,-yt -- - -v-- s"- "T ?" rsfjf jFm 07 'WL. JOTl j4 jkAk Cd-w , uk (121 (Artlrft rra Tint- vruh. XXXV, NO. 120. Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. 1W ABSOLUTELY PURE aiiNKSS CARDS. N.1'- CIVIL ENG1NEKK. County Surveyor of Clatsop County, Office : lloom No. ria, Oregon. ?, Kinney's Brick, Aste rn F. IIA3IILTON, ATTORNEY' AT LAW, Astoria, - Oregon. Office, three doors cast Court House, Third street C. J. CURTIS, Atteraej-at-LaTT: Xotarj Public. Commissioner of Deeds for "Washington Territory. Office In Flavors new brick building. Cor. Secoud and Cass streets. J OKX U. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street, 2 doors back ol Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. J. O,. A. BOWJuBX, itteracy and Counsellor at Law ce on Cnenaraus Street, Astoria, Oregon, A R. KANACA, ATTORNEY AT LaW. Ot&ce over Wlilte House Cor., Astoria, Or. T II. MAXSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND NOTARY rUULIC. Established 1SS3. Third Street, flext to V, U, Telegraph Of fice, Astoria, Or. W. W. PARKER, Heal Estate and Insurance Agent, Conveyancer and Notary Public. 112 Benton Street, opposite the Postoluce. Between Chcnamus & Squemoque Sts., Astoria, Oregon. A. CLEVELAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ,. Once Flarel's new brick building, corner second and Cass streets ; up stairs. rR8. A. L. ASWJ. A. FULTON. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. Fulton, Office hours from to to 12 a. m and 1 to 4 or. rR. II. W. STRICKLER, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND DRUKG1ST In simple cases, charges only for medi cine. Near tvsnnlce, Clieiiiumis Street. Astoria, Oregon. JAYTUTTLE, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Room c, Pythian Building. OEce hours : lo to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, Gx Cedar Street. J R. X1LLKR. 51. X1LLKR. 51. I. Graduate of Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pital College, aiul Post-Graduate of New Vert: City Polyclinic School ot Medicine and Surgery. First and Main sheets, Portland. IUhcrhch ef Women a Specialty. 1")K, O. B. KSTKS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Women tad Sursery. iFf-iou: Opposite Telegraph Office, up Stairs, Astoria, Oregon. rR. P. AKEE8, DENTIST. Rooms 7 aud 8, Flavel's new Brick Build in: W. T. BURNEV, U T. AMN J. W. DEArER. Burney, Barin & Draper, Attorneys at-Law. ;Orcgou City, Oregon. Twelve years experience as Register of tueU.S.Land Office here, recommends us In our specialty ot Mining and all other bus laess before the Land Office or the Courts, ud involTing the practice In the General LaadOdce. ffelsei, Lester & Aitaii, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Smrveyors and Architects. Office, Hook 9, Fulvels Bld'o second street P.O.BxS13. ASTOKIA,OR. FARM'AND DAIRY RANCH TO LET Twct7 to Tklrty Choice Cow AND 30 to SO Acres of Fine Meadow Farming Land JL Farm ( ltd acres, 4 to 5 acres of orchard ht ee frette, cenplete farm buildings, Mir Astoria. OMVeRleBt to sell milk in fctr. AM faratae tools and dairy appll ihh. 0e spaa lae Farm Horses and iraeM. Apply te tkis eSce, or ta'A. H. Site, wa ae yemtecs, at Woodland Farm TwHfc'SWTec.Or. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Powder C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Main St. Wharf. Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine. WOODBERRY Cotton Lines andTwlnes SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. fire'insurance Effected in First Class Companies, Representing 813,000,000 PIHEKIX......................... Hartford, Conn HOME...... .New York, Agency Pacific Express and Wells. Fargo A Co. ,-0 TH E o-, AUSTIN-:-HOUSE J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Open All tie Year 'Roil THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of the Necanicum. within Ore minutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Resort on the Northwest Pacific Coast. Every attention Is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests, and the table Is supplied -with the very best in season. Hero are plenty of Clams and Crabs, there Is game In the woods and plenty of the finest flsh in the streams. E. F. NOONAN & CO. (Successors to) DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. "Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE KO. 7. P. 0. BOX 8W W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Blnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewlag Machines, Faints, Oils, G-rooerie, ZSlto. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, Stoves, Tin ware, aud HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead, Strip Lead, Sheet Iron. Tin and Copper. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PBOPBIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. . School Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the taxes for School District. No. 1, for the year 1890, are due and payable at the onlce or the clerk on Main street wharf. The Tar Bell will remain in my hands for sixty days from date, after which time those not paid will become delinquent. By order of the Board ot Directors, -r r, ,, J. W. CONN. Chairman. J. G. HUSrLEE. Clerk. Astoria, Sept. 1th, i860. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Jean Coyle committed suicide at Na naimo. All tha steam Altera in Chicago an? ou t strike. General ltobertf, a war vtterun. ied at Rrooklyn, N. Y. V rich quartz discovery is r-jirted near Cbilcat, Alank 1. Juu Corbelt and Davo Carspbell :ire ag.iin fighting on paper. A lively election was held iu Switzer land; blood was spilled. The Union Pacific and its Chicago connections nre still ct outs. Fears for the safety of the British bark Embleton are entertained. J. Y. DornBifer, of Kansas City, com mitted suicide at San Francisco. Woideman'a brewery nt Nowiwrt, Ky., was destroyed by fire; loss $100,000. Taooma is overrun with toughs and burglaries are of nightly occurrence. D. McLeod defeated Tom Mcluerny in a wrestling match at San Francisco. Dewey Underwood, a noted wiug shot, was killed by a train in Kansas City. Annie Young, a 17-year-old girl, was asphyxiated by gas in San Francisco. The BbipSf. Mary iB ashore near Stan ley; Bbo was in collision off the Horn. The atriko of telegraph operators in St. Paul does not nffect San Francisco. Robert Starr was seriously injured by a door falling on nIm in San 'Francisco. A pneumatic tube lino is to bo estab lished between New York and Philadel phia. W. S. Wharton, a cbattle mortgage broker, has skipped from Chicago with $50,000. Lawronoo Roach was killed by John J. Allen in San Francisco. Politics was the cause. The attention of United States dis trict attorneys is called to the new lot tery law. A young man named Neill was acci dentally killed while deer hunting near Hueneme. It is reported that President Harrison will make a place for ex-CongTessman Baker, of Indiana. Peter White, an old man, has been held to answer in Portland for passing counterfeit money. Barnum's circus train was wrecked near Macon, Ga.; two men and several horses were killed. The Commonwealth Banking and In vestment Company incorporated at Port land; capital S500,000. Kicking Horse, the Sioux chief is said to bo responsible for the trouble at the Standing Rock agency. Mrs. Margaret Gautl was killed and her daughter seriously injured by a run away in "Washington. James B. Elam denies authenticity of interview in regard to the president's aspirations for a re-election. The government has been Bued by an inventor for use of a patent cassion gate at the Mare Island navy yard. Two teams of crack ball players leave Chicago to-day for the Pacific coast, playing in all principal citie. Ex-Secretary Whitney has his eye on Senator Evarts1 seat in the senate and will ultimately aspire for the presidency. Comment is excited by the fact that ex-President Cleveland who has been a week in Washington has not paid his re spects to President Harrison. Additional Telegraph on Ftnirlh Paye.) Maverick National BANK, BOSTON, IOASS. CAPITAL SUKPLUS .$-100,000 .. 