'W - -w-zZ?i vwwrv . cn VOL. XXXV, NO. 12. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, IH90. WMCE FIVE CENTS " Vtfl XTifZjf' f S tul f n P (1b m "mm AiS lM3?SI W mmwlm (ml I The Only Exclusive Olothing AND Wfl.t Souse In T?JtLO 0ty", LVMTAr J 1 IflBaB! Thc house that is managed the best, and transacts its business on the low est expense for the volume of business annually transacted. The house that can, and does sell its goods on the smallest margin. The house that keeps the best assortment and has no shelf-worn goods, its stock is always new and fresh as it is continually coming and going, like the flow of the mighty Columbia, direct from its source, to the body it supplies. Above all, it is the house that treats every customer alike, and transacts nil its business on strictly business principles, in short it is a business house IKTot u F&1S.O. BUSINESS CARDS. T F. HA91EI.TON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Astoria, --- Oregon. Office, three doors cast Court House, Third street. r J. CURTIS, Xttej-t-Law: Sotarj Public Commissioner ol Deeds for "Washington Territory. Office in Havel's new brick fcBHding, Cor. Second and Cass streets. J Olt.V H. SKITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. QfSee oh Cass street, 2 doors back of Odd FcWbtc 3uildtng, Aitoria, Oregon. r q. A. BOWtBY, "ttrx-srt Counsellor at iaw tsaceou Ciienaraus Street, Astoria, Oregon A R. KAKACA, ATTOUNEY AT HW. Office ovr "Wnite House Cor., Astoria, Or. TCEAI. ESTATE BROKER A2TD NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 1SSS. Third Street, next to W, U. Telegraph 01 Ece, Astoria, Or. W W. PARKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Conveyancer and Notary Public. 112 Benton Streer. opposite the rostoulcc, Between Cbcnamus &Squeraoquo Sts., Astoria, Oregon. k. A. CI.KVKIA.XI, ATTORNEY' AT LAW. OOre Flavel'a new brick building, corner s-fcoad and Cass streets : up stairs. D KfJ. -. Lt ASD J. A. PULTOX. Cm street, between r.rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases of Women Mid Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. .1. A. Fulton. once hours from 10 to 12 A. M and 1 to 4 r.K. D K. II. IV. STRICKIXK, PHYSICIAN, SUKGEON AND DRUGGIST In simple cases, charges only for medi cine. Ner Postofflcc. Chcnainus Street, Astoria, Oregon. JAY TUTTLE, Til. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. OOce, Koom C, Pythian Building. (MEce hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, C39 Cedar Street. T K. XILLF.R, M. I. Graduate ot Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pital College, and Pest-Graduate of New York City Polyclinic School of Medicine and Surgery. First and Main streets, Portland. Diseases ef Women a Specialty. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Women laaSsrsery. ima: Opposite Telegraph Office, up Slrx, Astoria, Oregon. T)K. I A. REES, DENTTIST Xeoras3aBd4.Flavel's new Brick Bulld- w. t. bcxxtt. r t. bakin J. YT. DRATEB. Barney, Barin & Draper, Attsraeys at-Iia-cr. Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years experience as Register of iSeG.s.Lsd OMceere, recommends us la specialty t MWbc and all other bns tews before ifce laad Office or the Court. m4 laTrtriEg tae practice in the General LsaiOBce. Wsa, Lester & Mersey CIVIL ENGINEERS, Swreyors and Architects. Office, Room 9, Fulyel's Bltj'o sbc02to street i O. Box SIS. ASTORIA, OR. The House that Suys and Sells the Best Coods, as to Quality- SC. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Llaln St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, "VVOODBERRY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Companies, Representing 813,000,000 rnffixix, HOSE, Hartford, Conu ........New York, Agency Taelflc Express anil Trellis. Fargo & Co. ,-o T H E o- AUSTIN--.-HOU J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Open All tlie Year ' THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of tho Necanlcum. within five minutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, Tho most pleasant Seaside Resort on tlie Northwest Pacific Coast. Every attention is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests ami the table Is supplied witli the Very best in season. Here are ulenty of Clams and Crabs, there is game in the Jods and plenty of the finest fish in the ; fljpams. E. P. NOONAN & CO. (Successors to) J". 