The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 17, 1890, Image 3

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    "S.6r .
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Mfe C
Thc gaHg Itetoran.
.... NOVEMBER 17. 18D0
FulHlit?r and Proprietor.
sroniAN Ruiuhnc. - Caks Struct
Terras orSabcrijilIoti
Senod by Carrier, inr week .........
Seal liv Mall. jr month
vtu l Man. one year
Frro of KKtage 10 MibscriIor,
. roots
. S7.00
Trrs Avtoriax cuarantccs to its adver--Wer
the larcea eirculatiou of any neia
rr rmblLshod oh the Columbia river.
Additional Local News on Jst Page J
J. H. Smith tie Contractor Is Tie
Manager of It.
The small boy is now anxiously
aTutinjr Uo first frost, and elods are
beinp put in order for active service.
A chimney in the residence of H.
B. Parker, on the Main street hill was
burned out last evening. No alarm
"wns sent in, and no damage was done.
The weather is delightful now, but
the days, though pleasant, are grad
ually growing cooler, so that fires are
quite agreeable, especially in the
Colonel Maher met with a painful
accident Saturday evening. While
going along Second street he slipped,
and falling, broke the bones in his
left wrist.
Columbia Engine Company, No.
Three was out yesterday for a practice
drilL Hose was laid and two streams
thrown. Everything worked satis
factorily and the boys are more than
pleased with their new engine.
It is now stated semi-officially,
that the steamer to go on the night
run with the Tliompson will be the
5. ?. Jicd, instead of the Harvest
Qtiecru The new schedule will go
into effect about the 21st inst.
The Scow Bay Foundry Company
is now running on full time turning
out a large lot of castings for the
South Bend country, and the other
side of the river. The foundry is also
doing considerable extra work for
local foundries.
A representative of C. H. Cooper
states that the inference contained in
a local in these columns yesterday
morning was incorrect, where it stated
that the suit brought against Mrs.
Kucker by Mr. Cooper was "for
clothes bought by her husband," as
he claims that the suit was brought
for merchandise furnished to Mrs.
E. T. Johnson, the representative of
J. H. Smith, the contractor who com
pleted the Seaside division of the As
toria & South Coast railroad, was in
the city yesterday :.nd returned to
Portland on last evening's steamer.
The mission of "Mr. Johnson was to
see if some arrangement could not be
made with the property owners here
or the South Coast Company to pay
I the claim of Mr. Smith and save the
forced sale of the bonds given as se
I curity for the payment of work done
! on the line-
Mr. JohiiEon sla'cd that all Mr.
Smith wants is his money and he
thinks it best that the mortgage
bonds of the company should be kept
intact in order to facilitate their sale
in London. What success the gen
tleman met with is not known, but he
stated that he thought the matter
could be managed satisfactorily.
When asked in regard to the new
construction company, particulars of
the organization of which appeared
exclusively in The Astobian of Fri
day, Mr. Johnson stated that the com
pany had incorporated with a capital
stock of S150,000, and for the purpose
stated, that of completing the main
lino of the Astoria & South Coast road
to a connection with the Southern Pa
cific company. The stock, the gentle
man also stated, had all been sub
scribed, J. H. Smith being the prin
cipal owner and the manager of the
Asked when operations would be
commenced, Mr. Johnson said that he
did not know, as it would depend en
tirely on the sale of the bonds of the
road in the European or eastern mar
ket. As soon as the company's bonds
are placed the work of construction
will begin, and once commenced, it
will be continued as rapidly as men
and money can do it.
"No," said" Mr. Johnson, "I know
nothing about the engineer represent
ing the London syndicate further than
that I saw a cablegram sent to Mr.
Keid a few days ago, saying that an
engineer to examine the lino as sur
veyed had left for Astoria."
The recent repairs on the M. E.
church in this city cost $1,425, and
tho entire sum has been raised, so
that there is no debt resting upon the
church. The pastor and members
therefore feel remarkably well pleased
at such a state of affairs and grate
fully acknowledge the assistance so
promptly rendered by the many kind
friends who contributed to bring
about this desired result
The readers of the Columbian will
observe that it devotes, day after day,
the most of its editorial remark to
adverse criticism of The Astokiax.
