w w u . 'JKgi 8p4(Su'i "i'eB,-?i'-5yrTS? .- -- -r--ssfsssii-- 2) rhc a gtetoran. ASTORIA. ORSGOK: rKIDAY NOVEMBER 21, 1S80 Devtob, CalorndQ, cau boast of being cit that lias expended over $10,000,000 on new buildings since tiie first of last Jaauary, wliicli is far in advance of any other year in llie his tory of thk energeUc young city. Fixanceal matters in the groat monetary circles of the -world are renaming a normal condition, and the excitement over the temporary panic in slocks and finances is gradually subsiding. It will be belter for the business of the country "when the bkhmv market becomes settled. Pubstdkntiai, aspirants have already started in quite early, and t icir personal friends are very active. Frai this lime until the fall of 1892, t'ae political fight will progress. Our democratic friends feel so elated over lhir TJotories in most of the states, tint they imagine the presidential plum is sure to fall into their basket, hence the earnestness and the early conirooeoeracnt of the movement. Astoria would be glad to know when she is to have the free delivery system inaugurated. Our buildings have beon numbered, the district boundaries have been marked out and the necessary documents for warded to "Washington, and when IXwon "Wanamakcrs assistants have completed the circle of rod tape reqTiiremouts, we shall probably hear something in reference lo the letter carriers for Astoria. ' Taxj; about potatoes! How is this for a chum from Del Norte, Col., where it is said that from one acre the yield of potatoes was 50,852 pounds? There were fifty rows, aud the spuds were of the Barclay prolific variety, having originally come from California. Four teen men, aided by a Hoover potato digger, were four days employed in digging awl sacking the yield of this one acre. That is a product worth inetilxming, and who can excel it? lUrmLYis the yecr drawing to a do-o, and lmt little over five weeks of 1S90 are yet lo come. The hopes of a railroad for Astoria being com menced this year show but liltfo signs of frnitiou. yet we can almost hear the nimble of. trains approaching more fortunate, though, less favorable lo calities. Shall we wall for ever, and never see tin1 completion of a railroad for this town? Every business enter prise now almost donnant, would swing into active vitality if there was any prospect of a speedy com mencement of work on the construc tion of a road. ICOKX. HX.-Oa Gra"s rir. Wahkiakum t' . Win . Tttfita iiMtrniM , November ! ISM.loHie wife or :. 11. Vaughn, a lattgMer. wttfetttti;; ion jkhiikK (Jiryn km ?4vc Odl . STAKIL-lAMom,Or..Thur1a,Noem-hc- . lt. t thr wife of J. LL Marr, a von. wptgatm; eight pounds. IANA1IAX. la Anm,Or.,TlM:sliv. No T.tnfeer m. 18M. lo the wife of .Iosp"i Len ahatt, litgtttfr. tteisuntK ten jmuHtR Ross5 Opera House SfliYBiiir Concert r,ivx r.y MRS. AfflE L. RICORB Aisled lly PORTMND AM) HOME TALENT Friday Evening. November 28tti, TicUct on Sale at All Eicadsns; Store. The nx sfcoet vciR be oened at the New York IftnoltY Store Wetcoday morning. 3e ember smt. m. 9 o'clock. Eoss' Ojiera House One fiiglit oVily. Saturday, Nov. 22nd, 189D. Grand Concert I LIBERATFS Full Military land The Greatest Musical Event In the History of Astoria. Dritchital Concert Propram or Classical and Popular Airs, also, IS-STSTTHENTAL SOLOS BY Prof. Ailesandro Liberati. Ami Member of lus Ce!eltrated Baitd. Kcservo Sesrts u nil i nrt t f the house. 1 GaMeiy AdtHlMn - 50c frcat n sale TlinrafciY mondns. Nov. isoth, 8AK.al the eu rk Novelty More. AND COmKISSIOfJ HOUSE. IffftHTIN CLSEE", iaccftsyir to E. C .Ilolden. The west establiihed Commission House Orcpoa. GooK or :dl kinds sold on com- Aec-Uon Sales Evexy Satunlay. G6cnl KepalriHR, Jobbing nnd Ur.hol Hcttogdccc PSe stock or Furniture on hand. ,y? yon ''W1 K55ilos in Household XAKTIS OLSB.N PH. PBENTIOE. IVEIili ARRIVE KOVESKBJSR. 