3E. IBCyxxojs, DEALERS IN- G-roceries Produce. "Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE KO. 7. - P. 0. BOX S00 W. F. Scheibe, CIGAlt MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Boss Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and fie Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Lard Oil. Wrought iron Spikes Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints, Oils, G-rooerien, IE2to. FARM AND DAIRY RANCH TO LET Twenty te Thirty Choice Coir AT 30 to 50 Acres of Fine Meadow Farming Land A Farm of 160 acres, 4 to 5 acres of orchard in c2!ce fruits, complete farm buildings, near Astoria. Convenient to sell milk in the city. All farming tools and dairy appli ances. One spaa line Farm Horses and Wagon. Apply to this office, or to A. H. Sale, on the premises, at Woodland Farm xoung'siuyer.ur. AlDERBRO OK , BARGAINS IN FOR A Few Days Only. BUY NOW! DON'T WAIT! Is Sure To Be THE Terminus of a Bail Road. Wingaie & Stone, ODD FELLOWS'BUILDING, Astoria, - . - Or. I. W. Case, BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the 0. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office nouns : 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Odd Felxows Building, Astoria. Oregon. Maverick National BAA'K, BOSTON, IttASS. CAPITAL... SUKPLUS... $400,000 800.000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corpora tions solicited. Our facilitlesfor COLLECTIONS are excel lent, and we re-discount for Banks when balances warrant it. Boston is a Keserve City, and balances with us from Banks (not located in other Reserve Cities) count as a reserve. We draw our own exchange on London and the Continent, and make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the United States and Canada. We have a market for prime, first-class Investment Securities, and Invite proposals from States. Counties and Cllles when is suing bonds. Wo do a general Baukln? Business, snd in vite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER, TrehidenU JOS. W. WORK, Cashier. Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN" FOR GENERAL BANKIM BUSINESS Accounts of Firms and Individuals Solic ited on Favorable Terms. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Money Loaned on Personal and Real Estate se curity. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. C. T. Edcc, President John Ilobson, Vice Pros. A. II. Edcc, Cashier. K Warren. rj. C. S. Wright, j Director. THE POETLAUD SAYINGS BANK or roKTXAXD, oaF.aox. Paid up capital .... Surplus and prollts...., .$200,000 G0.OO0 Interest allowed on savings deposits as follows. On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent per annum. On term savings books, c per c?nt per annum. On certificates of deposit : Kor three months, 4 per cent p-r annum. For six months, 5 percent per annum. For twe've months, c p-r cent per annum. FRANK DKIvlJM. Pre-ldent. 1. P. THOMPSON. Vice-President. II. C. S-iKAlTON, Cashier. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Machinists ai Boiler Mate Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. John Fox- President, and Sunt A. L. Fox, Vice President J. G. Hustlee. Sec and Treas B. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS ES Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL: PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, M. EDGAK. Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, MEERSCHAUM & BRIER PIPES, Pocket Cutlery, Marine Glasses, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. Corner Main and Second Sts., Astoria, Or. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Pror. Grooa Breaa, Caie it Pastry None but theBest Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customer Bread delivered in any part of the city. A Pocket Pincushion Free to Smokers of Alirtorapily Astoriuiron fork 1 TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. The democrats claim New Mexioo. North Dakota has Rone republican. Montana is claimed by the republicans. "Wisconsin is conceded to the demo crats. The Tote for governor in Minnesota is close. . California elects Markham, Kep., by 2.000 majority. Tho democrats claim Minnesota with a big majority. "Wisconsin la claimed by the democrats by 3,500 plurality. The democrats in Missouri elect too entire stato ticket.' The democrats have captured the New Jersey legislature. The democrats in Delaware still claim the entire state ticket. Paltison'a plurality in Pennsylvania, is given at over 10,000. Olympia was chosen for the capital by asweepiug majority. O'Douuell's election us mayor of Sun Francisco ia iii doubts Tho republican's elect governor and congressman in Nevada. Cleveland in an interview soya he u delighted with tho result. The British newspip9rs lay the demo cratic victory to tho McKinley bill. The New York Post claims u uumbor of congressional districts in doubt. An official couut in Kausaa will be necessary to decido tho governorship. A meeting of tho commitee on appro priations in congress has been called. Both parties in Illinois claim a legisla tive majority and tho matter is in doubt. Senator Mitchell says the political re volution is not duo to the McKinley bill. The republican state central commit tee in Ohio concede tho defeat of Mc Kinley. One man was killed and several in jured by tho falling of a scaffold in Chicago. There is no doubt that ten demooratio congressmen have been elected from Virginia. The democratio committed in Omaha claim Nebraska for Boyd and the entire stato titket. Buchanan, democratic nominee for governor, of Tennessee has from '25,000 to 30,000 ma jority. North Carolina democrat elect nil candidates for congress except in on J dis trict, which is in doubt. Itia conceded by New York papers that tho next congress will hava at least fifty democratic majority". - Tho Afaif and Express of New York concedes a demooratio victory nud tnraed tho flag upside down. It is stated on the authority of a cabinet officer that tbo president will call an extra session of congress. Important .atico. Now ia the time to trst lh- bt-t Ca tarrh, Bronchitis, Ailim:i n d Uht-u-matic Cure m the Ciiy ..f .'.stoiia. Fifty packages of ,fcy' West India Catarrh Cure, the regular price of which is 5.00, can he had trout .1. W. Conn, the dru gi-4. at Sl.i) per package, thereby slaving 1.(M. I IiN is a preparation warranted to eure. Call and get a paekaue. a-, lli-y go f.it. Kemuuiber the pi. iee Voting, onj-n-sitcthe Occident ! Intel, s. ;nmn & Co., I'roprietors. Los Angeles, Cal. P. O. Box 892. BIuinaiir-Frank Drug Co., Portland. Bow-legged Man "What do you think of my new saddle-horse? Friend (examining horse critically) It seems to bo a perfect fit. Champion HurIIr. A. A. Jordan, ehamiiiou hurdler of America, aud hold r of the American record for running 120 yards over o feet G inch hu dies, says: UJ have for a great many years Used Allcock's Pokous Pi.astkus. i-urtic-ularlv during tlie training season I find that If 1 am affected in back or loins with an kind of a pain or strain, that Allcock's Pokous Plasteks in stantly afford relief. For pains in the body, the result of a severe cold, nothing can beat Ai.ixock's Pi.astkus. I uould certainly reoom in end the plasters to any athlete who is suffering with soreness or stiffness while in training." Appropriate "Whero do good humorists go when they die?" "Don't know Chestnut Hill Cemetery, per haps." HappyHoosicrs. Wm. Timmons, postmaster of Ida ville. Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than-all other medicines combined, for that bad feel ing arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman of sauie place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine; made m feel like a new man." J. "W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is lust the thing for a man Tho Isvall run down and don t care whether he" lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c a bottle, at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. SHILOH'3 COUGH and Consurap tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. SniLOIPS VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of DIspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. WIILL YOU SUFFER with DIspep siaand Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. NERVE-PAINS. Cures Neuralgia. Neuralgia. Neuralgia. Oa1flif 17 t? I r. .. rTimmik 7t.Hj t 9 . -.