800.000 Accounts of Banks, Banker and Corpora tions solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excel lent, aud we re-dlscount for Banks when balances warrant It. Boston Is a Keserve City, aud balances with u from Banks (not located in other Keserve Cl les) count an a reserve. We draw our own exchanp.o on I.ondon and the Continent, and make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the united States and Canada. We have a market for prime, flrst-class Investment Securities, and Invite proposals from States. Counties and Cities when Is suing bonds. We do a general Banking Business, and In vite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER, PresldenL JOS. W. WORK, Cashier. A LDERBRO OK BAKGALNS IN -FOR- A Few Days Only. BUY NDW! DON'T WAIT! Aliertrotii Is are To Be THE Terminus of a Bail Bbatl, Wingate & Stone. ODD FELLOWS'BUILDING, Astoria, Or. For Sale Cheap. TEN OK TWELVK HORSE POWER A. pnHn .nd boiler in cood order, mounted. Apply to C. P. Z1GLEK nluerbroomoM ASTOKTA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, PROPHET MM HORSE TIib Slonx G&ier BesDonsiblB For All the TronUe. HE MADE A VISIL'TO UEAVEff- Thero Are no Fears of an Uprising But Thero is Great Trouble at the Agency. Srocial urThoU.MTknPaKSs.l BisirARCK, N. D., Oct. 2S. "Kicking Horse," the great Sioux prophet, seems to lo responsible for most ol tbo trouble at the Standing llock agency. He claims to lmvo veiled heaven and returned to earth to I ell tbo Indians what good things arc iu store for thein. Major McLaughlin ordered him- off the reservation and, confined several other tronblesorae spirits in the guard bouse as tbo ludians have boon rank ing day and night hideous. ''Kicking Horse' is cunning enough xvitb prophetic utterances. He telh them tbev must not kill the whi:c, as the great spirit would take care ol them. He declares the lirao will toon come when the Indians will ocenpy tbo cnrlh to the exclusion o tha whites. If it were spring instead of the fall there would b3 danger of an uprising, but it is not believed one will now occur. "Sitting Bull" is doing all he can to foment the disturbauce. An Affed Counterfeiter. Special to Thk Astouiax.J Portland, Oct 28. Myron P. "White, an old man who was arrested in Jast Portland for passing counter feit money, was subjected to an ex amination in the United State3 com missioner's court this morning, which resulted in the prisoner being held to await tbo action of tbo federal grand jury and in default of bonds fixed at S2.500 be was committed to the county jail. The Ticw Orleans murder. Special to Thk Astouia1 New Obleaxs, Oct. 28. The pre liminary examination in the Hennessy assassination case was postponed in definitely on motion of the district at torney, that the prisoners be remanded without bail. Two guns were ft mud. by the street gangs this morning in the vicinity of the killing. They, no doubt, wore used bv the assassin.. . - J Another limiting- Fatality- j fjhe snperintendent received private Special to Tmc Astohmn 1 ; ,. tche3 from Sl Paul tllIs m0rning HuuKEirE, Ca!.. Oct. 28 A yuiiugi ' ..... , .. . . , man named .Veil', while deer hunting tolinK ""? tbe slnke is not counten trifh . mnrmi.m nmiilmitnllv k.llr-d anccd by tbo older and more expen- bimself with a rifle about ten miles down the coast from here- While climbing ovor the rocks the hammer of the gnu is supposed to have canbl and the rifle was discharged. Knocked a Hole i:: Special to The Astoiua:. nis skull, j San Francisco, Oc.. 2.S. A f.ily. pound door fell down :m elevator shaft to-day knocking a bole in the skull of Robert Starr, a tobacco niau, who is dangerously if not fnlnlly in jured. A Brewery Kuril ctl. Special to The Astok an! Cincinnati, Oct. 2S. A fire in George WeidemairH brewery at "New port, Ky.. last niglii. cle-lroTcd a wate-; house contaiuiirg 100.RCO bushels of barley aud malL Lo, S10J.000: in- sureL ADVICE TO sotmkki. Mns. Winslow'3 Sooihino hvi:i r should always be usal tr clinch 11 teething. II xwtln-s tin H11W. -o '. the gums. allay all jmiii, .Mir.