" Vn en F nftn JL'' kL PssrW wT Lst fVrSl 1. A (m IK sW ,A I ,. fgaKmli jLM rfL1!5 rW $1 ll Wx la S ! mB IB WB-Afgg. In linS S IS fi l J fi I M IL Hill 1 11 -3t?i?feiBe3 W ' ilB 6 1JP VOL. XXXV, 1T0. 129. The Only Exclusive ClotMng AND "FTgvfc Eouse O 353212 The houc that is managed the best, anu irausacib iu, uiibiuro ""- o c xpenc for Ihc volume of business annually transacted. The 1k;.-- that can, and does sell its soods on the smallest margin. The house that keeps the best assortment and has no shclf-v.orn goods, its stock is always new and fresh as it is continually coming and going, like tlic flow of the mighty Columbia, direct from its source, to the body it sunp.ios. Above all, it is the house that treats every customer alike, and transacts all iKbHsinoss on strictly business principles, in short it is a business house BDSIXESS CARDS. J. r. iiaziieitfox, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Astoria, - Oregon. Office, three doors east Court House, Third street. C. J. CURTIS, Attomcj-at-Lair: XoUrj rnblle. Commissioner ol Deeds for Washington emtery. Office In Flavcl's new brick -uimIkic, Cor. Second and Cass streets. J OJl.V K. SHITK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. okojiGvw street, 2 doors back or Odd Fws KHWdinp, Astoria, Oregon. q. .v. nowiiiiv, 'ttorurj' and Counsellor at Jjavr icr m Cbeuaraub Street, Astoria, Oregon 4 R- KAHACA, ATTOKXEY AT La W. lance over White House Cor.. Astoria, Or. J. XI. M VXSKliL. RE.IL ESTATI2 BKOK12R XOTAUY PUBLIC. Established 18S5. TWrd Street, next to W. U. Telegraph Of See, Astoria, Or. W W. PARKER, flea Estate and Insurance Agent, Conveyancer and Notary Tublic. US Beaton Street, opposite the rostofficc. Between Chcnatnus &Squcmoque Sts., Astoria, Oregon. &. A. CLEVELAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ota-- Flavel new brick building, corner Second and Cass streets : up stairs. D US. A Xu ASH J. A. FULTOS. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Special naention to Diseases of Women -ad Calldrcn, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A Faltoa. OSkce hears from 10 to 12 A. M and 1 to 4 r.x. D K. H. "IV. STRICKLCR, THYSICLVN. SURGEON AND DRUGGIST In simple cases, charges only for medl- Near Po.teffiec, Cheuamus Street. Astoria, Orccen. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. rhysdsn, Snrgeon and Acconchenr. Ofnce, Koom 6, Pytlilan Building. OSce boors : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, C39 Cedar Street. r e. xiLLr.fi, x, MILLER, X. I. Graduate of Cleveland Ilomocopathlc IIos pital College, and Tost-Graduatc of New York Oty Polyclinic School of Medicine sad Sargerv. First and Main streets, Portland. ZHffC&scs ef IVeracn a Specialty. D K.O.B.BSTKS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Women na Surgery. irmR: Opposite Telegraph Office, up Stairs, Astoria, Oregon. TTK. r.A. REF.8, DENTTIST Rooms 3 and 4, Flavel's new Brick Build ing. W. T. BCRXKV. L. T. BARIX .T.Vr.DKArEK. Barney, Barin & Draper, Atterneys a.t-Jaw- ;Orecon City, Oreson! Twelre years experience as Register of the C. S. Land Office here, recommends us la oar specialty ot lAimncand all other bus tmtas before the Land Office or the Courts, & InTrilTiag the practice in the General LMtoace. TIMffl, Later & Mm, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Arcliitects. OfTJCE, Boom 9, Fulvel's Bld'o SBCOKD STREET. P. O. Bex S13. ASTOKIA, OR. J In. E?l3LO Oity. The House that Buys and Sells the Best Goods, as to a23LCa. CTXSilX't -. j?a !....: nnr. A 4In Irttf- C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant T.Iain St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NErTUNE Brand Salmon Twine. WOODBERItY Cotton Lines ami Twine SEINES and GETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected in Firbt Class Companies. Representing S13,000,00tt PIKENIX, HOME, .-.. .nartfnrd, C-ouu . New York, Agency Tad flc Express and Timlin. FnrfiOi Co- r-O T H E O- AUSTIN J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. All tie Year THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of the Neeanicum, within five minutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most nleasant Seaside Resort on the Northwest Pacific Coast. Every attention Is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests, and the table Is supplied with the very besr in season. Here are plenty of Clams and Crabs, there Is game in the woods and plenty of the finest fish in the streams. E. P, NOONAIf &. CO. (Successors to) DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. "Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE XO. 7. - P. O. BOX 390 W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Boss Carry a Full Line or Choice Staple and Groceries, Fancy Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binaclc Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemn Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, on, wrougut iron S Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, Groceries, DESto. FARM AND DAIRY RANCH TO LEI Twenty to Thirty Choice Coivn A2TD 30 to 50 Acres of Fine Meadow Farming Land A Farm of 1C0 acres, 4 to 5 acres of orchard in ci5ice fruits, complete farm buildings, near Astoria. Convenient to sell milk In the city. All farmlnc tools and dairy appli ances. One span fine Farm Horses and Wagon. Apply to this office, or to A. II. Sale, on trie premises, at Woodland Farm Young's Elver, Or. SlBERBRQOK BARGAINS IN FOR A Few Days Only. BUY NOW! DON'T WAIT! Is SDR To B? niK- Teimimis of a Bail P-oad, Wingate & Stone, ODD FELLOWS-BUILDING, Astoria, Or. JL W. Case, BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business. Dratts drawn available In any part or the U. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China OFFICE IfOUKS : 10 A. M. tO 3 V. M. Odd Pki.iows Buildixg, Astoria, Oregon. Maverick National BANK, BOSTON, MASS. CAPITAL. , SURPLUS 5400,000 800.000 Accounts or Banks, Bankers and Corpora tions solicited. Ourracilities Tor COLLECTIONS are excel lent, and we re-discount lor Banks when balances warrant it. Boston Is a Reserve City, and balances xrlllius front Banks (not located in other Reserve Cities) count as a reserve. We draw our own exchange on London and the Continent, and make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the United States and Canada. We have :t market for prime, first-class Investment Securities, and Invite proposals from suites. Counties and Cities when Is suing bonds. Wo do a general Banking Business, and in vite corrcsjondeucc. ASA P. POTTER, President, JOS. W. WORK, Cashier. OCJbL.fcsJ Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN FOR GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts of Firms and Individuals So'le Ited on Favorable Terms. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Mom-y Loaned on Personal and Real hstate m--cuilty. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. C. X. Edcc, President. John IBobMtm, Vice I'res. A. R. Edcc, Cashier. D. K. Warren. I riwM,vi C. S. Wriplit. j Directors. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK OF I'ORTLANI), OUF.GON". raid up capital $2GO.O00 Surplus and profits . . CO.000 Interest allowed on savings deposits as follows. On ordinary savings books, 4 percent per annum. On term savings books. r i-cr c-nt per annum. On certificates of deposit : For three months, 4 per cut n r atmiim. For six months, 5 percenr ierauiiuin. For twelve months, c pi r cent rcr annum. FRANK DKIttiM. Pie iilt-nt. D. P. THOMPSON. Vice I roident. 11. C. Si RAT ION, Cashier. la s. Coucomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or Gcueral Machinists ail Boiler Mate Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. Jonjr Fox President and Sunt A. L. Fox, .Vice President J. G. HnsTtKU. ........ Sec. and Treas 2. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : ritACTICAL : PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. Ail Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, M. EDGAR. Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, MEERSCHAUM & BRIER PIPES, Pocket Cutlery, Marine Glasses, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. Comer Main and Second Sts., Astoria, Or. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. fiooi Breai, Cake ant Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Hread delivered In any part of the city. A rocket rincushlon Free to Smokers of MtterDrootProDerty Astor Iron work 253IeSBs ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1890. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Sirs. Senator Baker died atTacoma. McKinley is satisfied with the result. The farmers alliance won a victory in Kansas. An extensive fire occurred afcVacaviUe, California. - The farmers allianco made a winning in Nebraska. Returns from Colorado show a republi can majority. South Dakota waa carried by the far mer's alliance. ' -m California oonlinuea to increaw it3 re publican majority. li A fire at Hartford, Connelicut, vaiused a loss of $100,000. Hiram Basselt, a prominont Mason, di?d at Louisville, Ky. A fire in Philadelphia destroyed $185, 000 worth of property. Carroll will not contest tho election of Wilson in Washington. John JL Palmer will succeed Farwell as senator from Illinois. An incendiary fire at Trnckee, Cal., caused a loss of $100,000. "Well's prain elevator at Buffalo, N. Y. was burned; loss S200.000. Hopkins, Eep., is elected in the Six teenth Pennsylvania district. , Snow, Dem., is elected from tho Ninth Illinois congressional district. Highwaymen relieved a Tacoma mer chant of his money and a watch. Tho "Bunko" Kelly caso will be de cided by Judge Deady on Monday. 1 The republicans in Pennsylvania hava a majority of fifty-six on joint ballot. A Tribune "Washington spoial saj a an extra session is an imperative necessity. Mark Haney was shot and killed at Booth, Placer county, during the elec tion. Tho republicans claim the election of Poorman in the Seventeenth Ohio dis trict. Charles Armstrong was shot and fatally wounded in a saloon at Fnirhavon, Wash. Tho switchmen in the Illinois Centre 1 Railroad vards nt Freeport, Ilia., have struck. It is thought that Choynski will whip : Fogarty in his coming match in the Cjlonie. Both parties in New Hampshire still claim tho legislature but tho democrats secure both congressmen. Pw-sideiit Huntington of the Southern Pacific denies tho reported pnrchnso of coal fields in Washington. Official returns from twouty-sovou counties out of 103 in Illinois show a net gain of 10,000 for tho democrats. The British iron birk Kmbellon is out 48" days from Androsson to Pnget Sound and it is thought she has bsrn Ins. Colonel Markbnm, "overnor elrct of California, has sent a congratulatory letter to the chairmau of I ho republican committee. Isadore Cook, elected sheriff on the democratic tickot at Eau Claire, Wis., died from tho effeota of excitement caused by tho election. The reputed world beater, the steam ship Howard Cassard, was launched at Baltimore yeaterday; it is claimed the vessel will mako thirty-five miles an hour. Eubnnks, the Loj Gatoj, Cain., mur derer, who killed his fifteen year old daughter because she would not give him her earnings, must be hanged; the supreme court confirmed tho judgement in the case. Additional Telegraph on Fourth Page.) INCANDESCENT Prices. All Night Lights, per Month, earh 12 o'clock 10 ' $-2 00 1 50 " - 1 25 West Shoro mill Company. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. rrrcrlptloBft Cjirr.mil- CoBtpoBHtled. Atcent tor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cur -GO TO LARSON & HILLBACK FOR GROCER IKS AND FRKSEI Fit HITS. Orders Delivered Free or Cliarge. Country Orders Solicited. Third street, next t'j rioneer office. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There Is no occasion for the moat fastidi ous of onr citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As tney can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with M KaNY. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call and see him and satisfy yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. GROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shlloh's Cure. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FURTHER ELECTION HEWS Cheering Letter From California's Goyeraor-Elect. . THE GOLDEtf STATE ON TOP. McKinley is Satisfied and Tells Why- Ooniplete Returns Prom Several States. B peclal by Tho UjaTKD rnn-s. San Fiuxcisco, Nov. 6. Colonel Marklmm in a letter of congratulation to Oliairman Stump, of the republi. can state cantral committee to-day seys: "We have won a victory that will bo handed down in the history of this state, unsurpassed, and when -we see what has happened to our party in the East we have a right to demand double congratulations from every re publican state in the Union for our fidelity to the cause." ITlcKinlcy Ik Satisfied. Special to Tiik Astoriax.1 Oantox, Nov. 6. McKinley 6aid this afternoon to a reporter that, while coucedius his probable defeat by rt sranll majority, he is greatly sat isfied with the result. He said, the issue was between a protective tariff and a tariff for rev enuo only. It was clear and distinct and nothing else entered into the canvass. His bill was tho center of assault and the result he regards as a signal victory as a majority of over 2,900 democratic votes in his district last year was reduced lo about 200 this year. Ho carried his own ward and the city and county by a large majorities, showing unprecedented gains. California. San Fkanscisco. Not. G. The lat est returns from the interior denote no material change from previous figures. The state legislature will bo almost solidly republican and the chances are that the entire congres sional delegation will also be repub lican, as the latest reports from the first district give tho republican can didate over one hundred more votes than his opponent. Illinois. Chicago, Nov. C Chairman Jones of tho republican state central com mittee concedes the legislature to tho democrats, but claims tho election of the lepublicau state ticket by from 6,000 to 8,000. The democratic stato central committee is unwilling to con cede tho claims of Jones in regard to tho state ticket Tho official returns from twenty-seven counties out of 103 in the state, show a net gain . f 10,000 for the democrat state ticket. Judging from the latest returnsSena tor Fnrwcll says he will not be Iho next senator from Illinois, but John M. Palmer will.sncceed to Ibn honor. SruixoFiEEb, Nov. 6. General Palmer this evening received a tele gram from Carthage saying that Ed wards and Myers, the two democrats, are shown by the official count to have been elected to tho legislature. Gen eral Palmer, on reading this dispatch said: "This makes 103 democrats on the joint ballot, a majority of one." Tho 103, the general explained, in cluded the F. M. B. A. men, all three of whom he claimed were pledged to support him on a ballot for United States senator. Kankakee, Uov. 6. Indications now point to tho election of H. W. Snow, Dem.," as congressman from the Ninth district. Payson, Eep., carried this district by 2,000 majority in 1888. Kansas Kansas Grrr, Nov. 6. There is now but little doubt that the next Kansas legislature, on a joint ballot, will be under control of the farmers' alliance and the democrats combined, and pos sibly the alliance will have a majority. This means sure defeat for Senator Ingalls. Returns from the country districts are coming in slowly, and both republicans and alliance men are claiming the victory in the guberna torial contest, but so far, Willets, Al., is in the lead. In the First congres sional district an official count will be necessary to determine whether Moon light, Dem., or Broderiok, Eep., is elected! The remaining-six congress men were elected by the alliance party. Will Not Contest. ' Special to The Asiobiax.J Tacoma, Nov. 6. Thos. Carrol, when interviewed by the United Press reporter to-day said: "I am satisfied with the result and shall not contest Mr. Wilson's seat in congress, and although lam certain that fraud was used in many 'cases and that the democratic house would seat me, I believe Mr. "Wilson's ma jority would offset all fraudulent votes. Hence 1 will not contest." Nebraska. Nov. 6.- -Boyd, Omaha, Nov. 6.--Boyd, Dem., is elected governor by from 4,000 to 5,000 plurality. Most of the republi can state ticket, below the governor, is elected. The farmer's alliance have the legislature, two congressmen and most of the county officers. New Hampakirc. Concobd, Nov. 6. The republicans concede the election of Daniel, Dem., in the Second congressional district This gives the democrats the two con gressmen from this state. Both parties claim the legislature. Concord, Nov. 6. Returns from all but nine towns'give Tuttle for gov ernor, 40,586; Amsden,Dem., 40,000; Fletcher, Pro., 1,277. The republi cans have elected congressmen in the Third an Fourth districts and the dem ocrats carry the Fifth; both claim the first There is no choice in the Second. The republicans claim thir teen senators and concede eight to the democrats, with.no choice for the re maining three. The democrat claim ten, concede twelve to the republicans and say there is no choice in the other two. The republicans claim ten to twenty majority in the house and the democrats claim from jswo to sixteen. Colorado. Denvek, Nov. 6. Unofficial returns give Townsend 3,685; Eoutt, 3,644. The republicans elect the rest of the ticket except superintendent of public instruction and attorney-general. The legislature, on a joint ballot, will stand, 47 republicans, 26 democrats, a majority gain of 14. This insures Mr. Teller's re-election to the United States senate. Ohio. Cleveland, Nov. 6. Official re turns from ""Wayne, Holmes and Medina counties and complete un official returns from Stark county give Warwicks a majority over Mc Kinley in the Eleventh district at 220. Tho republican state committee still claim the election of Foorman, Eep., m tho Seventeenth district. South Dakota. MiNireAPOiis,Nov. 6. The latest re turns from South Dakota show that the result i3 an alliance victory and that Boucks has been elected governor. The legislature will also be alliance, thus insuring the defeat of Senator Moody. Wahkiakum County, AVasli. CathtiAMEt, Nov. 6. Complete re turns from Eureka, Cathlamet, Ska mokawa, Brookfield, Crooked Creek, Gray's River and. Deep River, Waki akum county, "Washington, give the following combined majorities for tho various candidates: For permanent capital: Olympia 221. Cengress: "Wilson 75. Senater: Forsyth 33. Representative: Megler 99. Atterney: Polworth, Dem., 251. Clerk: Carlton 175. Auditer: Har vey 179. Sheriff: Howard, Dem., 122. Corener: Jaeck 2SS. Surveyer: Smith 45. Treasurer: "West 333. Commissioner, First district: "Win ters, Dem., 61. Second district: Carl son 36. Third district: Olmstead 40. School superintendent: O'Connor, Dem., 232. "Assesser: Howard, Dem., 124. All are republicans except as above stated. Pennsylvania. PmiiADEiiprnA, Nov. 6. Complete returns on the state legislature show that the republicans have a majority of fifty six on joint ballot. "WhiUamsport, Nov. G. Tho offi cial count for congress in the Six teenth district is just completed. Hop kins, Rep., is elected by a majority of forty-nine. TRUCKEE HAS A HARROW ESCAPE Ail Iuceniiary Fire Startei Dnrin a Heavy Gale of f M ItfUyT JBTIILTilXGS ituitxjsn Special bvTho Usitkd Press. Tkuokee, Nov. G. A fire was dis covered in a wood pile on First street about midnight this morning. Tho wind was blowing a huricane at tho time and all the buildings on East, Main and Front streets were de stroyed. Fortunately tho wind shifted and the tlames which threatened the en tire town were checked. The fire was tho work of an incendiary, and the loss will reach 100,000: insurance only $20,000. SHOT BY A TOUGH. A ITIan Fatally "Wounded In a Falrhavcn Saloon. Special to The Asioria-.1 FAiRHAVEN.TVash., Nov. 6. Charles Armstrong, foreman of the longshore men here was shot in the head this morning in a saloon by a tough charac ter named Philip Brady. Assistance was procured. Armstrong is still alive but his recovery is doubtful. The shooting was entirely unprovoked. Striking Switchmen. Special to The Astouiak-I Freeport, IU., Nov 6. The switchmen employed in the Illinois Central railroad yards went out on a strike to-day. The grievance is that the yardmen are not paid sufficient. Big Fire in Philadelphia. Special to Tub Astoria.! JtfTTTTiADEiiPiiiA, jnov. o. Jtire on Washington avenue to-night caused a loss ol cioo.uuv, ot wnicn ine Jrenn sylvania Bailroad Company lo3e 100,- UOU by the burning ot their storage warehouse. The balance of the loss i3 on property owned by P. G. Tomson. Success Killed. Ilini. Special toTiiEAsTpuiAN.I Eau CiiAire, "Wis., Nov. 6. Isadore Cook, elected sheriff Tuesday on the democratic ticket, died this morning from a collapse following the excite ment caused by the success ot his party. He was very far gone with pul monary consumption. A Fatal Cave. Special to The Astokiah.1 Doylestowx, Pa., Nov. 6. A wall, in course of construction under a stone pier supporting the railroad track at Swartley's flour mill, gave way this afternoon, burying several workmen. Daniel Taylor and Sam uel Beyert were crushed to death and Wm. Pettit was badly injured. The Way Klaac Clear. One of the most serious obstacles to suc cess In the way of man Is planted right in the middle ol the road to health. How to restore and to maintain a regular habit of body and digestion Is too often a source of needless and unhappily, of vain inquiry. It Is not necesjary to inveigh against drastic puigatlves. They who havcused them con tinuously know the consequence. A remedy which unites theaction of aregnlating med icine for the bowels with that of a tonic both for those organs, the liver and the stomach, is ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, sanctioned by the best medical authority, and receiving daily the indorsement of our fellow countrymen. "With this effectual, though gentle, laxative at hand, it Is possi ble to defy those changes of temperature productive of constipation, as well as con stitutional attacks of biliousness, which be set even people naturally healthy. Malaria dyspepsia, rheumatism and kidney troubles are remedied and prevented by the .Bitters. THAT HACKING COUGH cim be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it SHILOH'S VITALIZES is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dispepsla. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. WIILLTOU SUFFER with Dispep siaantl Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Yitalizer is guaranteed to cure yon. WILL BEAT THEM ALL A Stealer That Will Knoct Ont All Ocean Racers. THTETY-PI7E MILES AM H0UB. Pootpads at Work in Tacoma A Vessel's Long Voyage General Bews Botes. Special by The United Pbkss 1 BaiiTMobe, Nov. 6. Ten thousand people cheered the reputed world beater, Howard Cassard, as she was successfully launched at Locust point to-day. The ways spread and broke as the vessel went off, which momen tarily shifted her temporary ballast, but she was immediately righted, but not before having partly at least proven that she cannot be capsized. It is claimed that this iron steamship, which is constructed on the Fryer plan for the Arrow Steamship Com pany, is capable of making thirty-five miles an hour, and will revolutionize ship building. THAT SPECIAL. SESSION. It is Demanded, as an Imperative Necessity Special toTHEAsTOKiAXJ New York, Nov. 6. A Tribune's Washington special says: The elec tion of a democratic house makes it the duty of the present congress to pass an apportionment law more im perative than ever, for the reason that tho democratic majority in the Fifty second congress could not be trusted to deal with that subject With the democrats it is purely a partisan ques tion, and their conduct in regard to it would be shaped and controlled by partisan motives, regardless of the re quirements ot the constitution or the demands of equity. They fully realize that proper apportionment of represen tatives will seriously impair their pros pects of success in the presidential election of 1892, and if they had power to postpone the enactment of an ap portionment law until after the elec tion there is every reason to believe that they would use it. It is known that down to the time of his departure for Indianapolis on Monday, the presi dent adhered to his opinion that a special session will be wise and prob ably necessary. IS SHE STILL. AFLOAT? A Sailing- Vessel Out 485 Says From San Francisco. Special to The Astoriaxj San Francisco, Nov. 6. The Brit ish iron bark. Embleton has the re cord of making the longest ocean trip to this coast ever known, that is pro vided that she is afloat still, for serious doubt of her safety are held by some of the underwriters. Tho Embleton is now out from Andrasson 485 days and has not been spoken for months. She sailed over Bixteen months ago with a valuable cargo on board for Puget sound and San Francisco. A BIG BLAZE. Extensive Fire In the Tewn of Vacavlllo, California. Special to The Astorias.1 Vacavtuve, Cal., Nov. 6. About 10 o'clock last night afire broke out in Dutton's hay barn in the eastern part of the town near the depot and burned Miller's hotel, a two story frame structure; also his general merchandise store across the street The sparks communicated the fire to Chandler's lumber yard, the largest in the county, and owing to a laokof water, a quarter ot a million iees ol lumber was consumed. GENTL.F.MENI.Y HIGHWAYMEN They Rob a Tacoma Merchant a la Claude Suval. Special to The Astorian.1 Tacoma, Nov. 6. Highwaymen held up and robbed T. T. Houghton last night on Eleventh street relieving him of 885 and a gold watch and chain. The robbers politely shook hands with their victim, bade him good night and raised their hats at parting. "BUNKO" KELLY'S CASE. Judg-e Deady Will Give aDecision On Monday Next. Special to The Astobian.1 Portland, Nov. 6. The argument in the "Bunko" Kelly case was con cluded this afternoon, and Judge Deady reserved his decision until Monday. Choynalci in the Colonies. Special to The Astorias.1 Sait Francisco, Nov. 6. A name sake of Young Mitchell who arrived from Australia on Zealandia says that Joe Choynski will whip Fogarty, with -whom he is matched. Since he arrived in the colonies, Choynski has been very careful not to show what he knows about fighting. A 8100,000 Fire. Special to The Astoriax.1 Hartford, Nov. 6. Three mills be longing to J.B. Williams & Company, of Glastenbury, Conn., were burned last night. The mills were used for the manufacture of soap, powder and ivorine. The loss is 100,000; insur ance SoO.OOO. Says It Is Not Se. Special to The Astobiak.J San Francisco, Nov. G. President Huntington of the Southern Pacific Co., denies thatheyhas lately pur chased extensive coal fields in Wash ington, as reported in the Oregon dis patches. He must Hans; Special to The Astobian. San Francisco, Nov. 6. The su preme court has affirmed the sentence of death of Eubanks, of Los Gates, who murdered his fifteen year old daughter for refusing to give him hS5 earnings for drink. PRICE FIVE CENTS Pleaded. Nat CHllty. Special to Ths Astoria. I