01 4Af " " .. XXXV, NO. 140. ASTORTA, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IH90. !RI(,E FIYE GENTS ;L. VVXV. iVO. 140. ASTORTA. OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER l, The Only Exclusive Clothing AND IQIct-fc ECouse 123. i3713l Oitjy. pBTTw! I U tfcfcl' TI: 1. :.-o that is managed the best, and transacts it-, business on the low v p iw f r ::." line of business annmlly transacted. !''h liuu- tint can, and does sell its good-, on the smallest uiaigin. The hou-e that keeps the best assortment a:ul has no shelf-worn gooiK it.t.ckis always new and fresh as it is continually coming and going, like the flow of the mighty Columbia, direct from its som -c, to the body it snpphe. Absvc all, it is, the house that treats every customer alike, and tiansacts a1! i fetidness on stiictly business principlt-s, in sh it it is a business house Bl'MNXSS CARDS. T I. KA31lI.Toar, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Astoria. - Oregon. Office throe doors cast Court House, Third street. rn J. CCKTIS, Attoruty-at-Law: oiry Fablle. -ommKMoner ot Deeds for "Washington .murv. Office In Flael's new biick uudin Cor. Second and Cass streets. IOHV HLSXITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. O&croa Cass street, 2 doors back of Odd ,ows Bunding, Astoria, Oregon. j . .V. UOWLBY, trni ami CosiHHcIlor ut lZLVF 'itoa Caeaainus Street, Astoria, Oregon A R- KANACA, ATTORNEY AT LaW. huce ov?r White House Cor., Astoria, Or. r XI. 3 OiSELL, XlKAi. ESTATE BROKER AT NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 1S33. Third Street, next to NY, U. Telegraph Of fice. Astoria, Or. VTT W. PARKER, Tea Estate and Insurance Agent, Conveyancer and Notary Public. 112 Beaton Street, opposite the Postofllce. Between Chenamus &Squemoque Sts., Astoria, Oregon. A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. on FiavePs new brick buildiug, corner -tcl4 aad Cass streets ; up stairs. D six. A.LAXUJ.A, FUITOX. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. n-ctol attention to Diseases of Women n4 CtokireH, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. pw aHestlon to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. FUtSOB. Otkr HHiis from 10 to 12 a.m., audi to 4 D It. It. Y. STKICKLER, rilS10LVN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIST lHvtMtte cases, cliargcs only for medi- Neax IV4efficc. Chenamus Street. Astoria, Oreca- TAY TUTTLE, M. D. fhyskLia, Surgeon and Accoucheur. OSJce. Room 6, PyUilan Building. OSe boars t lo to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, (39 Cedar Street. D K.O.B.R8TKS. rilTSIClAN AND SUKGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Women via Sarexy. .trria: Opposite Telegraph Office, up flairs, Astoria, ixrRon. Gradaile of Cleveland Uomojopathlc IIos ntad Oocjre. and Fost-Graduate of New ork Caty Polyclinic School of Medicine and Sarsery. First and Main streets, Fortland. niftcascs ef Women a Specialty. D K. r. A. KEES, DENTTIST Rooresand'l.Fl&vers new Brick Bulld lap. W. T. BrRXET. I- T. BAKIK J. "W. DOATEK. Barney, Barin & Draper, Attorneys at-Law. ;Oregon City, Oregon. TrrtTe ve ererieuce as Register of eCSwLud Office nere, recommends us la arecUity of Mlnmcand all other bus shj Wefore the Land Office or the Courts, m4 iveJvinc ta prawrOce In the General LMrtOBee. TIMsti, Lester & Anflersen, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Sarveyers and Arcliitects. Offxcx, Rook 9, Flatel's Bld'g SECOND STREET p. O. Be S13. ASTOKIA, OR. The House that Buys and Sells the Best Goods, as to 3Tt, C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant ?.Iain St. Wharf, Astoria. Ort'gon. SPECIALTIKS: Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon liei Twines. NEPTUNE IJraud Salmon Twine. WOODIJEKltY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory' Prices. f;re insurance Effected in First CUv Companies, representing si3.ooo,uun pnffixix, HOME, Uartford, Conn New York, Agency Pacific Express and Wells. Farijo A To. ,-o-T H E-o- AUSTIN-:- J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Open All the Year "t WIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully lo ated on the banks of the Neeanicum. v.ithhi five minutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most nleaant Seaside KtRoit n t'.io Northwest P.cifu Co..sr. Every attention is p.iid to the comfort an I accommodation f the gucte, at'd the table is supplied with thf en be i-i se.io . Here aie plenty of Clams :uid t nibs, then is game in the woods and plenty i.f the finest fish in the sti earns. E. P. BOONAN & CO. (SUCCCSSOJ to J DEALEUS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE XO. 7. - !'