- mmI chnhc, ami I.n tin U-xl n h:imJ f..r.hs.r-rFireu.Ti,nty-n'n:i u- Iti5 Livcs of rich men ot"t remind us, Wo, if with n million blessed, Might, departing, leave bobiml us Wills for BOiueone lo content. Uticlilcti Arnira Sain. Thk IIust 5-ai.vk in tin worli! tor Cuts Bruise-, bores, I'lcer.-, isiit J!h. um, Fever Sons, feller. Cliaptiiil Hands, Chilblains Cunts and all Shin Eruptions, and po-iilwlv rurw, Piles, or no pay requ red. It is gtmranltvd lu ?;ivi' perfect s.Uisr.:clii.n, or iuoih-j i unded. riee'J.'i a-nls jcr bi. al'r sale by ,1. W. nn:. uJtJEL.153 Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN FOR GENERAL BOEING BUSINESS Accounts of Firms smil Individual Solic ited on Favorable J crin. Interest naid on llnu Deposits. Money Loaned on Personal aud Real state .se curity. Foreign and Domestic Fxehanse boufiht and sold. C. T. Edec, President. John flobson, Vice Pres. A. 15. EdcC) C .jl'!er. D. IC. Warren. 1 iir.., C. S. AVrijrltt. j W"-or. Morgan & Sherman i.J It .li'Tx II 817 Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A ri.L UfiJE CARRIED 111l Mipp'l.-c furiiLstit-tt ..t MatU- t.ictiiry THrrn Pureli.W'. dc!ivT-j iu :ui jiart ot the ctty 0 ffi.ee and Wareliouse in Hiniies Ne ItUilithiK W;tter Strnet. P O. m)X lis Tfipi.Jiottr No :rr STOiSt.i. ori:sox Many Imitate, None Excel Cam uiies! KILLED OVER POLITICS. A Fatal Quarrel In a San Fran cisco Saloon. Special to Tick Astoria J Sax Fraxcisco, Oct. 28. Lawrence .Roach, a republican saloonkeeper and a politician, was shot and instantly killed to-night by John J. Allen, a democrat. Roach and seven persons registered from one room in the rear of his saloon and bad been cited to appear before tbo election commis sioners. Allen was the principal wit ness against them. Ho showed that there was only one bed for eight per sons lo occupy. This created bard feelings and about 9 o'clock lvoacb attacked Allen, who is crippled, -with a knife. Allen tried to run away after being cut twice in the bead, but when be found his pursuer gaining on him ho turned aud shot him. .XX OLD SOLDIER f.ONC. ticntii of General Roberts in rirooltlyii N. Y. S,.ccl.il to Ti:k AsTOniAX.1 New York, Oct 28. General Kob erls died in Brooklyn lato last night Ho was 72 years old and enlisted as a private in the U. S. army moro than half a century ago. He served iu the Indian and Mexican wars and iu the NEth Eegiment, New York Volun teers. Ho was a warm personal friend of Lincoln. Grant aud McGlcllan. General Bobertawas appointed post inasterpr Brooklyn by President Lin cobi and served 'in that position for two years. "'cuglis in Tacoiim. rf irrial to Tub AsToniAN. Tacoma, Oct. 28. This city is crowded with a very tough element, and not a night passes without a bur glary or an attempted one. The police are arresting suspicious characters and ordering many to leave the city. THE STRIKING TELEGRAPHERS Sau Francisco M Affectei by Tie "stPanl Waftont. THE STRIKERS XKIV 11 AX US. special by Tun Usim- Pukss San Fkvncisco. Oct. 28. Inquiry among telegraphers employed in the Western Union office in this city, and at tho office of Superintendent Jayiies discloses no signs of a strike or other trouble resulting from tho walkout of brother Iflfed men at St. Paul enccu nanus :.r.l is tncreroro giving tlieolHcc but Hillti trouble. Busiuess has been returned. St. Path., OcL 28. Tin- Western ! Unio:i oiui'c in is city gives no signs ! of a strike, almost a f;t!l fere: is at werk: ri;iC 80VEKX9ZSNT SPED. A Ciivjou Hale Causes Law- Suit In 'Frisco. Sicci.l to Tin: astokian.I San Franowco, Oct. 28. -Some time ago George S. Shields, of ibis city, in vented a gale fcr ibe uso of floating caissons and received si patent on the same. At the time of putliufi in place the caisson at the entrance to the ! stono dock at Mare Island the cate ono uocjc at Mare invented by Shields vmdi no compcirc was utilized for ation was offered by the government. Suit has been instituted by Shields aud damages ashed for the govermenl's infringe- roenl of his patent. ilUTin VITK THE COIN. A Chicago Broker Leaves Credit ors lit a Lurch. Speeia' to Tint Astokian.I Chicago, OcL 28. W. S. Wharton, a cbattle mortgage broker, has left the cily and creditors, whose accouutswiU amount to $30,000. His two heaviest victims are the United States Loan Company and tho Chicago Trust and Saving's Bank. Ho owes the first named institution $16,000 and bank 26,000. It is belioved he fled to Canada. the has Suicide at TVauaimo. Special to The AstoriA.t.1 Victoria, B. C. Oct 28.