Boys, you may belaboring mightily for
the prosperity of this city, but it is tho
opinion of many that your editorial
column is filled with such ill-natured
drivel simply because you haven't the
ability to do anything more sensible
than scold a neighbor whose success
you envy.
Shall Lady Delegate' ro to Con'ercncc?
Serin on hy He v. Dr. Koauncr Yesterday
At the reopening of tho M. E.
church yesterday forenoon, the ser
mon was preached by Rev. Dr. Kum
mer from the text: "All thinga work
together for good to those who love
and servo tho Lord."
Ho divided the text into three heads
as follews: 1st, All things work; 2nd,
All things work together; 3d, All
things work together for the good of
those who love and servo the Lord.
He illustrated tho first division of
the text by referring to the human
body or any other living organism,
and considering the numerous parts
and how they all work in harmony to
accomplish the appointed end; how if
one part was lacking the work would
bo imperfect; even in sleep the brain
was working, and the circulation was
continually going on or death would
ensue. And then ho stated about tho
quantity of blood the heart would
pump and make its own repairs, with
several thousand million beats the
heart would lift a good many thou
sand tons of hood, and thus he drew
the conclusion that all things work
and that work is the most necessary
fact or feature of all things.
Then ho considered tho second
clause together; for an illustration on
this part of the sermon, he used his
watch, ho showed the audience how
each part of the instrument was just
as necessary as any other part and
that all must work together to fulfill
the demands of its maker, so each part
must not only work, but they must
work together.
Under tho third head he inferred
that every man would admit that there
was an infinite principle, or being, or
ruler of the universe, who made and
controlled every part of the creation,
and that we should not use our mental
telescopes wrong end foremost; to see
Him properly wo should bring Him
near to us and trust Him as a child
would a parent, for we are all in the
pit aud must look up trustingly until
we are perfected.
After the sermon a collection was
taken up, and nearly 500 was raised
towards paying for repairs on the
Interesting Sermon LastEreninE lay
Eey. G. C. Hall.
Synopsis of an Address by Rev. Dr.
Kummcr Last Evening.
On Thursday afternoon till the M.
E. churches in the Oregon conference
will take a vote on the proposition to
admit ladies as lay delegates to tho
general conference which meets in
1892. At the session of 18S8, several
ladies appeared as delegates but were
refused admission on the ground that
the constitution did not allow them to
appeared as delegates. At that ses
sion it was voted that the matter be
submitted to all the churches in the
country, to be voted upon in October
or November of 1890, as to whether
lady delegates would bo admitted at
the next session in 1892, for the gen
eral conference meets but once in four
The polls will be open at the M. E.
church in this city, on Thursday after
noon next, from 2 to 9 r. jr., and every
member of the church over 21 years
of age is entitled to cast n vote. The
judges will bo Oliver Slew ar I, Mrs.
W. L Crawford and Bev. G. W.
Passengers to Portland.
Yesterday forenoon the sands north
of tho middle channel of the Columbia
river, were lined for miles with myr
iads of sea birds. They were of a
brown or black color and of a size
between a teal duck and a sea gull.
They presented tho appearance of a
black wall, from an Astoria stand
point Some six years ago tho same
phenomenal congregation of these
birds took place, but they then ex
tended from the bar up to Tongue
Point. Just what their presence be
tokens is not known. Perhaps an
open winter.
Editorials in Trie Astoriax, as well
as in other papers, are not written for
imbeciles, idiots, small children, or
people of less than ordinary intelli
gence. Judging f rem the inability of
the editorial representative of our
Second street contemporary to com
prehend the clear and concise editor
ials in this paper, it is but natural to
suppose he belongs to some of the
above named classes of mortals. The
poor fellow has our sympathy, but if
he will attend school for a few years
he may then, possibly, have sense
enough to understand what is per
fectly clear to every one of average
"It's a wonder to me that whole
stocks of goods are not nightly carted
away", remarked Police Officer
Bc&sley, a few nights ago as he stood
guard over the unlocked front doors
of one of the largest business houses
in this city. "Do I think there's any
burglars inside? No, a careless em
ploye has gone home and forgotten
to lock the doors," said the officer. "I
find two to three stores open every
night, and as I remarked, the wonder
to xae is that the stock in some of them
knot carried away, What do I do
when I find a store open? Why, I
'pipe for another officer and while he
watches X have to go and dig up an
employe and have the place locked
The following is the list of passen
gers having rooms who went up tho
river last night on the steamer I!, li.
