The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 02, 1890, Image 3

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Shv gaits Ssforfatt j ON FDOTOUT AT SEA.
.NOVEMBEli2. 1800
Publisher and Proprietor.
Cass Stkkkt
Tern of Subscription
Served bv Carrier, icr cek
Scot by Mali. ior month
"Vail bj Mall, one j cir
Free of postage to subscribers
15 eta
. CO els
Thk Aktobiax guarantee s to Its adrer
ZIspt tfie largest circnl.iuoa or any newspa
per pobltshed on the Columbia ri er.
A jtmk store and stock m olTored for
sale cbesp. See the advertisement.
Tbo local institute will be held next
"Wednesday and Thursday iu Rescue
I. K Osgood offers some remarks
appropriate to the occasion on the first
Tie Steamer "BcMgan" Amies
in Port witl a Hoi Cano.
Albert Harrison and Annie Byytila,
were enrotod a license to marry yes
terday. A mortgage for S1.-100 was yesterday
fiied for record in the office of the
county recorder.
Rev. G. W. Grannis will address the
young men Una afternoon, at 3 o'clock,
The telegraph wiro was working
badly last evening and our press dis
patches came very slowly.
The fog of the night previous had
entirely disappeared yesterday, nnd in
consequence it was a lovely day.
Bev. Father Power will say mass
and preach at St. Mary's Catholic
church this morning at 10:30 o'clock.
The regular monthly meeting of
Astoria Typographical Union, No.
264, will be held this afternoon at the
usual time and place.
Charles Heilborn has received threo
carloads of furniture of the latest style,
which will form an important feature
of the holiday trade.
This afternoon at 3 o'clock there
will be a game of foot ball at the
grounds at Smith's point, which prom
ises to be a lively affair.
Yesterday there were ten sailing ves
sels in the harbor, either anchored or at
the wharves receiving or discharging
cargo. And there was plenty of room
for more.
Sidney Jell's law office is to be re
moved from 427 Second street to the
second floor of Kinney's new bank
building as soon as the latter is ready
for occupancy.
Services to-day at Grace church at
11 o'clock a. M. The second service
will be at 4 in the afternoon. Even
ing prayer at Holy Innocents' chapel,
Upper Astoria, at 7 o'clock.
The First regiment, O. N. G., of
which Company H, of this city is one
of the companies, will bo inspected, at
Portland on Monday, the 10th inst,
by the commanding officer, Col.
Services in the Presbyterian church
both morning nnd evening, and
preaching by Rev. Dr. Garner. Morn
ing subject, "The Perpetuity of a
Noble Name." Evening subject,
"The Land of the Leal."
The fire steamers had a Ion rr and hard
run yesterday, working nearly all tho
afternoon in extinguishing the fire on
the steamer Miclti gan, but as usual,
the boys and the engines came off
victorious, as they always do when
fighting fire.
In the Congregational church to
day the services will be as follews:
At 11 a. M., sermon theme "A Moth
er's Ambition for Her Two Sons,"
followed by communion. In the
evening at 750 Mrs. Mary H. Ellis, of
Forest Grove, will speak on the sub
ject of "Missions." Everybody invited.
"V7. "W. Butts, a Pacific county
pioneer, died at Frankfort yesterday
from the effects of dropsy. The body
was brought to this city in the after
soon and embalmed. The funeral
will take place at Columbia City on
Tuesday next Deceased was 51 years
of age, leaves a wifo and child, and
originally owned the land now the
state of Frankfort.
The directors of the Astoria Athletio
Club met last evening and arranged
to hang tip a purse of $500 for a glove
contest between Charles Gleason, of
Saa Francisco, late instructor at the
club, and George Gannon, of New
York. The contest will be under
gueensbury rules and for points.
Reason and Gannon met recently in
Portland and foughtis rounds when
the authorities stopped the fight
Dudley B. Blount, the well known
sM&aboikt town has joined the army
of bessdkts. Yesterday Mr. Blount
kdMrs. Minnie B. Bowman to the
altar. The wedding, whioh took place
at the bride's residence, was private,
oaily a few intimate friends of the con
tracting parries being present Justioe
Cleveland officiated. The Astokiax
with Mr. and Mrs., Blount's numerous
friesdfi leaders congratulations.