. O. HOX 90 . F. Sclieihe, CIGAR MANUFACrUREIt. Smokers' Articles in block. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Crauds Manufactured to Onh r. MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Eoss Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas Hemp Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spika GaLvanl7td Cut Nail. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paiuts, Oils, Groceries, E2to. PATROHIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There Is no occaslonior the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom (Made Clothes As they can pet Detter Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANT. New Goods bv Every Steamer. Call and see him and satisfy yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. T. W. CASE insurance Agent. ItEPllESEXTIXG California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fir mi Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Instance Co , S. F. Phenix of London. Imperial of London. 1. BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business. Jir.ifta tlrattt) available in any part of the U. . ik! Europe, and on Hong Koug, China :' i k lUiuus : it) a. at. to 3 p. a. ni hKi.Lows Itoiutixa, Astoria. Orejion. laverick National BAMC, BOSTON, MASS. CAPITAL. SUUPLU&. $400,000 .. 800,000 Accounts of C.iuks, Bankers and Corpora tiot.s f olicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excel lent, and we rc-discouut for Banks when balances arrant it. Boston is a Reserve Citv, and balances wiili in from Banks (not located in other Utfer e t 'I ics) count as a rejen c. V.udraw our own exthane on Loudon and the Continent, and make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the United Slates and Canada. We Inn e a market for prime, first-class Investment Securities, and Invite proposals from but es. Counties and Cities when is MiiiiS bonds. o do a general Banking Business, and In cite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER, President. JOS. W. WOItK, Casiiier. Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN FOB GENERAL BAHKIM BUSINESS Accounts of Finns and Individuals Soic ited on Favorable Terms. Interest iialil on 'lime DeposiLs. Muin-y 1-oanul on Personal and Beal rstate je eunty. Foreign anJ Domestic Exchange bought and sold. C. T. Kilce, Presiilent. Joint Ilob.son, Vice Pres. A. SS. Kclcc, Cashier. . IC. Warren. ( t-w-, V. S. Wright, j D-wCiOM. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK OF I'OUTLAM), OKKUO.N" Paid up c-ipital Sui plus and prolius S2CU.000 C0.000 Interest allowed on savinj-'S depMts as follows. On ordinary savings books, 4 per ci nt per annum. On tenn savings books. C j er c ut per annum. On certificates of deposit : For three months, 4 per cent prr aMiuui For six months, 5 per cent per annum. For twele months, C per ceut per annum. FKANK DEKUM. Piesldeni. I). P. 1UOMPSON. Vice-1 re deiiL ii. c. feiUATiON, cahier. Astoria Iron forts. Co.icoiii! f.t.. Foot t Jack-on. Astorin ir mi r:il MacMsisis ni Boiler Maters. Land and Marine Engines iUtll.Kll WORK. Steamboat WorU and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. IO.HN Fox A. L. Fox, . J. U. il usi i.uv...... Pre-ident and Sunt Vice President Sec and Treas -THE- Scow Bay Foiliy -COltNER VEST FIFTH AND WALL STS. ASTOltIA, - - OCKGOX. CASTINGS Of all Descriptions MADE 10 ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. FARM AND DAIRY RANCH TO LET Twenty to Tlilrty Choice Cows AKD 30 to 50 Acres of Fine Meadow Farming Land A Farm of ICO acres, 4 to 5 acres of orchard In entice fruits, complete farm buildings, near Astoria. Convenient to sell milk in thB city. All farmlnc tools and dairy appli ances. One span fine Farm Horses and V:uon. Apply to this office, or to A. II. Kile, on the premises, at Woodlan t Farm oung's Uiver, Or. LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpenter ami BuiIIr. HoH & JlcCurtrie's old sUind. luve over 200 plates and drawings of all Kinds and styles of dwelling-houses, ranging fromaSdoo to $'.2,000 Call and see them. O- 3BODEL3S3Bar Contractor and Stone Mason All kinds of Stone Work donoin a neat and substantial manner. Address all Orders or Correspondence iiox 213, Astoria, vr. A Pocket Cigar Case Free to Smokers of SSIIaHSS TELEGRAPHIC SDHART. A fire in Portland did $5,000 damage. A $10,000 fire occurred at Fresno, Cal. Spotted ferer has reappeared near Gallatin, Tenn. Gregory, Ballon & Co.. brokers in New York, suspended. Customs officers in 'Frisco captaradj $1,3UU WUCIU Ui. upiUlil. Parnoll and Mrs. O'Shea "were ad judged guilty of adultery. The proposition to build a trans-Pa cific cable has been endorsed. The Sioux Indians in North Dakota are arming and trouble is feared. " Maine "mugwumps" have decided that Blaine cannot be the next president. A ship capsized off the 'Dalmatian coast and thirty-eight lives were lost. The futnre of Alaska was discuss.! by a prominent eastern newspaper man. Ai Tipton, Ind., the express office was robbed of a package containing $1,000. A boiler at Msrtstown, Pa., expleded: three men were killed aJB seven injured. A railroad accident near 'Kansas . ity1 caused the death of a large number of en. 'w,K Two insurance companies in Minneap olis were put. into the handsr'ofa re ceiver. A Stockton clergyman cfeatsd n sensai tion by making a confession from the pulpit. Dispatches from London and Berlin say that the markets tboro are iu good condition. The jury in tho case of Mo Vuiiffo nn J Slavin charged with prizo fighting !in London disagreed. Thomas Curly was arrestod in San Francisco on suspicion of having beien a Chinamen to death. Representative Springor of Illinois, eaya ho is in tho fight to win the speak ership of the next house. If Charles Francis Adams resigns, Sydney Dillon will be tho next president of the Union Pacifia Company. A party of immigrants from Nebraska have arrived in Portland; thoy are pennt less and have appealed for aid. The market in New York opened un steadily yesterday nnd several failures were announced on the exchange. 'J Near ilo3cow ono hundred peasants wero shot down by troops for refusing to obey the command of a petty official. Baring Bros. A Co., telegraphed their Boston agency that all matters had been arranged and for thou to proceed'-rith business. - A story has just come to light that in May last a bold attempt was made to assassinate' President Harrison. The "crank" who attempted it is now in the insane asylum. Jdditfuat DcUortjh m Fnuiih Page. iftoNmooDpoRirrfn, IT 13 THE IDE AIi MEDICHm It rouse the Liver 2nd Kidneys ad Stomach, Cures nraaacne, juyspensis, creates an Jippe tite, Purifies the Impure Blood, aad Makes The Weak Strong. Used everywhere. flstetUeiaixfftrffc S, Successors to Wilson & Fisher. SHIP GHANDLERSs HKAVY AND SHELF :bc.:el i -w ahb Fartnjmplements, Paints, Oils, " and Varnish. Loggers' Supplies. Provisions, and Mill Feed. :GKNKKAL AUBN1S POR: SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS. Portland Roller mills. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ETC. Astoria, - Oregon. GO TO LARSON & HILLBACK FOR GROCERIES AKI FRESH FRUITS. Orders : tlivered Free f Charge. Comtcy Orders Solicited. Third Mreet. next to Floueer office. B. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IK Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL: PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson 8ts.. Aitoris, Dissolution of Partnership. Tli I a f tn itnf tfvoll rhnm fr tnew flint' tnA nfrtTPrqmn nvotfnA .vliHM between P. O'Hara and H.H.Inpalls under tho Arm nam n-f n'Hflt-a Xr Tncrallo I. .v.i. lay dlssolTed byautual consent, p.' O'Hara niwuianiuc. iuowi uiui win seme all accounts with the business un to Nor. 1st, aim seiuo ui utiu BJcuun iuo urui. P.OTIAKA. H. H. 1NQALLS FIR BI A FOLLOWER OF GUITEAU. Dastartli Attempt to Kill President Harrison. THE ASSASSIH LAY UT WATT. Officers Bare the Life of the President And Ar.eat the Would-Ba Assassin special br Tho U.trrrD Peksj.I Cikcixnati, Nov. 17. A local paper unnU a story to the effect that bat for the vigilance of the United States secrot service officers, President Har rison would undoubtedly have been shot by a 'crank" last May. - The "orank" was first heard of in March, when'iSenator Hoar received a very savage letter, which demanded that he push his resolution to investi-gate-the Southern courts to tho bitter eniL-w He declared that unless somo abuses were rectified he would kill the president. Tile matter was placed in the hands of Chief Bell, of the seoret service, and two seoret service men finally succeeded in locating the -writer. He was a small storekeeper in Peters burg, Va. The fellow went to Washington on May 23rd, being shadowed all the way and in Washington by detectives. Tho "crank" stationed himself on Pennsylvania avenue and