VOL. XXXV. iT0. 13"- ASTORTA, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER II). 1891). I'RHJE FIVE CENTS The Only Exclusive Clothing1 jMM m 1 1 fa K . i 1 v I rVtfi BTjM' The l.c:c that is managed the best, and transacts its business on the lott ed, expense for the ohunc of business annually transacted. The house that can, and docs sell its goods on the smallest margin. The lwusc that keeps the best assortment and has no shelf-worn good, its stock is alwajs new and fresh as it is continually coming and going, like the itaw of the mighty Columbia, direct from its source, to the body it supplies. Above all, it is the house that treats every customer alike, and transacts n: s business on strictly business principles, in shirt it is a business house 3SFo"t -A. IFls.. BUSINESS CARDS. T r. Hamilton, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Astoria, - - Oregon. Office, three doors cast Court House, Third street. ri J. CURTIS, AUornej-l-Lw: SoUry Tabllc CoMMKsioiier ol Deeds for Washington iVentwy- Office in Ravel's new brick '4Jd, Cor. Secoud and Cass streets. J OHX R. SHLTir. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OIRce on Cass street. 2 doors back ol Odd ?Hrs Bunding, Astoria, Oregon. J. l. X. KOWI.KY, vtrom"; it Counsellor at Law ob Cheaamus Street, Astoria, Oregon- 4 R. KANACA, ATTOUNKY AT LAW. cc vr While House Cor.. Astoria, Or. J. H. MA.XEl.Li, UK VI. KSTATJ3 BROKER NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 1SSS. TMnl Street, next to Y, U. Telegraph 01 , Astoria. Or. vrr W. PARKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Ooaveyancer and Notary Public. 112 Benton Street, opposite the l'ostomce. Between Chcnamus &Squemoque Sts.. Astoria, Oregon. A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OS -e Flavel's new brick building, corner ?oed and Cass streets : up stairs. rRS. A. U A.VJ. A. FULTON. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases ol Women ! CMdren, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Stecfel attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. rtrfioa. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. M and 1 to 4 r.ac R. II. W. STRICKLKR, rilYSlCIAN, SUKGEOX AND DRUGGIST la simple cases, charges only for medi cine, Near PosloEce, Clieuaimts Street, Astoria, Oregon. TAY TUTTLE. M. D. rhjadan, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Koom C, Pythian Building. OSce hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. EesSdcoce, 639 Cedar Street. r K. XILLER, M. I. Graduate ol Cleveland nomojopathlc Hos pital Ooncre, and Post-Graduate of New York Oty Polyclinic School of Medicine andSargerr. First and Main streets, Portland. Disease ef Weacn a Specialty. DK,. B.KSTK8, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sjtecial attention to Diseases of Women af Sarcry. Krtt-K; Opposite Telegraph Office, up SUirs. Astoria, .iregoa. rK. r. A. RF.LS, DENTTIST Kooras 3 and 4, Flavel's new Brick Build tag. W.T.BCKXKr. L. T. JJARIN J. TV. DRATKR. Barney, Barin & Draper, Atteraeys at-Law. ;Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years experience as Register of Sfceu.b.Lsaa Office here, recommends us U mt SMeteKy Bi Mining and all other bus ! before Ue L&ad O&ce or tho Courts. a4 tavalviac the praence In the General LwdOAee. Ttelsa, Lsster & Anflersen, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Oracs, Rook 9, Fulyel's Bld'o SBCOND STREET P. CRISIS. ASTOIUA.OR. gr T23.o Oity, AND , i The House that Buys and j Sells the Best Goods, as to ! :B:si,i3L, 3Plt, L33LC3. C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Main St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Sitlmon Twine. WOODBEBRY Cotton Lima and Twine SEINES and NETTINGr Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Ompaiiio. Representing 813,0O0,OO PHffiXIX,., II Oil K,. . llartford, Conn New York. Agency Pacific Express and Tfells. FArgo.i Co. AUSTIN -:-H0USE J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Opn All tie Year 'Bowl THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully loratcd on the banks of the Necanicum. within five minutes' walk ol CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Kcsort on the Northwest Pacific Coast. Every attention is paid to the comfort an i accommodation of the guts and the table Is supphed.with the very bes in e:tsoii. Here are plenty of Clams and Crabs, ther Is game in the woods and plenty or the finest fish in the streams. E. P. NOONAff & CO. (Successors to) J". IP.. TTynes, DEALERS IX- Groceries Broducc. Water Street, Astoria, Oiegun. TELErnOXE KO. 7. - I''. O. BOX 300 W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURE!:. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binade Oil, Cotton Canvas Hemp Sail Twine, Lard Oil, "Wrought Iron Spike", Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Xacliiues, Painls, Oils, G-rooeries, JEttc PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There Is no occasion for the roost fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANT. New Goods bv Every Steamer. Call and see him and satisfy yourself. P. J. Me any. Merchant Tailor. T. W. CASE insurance Agent. ItEI'ltESKXTTXU i Canfornia Marine hs Co s F Columbia Fir; in I Marine Ins. Co., PorthuiU. Honie M"lual 'nsu.ance Co . S. F. Phranix of London. jnal of London. . W. Case, BANKER. Transacts aGeneral Banking Business. Until drawn available In any part of the U. S. Hud Euroe, and on Qong Kong, China OKI-1PK llOUUS : 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. )ni Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Maverick National BANK, BOSTON, IT1ASS. CAPITAL SUUPLUS ..S400.U00 .. 800.000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corpora tions solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS arc excel lent, and we re-discount for HanKs when balances warrant it. Boston is a Reserve Cit, and balances with u from Hanks (not itx-au-d in otl.cr Keservc Ci'ies) count as a rreem We dniw our own exchange on lnid.m and t!ie Continent, and niak cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the United Slates and Canaita. We have a market for iiriiip, flrst-c'ass Investment Securities, and invite proposals from SUites. Counties and Chics when is suing bonds. We do a general Banking Bushirss. and in vite correspondence. ASA r. POTTER, President. JOS. W. WORK, Cashier. 3?JbL.Jbti Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN FOR GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts of Firms and Individuals So ie ited cm Favorable Terms. Interest raid on Time Deposits. Jlmny Loaned on Personal and Real Esthle .st em ity. Foreign ami Domestic Exchaugo b 'iiglit and sold. C. T. Edcr, President. Jolin IIobNon, Vice l'res. A. B. Kilcc, Casliler. I. K. Warren. I nI.., C. S. Wrilit. 4 Directors. THE PORTLAND SAYINGS BANK OK rOUTLANU, OltKOOX. Paid tip capital . ..Saco.000 Surplus and profits.. .................. 00,000 Interest allowed on savings deposits as follows. On ordinary savings books, -1 per cc nt per annum. On term savings books, c er Ctnt per annum. On certificates of deposit : For three months, 1 per cent pi r annum. For six months, 5 per cent per annum. For twelve months, c per cent per annum. FRANK DEKUM. President. D. P. IIIOMFSON, Vice-President. II. C. SlRATrON, Cahier. a. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Machinists anil Boiler Mm. Land and Marine Engines BOIEKIt WOBSK, Steamboat Work and Cannery W,.rL A nrKCiALTV. Castings of ail Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. John Fox.. . .....President ::utSutt A. L. FOX ..Viir PieMileiit J. U. HUSTLKK. g,- . fei.il I leas B. R ALLEN & CO. DEALRItS IN all Paper and Oi! Paintings : PRACTICAL: PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Cuarantoed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Si-.. A-lnil:. M. EDGAR. Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, MEERSCHAUM & UKIKR PIPES. Pocket Cutlerj, Marine Glasses, STATIONARY AND NOTIONS, Comer Main and Se. otd sis.. Astoria. Or. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CliEVELAM), Trop'r. IM Bread Gdu: aid Pasty None but ihe Itest Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any pKrt of th clly. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer hi HARDWARE, IRO, STEEL Iron Tipe and lFiMjr Slwas, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead.Striii Iail, Sheet iron. Tin and Copper. A Chicag DrucKist Uelailed 2 ,000,800 of r74 1 n r4RTlK WB1 WlfrMHUTT" -j storm Irnn wnrh TELEGRAPHIC SDMIART. Frank Keller, of Linton, Ind., accident ally killed his wife. W. G.Vallio killed himself and wife at Corsicana, Texas. Cnba is ready for revolnticn, owing to a policy of taxation. Heddy Brennan and Tom Danforth fonjjht to a draw at Memphis. The American committee on famine in Ireland want no relief at present. E. M. Jones, some coin and a 17-year-girl are missing from Texaxknna. David A. Greener, who was shot at Kansas City, died of his wonnds. The First and Second congressional districts in California are in donbt. . Secretary Bosk makes Bome timely saj; gestions in his report on auricujtnre. The Royal Victoria Yacht Clnb will offer a oC0 cup foran international race. A prominent Canadian says the Mc Kiuleybill cuts no figure with his govern ment. Afire in the Baldwin hotel, at San Francisco, was checked in time to save the hotel. Nearly a fatal accident occurred in London by the falling of some scenery on a stage. Slavin and JIcAuliiTo have a good chanco of being imprisoned in London for prize fighting. General Miles' report regarding Pacific coast defenses, the Now York Sun sayg, should bo carried out. Much gossip is being indulged in at Washington regarding tho pres denlial nominee on the democratic tickets Edward C. Hunt committed suicide in a Chicago saloon yesterday shortly b3foro tho hour firod for his marriage Tho Barfollot family purposo making Stanley, tho explorer, prove his charges againBt tho late Major Bartcllothy bring ing an action for damages. It is nnnounoed that Senator Hearst will rcniovo to Montana and be a candi date for tho United Slates sennto from that state threo years hence. Jdch'foiiat Telegraph on Fourth Pace.) AGIUCOLTURAI, REPORT. Some Timely Suggcstlona From Secretary Rusk. 'pet i.ll lt TlIK ASTOKIA .1 Washington-, Nov. 0. The secre tary of ngriculturo has presented his annual report to the president. He expresses a distinctly hopofnl view of agricultural nffain, indica ing obvious benefit to fniraers if certain legisla tion which is specified is passcJr By comparing prices nt Chicago fot October IGtb, of 1800, nnd of 1889, bo shows (i marked increase in llio values of agricultural products, especially of cereals, decretory Husk naerts that without ignoring tho effects of nat ural causes in enhancing values it is evident tbattbi economic legislation of tho last session of congress bns directly benefitted the farmers. The improved status of cereak, as be behoves, being largely due lo si I ver legislation, which moreover has lessened the iniluenco of Itustia nnd India over wheat competitors in Brit ish maikets. Our increased export iu cattle and animal products is another oause of congratulation which ho traces to tho energetic and effectivo measures adopted for tbo eradication of pleuro pneumonia and to growing apprecia tion at home and abroad of the de partment's ability to suppress or effectually control contagious animal diseases. In line of further precau tion the department is now prepared to carry out an inspection of expoit cattlo beforo shipment, provided for by the act of August 30th: Similar energy has been directed to our pork interests, the department having already undertaken tho inspection called for by tho samo law. The secretary strongly recommcuds an inspection law still moro compre hensive of all animals slaughtered for mter-stato or foreign trade. The present immunity of "Northern catue irom Texas lover he believes to be due to a general complienco with the regulation of the department is sued last spring. The outlook for tho home sugar in dustry is considered favorable but the secretary predicts that in tho near future half of of sugar will bo thus supplied from the sugar boot In the provisions of tho tariff bill Secretary Kusk nds what he remarks as some "glaring inconsistencies" in that it gives entire control of mirror manufacturing and bounty payments to a Buoorainate omcer of the treas ury department in spite of tho fact that heretofore the denartmnntnf nfrri. cnlture has been charged with tho kcuuiui bupciruuuu ul us sugar in dustry both in its cultural and manu facturing phases. The production of raw silk as an indigenous industry is referred to in not very encourarinc termR. thnnrrh its-importance is emphasized by refer ence, to the imports of raw silk, which navo largely increased during the year and are valued for the xear at upwards of $21,000,000, out the necessity for favorable legis lation, as well as for improvements in