The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 15, 1890, Image 3

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i -y -RFjr;Si-r'
xfihc gaUg gtffotfm
NO FMREK 15. 1390
Publisher and Proprietor.
Terms of Subscription
Served uv Carrier, per eek . 5 cts
m"M by Mail, per month... . . CocLs
"vnt b Mail, one j ear 7.00
Free of postage to subscribers,
Tits Astoriax guarantees to its adver
.tsrrt jhe larcest eirculatioii of any ncuspa
l r published on the Columbia rh or.
(Additional Local News on 1st Page )
The wild goese bavo all gone South
and a heavy frost began falling last
Two mortgages amounting to S 1,050
were yesterday filed with the connty
recorder for record.
The ladies of Grace church will hold
tbeir Liberty hall on the even
ing of December 4th.
Early yesterday morning a crew of
twenty men were put to work grading
the Main street hill for the electric
motor line.
An excellent opportunity for some
one who wishes to take a contract for
clearing someland is offered by "Win
gate fc Stone in their new advertise
ment this morning.
Dr. Prentice returned to Portland
last night, and will bo back here again
on next Saturday, having a number of
patients here whom ho was unable, for
want of time, to treat
The Salvation Army has evidently
received some new recruits, for last
evening there were in the ranks four
women and three men. One of the
females had an unusually strong voice,
and sang loud enough to be heard
three blocks nwav.
a W. and F. E. Holt, constituting
the firm of Holt & Company filed suit
in the circuit yesterdaj- against M. J.
Kiuney to recover $130 and costs.
The action is based on a material
lien filed against the hotel and res
taurant buildings at Gcarhart.
The real estate firm of E. J. Ford &
Co. has purchased the building re
cently occupied by the Vienna res
taurant on Genevieve street, and .is
soon as it can be fitted up for an
office, they will remove there and
have a fine office, ready for the in
creased business in real estate which
is sure to be here in a short time.
Yesterday M. F. Hardesty received
from Topeka, Kansas, a commission
ns aide-de-camp on tho staff of Gen.
LclandJ. "Webb, commander-in-chief
of the Sons of Veterans of tlio United
States. This conveys upon Mr. Har
desty the rank of lieutenant colonel of
that order, and Tiie Astoriax, con
gratulates Lieutenant Colonel Har
desty on his appoiutment.
The First AL E. Church will be
formally reopened to-morrow at 11 a.
at Rev. Dr. Kummer, of Portland,
will preach tho sermon; Eev. Dr.
Garner and the pastor will assist in
the services. The services will be
especially interesting and a cordial
invitation is extended to the public
Dr. Kummer will preach also at 7:30
r. si. Song service at 7 p. n.
Alert Hook and Ladder Company
No. 1 was surely disappointed yester
day when tho steamship Columbia
from San Francisco arrived and it was
discovered that the new Hayes' truck
was not on board. Later in tho day
J. H. Johannsen received a telegram
announcing that the shipment of the
track had been delayed owing to tho
non-arrival of certain fixtures for it.
Just when tho machine will arrive is
now uncertain.
An important real estate sale was
consummated yesterday, when James
cods, a prommentmerafcantot Port
land, purchased fifty feet front on tho
north side of Third street, between
Olney and "West Ninth streets. The
Astoria Seal Estate Company report
the sale, and the figures given are
9.000. It is stated that "Mr. "Woods
will at once commence the construc
tion of a business block. The property
adjoins the store of Morgan & Sher
man on the cast
It is likely that a game of football,
Bugby Union rules, will be played in
this city on Nov. 23. Yesterday B. M.
Gibson, secretary of the local football
association received a letter from tho
manager of the Portland team asking
for a match on that date. A meeting
will be held to-night to consider the
matter and a formal invitation will be
sent to the Portland club. The home
boys expect their new uniforms by the
date mentioned and if the weather is
fair a good contest may be looked for.