Considerable excitement was created
in tills city early yesterday morning
when a dispatch was received from
Ft Canby announcing that the steam
schooner Michigan was coming in on
fire. E. A. Noyes, agent of the Union
Pacific Company which owns the
vessel, ut once dispatched tug boats
to meet the incoming steamer. The
boats picked the distressed vessel up
at the month of the river, but Captain
S. F. Graves, who was in command of
the Michigan, said that all he re
quired was for the tugs to stand by.
He repotted that his vessel was afire
in the forehold and had been burning
for several hours. He had the hatches
all battened down and the fire smoth
ered in such away that he could make
port and turn her over to the agents
and underwriters. The tugs stood by
and escorted the vessel up the river.
.The scene was an exciting one. Wild
reportsliad proceeded the arrival of the
Michigan, and hundreds flocked to the
wharves to see -the 'burning vessel
come up. The crowd wasd.isapDointcd
for save for puffs ofc smoke issuing
from the seams at the bow, through
the forward hatch and through the
dead light holes of the freight deck,
no fire was visible.
The vessel came up the river at full
speed, and by 12 o'clock had a line
ashore at "the Union Pacific dock. The
few passengers on board were landed,
and then the underwriters' agent,
Chief Stockton of the fire department,
and others, together with the Union
Pacific representatives, went on board,
A consultation followed, and the re
sult was that it was decided to scuttle
the vessel forward, or rather to sink
her by the bow and thus smother the
flames. Lines were run out, and with
the aid of a tug the vessel was Warped
around into a position between the
west end of the Union Pacific wharf
and the old sturgeon wharf.
No. 1 and No. 2 engines were called
out, but considerable delay was occa
sioned by the fact that the burning
vessel was stuck in the mud, and the
tugs made an effort to tow her off.
This, it was found, could not be done,
so orders were given and two lines of
hose from each engine were put on
board and the work of flooding the
steamer commenced.
The hose was put down through the
hatch and as the first stream of water
struck the fire, a mass of thick black
smoke accompanied by a strong odor
of burning fish was wafted to the
wharf. Throughout the afternoon the
engines pumped water into the hold.
It was a veritable volcano. The
fire was confined among 500 barrels of
lime and 2,300 cases of salmon, with a
lot of coal on one side to help it out
The combined efforts- of the local
engine companies told on the fire after
several hours and at 7 o'clock last
evening the fire -was out
The damage could not be estimated
last night but it will amount to proba
bly 15,000. The vessel is consider
ably damaged, and of the cargo, the
2,300 cases of salmon, which belonged
to Morgan & Sherman, are almost a
total loss. The fish was insured for
its full value, -about $9,000. The lime,
to which the origin of the fire is
attributed, is also a total loss, but
outside of this and the damage to the
ship the loss is comparatively small.
Captain Graves, master of the Michi
gan, stated that the fire was discov
ered about 2 o'clock yesterday morn
ing when the vessel was about fifty
miles off the entrance to Gray's Har
bor. The hatches were ir once bat
tened down and' all tho ventilators
turned. It was intended to kill the
fire at onco ancHho entire crew were
summoned. The first attempt showed
that this would T)& impossible, with the
appliances at hand so the hatches
were battened down again, the course
laid direct for the Columbia river and
the engineer told id open her wide.
This was done-, andHho little steamer
came along at a rate of
speed she had seldom at
tained. The few passeugers were
somewhat "frightened -bat they put
their trust in- Captain Graves and he
saw them through; At "first they in
sisted on the vessel being beached at
once, uui xue shipper -preierrea to
stay Ty his Bhip and get bar 'into a
plaoo where if it was necessary to
scuttle her he could 'find her again.
Seeing he was determined, the pas
sengers withdrewieirdbjeotions, and
mu juiciuyuu arrived aemas staiea.
With the exceptionof "the salmon,
the lime and other cargo is destined
to Portland.