machinery, is insisted on, Secre tary Busk, believes that tho recent changes in the tariff on linens will servo to encourage manufacturers to provide a market for home grown flax. Beference is made to the forthcom ing transfer of tho weather bureau to the department of ngriculturo with a declaration of tho secretary nnd n. ?. sire to widen the present scope of the uureau, so us xo increase lis oeneuts to agriculture. Be also insists strongly on tho necessity for a moro frequent repre sentation of the department at the meetings of agricultural and kindred societies not only to give them en couragement andvsuppy information, but for tbo benefit of tho department workers themselves, who will thus bo brought into closer contact with farm ers and will become more -amiliar with their wants and the beat means for meeting them. FORDYSPEPSTA nml Li,. nm plaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vit&lizer. It never fails to cure. BEADY FOR REVOLUTION (tola is Willing lo Oyertiuw Tie Spisli Yok THE ISLANDEBS DISSATISFIED A Policy of Grinding Taxation Has Been Pushed to an Extrema Beyond Endurance. Special by The United PittUi 1 Chicago, Nov. 9. Cuba is ripo for a revolt. It is upon authority of one of that island's inhabitants, J. A. Gonzales, who is a guest nt one of the hotels here that the statement is made. "Could we have the assurance that the United States would but indirectly assist us," ho said, ,Jwe would riso en masse, to-morrow and throw off the grasp, which Spain has upon the islands. "Why is this? Because of the misgovernment to which wo are sub jected. You, in America, talk of tbo tyranny of the Czar and the terrors of Siberia, why do you not give your at tention nearer home to Cuba, where the situation is" not a whit less better nor the liberty of people more pre carious than in Bussia. Could you go to Cnba yon would see and hear of meu arrested on tho street or iu their houses without warrants, thrust into prison nud kept thore six months or a year without so much as knowing what they are arrested for, to say nothing nboutatrinl, and they aro shot too with just as little ceremony, and yet you ask why aro wo ready for a revolu tion. "If tint cause wero not enough our business is going to rnin, tho planta tions are not raising half their for mer crops and it would b j difficult for you lo find on the entire island a Cuban in comfortable circumstances. This is duo lo the grinding taxation that Spain puts upon us.' the sccm:bv droiteu. Narrow Escape of Actorh in a London Thcutcr. Special to Tin'. Astokiav London, Nov. 9. A singular inci cideut took place yesterday at the Princess theater during a rehearsal of "Anthony and Cleopatra." An enor mous number of supers were eugaged with the performers and wero too many for the strength of the stago, for during tho great banquet the standing board at the back gave way, and some fifty-eight persons slowly disappeared info tho regions below. Then tho scene, which consisted of a nnmberof pillar?, quietly-waved about, and falling, collapsed upon the people. Soon it was certain that no one was in jured, upon which a wag cried ent: "Vh, this is much more effective than Wils-m Barrett's celebrated earthquake scene in 'Claudia n. ' $..YIN' AND iHC.VUL.IFFE. The Fighters Stand a Chance Of acinjr Imprisoned. Si:ial brTho Usitkd Press. London, Nov. 9.Tho Slavin Mc Auliffo case will come up for hearing on Friday next A great deal of pub lic interest has already been mani fested in the trial and the opinion is general that it's quite possible the prizo fighters will be given short terms of imprisonment, although on tbo other hand, hope is widely expressed that they will get off with the imposition of a fine. Highwaymen Captured. Special to Xiik AsToniAN.I Dubuque, lown,. Nov. 9. Sheriff iumipa, lu-uay, capmreu ino threo highwaymen who shot and robbed Handenshield, the driver of the Schmidt brewey wagon. Tho capture was made at Centre Grove, near the scene of the attack. They aro all strnnrrers. and p.vprv iTu1wnfinn nm'nfn to tho faot that they are tho same per sons who committed tho wholesale burglaries in Wyoming, Jones county, last Friday night Died en the Way Home. SpccLU to The AsxoniAN. , Kansas Cirr, Nov. 9. H. S. Mills, a private banker of this city and a man of great wealth and influence in this community, died