The preliminary examination of
George Christiansen, arrested a few
days ago for forging the name of S. H.
Bell to a check for $100, which he
tried to have cashed at the First Na
tional bank in this city, was held at
the police court last evening. No de
fense was made to the charge, and the
prosecution only proved tho facts as
related in The Astobiax at the time
ot Christiansen's arrest At the con
clusion of the case Judge Jewett held
the young nim to answer before the
grand jury, with bail fixed at $1,000.
Another chapter of the domestic
difficulties of S. B. Howard, the well
known rancher residing on Young's
river was opened yesterday, when Mr.
Howard instituted an action of replevin
injustice Cleveland's court The suit
is directed against G. "W. Nutter
and in his complaint Howard
alleges that Nutter claimed eleven
bead of cattle under deed from his
(Howard's) ex-wife, while in reality
the stock belongs to him. Constable
Oberg went out yesterday and herded
the stock and the matter will bo
adjudicated in a few days.
Th&aksiviB DiHBer.
You ought to have one of those
Beautiful Tablecloths with napkins
to &tch only to bo found at Sbana
kaaBros. Heraan "Wise has a large number
of tee Christmas presents displayed
a kg corner window. Not to men
tiott the $100 lot at Chelsea, fine
lovsge, music box, etc.
SleB, JLedKiHsITeHse Fer Sale.
A Saieoa and Lodging house doing a
md business, for sale at a'bargain.
jCmsC be seM in a short time. Inquire
at this ettcc.
Firat-ckws shaving, 25c, Ferd FerreH's.
A Vessel AnclijM in tie Stream
Has a-Nanw Escape.
The British ship KinJcora, lying at
anchor offFlavel's wharf had a narrow
escape from being cut in two late yes
terday afternoon by the British iron
steamship Monglmt. As it was the
steamer fouled her and carried away
the main fore and topsail yard braces
and scratched a considerable section
of paint off the ship's side.
The steamer was coming down the
river and ran in pretty close to the
Kinkora, when her steering gear got
out of order and the vessel took a
sheer with the results staled. Fortun
ately the Jtlougknt did not have much
headway on, otherwise the result
would have been more disastrous.
The collision was noticed by several
persons from the Union Pacific wharf
and they all seem to incline to the
opinion that tho pilot on tho steam
ship was at fault in running in so
close to the Kinkora. The damage
was so slight that it is not likely an
investigation will be held.
The schooner Web foot sailed from
the Knappton mills yesterday with
413,000 feet of lumber.
The steamship Mongkul, of the
Canadian Pacific line, arrived from
Portland j esterdaj' and will sail for
Vancouver to-day.
The British ship Mislley Hall com
pleted taking in cargo at tho Union
Pacific dock yesterday and will sail
for the United Kingdom in a few days.
The steamship Columbia, Captain
Bolles, arrived from San Francisco
yesterday morning bringing a number
of passengers and forly tons of freight
for this port
The schooner Norma, Captain
Small, master,sailed for San Francisco
yesterday with a cargo of 450,000 feet
of lumber, loaded by tho "Webt Shore
Mills Company.
Tho steamship Ok yon arrived from
Portland late Jast evening and will
sail for San Francisco this morning.
Tho steamer was behind time having
met the usual difficulty in getting
over river bars.
The British ship Kinkoia, Capt II.
Lawrence, master, cleared at the cus
tom house yesterday for Queenstown
or Falmouth. The Kinlcoi a is one of
the handsomest vessels that ever en
tered this port, and shows remnrkablv
fine lines. She carries is cargo
4G,7G1 sacks of wheat, valued at $7J,
593. Of the cargo 22.9GS sacks were
loaded here and the balance at Port
Pilot Commissioner P. VT. "Weeks
went up to Portland last evening, ac
companied by his wife.
Thomas and Frank Damant have
returned from a three-mouths' visit to
England and the continent.