Harry Stubbs, J. Strauss, Mr. Jan
Fiomel, J. Clinton, M. M. Ketchum,
J. Grant, E. Purrington and wife,
Mrs. Young, Mr. L. G. Haavcn
and wife, Mr. McLeod, J. B.
McDonald, Mrs. Betts, Mtes Fletcher,
Mrs. H. S. Travis, A. H. Turner and
familv, J. Turk, B. F. Anmered, D.
K. Inslie, W. P. Smith, F. Bowen,
John Axton, J. IL Langworlby, J. O.
Bantborn, Mrs. Douglass. E. T. John
son, C. W. Fulton, E. P. Thompson,
Mr. Maple, H. A. Smith, Capt. Ewart,
C. Lidburg, J. L. Colwell, F. Scott,
J. G. Bolan and wife, A J. Johnson.
State Fish Commissioner E. P.
Thompson, who had been in the city
for a couple of day?, left for Portland
last evening.
State Senator Fulton was a passen
ger for Portland last evening. Ho
denied that his trip had anything to
do with railroad matters, f-tating that
ho was going up on private business.
m .
Herman Wise has a large nnmber
of fine Christmas presents displayed
in his corner window. Not to men
tion tho $100 lot at Chelsea, fine
lounge, music box, etc.
A large audience was assembled at
the M. E. church last evening to listen
to tho second sermon of the day by
Bev. Dr. Kummer. Tho discourse
was more in the nature of a lecture,
and the subject was "Temptation."
It was ably handled, and listened to
with much earnestness by all present.
Sin is abundant in the world and all
men are subject to temptation, but if
tho grace of God is strong in the
heart, we can pass unscathed through
all surrounding inducements which
sin may offer. Wo cannot escape
temptation, but if fortified with the
love of God we will bo able to resist
An example was quoted where a
member of his church who had for
merly been a drunkard, "who for
eighteen years had been sustained by
the power of God, and kept from
drink, though the appetite had still
reinaiued in all its force during those
long years to such an extent that :
when the man passed a saloon, or
even tho smell of liquor was wafted
towards him, it was a temptation to
indulge in drink, but prayer to God
had enabled him to keep his pledge
in the midst of all the temptation.
The spcakeradmitted that there was
considerable fascination iu sin, and
that some forms of sin wero moro at
tractive to one person than to another,
but that each person, knowing his
strongest form of temptation, must
strive to guard against it Beer is a
strong temptation to one person aud
champagne to another, but whatever
our strongest temptation, against that
wo should be especially watchful lest
we fall.
No ship can sink with Christ on
board, and no human being will fall
before temptation who has the love
and grace of God strong in the heart
Willi this knowledge in mind each one
should strive to be so strengthened by
divine power as to bo able to resist
any aud all forms of temptation which
sin may bring to bear against us.
A statement was made that nearly
S300 moro was needed to complete
paying the expenses on tho repairs of
the church, which was cheerfully sub
scribed in less than five minutes.
"Let your Speech be always with
Grace, Seasoned with Salt," was tho
subject of a discourse delivered in the
Congregational church last evening by
tho pastor, Bev. G. C. Hall, which was
listened to by a large and attentive
audience. A synopsis of the sermon
is given as follows. x
I am ever grateful to him who, in a
spirit of meekness and love, privately
reminds me of my faults, but I hold
him in contempt and. pity who
gossips about the faults of others.
However, it is of little use to talk to
the gossip and fault-finder about the
beam in his own eye, for he is ever too
busy with the motes in the eyes of
other people to pay any attention to
that Let not our speech be outland
ish, bitter, insolent or ugly, neither
let it be feeble, insipid, fiat .and pow
erless, but let it be with grace, grace
ful, apt, attractive, interesting, strik
ing, penetrating, cleansing. Let it be
with salt, salty.
It is a good rule neverto speak of
one of whom no good thing can be said;
at least, never speak evil of any one,
however tru it may be except you
hope to accomplish some good
thereby. There are few so bad that
there is no good iu them. It is possi
ble to say something good of almost
any person.