-. T .MtSvt111" eo.u, ibw. liafww irith cenrthjta la the head, tut fcjcobi011,-whlchcirreo:me. yiwu " K. P. BELUKQES. Chief tfTOUca b6Wfi Jc5rlfleC,M,tdld O. JAV TAUPrrva t?-i. -vw t " . -r n IH7 ini rw LATEST EETDI Democratic Gains in The Statt Increase. DKINLEY NOT ALL 'RIGHT. His Defeat Conceded 'By Ohio Rt-puhlieans. GEO TOR CLEVELAND'S OPINION. The Democrats Claii Ohio With Bis Majorities. A. POLITICAL JtnrOTjUTIOX. Special b7Tho United 1'kf.ss. California. San Francisco, Nov. 5. Pond con cedes tho election of Markhain br 2,000. Tho rest o tho ticket is elected by about tho same majority. Complete returns from fifty sena torial districts outside o Sau Fran cisco indicate tho election of thirty seven republicans. It is therefore safe to claim a republican majority in tho legislature on a joint ballot. Out of forty-five assembly districts in San Francisco, 39 republicans and 6 demo crats have been eleoted. Delaware. "WrxismfGTON, Nov. 5. The result in this county cannot yet be definitely stated, but the vote in this city has been very close. On tho face of tlie returns New Castle county has gone republican by from 125 to 150. The democrats, however, still claim the election of their entire stato ticket. Kent county gives democratic ma jorities, ranging from 257 to 428. Sussex county, with one district- to hear from, gives a majority of 500, which may be increased to GOO. This elects Robert I. Reynolds, Dem., for governor, and John "W. Casey, Dem., for congress by a majority of 700, while the legislature will be two thirds democratic Illinois. Chicago, Nov. -5, 10 j& it. Both parties, to-night are claiming a legis lative majority on joint ballot and the democrats are hopeful of electing General Palmer to succeed Senator FarwelL The republican state cen tral committee insist, to-night, that it will control the general assembly by five or sir on joint ballot, but the democrats as vigorous! iausS that they will have a m ijority. Tin result is still in doubt. Kax3s City, Nov. 5. An official count iu Kansas will be necessary to decido whether "Willetts, tho alliance candidate for governor, or Humphrey, the republican candidate, has been elected. The vote is very close with indications in Willetts favor with most of tho western conuljes where tho farmers aro iu a majority to hear from. The farmers' alliance has elected beyond doubt, W. A. Baker, its candidato for congress in the fifth district and contributed to tho election of Moonlight, democrat, in the first whoso election is conceded by something over 1,000 majority. , fflinncsota. Minneapoios, Nov. 5. Tho guber natorial vote is very close. The demo crats are claiming tho state. Tho alliance voto does not cut so great a figure in counties yet to be heard from. Castle, Dem., is elected to congress in the Fourth district. Hall, Dem., in (ho Third, Harries, Dem., in the First Tho Fifth and Second are doubtful. Tho democrats made nearly a clean sweep on the city and county ticket The gubernatorial voto is very close in Minnesota. Twenty-three counties gaveMerriam, Rep., 22,645; "Wilson, Dem.v 23,178; Owen, alliance, 1,685. This does not iuclude Henepin county,' Minneapolis, which gives Wilson two thousand plurality, nor Ramsey county, St. Paul, which gives Wilson 15,000. The democrats are cleanin'g'tho state. St. PAui., Not. 5. Full returns and carefully prepared estimates from forty-nine out of seventy-nine counties in Minnesota give 1,672 plurality for Wilson, Dem., for governor. As to congressmen.it seems probable that three out of the five are democrats. ITIiiaouri. St. Louis, Nov. 6. The democrats will 6end a full delegation to congress and with one exception, they elect the entire state ticket and will have a joint ballot in the legislature by a large majority. Returns are coming in slowly and several days will elapse before the full and official vote can be given. Nebraska. Omaha, Nov. 5. Charles Ogden, chairman of the state democratic cen tral committee claims Boyd's election by from 8,000 to 7,000 plurality. He claims all the congress and the entire state ticket Nevada. VntarsiA Crrr, Nov. 5. R. K. Col cord, Rep., for governor, and P. E. Bartine, Rep., for representative, will each probably have more than 600 majority. Now Jersey. Tbentok, Nov. 6. The democrats have increased their majority