The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 05, 1890, Image 1

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iW ii irll 5T44
l ''iyfe JrW -
V.OL.XXXV, NO. 127.
The Only Exclusive Clothing
DBCcft Souse 'xjl TIa Oity.
HKwRKi 1 5 l,F jl
Thc house that is managed the best, and transacts its business on the low
est expense for the volume of business annually transacted.
The house that can, and does sell its goods on the smallest margin.
The house that keeps tho best assortment and has no shelf-worn goods,
its stock is always new and fresh as it is continually coming and going, like
:thc flow of the mighty Columbia, direct from its source, to tho body it supplies.
Above all, it is the house that treats every customer alike, and transacts
all its business on strictly business principles, in short it Is a business house
3Wo-t uSL F'slIslg.
T p. hashiton,
Astoria, - Oregon.
Office, three doors east Court House,
Third street
Aiternfj-at-Lxir: HoUrr Pabllc
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
territory. Office In Flavel's new brick
tmllding. Cor. Second and Cass streets.
Offlee on Cass street, 2 doors back of Odd
Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon.
5 q. A. BOWLKY,
v (rerun and CoanBellor at Law
nice ob Cneuamus Street, Astoria, Oregon.
omce over White House Cor., Astoria, Or.
Established 1883.
Third Street, next to W, U, Telegraph Of
fice, Astoria, Or.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent,
Conveyancer and Notary Public
112 Benton Street, opposlto the Postofflce,
Between Cheaamus & Squemoque Sts..
Astoria, Oregon.
OBce Flavel'a new brick building, comer
Second and Cass streets ; up stairs.
RS. A. li. AND J. A, FULTON.
Cass street, between 3rd and 4th.
Special attention to Diseases of Women
uid Children, by Dt. A, L. Fulton.
Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A.
Offlco hours from 10 to 12 A. x and 1 to 4
In simple cases, charges only for medi
cine. Near PostofUco, Cticnamus Street, Astoria,
?hyadan, Surgeon and Accouchsur.
Omce, Boom c, Pythian Building.
OKce hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Residence, C39 Cedar Street.
T . MILIiEK. M. D.
Gr&dsate of Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos
pital College, and Fest-Graduato of New
York City Polyclinic School of Medicine
and Surgery.
First and Main streets, Portland.
Disease of Women a Specialty.
Special attention to Diseases of Women
xaa Surgery.
irncE: Opposite Telegraph Office, up
Stairs, Astoria, Oregon.
1 7 and 8, Flavel's new Brick Build-
Barney, B&rin & Draper,
JOregoa City, Oregon.
Twelve years experieace as Eeglster of
UteU.S.La&a OAce here, recommends us
la r sfcaialty ot Mining and all other tons
aeas belere tke Land Office or the Courts.
aaatBvelriBi tae practice In the General
Tiiehei, Later & Mm,
Smrreyors and Architects.
Office, Book 9, Flavel's Bld'q
P. O. Bs 81$. . ASTORIA,- OB.
The House that Buys and
Sells the Best Goods, as to
SO. P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
Main St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon.
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine,
WO0DBERBY Cotton lines and Twines
Of all Description Furnished at
Factory Prices.
Effected in First Class Companies,
Representing lS.MO.eoo
...........Hartford, Conn
,..,...New York,
Agency Faello Express aad Weill, Fsirre k Co.
H E-o-x
J. P. AUSTIN, Propr.
Open All tie Year 'ML
Is new and dean and beautifully located
on the banks of tbe Nec&nlcum. within fire
minutes' walk of
Tbe most pleasant Seaside Resort on the
Northwest Paoine Coast.
ETery attention is paid to the comfort and
accommodation of the guests, and the table
Is supplied with the very best In season.
Here are plenty of Clams and Crabs, there
Is game In tbe woods and plenty of tbe
finest fish In the streams.
E. P. N00NAN & CO.
( Successors to)
Groceries Produce.
Water Street, Astoria, Oretjoa.
TELEPBOKB 10. T. - P. O. BOX 80
W. F. Scheibe,
Smokers' Articles In Stock.
Special Brands Manufactsred to Order.
