Is the Line to Take To AH Faints East and South. It Is The DiningCar Route. It ruusTIirousrli Vcstibulcd Yrriius Every Day In tlic Year to ST. PAUL and CHiCAbO No Change of Cars, Composed of Diniiijr Cars unsurpassed. Pullman PrawiiiffRoom Sleepers Of Latest Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars nest thai can be constructed and in whicli accommodations are both Free and Furiiislicd to holders of First or Socoud-class Tickets, and for Elegant Day Coaches. A Continuous Line Connecting with All liincs, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. PuHman Sleeper Reservations Can be Secured In dvance througli any Agent of the Road. Through Tickets To and from all Points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on apulication to any ageut, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First St.. cor. Washington, Portland, Oregon. SALU0X3. Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Mottled Beer. Kiue&t brands of Key west anu Domestic-uigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. Standard - Saloon. Southeast Corner Third and Olney Sts. Astoria, Oregon. The Celebrated North Pacific Brewery Beer on Draught. Also tye Finest Kinds of Wines, Li quors and Cigars. The Hcst of French Brandies -diVD BIIAXDT PEACHES. Jk. Free Xrt2.23.ol3L H. CRUSE, Propr. ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON AUG. DANIELSON, Sample Rooms. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for the GOIONSteamshln Lino and the THINGVALLA Steamship Line, direct. ALs, agent for "Svenska Tribunen" and bvenska Amerikanaren." Corner of Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria. Oregon. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR L0ES & CO.. Wilis, Lipors and Cips. A Large Stock of First-Class Goods. The Trade Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Uranus. jiain street Opp. Parker House. Resort Billiard Parlor, GROSBATJER & BRACH, Prop's. L. FEUREIt'S CELEBRATED GambVinus Beer ! ON DRAUGHT. ?amlriims Bottled Beer, E J. H. Cutter Wliisliy, Domestic an a Itcy West Cijrars, Constantly on hand. fhird Street, four doors west of Telegraph unice, lormeny leiepnone .uesiauranr, ASTORIA, OREGON. GEiMNIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARO LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. Will, BOCK, Proprietor, The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Christian Wejen, Proprietor. (Formerly Bartender at the "Resort," Bestof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner Mam and First Streets. Tie Celebratefl Irene! Cure Warranted "ADUDfiniTlUC" or money to euro ArnriULilllnt refunded IS HOLD ON A POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of ner vous disoase or any dis order of tho generative organs of' BEFORE whether ar- AFTER isingfrom tho excessive use of StimuIants.To bacco or Opium, or through .youthful indiscre tion, over indulgence. &c such as Los3 of Brain Power. Wakefulness, Bearing down rams in the Back, bemmal weakness. Hys teria, .Nervous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Leucorrhooa, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impotency. which if ne glected often lead to premature old ago and insanity. Prico SI a box, 0 boxes for $5. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARAJiTEE for every $5 or der, to refund tho rnonoy if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexos, perma nently cured by Aphrooitm k. Circular free. Address. THE AP1IR0 MEDICINE CO. Box 27. Westebs Braucii, Portland, Or. For Hale by J. C D EMENT. X presence end fnUy endorse Blr tl mj. th only specific for tb c cer. I tain cure ot this disease. U.l. ANOBAirAlf.lf. n. Amsterdam, K. Y. We nave sold B' G f ci many years, and it has .Ttven tne Dftiiot satis faction. V. IX. Dychx & Co., Chleaeo.IL' i$l. SoldbyDrojtsC Sold by J. W. Conn, Astoria, Oregoa, Jill m a J . k.tf 1- .m r - JJiRiriwf AWtiVXA 7 JZ7''i ' Pl TO & DATB. rH An ntrAtnT- V EX Vrdenlrbjtia ClnsI&aatiJHBI . Oalo.w TrdHHirk RAILWAYS AND STEAMERS. m Tickets Omaha, Kansis City, Chicago, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, AND it.t, POINTS East, North .and South AT E. A. Pfoycs, Ageur, Astoria. IT1. CS. Bozorth, Ticket Agent. iTSi;:v jp.icinc wiiap Overland Route. Fast bound from Portland : No. 2 Lim ited Fast Mail, leaves at u r. u. No. 8 Over land Fiver, leaves at 7 A. m. AVest bound : No. 7 Overland Flyer, ar rives at 9 :00 r. ai. No. 1 Limited Fast Mail, arrives at 9 :00 A. M. Main Llne.Nos. 7 anu 8, "ine uvenantt Flyer," carry througli Pullman Sleepers. Colonist bleeDers. Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas city, sc. Louis, at. raw or Chicago, alo Pullman Buffpt Sleepers and L n.ur jAii uebwceii luuiiiuu anu oiiuitoue Ka'ls. without change. Main Line. Nos. 1 and 2, "Ihe Limited Fast Mall," carry Pullman Diningand bleep ing Cars between Portland and Chicago. Also Pullman Bullet Sleepers and Chair Cits between Po.tland and Spokane FaUs without change. Daily. TO PORTLAND. The .steam r UonHa leavesat C a. m , Mon day, Wednesday and Fri Jay, via the Oregon side. The steamer .. R Thomjison leaves As toria at 8 v. a. on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. From Portland at It 0 p. ar., on 'I uesday, Thursday and Saturday. Astoria and San Francisco SAX FItAXCISCO TO ASTOUIA. STVAMKK DY. DATK. State of California. Tuesday Nov 4 Oregon ............... Saturday.... " .. . 8 Columbia ... .. Wednesday " . .12 State of Callfornid- Sunday ' 1C Oregon Thursiay " 20 Columbia Monday. " ....21 State of Californij Friday ' .23 ASTORIA TO SAX FIIAXCISCO. STEAMKR. DATK. State of California" "regon . Columbia ......... .. State of California- Thursday .. Sunday Wednesday Satunlay. Nov. 2 1 " ".'.'.r.r.27 " .......30 timk sciiKDiir.r:. Astoria & South Coast Railway. Leave Lo. llaUop Via Steamer Astoria Beach. Electric. 9 :00 A. m. S : I ) A. M. Electric. . 3 :00 r. ar. l : 15 p. ai. () Daily except Sunday and Monday. IS) Daily except Sunday. I. E. & N. Go. THE STEAMERS "Gen. Canby" or "Suomi" Leave Astoria daily at8A.ar.forTazy Point, Ft. &teven.s and llwaco. connecting with railroad running north at 10 A. ar. and it with boats on Shoal water Bay, for South Bend, Sunshine, North Cove and other points through to Gray's Harbor. South Bound Trains Start From Nahcotta and Sealand At 1 P. in., Daily, Connecting With Steamer For Astoria And Night Roat For Portland. L. A. ZiOomis, President R. V. Egbert, Superintendent. John R. Gonlter, Sec. Portland and Coast S. S. Co. GRAYS HARB0E. STH. ALLIANCE. Sails from Port land every Thursday at 7"p. M. : ancf from Astoria the following morning. Laud ing at Hoquiam, Aberdeen, Cosmopolis and Montesano. SHOALWATEE BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at North Cove, South Bend, Willapa andlJay Center. F. K. STRONG, President C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. The Str. Telephone Portland and Astoria. Time Table. Leaves Asteria: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6A.ar. Arrives at Asteria: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3 p. ai. Leaves Pertland: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at a. ar. Notice. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL WHOM! IT may concern that I will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by my wife, Sophia Schuring after this date. A.SCnURING. Astoria, Or., Nov. 12, 1S90. andoctlvo reliable can. vassera can secure c good INCOME every week, taking orders for feV bBL our new varieties of frnltE and hardy trees. 3200 pe month often made. Apply quid with references for terms and tcrrl tory. t. X,. MAY Ss CO., Nurserymen, St. Paul, Mlaa THE CRY OF MILLIONSl M OH, TUTr BHCK! STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WIIL BE TOO VTE. I have been troubled many years wjth disease of the kidneys and have tried many diflcrent remedies and have sought aid from different phjsicians without relief. About the 15th of Apnl I was suuering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in such a manner tnat iwas Deniuvci. When I sat down it was almost impossible for m Fn rrnt fir. i1rin ? tn rni -n tnv clottlCS. W JCt kind rrovidence sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, in a few days.I am happy to state, that I was a new man. I will; recommend the tea to all afflicted as I have been. G. A. TUPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Rosa, Cal. 1- ' fr 1 w LZkL .., uai