V;C- " . -- ty . - : a, ry , 2; iTie $ ?hj totthw. JLSTOKIA. OREGON: . AT SOVTMBEU 7. 1SS0 an deMoeratB will now demand iLer Seed's scalp. .. m different parts of the country a . tidings ol tlio death ot dem- f 1 m excessive joy over their. ' 11 rr. ! . -NTVBWteks union -with the Bock I- ld teadinjj towards the con- 'ior ol a Iiae from "Winnemucca O-cgon, evidently looks encour- j for Astoria, as there is no doubt that if the line is built, this city be irbere they strike for deep r coaaeciion. uaantiro anions the things of the is the daily evening Pioneer ' hae been in existence since uber, 1957, and "Wednesday ap- .! for tbe last time. This morn- r cotamus contain an advertise- f sheriffs sale of the office and ot -on tfee Htli inst. Though in r tunes it was a bitter enemy of t iaper. The Astobiax cherishes I witt towards the departed, and v -i aoiiriag to disturb its peace- ;aibF. lieqiricseat in pace. ircn.T the result of the interest xdly the recent explorations ica. two projects for making the vast waste of landform- Desert of Sahara are now agi UMgenious minds. One proposes 'if tfce desert and creating an 1 sea perltaps 1,000 miles wide 19 wiles long. The other pro tfce coastruclion of a railway 2.009 miles in length to reach v fertile and productive regions rdera of or within the limits. of these plans is best or r cither of them is feasible - -.a interesting question for spec n and argument. tvcr daily is the subject of the nation of Canada to the United . bene agitated in that country. r the latest papers in favor of it toebec Telegram, a recent num- - ' winch says: "Wo know this be- - it ic or business to keep posted .V opinions of our readers. "V7o ' w it because we read as we run . ithealpeets. "We know it because t hind of commercial decay rests ' x oa the city, and tho people for relief to the enterprise Amer- - capital wohKI bring if this prov- treteastaic in the Union. "We -;k theliviag truth when we say lut the owly time that a Quebecer pcik wfth omphalic hopes about the f ';unr of this city is -when he says: 'I am aa aoaexaliottLt.' ' KHW TO-DAY. Notice. mri is to yoTirv all whom it X MMHn that i:nil Sliimun Ii.is this ix ltwj tbriitttnM r r. O'JIam in "i itmil O'Hara & Imralls. butchers, and t uim ( hruorforJJi lie Known as Inpalls A Mti A rMiMuukn of the generous I -'r naj ctven the Mtl linn Is solicited, and . - icitiuv rrtectfillv United to tive -.rjtt 11.11. INGALLS. CfcHUMAN. nia,3woT. l. 18M. Shsriff's Sale, VrKT I 11EUKKY IYi:X THAT BY i' x-m t ihr ttHtmiaml of I.V. Case. h - . 4vtl t,aiin certified copj ol n r at. chtul liHMsaxc. uicn and exc t Jty Vf.l Koun,:utilinf:iorof viid t M O to ventre i he nawnent of a cer-ta- tnwivvaty Bole. 1 did on the 5th day of N.mH a. 1)., 1-J9. at the hour of 12 o.ict; ji u "to miiiu'cs. i. M.. of said day, . .nc mh jmmI i ke into my nossesMon u i t-iw nu described articles of personal i .'t ..iixtHMKtjrageuetcrilied.to-uit: . r t an"tctt CMiuder 1'rcih. one Vah- Ihk- rrevv. one 1'aner Cutter, one i M - iwre uhioviii vione. one lot r own- s mole or less, one iv te.lBii,iind! more or less, I 11 t. tdlv. . . s nvfunv, one ioi oi paper ' t ium er (in colorO, one . kii rati lit), ard each and t ' .1 rcrMtr.il prpeit in the (. r j i:s rooms ot the "Daih k . it'iM r " mid 1 shall jirocfet - ' M v.i. i (or v much tliereof as shall - v -5r i .vai:.i the Mini of Sl0 to- I r ti u .'twt thereon at the mtx; 6f "' ' 4 rawHtiH from tbcioili d:iy of . ivs?, id tbe accruing costs) at pub- t tt tin ptvmJscs kiiown as the ' nr e,lnllocko..S,an(l front- s v.noUiMie hUtret, in MrChire's s itaiav laid out by said McClure . v o . ol In Cjnis Olnev. in Clatsop .t- i ot Oregon, to the liiKhest bld- -rcMU IuumI. o the 1 1th d.iv of Xo- r i van, t the hour of 10 o'clock II.A.RMIDT. of ClHtsop Co.. Or. Rjr THOS. C. BOELL1NG. Deputy. JU.wl at AMwo, Or., this 7th dav or Ho mhrx, SIS, dl28-133 Saltrray Evcn:ng, Nov. 8th, 1890 Welcome the Favorites John Jack -AND- Tbf Arosap'Sihf J and Tcrsatilc Actress And TocalUt Annie Firmin WTi : Aprcar in a Iiise and Attractive Jliii of Brintie SBecialties, Music, Son 5K CTAKMIXC LOVK STOKT Tbe Barbarian and Greek Maiden SaisdsanlSoRs aTissTirmiu And. blaster Artkur. W9rts Mjlh&loRlcSl nay of CS-i3. L u 1? ilA. r-THK-ST?.VTCE COME TO LIFE Comic Sons . , Ajcrrttia Rsttcrlr - - Master Arthsr Fircianns Aircsv -' - Jelm Jack ItJta1-lbo Sons That Reached My Hrar, '-Anaic.FirmlR. , , cvtat- es-'ilaale Dazzle" Master ArtJtHr. T tKt! -nh the Very Iziuchahio Caei 1T 1 on lUuclcauU, tho iJi'KTr nC the Factory Girl Jar lAr , I3ie Factorj' Girl Annie OH J4ftacypaiy, the