The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 29, 1890, Image 3

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h gmlg gforau.
p. w. Barker,
Publisher aud Proprietor.
Astoria x IluiLiursc, - Cass Street
TeriES or Subscription.
Serrtd bv Carrier, per weeK 15 eta
Sent by Mall, per month CO eta
ent by Mail, one j ear 7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
The astohiak guarantees to Its adver
risen xhe larcest circulation ol any newspa
per published on the Columbia rier.
(Additional Local News on 1st Page.)
Remember the Y. M. L dance at
Liberty ball to-night
Tickets for the Y. M. L dance can bo
purchased from any of tbo members
or at the door to-night
Several prominent attractions are
booked to appear at tbo opera bouse
dariug tbo next montb.
Tbe latest and most popular song of
tbo day. "She's My Darling," is for
sale-nt Griffin & Reed's.
When yon think of petting a typo
vriier take a look at tbe Smitb Pre
mier in ibis office. It will pay you to
Ket tbe best.
Secretary Kelly of tbe Athletic club
was rounding up delinquent members
far dues jeMerday, and gathered in
rtiitio a nck full of coin.
Look ont for .Martin Olsen'- great
Ruction vde next Saturday. The
entire outfit of (he U. S. .Restaurant
will be sold cheap for cash.
Tbe board of school directors has
elected Miss Carrie Brodie to succeed
Miss Carnaban, who resigned her po
sition as teacher in tbe Court street
Incandescent ligbts have been placed
jntbsBesort saloon on Third street,
sad irith tbe fino globes attached, it
Is no -wo jder that Fred Grosbauer is
quite proud of them.
If you need any bill beads, state
ments, or letter beads for tbo first of
the montb recollect you can get neat,
artistic -vrork and first-class stock at
The Astoria; job office.
Take notice, all ye who have not
paid your school taxes in district No.
One: Captain Hustler notifies ye all
that time is up next Monday. Pay
promptly and save expense.
On tbo road to Smith's Point below
Uniontown, tbe bank frequently caves
in, but it is now being cut away and
hauled up to this city cast of tbo As
toria Iron Works to fill in.
Miss A. J. Smith's class in art will
exhibit some of their work next -Pri
day afternoon and evening at No. l's
parlors. Tbe public are cordially
invited to call and inspect tbo work.
W. A. Sherman, PhiL Cook and
others aro making arrangements to
organize a yacht club next spring. It
is understood that Harry Cribbbas
taken a contract to build tbo first
Everything indicates that on Friday
night there will be a crowded house
to -witness the play of "The fJ. 8.
MaiL" The sale of the reserved seats
opens at the New York Novelty store j
at nine o clock this morning.
In regard to the proposed social
club, it appears that the proposition
is meeting with great favor. A meet
ing is to bo held to-day to disousa the'
matter among those most interested,-
wno are desirous of lorrning such a
Th.l,wf Msmi.'a if-
ing class are requested to bring their
work of the past year to No. l's
engine house on Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock and assist in the arrange
ment of their work, for the exhibit on
-... w-w.w.. w. ... ..v rii,-v
Rails have been ordered for the ox-
tension of the street railway on West
smiu ana ueaar streets, and as soon
as received that portion of the line
will be completed, after which tho
eastern end will be extended -towards
J. S. Mitchell, manager of the Edi
son Electric Construction Company, is
expected to arrive from Portland this
morning to take charge of tho work of J
putting m tbe motor line here. E. C.
Bcldingoftbe local company is also
expected down.
The truck of Alert Hoqk and Lad
der Company No. 1 was overhauled
and cleaned up yesterday preparatory
to being removed to tbo new , engine
bouse in Upperto wn . It will ba trans
ferred as soon as the new Hayes1 truckM
arrives, wuicu 19 expepieu. in j iowf
An invitation has been received taj
attend a grand banquet to be civen at
Columbus, Ohio, Thursday, November I
ja, jn nonor oi Alien 1. Tnunnan,
tbeOld Roman," on the occasion ot
bis th birthday. Somoof tho most
distinguished men of the country will
be present, and the fact that the ban
qtset will cost 310,000, and 1,000
greets are expected, indicates that the
aSair will be on a magnificent scale.