22. Eye, Head and Nervous Diseases, At Occident Hotel, Astoria, For a Few Days. FREE. Dr. Prentice "Will Cure the First Case Of Cross-Eyes and Epileptic Fits Free On the Day of IILs Arrival in Astoria. Those Who Wish to Have the Doctor Treat Them Should Call Early, or Ther 3Iay Lose the Opportunity. A man well known In this community writes the following interesting letter: 'L was chopping a stnmp four weeks ago, when a living chip struck me in the eye; for a short time I was entirely blind. Then partial sight returned again. I nurtured nope and continued to treat it at home, until ten days ago, when 1 began to abandon hope of ever seeing perfectly again, unless some thing more than ordinary was done. 1 then counciled two of the leading Oculists of Poitland, who told me one eye would have to be cut out to save the other. It did not exactly suit me to have my eye cut out, and so I sought other council. I went to Dr. Prentice, the Oculist, then at Portland, and he laughed at-thc idea of its being neces sary to cut my eye out; I joined in the laugh, for it was on my side. 1 have been free from pain since the first day's vi-sit to Dr. Prentice, and im proved steami, and am now entirely ! well again. 1 feel safe in saying that if i Dr. Prentice cannot cure a case he will always say so. Tiios. II. Foss, Gray's River, Wash. A Touching Scene Witnessed By a Portland Gentleman. One week ago we received an invita tion to witness a delicate surgical oper ation on an ej e. I he patient was the 17- car-old daughter of Harrison Hay. For three years she had been blind in both ej es with a cataract, and was obliged to grope her way about in total dai lines?. The patient, without taking I chloroform, submitted to the following operation: the was now ready for the surgical part of the work, and we stood in breathless anxiety as Dr. Prentice placed the point of his knife at the side of the eyeball, carefully touched the point of the cornea, then the blade entered the eye; we saw it pass through tiie eye in front of the pupil and then come out at the opposite side. It was then drawn upward, and a cut made of about one-third of the circumference of the ball. Another instrument was then passed in back of the pupil, and almost on the instant the girl said: "Oh, Dr. Prentice 1 can sec you." This was spoken in tones well calculated to bring tears to one's eyes. From the time the knife touched the eye until the patient could sec, it was just one min ute. She was allowed to see those about her for a moment, then the eye wa- closed alul bandaged. In just one week after the operation she came into our office and was able to read our paper. She also wrote a letter home, saying; "Dear parents, 1 can see and am happy."' Jlr. Jciomc V. Campbell. General Superintendent of the Willamette JJrnlge Railway Co., saw this operation. A LETTER. From n TaJIent Who Was Cured Ily Dr. Prentice. Pokti.anii, Or., Oct. 7, 1890. To the Svfferhuj: For five years 1 have .suffered with sleeplessness, ner vou debility, inflation at the base of the brain, and a terrible kidney disease. L had tried so many remedies that did me no good that at last I gave up all hope of ever being a well man again. 1 tried many prescriptions that were sud to be 'sure cures, and all failed. i Theie weic many limes during the pa;r lew jeans inai l was oDiigeu to lay off from work from two weeks to three months at a time. Lately 1 was run ning down in health very rapidly, and waialanned. I contemplated leaving this paitof the country and trying to se it L could not get relief elsewhere. 1 1 must hay that my faith in dortors was I about gone; but something lead me to i visit Dr. Prentice at the Esmond hotel, i I crowded in with the others and I waited my turn. 1 Ic eamined me, told mo where my trouble was, and said lie could cure it without medicine. I can't ay that I ically buicved him, but something in his maimer led me to tuixthiui. JIc gave me no medicine at all. jet from the day of my first visit I began to improve rapidly. 1 now sleep I as sound as a child. My memory is ' greatly improved. My kidney disease i and brain iriitation are entirely well, my appetite splendid, and 1 now enjoy i life and perfect health. Any afflicted person wishing to learn about my case w ill find me at address below, i D. Dooxa.v, I North Pacific Hotel. Portland. i Eyes fitted with glasses by Dr. Prentice Xerous lUscascs That Are Permanently Cnrrd Br Dr. Trent Ice. Epileptic fits, Paralysis, Uriinkcn nes (periodical), Heart (lita-c, Kidney disease, a sthma, Ssek hejidaclie, Spinal irriUition, and nervous debilitj in men and women. A permanent cure is made. .Excitement Runs Iiih at .1. W. Conn's drug store over Syilem Builder, as everj'body is usinjj it for Catarrh of the stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Impure lilood, and lo build up the systejn it