How It Appears as Sn Through Port
land Eyes.
Yesterday's Oregonian gives a pe
culiar version of the much talked of
Kelly case, which is denied by those
here who claim to know the facts, but
the article is copied as follews:
"Bunko" Kelly, who was arrested
hero several days since by the sheriff
of Clatsop county and taken to Astoria
on a charge of Bhanghaing sailors, is
expected to arrive here early this
morning in company with the sheriff.
It is claimed that if Kelly commit
ted day crime he committed
it here, and that the sheriff of Clatsop
county had no right to take him out
of this county, and that the justice be
fore whom Kelly was examined and
held to answer had no jurisdiction in
the case. Kelly, through his counsel,
petitioned Judge Deady for a writ of
habeas corpus, and on his order a writ
was issued and placed in the hands of
Deputy United States Marshal Mil
ler, who started for Astoria to serve
it, and who in the writ was made re
turnable forthwith, is expected to ar
rive here this morning with the sher
iff and Kelly. The first thing to be
settled is the question of jurisdiction,
and if it is decided that the courts
hero have jurisdiction in the case,
then tha matter will bo investigated,
and if Kelly has been guilty of the
crime charged, he will be prosecuted
by the United States attorney and
punished. It has been stated that
tho men who claim to have been
shanghaied were sent hero by the As
toria gang to be shanghaied, and if
Mr.4Bunko" Kelly fell into the trap
ond did take any unjust advantage of
the men, the fact that a job was put
up on him outs no figure in the case,
and he should bo properly punished.
A Case That Smacks -Strongly of Shans-haing.
It would seem that while Bunco"
Kelly, the famous Portland Shang
haier was in jail hero for kidnaping
sailors, his interests in the city up the
river were being well looked after by
A. Arfield, his partner. Yesterday
there escaped from the British ship
Principality a Bussian, who, when
he came ashore told a story similar to
that related by Armstrong and Kelly,
the men shanghaied on board the
Noddleburn by "Bunco" Kelly.
The Bussian, whose name would not
look well in type, stated that Arfield
induced him and two others to go on
board the ship, telling them they
would get big money and have little
or nothing to do. Ho promised them
an outfit and a big advance, but the
man from the land of the Czar, says
they got neither. He also stated that
neither he nor the others signed any
Inquiry will be made into the matter
Tho steamer General Mile left for
Shoalwaler bay early yesterday
The steamship Oregon, Capt E.
Polemann, is to sail for San Francisco
this morning.
The slearzcrFrancis Cutting sailed
for Puget sound yesterday, where she
will hereafter be employed.
The steam schooner Augusta ar
rived yesterday from the Nehalem
with farm and dairy produce.
The schooner Mar; Russ, Captain
Peterson, arrived from San Francisco
yesterday, and will load lumber for
that city.
The steam schooner Alliance ar
rived in from Gray's Harbor early yes
terday morning and at daylight left up
the river.
The little steamer R. P. Elmore
sailed yesterday for Tillamook with
supplies. She is expected back to
morrow with a cargo of salmon.
The British bark Noddleburn, Cap
tain Hall master, sailed for the United
Kingdom yesterday. The vessel was
delayed here several days, owing to
the fact that "Banco" Kelly, a Port
land boarding-house runner, made an
attempt to shanghai two men on board
the vessel. The particulars of the case
are familiar to readers of The As
toeiax. The American bark Coloma, 0. M.
Noyes master, arrived down yesterday
morning. She has on board, several
cabin passengers and ninety-six Chi
nese. The latter go to the llowery
kingdom to celebrate the Chinese
New Year. Tho cargo of the Coloma
consists of 14,226 feet of spars valued at
S3.292 and 140,202 feet of lumber val
ued at Sl,515. She wil sail to-day or
The long looked for new pilot
schooner San Jose, arrived in ester
day afternoon, two weeks from Stn
Francisco. Captain Caughill, master
of tho vessel, explains his long trip by
saying that he met with contrary and
baffling winds. Ho made tho month
of the river on Thursday last, but a
heavy fog set in and the schooner was
headed out to sea again. The vessel
has been delivered to the pilot com
missioners and will be fitted out for
service at once.