to-day while en route home from New York, where he had been to receive medical aid. GavuTkcin s Thorough Trial. Hon. E A. Moore, Member of Assem bly, .Richmond county, N. T., writes: "1 have two afflictions which some times make life a hurdon. One isdj's pepsia, the other Is rheumatism. I heard that Brandreth's Pills, taken one or two at night on an empty om ach, would cure rheumatic pains. I gave them a thorough trial for three weeks, taking one or two every night. To my delight, not only was I cured of TllfMimritism hlltllvcnonsin tc?M..n..no-. and biliousness. They did not inter- ieru wan my uiec or Dusmess, ami 1 really think them an incomparable blood purifier and caUiartic." A mahogany book caso said to have been once owned by Daniel Webster, brought S35 at a salo in Boston week before last. The Pulpit and the Stage. Rev. F. M. Shrout, pastor United Brethren Church. Blue Mnnnil. TTntis-iQ. says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has uuira iui iuc--. jiy juua were utiuiy uis- ased, and my parishioners thought 1 could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discov-. ery and am sonnd and well, gaining 20 lbs. in weight" Arthur Love, manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence 1 am confident Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption beats 'em all, and cures when everything else fails. The Seatest kindness I can do my many ousand friends is to urge 'them to try it." Free trial bottles at J. V7. Conn's drug store. Begular sizes 50c and $t. SUILOU'S OA.TARRB REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Month. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relievo Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. DOUBTFUL DISTRICTS. Republicans and Democrats Both Iiivc in Hope. Special by The Usited PbessI San Fkancisco, Nov. 9. The fight in the first congressional district is be ing watched with increasing interest and the result still hangs in the bal ance. Forty-eight hours ago Geary, Dem., rejoiced in a majority o sixty five. Yesterday that disappeared be fore a majority forBarham of G22 and to-day that is lowered by later returns to 254. One quarter of the district has yet to be heard from, including the entire county of Del Norte, which in 1883 was equally divided by the two great political parties. The out look is still favorable for Barham. The contest between Blanchard and Caminetti in the second district is just as exciting as that in the first. This morning the republican candidate had his majority narrowed down from 397 to 82, a very dangerous margin, con sidering the fact that only tliirty-four precincts remain to bo heard from, of which nineteen are situated in Mar iposa county, where tho democrats had a majority of from one hundred to one hundred twenty-fivo in 1888. The remaining nrecincrs also wnfe Wrrplv democratic in tho presidential cam paign and the prospect for Blanchard is not m consequence very reassuring. WILL MOVE TO MOXTANA. Senator Hearst Wants to Go Back to Centres. Special by The UNirED rnnss.l Washington, Nov. 9. The Chicago Post's Washington representative, thinks that Senator Hearst, dpqnnir- ing of a return to tbo senate from Cal ifornia three vears hence, -trill tnto nn his residence iu Montana near his Anaconda mine and will mvn Ins ann atorial ambition full play in that state jis affordinir a better chance ihun that of California, in view of tho recent election. This information, me vjuicago rosi will print as a incr. ANOTHER 'FRISCO HOTEL FIRE Tie Baldwin Has a Narrow Escape From Destruction. masy TjAdt guests 2iiyxi:n. Special b The Unitkd ritESi. San Francisco, Nov. 9. At exactly i o'clock this morning an alarm of firo was turned an for a blazo in tho Bald win hotel. The firemen, upon arriving on the scene, found that a smothered fire was filling tho hotel with smoke, which camo from the basemen L Tho guests in the hotel were imme diately notified, and the announce ment of the fire caused the greatest excitement, many lady guests fainting The fire, which was in tho basement, was finally reached. It originated in tho electrician's room from crossed wires setting fire to some cotton bat ting and then to woodwork in the base ment. The damage will amount to less than $1,000. TOE FAITIIIVE IN' IRELAND. The American Committee Want No Relief. Special to The