cer tainly nossc-s s wonderful merit when all speak so well of it. M Opera House ivlonday Even'g, Nov. 24, '90 BENEFIT Columbia No. 3. Astoria Fire Department TENDERED BY Sip. John Jack and Annie Firmin A Magnificent Performance by the lohnJaokTheaterGo The Splendid Comedy In One Act, Entitled, J&. fie Club An Olio of Ballads, Comic Songs, Etc. First Aopearance of the Celebrated Pianist Prof. W. J. Richards, Tiano Solo, Liszt's Ithapsodlcs. Se!ections from Gilbert's Beautiful Mytho logical Play, Entitled, ygmaiion Galatea 3lisv Firmin in Choice Ballads. ITIaslcr Firmin in New Sonjjs. To Conclude With the Musical Farce-Comedy of New Town. Miss Firmin will appear in Ave different Character", w ith Sons and Dances Assisted by Mr. Jack and Company. Trot. Blchards will preside at the Piano. Preserved Seats. St, and 75 cents. Gener al admIssion.no cts. children, 23 cts. Box Plan at Kew York Novelty Store. Committer :J. F. Hay, F. "Wlckman. J. V. Watson. Nigh! e RUGKERS - Restaurant. W. W, WEISJE"2T, PROP. "Enlarged and Befitted lo Meet tho Popular Demand..g3 FINEST RESTAURANT IN THE CITY, Shoalwater Bay and Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, itEAIiS COOKED THIRD STREET, o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o (Formerly the The EM This is the C'eanest and is in the Quietest Location of any Hotel in the City. WHITE COOKS. : win. O-tf-0-O-O-O O - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - O Lots ii Case's Astoria Are low on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF TIIE Astoria Real PEICES FEOM $150 TO $250 EACH. TJSRMS "One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address Leinenweber & .Goodenough, SECOND ST., Near Tostoffice. - - - - P. O- Box 63. GKLO P. PARKER. CARL A. n ANSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. Dross - Goods, The Old Stand - Astoria Oreaon. IODR. WINTER 1ATIB MY OVERCOATINGS Suitable FOR DRESS OR BUSINESS WEAR AUE CHOICE GOODS THE PATTERN, The Best, THE PRICE, The Cheapest And Tho JPt Griiarante e c3. CSSea also My Special Teu-Dollar Pants, to Order. Address James Finlayson MERCHANT TAILOR, 534 Third. Street, Astoria, Or. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves i Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY -WARRANTED WATER CLOSETS, PLTJXBKG GOODS, PUMPS, S1SKS, AKD BATH TUBS INToe cto Scully, 341 OHENAMDS STREET. AND General:-:Jobbing The undersigned Is prepared to do any work In his lme at short notice. In a satis factory manner. WOOD FOR SALE Orders left at Foard & Stokes, or at Asto ria Box Factory will receive prompt atten- UOn- F. FEAKES. Carnahan & Go SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Cbenamus and Caas streets. ASTCKLA ----- OREGON Eastern Oysters. Etc. TO ORDER. ASTORIA, OR. - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - Oj Main St. House.) - : NO CHINESE. ELDnED, Proprietor. - O - O - O - O - O O-O-Q-O-O-OOHP-O Estate Co. MAEKETS. Washington Market. Mala Street, Aitorla, Ore Kan. CURISTENSEV CO.. PROPRIKTOK8. RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that the aoove Market wOl always be supplied with a POLL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY or FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! 1 VhIch will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. E3T"Speclal attention Riven to supplying ehlps. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & C03MPANY, Fresh aud Cured Meats, V o grotnlolosi , FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEl . CHKXAJIU8 Sirreel. AHtorla, l. ASTORIA FISH kmjm MARKET Fitzgerald & Co. Go Where You Can Get Fresh Fish, Game, Eggs, Etc. Wo also Keep a Fine Line of CANNED MEATS AND FISH Market on Olney street, near Telephone dock. Roadway Market. Ingalls Sc Sliuuian, Propr's. Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats All Purchases Delivered In any part of the City. HENRY GL1SS0P Poultry and Fish In Quantities To Suit. 441 FOURTH ST Southwest cor. Fourth & Cass ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND LIYERY STABLES conveyances of any kind, on short notice Tranaf errin&Baegagft, etc., a specialty. Telephone NO. ii. H. W. SHERMAN & CO. House FRED A LAEGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty or good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wes Side Olney Street, Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, .