MAIN STREET. - - Astoria. Or
Thompson & Rose
Carry a Fall Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call arMl Bi Ctnvlnctd.
J. B. Wyatt,
Hariwari awl Shlf Caawlriry,
Pare Oil, Bright Varnish. BinasJe Oil,
Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine,
Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Splks,
Galvanized Cut Kails.
Aprlciltmrml iMpleMeate, SewUg
Twenty t TMirtr Cklce Cws
30 to SO Aors f Flo Meadow
Farming Land
A Farm of 1 GO acres, 4 to Saeres of orchard
In cfetice fruits, coaplete farm buildings,
near Astoria. Convenient to sell milk: in
the city. All farmlns tools mad dairy appli
ances. One spaa fine Fans Horses and
Wagon. Apply to this eeer or to A. H.
Scie, on the premises, at Woodland Farm
Young's Itm, Or.
I. W. Case,
Transacts a General Banking Easiness.
Drafts drawn available In any part of the
U. S. and Europe, and on Uong Ko:ig, China
Office Eouks : 10 a. m. to 3 v. m.
Odd Fellows Building, Astoria. Oregon.
Maverick National
... 800.000
Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corpora
tions solicited.
Our facllitlesfor COLLECTIONS are excel
lent, and wo re-discount for Banks when
balances warrant It.
Boston Is a ICeservo City, and balances
with us from Banks (not located lu other
Reserve CI Jes) count as a reserve.
We draw our own exchange on Loudon
and the Continent, and make cable transfers
and place money by telegraph throughout
the United States and Canada.
We hare a market for prime, flrst-class
Investment Securities, and Invite proposals
from States. Counties and Cities when Is
suing bonds.
Wo do a general Banking Business, and In
vite correspondence.
ASA P. POTTEIt, President.
JOS. W. WORK, Cashier.
Astoria National Bank
Accounts of Firms and Individuals Solic
ited on Favorable Terms.
Interest paid on Time Deposits. Money
Loaned on Personal and Real Estate se
curity. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought
and sold.
C. X. Edee, President.
Jehn Ifabxen, Vice Pres.
A. B. Edcc, Cashier.
D. K. Warren. I frnt.tnr9
C. 8. Wright. J Directors.
Paid up capital....
Surplus aud profits..
Interest allowed oiQsavhigs deposits as
follows. ""
On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent per
On term savings books, c per c?r.t per
On certificates of deposit :
For three months, 4 per cent per annum.
For six months, 5 per cent per annum.
For twelve months, c per cent per annum.
FRANK DEKUM, President.
D. P. THOMPSON. Vice-President.
H, C. STRATTON, Cahler.
Astoria Iron forte.
CoDcomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Cr
HacMnists anil Boiler Mm.
Land and Marine Engines
Steamboat Work and Cannery Work
Castings of all Descriptions Made
to Order at Short Notice.
John Fox...........Pre3ldeut. and Supt
A. L. Fox, ...............Vlce President
J. G. HU8TLKB.M..... Sec and 1 reas
Insurance Agent.
California Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co.,
Home Mutual Insut ance Co., S. F.
Phcsnix of London.
Imperial of London.
Wall Paper and Oil Paintings
All Work Guaranteed.
Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria,
Hughes & Go
Wholesale and Retail
Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do
mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
J. n. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val
Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key
West and Domestic Cigars.
Liquors for Medicinal Purposes.
Family Trado Solicited. All orders from
tho City and Country promptly filled.
Squemoqua'Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon.
Cigars, Tobacco and Snutf,
Pocket Cutlery, Marine Glasses,
Corner Main and Second Sts., Astoria. Or.
The Oregon Bakery
M Mi Caie and Pastry
None hut the Best Materials Used.
Sttisfactien Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered In any part of the city.
A Pocket Pincushion Free to Smokers of
"Wisconsin is in doubt.
The Democrats carried Alabama
Five men were executed in Havana.
At 2 a. m. both parties claim Pennsyl
vania. President Harrison voted at Indiana
polis. Tho republicans claim Ohio for Mc
Kinley. Florida Roes democratic by about 15,
000 majority.
McKinley's district returns him with
big republican gains.
Large democratic gains are reported
from North Carolina.