Mrs. Harriet Jewett is quite ill at
the residence of her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Surprenant She is 81 years of
L. A. Loomis, presidert of Urn
Ilwaco Railway and Navigation Com
pany, was one of the papsengers to
Portland last evening.
Chief Clerk Gunn, of the Occident
hotel, who was confined to his room
by illness for several days, is ablo to
be about again, and yesterday was at
his post of duty.
"W. B. Dennis, managing editor of
the Farmer's Home, a strong agri
cultural journal published at Daj ton,
Ohio, is travelling on this coast, writ
ing for his paper hi3 impressions of
the county. He gave this office a
friendly call yesterday.
A Sad Story.
Two weeks ago little Ulrika Paulsen
left her parents at Seaside to atteud
school in this city. Her father has
been fishing on Young's river and yes
terday he was tohl that his little girl
was dying at St Mary's hospital. He
hurried to her in time to hold her in
his arms and receive her dying
caresses. To-day the bereaved father
freights his fishing boat with the body
of his darling child in a little coffin
and goes on his mournful voyage home
to the poor mother. God pity her!
Sbanahan Bros, have the Best line
of Dress Goods in the city.
Sbanahan Bros, earn' tho largest
line of knit goods in the cilv.
Shanahan Bros, have the largest
Stock of Bibbons north of San Fran
cisco. Shanahan Bros, have a magnificent
assortment of Ladies and Children's
Shanahan Bros, have everything in
the line of fancy goods suitable for
tho Holidays.
Shanahan Bros, are selling French
Broadcloth in all shades cheaper than
American goods.
Shanahan Bros, have the largest
stock of Ladies' and Children's Kid
Gloves in the city.
Shanahan Bros, are selling Blankets
and Comforters fifty.per cent less than
you can buy elsewhere.
Shanahan Bros, are solo agents for
the celebrated S. C. Corset, no other
house has got them. None genuine
unless stamped.
Take One.
One hundred men's woolen suits,
worth S17.50 to S23.50, for one week
only $15.25 each. See Herman "Wise.
Every person purchasing
Ten Dollars worth, of Goods
from Herman Wise, the "Re
liable Clothier, in the Occi
dent Hotel building:, will re
ceive a Ticket free of Charge,
entitling: the holder to a
chance in the Drawing for a
number of Handsome Christ
mas Presents.
IfotliinSurcrctls JAlio Success.
It is verified by the fact that nearly
evervhodv eats at Jeffs .New re
A NASAL Itf.lEUTOR free with
each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
Price 50 cents. "
Clipped from the "Oregon Mist" of Thurs
day, Nov. 13, 1890.
The census of 1900 will give Colum
bia county n population of 20,000.
Mark it down.
The regular quarterly examination
of teachers for this county will be held
at this place on "Wednesday, Nov. 2Gth.
Several timber land buyers were in
here last week. "We would advise the
settlers to hold their land rather than
sell at the paltry prices offered.
County Surveyor Little came in
Wednesday with Mr. Travis, govern
ment land agent, and Mr. Archibald,
of Enterprise. After spending the
night in the village, the party took to
the woods to visit some of the land
claims that have been entered and
proved up on, and ascertain if the law
has been complied with. It is well
that pre-emptors notice that a six
months residence on a claim and the
possession of a duplicate receipt from
the land office does not insure a title.
Some requirements as to cultivation
of the soil are likely to be looked into,
and in the language of tho Dutchman,
"It is belter dot you look a leedle
oudt,' in time.
The Neer City mills, which have
been moved a short distance into the
interior cf tho county, have a novel
and inexpensive method of getting
their lumber to market. They have
erected a flume from their mills to the
Columbia river, down which the lum
ber is sent It takes but little water
in this way to carry a largo piece of
timber, and as fast a3 the lumber is
cut it can be put at once into the
flume, and in a short time it is where
it can bo put aboard a vessel and
shipped to any part of the world. Nz
doubt but that in tho near future the
immense forests of the county will be
sent to a profitable market in this
manner, as it is much cheaper and less
trouble than transporting the logs.