when the president passed for his morning drivethe fellow, when the executive carriage was within twenty feet of Jiim, attempted to draw a revolver. The two detectives were upon him in an instant and he was hustled to police headquarters where a 38-calibre revolver was found in his pocket. He boldly confessed that he intended to kill the president. Later, he was quietly adjudged insane and he is now confined in on insane asylum near iiiolimond, Va. am. spniNCER agaiiv. T1!b Time He Elect Hliusdlf a.a tho Next Speaker. Special to Tus ABTonixx.i "WASHniQTOK, Nov. 17. Representa tive Springer, of Illinois, is a candi date for-speaker of tho next house and said to-day: "I am in the fight to win. I have fourteen votes from my own state to begin with, and I count on tho North west, There will be ono hundred members from the states east of the Ohio and never, yet. haa -a speaker been elected from a stato west of the Wabash & Mississippi." A Hfwp 1 Paper Saves Her Ufe It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but It saved her life. She was In the las: stapes of consumption, told by her plijsioians that she was in curable and could liveonljr -linrt time; he weinlie-l less than secern, p Hinds. On a piece of wrapping jwijht ?1i read of Dr. Kins' New Discovery, anl got a sampli- bottle; it helper h rCshf bought a larg hot tie. It heljd her ni.ro. bought another and grew better .'a-.t, continued its iiae and Is now strong, healthy, josy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller BartiiMilars sei d stamp to W. H. Cole, iruggibt. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Dlscoery Fite at J. W Conn's Drug store. An Eau Clairo butcher found a S20 gold piece, somewhat worn, in the crop of a spring ohicken. It was dated 1875. and the sup position is that the chicken swallowed it about that time. Now Is the time to test the best Ca tarrh. Bronchitis. Asthma and lthen matic Cure in tlie City of. Astoria. Fifty packages of LeKoy's West India Catarrh Cure, the regular price of which Is $5.00. can be Jiad from J. W. Conn, the druggist, at SIM per package, thereby saving $4.00. This is a preparation warranted to cure. Call and get a package, as they go fast. Kemember the nlace Conn's, onno- sltethe Occident Hotel. S. Brown & uo.r lTopnetora. L.os Angeles, Cal. P. O. Box 892. Blmnaur-Frank Drug jo., Portland. FOR SALE Cheap For Cash. Inquire at Standard Saloon Magnus C. Crosby Dealer la HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Plpa and Fittings, Stores, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Shet Iron. Tin and Copper. -MY- OVERCOATINGS Suitable FOB DRESS OB BUSINESS WEAR ARE CHOICE GOODS THE FJLTTEKN, Tke Beat, THE VBIOE, Tke Ckeapeat Aad The lPt G-txAor&xito e cl WSea abo My Special Tea-Bllax Pants, to Order. Address James Finlayson MERCHANT TAILOR, 534 Thlr Street, Aatarla, Or, M Store and Stoct Mil TEE WEATHER SELF CONFESSED. A California Minister Creates a Big" Sensation. Special to The Astoriajt.1 Stockton, Cal., Nov. 17.- Themosfc profound sensation ever created in church circles in this city, "was the result or some of the most startling remarks made yesterday morning by Bev. Sj. Munroe from the pulpit of the Presbyterian church, the largest and most fashionable in the city. Unexpectedly Mr. Monroe started to make a confession of his sin to the fashionable congregation before him. He said that, God had commanded him to do so. Ten years ago, he said, before his marriage, he had had im proper relations with women upon promises of marriage, which he had never intended to mull, amce his marriage he said he had been pure in action, but not in thought. He then proceeded to tell of female members of his flock toward whom he had improper thoughts. The list embraced married and sin gle ladies and he mentioned their names publicly before the congrega tion. Most of his improper thoughts came when ho was walking home from prayer meetings with the sisters. A TRANS-PACIFIC CABLE. Action ef Coast Chambers of Commerce Endorsed. Special to The astokiax.i Sax Fkanoisco, Nov. 17. On Ooto ber 21st the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce adopted resolutions favoring the laying of a Trans-Pacifio cable to Australia via the Hawaiian islands and Samoa, and the assistance of other commercial organizations on the coast was requested. In response to this tho local body has received communications from tho chambers of commerce of Los Angeles, Cal., and Astoria, Or., stating that the matter had