in both houses of the legislature. Tho sen ate will be' composed of 13 democrats, 7 republicans and 1 independent dem ocrat The assembly will stand, 43 democrats and 17 republicans. New Mexico. AiiBUQUEBQirjE, Nov. 5. It is claimed that Josephs, Dem., has carried ten of the fourteen counties of New Mexico and that the democrats will have a majority, in tho senate and house for the first time in twenty;four years. New York. NkwTobk, Nov. 5. The Evening World, Dem., says: 'The democrats will have a majority in the next con gress of between sixty-threo and ninety-seven." The Mail and Express; Rep., con cedes tho democratic majority to be at least fifty. The Evening Sim, Dem., places tho democratic majority at about fifty-three. New York, Nov. 5. Tho Mail and Express, turns the American flag upside down, over the election returns, bnt says editerially: "There is no rea son for the Republican party to dis trust the future or for believing that the Democratic reaction is likely to yield permanent results." AH the otbr evening papers attribute the Republican-defeat -to the McKinley bill. The Commercial Advertiser says whether McKinley is defeated or not, McKinley is dead. " The Post is especially violent and compares Reed, McKinley and Aid rich to "Falstaff," who led his follow ers where they were peppered. Albajjy, Nov. 5. The private secre tary to Governor Hill, states that the next assembly, according to the results received, show the Democrats will have sixty-six members, -tsare. He estimated the Republicans elected, fifty-nine. New Yobk, Nov. 5. The Post, in its last edition says: "A number of congressional districts are still in doubt Two in California, several in Iowa, two in Kentucky, two in New York, etc. It seems safe to say, how- cver, iiiu jemocrauc majority in uie next house will not be less.than. 80. It looks as if it will run up close to one hundred." The congressional delegation from this state will be fourteen republicans and twenty democrats. North. Carolina. Raleigh, Nov. 5. There is now no doubt of the election of all the dem ocratic candidates for congress save Newbern in the Second district That is yet in doubt Returns from four hundred pre cincts, one fourth o'f the total number, give a net democratic gain for the ticket of 13,000. North Dakota. St. Patji.,Nov. 5. In North Dakota the republicans have elected the con gressmen and the state ticket by from 2,000 to 4,000. Ohio. Chicago, Nov. 5. Senator Calvin Brice, telegraphs to chairman Phelps of the state central democratic com mittee, congratulations. Ohid elects" fourteen democratic congressmen, a gain of nine. McKinley and Fos ter are both defeated. . . .CoiiTJMBrjs, Nov. 5. Ixateb The republican state central committee now concedes the defeat of McKinley. Both tho democratic and republican state committees now agree' that the congressional delegation from .Ohio will stand fourteen democrats to seven republicans. CoiiTniBUS, Nov. -6, 1 a, m. Tho re publican state central committee have unofficial returns received from seventy-five counties, and the balance is es timated. They claim that the repub lican plurality on the head of the stato ticket will be between 10,000 and 15,000. The committee concedes the defeat of McKinley by about 200 and Foster by 500. The democratic can didates in the other closo cdngres-J siuuui tustncis receivea. majorities ranging from 500 and upwards with the exception of Cosgrovo at Cincin nati, who is defeated by Storcr, Rep'., by 2,700... One of the most remark-, able democratic gains was in the Eleventh district, whero Pattison, Dem., was elected by 3,100. The re nublicau committee concedes that tho delegation to congress ,will stand. 