Astokian. New Youk, Nov. 9. Tho American committee for relief in Ireland has issued a statement announcing tho temporary withdrawal of its nnneni tn the American people. At tho time iuo appeal was issued the committee says there was no reason for believing that the distress which would follow the failure of the potato crop in Ire land wonld be relieved, otherwise than uj .cumuriuiiu jjeuurosiiy. No steps having been taken by tho British government to meet tho crisis, tho first effort of action of the Amer ican committee was to provoke flip pant ueniais iroin tne government press that distress existed or that f am ino was threatened. Nevertheless de velopments of tho last month have confirmed the committee's warning and the British government has been spurred to investigate the situation and undertake a system of public works in the distressed districts, which by partial relief will at least postpone the threatened famine. The committee has reason to be lieve that this sudden HP.Kvifv nf Ihn British government is largely due to me sympainy ana support offered from America, and inasmuch as the government is now pledged to prevent distress coming to the Irish people, is of the opinion that there may be need of sendincr food and clothino- fo Trolnni from America. This conclusion is reached after a friendly consultation with representatives of the TrisTi non- pie now in America, who represent mac ic woum introduce an interfering element into Irish politics if aid in any shape should bo sent to Ireland by any charitable agency, before the pres ent resources of imperiled peasants were exhausted. When that point is reached, if it.does come, tho commit tee will renew its appeal and trust to the generosity of the American public to carry on an adequate relief move ment Tho Crisis Will come nt nlmnf. flm close of tho year and it will then be apparent whether the -nle1ra nf fha British government is to be kept and whether relief mens res -nrnmicnA under its nuspiccs will bo adequate. j.u mo uieuuwiiuu uie committee will maintain its organization so that it may act if necessary. FoHjrht te sl Draw. Special t6 Tns Astouian.1 Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 9. A fight between "Beddy" Brennan, of Strea- tor. Ills., and Tommv Ttanfnrfli nf New Orleans, was declared a draw at the end of the eighth round on account of darkness. Science Works Wonders. I had sciatic rheumatism so that I was all drawn over to one side. My hip sank in so that you could lay your hand in the cavity, and I did no work for a year Nothing did mo any good until 1 tried Hibhard'sJRheumatic Svr up. Four bottles cured me. Al.TlERT KlJtO, Van Vert, Ohio. HILL AND CLEVELAND Gossip Regard tie ProlaWe Democratic Nominee. AfTAIBS OP THE NATION Defence of the Pacific Ooast Doubtful Congressional Districts In California. Special by The UmixD Pkess. Washington, Nov. 9. With tho re turn of the members of congress to the city, the contest for the speaker ship of the next honso begins to as sume local interest. Tho fight for the position will bo waged warmly during the coming winter and will undoubtedly have its effect even on the deliberations of rep resentatives. The most interesting phase of tho discussion of tho subject at this time is the question of its relation to the contest for the democratic nomination tho presidency in 1892. One of tho current bits of gossip is that an alliance may bo formed be tween the east and tho west in the speakership contest with a view to an arrangement for tho presidential nom ination. Prominent democrats now in the city say that tho democratic strength of New York, New Jersoy, Connecticut, West Virginia, Maryland, part of Pennsylvania and part of Virginia can bo thrown for a western candi date for tho speakership in exchange for western votes for an eastern can didate for the presidential nomina tion. Governor Abbott, of New Jersey, ex-Governor Black, of Pennsylvania, Senator Barbour, of Virginia, and Senator Gorman, of Maryland, are counted as favorable to an alliance in the combine. Tho candidates for the presidency most spoken of aro Whitney and Hill, while it is current gossip that friends of "Cleveland and Patteson in the east may form an alliance for the election of a Southern candidate for speaker in exchange for Southern votes in the democratic national