"r v "w "S" gffg,- ttZfrv -r - (V ears has been established and as ji SHAVING SOAP, every city 01 enc world. Xt is tlic purest, cleanest, fittest, Tlie most economical, and therefore TJie Vest and most gopxilav of all soaps for GENERAL toilet PURPOSES; and for use in the nursery it is recommended by thousands of intelligent mothers throughout the civilized world, because while serving as a cleanser and detergent, its emollient properties prevent the chafing and discomforts to which infants are so liable. PEARS' SOAP can now be had of nearly all Druggists in the United States, UUT BE SURE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE, as there arc worthless imitations. TXtC TABLE FOR ASTORIA. 3ovkmi:bk. I. .K WATKli. LOW WATKH. I . s? --nmni. ; Kirt Second. --1 -if! . - ' -,-: h a i i i i -r -; , !- 1-1 - 4 Lt 'as T OB 32 S" -J 17 - 6 10 It IX . 7 . . SJC t sr 1 . -! 1 1" H a.t; 10 31 11 27 12 :-7 2 20 3 20 1 07 4 n; 5-4 00 :n 7 12 7ol 8 32 03 07 4 1 1 0 3 4 silt) 2s n m 0 28 1 2S 2 21 3 1A IJIJ -1 41 fi2- .1 ."!) I 27 2 0 ! 1 O 7 0 1 J 1 71 . a -0 1 7 CW 7 42 s2i tl 05 a so 11 10 0O5 1 12 -0 7 07 -0 5 -0 3 0 2 a 1 t 3 1 10 07 k i 11 01 h l 59 12 3S 1 .")- 3 OS 4 10 5 a; r. .12 3S s ai 8 4.T 0 22 10(H) 23 2 1 1 3 04 -0 3 -0 8 7 -J 2 IS !7iJ 3 IS 4 in 5 07 582 (! 33 7 13 "M S3G I'-XI I 44ff 21 (13 1 1 -1 0 -0 J T ; 41 S 21 '& ce i7 0 4 0 0 I 7J 3 20 I I !w sac N-twiHMi inidundit and noon are -i- .'ml by a (a. ih.), those between noon oil' ..twtaht Ity j (j. m.). Oh. Win a de-t:- 4feiit. oh mm, j denotes noon. T. 'ich0i( is reckoned from the Ieel of avetvv: wwerlou wntr to lilch t he sound ae su- stvciH on the Const Survey charts. VESSELS OX THE WAY rmai Foreign Ports for the Columbia River. Aca. Brji. KTi. Xiauntius, Arwuiar SrfeV. tHC. Cape Town. Aetrscaai. llr sp. ifift. Yokohama. Anfi jtmarotiaa. Br sj, I7W. Cape Town. A.ttiter Ldurvncw. ISrbV. 12H5. London. Btrir frttV.Mtfe.HoBolaln. t "hi J vr.AHik. 1SSJV. Scvr York. lc? aiU. Krsfi, IS7. Liverpool. Oca '.. Mr m. 13st. Anwcrp. JclySI. Fs y. 'a r, Hr so. 1C1. Liverpool. Kinr4kMH:fetiifere. Br. &. 14E.Tonalo. lrtoa. Kc bw, 19A Liverpool. Ity 1 Usaboth. Br bl, 1155. Sydney. Lizm l. iJr bL. 1C Anwcrp. July 21. Lbc a. KrShp. 177J. Ilieso. Ans 14 letwP a. Br ah. i:. Montevideo. MacDsS, Hr s)mp.!235. Santa Kosalia. Kiltmi Tart. Ur pp. ltd. banta Rosal io. Nortn Itr-.12C. IBdon. Ik itetvre. Br bS. 13f . Alsea Bay. r satt.Krs9.1l rrt rie. Br bk. J5JS. banta Bosahe. ioetUSi Glens, Brsp.SiXil. Hio Janeiro. Scott ses. BrsKlSBS, Batana. Aug 21. FROM AMBRICAX PORTS Reape-, Vnyp,K(B, Xctr York. Tli I MarfescL. Am n, lsai. N. Y. July Th 1A THC RIVKR. Ate wwtfc. Rr sp, IK6. Xcwcastlo A. AsBcvJry, Bs. p .1G3S, Liverpool Cntsf Mkfj UW. Honolulu. t ttr nt "rMe. Br 1L.SS. Brisbane. ly ta4elHia. Am. sp.. 1351. X Y. Mar. IS. li ips, Abi h . W36. YoVohacia. Ki&ra. Or. i ITS I, London. ilirt ic Hall. Br. sp ItTi. Rio Janeiro. July K. rartkM. Br.b.. K. L vcrpool. May 23. "irourrv 3JKKris. Asfeor L.odgo No. 6, K. of P. RE-VLAU MEETINGS EVERY WED H3 cvealuc at 7 0 r. si. at Pythian CaUr. siktrHin? Ivuights in ood stnud itu otnUally mvited to attcud. .Hj p4( C D. R BLOUNT, KoI R. and S. Scaudfaiaviaa Benevolent Societv. I h . ; LAU MEETINGS OF THIS SOCIE .. t -a tfceir rooms in l'ythlan building at r - i k v sx.. on Hie second aud for . le4j-Nof t-acli month, AUtl. DAMELSON, Secretary. Swjds l,oi?o Ko. 12. A. O. U. W. Kc. LAK MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Xo. li... O. L W. will bo held in u r JLU1 m l"thian Castle, on sa - . evetttHg of. faah week, at 7 o'clock. Ti" e . of Jhc order in pood standing, and -. iUiers hk invited to attend. Ii-"t-irv Jl be opes fifteen minutes before j! -r oMhaeetins. Bv order M. W. W. 1$. ROSS, Itec. O m aatasnpaient, No. 13,1. O. O.F K. . i LAK MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN-.-.nmest Xo. 18. I. O. O. F., at the 2.au- la Um Odd Fellows Building, at vc r u, on the econd aud fourth Nv . I dt month. Sojourning bretu n 'iAHy tamied I. Tier C. P. Astoria Butldinc & Loan Association Milt RKtSULAU MEETINGS OF THIS JL Avoint4n at' held at 8 r. xi.. on the .t rlHttday of awli month. Ofilce on l.ca icrt? rel, bomh of Chenamus. AV. 1.. KOim. becretary. Oocariou CounciL ii. - UAX MEETINGS, SECOND .VXD fc. f ar;1i Tcsy eveuitigs of each month ja is M'etook. c9riVtsMK ify-ln t have matters acted u?oate te Council, u uy regular meet inr least )itxjant Utv same to tiie Auditor a4 dT. or bof ore the Friday eveninc ttriAr i ttie Tmtla on which the Council boltls i . regular raeetins. THOS.S.JEWETT, aditorand Police Judge. OCtUM . K PRACflCAL CIVIL, 3 lanuuNeol. MiiinKEiiKinceriUR,bur'ey iZ. 'HaahUus. Arclitccturo, Assaxing aad Navtation. 