been considered and the position taken by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce is fully in dorsed, and the congressmen in "Washington, representing the interests of the sections mentioned have been requested to do what they could to carry out successfully the proposed project. ANOTHER BIG DISASTER AT SEA. A Ship Capsize! aM TMrty-EiiM LIybs are Lost. o.vxr TimtTEEX'.WEiix: sated. Special bv The United Press. London, Nov. 17. A ship having on board a party of laborers and a largo number of animals for the Is land of Brassea, capsized offtheDal mation coast. Boats were put out from the shore and rescued thirteen men. Thirty-eight persons and one hundred animals perished. Victory for tho Strikers. Special to The Astokian.1 San Francisco, Nov. 17. Tho'lron Molders' Union this morning scored another point in its effort to get men away from the "struck" foundries. Two of tho best men in the Union Iron Works wero this morning sent East on the Overland. Elegant and Useful Ornaments. Three of the most beautiful articles which have been Been in this city for many a day were observed in the New York Novelty store last evening. They are a mantel clock and two can delabra, which are of onyx with gold trimmings. Each candelabrum has sockets for five wax candles, four ar ranged in the form of a square with the fifth one inthe center, and several inches above the square. Tho clock is of unique and tasty design, with the best of movements, and finished in a complete manner. Tho value of the three pieces is 3125, and the lady who secures them for her parlor mantel will be envied by every other woman in the city. i m Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not Thousands upon thousands ot dollars are spent annually by our peo ple in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon dyspep sia and instead Eupepsy. We recom mend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Lhrer, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and Sl.00 per bot tle by J. W. Conn, Druggist. Tho New York World, it is said, pays $667,500 u year for paper used in printing its editions, while the next largest bill, that of the Boston Qlobe, foots up $326,000 a year. advice to mothebs. Mrs. Winslow's 8oothinq Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollcandis the best remedy fordiar-rhcea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. G. B. Smith Has bousht the Mikado Candy Factory aud will keep a fine assortment of Gandies, Cigars, and Fruits In season. Give me a call. H. EKSTROH, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OB. A line line of Gold and Silver Watches, solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc., at reasonable prices. RepalrlnK Promptly sone. Next to Morgan & Sherman. Meeting Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Masonic Land and Building Association of Astoria will be held at the oQce of Capt. George Flavel, on Wednesday, December 17th, 1890. at two o'clock p, h.. for the pur pose ofelectlng five (Si directors for tho en suing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. 8..T. McKEAN, Astoria, Oregon, November lc. isao. ALL THE WOULD OYER. Parnell ani Mrs. O'Shea Acljnflpa Gnilty uy a Jnry. THE PANIC IN WALL STBEET. Another Outrage Eeported from Euasia Sioux Indians Arming General Motes. Special by Tiie United Piies3.1 London, Nov. 17. The trial of Parnell and Mrs. O'Shea for adultery, resulted in the conviction of the con- pie. Captain O'Shea gets a divorce and the custody of tho cliildren. FROITI ABROAD. TVliat European firms Say of tlic Great laiiic. Special to The AsxonrAN New York, Nov. 17. Tho following private dispatch from a London firm was received here to-day: "We do not think the liquidation of Baring Brother & Co. will seriously affect any ono in America or here." The following dispatch has been received from a Berlin firm in answer to an enquiry whether there was any trouble then. ''There are not the slightest diffi culties; not even rumors." London, Nov. 17. Foreign secur ities are now depressed but consols aro steady. American securities are weak and the rate of discount m tho open market is nominally same as the Bank of England rates. The Post says: "A private cable gram from a prominent conservative banking house in London this morn ing reports the condition of affairs thero as having greatly improved. Special inquiry in regard to any other house than that of Baring Bros. & Co. being in trouble, brings the reply that no other