Lapham, Dem., is elected in the First
Rhode Island district.
Olympia got tho majority for tho capi
tal site in Washington.
It is estimated that the democrats
gained 1,000 in Tennessee.
Tho Philadelphia Inquirer concedes
the election of Patterson.
Tho republican stato central oominilteo
claims California by 7,000.
Russell, Dem., is indicated an olecUd
governor by 5,000 plurality.
At 1:30 o'clock this morning tho re
publicans claim Minnesota.
The Fourth Congressional district in
Maryland elects a democrat.
Grant is elected mayor of Now Yir'-i
and Tammany carried iho day.
Tho republicans claim Iowa and all the
congressional dWricts except one.
It is conceded that Dr. C. C. O'Donuell
is elected mnyor of S.m Fnjnci o.
Caine, tho mormon, was rcolecicd
from Utah, over Goodwin, !
Ten of tho eloveu congressional dis
tricts in Kentucky went democratic.
Tho election of Cox, Dem., in Seven
teenth New York district is conceded.
Tho steamer S. C. llcynclds went on a
reaf near Toledo, Ohio, and caught fire.
The republicans of Minneapolis claim
tho election of Po&tgr for mayor by IhOO.
Georgia will send u solid democratic
congressional delegation to "Washington,
One hundred and fourteen towns in
Connecticut givo tho democrats a gain of
George "Whitely, ageJ 17 years, fell
from a wagon in Portland and broko his'
Eighty-four districts in Michigan gives
the democratic candidnto for governor a
A special to tho Chicago Herald saj's
Indiana has gono democratic by 23,000
The chairman of tho Illinois republi
can stato central committee claims the
At Richmond, Ya., two men were killed
and another seriously wounded; trouble
over the election.
Tho election in tho white districts in
Arkansas, excepting for a shooting scrape
caused by a colored deputy sheriff were
McKinley was returned from his own
district with a big majority and Ohio is
claimed by the republicans with 20,30
Tillman, the farmer's alliance and
democratic candidate was elected gover
nor of South Carolina; there was no
trouble between tho races.
The republicans have a majority in
Kansas., carrying eight ngainst m six
counties secured by tho democrats, out
of nineteen heard from, five going for the
Til AT HACKING COUGH can bo so
quickly cured by ShilohV Cure. Wo
guarantee it
Remarkable Kscuc.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainlield, III.,
makes the statement that she caught
cold which settled on her lungs; she
was treated a month by her family phy
sician, but grew worse. I Ie told her &he
was a hopeless victim of consumption and
that no medicine could cun fur. Her
druggist suggested Dr. King's New
Discovery tor Consumption ; she bought
a bottle and to herdelight found herself
benefited from first dose, bhe contin
ued its use, and after taking ten bottles
found herself sound and well, now does
her housework and is as well a-s bhe
ever was. Free trial bottles f this great
Discover' at J. "W. Conn's Drug Store,
large bottles, 50c aud $1.
Important Xoticn.
Now iB the time to test tho best Ca
tarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and Klieu
niatic Cure in the City of Astoria.
Fifty packages of LeUoy'd Wcat India
Catarrh Cure, tho regular price of
which is $5.00, can be had from J.
V. Conn, the druggist, at $1.00 per
package, thereby saving 4.00. '1 his is
a preparation warranted to cure. Call
and get a package, as they go fa.-t.
Remember the place Conn's, oppo
site the Occident Hotel. S. Hruwn &
Co., Proprietors. J.os Angeles, Cal.
P. O. Box 892. Blumaur-Frank Drug
Co., Portland.
Champion Hitrrtlrr.
A. A. Jordan, champion hurdler of
America, and holder of the American
record for running 120 yards over 3 feet
6 inch hurdles, says:
"I have for a great many years used
Alt.cock's Porous Pi.astkiis. partic
ularly during the training season. I
find that if I am affected In back or
loins with any kind of a pain or strain,
that Aixcocit's Fonous Plasters In
stantly afford relief. For pains in the
body, the result of a severe cold, nothing
can beat Ai.lcock's Pilasters. 1
would certainly recommend the plasters
to any athlete who is suffering with
soreness or stiffness while in training."
Ilappy flousicrs.