170H Second Street, l'ort laad, Or xnd 723 Market St.. S.m Francisco, CaL EtMivttcdlil A VaxdkbXaillkx, lYes - -umI ler cireniar. S.Ail.NiT&i?ERClEN ASlOttlA, - OREGON. Thr ??oncer Machine Shop ntAK4tlTH yp H Q V '4 -, Iciirr icp 50t .vit kinds of B2IG-IHB, CAKKEEY, STEAMBOAT W0SE Proas pUy xtteefled to, lpnirttTiXet repalrteg CANNERY DIES, JWX C LAFAYETTE STREET. dpmzis sxS&3iKF&k tK&mmIJv 'LMMi&: 5MKHPaS; .kyCKK, &i$ sy TTh in London I GO YEARS both has obtained 19 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS, and is now sold fn DO f hftii AS. YOU AAILS ffr I KNOWnr YOU ? you, but it is true. These aro tho sure symptoms of this tcrriblo disease. There is one thing which will check it and that is Dr. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY It Is recommended liy the best physicians In Europe and America. S5cnt, CO ccntH and $L00 per Bottle. W. H. HOOKER & CO., 46 West Broadway, New York. p?Pftl6Ei CREAM gAKlNg Used liv the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Untvers slties and Tublic Food Analysts, as the Strongest, Purest and mast Healthful. Dr. Prlc-V Cream lUkins Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price's Deliclou FlavonnR Extracts, Vanilla, Lemou, Orange, Almond, Kose, etc., do not contain Poison ous Oils or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. Now York. Chicago. S.in Fran-'isco RAILWAYS AND STEAMERS. Tickets ON SALE TO DENVER, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, ACT) AliL POIKTS - East, North and South AT s:. A. Noj-es, Agent, Asiori.i. EI. Fl. Bozortli, Ticket Agent. ITXXOW PACIFIC TVn.lF Overland Route. Kat hound from Portland : Xo. 2 Lim ited Fast ilail. leaves at 7 a. . No. 8 Over land Flyer, leaves at a v. m. ii.oi iutum j.w. i vigiiuu i J 1)1.1, ai- rives at C :10 i. M. o. 1 Limited Fast Mail. arrives at (J :40 A. ai. Main Line. Nos. 7 and 8, "The Overland Flyer," carry through Pullman Sleepers. Colonist fclceners. Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Main Line, Nos. 1 and 2, "The Limited Fast Mall," carry Pullman Dining and bleep ing Car between Portland and Chicago. Dailj. TO IORTJLAN. day, Wednesday :.ud Friday, Tla tho 3regon sidc. The steamer It. 11 Thompson leaves As toria at 8 i. m. on Minday, Wednesday and Friday. From Portland at 110 r. ai., on ! uesday, Tliuisday and Saturday. Astoria and San Francisco SAX FltAXClSCO TO ASTORIA. tTKASIKlt. DAV. DATK. SUite of California Tuesday. Saturday.. Wednesda Sunday Thursjay. Monday.... Friday Nov. Oreiron Columbia.. ... . State of California Oregon Columbia.. ... Suite of California- ASTOItIA TO SAN FKAK CISCO. hTKASIKK. I PAY. DATK. Oregon .............. Columbia . State of CalironiM Oregon Columbia Sunday Nov.., Thursday .. . C aionuay Friday Tuesday Saturday Wednesday Sunday 10 14 18 r. 22 .20 30 State of California- Oregon Columbia TI3IK SCHEDULE. Astoria & South Coast Railway. Leave Lv. Clatsop Via Steamer Astoria Beach, Electric . 9 :00 a.m. 8:11a. m. Electric . 3 :00 i. m. i : 15 r. m. () Dally except Sunday and Monday. .) Daily except Sunday. Notice to the Public. TIIIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL WHOM IT may concern tliat G. S, Garthec Is man ager of the Globe Saloon, No. KJ, on Main street, Astoria, and from tills date he will be liable for all claims, against the business of the Globe Saloon, and will collect all bills due it. I hereby tender my thanks to all iny old customers, and bespeak the same good will for my successor that I have enjoved. CHKIb WEJEN. Astoria, October 25. 1890, Dissolution of Partnership. This is to notify all whom It may concern that the partnership heretofore existing between P. O'Hara and IL IL Ingalls under the firm name of O'Hara & Ingalls, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, P. O'Hara withdrawing. The old firm will settle all accounts with the business up to Nor. 1st, and settle all bills against the firm. P. O'HARA. IL H. INGALLS. soao as a COMPLEXION IAf II MTP Yu feel tired Do you know Yv II A I lt it means $ Yon arc nerv ous Why? You cough in the morning Do you realize tho cause? Your appetite is poor What makes it so ? You seem like a changed person to your friends Do you know what is tho matter, or has tho change been so gradual it has escaped your notice? You have Consumption ! We do not say this to frighten EXTRACTS WmffULFRUTFLNnRS Portland and Coast S. S. Co. GRAYS HARBOR. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from Port laud every Thursday at 7 r. M. ; and from Astoria the following morning. Laud ing at Iloquiam. Aberdeen. CosmupoHs and Montesauu. SH0ALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st niiil ir.ili if p.iMi iiimitii l-inrtii... -ii North Cove, South J'.eiul. WHllrpaand i ueuier. F. R. STROAG, PresideuL a P. UPSnUR, Agent Astoria. The Str. Telephone Portland and Astoria. Time Table. CcaTcs Atterla: Tuesdavs. TlmrstLivs and 5?:itnnlavs at 0A.M. . -"- " Arrives at Asteria: Monilavs. Wednesdavs and Fridavs nt 3 V. at. leaves 1'ertlaud: Mondaj-s, Wednesdajs and Fridays at AM .? I. R. & N. Co. TnE STEASIEks "Gen. CanLy" or "Suomf ' Iave Astoria daily at 8 a.m. for Tanzy Point. Ft. btevens and llwaco. etmnnctinD- with railroad running north at 10 X. f. and it with boats on Shoalwater Bay, for South ucno, bunsmne, jorin cove and other points through to Gray's Harbor. South Bound Trains Start From Nahcotta and Sealand At 1 P. M., Daily, Connecting AVitk Steamer For Astoria And Night tBoat For Portland. ti. A. JLoemls, K. V. Egbert, . President. Supentenileut. , JToIin R. Coulter, Sec. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY virtue of the command of L Vfi Case, mortgagee, endorsed upon a certified copy ot a certain chattel mortgage, given and exe cuted by Alf. D. Bowen, and In favor of said L W. Case, to secure the -oavment of n. cer tain promissory note. I did on the 5th day ! novemDer, a. jj., ikw, at the hour or 32 o'clock and 30 minutes, r. m.. of said day, levy upon, seize and take into ray possession the followlnc described articles' of personal property in said mortease described, tc-wlt - One Campbell Cylinder Press, one Wash-' ington iioe Press, one Paper Cutter, one Card Cutter, three imposing stones, one lot of body type, COO pounds more or less, one lot of display type, CO ponnds more or less, one lot of gas fixtures, one lot of paper (plain), one lot of paper (m colors), one money safe (White's Patent), and each and every article of personal property In The office and composing rooms of the "Daily and Weekly Pioneer." and I shall proceed to sell the same, (or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of SlJtfX). to gether with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 19th day of August, ibbw, ana tne accruing costs.) at puo lic auction, at the premises known as the Pioneer Office," in block No. B8, and front ing on Squemoque Street, in McCiure's town of Astoria as laid out by said McClnre and extended by Cyrus Olnev, in Clatsop county. state of Orecon.to the'hicrhest bid. der for cash in hand, on the 15th day of No- vcmoer. a. u. ibwj, at me Jiour of io o'clocl; A.-H..ofsaidday. . H.A.SMIDT.. Sheriff of Clatsop Co.. Or. By THOS. G. BOELLING. Deputy. Dated at Astoria, Or., this 7th day of No vember, 1890, dl28-135 DELICIOUS flAVORlHG CaTHLAHET CDLLTKG3. Gleaned from the ''Gazette" of. Triday1, November 14, 1890. I. N. Bergman lias been on Elol -omin this week, laying in a choice supply of veal, mutton, pork anil beef, for the residents of the modern Na ples. There are a couple of Frankfort gentlemen prospecting for coal on Gray's river. They claim to have struck a fine, drift on tho upper forks of the rivP Gray's river -will aston ish the world with her coal, yet. Surveyors were camped last week near Oak Point, coming this way. The general supposition is they are out in tbe interests of the Northern Pacific, who are looking for terminal facilities on the river. EL P. Ahlberg, says there is no better soil in tho world,' for the grow ing of asparagus than Gray's Biver. During the summer he Ehipped Jarge quantities to Astoria and elsewhere, which met with a ready sale at good prices. The teachers' examination held a session yesterday and will finish to day. The board of examiners are: Miss Minnie O'Conner, county super intendent; Miss Litten.of Skamokawa, and O. M. Harvey, of Catblamet The applicants are: Miss Mary Foster, of Deep Biver, and John Donanght, of "SVaterford. Potatoes are steadily advancing in price. Before the winter is over, srptids iu nil probability, will be worth ovor five cents per pound. The rea M.n su-signed for the high prices is tho fact that tho potato crop has been almost a toial failure in many states of the union. Just abreast of Charley Baton's house, on Puget Island, iu the "West port channel, lays un old stump of a tree, about four feet in diameter. It is situated 200 yards from shore and at low tido tho ground that surronuds it is bare. There would bo notiiing very remarkable about this common occurrence save tho fact that six dis tinct varities of young trees are now growing on tho remains of tho forest nonster. A Gmelte reporter who re cently cxaimined tho curiosity found a cedar, cbittim, crab apple, spruce, willow and alder tree growing thriftly on tho slump. It is supposed that tho birds had dropped the different seeds at intervals, and taking root, like "Topsy" of old, in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," had "just growed," and here they sta jd to-day. giving evidenco of in time becoming forest'monsters. A new bridge lias been put in tho county road between Brookfield and Crooked Creek. Quite a good deal of road work has been done in this sec tion. Thero is now a roadIrojn Brookfield to Crooked Creek. As coon as tho weather permits, a trail will be cut into Gray's Biver. This, with a road to connect with Skamok awa, mil make Brookfield an eligible point for a store and other necessary business houses. Productions of Gray'a Biver valley, for the year 1890: Iiocs, 5.000.000 feet & S5.C0 per f M S 25,000 00 Hay, 700 tons, $13J per ton. 10,0jD0 00 .Duucr, 'u,ULfu puunuis w . cents per pound '. 5,000 00 Beeves, hogs, veal, mutton, poultry 20,000 00 Shingles, cordwood, piling, etc . 5,000 00 Potatoes, twenty tons, S40 per ton ...: 800 00 Total $ 65,800 00 This estimate does not include veg etables, eggs fruit, honey and -other similar articles that aro shipped dur ing the season. Graphito has been discovered near Santo Espiritu, Cuba, and the owners of the mine intend to commence work immediately in connection with some American capitalists, as the mineral, which is as good as that of Siberia, can be advantageously disposed of in the United States. children Ory for Pitcher's -Castoria SVhea Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. (Then she was a Child, tho cried for Castoria, iVhen she became Xiss, she clung $o Outoria, iVh en eho had Children, she gave them Castorii J v ' , (S Prom Terminal or Interior Points THE Northern Pacific 'Railroad : Is tho lino to Take to Ail Points East and South. It Is The DiningCarReHte.-ltruii8XlirugU Vcstibulcdl Trains Every Day In tbe Year te ST. PAULrand SHIGA GU NoChaneb of iCais, " I U. Composed of Dining- Cars unsurpassed. Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers -v Of Latest Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that can he constructed and in which ,. accommodations are both Free and " Furnished to holders of First or Second-class Tickets, and for Elegant 'Day Coachesi- A Cantinuous Bjinc Connecting. will) All Lines, alToi-ding Blrectnmd , Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations Can bo Secured In dvunce through any Agent-of the Kpad. , b ,. . Through Tickets To and from all Point3 In America, England" aud Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full Information concerning rates. timeef trams, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A.'D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger AgeHt, No. 12l.FIrsfSt.. cor. Washington, J , " , .. j.Portlaad, Oregon. Final Account Notice. -'TWTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I -ti liave filed rav final account In the estate of Chas. Gratke,deceased and that tho hear ing thereof lias been by the county Judge of Clatsop county. Oregon, set for the 4th 'day of January, at the hour of 10, A. M. ANNAGRATKE, Administrator. Clatcop county, Oregon, Nov. 11, 1E00. v20-5t. Dissolution of Partnership. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL, XVnOM IT may concern that the partnership here tofore existing between Earnest Loll aud L, Larsen Is this y -dUeolYed;: Ther Ifasl" iiesswlllbeeontlnnedbyL, Larsen'whd'wlll' collect all debts due and settle all claims against the firm of Loll & Larsen. Astoria, Oct. 27, 1800. Netice. TIIE PARTNERSHIP EXISTING BE tween T, R, Jcobs and T. J. Piuiamer, 'under the firm name of Jacobs & Plummer Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. T. R. JACOBS. T.J. PLUMBER. Astoria, Nov. llth, 1880. WEDDED AND ORPHAHED. Marriage of a DamMer at the Bedsifle of Her Dying Momer. js ExrmzxG v.lrext's wish. A singular and pathetic incident is related in the last issue of the Cath lamet Gazette. Mrs. Allison JSrooks, of Skamokawa, died at Portland last Monday evening, and on her death hed made tho request that her daugh ter's marriage take place immediately, that she might see it before she ex pired. The request was complied vith and the account of it is copied as follews: Mrs. Brooks was a true wife, a lov ing mother and a kind friend. Her pleasant smile and cheerful demeanor made her a whole host of friends. She leaves behind her one daughter, Miss Oliva, aged 16, who was attend ing school in Portland. Miss Brooks was engaged to be married next year to Dr. S. F. "White of Sellwood, but as her mother felt as if she would die happier to see the dearest object of her life wedded to the man of her choice, the ceremony was performed, in the presence of the mother, whose life was fast ebbing away. Just as the exercises were concluded the dying mother breathed, a fond benediction on the loved ones and closed her eyes in death. Daring these pathetic scenes the two lives were united. Tho mother's soul was wafted to another world, amid the dying- echoes ot tho marriago bells, blended with the solemn reqniem to the dead. We ex pend our deep sympathy to the bereaved ones. WH1 be paid to cny competent chemist who will find, on analysis, a particle of SIcrcury, Potash, or other polsona in Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) . AN EATING SORE Henderson, Tex., Ang. 23, 1839. "For eigh teen months! had an eating sore on ray tongac. I waa treated by the best local physicians, but obtained no relief, tbo soro gradually growing worse. I concluded finally to try S. S. S., aal was entirely cured after using a few bottles. You havo my cheerful permission to publish, the tbovo statement for the benefit of these Eicuhrl j tmictcd." . C. B. McLemohe, HcndcrsonTcx. Treatise on Blood end Skm Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga. "ift"- HEALTH RESTORER. IT IS THE IDE AIi MEDICaJTE. It rouses the Lira and Kidneys and Stomach, Cures Headache, Dyspepsia, creates an Appe tite, Purifies the Impure Blood, and t Makes The "Weak Btronc;. Cited everywhere. 