It is written, "to the pure, all things
are pure," and it is fair to say con
versely, "to the impure, all things are
impure." It you will be careral in
these respects and industriously store
the mind with things honest, just,
true, pure4and lovely, you will have
many delightful things to say and
your speech will be with grace, grace
ful, well seasoned with tho salt of
righteousness. A well stored mind is
essential to fitness of speech.
A minister should study well the
people to whom he ministers in the
light of all experience. -He should
study well the place iu which he min
isters, through observation and
through the local papers. He should
study well the times in whioh he lives,
through current literature and iu the
light of the history of the past If ho
studies iaithlully lie .may jirovo a
blessing to Ids people, to his commun
ity and to the age in which -he lives.
The speaker alluded to tho tendency
of many preachers to give gushing,
sensational sermons as if they deemed
those the best to entertain people, but
while Buch may please, tickle or en
tertain some classes of people they are
not the kind ot sermons to teach god
liness or that tend to save souls.
How much need there is of the
salt of righteousness in this corrupt
city! How much need of true zeal in
consecrated effort" How much need
of christian unity and love. Dr.
Kummer preached this morning on
the grand text, 'All things work to
gether for good to them that love and
serve the Lord," and as he told about
how busily all things worked and how
well they work together to conserve
the purpose of God in the good of
them that loVe "Him, I grayed that
this church -miglifwork earnestly and
work together lovingly for the king
dom of our Lord.
40 Acres of Land
Given free to any one who will contract
to cut and take it off the land.
Land is within l miles of Astoria
and K mile from tide water.
Wingate & Stone,
Real Estate Agents.
almon fisheries
We are prepared to Supply our Patrons
and others with the best Fbh Netting, in
Traps or Seines, our Long Experienco War
rants, f ot 1881. We Invite early orders.
BitB Of f Ice, 04 Commercial St
"""".......... ....................... .... ...w.... ......
uHumnuuiiHii m ! uamimmtMHua
Bent's Fine Furnishin
The Largest Stock, Best Quality an i
Lowest Prices at the Sign or
The (.olden Shoe.
Troy, 2T. IT
2Tot York City,
By thf (iovemor of the State of Orepoji.
A fine bed lounge in Heilborn's
window, a lamp at Oaraalian's and
a baby buggy at Strauss1, are three
very fine presents for Herman "Wise's
Special Meetiag.
The members of Astoria Engine
lo.Oe, are hereby notified that a
special aeeting of the company will
be feeld at their hall this Monday
evening at 730 o'clock. Afttll attend
ance k required.
H. A. Smith,
W. F. Bestjzb, Secretary.
Hohsc ler KcHt.
Cottare of 5 rooms; desirable portion
oC the city, witii good view. Inquire of
G. Lt. Carlson, corner Third and Olney.
Fsralskcd. Reems Willi Board.
Persons desiring comfortable home
accomodations or good Table Board
will find it at
Hbs. E. C. Holden's,
Corner Fourth and 31ain Streets.
Frcsfe Eastern Ckcstnuts,
Xain St bet 1st and 2d. 1, X. L.
Fntlts. Caa4y, ICkIs.
Fresh Pe&sate every day, I. X. 1.
First-ciass shaving, 25c, Ferd Fcrrell's.
Every person purchasing
Ten Dollars worth of Goods
from Herman Wise, the Ee
liahle Clothier, in the Occi
dent Hotel huildinffj will re
ceive a Ticket free of Charge
entitling the holder "to a
chance in the Drawing for a
numher of Handsome Christ
mas Presents.
!"oi s:iitl I'lmplf'sanU other affections
arising from impure blood may appear
at this season when the blood is heated.
H(ortYS:tr.:ipuri!I:t removes the eause
or th'.ce troubles by purifying, vitaliz
ing ami enriching the blond, ami at the
same time it gives strength to the whole
Fresh OjnIt, Hastorn Clntiid
At .lohn lingers' market, opposi'c C. H.
Coopor's, Third street
Independent Slate Writer.
Maud Jones, independent slate 'writer,
can be consulted for a few days at the
Parker Iloiise, llooin 12.
Wcinliard's Uecr.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, s cents.
New Crop Kaisins, Figs, Nuts, etc.