Win. Timmons, postmaster of Ida
ville. Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters
has done more for mo than all other
medicines combined, for that bad feel
ing arising from Kidney and Liver
trouble.'' John Leslie, farmer and
stockman of same place,' says: "Find
Electric Bitters to be the. best Kidney
and Liver medicine; made mo feel like
a new man." J. "W. Gardner, hardware
merchant, same town, savs: Electric
Bitters Is lust the thing for a man who
is all run down and don't care whether
he lives or dies; he found new strength,
good appetite and felt just like ho had a
new Ienc on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at
J. W. Conn's Djrug Store.
Democratic Gains Made
In Several States.
California Gives a Big
Republican Majority.
Latest Returns From All tie Elec
tion Districts,
Special b7 Tho U.iitku Prkss.
MoxruoMEur, Nov. 4. Scattering
returns received nro Hufficient to show
that the complete democratic ticket is
elected iu this stalo. Tho farmers'
allinuco men did not voto for the in
dependents except to a. very limited
JjITTIiE HOOK, -NOV. i WltU n sin
gle exception of tronblo at Pine Blaff,
where n negro deputy sheriff fatally
wonuded a policeman named Laming
and shot two more, all tho white elec
tion districts iu Arkansas were quiet
SakFfaxuisco.Nov. -1 The repub
lican slate central commitleo claim
the stnto by 7,000 mnjority, and say that
Markbam is running way ahead in the
southern part of the state.
Sax Fiukcisoo, Nov. 5, 1 a. m.
Partial returns from Alameda, Fresno,
Kern, Los Angeles, Sau Joaquin,
Shasta, Siskiyou, Stanislaus, Santa
Clara, Santa Cruz, Tulare, Yolo, Mor
ced, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Butte,
Santa Barbara, Solano and San Fran
cisco connties give the follemng:
Mnrkbam, 39,723; Pond, 3L958. But
tliirty-tivo precincts remain to bebenrd
from, iu San Francisco.
Hartfokd, Nov. 4. One hundred
and fourteen towns givo tho state
a net gain of 991.
Haktford, Conn, Nov. 4. Ten
towns show a net democratic gain on
tho state ticket of 695, a democratic
gain of five in tho legislature.
Meeidix, Nov. 4, 11 p. m. Over
one hundred towns show only a loss
of two legislators to tho Bepublicans
and as they havo sixty-six on joint bal
lot, it cannot now be changed, so that
O. H. Piatt is certain to be his own
successor in the United States senate.
Hartfo3d, Nov. 5, 1 a. m. The
house is probably Bepublican by
forty-five majority, with nineteen
towns to hear from. The senate is
Democratic by four majority.
Special to The astorian.1
jACKSoNVTUiE, Nov. 4. Beturzis
from seventy-five towns received by
the Times-Union show nearly 1,600
republican loss. The democrats carry
the stato by a"bout 15,000 majority.
Jacksonville, Nov. 4. Tho dem
ocratic stato ticket, it is estimated, is
elected by over 15,000. Both demo
cratic congressmen were elected by
largely increased majorities.
Atlanta, Nov. 4. Georgia will
send to the next house a solid demo
cratic congressional delegation. The
canvass iu the Seventh district was
close and resulted in Everett's, Dem.,
election, over Felton, Ind. Dam., by a
small majority.
Chicago, Nov. 4. The chairman of
tho republican state committee
claims tho re-election of all the re
publican congressmen.
Chicago, Nov. 4. Later. Both
the republican and democratic state
central committees say they are un
able to give estimates from the re
turns. ThoBe coming in indicate
democratic gains over the state elec
tion held in September last Tho
democrats claim the election of all
congressmen including Brockenridge
in the Second district.
Chicago, Nov. 4, 230 a. m. The
democratic stato central committee
claim that they havo certainly gained
three congressmen and probably five,
and that they have carried tho state
with a good majority.
Chicago, Nov. 4. A special to the
Herald from Indianapolis states that
Indiana has gone Democratio by
20,000 and that one Democratio con
gressman has been gained.
