m Wx m$ .$Mm. ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY.... -OVEMBEK 15, 18?0 SUGGESTIONS FOR PORTLAND. Another strong argument for the necessity of a railroad connecting this city trith the "Willamette valley is the fact that 250,000 tons of wheat have th year been raised in that valley, and as the Orcgonian truthfully re marks, all of this will pass through Portland on its way to be 'shipped to foreign ports. If there was a railroad to this city from that valley, nine tenths of the wheat raised there would come here for shipment on vessels to foreign lauds. Not a week passes but what some vessel is caught on the bars between Portland andhere, and almost every time the ocean steamers go up or uown'tbe river they are detained more or less on the bars. Whon Astoria has a railroad, all the dwji sea vecsels will unload and load at our wharves, and though every one knows that would rapidly build up a large city here, yet year after year rolls by, and those who are well able to do something towards the construc tion of a road sit motionless as a lump on a log. This is not said antagonistic to Port laud for that will always be a large nod prosperous city, but the shipping business is fast going to the Sound, autl it would bo much better for Port-1-ukI to have it come here, for then llieir wholesale merchants would have plily of trade from here, while now it is taken from the stale. Large quantities of grain grown in Oregon arc going by rail to the Sound, and ilKice on shijis to foreign lands. Portland may do her best but she carnxri make the shipping consider tlis( a deep water port, and the sooner lier Merchants and capitalists realize the fact and bend all their energies to the construction of a railroad here aol acknowledge Astoria as the ocean seaport of Oregon, the better it will be for them and the whole state. Woxpbks in science and art are daih being manifested, but hero is a wonder in another line, which is al most marvelous, for a railroad official refuses an increase of salary, and surely that is an almost unprecedented occnrresice. President Bliss, of the Boston ,t Albany railroad, was re-c-silly offered an advance of 8,000 ppr annum iu his salary. Ho refused, on the ground that he did not con sider his services worth 20,000 a year, instead of $12,000, which he had been accustomed to draw. "Besides," added Mr. Bliss, "if I accept, it will be necessary to raise the salaries of my follow officials proportionately, and that would entail a heavy increase in expenses." This is an incident that should be preserved in history, for it is never known to have happened be fore, and probably will never be re pealed in the history of railroad man aiauomf. Tnx AsroniAX acknowledges with plensnrc the receipt of the second an nual report on the statistics of rail ways in the United States to the in terstate commerce commission for the a car eudiug Juno 30, 18S9. It is a bound volume of oGG pages, and con tains a vast amount of information pertaining to all the railroads of the country, and as a book of reference, is exceedingly valuable. Its careful compilation reflects great credit on the efficiency of Edward A. Closely, the able secretary of the board. BOKX. IV'K!CH.-In Astoria. Oregon, Tuesday, oeiHer ji. inu 10 mew lie oi Frank izacktirh. a daughter IXKJ. lm.SEN-Ulrikr. raulsen. daughter of Mr nd Mk O. raulscn. died at St. Mary's IIosjiJt.il last evening at 10:20 otncK. npea ji years and 9 mouths. The itutenu iih take place at Seaside. NEW TO-DAY. -OF IMBER! THE TIMBER ON 40 Acres of Land Given free to any one who will contract to cut and take it off the land. laud is williln 1)4 miles of Astoria ana nine irom uae water. Wingsfe & Stone, Hoa! Estato Agonts. ODD FELLOWS'BUILDING, Astoria, ... or. fisheries tmon 891 TVcarc jirrp-.red to Supply our Tatrons ntnloUieis with the best Fish Netting, in Twp?frSolna, our Long Experience War nuus fr lvSt. Wc Invite early orders. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO. o SctHOr(icc, 91 Commercial St Notice. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL WHOM IT maj concern th.it I will not ho respon sible for any debts contracted by my wife. -v,vvui.rciuu ;nu iiiirr tins uaiu. A.SCHUEING, Asieria, Or., Nov. 12, 1S0O. DB. PEEKTI0E. WI&I, AltKIVE NOVEMBER. 