i - a -i OL. XXXY, NO. 130. ASTORTA, OREGON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER , !8!)0. PRICE FIVE CENT 3 tf --sr - - (II - The Only Exclusive Clothing! AND JBEsit EConse O Th l.o;r-e that is managed the best, and transacts its business on the low c c i iic for the volume of business anmnlly transacted. TV house that can, and does sell its goods on the smallest margin. The liouse that keeps the best assoitment and lias no shelf-worn goods, it, stock is always new and fresh as it is continually coming and going, like llio itew of the mighty Columbia, direct from its source, to tho body it supplies. Above all, it is the house that treats every customer alike, and transacts all iJmsiness on strictly business principles, in short it is a business house ZNTot; L Falie. BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Astoria, - Oregon. Office, three doors cast Court House, Third street. p J. CCKTIS, Attontfj-at-I.w: SoUry PnLHc. Hmkslouar or Deeds for Washington xnry. Office in Flavors new brick miHlMt?, Cor. Second and Cass streets. J OttS a. S2I1TIS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. oatcctta Cass street, 2 doors back of Odd w-s llttHdtn;:, Astoria, Oregon. I q. a. itowiiity, ttnrnj rind Connncllnr ut L.aw Scc ou Gtien&iuus Street, Astoria, Oregon t m R. KAN AC A, ATTOKXEY AT UW. nce over White liouse Cor., Astoria, Or. T II. TS VXSKLL, m:n. estate broker AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 1SS5. Third Street, next to W, TJ. Telegraph Of Rce, Astoria, Or. T W. PARKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Conveyancer and Notary Public It2 Benton Street, opposite the rostolllce, Between Gncnamus ctquemoque sis.. Astoria. Oregon. L A. CliSVELASO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oae Havel's uew brick building, corner ccoad aad Cass streets : up stairs. rU!i. A. I AXDJ. A. FUJTOX. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Spfdal nttention to Diseases of Women ud Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Spccta! attontton to Surgery, by Dr. J. A Fulloa. OSce boors from 10 to 12 A. m., and 1 to 4 D. It. II. IV. STRICKLCR, rilYSICIAN, SU11GEOX AND DRUGGIST lasireplc case:, cliarges only for medi- Near ItElcc, Chcnamus Street. Astoria, Oreco. JAY TUTTLE. M. D. fhyacaaii, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Koom c, Pythian Building. OEee hours r 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, 633 Cedar Street. B. R. XILLF.K, X. I. Graduate ot Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pital Oollefre, and Post-Graduate of New Vork City Polyclinic School of Medicine andSurpery. First and Main streets, Portland. Xlsavscs of Women a Specialty. D R.O.B.ESTKS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Women -laaSurccry. ?racK: Opposite Telegraph Ofllce, up Stairs, Astoria, Oregon. T")K. P. A. BEES, DENTT1ST Eooms3and4,FlaTcl's new Brick Bulld- W. T. BCXXEV. X. T. BAEIir J. W. DRAPER. Barney, Barin & Draper, Attorneys at-Law. JOregon City, Oregon. Twelve years experience as Register of 3cCS.Land Office here, recommends us ta oar specialty of Mining and all other bus iaB oelorc the Land Office or the Courts, a4 tavolvinjj the pracDco in the General LaadOMee. fiWsei lister fc 4aifiaaj uvmivi v. axuuviwuj CIVIL ENGINEERS, Sirveyors and Architects. OrriCE, Booh 9, Fultel's Bld'o BBCOHD STREET P. O. Box S13. ASTORIA, OR. SE0 In TJbL 0"ty. The House that Buys and Sells the Best Goods, as to !&Ll2LG, Co P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Slain St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODBERRY Cotton Lines andTwlnes SEINES and NETTING or all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Companies, Representing S13,000,000 PIKEKIX, Hartford, Conn HUME, ,... New York, Agcnc j raclflc Express and Wells. Fargo Jt Co. ,-o-T H E-o AUSTIN -:-H0U J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Open All tie Year 'Roil THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of the Necanicura, within five minutes' Avalk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Kesoit on the Northwest Pacific Coast. Every attention is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests, aud the table is supplied witli the very best in season. llere ate plenty of Clams and Crabs, there Is game in the Woods and plenty of the finest fish in the streams. E. P. N00NAN & CO. (Successors to) T. jE Hynes, DEALERS IN- G-roceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE XO. 7. - P. 0. BOX 390 W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUTPIIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Boss Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twtne, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spike, Galvanized Cut Kails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, Groceries, lESto. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco lor Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods bv Every Steamer.. Call and seo him and satisfy yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor, iLOERBROOK BAKGAIh'S IN Airtoffiort -FOR Few Days Only. BUY NOW! DONT WAIT! rs Sure To Be -THE Terminus of a Rail Road. Wingate & Stone, - ODD FELLOWS'BUILDING, Astoria, - Or. JLk BANKER. Transacts a General Banking; Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the 0. S. and Europe, and on Hong-Kong, China OrncE Houns : 10 a. m. to 3 v. m. Odd Fellovts Building. Astoria, Oregon. Maverick National BANK, BOSTOX, ITIASS. CAPITAL .5400,000 .. 800,000 SURPLUS Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corpora tions solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excel lent, and c re-discount for Banks when balances warrant it. Boston is a Reserve Citv, and balances with us from Banks (not located in other ICeservc Cities) count as a reserve. We draw our own exchange on London and the Continent, and make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout me united Mates ana i:anaaa. Wc have a market for prime, first-class Investment Securities, and invito proposals from States. Counties and Cities when Is suing bonds. IVe do a general Banking Business, and in vite corresoondciice. ASA P. rOTTER, President. JOS. W. WORK, Cashier. !2?JbL.I! Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN FOR GENERAL BAKKIM BUSINESS Accounts of Firms and Individuals Solic ited on Favorable 1 erms. Interest nald on Time Deposits. Money Loaned on Personal and Real Lstate se curity. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. C. T. Kdcc, President. John Ilobson, Mce Pres. A. B. Kdcc, Cashier. D. K. Warren. I TP,nr. THE PORTLAND SAYINGS BANK OF rOJITLANI), OUICGOX. Paid up capital.. Surplus and prollts.. .S2GO.CO0 .. C0.000 Interest allowed on savings deposits as follows. On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent per annum. On term savings books, c i cr c-nt per annum. On certificates of deposit : For three mouths, 4 per cent pt r annum. For six months, 5 per cent per annum. For tw e'e months, c per cent per annum. FRANK DEKUM. President. D. 1'. 11IOMPSON. Vice-President. II. C. siRAfroN, Cahier. Astoria Iron Works. Coacomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or Geucral MacMflists anS Boiler Mate. Land and Marine-Engine ROII.ER WORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. Jean Fox President, and Supt A. U Fox, Vice President J. G. Hustlek w. Sec and Treas B. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL : PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, M. EDGAR. Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff; MEERSCHAUM & BRIER PIPES, Pocket Cutlery, Marine Glasses, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. Comer Main and Second Sts., Astoria, Or. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEYELASD, Trop'r. Gooi Breafl, Cake and Pastry None hut tho Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. A Pocket Pincushion Free to Smokers of JigRii TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY, Borchell is to be executed on Novem ber 14th. Chinese are gaining a foothold in Salt Lake City. An epidemic of diphtheria is reported in San Francisco. Heavy storms are reported throughout Great Britain and Ireland. Three hundred liyes were lost by a powder mills explosion in China. James Russell Lowell lays the defeat of tho republicans to factional work. Austin Gibbons defeated Mike Cushing in a skin-glove fight near ProTidencr. Germany considers tho result of the elections as fatal to tho 3XcKinley bill. Four soldiers were killed by the bun-ting of a shell at Fort "Wadsworth, Stnt-.u Island. Thel'iuto Indians in tho Beserrjir section in Nevada are becoming trouble some. Col. James D. Smith, a prominent real estate man at Tacoma, committed suicide. The Illinois delegation to congress will be twelve democrats and eight re publicans. The naval commission will report on a site for tho dry dock on theNorth Pacific in a few days. C. P. Huntington