Tacoma, Nov. 6. The boys Jimmy and Matthew Karesek, were arraigned to-day for the murder of Tommy Moore at Fernbill. They pleaded not guilty. A Grata Eleratsr Baraerf. Special to Ths AstokiaxJ Btjkpaw, N. Y., Nov. 6. Wells' ele vator, one of Buffalo's greatest grain store houses, was destroyed by fire early this morning. Total loss on the elevator and contents is estimated above $200,000. Death of c Proatlaeat Laajr. Special to Thh Astobiajt. j - Tacoma. Nov. 6. Mrs. John a. Baker, wife of Senator J. S. Baker, ana a aaugnter of Uapt J. O. Ains worth of Oakland, died this afternoon at her residencein this city of typhoid fever. Death af a Bis; Mason. Special to Ths Astoeian. IiOUisvniiiE, Nov. 6. TTiraw) Bas sett, past grand master of the Masons, and said to be the highest Mason in the world, died of paralysis to-day at Millsburg. He was 70 years old. PERSONAL MENTION. H. A. Gant of MoMinnville is in the city. Colonel John Adair of Sunnymead is in the city. Sidney Dell goes to Portland thia morning on business. J. W. Howerton and wife ot Ilwaco came over last evening. Charles K Melrose of South Bend was among yesterday's arrivals. Nick Wynne, chief clerk at the jetty works was in the city yesterday. Alf. D. Bowen expects to leave for Portland, and possibly the Sound, in a lew days, where ne will seek a busi ness engagement Mrs. Bowen will remain in Astoria during the winter. A Postal Official In This City. General Superintendent "White ot the railway mail service, and party oJ assistants arrived in this city on. the steamer Bonita last evenincr. Mr. White is on a general tour of inspec tion and during the evening visited the post office here and looked into its workings. A TOTE THAT COST A LIFE. UiiptoM Mnrfler at tie Foils In a California Town. . the victim: gets no WAKxnra Special by Tho U.iitkd Pbess.1 Forest Hjlii, CaL.Nov. 6. A re markably cold blooded and unpro voked murder occurred at Booth, Placer county, while the election was in progress. Mark Haney waa shot and instantly killed by Elisha Cowg hill. The difficulty occupied only & few minutes and the shooting was as unexpected as it was without reason. Haney had always voted the dem ocratic ticket, but said he was going to vote a republican ticket this time. Then without warning CowgbUl drew a pistol and fired and Haney dropped dead. MARINE NEWS AHD NOTES. The steamer Gen. Miles left for Shoalwater bay yesterday. Weather permitting, the light house tender Manzanita will sail for Tilla mook rock to-day. Shortly after midnight this morn ing the steamer Cascades arrived -down the river with three barges of rock. The four masted British ship Prin cipality completed her cargo yes terday and will clear to-day or to morrow. The steamship State of California, which was due to arrive from San Franciseo yesterday morning, has not yet put in an appearance. The steamship Columbia -will sail for San Francisco this morning. She takes from here 250 sacks of oysters, 850 cases of salmon and 114 barrels of cranberries. Happy Hoosiers. "Wm. Timmons, postmaster o Ida ville. Ind., writes: "Electric- Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that had feel ing arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Sidney and Liver medicine; made me feel like a new man." J.W.Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is lust the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; lie found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. It is a glorious thing to resist temp tfitions, but it will be money in your pocket if you avoid them. ChaiapIoB Hurdler. A. A. Jordan, champion hurdler of America, and holder of the American record for running 120 yards over 3 feet 6 inch hurdles, says : "J have for a great many years used Aixcock's Porous Piasters, partic ularly during tho training seasoa. I find that If 1 am affected in back or lolna with any kind of a pain or strain, that Aixcock's Porous Plasters in stantly afford relief. For pains In the body, the result of a severe cold, nothing can beat Allcock's Plasters. 1 would certainly recommend the plasters to any athlete who is suffering with soreness or stiffness while in training." 5 rjACQB CURE. A CLEAN AND PE1FECT CURE OF Hurts and Bruises. A Poe&r gaw It. Lawrence. Kansas. Any. 9, 186S. George Patterson fell from a 2d-story window, ttrUdngaftnce. I found him using St Jacobt Oil freely all over hla hurts. IsawhJmmeri f&Oraingat-work; all the blue spots had goe leaving neither psto, tear nor swelling: 0.K.SEPMAN3Ot.D. THE CHAILES A. VOCO.H tOJUmL, lLR9rrfrSSv SU8Ed8sW