Deed filed or recorded November 1,
1890, as reported for The Morning
Astoeian by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
E A Noyes and wifo to S A
Qnimbv, lots IS and 22 in
clusive, blk 3, North add.... S 300
Deeds filed, 1; total amounts 300
Previously reported this year 1,765,371
Total to dato S 1,765,671
Coming From California.
The steamship Columbia, Cajt F.
Bolles, is due from San Francisco this
morning, with tbe following pas
sengers: John Jack and family, George
Martin, F. Waley, N. Hauser, E. B.
Darin, J, W. George, Miss T. Stewart,
B. G. Ebert and family, C. W. Collins,
B. Bamsay, W. Wheldon, Jack Davin,
S. D. Gill, J. Allen, T. F. McDonald,
J. Hall, Fred Hartman, Fritz Gerber,
J. Hauck Morrison, C. Buttler, J. S.
Fcnton, B. E. Burke, C. Johnson,
Victor Ebb, E. Goodman, Edwin
Shamis, Thomas Malsim, J. H. Jack
son, Joe Quintlen, Ed Bastam, John
Burns, John Finloy, Joe Burk, W. T.
Fritz, J. Mnrphv, D. Keten, W. Mc
Donald, George B. Clark, John Wahl,
J. Harrison, T. H. Simmons, D.
Cameron, E. T. Hoal, W. H. Wyncoop,
Mrs. W. H. Wyncoop, G. S. Williams,
C. B. Harden, John S. Holland, Mrs.
M. C. Mille. Mrs. Forrill, M. Baphael,
Mrs. J. O. Bison, J. Stassart, Mrs. L.
Stassart and two children, Miss H.
Stassart, J. E. Young, S. E. Branlett
and wife, O. Yarzo. Mrs. E. Finney,
daughter and three children, James
Finney, George Palver, Peter Oye,
William Levy, George McCollum,
James Mason, Bev. M. Hackett, J. T.
Flynn, Jak Laudenklos, H. Miller, J.
F. G. Faggart of Covington, Ky., is
in the city.
Ben Wade is going to San Fran
cisco to reside.
Vin Cook came down from Clifton
yesterday to stay over Sunday.
A. 8. Alfred &Son, of New York,
were among yesterday's arrivals.
Miss Mary Foster, teacher at Deep
Water, was in tho city yesterday.
Geo. Hill, who has been sick for tho
last few days, is on tho street again.
J.O. Callbreath, of Victoria, B.C.,
is among the guests of the Occident
Frank Coe of Westport has been
given a situation at the Astoria Box
E. W. Tallant and wifo returned
from the East yesterday. They had a
very pleasant visit with friends, es
pecially in tho state of Massachusetts.
Capt John Olson, formerly master
of the steamer Polar Rear, left here
yesterday as first mate of the steamer
Francis Cutting, which is to run on
the Sound.
D. B. English and wife, two chil
dren and his wife's mother, Mrs.
Lingenfelder, arrived hero last even
ing on their way homo to Hwaco. from
a visit to his parents at Deer Island.
They aro the guest of Mrs. J. F.
Ferchen, who is a sister of Mr. En
glish, and will return home to-morrow.
The "Weather Barcan Signals Another Bi:r
Another storm is coming, according
to the signal officer at San Francisco.
The storm will not reach this section,
however, as will be seen from the fol
lowing dispatch received last evening.
It is addressed to Signal Office Grover
and reads:
At 7 p. M. hoist information signal.
Storm central at sea west of Vancouver
Island, moving eastward. Easterly
shifting to southerly winds. "SVarm
thick weather with dangerous gales off
the Washington coast for the next thirty
six hours.
-N -. "?"
The Pilot Schooner.
Repairs on the M. E. church are
set yet completed, and services will
be Weld to-day in the Rescue halL
There will be preaching by the pastor,
Bv. G W. Grannis, at the usual
beers, saoniing and evening. For the
jBoraing service the subject will be
Skeol, or tbe Intermediate State,"
sad hi the evening the topic will be
Noah, or the Man of Obedience."