7 republicans to 14 democrats. The re turns received and private advices by the democratic committee- estimate that tho republican plurality on the head of tho ticket will be about 10,000, and that it may fall below these fig ures. On unofficial figures they claim McKinley is defeated by J18 and Foster by 300 or 400. Their es timate of standing is the samo as tho republican committee. Caktok, Nov. 5. McKinley's great gain of 2,700 up to to-night lacks 147 of electing him. The official count may change this.4 Thero has been trouble in getting news from Holmes county. Pennsylvania. PhuiAdelphia, Nov. 5. Revised figures indicate that the plurality of Pattison, Dem., for governor will ex ceed 1U.UW. PhuiAdelhhia, Nov. 5. Revised figures from various counties indi cates that Pattison's plurality for governor over Delamater will exceed 10,000. Waters and Stewart, repub lican candidates respectively for lieutenant governor and secretary of state are certainly elected. Washington. Tacqua, Not. $ 3Jater. Although full returns from the city of Tacoma and Pierce county are not yet com plete thero is no liability of any change in the previous report that the republicans have made a sweeping victory. Pierce county now stands as the banner republican county in the new state of Washington. The threats- bv leadincr dpmnnrnfa ihnh Thomas Carrol, democratic candi- uwj aua xepreseuutuvB in congress will contest the election of John -Wilson, republican, on the ground of in timidation by republican deputy .mar shals and sheriffs are scoffed at by-the republicans, as there is positively no foundation for such a contest Re turns from all parts of 'the state re ceived, show a republican majority for Wilson of about 5,000 as against 9,000 lastyear. Ther Tacoma News, democratic, claims additional democratic repre sentation in the state legislature. TheJVeww, in an editorial to-night, strongly, urges Carrol to contest Wil son, republican, in the election, alleg ing fraud and intimidation through out the state and but for a violation of the law Carrol would have had a majority and that the next congress will be urged to investigate the mat ter. The News, also, in a leading edi torial to-night urges the republicans to take up Nelson Bennett, the Ta coma millionaire, for "United States senator, and drop Squire and Calkins. OnxirpiA, Nov. 5.7-liater. Olympia has rece'ived the capitol by a sweeping majority. Seaiiokawa, Nov. 5. For perman ent capital: Ellensburg 4, North Ya kima 4, Olympia 86. Member of con cen gress: Wilson, Rep., 66; Carroll, Dem., 29; Abernathy, Pro., 5. State senater: Forsyth 44, Van Name 59. Member of state legislature: Megler 67, Har rington 43. County auditer: Harvey 78, Shaw 26. County clerk: Carlton 67, Shaw 33. Sheriff and assessor:' Albert 44, Howard 66. Treasurer: West 89. Prosecuting atterney: Pol worth 62. School superintendent: Ellen Kent 20, Minnie O'Connor 89. Surveyer: Smith 47, Stanard 60. Cor Cer Cor oner: Jaeck 39. (Commissioners, First district: Kent 34, Howard 67; Second district: Carlson 78, Thomas 40; Third district: Olmstead 55, Red field 40. Cathxajtet, Nov.-5. Ellensburg 2, North Yakima 2, Olympia 88. Wilson 45, Carroll 49, Abernathy 3. Forsyth 38,Yan Name 58. Megler 41, Har rington 60. Harvey 62, Shaw 35. Carlton 71, Shaw 32. Albert 25. Howard 87. West 81. Polworth74. Kent 19, O'Connor 88. Smith 42. Stanard 52. Jaeck 80. Kent 35, Winter 70. Carlson 41, Thompson 48. Olmsted 34, Redfield 56. South Bend, Nov. 5. Member of cengress: Wilson 107, Carrol 70, Abernathy 19. State senator For sythe 119, Van Name 66. Representa tive: Putney 111, Whealdon 85. Clerk: Davis 16L Auditer: Barney 133, Bell 64. Treasurer: Barrows 125, Whealdon 67. Sheriff: Turner 117, Slack 80. Assesser: Van Tuyl 90, Vancleve 94. Atterney: Egbert 134, Brumbach 62. Commissioners, first district: Graham 71, McGowan 12. Secend: Bourne 71, O'Connor 105. Third: Meloy 60, Martin 130. Supt public instructien: Fancher 118, English 68. Corener: Mower , Han3elman . Wtt.TiApa, Nov. 5. Wilson 75, Car rol 49, Abernathy 8a Forsythe 81, Van Name 58, Putney 87, Whealdon 60, Davis 140, Barney 84, Bell 58, Barrows 88, Whealdon 51, Turner 82, Slack 61, Van Tuyl 73, Vanoleve 69, Egbert 80, Brumbach 55, Graham 82, McGowan 54, Bourne 70, O'Connor 64, Meloy 102, Martin 36. Fancher 90, English .48, Mower 84. Hanselman 48. SuxsmsE, Nov. 5. Wilson 25, Car rol 16. Forsythe 31, Van Name 18, Putney 23, Whealdon 28. Davis 48. Barney 21, Bell 32. Barrows 38, Whealdon 13. Turner 12, Slack 42. .Van Tuyl 35, Vancleve 18. Egbert 28, Brumbach 25. Graham 3 McGowan 20. Bourne 17, O'Connor 35. Meloy 26, Martin 19. Fancher 29, English .21. Mower 34, Henselmanl6. Nasel, Nov. 5. Wilson 16, Carrol 10. Forsythe 22, Van Name 10. Put ney 16, Whealdon 17. Davis 32. Barney 21. Bell 13. Barrows 30. Whealdon 4. Turner 3. Slack 