It is too far to go to a banquet and
Tax Astoeiax cannot spare any rep
resentative to be present on the occa
sion. Late yesterday afternoon Attorney
J. H. Smith filed another suit against
tbe Pacific Construction Co. The
plaintiff is Sie Get, who furnished
ofeeiderable labor for tho Astoria &
South Coast railroad. In his com
plaint Sie Get sets forth that he en
tered into a contract with the'eon
etraction company to furnish Chinese
laborers to do grading on the line of
tbe road at tbe rate of $1.15 a day per
atia, Pursuant to the contract ho
pat a crew of men to work and in all
performed 8,813 davs labor, the total
Talae ot which is $10,175.72. Of that
amount $630 was paid, leaving a bal
aaea of $9,572.47, for which Mr. Get
waste judgement
C. K. F. P. U. Xeticc.
Tfcercgalar monthly meeting of the
Getanbla River Fishermen's Protective
Uia will be held at their reading
rMtts Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1890, at 7:30
T.3L F. McGregor, Pres.
Axex Sutxox, Sec
At the Bazar, a nice line qf Black
Draefi Goods, Plushes, Satins, Gloves,
Cersets, Hosiery etc., 1G5 Cass street.
JL gui for housework and cooking.
A4ras6, J. C. S, Astobiak Office.
OriuBbiaBivor charts, No. l, on sale
at QtiSa & Heed's, 25 cents.
gkst-oioec shaving, 25c, Ferd Ferrell's.
How tie M Session of tie Legis
lature Can Ail Astoria.
"I'll tell you" said a prominent citi
zen, one of a group discussing tbe
railroad situation, 'Til tell you how
to get a railroad." "How?" inter
jected several of the part.
"Make tbo legislature pave the
way." The gentleman then went on
and unfolded a plan, which if oppo
sition of the Union and Northern
Pacific can bo staved off would doubt
less prove successful.
The gentleman's idea is to have tbo
legislature pass a law similar to the
ono introduced a few sessions ago,
which provided that one railroad
shall bavo right of way oyer tbe
track of another company upon pay
ment of a fair pro rata of the earnings,
to be fixed by Jhe state board of rail
road commissioners.
That is to Bay. If a road was built
from this city to Hunters, the cars of
the Astoria company would havo the
right of way to be run over the tracks
of the Northern Pacific into Portland;
thence on and to any part of the state
the cars could be run over any line 'o
any point of destination, subject of
course to the orders of the train dis
patchers on the connecting lines.
The plan 13 a simple one and tbe
gcntlemau predicted that if such a
law could bo passed through tbe
legislature, a line of railroad from this
city to Hunters would be built within
three months after the bill iiad been
signed by the governor.
A Writ of Habeas Corpus Looked for
"Bunco" Kelly still Janguisbes in
the county jail, being unBble to pro
cure tbo 82,000 bail necessary for bis
release, pending an examination on
the charge of enticing men to leave
tbo state. The attorney that he ex
peoted from Portland did not come,
but in his stead came an ominous
looking document, supposed to be an
application for a writ of habeas
corpus. It was senfc to Attorney
George Noland, of this city, and this
morning Deputy United States Mar
shal Stuart, who was wont to escort
"Bunco" Kelly's sailors to his ships,
is expected down with the writ It is
stated that a writ of, habeas corpus
was issued out of the United States
district comt yesterday, the grounds
upon iwbich it was Jbased being that
Kelly is j illegally restrained of iiis
liberty vby Sheriff: Smith, who it is
charged illegally tofchim from Port
land, the illegality, it is said. consisKne
in the sheriff fading to have his warr
rant countersigned by a Portland
magistrate, -This, Sheriff Smith states,
is an error, forhis. warrant was coun
tersigned and in every way correct,
AH Sailors Leaving Astoria Are Well
, fitted Oat.
In speaking ot tbe arrest of "Bunco'f
Kelly, Deputy United States Marshal
Stuart; ot Portland, in an interview
with an Oregonian, reporter, is quoted
as saying .that sailors. -are sent to sea
with Ijttje oro, clothing, The follow
ing Jetter from, 40aptpiif Sterling, of
the Patnciatiy puts a. new phase on
Mr; Stuart's albjgalien:
Xnoticed aa-aricle in the Orego,nianx
St$tiBRtUatsewanstyRpeflro:i! Astqria
are-sent to sea .without' anv clothine.