denies that ha in tends building a lino from Oregon to Winnemucca. A granite shaft wa3 shipped to Hono lulu from San Francisco for the tomb of Tavernier, the artist. It is said in Portland that Sheriff Smith is to be arrested for kidnapping Kelly and Armstrong. The Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Chicago, has assigned. Liabilities, 558,000; assets, SlSS.COO. An unknown man committed saicido in Portland by taking poison nnd cutting the arteries of his arms. Mrs. O. G. Bailey, wife of a prominent citizen in Memphis, was murdered by a negro whom she refused to give money to. Additional Telegraph tm Fourth Page.) THE WIRES BROKE. By tho breaking of the Western Union telegraph, wire nt 1:25 o'clock this morning tho budget of the latest telegraphic news for Tue Astoriax which is generally received here about 2 o'clock was cut off, uudf only tho general dispatches filed through. tho early part of tho day aud night got through. Tho cause or location oE the break is not known. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to VV. . Dement & Co. Carries Comph-te .-tlovki of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. l'rcCrlllon (rrrull (oujiMri(lt-.:. Agent tir Mexican Salve and Noiwegiau Pile Cur GOTO LARSON & HILLBACK -FOR- GROCERIES ASD FIUISII FKV1T8. Orders delivered Free f Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third blreet, next to Pioneer office. TZZ? c2 BOOTS AND SHOES The Largest Stork, Best Quality an I Lowest Prlcfs at the Sign ot The (Jolden Shoe. j-OEcnsr o. :oon.DErisr Contractor and Stone Mason All kinds of Stone Work done In a neat and substantial manner. Ad.lres all Orders or Correspondence Box 213. Astoria. Or. r. W. CASE Insurance Agent. RKPRESKNTIXU California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fir: m 1 Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Insutance Co , S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London.' J. C. BULL lias Opened a Produce and Commission STORE AT 486 Tkirrf Street, Astoria, Or. Wholesale and Retail huslues. in Flour, Mill Feed, Oats, Potatoes. apples, Etc Solicits a General Commission Business. jSr Wrjm FOUR SOLDIERS KILLED Fatal Accident at a Goyernnieut Reseryation in to Yuri INDIAN TROUBLES IN NEVADA. Suicide of a Prominent Heal Estate Man in Tacoma A Fight with Skin Gloves. Special bv Thk Uxitkd Picks-. New Yokk, Nov. 7. Information has jnst reached here, that rhilo sev eral soMiera were handling shells in the magazine at Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, this morning, one of them let a shell fall and it exploded killing four persons. WITH SKIN GLOVES. Austin Gibbons Defeats mike Cusulnff in Nineteen Rounds. Special to The Astoriaj.-.1 Pbovidexce, Nov. 7. A skin glove fight for 1,000 a side between Austin Gibbons, of Patterson, and Mike Cushing, of Williamsburg. N. Y , took place at nu early hour this morning. Gushing was knocked out in the nine teenth round. The fight has been the leading topic among sporting men since the Dixon Murphy fight aud a large number of sports accompanied tho fighters from New York, Thursday, to the rendezvous at Providence. Among those present wero Jake Kilrain, John Kelly, "Snapper" Gar rison, Jim Carroll, FJorrie Sullivan, Larry Kilten, Davey Moran, Jack Ashtou, Bill Adler, Stanley French, Ike Garron, Geo. Miller, Andy Godfrey and Frank P. Bay. The betting in New York previous to the fight was $100 to SS0 on Gib bons. Gibbons defeated Cuslung in a twenty-four round's fight, abont a year ago, but Cushing's friends claimed that he was not in condition, hence tho anxiety to bring on another match. Both men wero heavily backed. . SUIClDi: AX TACOMA. A "Prominent Real Estate ITInn Blows His Qraim Out. Spec'al IoThr A.SToitiAX.1 Tacoma, Nov. 7. Colonel James D. Smith, one of tho best known real estate dealers in this city, committed suicide -at noon to-day. Ho aroso fromludch table, went up stairs "with out n word, into his bedroom, and blew the top of his head off with a re volver. No. cause for the act is known. Colonel Smith came to Tncoma about threo years ago from Yicks burg, Miss., and ongaged in the real estate business. He was at tho head of the old esttiblished firm of Smith, Boot & Jordan. He owned a great deal of American lake and other prop erly nnd was generally thought to bo worth S200.000 and a 'haudsorae resi dence. Deceased was about 50 years old nnd leaves a widow aud several children. Beal estnlo men and ac quaintances