house is even being talked about. Early London prices for American stocks were higher and the revival in confidence was marked. In Berlin the whole financial situa tion, all the past week, has been easy and quiet compared with the Loudon shrinkage of capital. In the cases of brokerage firms, speculations in stocks during the past week have placed many of the smaller firms in such a position that they cannot go on. Two of these suspensions were an nounced on tho stock exchango this morning. Possibly tho total liabil ities of both may not exceed 200,000. IN WALL STREET. The market Opens Unsteadily A Number of Failures. Special to The Astoria n.1 New York, Nov. 17. The situation in "Wall street tins morning was very much straitened and a very nervous feeling pervaded the street. The opening of tho stock market was awaitedwith much anxiety. The at tendance on tho Exchange when the callers gavel announced tho opening of the day's business was greater than ut any time since the present financial disturbance began. The market opened steady, however, except for Lackawana, which was weak. In the first few minutes he whole market sold off little, and as was expected "Mills, Bobeson & Smith made an assignment and was followed by another which was announced shortly after tho opening of the Ex change. About 1030 o'clock the firm of Kandall & "Weinura, brokers doing business at No. 50 Exchange Place, notified tho Exchange, through the chairman, of its inability to meets its obligations. This caused some con sternation, but the market is by no means panicky. Gregory, Ballon & Co., brokers at No. 1 New street, also announced a suspension. INDIANS ARMING. Trouble feared, by tnc Settlers in Nortli Balcotn. Special to Tiik Astokiax.i Mandan, N. D., Nov. 17. Super intendent Green at Biverside ranch, whose range is near the Sioux reser vation came in this morning. Ho says the Indians are coming north aud are well armed aiid acting in an un friendly manner. A number of the Indians are armed with two guns each and they have plenty of ammunition. They passed through town presumably to stir up tho Indians on the reservation north. Settlers are coming in from the south and begging tho citizens lo stir up the authorities at "Washington to action. Enough Indians aro travel ing about this section to run off all tho cattle and kill half the settlers in the country. ANOTHER RUSSIAN OUTRAGE. One Hundred Feasants Shot Down by Troops. Special to The astokiax.1 St. Petersburg, Nov. 17. It is reported that a riot occurred last week, fifteen miles from Moscow, and that the troops shot and wounded 100 peasants and workmen for refus ing to receive tho commands of the newly appointed district officials. A bursting boiler. Tlirce ITIcn Killed And Seven Badly Injured. Special to Tun Astoman.1 Beading, Pa., Nov. 17. At Merts town this morning, a boiler exploded and. the building was wrecked. Henry Epler, Sassaman Hilbert and Charles Oswald were instantly killed. Seven others were badly wounded. rtaratl oflttcuraliria. Lottie L.Derean, East Yiew, West - cnester uo., ix. x ., writes : "1 have been a great sufferer with nains in the back of my head, worse than any headache. 1 could not reach it with internal medicines at all and during the cold weather J have suffered excruciatingly. I finallv thought 1 would try an aiacock's Plastek, ap plied to the nape of my net-k. In less than half a day the pain entirely ceased." GROUP, WHOOPING COUGU and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. At ASK A. TVliat aji Eastern Iffan Has To Say About It. Special to The Astoria:.-.! "Washington, Nov. 17. Dr. Otis T. Presbrey, editor of Public Opinion, has just returned hero from a five month's trip to tho Pacific coast including Alaska. Speaking of the future of that section of tho country, ho said: "Of course the principal industry is found in tho canning of salmon, there being forty-seven establishments for that purpose. It is estimated thai their prodnct will make 1,000,000 cases of canned salmon, each case containing forty-eight cans. There are fish enongh to sufilec for centuries if properly protected by the law. "The immediate wants of that country to-day are land laws, and pro tection to tho fish industry. If the present method of slaughtering "jsalmori is kept up, in two or three years this great industry will be de stroyed and the loss will be deeply felt by the country. Congress should act at once for the better protection of the fish. "As to the future of Alaska, the