There will be song service at 7 p.m.
Tfeere was a large attendance last
eveaiag at the special meeting of
OmLvme W. R- CX, to welcome the de
narteeat president, Mrs. Mary H.
Btik, of Poreat Grove, who inspected
Dm corps ad under the head of good
of the order made an interesting
Meeoh, giving a statement of the con.
Mimof. be order in different parts
Mfce state. Mrs. Ellis is making an
migmSnH "tour and will visit every
eecs&iftJ&e department On Monday
aMJinoea at 2 o'clock, there will be a
aailiaa' meeting at the residence of
3fekr&&.Hall, and Mrs. Ellis will be
At the Bazar, aiticcrlfne of Black
Dress Goods, PJasbBsv JSatinst Gloves,
Corsets, Hosiery etc., 165 Cass street.
. - .. .
Every., person jpurcnasing:
Ten Dollar worth of Goods
from Herman Wise, the Ee-
liable Clothier, in the Occi-
dent Hotel buildinjr, will re
ceive a Ticket free of Charge,
entitling: the holder to a
chance in the Drawing for a
number of Handsome Christ
mas Presents.
Take One.
One hundred men's woolen suits,
worth S15 to S17, tor one week only
89.75 each. See Herman Wise.
The Rfwuc Club.
The new pilot schooner San Jose,
which arrived yesterday was viewed
with considerable curiosity by a large
number of citizens. Many comments
were passed on the vessel and the most
of them were expressive of disappoint
ment "It is trne. she is dirty and needs
considerable overhauling" said one of
the pilot commissioners, "but when
we get through refitting her she will
bo a different looking craft." Con
tinuing, tho commissioner said that
people should not expect too much.
A pilot schooner had to bo procured at
once and there was no time to build
one, consequently the best boat for the
money was obtained.
To Ak Aain, liut His FranV Letter
Got It for IIliu.
Best Barbers Is Tewa
At Joe Glardina's. Shaving 15c.
There was a more than average at
tendance last evening at tho regular
meeting of the above named organiza
tion. W. I. Crawford occupied tho
chair. D. Potter read an interesting
paper. Terry McKean rendered a
solo in such good style as to be en
cored. Miss Mamie Smith gave a
recitation, followed by a duett by the
Misses Mason, after which Miss Jen
nie Curtis favored with a fine recita
tion. The exercises of the evening
closed with a reoitation by Miss
Myra Hawthorn. The program com
mittee for the next meeting are Mrs.
Higgins, Mr. Liddicoat and Mis3 Nel
lie Flavel.
"Weak and weary" describes the con
warm weather, by disease or overwork.
dition of many people debilitated by
warm weather, by disease or overwork.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine
A few months ago one ot the unfortunate
inmates in the San 1'rancisco Alrashouso
was inspired ly the sensational statement
In the :c. spapcrs v. ith the belie! Hint Joy'a
Vcgo.ab'e FnnKiparilla would hclphlm. But
without money, ho.r to got it was tho ques
tion. Finally he wrote to tho Edwin V. Joy
Co., appealing to their generosity, and it was
not unheeded, tho coveted preparation be
ing sent by tho next parcel dclhery. Its
effect is best told in a subsequent letter, from
which we quote tho follewing:
"I suppose yoa know me by tills writinr,
and my circumstances and condition. Al
though improving, I ask of jour generosity
for another bottle of onr Joy'a Vegctablo
Sarsaparilla. Its laxative action is perfec
tion Itself. It has eo thoroughly regulated
my system that my catarrh, rheumatism,
constipation, and headaches arc all better.
J feel ashamed to ask in this way, but what
hall I do? I thought I might not need any
more, but I am now so anxious to keep it up;
but you see how it is."
It was sent, and he can get more if he needs
Fiirnislactl Rooms
For rent, on Main street No. 307.
Mus. II. Bkuexdks.