generally are astounded at the deed. Bt KNIFE AND POISOIV. Suicide of an Unknown man in n. Portland Ilotel. Special to Tub astouiax.I PoktIiAnt, Nov. 7. A man com mitted suicide here this evening at the Knappa lodging house by poison. He took enough to kill four people. He also attempted to cut the arteries of both of his arms by gashing with a knife. The deceased arrived here sev eral days ago from Tacoma, and was supposed to have been a railroad man. His name is unknown, but a receipt found in his clothing bears tho name of N. Morris. He was aged about 30 years. INDIAN TROUBLES IN NEVADA. Flutes in tae Reese River Scetion s. Need Watching. Special to The astoriak. BzKOj'Nev., Nov. 7. A (Jazette spe cial from Austin pays: Parties arriv ing hero from the Upper Beese river valley report that the Indians are troublesome in that section and the people have called upon Governor Bell to forward guns aud ammunition bo they can be prepared in the event of hostilities. Volunteers will go from here if needed. FIRE LOSSES THE CAUSE. A. Galcage Fire Insuranco Com - pany Makes aa Assignment. Special to Thk Astoriax 3 Chicago, Nov. 7. The Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chicago, has made an assignment for the benefit of its creditors. The liabilites are $58 000 and the assets $188,000. The assignment was made in view of the heavy withdrawals of those who had given premium notes, and recent heavy fire losses. The Home Troth of a Foreign Proverb. The Spanish have a proverb demnsiado es peltgroto "Too much is danRerous." 11 "brevity Is the soul of wit," thl mr ans a great deal. Excesses aud other impru dences In eating and drinking arc product ive of one tremendous evll-ttio progenitor of many others aud these are among the tollies to which this pithy sajiog has direct application. The evil to which we allude is indigestion, to the relief and cure ot which Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has contributed moss than any medicine which science has Klven to the American people. This invig orating stomachic and corrective Is the means not only of reforming a disordered or enfeebled condition of the digestive organ, but of renewing healthy action of the bow els and the liver. Besides this, it counter acts a tendency to rheumatism and kidney complaint, extirpates and prevents malail ous discase.is apotcntrestorative of strength which is failing, hastens convalescence, and mitigates the infirmities of age. Baron Hirsch, the Prince ot Wales' friend, is the richest French Banker $50,000,000. IFerse Tfcan leprosy Is Catarrh, and there is hut one prepa ration that does cure that disease, and that is the California Positive and Neg ative Electric Liniment. Sold by J. W. Conn. It also cures neuralgia, rheuma tism, headache, sprains, burns and all pain. Try it and tell your neighbor where to get it. CRAZED BY LIQUOR. A ilan Terrorizes a Household in Alderhrook. Sheriff Smith was aroused out of bed shortly before 12 o'clock last night, and called to Alderbrook to subdue a whiskey-crazed man. The maniac's name is JTohnson, and with his family and several lodgers, occupies a house in the rear of the Norwegian church. "When the sheriff reached the scene he found Johnson stalking- about the halls, armed with a shotgun, and threatening to kill any and everybody, with first choice for tho Salvatio'n Army man. Some little persuasion on the part of the officer induced Johnson to give up the shotgun. Following this surrender, Mrs. Johnson, the man's wife, and several of the room ers came out of hiding and begged the sheriff notio arrest him. As none of them would make a charge against the man, the officer had to content him self with capturing the gun and return ing to town. An examination showed that both barrels of the weapon were loaded. F.vidcntly a Thief. Thi3 morning about 2 o'clock, a man at Jeff's restaurant, who had ordered and received a meal, ran away without paying for it The waiter pursued, and calling for the man to stop, Officer Larsen's attention was attracted, and he stopped the man. When the waiter came up and explained the case the man wa3 mad and struck him. Lar sen then took the man to the city prison, where he gave the name of W. S. Kobinson, and on being searched was found to have $7 in money, and threo watches, one in each of the back pockets of his pants. One was a gold watch with gold chain, and one was a silver watch with gold chain. Very likely tho two latter were stolen. Sheriff