91 a bottle; six for $3. L0EB & CO.. Wines, Liprs and Cigars. A Large Stock of First-Class Goods. The Trade Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Forelim and Dome.stic Brands. Main street Opp. l.irker House. Standard - Saloon, Southeast Corner Third and Olney Sts. Astoria, Oregon. The Celebrated North Pacific Brewery Beer on Draught. AIsq. the Finest Kinds of Wines, Li quors and Cigars. ;j Beat of .Frcncli Brandies AkD BRANDT PEACHES. -H'CRUBE, Propr. ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. SJ9.fe xszs -y.: x. 9m?)zz' xttfcCA &e hfeAS HEAtTW Z .' UGiwrn'.! CoM-ti Jlalsam Ko. 1 Ojrca tliancrefi. fir, nnd s?mnii ct- Syr ScalD. and nit primary forms of the disease known as svphilis. Price, sr. r.n no- t?.i HLRIf,iu " Co?dou Balaam No. a CurcBrertiarjr, Merturjal Syphilitic Rheu matlEm, Pains in tho Bones, Pains In the Head, bach of the Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic irash, Lumps and con- -tractcd Conls, Stiffness of tho Limbs, ami . eradicates all dir-ic-from thr system, whethLr cauietl . , IndTscrction or abuse cf Mercury, leaving tho bld pure anJ healthy. Price 5 00 per Bottle. lc Itlcliau'M Goiaoa Spanish, Aati. doln forjlo cure f aononJicea, Gleet. Irr.Utibn Gravel, ahl all Urfnaryor Genl' Ul dirarraas;6ments. Price 33 50 per .-Bottle. Lo Ulchan'd Coition Spanish In jection, farssvero cases of Gonorrhea. Infiammatory Gleet. Stricturcsc. Price SI ao per Bottle. k? B:Ua, Golden Ointment for the effective hcalin-of SyphiiiUc Sores, andcrupUons. Price SI 00 per Box. Le nichan's Golden Pills Norve and Brain treatment: loss of physical pow. er, CScesi -Or OVOr-WOrlr. mtnM ,. Price $Q.0O per Bex. " A. 3 Tonic nnd Nervine, - Bens everyncre, c. O. D., sccarelr pcrexpres3. i THE RICHABDS05 DRUG CO., AGE T 689 ui 511 Market Btrett, ' San Francisco, Cal. . CIRCULARS SENT FREE. Salesman. 4 N ENERGETIC MAN WANTED TO JCJL 1 push our manufactures on this cround- i One of our agents earned $5, 200 In '89. Ad. SfOS IssssWsssssssstssssssssssssssssssssMM WkI Mgpmrn ii i nJTM tt'S'Z'bmJE fvJBC; DISEASE. urcsa jt, v. BUi. ioi, new iorK, Tutfs Pills will save tho dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever ho wishes. They prevent Sick Headache, cause tho food to assimilate and nour ish tho body, givo keen appetite, and Develop Flesh and oUd muscle. Elegantly sugar coaScd. Price, 25 cents per box. Sold Everywhere, Office. 44: Murray St IT. T. Fate's Golilei Female Pills ! For Female Irreg ularities ; nothing like them on the market. Never falL Succ&jsf ully used jujr luiiumieiiLuiuies teed to relieve sujj pressd menstrua tion. burelSafa! Certain! Hon t be huiuhui; r'I S.ive time and health ami money ; la enootliLT. eat to anv al- drr-vx, secure by I mail n receipt oi i in u t. ".2. Address. ! THE APHRf) XE0101NE C MPAA'Y. Western Branch. Box '-'7. ruitrLA.VD, OK. ST. '-A-XJ'Xj DISPENSS PORTLAND, QBE Is The Only Exclusive Private Disease DiIH'iisjio m tills Coast, and it rrc.tsiii :itif tlust esses Than all the doctors on The Uoast combined. Dr. BOXELL THE GREAT HOT SPfil&S DOGTOS "New Sjstem of Treatment." Seminal Weakness Permanently Cured. Iiost ninnliood Fully Restored. Gonorrrcha (JuicklyCiiifii. Icct Checked and Cured. Stricture Cured without Pain Hydrocele. The Burden Lifte.!. Varicocele Its Withering Stopped. Phimosis' Operated for Successfully. Chancroid Cleared Up. S-philis Thoroughly Eradicated. P.itlt ills all over the ("oast receive Special Treatment from this Dis pells iry dal y. Med cines. acenrtl mgto your Trouble, are circiully compounded. labeled for u-e, se curely packed, boved, veiled ami free from cxpnure, sent bj" Ex press, j re j ad. Tfims tt Treat ment au- within the reach of all, and a GUjUIjLXTEE cure Given in iverj- case. Patients know th it by placing their cases with an hxc.usive Private Disease Dispell u they will et .1 PfrniA ncut Curi' in I.Ci.s Time tii.iu with a dispensary that treats any and all iliscabcs and re.i ly eiin-.s but few. Pergonal eousiiltatioii and exami nation, free.; WRITE, &tate Your Case Fully. Address, with stamp enclosed, Sr Paul Dispensary Over"iirt!.ui I National Bank." PORTLAND, OREGON. OLD AND TKICI). SALOONS Wholesale and Ketall LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers ot Ail Brands of Foivhcu uid Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. II. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottlea Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. " Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the Ctty and Country promptly fllled. Squemoqua Street , - - - Astoria, Oregon. AUG. DMIBLSON, Sample Rooms. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for theGUION Steamship Line and the TruiNUVALLA Steamship Line, direct. Also, agent for "Svenska Trlbunen" and Svenska Amerikanaren." Corner of Water aud West Ninth Streets Astoria, Oregon. The Gem Saloon. Tho Popular Resort for Astorians. ir the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GKM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PBOPRIETOH Resort Billiard Parlor, GROSBAUER &BRACH, Prop's. L. FEUBER'S CELEBRATED Gambrinus Beer ! ON DRAUGHT. :uubrinus Bottled Beer. 3 J. TI. Cutter Whibky, Domestic and Key West t3isn"S Constantly on hand. Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph OQicc, formerly Telephone Restaurant. ASTORIA, OREGON. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Glass. W.TT. BOCK, Proprietor. The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Christian H'ejcn, Proprietor. (Formerly Bartender at tho "Resort' Bestof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner Main and First Streets. I prescribe nd tu'.y endorso Big G w thd only specific f or tb e cer tain cure of this dUease. O.Tl. IXQKAHAM,M.n Amstcrdiim, N. Y". We save sold B' G JoJ man j- years, tnd It has ti ven me Deiioi saur faction. 1) it. Dychjc & Co.. Chlcazc. Iv 31. SoldbyDrugtW Sold by J. W. Conn, Astoria, Oregoa, SmK 1 RY. ; FCartt la H W TO b DATS. gsmatMd not u w mSu no8lrictar. ffl Ef Vrdonljbytt SllTt-ClLtIiilCa. . Onto, jtt ' Tlt&PxxrlX ID PRESS BUK8 PFER . SET O1 Ti53 (9 XSlLZiIL&t-J 3JL J Jb3id:3Li -avliftraifti &? & J A2 &A& B Kf 1 , 5r?.j 1"- ?eswW vVri!Sa. - a iif,r x " S'xCisCM 52' rf. - m CHATIT.Ta DICKERS. premium Tho twelve Itahcd complei DAVID COPPERFIELD, MARTIN CHUZZLEWST, fi!CHOLAS NICKELBY, DOWI3EY AND SON, BLEAK HOUSE, LITTLE DORRST, OU fVIUTUAL FRIEKD, PICKVICK PAPERS, &42Z?. J:' V.J-I TLo ahoYO aro without question the moat famous novels that wcio ever vrriltcn. For a quarter of a century they havo been celebrated in every nook and corner of tho civilized n-n.-1.1 Vnt (l,nn ..a !.......! II - I iT 1 1-1 ?H . . linery. tho estromclv low urico of whUa tr- J -, we arc enabled to offer to our snbscribcra and rcadcra a set of Dickens' works at a prici' which all can afford to pay. r.vcry home in tho land may now bo enpplied with a set Df tlu" great anthor'a works. Our & eat Offer to Siscrita to tie " Weekly AstoriaL" TTc irill soul the EKTISC SET OF DICKENS' WORKS, In TWELVE VOliUHIES. as ahorc ilescrihcd, all postage prepaid lu ourselves, aUo JCIIE VEEKLY ASTORIAN for ONE YEAR, tipon reccijit of S2.T5, which (s only 75 Cents more than the regular sttltfcrlptton price of thinpapcr Ourreaders. therefore, practically set h set of Dickens' works in twelve volumes for only 75 Cents. This Is the grandest premium eer offered. Up to this time a set of Dickens' works has usually been 10.000 or more. Tell all your friends that they can get si set of Dickens' works, in twelve volumes, with a year's subscription to TIIE WEEKLY ASTOKIAIV, for only S2.75. Subscribe now and get this great premium. Jf your subscription has not yt-t expired, it will make no difference for it will be extended one year from the date of expiration. We will also give a set of Dickens as above, free and post-paid, to any one sending us a club of three yearly subscribers. Address : "THE ASTORTAN," Astoria, Oregon. or Latesi and mmm cr ill" 1 OIIV. Thz ifiiraoTH CTCLopxsraoontalns aeomplata an I au lirntic blftory of the great American Civil War, pro fjKlj llluttratcd, with numerous Anecdotes of the Rebellion ; a romplete History of America, from its discovery by Columbus to the prrsent time; graphlo descriptions of famous battles and Important events in tha history of all nations, chronological lii-.iorr.ctc.etc lilOCUAPIIY. This great work contains the T.Ives of all tbe t'rislleuta of the United States, from Washington to Harrison, with portraits and other illustrations, also lives and portrait! or Napoleon Bonaparte, Shakespeare, Byron, William i'enn, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and fimous statesmen, authors, poets, generals, clergymen, etc, don n to tbe present day. tr ACItlCTJI.TUItn. Valuable hints and useful suggestions to Farmers, treating of field crops, gates and fences, fertilizers, f4rn implements ; livestock raising, including the treatment of liseafeaofdomestla animals; poultry keeping, and how nada antxeufuland profltabls; bee keeping, dairy faimtngTotc. The treatment of these subjects is complete and exhaustive, and renders the work of great practical nsa to farcers andstoexmea. HOUTICUI.TTJllE. Herein Is given thenaitoserul hints liowersofull kinds of vegetables and fruits, as gatberod f:osi the experience of tbe most successful horticulturists. AKCIIITEOTCIIE. DcsIgssandpIansforhouses.cotUges, liarns and other outbuildings, with valuable fcgjesUons to ilio.e intending to build. !I OUSEIIOI.D. This work contains tried and tested recipes fir almost every imaginable dish for breakfast, dinner and tea. thl. department alono being worth more than nine tenths of tle cook books sold ; almost Innumerable bints, helps and sag geitions to housekeepers; designs and suggestions for making many beautiful things for tbe adornment of borne, in needle work, embrollery. etc.; bints on floriculture, telling bow to be successful tilth all the various plants ; toilet hints, tellUng bow to pie-nto and beautify the conplcilou, Lands, teeth, Lair, tic, etc f MEDICAL. Many dollars In doctors' bills will be saved annually to every possessor of this book through the valuable Information herein contained. It tells how to cure, by simple