JHayinRanstauippaiajfnU erew from As
toria, 1 have ,not board a
anv comnlaint
fronv the seamen in regard Jib their outfit.
??h"mvnwmWl aWW
BIrU veu.bnupijeu -wuu oiotmnc
i E. B. SiEitLixa.
-Master American ship aricittn,
Astobu, Oct". 28,1890,
Passeafier&iFrosi California.
Tho teaniBhip Oregon, Cant JS.
Folemann. is due from San Franoisco
-Hu mornjng, irith,. the following pas-
d. Johnson, rMrs.,.Geaniv W. John
son, G, Johnson, E3rown, 3j. Taylor,
G; W. Morion, "TC. Jt Walker, M. Win
burg, G. McLaughlin, G. W. Crosby,
G. WiraByrW-Pickering, A. 0. Ste
vens, S. B. Stevens, E. R Murphy, T.
H. Orgen and wife, Miss W. Berthel
son, W. R. Iiett, J. Miller, G. N. W.
Wilson, JMary. Kohler, Miss iottie
Smith, 'J1. Williams and wife, Jafiss R.
M.3Iorrison".-Hra-Ttirner. L. B. Eel-
ieryqharles,flatta; .".ast Jr.,' a
trreraow, j, ii. iJfeniery, J. Callahan,
Tho confidenoo of people who have
tri.flood's-satsaparilia, Irt this prepar
ation, is remarkable. It has cured
many who hayiicf ailed, to derive, any
2004 whoever rqm otherartjcles. For
diseases caused by dmpure, blood or low
state of thojsystem it is, unsurpassed.
iVDhinxruccccsXilie Sqcocs.
It is verified hv tho fact that noarlv
eYeryhoay eas Tat. Jeff's New re
stauraut, Ludlow's ladies' 53.00 Pine Shoes;
lalsodexiblehandrturned French Kids,
at V. :i. GoadmRnCQ,'.
A flue line of Cigars and Cigarettes
can be found at tho Columbia Bakery,
596 Third street
Up Willi the Times. coming. Shaving5 16c at
SkariBg, Sk&YiBg,
I5e; 15c, 15c, 15c, at Glardlna's.
Telepkene lieAariiis Mmse.
Best Beds in town. - Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts Twf vpnt-Jtl3(A- New n1
-clean. Private entrance.
At Holmes, C40 Third street,
Furn linked Reams
For rent, on Main street. No. 307.
Mrs. H. Bkbexpeb.
Tlie FiBcst Phetea
Aro now taken by H. S. Shuster. See
new samples.
Weinhar4's licr.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Best Barbers ia Tw
At Joe Giardina's. Shaving 15c
-Cavdj n& 21 uts.
At Holmes,lQ Third s'treet.'
Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of cakes.
For Chorcd Roll or Tub Butter, call
on Thompson & Ross.
Go to Olsen'sfor Caban Blossoms, 10c
Remember the "Austin 'bouse at the
1 Seaside is open tho year-round.
f iThe latest style '61 Gents' Boots and
Shoes at rP." J," Qooka & Co.'s.
Deeds filed or recorded October 28,
1890, as jeporied for The Mobkikq
Astobian by tho Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cemDanx:
T G Williams to Miss M T
Smith, lots 33 and 84, blk
14, Young's add GO
E A Noyes and wife to Marie
Adams, lots 9 and 10, blk
10 150
A H Sale et al to J L Hey
, Beth, lot 1, blk 18, Young's
River cemetery 5
Deeds filed 3; total amount. S 215
Previously reported this year 1,756,191
Total to date 81,756,106
Coming to Axtorla, Submits, to an Inter
view. Dr. C. M C. Prentice, an eminent
physician who has had the advantage
of clinics in many of the leading
European hospitals, and who is at
present in Portland, was interviewed
yesterday by an Oregonian reporter
at the liSmond. Dr. Prentice is a
gentleman in the prime of life, one
who has seen tho world in all its
phases and his opinion on any sub
ject always commands respect and
"Doctor," broke in the reporter, "I
hear that you havo made a special
study of the eye, more especially the
effect of its transmitting to the nerve
centers .disturbances arising from its
irregularities. "Can you say some
thing on this important subject?"
A direct cause of a large number
ot chronic diseases," answered the
doclor, "is an irritated brain, directly
traceable to strain of the muscles thai,
regulate bin-ocular vision. Any one
of the fourteen muscles which "regu
late vision being too short or too weak,
imposes a strain ou all the rest; this
strain is constant except during sleep,
and when continued over a period of
years the brain becomes permanently
irritated. Now, every organ of the
body performs its particular fuupiion
by nerve force supplied by or con
trolled by tbe brain. If the nerve
centers are deranged every organ of
the body receives only a deranged
supply of nerve force, so the heart,
liver, kidneys, bowels, genital organs,
eta, are doing their work with an ab
normal nerve force and it is only
reasonable that these various organs
ftnder such conditions should bo dis
eased, and nervous debility, sick-headache,-neuralgia,
paralysis, asthma,
consumption, spinal irritation and
insanity follow.:r
"This is a startling revelation" in
terrupted the reporter, "but let me
ask you, doctor, are these serious ail
ments curable?"
"I havo made a careful study of
this question for years," answered the
doctor, "and find that by removing
the offending cause, the disease passes
away at once, without medicine, some
times within a few hours. The dis
ease never returns, for tho cause is
"J)r. Stevens, of lew Tort, first
publicly advanced this theory, after
wards Professor Ranney and others
practiced it"
"What," spoke un the reporter, "are
all the diseases you havo mentioned
curable by this method?"
"Xes, sir," said the doctor. "Of all
the diseases I have mentioned, many
are completely cured by this method.
Sometimes they can be cured by
glasses alone, when the correction is
carefully studied for that express pur
"Have you cured many bad oaseB in
Portlapdf l was the riqxf question.
t'Quite a number Mr. Reporter,
including epilepsy, paralysis, nervous
ueuuuy, loss 01 mma, Kianey, nearc
and lung trouble."
The loQtQr. berp excused himself,
and turned his attention once more to
his patients.
Qood for Tho "Qreonlan, "
The mouthpiece of Portland yes
terday had the following favorable
There is a movement, it seems, on
the part of the Union Paoifio toward
building a road down the Columbia
river to a point opposite Astoria.
This move owes its ongn, no doubt, to
the fact that the distance from tho
mouth ot the Cowlitz, on the line of
tho road from Portland to Pugot
sound, to the mouth of the Colnmbia,
or to Gray's bay, is comparatively
small, being in fact only half the dis
tance from Portland to Astoria; and
construction, therefore, will cost only
a moderate sum. But this cannot
long deprive Astoria of a road. The
harbor advantages are on the Oregon
side, and Astoria liasjf strengQTthat
wil b$ puf forth 'to meet the emer
gency. Portland, and, indeed, the en
tire state of Oregon, must lend all
possible assistance to the effort in be
half of Astoria and to tho develop
ment ot the country between Astoria
and Portland. The spirit of Seattle
haq shown what can be done by a city
to which railway favors has long
been denied. A like spirit will do the
same to Astoria. Loyalty to Oregon
requires h.ejp in this direction from
all the forces of the state.
Iforao Thau Lcprosy
ls Catarrh, and there Is hut ono prepa
ration that does cure that disease, and
that 1b the California Positive and Neg
atlvo Electric Liniment. Sold by J. V.
Conil. It also fMirflS npliralfrtn rhnnmi.
tlsm, headache, sprains, burns and all
yam. iry 11, uuu u:n your lieignuor
where to get It.
$1,000 REWARD,
Wkat Weuld Astoria Bo With
out Jeff?
S1.000 reward In TT. S. cold coin will
be paid by "Jeff," the World Reuo wned
caterer, to any person, wno can satis
factorily prove he can get a better meal
or a greater variety of all the Delicacies
of the season to chose from, than he can
at Jeff's for the moqey.
Second street, opposite Wephono
Landing, mmm
Runs high at J. W. Conn's drug store
over System Builder, as everybody is
using It for Catarrh of the stomach,
Dyspopsla, Constipation and impure
Blood, and to build up the system It cer
tainly possesses wonderful merit when
all speak so well of It.
FIho Table Wine
Delivered at 60 cents a gallon, to any
Bart of the city. A fine line of pure
allfornia wines at low prices, at A.
W. Utzlnger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
WeiHharil's Beer.
A fifteen ball Peel Table and all tho
leading newspapers on file at the Sun
nyside Saloon.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles ete.. can
be bought at the lowest prices atJ.W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Fiacst Barber Shop
In town at Joe Glardina's. Shavlnc
15c, 15c, 15c
CMUery, t i Thirtf 8r.
Brief Business Meeting fas
Held Last EYeniiE
Councilmen Fox, Welch and "Wick
man, with Councilman Bergman in the
chair, conducted last night's session of
the city council.
A liquor license was granted to "Wil
liam Bock.
J. "W. Surprenant notified the coun
cil that the new engine house had
been completed and that" he was ready
to receive the balance due on the
contract S308. Referred to tho fire
and water committee.
Chief Engineer Stockton officially
notified tho council that the new hose
was first-class in every particular.
City Attorney Curtis presented three
reports on matters refered to him at
the previous meeting. Ono was in re
gard to a communication from D. D.
Lynch, asking tho council to appro
priate money to advertise the city in a
publication known as "Tourists
Talks about "Washington and Oregon."
The city attorney reported that the
city has no authority to appropriate
money for advertising, and that the
matter properly belongs to tho cham
ber of commerce.
In tbe matter of the application of
Sidney Dell, Mr. Curtis reported that
the property belonged to Mr. Dell.
In regard to the dedication of the
east end of Chenamus, or Second
street, the city attorney found that
tho Astoria Exchange Company had
dedicated to the public a strip of
land fifty feet wide or a street from
the east side of Chenamus to West
Ninth street and from tho water front
on "West Ninth street south to tho in
tersection of Chenamus street, thirty
feet in width. Tho reports were re
ceived and filed.
Lewis G. Haven, iq a qomniuuica
tion, asked a postpoument of action in
regard to the fixing of the grade on
Pine street, stating that the proposed
grade is unreasonable and impractic
able; referred to city engineer.
The following claims were read and
allewed: Thos. Lougherv, S25-50:
Fred Rawlings, S1G50; Terry Coo',
Slo; Claudo Wnlcott, 9; J. & Clin
ton, $9; Fred Saiz,S3; Fi3her Bros.,
40 cents; G. A. Stinson, 75 cents;
Chas. Stockton, S3 55; J. R. Clinton,
SL50; McHroy & Moore, SIS; J. G.
Hustler, $697.53; J. B. Forgusqn. 1:
Astor House, 26.50, '
Councilman Fox called attention to
the fact that tho bill of City Engineer
Thielsen had been pigeon-holed for
several weeks and ho moved that the
bill be brought up and acted upon.
An ordinance was then read provid
ing for the payment of Mr. Thielsen's
claim amounting to SS13.50. The
rules were suspended and the ordin
ance was read a third lime and passed.
Councilman Welch moved to recon
sider tho vote by which the ordinance,
establishing tho grade of West 7th
street, was lost at tho last meeting.
This was carried and a supplemental
motion also by Mr. Weloh that the
matter lay on the table until all mem
bers of tho council were present, dis
posed of tho mattter.
Stuart to the Rc$cne.
Under tho above beadincr thS f)rt-
gonian of yesterday had tho following
article in reference to tho Kelly case:
nnr..K(?i l- -t , i- -,
uuiuer oiuurtis consmeraoiy stirreu
up about the arrest of ;sBunko" Kelly.
He savs tho whole movn is a inh niif.
up on Kelly by tho Astoria hoarding
nouse crew. Aeiiy, it seems, is the
only Portland' man who is shipping
sailors from this port, and of course
draws upon himself all tho venom of
the Astoria gang, who, according to,
Mr. Stuart, hayo depided in their
seoret conclave to down tho Portland
Board of Trade and all their efforts to
protect seamen. "Kelly's outfit,''
which ho furnjshp? seamen with," said
Mr gtuart, is a good one; ho gives
them a suit of oilskins, gum boots, two
suits of underwear, knifo and sheath,
two blankets, etc He charges only
the prescribed fecs-S10 advances and
$10 bonus while the Astoria people
charge a captain $75 to SS7.50, and do
not glvo the sailor 10 cents worth of
clothes." Officer Stuart has been go
ing down tho river with crews for
some time, and evidently knows what
he is talking about.
"erally Suspected.