-It was reported here to-day that John Coyle of Nonaimo, cut bis throat in that city last night and died from the effects of the injury. From Tar Cathay. Special to Tue Astouiax. Vancouver, B. C, Oct, 28. The steamship Abyssinia arrived to-day from China with a full cargo, twenty six passengers and 110 Chinese. A Snfo Investment. Is one which is guaranteed lo hring yon satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase pi ice. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a hottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. It is guaranteed to hring relief in every case, wlien used for any affection of Throat, Lungs orr Chest, such as Con sumption, .Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthm 1, Who'opingCoui:h, Croup, etc., etc It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always lie depended upon. Trial bottles free at JW. Conn's drugstore. Tommy Look nt my top, Jenny, just look at her spin!" Jenny "Why do you call it a "her," Tommy? Tommy Humph! I guess you couldn't buy a boy for five cents! Haipefs Bazar. Important Notice. Now Is the time to test the best Ca tarrh. Bronchitis, Asthma and Kheu- matic Cure in the Cily nf Astoria. Fifty packages of Le. oy's West India Catarrh Cure, the regular price of which is $3.00. can be had from .1. W. Conn, the druggist, at $1.00 .per package, thereby saving 4.00. This is nrenaratinu warranted to cure. Call ami si to Co., Proprietors. Los Angeles, iai. P. O. Box 892. Blumanr-Frank Drug Co., Portland. IHSW. gossip ra Washington! Ex-Secretary WMtney Has large Senatorial Aspirations. OLETELAtfD StfTJBS HABRISOH. The Ex-President Does 2Tot Pollow Ouatoms Eumora Political and Otherwise Hotes- Special by The Uxited Puess 1 Washington, Oct. 28. It is no longer a secret that Ex-Secretary Whitney is looking for a seat in the United States senate and tbat bo aspires to succeed the venerable Mr. Evarls, whose term will expire on the third of next March. Mr. Whitney has his eye on the presidency as bis ultimate destiny, but he is not yet ready to movo and wilt allow Cleveland and Hill to figbt it out next time and use the senator ship as a stepping stone. A gentleman who is in tbo confi dence of Mr. Whitney arrived here from New York to-day and said that Colonel Lamont is managing tho Whitney campaign with the greatest ability, and that as sure as the dem ocrats got a majority in the legisla ture this wintor, bo will be elected. Colonel Lamont, as everybody knows, is a skillful politician and has a very thorough acquaintance with New York democrats, particularly thoser in the country districts. Mr. Whitney has furnished him with all tho money he needs to carry on tho campaign and the democratic mem bers of the next legislature will find themselves almost unanimously under obligations to the ex-secretary of the navy. SOME POLITICAL RUMORS. A Supporter of .Harrison to Be Rewarded at Last. Special to The astobiak. "Washington, Oct. 28. Ex-Congressman Baker, of Indiana, dropped into "Washington and was away again unawares to tho public here. Baker served three successive con gressional terms, being succeeded by William H. Calkins, who is now a prominent senatorial aspirant in the state of "Washington. Baker was also a delegate to the convention that nom inated Harrison for the presidency, aud is tho only Indiana republican who supported Harrison at Chicago who lias not" been substantially re warded.. It is rumored here this morning that Baker came to "Washing ton at President Harrison's request, and an Indianan, high in official life, says that tho president has it in mind to appoint Gresham to tho supreme bench vacancy, put Judge "Woods, of the district court, in lireshams pres ent