The prospects for the future of St
Helens are very bright indeed. No
town in Oregon can boast of greater
natural resources, and our citizens are
being awaked to the fact that there
are stores of wealth in their develop
ment The iron mines, the coal
mines, the stone quarries, the timber
resources and the immensely rich
agricultural lands, capable of produc
ing the most profitable agricultural
products, and the unequaled facilties
for many kinds of manufacturing en
terprises, is a backing of which not
many towns on the coast can boast
Several schemes are now on foot for
manufacturing enterprises and open
ing up. of these resources, all of which
will be given in tho Mht as soon as
definite arrangements can be made for
P.isseujrprs to Portland.
The following is tho list of passen
gers having rooms who went up the
river last night on the steamer R. Ii.
A. J. Hnrt, H. Hendricksen. E. T.
Simmons, K. A. Allen, Mr. Henlzel
man. L M. Brown, G. Southerlaud, J.
A. Stanfield. A. Jort, P. Baigrd, C. C.
Tratt, Mrs. Scott, W. B. Dennis, Miss
Smith, J. F. McGovern. B. Igstaedler,
J. Thome, G. Gnntz, V. McCnllough.
J. F. "Woods, Mr. Otterstadt, C. T.
Cummings, T. Concitt, M. B. Augus
tine, J. Pierce, B. Klein. Mrs. Herrin,
J. L. Col well, Miss Maude "Warren,
Dr. Prentice and wife. L. A. Loom's.
i Charles Flynn, J. H. Jones and wife,
1. btevens,.i.A..Leverne,P. V. Weeks
and wife, Mrs. M. E. Young, Mrs.
Major McCrea.
Thai tired feeling is entirely oum i.n:e
by Hood's Sarsannlla, which criMtesnn
aipelUe,rousestliclher,cun's h?nl.i. Iu
and gives renewed strength and vig.r to
the whole body. Be sure to get Homl's
Sarsaprilla, which is peculiar to iMif.
Sold by all druggist.
Fine Table WJuo
Delivered at no cents a gallon, t j
part of the city. A line line of purr
California wines at low prieo, m A.
V. Ut7ingers Cosmopolitan saloon.
Kemcmbcr the Austin house at the
Seaside is open the year 'round.
$1,000 KEAVARI),
What Would Astoria Uv "With
out Jcir?
$1,000 reward in TJ. S. gold coin will
he paid by ".Jeff," the World Renowned
Caterer, to any person who can satis
factorily prove lie can get a better meal
oragreateraiiefyof all the Delicacies
of th season lo chose fiom.thaii he can
at Jeff's for the money.
Second street, opposite Telephone
YlVith'irl" Beer.
A fifteen ball Table and all the
leading newspapers on AIm at the Sun
njsirte Saloon.
Delicious Pomegranates.
Main St. bet 1st. and 2d. I, X. L,
Fruits. Candy, A'uts.
Fre-h Peanuts everj' day, f. X. L.
Attention JS'inolcers.
La Perla Cubana all imported.
Flor dc Madrid.
La Palladlna.
La Ermina.
LtFainana in Key West Brands.
Heading Unom in rear of Cigar Stor-.
CnATtLES Olsex's
Fresh Oyster, Eastern Clams
At John Rogers' market, opposi'e C. II,
Cooper's, Third street.
Go to Olsen's for Cuban Blossoms, 10c
Cutlery, at G40 Third St.
Independent Slate Writer.
Maud Jones, independent slate wrl'er,
can be consulted for a few days atlhe
Parker House, Room 12.
Wc in hard's Jftccr.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
All the patent medicines advcrtlseu
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, ana toilet articles etc can
he bought at the lowest prices ntJ. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria,
New Crop Raisins, Figs Nuts, i-tc
Also a full line of first class canned
Tabic Fruits and Vegetables.
AtTnoMPSON & Ross.