Special to The Astomas.1
Des Moines, Nov. 5.-Tho republican
state central committco claim the
state by 5,000 majority, and all the
congressional districts except the
Topeka, Nov. 4. Returns from
nineteen counties indicate that eight
bavejgone republican, six democratio
and five for the alliance.
Louisville, Ky., Nov. 4. It is rea
sonably certain that out of the Four
teen congressional districts in Ken
tucky, ten have gone democratic by in
creased majorities. Tho Eleventh
districHs'in doubt
It is reasonably certain, that out of
eleven congressional districts in Ken
tucky, ten have gone democratio by
increased majorities.
able by that terrible cough. Shlloh's
Cure is the Remedy for you.
BaiiUMOBE, Nov. L The Fourth
Congressional district complete, gives
Baynor.Dem., 18,780; Goldsborough
Hep., ia,31U.
Boston, Nov. 4. Seventy-five towns
of Massachussets and 200 out of 205
precincts of Boston give for governer:
Blackner, Pro., 3,058; Brackett, Bep.,
33,963; Kussell, Dem., 4250. Bus-
sell's plurality is 10,388. If Bussell
continues to gain on Brackett in the
state outside of Boston as he has in
the city, and all indications at this
hour point that way, he is elected by
5,000 majority.
Boston, Nov. 4. Indications are at
10 p. sr. that Bussell is elected gov
ernor by 5,000 majority.
Boston, Nov. 4. From gains on the
vote so far the indications are that
Bussell, Dem., for governor, will be
elected by 5,000 plurality. The demo
crats have gained two congressmen.
Boston, Nov. 5, 2-50 s. m. The
republicans concede Eussell's election
by about 7,000 plurality.
Boston, Nov. 4. Boston for gover
nor, gives Bussell, Dem., 32,896;
Brackett, Bep., 19,876; Blackmer, Pro.,
1,564; Bussell3, plurality, is 13,318.
The vote last year was Bussell, 28,280;
Brackett, 22,580; Blackmer, 1,536;
Bussells' plurality, 1,545. The demo
crats claim the state by a plurality.
The frepnblican committee concede
BusselTs election, although they will
not name the figures.
Boston, Nov. 4. One hundred and
fourteen towns in New Hampshire
show a democratic gain ot twenty-two
members of the legislature and indica
tions point to tho election of Amsden,
Dem., for governor.
aDetboit, Nov. 4. Eighty-four dis
tricts, inclading twenty-four in this
city, give Turner, Bep., for governor,
8,744; Winans, Dem., y,8u7.
Minneapolis, Nov. 4. It is pretty
certain that Merriam, Bep., for gover
nor, has fallen considerably below his
ticket The republicans claim the
election of Potter for mayor by 900.
MiNNEAPorrs, Nov. 5, 150
The republican stato central com
mittee claim tho Btateby from 8,000 to
10,000 plurality. The estimate is
based on returns received up to this
time. The democratic committee will
not give any estimate yet.
St. Lours, rfov. 4. It is claimed
that John O'Neil, Dem., is elected to
congress by 1,000 in the 11th district,
which two years ago gave a republi
can majority of 2,000.
Helena, 3fov. 4. Ex-Governor
White, chairman of the republican
committee, expresses confidence in tho
eleotion of Carter and a majority of
the republican state senators. His
claim is based on all advices from
Butte, Missoula and other prominent
points west of the range in Dixon's
part of the state.
Nerta Carolina.
Baleigh, Nov; -4. Indications are
that the democrats will carry the
state by 40,000. Large democratio
gains are reported in the congressional
vote in the Third, Fourth, Fifth and
Ninth districts, and democratio gains
in the legislative ticket are steadily
New Hampshire
Concobd, Nov. 4. The democratic
gain in 114 towns is over 1,200, and
Amsden, Dem., is probably elected,
and the legislature is probably demo
cratio, insuring the election of a demo
crat to succeed United States Senator
Hew Fork.
New Tobk, Nov. 4. The daily
News says "McKinley is probably de
feated by 600. The Sun says he is
defeatod by 1,000. The Tribune
claims his election by 600.
New York, Nov. 4. Beturns re
ceived indicate the election of the en
tire Tammany ticket by a majority of
from 15,000 to 20,000.