Smith to Be Arrested. Special to Thk Astoriax. Pobtland, Nov. 7. It is alleged that Sheriff Smith will be arrested for kidnapping Kelly and Armstrong who wero witnesses in the Kelly case. A' FIERCE STORM IN EUROPE. Lanfls riooieu ani Many Honses Blown Down. DISASTERS OX THE WATER. Special by Tue United Piiess. London, Nov. 7. A heavy storm prevails throughout Great Britain nnd Ireland and much damage hes been done. Tho rain is falling incessantly and in many sections the country is flooded. The down-pour is accom panied by a high wind and reports havo been received of many houses being unroofed. The storm is espec ially severe off the shore. Telegrams from various points along the coast stato that an enor mous sea is running and a number of coasting vessels are wrecked. Advices from Belfast state that a report has been received there that a yacht had foundered in Belfast slough and its owner, a Scottish nobleman, was drowned. At Liverpool and vicinity tho storm is raging with terrifio fury and shows no signs of abatement. The damage will bo great London, Nov. 7, Latek. The yaoht lost was that of the Viscount Cartelupe and he was drowned. The viscount was a nephew of Lord Sack ville, formerly British consul to Wash ington. The viscount had climbed into the rigging where ho directed the move ments of the crew and cheered them on in their exertions to save the ves sel. While thus engaged he became numb with cold and a huge wave breaking over tho yacht he was unable to retain his hold and was swept into the sea. For Tavcrnier's Tomb. Special to The Astorian.1 San Fbancisco, Nov. 7. The steamer Australia, which sailed to-day for Honolulu, carried a granite column, similar in shape to Cleopatra's needle. It is for a monument at the tomb of Tavernier, the artist, who was buried at Honolulu. He was formerly a mem ber of the Bohemian club, and the steamship company will forward the monument without charge to its des tination. The column was purchased by the club. Itc mar liable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainfield,lll., makes the statement that she caught cold which settled on her lungs; she was treated a month by her family phy sician, but grew worse, lie told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She contin ued its use, and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well, now does her housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this great Discovery at J. W. Conn's Drug Store, large bottles, 50c and $1. The man at the telephone says "HelloP' but the man who sits down on a pin point says just the reverse. ADTICE TO MOTIIEIiS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sybup should always be used for children teething. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chohc, and is the best remedy for diar-rhcca.Twonty-five cents a bottle. Some Eastern poetess asks the con undrum : "Oh, where does beauty lin gerf Our offico hours are 8 to 6. Peck's Sim. lioticc. GOD'S BLESSING TO HUMANITY So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old. Fokest Grove. On, March 19. 1 have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA and obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it to the afflicted. I am now nearly ninety years um, cumu 10 uregon in iimz in tue em . emov coot DAVID MUNROE. RESULT OF A FACTION James Russell Lowell on tie Re inllican Defeat, HOW ILLINOIS WILL STAND. Twelve Democrats and Eight Bep-ab- licanB Will 60 To Congress A German View. Special by Tho United Pbess. New York, Nov. 7. A PosVs Bos ton special says: "James Eussel Lowell said in a private conversatien: 'When parties become factions, ifc is time for all good men to leave them. I make this distinctien: parties rep resent principles and factions are the instruments of men. At present the republican party is a faction.' " WHAT A FALLING OFF! Congressmen that Will XSe rtllssedin Committee Work. Special to The Astorianj Washington, Nov. 7. In the great change that will come in the next congress the severest loss the repub licans will feel is not of a less number of men, but of the quality of the men, by defeat or failure of nomination and the party loses its majority. Of its very best men over half of its commit tee and the chairmen are gone. Be sides McKinley, of the ways and means, and Cannon of the appropri ation committees, the republicans will mi3s Baker or the commerce commit tee; Conger, of the coinage weights and measures committee; Farquhar, of the