Ludlow's Indies S3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned Frenrh Kids
at P. .1. Goodman & C'o.'.
At Holmes, WO Third street.
Go to
kinds of
the Columbia bakery for all
A fine line of Cigars and Cigarettes
can ho found at Iho Columbia Bakery,
C9G Third street.
The latest style of Gents'. Hoots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Onr love is dead: Its brief, sweet days
Are shrined in memory's deathless urn;
We may not call it back again,
For dead love never can return.
We mourn, beside this new-made grare
For all our dreary, empty years;
We grieve in solitude and pain,
With more than bitterness and tears.
And we shall never find our love
Beyond death's dark and doubtful
Nor will some resurrection morn
Return it us forever more.
Dear God! We loved this precious lore,
This fairy thing by fancy wrought,
That was too frail to live and thnva
Where life's grim battle must be f ought
Our love is dead: We mourn, forit
Through all our bitter, wasted years;
The page within our lives turned down
To hide its anguish and iti tears.
Deeds filed or recorded November 14,
1890, as reported for Thb MoBircra
Astobian by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
State of Oregon to Nellie J.
Beswick, theNW U of NW
H of fiec 36 in T 9 N,E7
W 60
S. W. Paisley, trnstee, to Ed.
Chambers, blk 13, Golden
Park 300
C. J. Hall and wife to 3Ii- '
chael Stefien, all blk 17,
Columbia add 960
Same to Fannie Fox, lots 4, 5,
6. blk 23, Columbia add. .. 210
C.J. Stanton to N. 33. Bur
ley, lot 18 blk 14, Pacific
add . 85
0. B. Irvine to John Brown,
all blk 48, Pacifio add COO
Annie Beidt et al to William
Anderson, all blk 92, Bose-
dale -200
J. C. Dement and wife to Ar
thur T. Boper, lot 1 blk 10,
Dement's Astoria 95
Geo. H. Kenny to F. A. Bnrk
hart,lot22blk8, Power's
add...". 1
J. F. Goodendngh et al to
John H. Bobinson, lots 21
and 22 blk 10, Power's add 100
Samo to George M. Miller,
lots 23 and-24 blk 10,
Power's add ..'.. .100
M. T. Allen and wife to Ellen
S. Cherry, nnd. blk 12,
Hustler and Aiken's add.. .10
G. F. Parker and wife o
John P. Byan, E - of sec- ,
tion2,T7N,B9W l,00p
Deeds filed, 'l3;total amount S . J3JBU
Previously reported this year 1,826,726
Total 1JS3Q337
lie Tots a California ProduoUom.
Ills Report.
A St. Louis gentleman whose -affllcMfl
was slcklieadaclies wkkso surprised at Q&X
euro by Joy's Vegetable Ssrsspaftll, tat)w
called it to Clio ettU&ftoa of a rdaUroJ wh
luiiipt ticl to be Dr. F. A. Barrctt-tho wD
knovm St. Louis physician of 2652"8houu. .
doah Street Tho doctor saw at oaco taat &
differed from tbcpbtaih preparations latum
it iras purely vegetable and bccRnliglat
cited, bt-i'ftu u iOries of lare&UraUoiuraaA
In &s!ll!uout lelter'candiaiy admitted li
curative propertied aud say:
Wishing to ut its virtues further, I vsed
it In my own Itimily, and prescribed It for
patients who required -a general .systoM
regulator. Ah b result, I can sny It la-aa
nlir.ost abaoluto cure for constipation, bll
lnui)caa, l:cpxla, Indigestion, and sick
la-1 I.k'Iicj. These troubles Equally coma
from disturbed condition of the stomaci
and biuret and JorsVeseblSEaHapariU
is the lH.t laxative and'tomachT6culator.I .
ba o ot cr seen, and'.as Va -fen erilViysteJi
Coitcc'.Jnc LjolmosVpetfBotloa. ." -"-
l&iguedj H.XBJCRKEPr,,M.fD.r
-2C52 6ueuandoatr6t,rSCiLol&,
"Winter Cell's'- Pears'.