position as United btates circuit judge, and elevate Baker to "Woods' place immediately. Before his departure Air. "Woods' manner indicated that bis visit bad been thoroughly satisfactory. EXCLUSIVE ,R. CLEVELAND. lie lias ftot Yet Called on Presi dent Ilarrison. Hpf Cl.ll to The AsroniAN.l "Washington, Oct 28. Tbo repub licans here are criticising Ex-President Cleveland because he ba3 not paid a visit to tho "White House. He came to Washington on Tuesday last to nrgue a case before the supreme court and has spent most of bis tune since his arrival in the rooms usually occupied by Senator Hiscock at the Arlington hotel. It has been cus tomary for ex-presidents visiting Washington to call upon their suc cessors promptly for the purpose of paying their respects, but so far as known the president and Mr. Cleve land have not even exchanged saluta tions. A BOGUS INTERVIEW. Tlic President Said Nothing as Regards a Rc-Elcction. Special to Tub AstobianI "Washington, Oct 28. A special to the Post from Indianapolis sajs: John B. Elam, a former law part ner of the president, has just returned from a trip to the Pacific coast During bis abscence an alleged in terview with him was published, in wbicb he was reported as saying that the president would not be a candi date for re-election and giving other information concerning the presidents political plans. To-day Mr. Elam was asked as to the authority for tho alleged inter view. Ho said: "It so happened tbat I have not spoken to President Har rison on any subject for about a year and have never at any time beard him say one word as to hi3 wishes or pur poses with respect to the election of 1892, nor do I, from any source, know anything as to what bo desires or in tends. The New Lottery Law. Special by Tho Uxitkd Pbess.! "Washington, Oct 28. Attorney General Miller has sent a circular letter to all the United States district attorneys calling attention to the new lottery law witb a suggestion that they sparo no enort in its enforcement. Similar instructions have been sent to the United States marshals. The Way Made Clear. One of the most set ious obstacles to suc cess in the way of man is planted right in the middle ot the road to health. Uow to restore and to maintain a regular habit of body aud digestion Is too often a sourcs of needless and unhappily, of vain inquiry. It is not necessary to inveigh ngainst drastic puigaitves. 'iney wuo nave useu tnem con tinuously know the consequence. A remedy which unites the action of a regulating med icine fur the bowe's with that of a tonic both lor those organs, the liver and the htomach, is Uo3tetter'3 Stomach Bitters, sanctioned by the best medical authority, and receiving daily the indorsement of our fellow countrymen. With this effectual, though gentle, laxative at hand, it is possi ble to defy those changes of temperature productive of constipation, as well as con stitutional attacks of biliousness, which be set even people naturally healthy. Malaria, dyspepsia, rheumatism and kidney troubles are remedied and prevented by the Bitters. FIGHTING IS THE PAPERS. Corbett and Campbell Bluffing: at Each Other. Special to The Astokian .1 San Fbancisco, Oct. 28. Jim Cor bett has prepared another letter for Dave Campbell of Portland, Or., in which he offers the latter to fight for the entire gate receipts if he will meet him at any time in any place. PortiiANd, Oct. 28. In reply to Jim Corbett's challenge to Dave Campbell to fight for the entire gate receipts, Campbell hasissued the fol lowing above his signature: "Seeing that Jim Corbett, the would-be cham pion, is anxious to gain back the laurels he lost to me last winter, I will meet him in any club that will put up a purse for a finish fight if Corbett will come to my weight, 165 pounds. I hope this will satisfy this statue fighter." BLOOD WAS SUED. Liivcly Times at an Election in Switzerland. SDeclal to The AstorianI. Bebne, Oct. 28. A dispatch from Frebourg states that the result of the elections there on Sunday was pro ductive of much ill feeling. The radi cals accused the