convention. OUR COAST DEFENCES. No Reason Why Tucy Should Not Not Perfected. Special to The Astoriax.1 New York, Nov. 9. The Sunday issue of tho Sun, in commenting on General Nelson A. Miles' appeal for harbor fortifications on the Pacific coast says: "There is nothing unrea sonable in tho general's demands although practically the Pacific coast can only expect to share in tho general provisions for coast defense like tho Atlantic for securing and per fecting land titles. It is believed that 5250,000 would cover all emplacements from Vancouver south to tho Mexican border. This is be cause the points thero needing forti fication are few in number and are all perfectly known, while the site3 to a larger extent are owned by the gov ernment. With a gun factory at Benicia, and a navy yard at Paget Sound, the Pacific coast could begin to supply its own defenses just as it now is supplying new war ships of the best sort for the Pacific and Asiatic squadrons. MURDER AND SUICIDE. A Husband Shoots Ills Wife and Kills Himself. isDecial to Tiie AstorianI. Corsican-a, Texas, Nov. 9. William G. Vallie, a railroad conductor, killed his wife and committed suicide in tho Mallory betel here last night. The couple had just retired for tho night when three shots in rapid succession wero heard. The hotel clerk ran to the room and found Mrs. Vallie lying across tho bed in a dying condition with a bullet wound in her head and another in her neck and her husband dead with a smoking revolver in his hand. GONE WITH THE GIRL. A Railroad Ulan Levants With Coin and a Pretty miss. Special to The AstouuxJ TexARKANA. Nov. 9. E. M Jmien an employe of the cotton belt road s disappeared from here taking with 5 Clara Wierfe. a nrottv rnrl of seventeen. Officials of tho road charge that Jones is short in his ac counts to a iarge amount. A brother of tho trirl has skirted in pursuit armed with a gun and is de- lermiuea to cause oioousned. Died of His Wounds. Special to The AstorusJ Kansas Crrr, Nov. 9. David A Greever, tho wealthy cattlo man. who was shot Friday afternoon by Charles uimora, tne mew xors iignt weight pugilist, died from tho effect of his wound yesteiday afternoon. Clifford will be arraigned on Monday and charged with murder. Mrs. Clifford, over whom the quarrel was had, has disappeared and it i3 thought she may have concealed herself, fearful of being charged with complicity in ureevers murder. The Home Trnth of a Foreign Proverb. Tho Spanish havo a proverb demnsiado es pellgroso "Too much is dangerous." jf "Drevity is lue soul oi wit," tins me aas a great deal. Excesses and other impru dences In eating and drinking are product ive of one tremendous evil-ttic progenitor of many others and these are anions the loiues 10 wuicn mis puny saying lias direct application. The evil to which we allude is Indigestion, to tne relief and cure of which Hosteler's Stomach Bitters has contributed niose than any medicine which science lias clven to tho American people. This invig orating stomachic nnd corrective is the means not only ot reforming a disordered or enfeebled condition of the digestive organs, but of renewing healthy action of the bow els and the liver. Besides this, it counter acts a tendency to rheumatism and kidney complaint, extirpates and prevents malaii ous dlsease.is apotentrestorative of strength which Is falling, hastens convalescence, and mitigates the infirmities of age. ARK YOU M"AD"R mispmhlft hv Tmli- gestion, Constipation, Dizziness. Loss of Appetite, lellpw Skin? Shiloh's V 1UUI4GJL lO U JJVaillVCkUtC. A MATTER OF HONOR. Stanley to Be Brought into Court By tlic Bartcllots. Special to Tub Astorias.I LONDOV. Nov. 9. Tf id cnirl flint tha Bartellot family have asked tho opin ion oi eminent counsel as to the best andspeediest means of bringing Stan ley into a COUrt of insHA in rpfaronna to his new charges against tho lato luujur. MIS. Jameson lias rilsn nrmenlfo7 lawyers with the same object in view. xifcr remeay appears to be somewhat doubtful, but a distinguished lawyer has alreadv rlplTvoro7 nn n; k. JJartollot's brother can bring action uyiuuaioianiey ior certain statements made which directly affected him. Solicitor General, Sir Edward Clarke, is of the same opinion and this course will be pursued, for the familv is fullv determino not t lat- the affair rest where it