Fifty B-cciS must heooldfit once;
aln Apple,, ltnuanns, Grnpra. etc.
At Tiroslpsovifc lloss".
Sow Y?(ftt JtVVrH.
' 'A,' l'ttOMT"SOX"feTltOSft
Lespiisjilven Itr KumairJJnihfoidery.
Outwork. Parh 'I'intinir. 'Chenille,
Arra'UMiP, etc.. etc. Stamping 'dniu to
order. 165 CvSs'St
XOB A 1" APn.KYt A.
Pi?-' Feet in kits and half barrels,
Salmon Bellies. almon Tips In ki's,
nnd Spring Salmon in barrels.
At Tiio'mpnos & Rov'.
Telephone l.iaKtt;fIouar,
IIhnI lled- in town. Itiwimpt'r itlijht
60 and 25 ct" r week HJiiC twnd
fl'i-an Prlvatr ntrwiri.
FurniotUfd Ilimui
For rnil, on ilnin street. No. ai7.
ilns, Jl. Bki:knikk.
At Holmi s, 010 Third street.
Magnus G.-Grosby
Dealer In
Iron llpe and tFltthips, Stoves,-Tinware,
Sheet LeadrStrifl Lead, Sheet Iron.
: Tin Hd Copier.
Cheap For Cash.
Inquire at
Standard Saloon
Alfred Kummer
Will Deliver a Tctnre at The
"lUE, Church,
On FridayEve.rNov. t4f'90.
The Ideal Wife"
Come and hear an Eloquent Discourse slid
be benefited thereby.
Prlco off Aaatlsalaa
- 'S1.00
The net proceeds to be iised to raise the
Indebtedness recently incurred In making
repairs "on the church building.
Head to Waist a
mass of DIs-
ie. Sufferiflg Terrible.
by Caticnra Eeraedles.
I was covered with scrof nla sores from my
head to my waist, sufferlnjjso that I could not
sleep nights, and could he down only with
pillows under my arms. My head was so
sore that I could not wear a hat : and being
& farmer,! could not go bareheaded, so wore
a Terr soft handkerchief on my head. In
fact.. I was a disgusting sight toothers and
to myself. After doctoring fSWslx years
with the best physicians In the country, and
getting worse all the time, I had given up
all hope of getting well when I saw your
OtmcuKA iiKMEDiss advertised and pro
eared a set. although with little faith In
them. The first set, however, did me such
a vast amount of good, that I continued
.their use. and now, alter using four sets, I
am happy to say that I am entirely cured.
Any of tho prominent business men and
farmers In and around rtalnneld will en
dorse my story.
Koliiflelil, HU
Cutifcura Rom dies.
Blngtng word? from graterul hearts tell
the story ofjgreat physical suffering, of men
tal anguish, by reason of humiliating dls
guraUons. and of threatened dangers hap
pily and sperdly ended, by the Goticora.
RxkKDiEs.the greatest Skin Cures, Blood
Purifiers, aud Humor Remedies the world
has ever known. Cuttcuba "Resolthst,
tbs new blood and skin partner and great
est of humor remedies, cleanses the blood
of ail. impurities and poisonous elements,
ahdtluM rem6ve3the Caubb, while Ctrn
ccka, ihe jjreat skin cure, and CrmctmA
Soat-. an exquisite skin purifier, clear the
skin and scalp and restore the ha r. Hence
tho Coticuk Kkmxdiea cure every spe
cies of agonizing, humiliating, itching, burn
ing, scaly, and plmplr dls-asrs of the skin,
SCiilD. and blood, with loss of hair, and all
rhum-rw, blotches, eruption., sores, scales.
aim erns's, wnetner simple, scnia'ous or
p-mulou, when the- best physicians and
all othr remedies fall. Grateful testimo
nials pnve these statements In every par
ticular. old everywhere, Prict. CtTictJltA, 50a ;
8op. 25e: Resolvent, f i. Prepared by
tat Potter Drug and Chemical corpob
Arrox. Boston.