Lawyer John Jack Ppulr Prices will Prevail Rcsm?lc3ts. One Salmon; or 50c, Awtsvk.n caK. V.ux plan attkeNew Tort; ICortltySlore, I lEMHIE DR. PBEHTIOE. WII,!, ABRIVE KOVJEKBER 9. Eye, Head and Eervons Diseases, At Occident Hotel, Astoria, Prom November 9 to 14. FREE. Dr. Prentice Will Cure the First Case Of Cross-Eycs and Epileptic Fits Free On the Day of His Arrival In Astoria. A man well known In this community writes. the following interesting letter: "I was chopping a stnmp four weeks ago, when a flying chip struck me in the eye; for a short time 1 was entirely blind. ThPT -nnrHol cirrhf t,, again. I nurtured hope and continued tu iitiu, tut iiuuie.Tiniu ten aays ago. when I began to abandon hope of ever seeing perfectly again, unless some thing more than ordinary was done. I then counclled two of the leading Oculists of Portland, who told me one eye would have to bo cut out to save the other. It did not exactly suit me to haemy eye cut out, and so I sought other council. I went to Dr. Prentice, the Oculist, then at Portland, and he laughed at the idea of its being neces sary to cut my eye out; I joined in tho laugh, for it was on my side. 1 have been free, from pain since the first day's -visit to Dr. -Prentice, and Im- nrnvod stfnrtilv iinr? nm mvwr anttralit well again. I feel safe in saying that ff ur. ireiiiice cannot cure a case ne win al ways say so. Tnos. H . Foss, Gray's Elver, Wash. A Touching Scene Witnessed Br a Portland Gentleman. One week ago we received an Invita tion to witness a delicate surgical oper ation on an eye. 'I he patient was the 17-j car-old daughter of Harrison Hay. For three years she had been blind in both eyes with a cataract, and was obliged to grope her way about in total darkness. The patient, without taking chloroform, submitted to the following operation: bhewasnow ready for the surgical part of the work, and wo stood in uruuuucss anxiety as ur. xreuuee placed the point of his knife at tbe side of the eyeball, carefully touched the point of the cornea, then the blade entered the eye; we saw it pass through the eye in front of the pupil and then conic out at the opposite side. It was then drawn upward, and a cut made of about one-third of the circumference of the ball. Another instrument was then passed in back of the pupil, and almost on the instant the girl said: "Oh, Dr. Prentice 1 can see you." This was spoken in tones well calculated to bring tears to one's eses. From the time the knife touched the eye until the patient could see, it was just one min ute. She was allowed to seo those about her for a moment then the eye w as closed and bandaged. In just one week after tho operation she came into our office and was able to read our paper. She also wrote a letter nome, saying; "iicar parents, l can cro mill nm ltnrinv. 5lr. Jerome W. Campbell. General Superintendent of tho Willamette Bridge Railway Co., saw this operation. A LETTER. From a Patient Who Was Cnred By Dr. Frentlce. PonTLAxn, Or., Oct. 7, 1890. ' To the Suffering: For five years 1 nave suiiereu witn sleeplessness, ner vous dcbilitj-, irritation at the base of the brain, and a terrible kidney disease. 1 had tried so many remedies that did me no good that at last 1 gave up all hope of ever being a well man again. I tneu many prescriptions that were said to be sure cures, and all failed. There -were many times during tho past few years that I was obliged to lay off from work from tw o weeks to three months at a time. Lately 1 was run ning down in health very rapidly, and was alanmed." I contemplated leaving this pat t of the country and trying to .see it E could not get relief elsewhere. I must say that my faith in doctors was about gone; but something lead me to 1 visit Dr. rrcntice at the Jismonu hotel, j I crowded in with the others and J waited my turn. He examined me, told me where my trouble was, and said he could cure it without m dicine. I can't say that I really belleed him, but -something in his manner led me to trust him. He gave me no medicine at all, 3 et from the day c f my first visit I began to improve rapidly. I now sleep as sound as a child. My memory is creatly improed. My kidney disease and brain irritation are entirely well, liny appetite splendid, and I now en joy ii iu aim puriucb Jieaiiu. Any amiciea person wishing to learn about my case will find me at address below. D. Dooxax, North Pacific Hotel. Portland. E cs fitted with glasses by Dr. Prentice hcrrons Diseases That Are Permanently Cured Br Dr. Frentlce. Epileptic fits, Paralysis, Drunken ness (periodical), Heart disease, Kidney disease, .Asthma, Sick headache, Spinal irritation, and nervous debility in men ami women. A permanent cure is made. FOR SALE ij Cheap For Cash. Inquire at Standard Saloon James Finlayson hrM : Tailor 534 Tlilrd Street, Imltes the gentlemen of Astoria and sur rounding districts to call and seo his large selection of NEW SEASON GOODS Suitable For Ulsters, Overcoats, Suits, Trousers Comprising Scotch. English, French and Anerleas Goodi a-A Good Fit Guaranteed'W Magnus. C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL Iron Pipe and Fittings, Stoves, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead. Strtp'Cead, Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper, GELO F. rABKKE. CABI. A. HAXSOX Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN CENERALMERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS "WEEK, Dress - Gr00din The Old Stand - Astoria Oreoa. JimkStoreanttStock RUCKER S - Restaurant. W.W,WHERRY, PROP. ESTEnlarged and Befitted to Meet the Popular Demand.3 FINEST RESTAURANT IN THE CITY, Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters. Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc. 3AIS COOKED THBRD STKEET, o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o (Formerly the MM W This is the Cleanest and is in the Quietest Location of any Hotel in the City. WHITE COOKS. : Wlff. 0-6-0-0-0 o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o Lots iE Case's Astoria Are Iw on Sale AT THK OFFICE OF TUB Astoria Real PRICES FROM $150 TO $250 F.ACH, TERMS' One-Half Cash; tho Balance in Six and Twolvo Months. For Desirable Acreage Ol- INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address Leinenweber & Coodenough, SECOND ST., Near I'ostofflce. - - - - - P. O. Box 63. NOTICE. 25.00 REWARD To the party receiving the largest list of names for THE GREAT NEW ILLUSTRATED HISTORY of DTM Bjr HUBERT H. BANCROFT THE EMINENT HISTORIAN READY at last Only true History of Mor n monism published Fasclnating.tntenscly Interesting, powerful Endorsed alike by Mormons and Gentiles. WONDERFUL ADVENTURES Of Trappers and .travelers Bloody Indian Wars Thrilling accounts of Massacres and Miraculous Escapes The famous Danlto Association. Etc.. Etc. MYSTERIES OF POLYGAMY The Althing House Celestial Marriage Strange Religious Customs Biography of Brigham Young, as thrilling as a noelyet true history. A grand book to sell. Everybody Wants It. Merchants, "Farmers, Me chanics, and all classes have eagerly awaited the appearance of this remarkable uook. AGENTS Send quick $1 oo for costly and eleg-mt Canvassing Outfit. Don't uaste time writ ing for circulars, but secure territory before It Is given out. Rpmember tills Is a subject of iBteBio interest to all, and the Grand Illustrations attract attention eer wliere. Adduess THE HISTORY COMPANY 723 Market St. San Francisco Hagee, Argand and Acorn Stoves i Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED W1TEK CLOSETS, PLUOEIG GOODS, FUXFS, SUTKS, AHB BATH TUBS Xoe cfe AoujLLy, S41 OHENAMDS STREET. Garnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, tMPoBTEES AND WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALEES IN mm MEECEAfiDISE, Corner Oheaaraos and Cats streets. ASTCKIA OKEGOIv F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., County Coroner. Firit Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material Next to Astorzak office. E. EKSTBOM, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OR. A fine Use of Cold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, eta, at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman. TO OBDEB. ASTORIA, OK. - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o Main St. House.) - : NO CHINESE. EliDKED, Proprietor. - o - o - o - o - o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Estate Co. MAjRKETS. Washington Market. Mala Street, Astoria, Oregon. CUKISTEtSEX Ji CO., PROPKICTOKS. OESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN- XX Hon of tbe public to the fact that the auovo Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. EPpecial attention glTeo to supplying nips. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY. Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables , FRUITS, BUTTEf?, and GGS. OPPOSITE OCCII)ET HOTEI t'HHXAHUJS Street. Antori:.. ts ASTORIA FISH ADGABE MA.BKKT Fitzgerald & Co. Go Where You Can Get Fresh Fish, Game, Eggs, Etc. We also Keep a Fine Line of CANNED MEATS AND FISH Market on OIney street, near Telephone dock. Roadway Market. O'Hara & Ingalls, Propr's. Opposite Foard A Stokes. A First-Glass Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats All Purchases Delivered In any part of the City. HENRY GLASSOP Poultry and Fish In Quantities To Suit. 441 FOURTH ST Southwest cor. Fourth & Cass ASTORIA TRANSFER GO. AND LIVEEY STABLES Conveyances of any kind, on short notice Transferring Baggage, etc, a specialty. Telephone No, 12. H. W. SHERMAN & CO. House HBBRSJqSP FEED Saddles xm M. A LASG3 STOCK TO SELECT FK0M. GOODS AT SAW PBAHOISCO PRICES. I make a specialty of good work and pnarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wes Side OIney Sti cet, Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, OREGON. argj . . . . lusm JMIS S UT. I hi ". it -W The Largest Stock ! BP'imBaS'sa ffi y&3;&& -MfiSsffi BKr-.. ifetawTSsg Immense Stock OF FTJB.3STITTJB. KMriVNM CM -"Vy SPH m 57 gjf SifefeiJS CHAS. HEILBORN. Two car-loads recehed: More on the way. You are invited to sec the finest display of Furniture, Carpets, etc., in the city. Prices reasonable. Tho Old Stand, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisrans and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and T2"egetaTDles. Received fresh PLY KEE?S IN Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All ths Latest Styles lie bujs for Cash at Eastern Prices. He Guarantees the Best Workmanship on all Garments. Call and see for ourself. Bartli Block. ASTOBIA , OB, C3-C5 ,3?0 !Z?ECI a FOR FRESH BREAD, Cakes, ami Flue Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS. I no miTn 1 1111 SlIESIl A "SMITH PREMIER" TYPEWRITER can l)e seen at THE ASTORIAN The Kohler&Chase Music House WINTER & HARPER, Prop's AGENTS The Matulfa Decker Briers' Pianos ALSO J. & C. Fischer, Ives & Pond Hamlin and A. B. Chase & Co.'s Organs. The above Instruments sold for cash, or commission asent. hut sa e at least S 00 by rescutame, w. s. ucary. fs IS "WHAT YOU GET AT IN Groceries and Provisions Everything In a Flrst-clas Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Cowls Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk, FOARD & STOKES C E Manufacturer and Dealer in Sash, Doors, rtloultHngs and Brackets. All Kinds or Hard Wood and House Finish ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Cor. GencTieye ana Astor Streets. Astoria, - - Oregox.' Your Moil foil SAIZ arnes; "i .' .1HrW.U35 The Lowest Prices ! Astoria, Oregon. every Steamer. 33 zf The Tailor; STOCK TIIK- Bakery TYPEWRITER Contains more points of merit than any other Typewriter on the market. If jou are interested in. or contemplating the purchase of a writing machine, send for lllus tratcd catalogue to F. W. REYNOLDS, Agt. No. 29 Stark Street, PORTLAND, - OREGON. Office, where it is in daily use. FOR and other pianos. Mason & on easy Installments. Do not buy of a dealing directly with the urm or thelrrep- rami?. EVENSON. F.COOK THE Central Hotel EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish. Meats, Etc, Cooked to Orderf WATRRSt., Opp. Foard A. Stakes A FiRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with tbe Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Room3. V. H. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Eggs, Canned Goods, Potatoes, Wood and Willow Ware, Ete& Premier Book OUR Holiday Are Now We will open our About the 15th When we will display the Largest Stock of Goods Ever brought to Astoria. Grin Willamette :- University Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law and Medical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It Is tho oldest, largest and least expensive Institution of learning in the northwest. School opens flrst Monday In September. Send for catalogue to THOS. VANSCOY, President, Snlem, Or. las McDonald New gall Goods Just Received. Latest' Goods in the Market. 23TCall and be convinced that I turn 513 Third Street, - Weinhard's Is the Choice of Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. WEINHAED', Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth and . Telephone 72. Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL OEDEKS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. JL Altftt&ti rrrK arJtrii But tK Wiirir.3pikic.icc ror AWirt Ga.u Ovtn Daor ?" If jii tlt CiartX mirv ra!i., Well Hon. Ill Kxve tK met. Tin fl&nr'a iKya iwettl" If jrou want the Best, buy the CHAUTEROAK With the Wire gauze OTca doors 1&5&WW HP E. R. HAWES Storo Goods! i Arriving; large double store of this Month, & Reed. Hb Leaain Tailor out the most fashionable suit In the cits' Next to C. H. Cooper's. Lager Beer ! the Connoisseur. P. O. Bex 405 1 VHSurtstnae ft Writ. tW K SM Hort food and fnueKtUrbittcg. IP YOTJ WANT THE BEST Buy the CHARTER 0AJC TFith tbe m Qtam Own Dooif. i-