conservatives of falsi fying tho ballot. Charges and coun ter charges were made to-day, and the trouble culminated in a serious con flict. Tho radical reports from Lug rane'state that fighting occurred to day between the troops and disaffected liberals and some blood was shed. Still at Outs. Special to Tnc Astoria. Chicago, Oct. 28. So far as learned to-day nothing has been done toward settling the differences between tho Union Pacific and its Chicago connec tions. Tho outlook is still for the severance of relations between them on the first of November. CRACK BASEBALLISTS COMING-. Two Teams of Eastern Players to Visit tie Pacific Coast. i ZIST. I'OltTZAXD IS IX THE Special uv The United Press. Chicago, Oct 28. Comisky has de cided to take two ball teams to the Pacific coast and will leave to-morrow. He will captain one and Mike Killey may lead the other. The players in clude also Mark Baldwin, Kyan, Alc Phee, Harrington and Khines. The teams will play in Lincoln, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Leadville, Cheyenne, Salt Lake City, Boiso City, Portland, Seattle and Tacoma. Then they will bead for San Francisco and enter on an extended stay there, after wards going South through Texas and disband in St. Louis about January 20th. 3IARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer Gen. Miles arrived from Shoalwater bay yesterday. The steam schooner Alliance ar rived in from Gray's harbor yesterday, witb a miscellaneous cargo and left up the river. The American bark Coloma, and the British ships Principality and Mount Carmel are expected down the riwr to-day. The steamship Queen, Capt H. S. Ackley, is due to sail for San Fran cisco this morning. She will carry considerable freight from here. The little steamer li. P. Elmore arrived from Tillamook yesterday with 1,013 cases of salmon. She left again last evening with supplies for the can nery. The four-masted German bark lienee Rickmers will clear to-day. She completed her cargo yesterday, and among other things put on board were 20,701 cases of salmon. The American ship Patrician cleared at the custom house yesterday. She will go to Falmouth or Queens town for orders, and will probably sail to-day. For cargo sho has 29,521 sacks ot wheat, of which 10,711 sacks were loaded here and the remainder at Port land. The total valne of the cargo is 850,300. Tho barge Hercules on which coal from the British ship Alcinous was being lightered sprang a leak at the Union Pacific wharf yesterday and be fore relief in the shape of the tug boat Wallowa arrived had settled nearly to the deck. The pumps of the tug were put to work, however, and the barge kept above water. The tug proved inadequate to keep the vessel clear and as the water continued gaining another tug was put to work pumping, but still the water gained on them, and as a last resort Eescue Engine Jtfo. 2 was set to work. All last night the steamers pumped and it is thought that by this morning the barge can bo beached for repairs. ITIcrit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens that for jears we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bidden Ar nica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such univer sal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. J. W. Conn, Druggist. Sunday school teacher My little girl, what must you do to be forgiven? L. G. bin, sir I Champion HnrII-r. A. A. Jordan, champion hurdler of America, and holder of the American record for running 120 yards over 3 feet Ginch hurdles, says: "I have for a great many years used Aixcock's Porous Plasters, partic ularly during the training season. I find that if 1 am affected in back or loins with any kind of a pain or strain, that Aixcock's Porous Piasters in stantly afford relief. For pains in tho body, the result of a severe cold, nothing can heat Aixcock's Plasters. 