merchant marine and fisheries ; Perkins, of Indian affairs; Struble of Territories; McCormick, of railways and canals; Bntterworth, of patents; Merill, of invalid pensions; Browne, of revision of laws; Delano, of pensions; Laidlaw, of claims; Chandler, of the world's fair; Mason of the ballot 'box forgery and Dunnell, of the eleventh census. TWELVE TO EIGHT. now llic Illinois Delegation Will Stand in Congress. Special to The Astokian. Chicago, Nov. 7, Congressman Payson, Rep., telegraphs that he is defeated. In tho Eighth district Stewart, Dem., defeats Congressman Hill by a small majority. This will make the Illinois delegation in con gress stand: democrats twelve, re publicans eight. Effect in Berlin. Special to Tms Astobian. Berlin, Nov. 7. The result of the election in tho United States is con sidered fatal to the McEanley bill. American importers are now giving nearly as many orders to German manufacturers as they did before the adoption of the new tariff. THE DRY SOCK SITE. The Commission Will Report on It in a. Few Days. Special to The Astobian.! Washington, Nov. 7. Captain T. O. Selfridge and Lieutenant A. B. Wickoff, of the navy, members of the board to select a site on the North west coast for a naval dry dock re turned to Washington to-day. The board visited many available sites in the Puget sound region and at the mouth of the Columbia river. Its report will be submitted to the president in a few days, but will not likely be made public until it is sent to congress. A French View. Special to The Astorian.1 Paris, Nov. 7. The Paris Journal views the democratic victory in Amer ica with satisfaction and expresses the hope that America will now adopt a wiser economic policy. The press generally urges the gov ernment to abstain from a policy of prohibition against Amerioan goods. A Diphtheria. Epidemic. Special to The Astouian.i San Francisco, Nov. 7. Up to 3 o'clock this afternoon ten new cases of diphtheria had been reported for to day, and people are becoming alarmed and are calling for disinfectants and instructions how to prevent the spread of the disease. His Days Numbered. Special to The Astobian.1 Ottawa, Nov. 7. The cabinet coun cil has decided that Burchell shall be executed on the 14th inst. Passengers to Portland. The following 13 tho list of passen gers having rooms who went up the river last night on the steamer li. R. Thompson. H. BTeddick, Geo. Kaboth, C. H. Goode, N. Howerton, Mr. Loveland, Mrs. Baty, S. Hoffmann, Capt. J. A. Brown, A. L. Fish, A. A. Cleveland, D.Morgan, Miss Smith, Mr. Meyer, F. Carter, M. L. Pratt, Mr. McMullan, Arthur Brix, Albert Brix, Mrs. Car roll, Mrs. Drew, Cap tW. W. Khoades, O. H. Warner, J. B, McNitt, J. Borch ers and wife, Ed. Solomon, W. H. Chamberlain, S. G. Allen, Geo. Parr, T. H. Lienenweber, Mr. McEwan, P. J. Brady, E. Hove. Happy Hoosicrs. "Win. Timmons, postmaster of Ida ville, Intl., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that had feel ing arising from Kidney ami Liver trouble." John Leslie, fanner and stockman of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the hest Kidney and Liver medicine; made me feel like a new man." J. "W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is lust the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he Hve3 or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. SHILOn'S YITALIZElt is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dispepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer General 2files arrived in last evening from Shoalwater bay and left up the river. The British shin T.nnsrtnlp. sm'Tpr? yesterday for the United Kingdom. She has been Ivino-at the month of ili river for several days. The lmhthonsa tendor Hrn.n7n.nitn. went to Tillamook rock yesterday and landed 11 lot of RnnnlTps. nimfnfn Bichardson reports the crew all well. The rebuildinrr of tho new nflnf: schooner San Jose is progressing rap idlv. and Cantain Brown fvmpnfs in have the vessel ready for service insido or. ren ciays. The British shin TTiriknrn. nrrirurl down from Portland lasfc pvpninrr in complete her cargo here. She has on ooara at present iJdysuy sacks of wheat, valued at 51,623. The British Shin If mint, f.nvmtl Captain Livingstone, cleared yesterday xor tue united iungdom with, 39,473 sacks of wheat, the value of which is S71.691. Of the enrrrn. 