Also a full line of first class canned
Table Fruits and Vegetables.
At Thompson & lions'.
Nething: Succeeds J,lkc Success.
lt is verified by Iho fact that nearly
everybody eats at Jeffs New restaurant
" Winter NcIHs" Icar..
Fifty Boxes must be sold at once;
also Apples, Bananas, Grapes, etc
At Tnosirsox & Eoss1.
Kcw Goods Just In.
Mince Meat in wood pails and glass
jars, Cape Cod Cranberries, Plum Pud
ding and Dew Drop Pumpkin,
At Thompson- & Boss'.
Cuidj aad If Hts
At Holses, 6M Third street
Go to Oteca's lor Cuban Blossoms, 10c
Pigs' Feet in kits and half barrets,
Salmon Bellies, Salmon Tips iii kits,
and Spring Salmon in barrels.
At Thompson & Boss'.
Ludlow's Ladies' 3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. fioodman & Co.'s.
At Holmes, G40 Third street
Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of cakes.
In pursuance of a timo-honored
custom, T do hereby appoint Thurs
day, the 27th day of November, 1890,
as "a day ot public Thanksgiving to
Almighty God for tho manifold and
great blessings which ho has graci
ously vouchsafed to this common
wealth during tho past year, to bo
observed on tho part of the whole
people by acts of devotion and charity.
In testimony whereof, I havo caused
the seal of tbo State of Oregon to be
affixed, this ton lb. day of November,
A. D. 1890.
SiijVESTKn Pbknoyer,
By the Governer:
Geo. W. MoBbibe,
Sec of State.
X Iak and Well Selected SUck of Fine
Diamonfls i Jewelry
At Extremely !.uw fricfs.
Ill rlMds ltoagfet si This KaUblUhment
Warranted Genuine
VTaicn xnd Cluck Repairing
Cnmr flass nud Sqm-nioiiiH in'ets
8ucc4.-Mi lo K. O .Tlolden.
ThH oldest esl:i!!Wlu'd Commission tUmia
In Uiv:n (ls of nil kinds will nu e um
inLulun. t Aurllnn K.-Urt Kvcrv Satur.1.i.
Kivri'nU Hfp.tlrttiK, J"MU:,i :': Up!iol
jtorisitf done.
Klm ilwk of Furtillnn-oii hand.
Vr..:i 4n: vn; t'.Hrc.tlu tii i.ntrliAld
.H ittl'l ol.S-N
1,400 MILKS.
Rut She Got It. A S amnio of tet
ters Dally Received.
Only tbote who havo trlod It can kuovr
what It is tbnt prompts one to Bend 1,500
mUc3 for lt to get lt again. Here U another
of many such Instances:
Dear Si as: I cnd $5, for which please re
turn a half dozen of your A'egetabloiaruipa
r I Uri. I have moved hero from Hlorra City,
CoL I took three bottled before leaving,
hence I send all the tray back to California
for more. It was Just befoxo I loft Sierra
City, about a year affo, that I began to feel
very misoraDie. M.y axin was Yery yellow.
and I was all pans and achei, especially un-
y shoulders ana in my head. The doc
tor said it was my liver, and gayo me some
medicine which relieved mo somewhat.
one of my neighbors happened in and told
tako jori Yeselabie
mo she had started to
I did.
and with such good effect that i sow feel
liko a new being. I have persaaded one of
my neighbors here to tako It, so part of thU
Is for her and part for myself.
Butto City, Montana.
Tho reader. Who has -not tried it, has &a
idea what thevegetable Juices lathis remedy
will do far disordered lystaai.
JFIho Table WImo
Delivered at 60-cents a gallon, to any
Earc or tnc city. a. ine line or p
alifornia Wines at low prices, at
V. Utzlngor's Cosmopolitan saloon.
SuIoob, IjoiIglBfflloBse Fer Sale.
A Saloon and Lodging house doing a
good business for sale at ajbaxgaln.
Must he sold in a short time. Inquire
at this office.
A fine lino of Cigars and Cigarettes
can be found at tho Columbia Bakery,
59G Third street
Lessons given inlloman Embroidery.
Cutwork, Paris Tinting. Chenille,
Arrasene, etc etc Stamping done to
order. 1C5 Cass St
Noka. Kappleyka.