IHIggcFs Sarsaparilla
Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla,
Da:.!t lion, Mandrake, Dock, Tipsisscwa,
Juni, cr Kcrrics, and other ell-known and
Valuable cgetablc remedies, by a peculiar
combination, proportion, and process, giv
ing to Hood's Sarsaparilla curative power
r.i-t losscsscd by other medicines. It
effects remarkable cures v. hero others fail.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is tltc best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Boils, Pimples, all Humors,
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, General Debility, Catarrh,
Rheumatism, Kidney and Lhcr com
plnlnts; overcomes That Tired Feeling,
creates an appetite, builds up the sjstcm.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Has met unparalled success at home. -Such
is" ils popularity in Lowell, Mass., where it
is made, that Low ell druggists sell more of
Hood's Sarsaparilla titan all other sarsapa
rilhis or blood purifiers. The same success
is extending all o cr the country.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is peculiar in its strength and economy.
It is the only preparation of which can
truly be said " 100 Doses One Dollar." A
bottle of IIood'i Sarsaparilla taken accord
ing to directions, will last a month.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is i cculiar in the confidence it gains among
all classes of people. "Where it is once used
it becomes a faorite family remedy. Do
not Le induced to buy other preparations.
Bo sure to get the Peculiar Medlcino,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold Iy druggists, gl; ilxforgs. lrciarcdby
C. I. UOOIJ & CO.. Ajiul.c.-arles. Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Salmon fisheries
Telephone S.odtziTix (Sense
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
CO and 25 cts., per week Sl-r0. New and
clean. Private tutrauce.
Candy aad Rats
At Holmes, Gfo Third street
Remember tbe Austin house at the
Seaside Is open the year 'round.
SkariBa:, SkaTiBg,
15c, 15c, 15c, 15c, at Glardina's.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodmait & Co.'s.
Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of cakes.
For Choice Roll or Tub Butter, call
on Thompson & Ross.
jicttciwwa 'Femcgraaatcs.
-JfjiHic.-bet.l9t and 2d. I, X.
?nrlis, CMy, Kts.
TcaaHis every day, I. X h.
C. R. F. P. U. Ifetlce.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Columbia River Fishermen's Protective
TTnion will hn held at their readme
rooms Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1890, at 7:30
p. m. F. McGbegok, Pres.
Alex Sutton, Sec
rfofkinffSticeceflsIAlte Shcccm.
It is veriOed by the fact that nearly
everybody eats at JefTs New re
staurant. Ludlow's Xadies' 33.00 Fine Shoes;
alsoSexiWeliftad-fernM French Kids,
atPi J.'Goodair.'& Co.'.-
needed to build up and strengthen the
body, purify and quicken the sluggish
blood, and restore the lost appetite.
Only One in the United States.
Out of 1357 cough syrups manufac
tured in the United States, but one has
been found to be entirely free from
opiates and that is the California Posi
tive and Negative Electric Cough Cure,
which is the best on earth for coughs,
colds, croup, etc Sold by J. W. Conn.
Attention. Smokers.
La Perla Cubana all imported.
Flor de Madrid.
La Falladina.
La Ermina.
LaFamana In Key West Brands.
The Belmont
Reading Room in rear of Cigar Store.
Charles Olsen's
At once. A woman to take charge of
baby. Also a girl for kitchen Good
wages. Apply to Sirs. A. P. Sharpstein,
No. 16, Second street.
Fiucst Barber Ship
In town at Joe GiardinaV. Shaving
15c, 15c, 15c.
$1,000 REWAUI),
VV aro pn'P'ir.-d to Supply rur l'.itrous
and o'licis with tin l Mi Noltitijj. hi
Tmp rvp.m'N mi' I omji KxpiTiriiei '-'ar
raw, f.i J"J1. '. i .ile eaiJj tiIhs.
Closlon Office, JU Commercial St.
Advance Styles of Fall Dress Goods
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
r . w
jSl. 1 T O
Morgan & Sherman
Aud Dealers in
Lois in Case's Astoria Ar&lw Sale
rurtWT i
bdiuiory MputJS!
Special Attention GIvento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city
Office and "Warehouse
Iu ilume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 31.