31. Van Tuyl 18, Vancleve 16. Egbert 21, Brumbach 12. Graham 23, McGowan 8. Bourne 10, O'Con nor 23. Meloy 23, Martin 9. Fan cher 24, English 9. Mower 23, Han selman 8. Bat Centeb, Nov. 5. Wilson 21, Carroll, Abernathy 4, Forsythe 25, Van Name 3, Putney 21, Whealdon 11, Davis 23, Barney 26, Bell 8, Barrows 24, Whealdon 5, Turner 19; Slack 11, Van Tuyl 25, Vancleve 4, Egbert 25, Brumbach 4? Graham 24, McGown 3, Bourne 20, O'Connor 6, Meloy 22, Martin 4, Fancher 27, English 2,1 Mower zo, Hanselman 4. Ilwaco, Nov. 5. Wilson 90, Carrol 16, Abernathy 4. Forsythe 102, Van Name 23. Putney 93, Whealdon 31. Davis 117. Barney 91, Bell 38. Bar rows 116, Whealdon 16. Turner 89, Slack 40c- Van Tuyl 110, Vancleve 16. Egbert 66, Brumbach 61. Graham 106. McGowan 19. - Bourne 102, fl'Pnntinr 90 Alnlnv OH "Mnrffn 1Q Fancher 90, English 34.' Mower 81. Hanselman 4i. i.' or surveyer: James - W20. OtstervtiiIiE, Nov. 5. Majerities: Wilson 21, Forsythe 14, Putney 8, Bell 8, Barrows 14, Slack 7, Van Tuyl 7, Graham 8, Bourne 1, Meloy 10, Fancher 16, Mower 21. Tacoma, Nov. 5. J. H. Price is elected sheriff by 100 majority. - Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Nov. 5. B. C. Wall, chairman of the democratic stato cen tral committee, claims the state by 3,500 plurality. . 0. C. Payne, chairman of the repub lican stato central committee concedes the state to the democrats, legislature, and all but gives no figures. .. Tennessee. NashvjjjLE, Nov. 5. Returns are coming in very slowly. John P. Buchanan, Dem., for governor, will have between 25,000 and 30,000 ma jority. The legislature is two-thirds democratic. Virginia. Richmond, Nov. 5. No doubt now seems left that ten democratic con gressmen have been elected. How Britain Views It. London, Nov 5. The newspapers print pretty full accounts of yester day's American elections, but com ment only Tbriefly upon the figures, reserving editorial treatment of the subject until the returns are complete. The tone of such a comment, as is made, indicates a belief that the defeat of-thejrepublicansis attributable to the popular" disapproval ot the McKinley tariff measure. Several prominent public men; who -have- been inter viewed, declare that the result of the elections show that it was not the American people, but only a handful of unwise politicians, who were respon sible for the exagerated protection embodied in the McKinley bill. O'Dennell in Doubt. Special to The AstokiaxJ "SanTTracico, Nov. 5. The count ing nf tho cifcv vote still Tjroffresses .slowly. The mayoralty contest is be coming lmeresuug. oiuiuumuu io pubhean is no w in the lead. O'Donnell, independent, whoso election was con ceded up to this afternoon, announces that he will contest Sanderson's vote if the latter is declared elected. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mns. Wisslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chohc, and is tho best remedy for diar-rh03a.Twenty-five cents a bottle. "What Cleveland . Special to The Astorias. .New Yobk, Nov. 5. To a reporter, on the result of yesterday's election, ex-President Cleveland said : "I am deliphfpr? T .nnnn v. right of any man in the country to reioice mnrA Tionrfftt? tlioT, T - -u results of yesterday. My gratifica tion is that of an American, proud of hlS fellow mnntnrtnon Wkr T,V. led away for the time by party preju dices nnrl Vilinrl ni-nfi?an. c !.- cunning and selfish leaders, could not be deluded to their ruin. "They have demonstrated that in dealing with them it is not safe to cal culate that they are stupid or heedless of the welfare of their country; the necessity of tariff reform with its con- jTiC -v-u.v.wvix iu. mo ihhc otuving, and the duty of the democratic party to advocate it have been fully demon strated by the action of the people yesterday." TO CALL AN EITEA SESSION A caWnet Officer Says Crapss fill 16 Conyenefl. GENERAL EASTEMX IXEMS. Special by Tho Usitkd Phess.1 'Washington, Nov. 5. It is stated. on the authority of a cabinet officer, tnat tne president will call an extra session of congress. A FAILING SCAFJFOJLD. Several Men Injured and One Killed In Chicago. Special to The Astobian.J CmoAoo, Nov. 5. By the breaking of a scaffolding, raised 10 feet from the ground, to photograph Lyon & Healey's new