New Yobk, Nov. 4. Thirty-two
election districts out of 947 in the city
give Grant Dem for mayor 35,150;
Scott Fusion, 28,173. It is thought
that Grant's majority will exceed
Bbookltn, N. Y., Nov. 4. King's
county congressional candidates elect
are probably Boody, Dem., in the
Second district, Wallace, Bep., in the
Third district Clancy, Dem., in the
Fourth and Magnor, Dem., in tho
Kingstown, Nov. 4. The election
of Cox, Dem., for congress in the Sev
enteenth district is conceded by tho
republicans by a majority of 750.
Dan Lockwood, who nominated
Cleveland" for mayor, governor and
president, has carried the Thirty
second congressional district and is
probably elected.
New Yobk, Nov. 4. Tammany Hall
has gained a decisive victory over the
republican and county democrats
fusion. Grant, for mayor, is " not
likely to fall back of 22,000 majority
over Scott
The vote for district attorney, in
which it was expected that Nichols,
the Tammany nominee, would bo far
behind the vote for Grant, will show
that ho has a majority of nearly
21,000 over Goff, the fusion candidate.
All the Tammany candidates for the
other county officers, namely: Sheriff,
president of the board of aldermen
and eounty clerk, have average major
ities of 20,000. The vote for superior
court judges and county judges shows
the same majority in favor of Tam
many. In the city over 200,000 votes
were cast out of a registration of 245,
000. The county officers elected are
tha Tammany neminees: Grant,
mayor; Gorman, sheriff; Geigerich,
county clerk; Arnold, president of the
board of Aldermen. The democrats
carried every congressional district in
the city.
New Yobk, Nov. 4. Eleven p. x.
Beturns so far as received, give the
following congressmen as resonably
First district, Covert, Dem.; Second,
Boody, Dem.; Third; Waller, Bep.;
Fourth, Clancy, Dem.jFifth, Wagner,
Dem.; Sixth, Fellows, Dem.; Seventh,
Dunphy, Demj Eighth, Campbell,
Dem.; Ninth, CnTmningg, Dem.; Tenth,'
Spinola, Dem.; Eleventh, Warner,
Dem.; Twelfth, Flower, Dem.; Thir
teenth, Fitoh, Dem.; Fourteenth,
Stahlnecker, Dem.; Fifteenth, Bacon,
Fusion Dem.; Sixteenth, Ketchum,
Bep.; Seventeenth, Cox, Dera.; Eight
eenth, Quackenbush, Bep.; Nine
teenth, Tracey.Dem.; Twentieth, San
ford, Bepj Twenty-first, Weaver, Dem.,
(a gain);Twenty-second,Russeil,Eep.;
Twenty-third, Sherman, Bep.; Twenty-fourth,
Arnold, Bep., probably;
Twenty-eighth, Noyes, Bep., probably;
Twenty-ninth, Baines, Bep.; Thir
tieth, Greenleaf, Dem., probably, (a
gain); Thirty-first, "Wadsworth, Bep.;
Thirty-second, Lookwood, Dem.,
(a gain:) Thirty-third, Bunting, Dem.,
probably; Thirty-fourth, Hooker, Bep.
The democrats also made a decisive
victory in the assembly. Those
elected, with five exceptions, are Tam
many nominees. All the successful
candidates in the Fourth, Sixth,
Tenth and Twenty-Becond districts
are democrats, elected on the Fusion
ticket Tammany's victories for mem
bers of the board of aldermen aro in
the same proportion as those for the
Kingston, Nov. 4. Cox, Dem., in
tho Sixteenth congressional district
has 600 or more majority.
Later. Tho legislature is Demo
cratic on a joint ballot, insuring the
election of a Democrat to succeed
New York, Nov. 4. The World's
bulletin claims Democratic victory in
Connecticut with congressional gains.
A .Boston dispatch, to the Herald,
states that six Democratic congress
men are probably elected. A gain of
Columbus, O., Nov. 4. It is
thought that Major McKinley is de
feated. Columbus, O. Nov. 4. Two private
telegrams have just been received at
the republican headquarters, which, if
true, insure the election of Major
Wm. McKinley. One of the telegrams
states that Wayne county giye3 Mc
Kinley 900 majority, which shows a
change of 1,800 votes in his favor.
The other dispatch states that in
fourteen precincts of Stark county,
McKinley's home, ho made a gain of
846 votes. This information has
neither been contradicted nor verified
by the official returns.
Canton, Nov. 4. McKinley's own
ward complete, gives a gain of 385.
This makes McKinley's gain 846 in
14 of the 64 precincts in Stark county,
which went 1,100 for Campbell last
year. One precinct heard from in
Medina countv gives McKinley a gain
of 122. ,
Columbus, Nov. 4. Early returns
from nearly every section in tho state
indicate a republican victory by ma
jorities ranging from 5,000 to 20,000.
Cincinnati, Nov.. 4. Bo'th -parties
f claim McKinley's district Beturns are
not- yet counted far enough to permit
reliable estimate of result
Cincinnati, Nov. 4. Bepublicans
elect congressmen in first and second
Allegheny, Pa., Nov. 4. Twenty
four districts give Delamater 2,010;
Pattison 2,275. This is a democratio
gain of 606.
Stboudsbubg, Pa., Nov.3. Every
district in Monroe county is demo
cratic. Pattison's majority is 2,360
this county last year gave a majority
of 1,046 for the republicans.
PrrrsBUBG, Nov. 4. A special from
Philadelphia to the Times, says the
Inquirer, concedes Patterson's elec
tion for governor.
Philadelphia, Nov. 5, 2 p. m. The
chairman of republican committee says
Delamater has a plurality, but the re
sult is close and it may take official
figures to decide. Chairman Kerr, of
the democratic state committee, claims
the state by 10,000.
Rhode Island.
Pbovxdence, B.L,Nov. 4. Lapham,
Dem., is elected for congress in
the First district Indications are that
there will be no election in the Second
district The vote was light
South. Carolina.
Chableston, Nov. 4. Tillman, the
farmers' alliance and democratic can
didate, is elected governor by 12,000
majority. Tho total vote in the state
will not exceed 150,000. The election
was quiet Neither the whites nor the
blacks displayed any enthusiasm, and
thousands remained away from the
Chattanooga, Nov. 4. Beturns
from the Third congressional district,
which is now republican, show a demo
cratio gain of 1,000. This indicates a
democratic victory.
Nashville, Nov. 4. Lateb. The
democratic majority for governor is
not less than 25,000. Gram, Bep.,
for congress in the Third district has
been defeated.
Austin, Nov. 4.--The democratic
state ticket is elected by about the
usual large majority, also a full dem
ocratic or independent delegation to
Salt Lake, Nov. 4. Caine, the
Mormon, is re-elected delegate to con
gresss, over Goodwin, tho liberal, by
3,000 to 5,000. -.
Petersburg, Va Nov. 4. Epps,
white, Dem., beats L. Langston for
congress by 1,200 majority in this city.
Biohmond, Ya., Nov. 4. Geo. D.
Wise, Dem., is" re-elected to congress
without opposition in the Third dis
trict Beports from tho Fourth dis
trict indicate a falling off in the repub
lican vote of '88. Election ot Lester,
Dem., in tho Fifth district, is claimed
by a largo majority.
Port Ludlow, Nov. 4. For re
presentative in congress Abernathy,
3; Carroll, 15; Wilson, 50.
Taooma, Nov. 4. Puyallup gives
Olympia 333 plurality for the capital.
For congress Abernathy, prohibition,
24; Carroll Dem, 107; Wilson, 1043.
Olympia, Nov. 4. Olympia gets a
large majority for capital.
Tacoma, Nov. 4. A private tele
gram from Spokane to the secretary
of the democratic committee indicates
that the city gives Wilson, republican
for congressman a fair majority.
Pasco, Nov. 4. Franklin county
gives Carroll, democratic, for congress,
54 majority.
Seattle, Nov. 4. The total vote
in ten precincts is 1,851 against
2,459 in the city at the election last
month. The Bennblicans are ahead
so far by about 100.
Milwaukee. Nov. 4. Mitchell.
Dem., has a majority, it is estimated,
of 5,000 in the Fourth congressional
aistncc xne aistnos was formerly
republican. The state is doubtful, the
new election law bringing the returns
in very slowly.