is, feeling that my cannot ao so with honor. AN INTERNATIONAL CUP. Inducement for Yatclismcn to Enter into a Contest. Special to The Astoria. London, Nov. 9. Tho Boyal Vic- toria Yacht Club has decided to offer an international challenge cup of the approximate value.of 500. The American cup under some of the provisions of the new deed of gift has not been a sufficient inducement to yachtsmen to venture on a trip across tho Atlantic, and the offer of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club is chiefly for tho benefit of American yachtsmen. Run into a Signal Tower. Special to The Astoriax.1 Altoona, Pa., Nov. 9. A stock train crashed into and completely wrecked a signal tower at Port Royal on tho Pennsylvania railroad this morning. The operator escaped death by jump ing from tho tower, but the fireman of the train was killed. DEATH INSTEAD OF IABEME SnicWe of a Tonne Ian In a CUcap Saloon. STOJtY IVtOJr Tim J?AJi HAST. Special by The United Pkes?. Chicago, Nov. 9. A strange story was told yesterday at tho inquest on Edward C. Hunt, a young pharmacist, who last night blew his brains out in a saloon. The story is that he was to have been married to-day to a Miss Monte Delia McCroskey said to be a danghter o tho cattle king in the state of "Washington. According to tho story told by one of Hunt's in timate friends he left his home in Garnett, Kansas, a year ago for a trip in tho West for his health. On the road he met Miss McCroskey and their friendship soon resulted in an engagement and althongh no cere mony was performed they lived to gether in Tacoma as man and wife, Hunt soon departed for the East and Miss McCroskey discovered after a while that she was to become a mother. "Wishing to avoid scandal she camo to visit friends- in Iowa and remained thero until her child wa3 bora. It did not live long. The young woman then determined to hunt her recreant lover up and on coming to Chicago she met him and demanded that he marry her. He agreed, the wedding being fixed for to-day. Nothing more was heard of Hunt from last Monday until Friday night, when he walked into the saloon ac companied by threo women. He bought them drinks and telling the ' bar tender he had no money, offered his overcoat in settlement, saying he would not need it again. The bar tender refused to accept it and with out a word young Hunt whipped out a revolver and sent a bullet through his head. He has wealthy relatives in Garnett, Kansas. ACCIDENTAL HOMICIDE. A man Kills His Wife With an Empty Revolver. Special to TnE Astokian. MAETiNSVUiiiEjInd., Nov. 9. Frank Keller of Linton, who had been shoot ing at dogs a day or so ago was clean ing his revolver, which ho thought was empty, when it was discharged, and his wife who was standing near by, was shot in tho right side. She has since died. Keller is left with three small children nnd is almost dis tracted with grief. Epocli. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life" of the indi vidual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby tho good health has been at tained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Elec tric Bitters. So many leel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic If you are troubled with any disease of the Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of longer short standing you will surely findrc lief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 c, and SI per bottle at J, W. Conn's Drug storey . M A twenty-stamp mill has been ordered for working the ores on Ce dros Island, off the coast of Lwer Cal ifornia. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mns. WcfSLow's Soothing Sriror should always he used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic,audis the best remedy fordiar-rhoea.Twenty-live cents a bottle. JACOBS OH CURES PERMANENTLY RHEUMATISIO. StUToroil for Noarly 30 Years. 1S7 N. Chester St., Baltimore, Md. For nearly S3 rears I suffered witb rheuma usm in ana and shoulder; could not lift mi ana. Less than two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil eured me. W. H. HEESON. Of JTaay Tears Standing. Gadsden, Crockett Co., Tenn. iiy case was rheumatism, of many years' most everything without relief. St. Jacob! At Decggists akd Dealeb3. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Baltimore, W. -'iC .tf ' ""i "vi Ws ' f