jet relinMMiome remedies, available In every household, every disease and aliment that Is curable, this department forming a corap clo med cal book, tbo value of which la any home can bar Jly be computed In dollars and cents. INVENTION' AND DISCOTEItr. Remarkably Inter eating dcs-rlptions of great Inventions. Including Ilia Steam Ilnitinc theTrlrzraib. the rrlntlngl'reja.tho riectria Light, tlm sowing Machine, the Telephone, tho Ijpe Writer, the Tvpo Hitting Machine, the Cotton Gin, etc THE WORLD'S WONDEKS. Graphic descriptions, Lrautirullv Illu'trateJ. oftho Yellowstone Park, Yosemlta Valli-T. Niagara 1'nlls, the Alps, Tarls, Vesuvius, Venice, Vienna, the Canons of Colorado, Mammoth Cave, Natural l:r !ge, Watklns Glen, ths White Mountains, etc, etc. Tit V VEI.". nescrlplions. profusely llluitrated, or the life, a-iicr, customs, peculiar forms, rites and ceremonies of tho P "1 UiOMhivo hrlef Bnmmary of Us contents some Mea of what a rpmarl..ibly Interesting, lubutrn- i iiMi.vnrk thoMAMHOTn Cyclopedia lfl may bo fainetl.et but a fractional part of th mplr-i trml i I i . i j.ri at work havo been named. ItisaTastRtorehoueof useful and entertaining knowlnlci- iii!.:mftl-1. v nrt'ioU-Ktand most raluahlo works ever publi.-lieil in liny land or language. NohoinohhouMli' wilii- it i It isa worlctobocnntulted evnry day wlthrepranl to the various perptexlnsr questions thatcnniUuily v i - hi rnliiiK and conversation, by thm fanner and hoinewlfo In their dally duties and pursuits, aud rorcorv I in. uaiiadlnjrr.o work Is more eutcrtalnin? or Instructive. Graal Preminm Offer to tie Snkrita to "Weekly Astora." t By special arrangoment with the i.nblislier of JIammotii Cvclopedia. we are enabled to make to onr subscribers and readers tlie follow hip extraordinary offer : ll'e iriH s.'nd the MAITIHHITH CYCLOPiEBIA, Complete in Four Volumes, as above described all postage prepared, also THE WELKL1 ASTORIAIH', for ONE YEAR, upon receipt of only S2.75, irdci is but 75 Cents more than our regular subscription price. 30 that you practically get this large and valuable work for the trifling sum of 75 Cents. This is a great offer, a wonderful bargain, and it is a pleasuro to us to be enabled to afford our readers so remarkable an opportunity. Through this extraordinary offer we hone to larcelv increise onr circulation. Please tell all your friends that they can get the MAmmoTH CYCIiOPJEDIA in four volumes, with a year's subscription to our paper, for only 82.75. Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to all who take advantage of this great preminm offer. Those whose subscriptions have not yet expired who renew now will receive the MAirilTIOTH CYOLOPiEDIA at once, and their subscriptions will be extended one year from date or expiration. The MABXlilOTn: CL,OCL,OFiEDIA will also be given free to any one sending us a club of three yearly subscribers to our paper. Address all letters : "THE ASTORIAN," Astoria, T-iiE CRY OF PfllLUONSl OH. 7V BKCKl STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BE TOO ItXTZ. m a 1 I have been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and have sought aid from different physician without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering' from a very violent attack that almost prostrated mc in such a manner that I was bent over. Svhen I sat down it was almost impossible for nit to net up alone, or to put en my clothes, wher. Vtml Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, in a few days.I am happy to state, that I was a new man. 1 recommend the tea to all affli as I have been. G. A. TTJBPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Rosa, Cal. Ir A. 1lr WlllV C3 :ted! V I n ; I If Urge oIysriSs, m g s t"a?yi nvist Wliicli -we OScr ifcli a Te&r'c Subscription io tiic Paper for a Trifie More than Cur 2uiar Sabscription Price. - WiabiiiR lo largely incicaso tho circulation of this anbacriitcrs a Set of the "Worlcs of Charles Die- en-, in Tirelve Lnrgo and IlantUon- Vol;:me, with a year's subscription to this psrer. for a trifle more tbiiu onr regular aul scriptiou price. Our great offer to snbscrihers eclipaca any ever luretoforo made. Cliarka Dickens v.ia the greatest novelist who ever lived. No author before or since his time h:3 vrcn Hie f.-metltat bo acliievctl, and bis worka aro cen n oro popular to-day than nriii;; bia lifetime. They abound in wit, hnmor, patina, masterly delineation of character, vivid descriptions ot places and inculeuta, thrilling and skillfully wrought plots. Each book is intensely interesting. Nohomcel i:ld bo without a set of Ibeeo great and rem.uk ablo works. Not to have read Uiem ia to bo far behind tbo age in which we live. TLo set of Dickens' works which wo offer ag n BARNABY RUDCE AND CHRISTMAS STORIES, OLIVER TWIST AND GREAT EXPEC TATIONS, THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP AND THEUNCOMMERCIALTRAVELER, A TALE OF TWO CITIES, HARD TIMES AND THE MYSTERY OF EDW1H DROOD. nanor. and tho ?roat comnfititinn in ihn rnnZ FTsisttiiiS fiftpr ' PVW HDOTIT A