The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 25, 1890, Image 3

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tojto8 gtfhfffon.
Publisher ami Proprietor.
Astoriax Building, - Cass STiinnr
Trai of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per eek 13 eta
Sent by Mall, per month Gocts
et by Mali, one j ear -. . $7.C0
Free ol postage to subscribers,
Thk Astouiak Kuaraute-s to its adtcr
:lsers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia rier.
(Additional Local News on 1st Page.)
Olif Anstensen, a native of Nor
way, took out first citizenship papers
3 esterdav.
The Rev. Wm. S. Short will hold
service at the Skipanon school he use,
Monday evening, the 27th, at half
past seven.
A son was born to the wife of W. S.
Kinney, manager of tho Clatsop mill,
jesterday. Mother and child are
both doing well.
City Attorney Curtis and E. Z.
Ferguson completed tho work of
measuring aud numbering the houses
in Upper town yesterday.
The Clatsop Mill box factory is now
running on full time, and is turning
out 8,000 and 1000 bores a day for the
canned fruit trade in California.
A stiff northeast wind set in last
night, blirring ap quite a sea in the
rier aud makiirgit necessary for ves
sels at tbo wharves to run out extra
Dr. Prentice telegraphs that he can
not bo in Astoria on October 28th, as
previously announced, and has been
compelled to indefinitely postpone the
date ot his visit
Persons indebted to the estate of
the late Jjouis Wilson or to the firm
of Wilson & Fisher are requested to
mako immediate settlement at the of
fice of J. Q. A. Bowlby.
Wm. Scott and Frank Hubbard, who
engaged in a fisticuff on First street
early yesterday morning, were fined
S10 each by Police Judge Jewett yes
terday on charges of battery.
Jimmy Morrison, a young boy, was
caught masquerading on Third street
last evening by an officer. He was
given a severe lecturo and allowed to
go homo and change his clothing.
Capt. Tatton, of the steamer It P.
Elmore, has satisfied the customs of
ficers at this point that all the Chinese
landed from hk ressel on Thursday
last came from Alaska and in conse
quence no proceedings will be had.
Thomas LinTille, Capt. Witerity
Rnd a number of other friends of Col.
E. O. Hughes, who is in Idaho, en
joyed a rare game -feast last evening,
Colonel Hughes sending down a lot of
sage hens, prairio chickens, etc, from
The famous musician Liberati,
who with his immense band, closes to
night at tho great exposition, will be
hero on the 7th or 8th of November,
tho exact date not yet being decided
upon, and make the opera house ring
with his music
Fitrgerald Sc Co., have opened 'a
market on Olney street near the Tele
phone dock, where they will keen
offgs, poultry, canned meats, fish audi
game in season. They have the best
facilities for supplying their customers
from fresh stock.
The horse attached to the Parker
bouse omnibus ran away yesterday
morning from the front of the hotel J
and shook the vehicle up badly. In
turning the corner of First and Main
streets a telegraph pole was encoun
tered and the horse stopped.
dismissed in the justice's court last
evening, the prosecuting witness fail'
mg to appear. It is understood that
Brakke refunded the money he was
accused of appropriating.
Sturgeon fishing is very lively1 -on-tho
Columbia, especially near SkarJ
moKawa, wnere large numbersof-tliese'
huge fish are brought -in, weighing:
irom iw to uou pounds each. ' on
every trip up, tho Telenhojie Hakes
from 50 to 200 sturgeon up to Wateiv4
lord, wnere they are cut ancu packed
and thence shipped to the East
Manager Sharpstein of the electric
motor line, received, word yesterflK!
that a missing profile map,' ot great'
importance to the company iad:b6eri
found in Portland. The1 absfeneffof
Uie map, was the cause ot' some delay
iu me oegmning ot -woek, dux its ra-t
covery, tne manager .says, will make73
construction all plain sailing now swd
wiunn tno next tew aays Mr. ikmurtz,
the agent of the Edison Electric Con
struction Co., which has the contract
to put in tho road will have a large
crew of mea at work. In the" mean
time the graders who have - been at
work on the hill will be kept at it
Attention, Sir Knight.
A meeting of tho Astoria Division,
No. 1, TJ. R. K. ot P is hereby called
to meet at Pythian hall Monday, Oc
tober 27, -at 730 . u. Business of
importance to bo transacted. By or
der of. C. J. Tbesohabd,
Lieutenant Commanding.
A girl for housework and cooking.
Address, J. C. S., Astohian Office.
A Young girl to care for two-year-old
eitiM during several hours each day.