Tie PflMlc Executioner of Haiana
Has a Bis Jol.
A Vessel Goes Ashore on a Beef and
Takes lire The Grew Saved
General Mews.
Special by Tho Ujcitkd Phes3 .1
New Yobk, Nov. 4. SenorTalen
tine, the public executioner at Ha
vana, according to a dispatch received
in this city from Havana, has had his
claims for services rendered the city
settled by the treasury and last Fri
day acted in his official capacity in
the city jail of Javenlupos, assisting
five murderers out of the world in the
most approved style.
The five condemned men were all
executed Friday morning between the
hours of 6' and 8 o'clock. There were
some 20,000 persons present at the
McKinley's All Sight.
Columbus, Nov. 5. At 2 o'clock
this morning an official telegram was
received here announcing that the
democratic congressional committee
of McKinley's district concedes his
re-election by a small majority .The
democratic stato executive committee
received information from another
source and admit they are afraid it is
true. They, the state exeoutive com
mittee, received a telegram from tho
home of Ma jor McKinley, at 11 o'clock
last night, stating that he had carried
the city of Canton by 300 and Stark
county by 700 majority.
McKinley's own ward showed a re
publican gain of 385 and the demo
crats of his district are demoralized
over the result Beports from Medina
county are that McKinley is running
ahead of his ticket and this is also
the case in Holmes county. There
was much scratching in favor of Mc
Kinley at Alliance. At this hour the
democrats claim Warwick elected by
600 and the republicans McKinley's
election by from 250 to 300.
At midnight it was evident that the
entire republican state ticket is
elected by 15,000. Chairman Hoten,
at that hour, claimed it by 20,000, and
Chairman Vancleaf conceded it by
10,000. Neither would make any
estimate as to the number of con
gressmen elected, though Hoten had a
message from McKinley's district in
dicating his election from Foster's
district and from Ashley's indicating
that the result there was olose.
The President of the United
States Votes at Heme.
Speciallto The Astoria.!
Indianapolis, Nov. 4. President
Harrison arrived here this morning
and was met at the depot by B. S.
MoKee and family. He was driven to
their residence and an hour later went
to the polls to vote. A few minutes
before his arrival a flag was stretched
over the entrance to the voting booth,
and the president bowed his head
when passing under it. He was in
the polling room just three minutes.
Ashe deposited his ballot and had
his name recorded Judge Laders said:
44 'Tis plain Ben Harrison ?"
44Yes, Bir, said the president, "and
his vote counts but one.
Two Men Killed and Another
Seriously Wounded.
Special to TnE Astorian.1
Biohmond, Va., Nov. 4. A general
fight is reported at Irvine, Estella
county. John Wilson; superintendent
of public schools, and Dr. Lilly, a son
of Judge Lilly, were killed, and Grant
Lilly was dangerously wpunded. Pis
tols were the weapons used, and the
trouble grew out of the election.
A Fire on a Beef.
Special to The Astobian.
Toledo, O., Nov. 4. The steamer
S. U. Reynolds with coal and jute
went on Colchester reef during a
blinding snow storm last night and
caught fire. Tugs were sent to her
rescue, but she probably will be a
total loss. She was worth 100,000,
and the cargo half as much more. No
lives were lost
Brake His Reck.
Special to The Astorianj
Pobtland, Nov. 4. Geo. Whitely,
while driving a brick wagon across tho
steel bridgo this morning in some way
lost his balance and fell beneath the
wheels, his neck being broken.
Deceased was aged 17 years, and has
parents living in Iowa.
For Mayor of New Xerk.
Special to The astokiaxJ
New Yobk, Nov. 4. The voto of
this city for mayor, complete, is:
Scott, 91,063: Grant 114,425; Demor
est, 864; Delabar, 2,898; Bedpatb, 745.
O'Senncll Gets There.
Special to The Astorian.
San Fbancisco, Nov. 4. The
Chronicle and Examiner both con
cede the election of O'Donnell, the
independent candidate for mayor.
Mbs. Winseow's Soothing Sybup
should always be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
chohc. and is the best remedy for diar
rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
" fl
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