Only One in tlie United Stales.
put of 1357 cough syrups mannfac
tured in the United States, but one has
been found to be entirely free from
opiates and that is the California Posi
tive and Negative Electric Cough Cure,
which is the best on earth for coughs,
colds, croup, etc Sold by J. 7. Conn.
Furnished Rooms
For rent, on Main street No. 507.
Mrs. II. Bkkkxdes.
, The latest st vJi of th'iits' lloois and
shoes at I. .1. Goodman A Co.'s.
Worse Tlxan JLcprosy
Is Catarrh, and there is hut one prepa
ration that does cure that disease, and
that is the California Positive and Neg
ative Electric Liniment. Sold by J. V.
Conn. It also cures neuralgia, rheuma
tism, headache, sprains, burns and all
pain. Try it and tell your neighbor
where to get it
Cutlery, at G0 Third St.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open tin year 'round.
TelCDhOHC JiOdcmc JSmiBP.
llest Beds in ;ovi:. Room por night
Wand 25 cts., pir wcpk iuxi. ,New and
clean. Private i-nlramy.
$1,000 REWARD,
What Would Astoria Be With
out Jeff?
S1.000 reward In TT. S. cold coin vrill
be paid by " Jeff ,M the World Benowned
Caterer, to any ierson who can satis
factorily prove ne can get a oetter meal
or a greater variety of all the Delicacies
ot the season to chose irom.than he can
at Jeff's fortheinoncy.
Second street, opposite Telephone
All Night Lights, per Month, each .. $2 GO
12 o'dock 1 60
10 " " " 1 25
'West Shore Mills Company.
CHRISTY'S, London, Eng.,
Fine Stiff Hats
Men's and Boy's Suits an
d Overcoats,
r m s B 'as 9S 3L. HI
The Leading and Largest Store in the State Outside ot Portland.
517, 519, 521 3rd St., Astoria, Oregon.
J '' - ' -- -...-I...,. J M I I . J..l Jll . LB
John C. -Dement.
Successor to W. . Dement & Cn.
Canto Complete Stofk ot
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries.
rmerlytla Careralix
Agent tor
Mexican Salve and
Norwegian Pilo Cur
Hm Opend a
Produce and Commission
4M Tatr Street, Astoria, Or.
Wholes! and Retail basluess in Flour.
Kill Feed, Oats, Potatoes. Apples, Etc
Solicits a Geaeral Commission Business.
A fifteen bTl Peel Tab'le and all the
leading newspapers on file at the Sun
nyside Saloon.
'Attention Sraakcrs.
La Perla Cubana all imported.
r lor do Madrid.
La Palladina.
La Ermina.
La Faniana In Key .West Brands.
The iJelmont
Heading lloom in rear of Cigar Store.
Guahlks Olses'i
SMLOH'S COUGH and Consump
lion Cure is sold by ns on a guarantee.
It cures Consumption.
The Oregon Bakery
IMilrM, Cats aui Pastry
Kane but tbe Best Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread deUrered in any part ot the city.
Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff,
Pockit Cattery, Marine Glasses,
Corner Main sad Second Sts., Astoria. Or,
& Co.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers in
Cannery Snplies!
North Pacific Brewery,
JOHN K0PP, - - Proprietor.
Speclal Attention Civento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Pureosaei delivered in any part of the city
. Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 158. Telephone No, 87.
Ceitwctors au Bnilien,
6wen en Brick.
Wood Work.
Stone, or
CeaMurtcaaft Qeaaemt W.rk
- dHnecialtT
WtCE, V ilIBiheylBVf5t.
Saturday, September 27th,
T7e vrill open
Oloaks, Wraps, Jackets,
Our House has a standard reputation
which neTer falls to attract general atten
tion during our Cloak Sales.
mcallen & McDonnell,
131 A IS 3rd St., Portland, Or.
Leading Dry Goods Store for first class
gotda at Easttra prices.
Agents for McCalla Bazaar Glove Fitting
3Z 3C 3E O 3EI. T "E3 3. .
(Opp, Telephone Landing.)
Is tbB Bon Ton Restanrant of tie Toyhi
Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Speciatly
The Finest TTlnts and Xilquor.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. No connection witk his old place on
Main Street.