Dr. Kins, tho eminent medical writer, In
a learned disquisition on our national com
plaint, constipation, says:
The great quantity or cathartic pills, etc.,
which aro ta&cn by the icople ot this coun
try arts product ne of immensely more mis
chief than 13 generally suspected. True, tha
EhyMc unloads tho boweb, but its action
suds to diminish tho tone of tho Intestines;
so that, instead of removing costlvencss, it
aggraatcs it, leaving tho bowels in a more
torpid condition.
Joj's Vegetable Sarsaparilla was designed
to fill just such a contingency as tho doctor!
arraignment anticipates, viz.: instead of be
ing a powerful mineral purgative, it Is a
mIldcgctablo laxative, that, owing to its
Eolvcnt and gentle stimulating properties, la
bo certain a relief in constipation that it has
boon gh en away to hundreds, not to be paid
for unless it was of positive benefit It re
places constipation almost immediately
with a natural easy habit, and Is so mild
that, unliko drastic purgatives, It can be
taken indefinitely with perfect safety.
County Coroner.
First Class Undertaking
Kew Styles, Caskets and. funeral inaterUi
Next to astoiuan office.
All Work Quarantood.
Cox. Cass andiJefferson Sts.. Astoria,
Contractor antStone Mason
All kinds of Stone Work done In a neat
and substantial manner.
n, Orders or Correspondence
Box 213, Astoria, Or.
GMltreii Cry ferPilclier's Castorla
ffm'j' Sgsgs&a.
Mrg r l "1 -- i---Ji;q
Covered with Scales. Awfnl Spectacle
Cured In Five "Weeks by the
Cutirnra Remedies.
1 am going to tell yon of tho extraordinary
euro your Cuticckv Ukufdifs performed on
mo About tho 1st of April last I noticed
somo red pimples liko coining out all over
my body, but thought nothing of it until
romo time later on, when it began to look
hio spots 01 monar spotted
on, and which camo off in
layers accompanied with
itching. I would scratch
every night until I was raw,
then the next night the
scales, being formed mean
while, wcro scratched off
arain. In vein did I consult
all tho doctors in tho county.
j tO-3fi Put withuat aid. After giv-
iub ujj ou uupc3 01 recovery.
I happened to seo an adver
tisement in tho newspaper
and obtained almost immediate relief, 1 be
gan to notice that tho scaly eruptions gradu-
until I had been fully cured. I had tho dis
caso thirteen months beforo I began taking
tho ItEiiKDiKS, and in four orfivo weeks was
entirely cured. My diseaso was eczema and
P"oriasi3. I know of a great many who havo
taken tho Kmifdies, and tbank mo for tho
knowledge of them, especially mothers who
ha o babes with scaly eruptions on their
heads and bodic. I cannot express my
thanks to you. ily body was covered with
-caiu-., anu i wa1 an awiui spcctaclo to bo
hold 2vow my skin is as clear as a baby's.
GEO. COTEY, ilerrill. Wis.
Cuticura Resolvent
Tho now Blood and Skin purifier and grcatost
of Humor Remedies, internally (to cleanso
tho fc!ood of all impurities and thu3 removo
tho cause), and Cuticura, tho great Skin
Cure, and Cuticura So p, an oxquisito skin
IJeautifier, externally (to clear tho skin and
scalp and rcstoro the hair, euro every species
o agonizing, itching, burning, scaly, and
pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and blood.
old ovcry whero. I'rico, Citicuua, 50c :
Sou-. 25c; RhsOLVEirr, Si. Treparcd by
tho 1'oTTKit bituo and Ciiemic vl corpor
ation. l!oton.
cu-.-ond for "How to Curo Skin Diseases "
C4 pages. .rO illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
pmi'LCS, black-heads rcdT rouch.
1 t in Chapcd, and oily skin cured by Cuti
ruru Sou
iioAVi- 5't" -i"'11-!?-10" r9'
., "' ,- - " 111111UIC bv
lho.,VIciura Anti-Pain Plaster.
.Nr.Ihicglikoitfor Weak Lungs.
aimon fisheries
Tig If J Wfc
We are prejnred to Supply our Patrons
nilU OtllPIl Mifll tltn licit- Vnttln,. I..
Traps or bcincs, our Long Experience ar, 4-r iryi. hk iiiYiio uariy oruers.
Boston Office, 94 Commercial St.