country is not fitted to becomo densely populated, but gold and other min erals, fish product, timber and other sources of wealth are to eventually become immensely valnable to this country. It is in the wonderful land of America aud the magnet for all tourists. The natives are docile and tractable and are begiuning to be civilized. J3IG OPIUIH SE5ZURE. Capture Made by Customs Offi cers In 'Frisco. Special to Tiik astouiax. San Francisco, Nov. 17. A seizure of l,o00 worth of opium was made to-day. "Word was received by Collec tor Philps from Victoria that tho opium in question had been forwarded by rail from that place and would come through AMls, Fargo & Co.'s express. The collector immediately consulted with Collector of Port Kilbonrne, which resulted in tl2 cap ture. PARTY OF DELUDED IMMIGRANTS An Oily Toiipe d Swindler Brings Brings Tliem from Mrasia. TiEAli 3:HOKE Z.V rOHTLA2TD. Speci..l by The UxixriD l'UEiS.l Portland, Nov. 17. John Wilcox, S.,"Wilson and S. Thorpe, representing 10G immigrants, from North Platte, Neb., who arrived here on Friday last, visited County Judge Moreland to ob tain temporary relief. Among the. number are many women and children. Wilcox, tho spokesman of tho trio, said that ono D. P. Hargis, at North Platte, who claimed to be a representative of John E. Shingles, thero supposed to bo an agent of the contracting firm in this city of Kilpatrick Bros. & Collins, alleged that ho would ship the emi grants, horses, wagons and other goods over tho Union Pacific at tho rate of one-half cent per mile per ton and on their arrival here they would be employed at once to work out the freight bills. Mr. Wilco.c centinued: 'To our surprise, upon arrival Mr. J. H. Smith, agent for Kilpatrick Brothers & Collins, iaformed us that Hargis was unauthorized to enter into any such agreement with us and that tho rate would be double tho sum stipu lated. All the immigrants are broke and don't know which way to turn." "W'SkEj HE RESIGN. 2x Adams Resigns Dillon "Will 3c President. Special loTHKAbTOUiAX.l New York, Nov. 17. Kiernan's News Agency sajs: "It is told on 'un questionable authority' that Sydney l)illou will be made president of the Union Pacific upon tho resignation of Charles Francis Adams. Dillon and his friends control upwards of SOOjGOO shares of the capital stock." A Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles are known Uy moistnre like perspiration, causing intense itch ing when warm. This form as well as Biin i. Bleeding or protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly en tho parts affected, absoib-. tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure. 50c. Druggists or mail; treathe free. Dr. Bosanko, Piqiia, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. About 830,000,000 foreign capital has been invested in Virginia during the last five years. Foolish .Martyrs. There are martyrs and martyrs. Some were ttfce in tho loftiest some are silly in the most improvident -ense. The word im 1to ident exactly am lies to the latter class, since they n-glect to provide against threat ened danger. We commiserate, but we can not respect thei". Among the frllliec are martyrs to rheumatism, uho might have prevented daily and nightly recurring tor ture by the eaily me of llostetter's Stomach Bitters,:, blood depurent more efficient in removing the virus of this complaint from the circulation than any thus far brought to the notice of the general community and tho medical profession. It promotes greater activitv ot the kldneys.thc channel through which blood impurities, productive of rheu matism, gout and dropsy, are principally expelled, and it imparts a degree of vigor to digestion and assimilation which has a most favorable bearing on the general health. It also remedies biliousness kidney tronb'es and malaria. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the llemetly for yon. JACOBS Oil CURES PERMANENTLY"" 1 SFRAg&S and STRAINS, Athlotea Praiso it Hlzhly. 656 Minna St, San Francisco, CaL, May 3, 1SS7. Some tlmo aso. vvhilo a member of tho Olympic Athlcuc Club, I sprained my kneo severely and suuereu azonv. bnt vras atvwvinv and completely cured by St Jacobs Oil. JOHN GAEBDTT. Jumped from Engine 609 S. 17th. St., Omaha, Neb., Sept 22, 1SSS I lumped from, an engine in collision, and strained my anlde very badly. I used canea for weeks. St. Jacobs Oil completely cured me. G. HOEDEH. AT DEUCOIST3 and Dealees. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltlwore. 4. H T,