piano factory, to-day, one man was killed, two probably fatally injured and several others badly hurt. Wm. Kischangert, 54 years old was injured; August Haskel was injured about the chest and it is supposed his lungs are affected. DoraGifford sustained severe internal injuries. John Coates had an ankle broken. E. Grillul and John Railis had ankles sprained. Tne Appropriation Bill. Special to The Astorian.j Washington, Nov. 5. By direc tion of representative Cannon, chairman of the house committee on appropriations, notice has been sent to the members of the committp. m. qnestinc them to meet in WnshiTifrtrm Thursday to begin the preparation of the regular general appropriation bDls. Tbrce Southern States. NEW OkIiEANS. Nov. 5. Thn "Florida democrats elect the governor, state uuiupiruuer ana me associate justices of the supreme court, in the First and Second districts and a. maiorifcv of fh legislature. In Louisiana a full dem ocratic delegation will go to congress. The First district is Democratic with a majority of 4,499. In the Second district, the democratic majority exceeds vw; aituougu the returns are not complete. In Mississimri seven dgmnnmtirt congressmen were elected by over- wneiming majorities. Bo little was the interest taken by Negroes in the election that in manv nrecinfifca tin republican tickets were distributed. J.ne smallest majority received by any democratic congressman will not bo less than 4,000. What Senator Mitchell Says. SaIiEIT. Nov. 5. Interviewed nnnn the democratic success nf vAsfnrrlnir'a elections, Senator Mitchell, of. Oregon saia: "I do not caro to say anything to day as to tho causes of this nnnarpnf political revolution. It was not caused by tne Mciimley bill, which is a measuro that will be better appreci ated by tho neonle as it ih hfltfm- understood, Of course it is the usual result of an on year succeeding, the advent of a republican administra tion." lSueUlea'H Arnica Salve. The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhe um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively enres Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or moneys re funded, iice cents per box. For sale by .1. W. Conn. All pavements are more or less faulty, but some are not asphalty's others. Notice. GOD'S BLESSING TO HUMANITY So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old. Forest Grove. Or., 'March 19. 1 have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA and obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to Humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it to the afflicted. I am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the em ploy of tho Hudson's Bay Company, and since 1 began using the OREGON KIDES: TEA I enjoy good health. DAVID MUNROE. Diphtheria of the eye is the latest imported disease to make its appear ance in Boston. It comes from Ger many. A Voice From The Jadieial Bench. Judge John Chaney, of Oseola, la., says: 'l contracted sciatic and mus cular rheumatism in the army, and suffered most excruciating agony for years. Dr. James Roberts, of Osceola, advised me to take Hibbard's Rheu matic Syrup. I have used eleven bot tles, and find that it keeps me in good health. 1 cannot recommend it too highly." For sale by J. 7. Conn. The Way Made Clear. One of the most serious obstacles to suc cess In the way of man Is planted right In the middle ot the road to health. How to restore and to maintain a regular habit of ? body and digestion Is too often a source of needless and unhappily, of vain inquiry. It Is not necessary to inveigh against drastic puigatives. Thev who have used them con tinuously know the consequence. Aremedy which unites the action ofaregulating med icine for the bowels with that of a tonic both lor those organs, the liver and the stomach. Is flostetter's Stomach Bitters, sanctioned by the best medical authority, and receiving dally the indorsement of our fellow countrjmen. "With this effectual, though gentle. laxative at hand, it is possi ble to defy those changes of temperature productive of constipation, as well as c&m stltutional attacks of biliousness, which be set even people naturally healthy. Malaria dyspepsia, rheumatism and kidney troubles, are remedied and prevented by the Bitters. S5S r