1 would certainly recommend theplasters to any athlete who is suffering with soreness or stiffness while in training." PRICE FlVECEiVTS FOUR MILES A MINUTE RaBifl Mail Seryice for flew Tort Ani PUtoieljliia. DISASTEES ON" THE OOEAH". Suicide of a Young Man Who Was Out of Luck Another Mining Discovery in Alaska. Special by the United Pkes3. New York, Oct. 28. Arrange ments are being made for the laying of a double pneumatic line between New York and Philadelphia. Between these two cities and all intermediate points it is expected that letters, news papers and small packages will be whirled at a rate of four mile3 a min ute. A SS11P ASHOBE. In Collision Off the Hera.. much Damage Dene. Special to Thr Astorian.1 San Francisco, Oct. 28. Advices from Stanley dated October 21st, re port tho ship St. Mary ashore on Au gust 16th and she will be a total wreck. The captain is dead. ' Arrangements had been made with two schooners to save the cargo for 40 per cent, of the value recovered, as the vessel was lying in an exposed position and salvage is difficult The ship bad been in collision with a painted port ship when offtheHorn. She was run into with some violence and tho colliding vessel lost her bow sprit and jibboom, beside other dam age being done. The St. ifarywas also badly damaged and was running back for repairs when lost. LONG OVER DUE. Fears for the Safety of the Ship "Embleton." Special to The Astobian. J San Francisco, Oct 28. The British ship Embleton, Captain Ben nett, from Adrossau for Puget sound, is now out 481 days and fears are en- J tertained for her safety. After various mishaps she was last spoken on July 12th of this year, 1,600 miles west of San Diego. DOWN ON HIS LUCK. Why a Young man Committed Suicide in 'Frisco. Special to Thk astokian.I San Fbancisco, Oct 28. J. W. Dornsife, a son of a former mayor of Kansas City, committed suicide to night in a fit of despondency over his hard luck. He had been wild for years and not being able to get any more money and having pawned all hi3 jewelry he became tired of life. more Riches in Alaska. Special to The Astoiuan.1 Victoria, B. C, Oct 28. Captain Carroll, who is now in this city, re ports as the principal item of Alaska news he has been told is the discovery of a rich quartz vein at Burners bay, in the direction of the Chilcat district by John Bernhardt's prospectors. Bernhardt recognizing the value of the quartz has bought a claim and will at once proceed to develop it Beer And. Gas. Special toTiiK AsToniAx.I San Francisco, Oct 28. Annie Young, seventeen years old, and a pickle factory girl, was found dead in bed to-day, asphyxiated by gas. She went to bed drunk from beer. A New Corporation. Special to The Astobian. I PobtijAnd, Oct 28. This afternoon articles were filed in the county clerk's office incorporating the Common wealth Investment and Banking Com pany, with a capital of 50,000. A Case Compromised. Special :o The Astorian.1 Londonv Oct 28. The charge of assault brought by Edward Cousins Gibson, against Sir Thomas Freake, two other men and a woman has been compromised. PERSONAL MENTION. Colonel A. H. Stone, of Knappa, waa in the city yesterday. G. B. Keed, of L03 Angeles, Califor nia, was among yesterday's arrivals. Henry Goldman and wife, of Chi cago, signed at the Occident yester day. Frank Spittle returned last evening from a trip through the eastern states. He is still single. Capt Flavel and daughter Nellie returned last evening from a visit of a week in Portland. Mrs. Captain E. P. Parker, who has been very ill with typhoid fever, is improving a little. G. E. Terger, president of the "His tory of Oregon" company, arrived in this city last evening. Brier, But To The JPeiat. I had rheumatism all over my body for two years. Doctored with eminent Shysicians, and spent three months in eel City Hospital. Four bottles of Hibhard's Rheumatic Syrnp entirely curedjne. The greatest medicine in the world. Charles Kowe, Baldwin, Mich. Every word of the above is true. T. Heffernan, Druggist, Baldwin, Mich. For sale by J. W. Conn. DYfPj Cubes Pbpxptly and PzutAxxxxLT IL.TJ1VIBA.GJ-0, Rheumatism, Headache, Toothache, SPRAINS, Nouralgla, Swellings, Frott-feltes, B TEL UI SES . THE CHARLES A. VMEltt CO., Win. KM. W TRADE gHQPMARKi REMedyrepAIN 1 'ifei Vi v " - 1 ji 7 .