-tfendfor,"IIovto Cnra Skin Diseases."
6t paces, 60 illaitrationa, and 100 testimonials.
piUPLES, black-heads, red. roach,
tm chapped, and oily ikm cured by Ctrn
cvtx Soir.
Kl ncy and Ute hie la us, and
.Weakness, s relit v- u in a- min
ute hy tbo C'DtlMra Anll-Pata
Plaster, tha first aud oulv naln-
kllllug.Mrengtuenlng plaster, revv. lLstan
tanrou Infallible.
the Largest Stock. Best Quality and
I -n west Prices at Iho Sign of
The Golden Shoe.
jPoia:"Kr tt a tTjB-,
rOUSTAT IU,XS?rt 1'royr.
X lMri and Wll .selectt stek nf Fine
At Kxtivhiel l-ow rritj.
Ul (lofel BeaxBt at Thlt KiUUlittseat
"Warranted Genuine
WmtrU aud Clock UtMrfu;r
"toirnfr Casx mui queumqua Strvfts
mm & nmmt
Contractors ani Bnilta.
Estim tie
Given on Brick,
Wood Wok
Stone, or
and- Cement
118 Genevieve St.
lOtETli.' ULSEN,
Successor to K. C .lloldeu.
Tte oldest established Commission llousq
:u f treguu. Goodaof all kinds sold on com
nitasUm. Auetlvu Sales Ever Saturday,
'ileneral Uepalrlntf. .lobbing and Uphol
stering done. ,
' Flue stock of Furniture on hand.
Whnn you wnnt BinrAlns lu IIoutlinld
'imMla no to
All Night Lights, per Month, each 82 00
12 o'clock " " ' 1 60
to " " " " . 1 25
West Share mill Cemaaay.
John JO. Dement.
SucctstM U W. E. Dement k Ct.
CarrlM Complete Stocks of
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries.
Agent tor
Usxiosa BUHr"and
Horwefclan Pile Cor
Js Oa BUTiTm
Has Opened a
IProduQe Hufd .Commission
4S Tklr4 Street, Anteria, Or.
Wholesale and Retail business In Flour.
Mill Feed, Oats, Potatees: Apples, Etc.
Solicits a General Commission Business.
AHD TfstBH "tUi'lftl.
04flialellratedJ?xe4 ei Charge. Country
" '-OKers Solicited. Thlra'Street,
' next to Pioneer office.
Gent's Fine Furnishing Goods!
ITew Torls City,
iHeiiiiMtuaiMUMiiiMaeiiUMMHiitaiiiiaaMiiiitiifliiinMtflaiaaMaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiBiiiiiiaiiiiaatii
CHRISTY'S, London, Eng.,
Fine Stiff Hats.
Mens and Boy's Suits end Overcoats
The Leading and Largest Store in the State Outside of Portland.
517, 519, 521 3rd St., Astoria, Oregon.
& Co.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers in
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city
"Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. OBox 153. Telephone No, ST.
Saturday, September 27th,
We "will open our
: OF
Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets,
SILK :SE ALETTES""--------:
Our House has a standard reputation
which neter falls to attract general atten
tion during our Cloak Bales.
mcallen ft McDonnell,
. -181 163 3rd St., Portland, Or.
Leading Dry Goods Store for first class
goods at Eastern prices.
v Agents for McCalls Bazaar Qlovo Fitting
Caiery Supulies!
Troy, W- "ST,
North Pacific Brewery,
JOHN KOPP, - - Proprietor.
"SI 3Z "E O "OL "37 "E3 "Et
(Opp, Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Ton Restaurant of tie Tom
Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Speciatly
The Finest Wines and IAquor3.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. No connection with his old place on
Main Street.
& CO.
n 1 1 S
527 BM'SL