jlb.juf JulPm7 IE FOUS X,TOIEg, A Great and Wonderfa! Wssk, 2,8 76 Pages 820 Beantifnl illnstratlons ! Tnn StAJiJiora Ctclopdi4 has born pu: llshed to meet tho wants of tlie niostrs lor a universal compendium of knowli-jge, pracilcnl, useful, scientific ami general. The Tvnrk is pub lished complete In tour litres nml IiandiMtini? volumes, comprlshi? a total nt 2,176 pa?f, nn.l Ir profnely Illustrated wlthSJiJIwnntllii'pnriT Icra. Thou.snriN of oIlars have Ik-pii mcihm h .1 to rr aSc Ihli tlic HiO't m J 1 1-. rVri.h , n,I urtful work fi.i ll mn-eerYi-r !:.!' Ii. .! I Is a wi rk for ever, iitl mar. nun a i cluM. In i-rrry t n-ip i i r tr l!c In llf. T!i mi'j etniicxHiul prn. ilrtl nil Uv f twenty rt!lnir Tttunii- ai r .. I .1 iu tlie-rf four, anil so n-pVto l Hi- r- r lli knoKli-Jijo of evry lv. ml, pli .m" . l lli iifliil hints nn.l liclpful fiupsj-stloi,-, t!,8i wt-iiiilybelloro that In every llO.no to nturli lt-! lit Hud It war it will nrn C'inio t In reril il as worth Iu wr iuhi In -M. rirnantoricuTvecan only htirfly- Ruiumir IZ4 a small portion of tho conteutst-i Hi:- -r- s work, as follews: Chlnew. JarnOTe. "l(J peo;lc of In lit. AMe-i. Mi lwjr, Ptlcttln". IcclaoJ. lloruen, Hurmli. lli "nnjol'i u:tUt Serrl3, ICaifraria, Tartart Cashmere nu.l Tuuli, tli And, Turki. Mexicans, Pnutb .ttccricant, AnierUaa Indian.. Ex; lias. Slamric, Atrislutanf, NorcgIan, Siaularil !.. Italian., CriJ, lluuilant, BlbcrlanJ, Afghani. I'crattn., Jloslenu, Auitrallaus, Ilulsarlans, Sicilians, etc , e:c. MANTjrACTUKES. In thli sret work Ii lo it-rlta and tlmitrated tbs art and proceuesof iriniiuc.ien-uixi!nc. bookbinding, vcod engrattng. Uthograi bj,( Imiura,-... . call.-o printing, piano making. aleh mailni. pnr mixing, iha nanufactarsof (Ilk, iron. Heel, z'a. china, ivrtuitio, ipa leather, itarch, irall paper, turpentine, postal carl.. ; tmrJ, envelopes, pei pencils, neclle.. ou-1 umiv oihrr ihlnxj, alloCwblch via bo found pccullarlj Inicrt.tlce aul InJtrueliTC. FOKEK3N lMtOnUCTS. Iutere.Un Am Ipthn.. I.s. trated. of tlie culture and preparation fur ii.rkeiof tr. ytttt, chocolate, cotton, Bar, hemp, tugar, rlor. uum. c rr, glncer, cinnamon, allspice, pepper, coeoauuls. I Ineailr.. lun ulas, prunes, dates, raisins, Bj., olivet. Iu U.-ruLUr, gmta percba, cork;, cuaphsr, cuter oil, tapioca, etc . etc. XATTJltAlJ HISTOItT. Intcrcstlnr .! Ivti.-ilr discrlpUoas, accompanied br Illustrattona. of nuinrn n- l-n.i., birds, flibea andinHcta, niihmucli curious lu.oriutiuu iear4. ing tbeir Uf and babiu. r,ATT. Tnt IflUMOTtI CrcLorxoia Ii al.o a ronipUjo air book, telllnc every man bow be may bo Mi onn Uwtr.aml eontalnlnj full and concise ezplanaiiona of the turl ui and tbs lavs of tha several States upon all ni.iu r. hlcli am subject to UtlgaUon, trim numerous forms ofI lilucuuients. miNIXO. DtscripUons and Illustrations or tbe mining vl gold, silver, diamonds, coat, salt, copper, IcaJ, imc, ilu and quicksilver. TVONDEKS Or TIIE BEX. nereln are iMcrlW.l and Illustrated tbo many wonderful and beautiful thing. Um- at the botton oftbe ocean. tbs plants. Boners, shells, Cbss, eta , like wise pearl dlvlaj, coral flsbins. etc., etc. STATISTIOAIi AND MISCEI.T.ANEOro. Herein ir given a vast amount of useful and interesting Information. some of which Is tbe population of American ellle.. area and population of the continents, of tbe States and Territotle., aud of the principal countries of the world, length of the principal rivers. Presidential vote for sixty years. Presidential ctati'ik. area and depth of sens, lakes and oceans, height of raumiulnx, locomotion of animals and velocity of bodies, height ul cionu. ruents, towers and structures, distances from Wahlngton. K from New York, to Important points, chronological bUtory of .IU. covery and progress, popular sobriquets of Anurleau Mat., elUes, etc, common grammatical errors, rules for .clllii. pro nunciation and nss of capitals. Wall Street phra.-.. minn-rea of the world, curious facts In natural Mtr.l n..lty n animals, origin ofthe names of States, andofe'tii.iun. ..t rrrm works, popular fablos, familiar quotaUons, or in.iu- . I plants, djlng words of famous persons, fate of ihf ti.itr., statlitlcsof tho globe, leading governisenti of tbe .uill, cw., etc. Oregon. The Celetaatel Frencn Cure "SSS "APHR0DIT1HE"S' IS SOLD ON A POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of ner vous disease or nnv r!5- ordcr of the gonerative or trans nf cither sox BEFORE AFTER tesTy 'V'jf&jtlKM & SMS" isms from tho excessive use of StimuIants.To- Dacco or Oninm. or tnrnnoliVniilifi,i ;.v. tion, oyer indnlgpnce. ic.', such as Los3 of vV- ; J?we M'w.lie8- Bearing down ... .u mo jjuca, oeminai v eaKness. llrs- pleeted often lead to Premature old w tSd insanity. Price 81 a box, G boxes for S5 Sent by mail on receipt of price. i.iisatfflajiyStessjRs -vvuouu juuuj, vi uoia sexes. Tjermn- nently cured by ArHKODmsE. CirculMfroo. Arirlrnca TTIR lPITtrn uvnTT.;. .tTf..A BOX 27. "WESTEKf BlUKCH. PnrtlA. n- i or sale by J. a DEMENT, 4- Ja . rf. - iZ T. '. viv . & w jt