All Ni,:lit Lights, per Month, eaoli . . $2 CO
iiiiin.jv -- .m. 1 ao
10 " 125
IVcst Shore mills Company.
The Largest Stwk. Kest Quality ai
Lowest the bUrn ot
q;ho Golden Shoe.
Groceries and Provisions.
Butter. Fggs, Canned Good-, Potatoes, Wood
and Willow Ware. Etc.
rcot or Morrison St., Portland, Oregon,
Advance Threshers
Farm, Ohurcli and Scliool Bells.
Inspirators, Injectors ami Feed Pumps, Coal
Oil Engines, Trahern Pumps, Kriebel
Engines, Hollers and Steam Generators
La t ' tlr tj JTneJi i n ery .aT rln cSTach in ery
Blacksmith Forges and Drills, Best Axle
Grease and Compound in the world.Pow-
ell's Brass Goods and Iron Pipe.
Scud for Circular.
James Einlayson
531 Third. Street,
InItes the gentlemen of Astoria and sur
rounding districts to call and see his large
selection of
Suitable For
Ulsters, Overcoats, Suits, Trousers
Scotch. English, French and American Goods
OE3-A Good Fit Guaranteed-
General :-: Jobbing
The undersigned is prepared to do any
work in his line at short notice, in a satis
factory manner.
Orders left at Foard & Stokes, or at Asto
ria Box Factory will receive prompt atten
tion. F. FEAKES.
The Oregon Bakery
A. A, CLEVELAND,. Prop'r.
M Mi Gate ai Pastry
None hut the Best Materials Used.
-Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered in any part of the city.
Carpenters ami Builders.
Holt & McCurtrie's old stand, have over 200
plates and drawings of all kinds and styles
of dwelling-houses, ranging from 5900 to
112,000. Call and see them.
7 TV IV A Al
H4 Yo jPQ
Merchant : Tailor
: T H
Advance Styles of Fall Dress Goods
Leading Dry GFoods and Clothing Bxmse
O F -A. JB -3? 3 3R. T a
Saturday, September 27th,
We will open our
Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets,
Our TTmico In a o ctorrtni ,nintt...
which never fails to attract general atten
tion during our Cloak Sales.
iucAJLiLin;rv v. iio.n)irvh;i,i,
i31 C 363 3rd St., Portland, Or.
Leading Dry Goods Store for nrat class
Agents for McCalls Bazaar Glove Fitting
x 3t terns
Contractors ni Balers,
Estimates Given on Brick, Stone, or
Wood York.
Concrete and Cement Work
a Specialty.
OFFICE, - 118 Genevieve St.
A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine
Atxtreinely Low Prices.
All Goods Bongit at This E-tabllsameat
Warranted Genuine.
Watch anil Cloclr. Repairing
Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets
Insurance Agent.
California Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co.,
Home Mutual lnsuiance Co., S. F.
Phcenix of London. . -Imperial
of London.
John G. Dement.
Successor to W. E. Dement & Co.
Carries Complete Stocks of
Drugs and Druggists Sundries.
PreserlpUe-u Carerally C-BfteaBded.
Agent lor
Mexican Bala and
Xforweglan File Core
DiamoMs t Jewelry
H tiPto i-1 Til
wl jraA- -35P
X 3NT 7" E3 S-3? 3MC ES 10" T AQHNT.
Office 487 Third St., - - Next to yr. UvTetcjrffc OCce
Lois in Case's Astoria Are- SownSale
Astoria Real Estate o.
TERMS -One-Half Cash ; the Balance i Six tmi. Twelve aToatlur.
R. B. Power &
For Desirable Acreage
Call on or Address 4
Leinenweber & Coodenough,
SECOND ST., Near Postofflce. - - - - -P. O. Box 03.
North Pacific Brewery,
JOHN KOPP, - - Proprietor.
zs: :xi e o n. a? :h h. .
(Opp. Telephone Lirdlng.) "
Is tie Bon Ton Restaurant oifitft
Dinner Parties, Banquet5,-a:Speciifly
" T--,-; .
Xhe Finest Wines and IAuor. i '
Private Entrance andooimsi "
N. B. No connection -ylthr hiauojd placjbn
Main Street. - ---
- laS -llfet T lap.
Jt '
-. '
'-r ia
3tj!-W..f -" "
11 '
. -r nss.
. iki