----- OREGON. The Largest Stock ! Immense Stock OF PtTB.JS'ITTJB.E CHAS. HEILBO RN. Two car-loads received : More on the way. You are Invited to see the finest display of FumitHre, Carpets, etc., In the city. Prices reasonable. The Old Stand, A. w. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER.IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Beceived fresh, FLYWW'S Also his Ready Made Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS J3r"If you want clotliimj to fit, custom Third and Olney Streets, k G-O TO TJLJfcd Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Calces, ami Fine Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS. The "Smith fBSisfeyR A "SMITH PREMIER" TYPEWRITER can be seen at THE AST0RIAN Office, where it is in daily use. The Kohler&Chase Music House WINTER & HARPER, Prop's AGENTS FOR Tie Matcmess Mm - J. & C. Fischer, Ives & Pond and other pianos. Mason & Hamlin and A. B. Chase & Ca.'s Organs. The above Instruments sold for cash, or on easy InstaUmenis. Do not huy ot a commission asent. but save at-least $50.00 by dealing directly -with the Arm or their rep resentative, W. S. Geary. Your ftonBT s Wortn IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN- Groceries and Provisions Everything In a Flrst-clas3 Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest .Price Paid tor Junk. FOARD STOKES O. E. BAIN, Manufacturer and Dealer in SaMb, I)ors, IrloulditigM and 12 rackets. All Kinds or Hard Wood and House Finish ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Cor. GcaeTiere and Astor Streets. Astoria, - - Oregon; SAIZ The Lowest Prices ! Astoria, Oregon. w every Steamer. I LATEST GOODS IN WOOLENS ARE UNSURPASSED. new line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, etc., AT EASTERN PRICES. or ready made go to FLYNN. The Tailor. ASTORIA, OREOON Premier" TYPEWRITER Contains more points of merit than any other Typewriter on the market. If you are interested in, or contemplating the purchase of a writing machine, send for illus trated catalogue to F. W. REYNOLDS, Agt. No. 29 Stark Street, PORTLAND, - OREGON. ALSO - CHRIS. EVEKSON. P.COOK THE Central Hotel EVENSON & COOK On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN BOOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms tor Families, Etc. TransIent'Custom Bollclted. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. WATER St., Opp. JKeard Jt Stakes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Premises. The Best ot WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAR8. Good Bllllar.l Tables and Private Card Rooms. V. H. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Batter, Eggs, Canned Goods, Potatoes, Wood and Willow Ware, Etc. jPPBBgif arern igii n utiumm Wei Urn Pianos City Book Store OUR Holiday Are Now We will open our About the 15th When we will Largest Stock of Goods Ever brought Grin & Reed. Willamette -: University Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law and Medical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It Is the oldest, largest aud least expensive Institution of learning In the northwest. School opens first Monday in September. Send tor catalogue to r THOS. VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. te McDoiiam ft New Fall Goods . Just Latest Coods in the Market. JSFCall and be convinced that I turn out the most fashionable suit in the city 513 Third Street, - Next to C. H. Cooper's. Weinhard's Is the Choice of Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. WEINHAED, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth, and. B. Telepliene 72. Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL OBDEBS DELIYEBED FBEE IN ASTOBIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZ1NGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. jJF "A kH nrti"fit erjvi . I But tKt valter.3plront moi .AWlr(3n.OviD9er?? " Well don. 11! kivt k ..- TKkt Joor prtttrvM tj JuUta q. I l ni lkvor ktwkyj twcttl Iyou want the Best, buy the CHARTER OAK With the Wire gauze otch doon 1&31 n mi ! tl!Lf vmm zmi& E. R. HAlrVES Goods! Arriving. large double store of this Month, display the to Astoria. I Received. Lager Beer ! the Connoisseur. - P. O. Bex 403 nor food nJmueKt!ig IP XOTJ WAOT THE BEST Buy tho CHARTER 0AK,f With tto "Wire fianzo Oven Boon Lead! Tail wee s wilK tKSSVK. iZltVjr