22. Eye, Head and Nervous Diseases, At Occident Hotel, Astoria, Por a Pew Days. FREE. Dr. Prentice TTill Cure the First Case Of Cross-Eyes and Epileptic Fits Free On the Day of His Arrival in Astoria. Those Who Wish to Hstb the Doctor Treat Them Should Call Early, or Ther Hay Loie the Opportunity. A man well known In this community writes the following interesting letter: "1 was chopping a stnmp four weeks ago, when a flying chip struck me In the eye; for a shorlrtlme Iwas entirely blind. Then partial sight returned, again. I nurtured nope and continued to treat it at home, until ten days ago, when I began to abandon hope of ever seeing perfectly again, unless some thing more than ordinary was done. 1 then counciled two of the leading Oculists of Portland, who told me one eye would have to be cut out to save the other. It did not exactly suit me to have my eye cut out, and so I sought other council. I went to Dr. Prentice, the U enlist, then at Portland, and he laughed at the idea of its being neces sary to cut my eye out; I joined in tho laugh, for it was on my side. 1 have been free from pain since the first day's visit to Dr. Prentice, and im proved steadily, and am now entirelv well again. I feel safe in saying that ff Dr. Prentice cannot cure a case he will always say so. Tnos. H. Foss, Gray's River, Wash. A Touching Scene Witnessed By a Portland Gentleman. One week ago we received an invita tion to witness a delicate surgical oper ation on an eye. 'J he patient was the 17-year-old daughter of Harrison Hay. ror inree years sne naa ueen uiuiu in both eyes with a cataract, and was oblieed to crope her way about in total darkness. The patient, without taking chloroform, submitted to the followmc operation: bhewasnow ready for the surgical part of the work, and wo stood in breathless anxiety as Dr. Prentice placed the point of his knife at the side of the eyeball, carefully touched the point of the cornea, then the blade entered the eye; we saw it pass through the eye in front of the pupil and then come out at the opposite side. It was then drawn upward, and a cut made ot about one-third of the circumference of the ball. Another instrument was then passed in back of the pupil, and almost on tho instant the girl said: "Oh, Dr. Prentice 1 can see you." This was spoken in tones well calculated to bring tears to one's eyes. From the time the knife touched the eye until the patient could see, it was just one min ute. She was allowed to sec those about her for a moment, then the eye was closed and bandaged. in lust one week alter the operation she came into our office and was able to read our paper. She also wrote a loiter home, saying; "Dear parents, I can see and am happy." Mr. Jerome W. Campbell. General Superintendent of the Willamette iriuo nan way io., saw mis upuniuuii. A LETTER. From a Tatlent Who Was Cored Br Dr. Frentlce. Pobtl AND, Or., Oct. 7, 1890. To the Suffering: For five years I have suffered with sleeplessness, ner vous debility, irritation at the base of uiu urain, aim a lernuiu Kiunuy uisuuc. I had tried so many remedies that did me no eood that at last 1 gave up all hope of ever bein? a well man again. I tried many prescriptions that were said tone sure cures, and all tailed. There were many times during the past few years that I was obliged to lay off from work from two weeks to three months at a time. Lately 1 was Tun ning down in health very rapidly, and was alarmed. I contemplated leaving this paitof the country and trying to sec it I could not net relief elsewhere. I must say that my faith in doctors was about gone; but sonu'lhihi; lead me to visit Dr. Prentice at the Esmond hotel. I crowded in with the others and waited my turn. He examined me, told me where my trouble was, and said he could cure it without medicine. I can't say that I really believed him, but something in his manner led me to trust him. He gave me no medicine at all, yet from the day of my first visit I began to improve rapidly. I now sleep as sound as a child. My memory is greatly improved. My kidney disease and brain irritation are entirely well, my appetite splendid, and 1 now enjoy life and perfect health. Any afflicted person wishing to learn about my case will find me at address below. D. Dooxax, North Pacific Hotel. Portland. Eyes fitted with glasses by Dr. Prentice Xcrvous Diseases That Are Permanently Cured Br Dr. Prentice. Epileptic fits, Paralysis, Drunken ness (periodical), Heart diseae. Kidney disease, Asthma, Si He. headache, Spinal irritation, and nervous debility in men and women. A permanent cure is made. FISHES BEOS., Successors to Wilson & Fisher. SHIP GHANDLERS HEAVY AND SHELF ISLJEL JO 'TSJTJJEUSI Farm Implements, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. Loggers' Supplies, Provisions, and Mill Feed. :GENERAL AGENTS FOR: salem patent roller mills. Portland Boiler Mill. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ETC. Astoria, - Orogon. OKUO P. rABKEK. CAST. A. HAXSOX Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS "WEEK, IDrows - G-oodiB The Old 8tani - Astoria Oregon. E. EKSTEOM. Practical r Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OB. A fine line of Gold and Silver, Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc, at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Next to Morgan &Suerras.n. RUCKER'S - Restaurant. W. W, WKESlIEOT, PROP. Egr-Enlarged and Befitted to Meet the Popular Demand.3 FINEST RESTAURANT IN THE CITY. Shoalwater Bay and Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc. MEAIS COOKED TO ORDEE. THIRD STREET, o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o (Formerly the Tie EH This is the C'eanest and is in the Quietest Location of any Hotel in the City. WHITE COOKS. : o-Oo-o-o-o o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale AT THE OFFICS OF THE Astoria Real PRICES PROM SI 50 TO $250 EACH. TERMS One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address Lelnenweber & Coodenough, SECOND ST., Near Tostofilce. - - - - - P. O. Box 03. NOTICE. 25.00 REWARD To the party receiving the largest list ot names for THE GREAT NEW ILLUSTRATED of By HUBERT II. BANCROFT THE EMINENT HISTORIAN READY at last Only true History of Jlor monlsm published Fascinatinc.intcnsely Interesting, powerful Endorsed alike by Mormons and Gentiles. WONDEBFUL ADVENTURES Of TranperJptd rravelers Bloody Indian Wars-ThriUuiK accounts of Massacres and Miraculous Escapes Tlie famous Danlld Association. Etc . Etc. , MYSTERIES OFiPOLYCAMY The -i lining House Celestial Alirriagc Strange Religious Customs Biography of Brlgham Young, as thrilling as a novel yet true history. A grand book to sell. Everybody Wants It. Merchants, Fanners, Me chanics, and all classes have eagerly awaited the appearance of this remarkable book. AGENTS Send milek Si 00 for cestlv and ele'vint Canvassing Outfit. Don't waste time writ ing for circulars, but secure territory before it Is given out Remember this is a subject ot iBtonto interest t an. aim in Grand Ulustratlons attract attention every where, ADDliBSS THE HISTORY COMPANY 723 MarketSt. San Francisco F.H.SURPBENANT&CO,, County Coroner. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New 8tyles, Caskets and funeral materia! Next to AsTouiAN office. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves a Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVEBTONE FUIiLY WABRANTED WATER CLOSETS, PLUMBI5G GOODS, FU1FS, SI5KS, 1KB B1TII TUBS 3Tc3o c3 flloxxlly. 341 OHENAMUS STBEET. AND- GeneralxJobbing Tho undersigned is prepared to do any work in his line at short notice, in a satis factory manner. WOOD FOR SALE. Orders left at Foard & Stokes, or at Asto ria Box Factory will receive prompt atten tion. F. FEAKES. FOR RENT. Commodious Bulldlnn Rnnvenientlirslta- I ated, with ample Net Sacks will be rented nil. uiu VUUUUfi BCiiMIU OIL U1B lAllUIUUia Aiver. Apply to y. y. PARKER. HOT UTAH n iiSliraefe'kv C-aiery Net Ms Eastern Oysters. ASTORIA, OR. - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o Main St. House.) - : NO CHINESE. Proprietor. - j - o - o - o - o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Estate Co. MARKETS. Washington Market. llaln Mrect. Asteria, erejeea. f'HRISTCVSEX . CO., PROPRIETORS, IESrECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN L tlon of the public to the fact that the iiH)ve Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY OX 0 FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole tUe and retail. Cgr-Speclal attention given to supplying aiups. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cared Meats, -i- - X i FRUITS, BUTTER,'nd EGGS. OPPOSITE. OCCIDENT HQTEI CfircVAUUS Street. Anuria. O. A&xcm$A fish ad mi mm Fitzgerald & Co. Go Where You Can Get Frtsh Fish, Game, Eggs, Etc. We also Keep a Fine Line of CANNED MEATS AND FISH Market on Olnoy street, near Telephone dock. Roadway Market. CHara ic Inf alts, Propr'o. Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Class Meat Siiop. Fresh and SaltMMts All Purchases Delivered In any part ef the HENRY M&SOP. Poultry andiPM In Quantities To Suit; 441 FOURIBW South w est cor. Fourth & Cass ASTORIA TRANSFER CO, AND LIYEBX STABLES 3 - , Conyeyancea of any kind, on short notice TransferrtBR Baggage,-etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. - H. W. 8HEMCAN ft CO. House FBED Saddles and Harness ' A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FEOM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty of good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wea Side Olney Street, Near "Wilson & Fisher's. k ASTORIA, OREGON. The Largest Stock ! mjttiji KG Is m mml wmmb Immense Stock OF PURXITURE CHAS. HEILBORN. Two car-loads received : More on the way. You are Invited to see the finest display of PurnltHro, Carpets, etc., in the city. Prices reasonable. The Old Stand, A, V. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass 0 The Largest and finest assortment of Frosh. Fruits and Vegetables. Boceived fresh ovorv Steamer. FLYNN, The Tailor, KEE?S I.N STOCK TDK Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles He bujs for Cash at Eastern Trices. lie Guarantees the Best Workmanship on all Garments. Call and see for yourself. Barth Bl ck. ASTORIA, OK G-O TO "3?ECEJ Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Cakes, and Fine Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS The "Smith A "SMITH PREMIER" TYPEWRITER can be seen at THE ASTORIAN Office, where it is in daily use. The Kohler & Chase Music House WINTER & HARPER, Prop's Matchless DeGter -ALSO- j. & C. Fischer, Ives & Pond and other pianos. Mason & -Hamlin and A..B. Chase &.Co.'s Organs. 7 he above Instruments sold for cash, or on easy Installments. Do not buy or a commission aeent. but save at least 30.00 by dealing directly with the Arm or their rep resentative, W. S. Geary. Jorloney's Wori IS WHAT TOO GET AT Foard & Stokes IN- Groceries and Provisions JSverytLfngln &iirst-clas3 Store and at An tExtremely Low Figures. ' Goods Delivered all over Town. TheHlghost Price raid lor Junk, FOARD fc STOKES O. E. BAIN, Manufacturer and Dealer in Satfk, Doors, Moulding ami Brackets. AU,Klnds or Hard Wood and House Finish ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Car; Genevieve aHI Astor Streets. Abtobia, - - Oregon. SAIZ The Lowest Prices ! Astoria, Oregon. f m- f Plated Ware. Premier" TYPEWRITER Contains more points of merit than any other Typewriter on the market. If you are interested in, or contemplating the purchase of a writing machine, send for illus tracd catalogue to F. W. REYNOLDS, Agt. No. 29 Stark Street. PORTLAND, - OREGON. CHRIS. EVENSOJf . THfc Central Hotel E7EH SON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fun, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, WAT Kit Nt., Opp. Foard Jfc Mtekea A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run in connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. V. H. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Eggs.Canned Goods.Potatoes, Wood and Willow Ware, Etc. Broilers Pianos City GTU'R Holiday Are Now We will open our About the ISth When we will Largest Stock of Goods Ever brought Griffin & Reed. Willamette -:- University ' Graduates Students in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Easiness, Law and Medical Courses, Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It Is the oldest, largest and least expensive Institution of learning In tho northwest. School opens first Monday in September. Send lor catalogue to THOS. VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. Cias. McMi, Tie Leafling Tailor. New Fall Goods Just Received. Latest Goods in the Market. "Call and be convinced that I turn out thd most lashionablo suit in the city - 513 Third Street, - Next to C. H. Cooper's. WeinhardPs Is the Choice of Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to bo directed to o H. WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth and. B. Telephone 72. P. O. Bex 405 Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ATiTi ORDEBS DELIVERED EREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solioited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. jjf. But tXt vaUa3i.3j4li.mr.me . AWlre G.iv. Ovin Deer?" Well Zau HI Kxv tlt I....K TKkl Jaar prttwu tJw JiiUej.a I ft Ukrvr liwtyjk wetll JiU? If jrou want the sftftSS Best, buy the !GAKli CHAKTETt OAK 2 With the "Wire JJuixy' gaase c : OTcn doors ifyBr IfPg-; W ' 3M.T vjLLLLt E. R. HAIrVES Store Goods ! Arriving. large double store of this Month, display the to Astoria. Lager Beer ! the Connoisseur. fril I t fnvauTV rr i fV 1 VVIAVJ GiStiDi For aTw! A-D7A-? Ramaiivwltito Am'rtaSS Hore food ndmKtijiMi IF YblTWANT THE BBST BuyihebHARTEfMIAKf With the Wlrcf game Orea'Deor. tjn45f?!2!!!!5b&2 tr .-iif