10.836 R.irflrs were shipped here. The British four-masted ship Prin cipality, Jones, master, cleared at the custom house yesterday, and will probably sail to-day for" Queenstown or Falmouth. She has on board 1,969 sacks of wheat, valued afc $74,852, of which 9,8S7 sacks, valued at $18,192, were put on board at this port. The steamship State of California came in yesterday morning twenty four hours behind time from San Francisco. The delay is attribute.! to head winds and the new fashioned propellor recently put in tho steamer. The State met with some heavy weather on the way up and shifted her cargo, coming up tho river with a considerable list. The British shiD Parthia. Cantain Ward, master, arrived late last evening, loz aays trom .Liverpool, with a gen eral canro. It reouired two tnes to bring the vessel up the river. She is aeep iauen, ana will nave to Hgnter much of her freight in order to cross the bars up the river. The Parthia met with tho heavy weather and baf fling winds off the horn reported by vessels recently arriving. DELIGHTFUL SOCIAL DABDE. Anotler Fine Party by tie Terpsi clorean (M THE I'ERSOXS IX ATTEXHAXCE. One of those "select socials which are occasionally given here by the devotees of Terpsichore took place last evening at Liberty hall, and was largely attended by a fashionable company. Several more, however, were prevented from attending, in consequence of a progressive euchre party at the residence of H. G. Smith. Amid the many beautiful ladies present were several in very elegant and attractive toilettes, and most of tho gentlemen were arrayed in the conventional evening attire, so that it was somewhat of a dressy affair. The floor was of icy smooth ness, and to the entraucing strains of classic music artistically rendered by Geo. H. Parsons' orchestra of Port land, the dancing, of course, on such a floor, and with such glorious music, could not be otherwise than of. the most agreeable character. Tho enter tainment was prolonged until one o'clock this morning, there being twenty dances on the program. Lieutenant W. A. Sherman was floor manager and as he fully under stands the business it is needless to say he did it well. W. E. Tallent and E. G. Bogers were tho committee of ar rangements and that the affair was in every way a success proves that they faithfully performed their duty. Those present were the follewing: Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Heilborn, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Chutter, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Stokes, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Ful ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dunbar. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Prael, Major and Mrs. E. A. Weed, Mrs. J. F. Ferchen. Misses Nickerson, Maude Warren, L. Bogers, B. Sherman, S. Scannell, Katie Thrall, Nellie Levings, Olga Heilborn, Katie Grant, Josie Dealey, Grace Carruthers, Agnea Stockton, Georgie Badollet, A. Heilborn, Nellie Monteith, Lottie Levings, Anna Hartwig, Mary Dealey, M. Barton. Messrs. W. A. Sherman, W. E. Tal lent, E. G. Bogers, H. D. Thing, H. W. Sherman, D. M. Mooer, C. E. Bam, C. P. Upshur, G. Trullinger, Charles Melrose, C.H. Callender, H. E. Brown, Will Trullinger, J. B. A. Bennett, C. B. Allen, John H. Trullinger, Dr.M. M. Walker, J. E. Ferguson, A. B. Edee, E. M. Philebaum, H. Cribbe, B. G. Prael, T. S. Trullinger, A. G. Allen, F. Bucker, B. E. ETanna, Geo. W. Sanborn, John Grover, John Fox, F. L. Tuttle, F. I. Dunbar, F. Curran, S. L. Tee, A. L. Fox, F. E, Holt, Al. Bickard. Champion Hurdler. A. A. Jordan, champion hurdler of America, and holder or the American record for running 120 yards over 3 feet Cinch hurdles, says: "J havo for a great many years used Allcock's Por.ous Plasteks. partic ularly during the training season. I find that if 1 am affected in back or loins with any kind of a pain or strain, that Ailcock's Por.ous Plasters" in stantly afford relief. For pains in the body, the result of a severe cold, nothing can beat Alixock's Plasters. I would certainly recommend the plasters to any athlete who is suffering with soreness or stiffness while in training." CROUP, WHOOPING COUGII and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. 'ains Aches PROMPTLY CURED BY Haywood, Eons- AOff. 10..1S3S. I suffered two years with, pain in m7 side; doctora failed to help me; StJawBsOtt cured me; noieturnbf pain. P. LF.ttMO&POL Carlisle, Pa., February 11, 18S8. I was hurt in tho left hip and tried "sev eral physicians without obtaining relief! Lea than a half-bottlo of SS. Jacob3 Oil cured m JOHNTJ.SHEAFER. y ;: