T " &t ' " . f ' ' , f "C &w 'Si ViL. XXY. NO. 118. ASTORTA, 0RRGO1Y, MCXNDA.Y, OCTOBER 27, I89U. PRICE FIVE CENTS r - finest of all in Leavening Power. t. . gris$m ABSOLUTELY PURE BUSINESS CARDS. T I. R.W3IOXO, CIVIL ENGINEER. County Surveyor of Clatsop County. Office : Koom No. 7. Kinney's ttrick, Asto ria, Oregon. ATTOKXEY AT LAW, Astoria, - . - - . Oregon. Office, three doois cast Court 1 louse, Third street rt J. CURTIS. Attorney-at-Law: otary rnbllc. Commissioner of Deeds for "Washington Territory. Office in Flavel's new brick Imildins. Cor. Second anil Cass htxeets. J Oil V II. N .71 ITU. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street, 2 doors back ol Odd Follows Uuiidtng, Astoria, Oregon. 1 t. A. IIOVLiKY, e ttornry r.nd t'onne!Ior nt JLavr oh cttcuainus Street, Astoria, Oregon A R- KANACA, ATTOIINEY AT La W. occ over White nousc Cor., Astoria, Or. I II. 31 XSF.JjIi, i:i:.tx ESTATE Bisext: AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 1S33. Third Street, next to W, U. Telegraph 01 Sce, Astoria, Or. W W. PARKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Comcxanceraud Notary .Public 112 Benton Street, opposite the rostofllcc. Between Chcnanuis &Siucmoque StS., Astoria, Oregon. A. CLEVELASD, iX. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJflce Flavel's new brick building, corner Second and Cass streets : up stairs. rUi. A. U. ASO J. A. FBliTGW. ACassMreet, between 3rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. KhUor. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. siM and 1 to 4 r.x. D K. IX. V. STUICKLISR, rilYSTCIAX, SlTiGEON AND DKUGGI3T lHMMHe cases, charges onlv for medi cine. Near IVtstoulcc. Chcnainiis Street, Astoria, Orepon. JAY TUTTLE. M.-D. . raysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Koom c, Pj thi.m Building Oficeheers: lo to 12 aud2 to IUJ4ence, C33 Cedar Street. B. K. 2XtM,KK. W. If. Cradta! of Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos al OttNefre. and Post-Craduntc of New vric Cn Polyclinic School of Medicine ai4 Surgery. HrA and Mnin streets, Portland. XlcaCK or n'omen a rtpeeialty. D R.O.C.KSTES. ril Y.siOIAN AND SU11GE0N. Special attention to Diseases of 'Women uid Surgery. - - - - .--. tuck: Opposite Telegraph OlUce, up Slrs, Astoria, urvgon. itll "TVR. P. A. RK".8, DENTIST. UoomsTandR,Flavers new Brick Build- w. t. uciixm:, t. t. jiarin .T.ir.DRArr.i Burncy, Barin & Draper, AtterncyH at-Law. Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years experienco as Kegtstcr of ibc U. S. Ljuid Oftlce here., recommends us in oar specialty of Mining and all other bus :ocss bexoro the Land-Office or the Courts, ad Involving tlie poctice in tho General LindOBce. TMbIsbb, Lester & Autoes, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Office, Room 9, Flayers Bld'g SECOND STREET P. O. Box 813. ASTOWA, OR. -ARM AND DAIRY RANCH TO LET TwcHty te Tkirtr Cheicc Coxrs 30 to 50 Acrosof Fino Meadow Farming Land A Fara ot lflO acres, 4 to 5 acres of orchard Is cHslce fruits, complete farm buildings, r AKix. Convenicat to sell illk In theekr- All farmtRC tool's and dairy appli jwees. Oae spaa fiae Farm Horses and Wae. AjJy to this eSficc, or to A. IT. Sale, on the premises, at Woodland Farm Iwart Hirer, Or.- U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1885. Baking Powder C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant T7ain St. Vharff Astoria, Oregon. SrEdALTDZS : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, "VVOODBERRY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING or all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE " Effected in Firt Class Companies, Representing S13.000.OOO PIKEMX,.. HOME, Hartford , Conu . .New York, Agency Pacific ExpreRS and Wells. Fargo A Co. T T T V? AUSTIN -: HOUSE 1. P. AUSTIN, Propr. All the Year 'Roifl. THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of the Neeanicum, within fit e minutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The" most pleasant Seaside Itesort on the Northwest Pacific Coast. E ery attention is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests, and the table is supplied with tho very best In season. Here are plenty of Clams And Crabs, there Is game m the woods and plenty of tho finest fish in the streams. E. P. NOONAN & CO. (Successors to) DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. "Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE 50. V. - P. 0. BOX SM W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUrrLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Lino of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twlue, Lard Oil, "Wrought Iron Spikes Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, G-rooeries. ZEto. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and IFittinps, Stoves, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. O. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage Is Solicited. School Taxes. NOTICE 13 nEREBY GIVEN THAT the taxes for School District, No. 1, for the year IKK), are due and payable at the offlce of the clerk on Maiti btreet -wharf. TheTax Roll will remain in my hands for sixty days from date, after which time those not paid -nlll become delinquent. By order of the Board of Directors. .T V HOW Plmtrmin I J. G.llUSrLER. Clerk. Astoria, Sept. ith, 1890. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Forest fires are raging near llafnel, Oil. A half-million dollar fire occunvu at Mobile, Alabama. Tho Dakota state barikiuj law has bcci ilciilei constitutional. Dep.irtmoat clerks an J ot!.-is In Washington wiil go home to votf. Ex-president Cleveland is receiving many oallora in Washington. Final payment on tb.8 cruiser San Francisco will bo made thia week.. Miss Mary Connelly of Lowell, Mass., shot one burglar and captured Lis pal. Serious allegations are mado against the editor of tho Gntherie, I. T.,-rVeics. It is said that n syndicate of Ifew York capitalists will boom Port Angeles. It is reported not improbable that n strike of telegraph operators will occur in tho East. Slavin and McAulifTe are reaping a golden burvest giving boxing exhibitions in London. The -disabled barge Ludlow has start ed for Seattle and it is thought she will not nmko it. Highwaymen captured a Santa Fo passonger train -near Albnquerquo and secured 25,000. William 1. Whclao, an ex-Chicago alderman, was shot and killed by a drunken gambler. Tho steamer Karlul: has arrived in San Francisco from Alaska; she exper ienced a rough trip. Ono of tho Union Pacific coal mines nt Hock Springs, "Wyoming, was fired and sovoral mnles perished. Tho minors in tho Erio coal district, in Colorado, want more wages and will resort to violence if nooesssary. Tho independent democratic ticket in South Carolina has been endorsed by the republican stato central committee. Tho body of a missing child, whose mother was murdered near South Hemp stead, England, was found in a field. Shops belonging to the Youngstown Boiling Mills Company, at Youngstown, 0., were burned; loss $100,000; insured. A member of the French chamber of deputies says it would be impracticable for foreign powers to attempt to form a tariff union against America without tho aid of Great Britain. Buelilcn's Arnica Salic. The" Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khe nm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cliilbhuns, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ?;ive perfect satisfaction, or money ro unded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by .1. W. Conn. THE Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN FOR GENERAL BAHKING BUSINESS Accounts of Firms and Individuals Solic ited on Favorable Terms. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Money Loaned on Personal and Real Kstate . curity. . Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. C. X. Edcc, Tiesideut. John vlfobMen, Vice Pros. A. B. Edec, C.ialiler. . K. Warren. I n,.fnM C. S. Wrljrht. ) Directors- Maverick National BAA'K, BOSTON, MASS. CAPITAL... SURPLUS.. 5400,000 .!.... feOO.OOO AccounLs of Banks, Bankers and Corpora tions solicited. Our facilities for COLLECT IONS are excel lent, and we re-discount for Banks when balance:! warrant it. Boston is a Reserve City, and balances with us from Banks (not located in otiier Reserve Ul ies) count an arf scire. We draw our own exchange on London and the Confluent, and make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the United States and Canada. We have a market for prime, -Drst-class Investment Securities, and itnite proposals from States, Counties and Cities when is suing bonds. We do a general Bankinc: Business, and in vite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER, PresidenL JOS. W. WORK, Cashier. AlderbrooK BABGAINS IN rty FOR A Few Days Only. BUY NOW! DON'T WAIT! Is Sure T4 Be rna Terminus of a Rail Road. Wingate & Stone, ODD FELLOWS'BUILDING, Astoria, - . - Or. Many Imitate, None Excel mrMProp 2221251 LOSS EALF A MILLION Motile, Alabama, the Scene of a BeslrflGliye Fire.. BALES OF 'BLAZING COTTON. The Plames Panned by a Gale of Wind-Ths Pirerafln "Win the Pight After ft Hard Battle. Special by Tue UA'rrEoi Phes Mobile, Ala., Oct. 26. A fire starledl2:40 o'clock this afternoon and resulted in the most disastrous con flagration that Mobile has had since the war. The fire began in a shingle mill and factory near the riverfront. A strong wind in tho northeast was blowing "and the flames soon com municated to Goodman's warehouse, where 900 bales of cotton were stored. Sparks from the cotton were cjirrieil by the wind nud co.mmunicatod the ilames to Brown's warehouse, thenco back to Magnolia street to the Mobile mills and to tho wharf front of the Mobile & Birmingham .Railroad Company. Tho inilammablo character of the material which fed the llamas and tho galo of wind which was blowing, caused tho fire to spread with light ning rapidity and before 2. o'clock it looked as if tho fire would spread from end to end ot Jhe water front of the city. Then tho Gidf Cily oil mill, with the warehouse which was stored full of cotton oil cako and metal, blazed out Immediately the flames spread-from building to build ing, until Gage & Lyons' artificial ice factory and Merchants' Press were destroyed. The list of property de stroyed includes 5,630 bales of cotton, three steamers, ono naptha launch, eleven freight cars, all gram laden, belonging to tho Mobile &OhioEailway Co.; five empty box cars of tho Mobile and Birmingham road; two wood and coal yards, three cotton compressors, eight cotten warehouses, Gulf Cify Oil Mill and warehouse, Mobile Phosphate and ChemicalTVorlcB, Gage & Lyons' ice factory and numerous small business places. Five p. si: The fire department has the fire under control. The loss is estimated at 500,000. WILL SBE .TIAKE IT? A. BiKablcd Bnrjjc Starts on a. Perilous Trip. Special to Thk Astokiax. San Fbakcisco, Oct. 26. Tho barge Ludlow, which, while on Iho way from Port Harford to Seattle with a cargo of bituminous reck, became dis abled and put into this port for re pairs, left last night for Seattle in iow of the tug Wizard. Half of the cargo had been taken off her aud stowed away here, but notwithstanding tho fact that she had been considerably lightered, seafaring men are inclined to believe that she will not succeed in Teaching her port of destination. THE TELEGRAPHERS. It Is Mot Improbable a. Strike Will Occur. Special to Thk Astokiax. New York, Oct. 26. Tho Ileruld prints special dispatches from Chi cago, St. Paul and Omaha, staliug that the recent discharge of telegraph ers by the Western TJuiou at the cities named, for being members of the brotherhood, is asMiniiug a serious phase, and a strike is not unlikely. The executive council ha3 been in session in Chicago for a week, it is stated, and a plan of action will prob ably be announced within a few days. Indianapolis, Oct. 6. General Superintendent Peck of tho "Big Pour" system yesterday gave the companies telegraph operators an an swer to their demand for an increaso of wages, informing them ifc had been decided that it could not be granted. They want an advance of from thirty to fifty per cent He offered, how ever, io take up any specific caso and promised a" satisfactory investigation. It is believed there will bo no further trouble. Morgan -& Sherman GROCERS And Dealers Iu ' S Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered' in any part of the city Office and Warehouse In Ttume's New Building on Water Street, P. O. Box 153. Telephone No 37. ASTORIA, OKEGON x2Et-aLnriKTGt AND General :-: Jobbing The updenlgued is prcparrd to do any work iu his hue at short notice, in a satis factory manner. WOOD FOR SALE. Orders left at Foard & Stokes, or at Asto ria Box Factory will receive prompt atten tlin. F. FEAKES.t Sale of Steamer Volga. N OTICE W HEREBY GIVP.N THAT I will, on the first dv of Niivemtwr. IfflO. at the hour of one o'clock ln., at Parker's wharf, m Astoria, Oregon, sell to the hiph est bidder for cash down, the steamer Fo'oix. ot Astoria, Orcaon, burden 9 63 tons nU' . u- A- LAWTON, Per E. P. IWltKEK. Agent. Astoria, Or., October 22, 1S90. Cannery lies SHOT BY A GAMBLER. An Ex-Alderman ol Chicago Killed Iu a Restaurant. Special to Thk AsTOurANl Chicago, Oct 26. Ex-Alderman William P. Whelan was fatally shot at an enrly hour this morning by George Hathaway, a faro dealer. Between and 520 o'clock this morning ox-Alderman Whelan sat down to tako an early breakfast with Mat Hogan in the latter restaurant They had just began to eat when Hathaway, who was intoxicated came stalking though the room and. stopping immediately iu front of the table at which Whelan and Hagan were seated made some remarks, apparently offensive, for Whelan sprang to bis feet and ad vanced. Hathaway at once pulled a heavy 41-caliber revolver and fired, the ball going through Whelan's left groin and out at his back and imbed ding itself in the wall. Whalen was taken to the hospital where ho died this afternoon. FIERCE FOREST FIRES. Men .Battling With Them Iu California. Special :o Thk AsToni an. SanIUfael, Oct 26. Tho forest fires are still making great headway. All the nblo Ixxtied men in this sec tion of tho country nro fighting it and this afternoon thoy telephoned for moro Jielp. The bridge on tho county road has been burned and travel over tho road is completely blocked. The fire has crept over the ridgo aud is coining down toward Bo?s vallev. i SHE CAPTOBED TWO BURGLARS Voii ot a Plnciy Massachusetts Girl Witt a Revolver, OXF. OF XIIE ROHHERS SHOT. Special by The United Punas. LOW.ELI,, Mass., Oct 26. Two burglars attempted "to rob the resi dence of John K. Connelly this morn iug. Tho first person who discovered the robbers was Mamie, tho 18-year-old daughter of the house. She im mediately arose aud making her way, took a revolver nnd proceeded to a room and found ouo Tobin, a notor ious Boston crook in the act of rifling a drawer in Mr. Connelly's desk. When Mamie entered the room and shouted, "surrender or'I will shoot" the burglar sprang upon the girl, who proved equal to tho emergency and emptied two chambers of the revolver into him, one of the bullets stiiking just above the left lung and bunging him to the floor. At lhi3 point his accomplice, who was on watch outside, entered the house to assist his fallen pal, but the plucky girl covered him with her weapon and forced him to sit down until he was handed over to the po lice for -safe keeping. B003IING PORT AXGELES. A Syndicate of CayltnlUfs Be hind the move. Special to The AsxoniAN.l New York, Oct. 26. A syndicate of New York capitalists has been formed during the past two weeks to operate in real estato and improvements at Port Angeles, Washington, on the Straits of Fuca. The capital sub scribed is $500,000, but may be in creased to 1,000,000 by the acces sion of Boston capitalists. The parties are said to bo acting on information that the Northern Pa cific railroad will extend its lines by a branch to Port Angeles and that the naval commission, lately on the Pa cific coast as favorably impressed with the place as a possible location for the new navy yard. A Body Feuud. 3pe.'!.il IoThk AsToniAK.l London, Oct 26. The body of tho mibsing child of Mrs. Hobbs, the woman who was murdored nt South Hempstead, was found to-day in a field a mile distant from tho place whero Ha mother's corpse was discov ered. Tho body bore no marks of vi olence and it is supposed that the child was smothered to death. Its clothing was saturated with water from a graiu. Democratic Ticket endorsed. Special to Tnrc Astouian. Columbia, S. C, Oct 26. The re publican stato central committee has issued an address endorsing the inde pendent democratic ticket headed by Judge. Haskell for governor. Brier, KStitTe The Point. I had rheumatism all oyer my body for two years. Doctored with eminent Khysiclans, and spent threw months In :ecd City Hospital. Four bottles of Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup entirely cured inc. Tho greatest medlcino in the woiltL.CiiAur.es Howe, Baldwin, Mich. Every word of the above is true. T. Heffkuxan, Drucsist, Baldwin, .Mich. For sale by J. W. Conn. In Germany tho tolephone subscrib ers are estimated to number 3125; in France, 9,487; in GreatBritain, 20,426; in Buasia, 7,585; in Italy, 9,183; in Austro-Hungary, 4200; in Spain, 218; in Portugal, 890; in Switzer land, 6,570; in Belgium, 4,674; in the Netherlands, 2,872; in Denmark, 3,837; in Sweden, 12,864; in Norway, 8,390. Tho Berlin Boersen Courier esti mates tho number of subscribers in America at 1,000,000, and in all the world at 1,200,000. Merit wia. We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. Kine'sNewDlscoveryforConsurnption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bukletfs Ar nica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such univer sal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and wo- stand ready to retund tue purcnase price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies havo won their great popularity purely on their merits. J. w. Conn, Druggist. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Bejartient Clerls And Otters Go ing Hoie to Tote. THE OfiUISEfi "SA PEAK0IS0O." Pinal Payment on'the Vessel to be Made Ex-President Cleve land's friends. Special by The United Pnesi Washington, Oct 26. Consider able activity is played in the local political committees hero in getting out voters temporarily residing here to vote in tho November elections. Many voters in far distant states left hero to-night nnd many others will leave during tho week. In tho de partments thero is a feeling of safety, regardless of politics and tho demo cratic and republican clerk3 alike, in large numbers, havo arrangol for a leave of absence to go home nnd vote. The local committees, too, are en gaged in drumming up voters iu close districts and but-few men entitled to f ranchiso in Ohio, West Virginia and in Northern New York, will be in Washington on November 4th. BESIEGED BY FRIENDS. Ex-Prcsldcut Cleveland. Receives many Friends. Sjieci.ii to The ASToniAN.l Washington Oct 26. Smco his so se so eourn: at tho Arlington hotel Grover Cleveland has had very Jittlo time to himself. Tho ex-president's magne tism apparently clings to him as all of his intimate friends, as well as those who are not inoluded in that number havo taken advantage of the oppor tunity to pay their respects. During his first day in Washington Mr. Cleve land was compelled to deny himself to visitors in order to arrange the case upon which he will, to-morrow, submit nn argument before the supremo court of tho United States. Since that time ho has been almost constantly engaged in receiving menus, jut. uieveiana has little to say upon the topic of pol itics. TUE "SAN FRANCISCO." Fiaal Payment on the Vessel will Be Made This Teelc. Special to The Astortan. Washington, Oct. 26. The navy deDartment ia hnsv in ndirmKner thn accounts of the Union lion Works, of a an Francisco, for tne building of the United States steamship San Fran cisco. The work of allowing advances on horse power and speed, over con tract requirements, will be completed next week, when the Union Iron Works will receive its final payment, amounting to over 8100,000. FOR SALE CHEAP. Serioas AlIcs;atlons Against a Newspaper Man. Special to The Astobian. Chicago, Oct 26. A Tribune spec ial from Guthrie, I. T., says: The Daily Capitol will in tho morning publish affidavits from prominent citi zens of Kingfisher in this territory, among whom are J. C. PoHt, ot the bank of Kingfisher and a membor of the present legislature, and Judge D. K. Cunn-'ngham, alleging that W. P. TkpmpKm, editor of the Guthrie IrfiDS did fox 3100 in cash and a cor ner lot in Kingfisher, just prior to tho existing capital fight, offer to use his paper nnd influence to secure Kingfisher the capital. Much indig nation is expressed at treachery of the "Geronimo," as Thompson is known here, and boycotting is declared by all labor organizations and mer chants. TO BE APPEALED. Bankers Dlsatisfica with a Su preme Court Decision. Special by Tho UaiTKn Pbi3.1 BisMAnoK, N. D., Oct 26. The stato supremo court has decided that the stato banking law is constitutionaL At a street meeting yesterday of the private bankers it was determined to appeal the case to the supremo court of tho United States on the Constitu tional questions involved. A 100,000 Fire. Special to The Abtortan.1 Youngstown, O., Oct 26. The machine shops, blacksmith shops and a portion of the stock house of a large mill belonging to the Youngstown Boiling Mill Co. were consumed by firo last night The cause of the fire ia unknown. Loss about 8100,000; said to be fully insured. The Tay Made Clear. One of the most serious obstacles to suc cess In the way of man Is planted right In the middle ol the road to health. How to restore and to maintain a regular habit of body aud digestion is too often asourcaof la not necessary to inveigh against drastic puiKancn, juicy who nave usea mem con tinuously know the consequence. A remedy which imitiKr HinaMInn nlommlntinf.tnn,l. iclne for the bowels with that of a tonic uom ior moso trgani. me liver and the stomach. Is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, sanctioned by the best "medical authority, and receiving daily the indorsement of our fellow countrjmen. With this effectual, though gentle, laxative at hand, Itlspos oleto defy ihosa changes of temperature productive or constipation, as well as con stitutional attacks of biliousness, which be set even people naturally healthy. Malaria, dyspepsia, rheumatism and kidney troubles are remedied and prevented by the Bitters. Tho summer girl has disappeared, Tho Autumn girl is here; And when tho ico gets on the streets The fall girl will appear. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring yon satisfactory results, or in case ol allure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's it ew Discovery for consumption. It Is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat Lungs or Chest, snch as Con sumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc, etc. .It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at J. w. Conn's drugstore. 'IN A GREAT STORM. - A Steamer Bias a Rengh Trip te San Francisco. Special to The Astobian. San Francisco. Oct 26. The steamer Karhik has arrived from Copper river, Eastern Alaska. She brought down 25,000 cases of salmon, together with Bixty Chinese and forty white fishermen. The JSarluk reports that on October 17th a fierce storm was encountered, which, played havoc with the steamer. Huge seas swept over the decks and one strong wave carried away the galley door and did other damage. The gale lasted all night and the next day. The Chinese on board became panic stricken and were kept away from the decks bo as not to impede tho work of the crew. VIOLENCE IF NECESSARY. Colorado Coal Miners Will De mand. Moro Was;as. Special to TnK Astoktan.I i Denver, Oct 26. .Advices have just been received here from Lewis- yillo, in the Erie coal district, which indicate that the minors there are on the vergo ot another general strike. Tho grievance is low wages and it is said that all the men at tho two coal gronps will lay down their picks Tuesday unless their demands are acceded to. There has been more or less trouble among the miners for the past year. Twico they havo struck and after a bitter fight failed. They threaten to win their fight this time. even it violence is necessary to accom- piisn it REAPING A GOLDEN HARVEST, Slayin ana McAuliffe Just Coming; Money in Lonion. CHAT WITH ENGLAND'S HITTER. Special b? Tho United Pkkss j New York, Oct 26. The Morning JournaTs London correspondent oables that Slavin and MoAuliffe are making moro money than they ever did before in their lives. This week they gave three sparring exhibitions in Washington Musio hall. Each evening the hall was jammed Grand opera at a shilling a. seat, would not have drawn such crowds and last night seats could not be had for less than ten shillings each. Hundreds would havo paid more to gee m. Slavin to-day said that he consid ered that Ins boxing tour would keep him in trim. Ho expects to meet Jackson, but he would rather meet him here than anywhere else. He did not like the idea of Eotng.au the way to Atutralia to-fight Slavin laughed heartily at Sullivan's refusal to fight any more. Ho said John had great regard for his family connections and thought the stage more respectable and a safer place than tho ring. John L. and John Barleycorn, he thought, were a little too intimate, but then everybody has a right to ohoose his own chums. CROPEAN RETALIATION. The Opinion ff a Member or the French Chamber ot Depnties. Special toTnB Astobian. Paris, Oct 26. M. DeLoncke. a member of the budget committee of tne chamber of depnties, said today in an interview on a report in circula tion that Germany, Austria and Italy were forming a tariff union against the United States, that France eould only join such n combination in the event ot Great Britain also entering and as this is highly improbable, the scheme would be futile for without England's assent, any tariff union against America would necessarily bo come, according to an oxpression of Prince Bismarck, when sounded a year ago on Buch an eventuality, blockaded. A PREMIUM TO SUBSCRIBERS. A Liberal Offer to Old and New Sub scriber, Either Daily or Weekly. Attention is directed to tho extraor dinary premium offer for The As tobian which is advertised on tho fourth page. A complete set of Dickens' works is offered with tho Weekly Astobian for $2.75. A com plete unabridged set ot Dickens in twelve volumes for 75 cents additional is an extraordinary offer when one considers tho extraordinary amount of reading matter offered. This offer ia extended to old subscribers who re new their subscriptions, as well as new ones. The Mammoth Encyclopedia is another premium which is offered on the same terms as above. For a de scription of thia rare offer see adver tisement on the fourth page. To old subscribers who send 82 for a now subscriber to the weekly, will. bo sent twenty-nve novels to bo selected from a largo list to bo published very short ly. Or, if tho old subscriber sends 82.75 ho will receive the novels and the new subscriber will get either of the premiums above offered which he may solect To those who pay for a year's subscription to The Daily Morning Astorian for ono year in ad vance 87 either of the abovo premi ums will be given postage free. Those who prefer, instead of the above pre miums, can havo a copy of Washing ton living's "Astoria," a beautifully printed book ot 698 pages. This book needs no other recommendation than the fact that Washington Irving is the author. This is ah unusually good opportunity to get a good newspaper and a good library for very little money. It is worth looking after. Bead the advertisement on tho fourth page. ' Important Notice Now is the time to test the best Ca tarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and Ilheu- niatic cure in tne uity ot Astoria. Fifty packages of LeKoy's West India Catarrh Cure, the regular price of which is 5.00, can be had from J. W. Conn, the druggist, at 31.00 per package, thereby saving $4.00. This is a preparation warranted to cure. Call and get a package, as they go fast. Kemember the place Conn's, oppo site the Occident Hotel. S. Brown & Co., Proprietors. Los Angeles, Cat P. O. Box 892. Blumanr-Frank Drug Co., Portland. ANOTHSRlBADf ROBBERY A Heary Hani Male ly Two an- toy fflOiramen. PULLMAN PASSENGEES SUPPER. Twenty-Pive Thousand Dollars - in Money Seonied One df the Bobbers Captured. Special by the Unithd Fbbs3. AtoBUquerque, N. M., Oct 26.. Early on Friday morning a Santa Fo passenger train was held up and robbed near San Antonio, south of this city. Two cowboys entered the Pullman sleeper and after compelling the con ductor and porter to fasten the doors, began robbing the passengers. After they had gone through three coaches, securing about 825,000 and several watches, the train started to pull out when the robbers jumped off. One ot the men wa3 captured in Socorro last evening and is now in jaiL The company has offered 8500 reward for the capture of tho others. A COAL. ITIINE FIRED. AYorlc of miscreants in the Wy oming Coal Fields. Special to TheAstokian.I Cheyenne, Wyo , Oct. 26. A mine has been fired and lots ot mules poisoned at Bock Springs, the big coal camp of the Union Pacific The company offers a reward ot 81,000 for the prehension of the incendiaries and is looking for the poisoner. The 3,000 men at tho mines are decidedly restless. They work less than half the time owing to lack of cars and tho shortage on the motive power. The mine the fire occurred in last evening and threatened to destroy, is of one of the finest properties in tho group. A botuschjld as a photographer. Baron Albert Kothschild of Vienna is an enthusiastic photographer. A short tnne ago ho was in the Tyrol and had found a good point of view, halt way nponeof the hills rising above the valley ot Cortina di Ampez zo. Accordingly he set to work to arrange his apparatus ensconced iu tho black velvet covering. When ho emerged a fat couple stood before him whose dialect showed them to be well-to-do Berliners. The husband prom ised he would pay the photographer handsomely if lie consented to take their portraits with the background of Monte Cristallo or the Antelao for the uncles and aunts at home. Baron Bothsdvld. highly amused at the self sufficient tone of his would-be pa tron, said his apparatus was for land scapes only; but this was pooh-poohed, by the Berb'ner, who knew better, and gave his name, adding that he was a banker who could afford to pay for caprices. Baron Bothschild, repress ing his laughter when the fat lady arranged her dress and put on her sweet smile, took the portraits. They prooved a success, and the Berlin banker gave strict injunctions that he must have at least four copies by noon the next day, as he had fixed his departure for that hour. The fol lowing day one of Baron Bothschild s servants took the photographs to the Aqufla Nera hotel, where the baron's autograph on the beautiful portraits standing in bold relief against Monto Cristallo created a sensation. 1 If children could have the revamp ing of the English language it would bo a great deal more analogical and consistent than it is. A little girl in a New Haven primary school was told by the music teacher what was meant by tho term "the space be low." Then pointing to the spaco above the staff the teacher asked what that was called, and the pupil replied: "Tho spaco behigh." Springfield Union. ADVICE TO MOTUEBS. MRS. Winslow's Boothtno Syrtjp should always be used for children teething.' It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rlicea.Twenty-five cents a bottlo. Nine-tenths of the raisins sold in this country are grown in California, but all the best goods are sent to New York and boxed and marked as if they came from Spain, to meet the whims of buyers. Boston Journal. Champion Hnrdler. A. A. Jordan, champion hurdler of America, and holder of tho American record for running 120 yards over 3 feet 6 inch hurdles, says: "I have for a great many years used Allcock's Porous Plasters, partic ularly during the training season. I find that if I am affected in back or loins with any kind of a pain or strain, that Alixock's Porous Plasters In stantly afford relief. For pains in the body, the result of a severe cold, nothing can beat Allcock's Piasters. I would certainly recommend theplasters to any athlete who is suffering with soreness or stiffness while in training." The wages of iron and steel workera in the Midland district of England have been reduced 5 per cent There are but sixty furnaces now in blast in Scotland, as against eighty-four at this time last year. 5 JACOBS OU CURES PERMANENTLY RHEUMATISM. Suffered for Nearly SO Yesxs. 187 N. Chester St, Baltimore, Md. For nearly SO years I suffered with, rheum tisra In arm and nhnnMor- vm,7t nn urv- arm. Leas than two hot tip nf st ToAnh. nik cured me. W. H-BEESOW Of Afnay Tears' 8tandinr. Gadsden, Crockett Co., Term. Kr CASQ tt&s rhenmatfrm nf m.m..-i standing, contracted during tho war: tried most everything without relief. St. Jacob! Oil finally cuied me. FEED. EOGQE. At Druggists and Dealxks. THE CHARLES A V0QELER CO.. iMtatri.K JB.. - .- L