Saturday, September 27th,
We will open our
Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets,
Astoria Real Estufe m.
TEllltIS Gnc-Hatf Oaih ; tie BaUmcw i Si art TUTAf MntiuL
.- -
which never fails to attract general atten
tion during our Cloak Sales.
mcallen & McDonnell,
131 tC 163 3rd St., Portland, Or.
Leading Dry Goods Store for first class
goods at Eastern prices.
Agents for McCalls Bazaar Glove Fitting
All Niht Lights, per Month, each
l'io'dock ' "
10 " "
.$2 00
.. 1 50
.. 1 25
West Shore Itliils Company.
FiBe Tabic Wiuc
Delivered at 60 cents a gallon, to any
6 art of the city. A fine line of pure
alifornia wines at low prices, at A.
W.UtzInger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
Wciakard's Beer.
A fifteen ball Fool Table and all the
leading newspapers on file at the Sun
nysido Saloon.
All tbe patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles ctc can
be bought at the lowest prices at J.W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Go to Oleen's for Cuban Blossoms, 10c
What Would Astoria Be With
out Jeff?
S1,000 In U. S. gold coin will
be paid by "Jeff,' the World .Renowned
Caterer, to any person who can satis
factorily prove he can get a better meal
or a greater variety of all the Delicacies
of the season to chose from, than he can
at Jeff's for the money.
Second street, opposite Telephone
Landing. ,
Worse Tlian Xicprosy
Is Catarrbj-and there is but one prepa
ration that does cure that disease, and
that is the California Positive and Neg
ative Electric Liniment- Sold by J. w.
Conn. It also cures neuralgia, rheuma
tism, headache, sprains, burns and all
pain. Try it and tell your neighbor
where to get it.
Wcinlisird's iicor.
AndFreeliunchatthe Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
A girl for housewerk: and cooking.
Address, J. C. S., AsTonrAX Office.
ITCooms to Itciit
Furnished or unfurnished on Court
street, east of Sam'l Ehnorc's,
JMns. C. A. Mat.
General:-: Jobbing
The undersigned Is prepared to do any
work in his line at short notice, In a satis
factory manner.
Orders left at Foard & Stokes, or at Asto
ria Box Factory will receive prompt attention.
There Is no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
San Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can get Better Tits. Better Work
manship, and for less Money.
By Leaving their Orders with MEANY.
New Goods by Every Steamor.
Call and see him and satisfy yourself.
P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor.
Contractors and Bnlers,
Estimates Given on Brick, Stone, or
Wood Work.
Concroto and Cement Work
a Specialty.
OFFICE, - 1 1 8 Genevieve St.
Tlic Finest Photos
Are now taken byH. S. Sinister,
new samples.
First-class shaving,23c, Ferd FerrelFs.
CuUcit. at GIO Third St.
Successor to E. C .Ilolden.
Tho oldest established Commission House
In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com
mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday.
General Eepalring, Jobbing and Uphol
stering done.
Fine stock of Furniture on hand.
"When you want Bargains in Household
Goods go to
County Coroner.
A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine
DiaioiiuS i Jewelry
At Extremely Low Prices.
All Goods Bought at Thin Establishment
'Warranted Genuine
Watcli and Clock Repairing
Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets
Insurance Agent.
California Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co.,
Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
First Class Undertaking
New Styles, Caskets and funeral material
Next to Astouian office.
For Desirable Acreage
Call on or Address
Lelnenweber ft
SECOND ST., NearPostofflce.
- P. O. Box 63.
North Pacific Brewery,
JOHN KOPP, - - Proprietor.
Tbe Largest Stock, Best Quality and
.Lowest rnces at me sign oi
Tne Golden Shoo
(Opp. Telepktae Laadlnjc.)
Is Die Bon Ton Restaurant of tteftin-
Dinner Parties, Banquiit, a Specially'
The Xtnest Wines mnt lAtptmtf.
Private Entrance anij Mimt,
N. B. No conuectiam vttk kSi old plica oa
Main Street - -'-f
ff Iff ft
gW-gr -? Afci'j