Address, X Y. Z., caie AsToniAX.
Girl Wanted
A uood girl "wanted for housework.
Good waccs paid for right party. Ap
ply at this office.
Best Barbers In Town
At Joe Glardina's. Shaving 35c.
At Holmes, GK) Third street
For Choice Roll or Tub Butter, call
oi Thompson' & Ross.
ColHbia River charts. No. l, on sale
at Griftn & Reed's, 25 cents.
Go to the Columbia bakery -'for all
kinds of cakes.
Go to Olsen's for Cuban Blossoms, 10c
Firat-clase shaving, Xc, Ferd Ferrell's.
h.x -m rr-
The case of A. T. Brakke arrested: than-whaEhejoontemplale'cL Dnring
for embezzlement, particulars ot wbioh-: the paste.w.'dayi "UlS'fishermea have
have anneared m The AsTOHiAK.rWA9 Uroueht in from 4.000 to B.OOf) normAn
A High CMnesfrMian Weiaing
CeleMt ill CUnatown.
There was a high old time in a Chi
nese tenement house on Second street
between Benton and Lafayette streets
last evening, the occasion being the
celebration of a marriage between a
Chinese and an Alaska Indian woman.
Following the ceremony, which was
performed by Rev. Dr. Garner, of this
city, the Pagan and his squaw Jbride
together witk a host of Chinese
friends gathered around a banquet
table laden with sharks fins, birds
nests soup and other delicacies dear
to the Pagan heart. A cheap brand
ofwine'was also liberally dispensed.
Several Chineeo women graced the
scene and. sang solos to the accom
paniment of Chinese fiddles and torn
toms. The bride was the center ot at
traction and as the groom looked upon
her portly body and gazed at her
brown and greasy face he appeared
supremely happy. The uniting of
Man Wai and Miss Annie Johnson in
in accordance with the cus
toms of tho church was
simply to legally; seal a
union that has existed -between
tho couple for many months past
Mou is by occupation a coolrand all
last season was employed afc Ft
Wrangle. It was while in that far
northern place that he met his present
wife She was in the .habit of comiug
around tho back door of the kitchen
and in true Indian fashion asking for
a cold potatoo and scraps of "Victuals.
Anna never went hungry. She lived
on the best the kitchen afforded and
"also won tho affections of Mou. They
came to an agreement in short order
and went to living together as man
ana wiic
With the close of tho season iu
Alaska a few weeks ago, Mou and liis
dusky companion took passage on the
steamship Mexico for this cily and
arrived here last week, taking up
their abode in the Chinese quarter.
An ugly story preceeded the arrival of
the couple, being telegraphed from
Port Townsend. It was to tho effect
that Mou had bartered his compan
ion on the trip down and reaped a
golden harvest. This story is denied
by Mou and his friends.
Itonjrh Weather
Will Prevnil
Off This
SignerOfficer Grover will hoist the
yellow -flag 'again ithis morning to
warn mariners tot 'another -.tempest at
sea off the Oregon coast Laat evening
the signal officer received the follow
ing weather bulletin from the head of
fice in San .Francisce:
"San FBANciscOi Oct 24, 1890.
"7 p. ar. Storm control at sea off
ihe Oregon coast moving east, north
east, 'Westerly; shifting to southerly
winds, and fjgain to westerly; station
ary; followed by -higher temperature i
rain, ,witli thick, weather and dancrer-
pus gales along the north Pacific coast
for forty-eight hours from Saturday
Tbo Silver, Salmon Exhausted and the
Scowitz Pat In an Appearance.
Mr. Jlyers1 fishermen will not leave
fdrtHood'g' Canal before November 1.
The cause for this "is on ticcoont of an
otheciruLot .salmon -putting in their
appearsnaer fThe silver salmon are
abe&t exhiusfodj'sndllie scowitz have
t8kafeHfceir:plaee., Hib Myers is now
under the impression that he can fill
oll-ibe ,cans he has at present and a
large" nnmber mo'rexwhieh.ihe Is now
thinking of. ordering, .anctf the new
run-commenced? ' From the present
outlook of. the situation Jie will un
doubtedly pack- -considerable
daOyimdMc. Myers -Was compelled
to -place several- men atrwork.
on speskimtot'lhe salmon. Mr.
Meyer, stated that they" are the largest
that, fiavebeen seen lor xaueht since
89&r mid- it reeems ias- -though this
Bpecies.ot salmon only put m.their ap
pearance every len years. In the year
1870 his men succeeded in canturini?
some of- the largest almon that Jiave
vehlbeenin the 'marker'. ; HoTvaa un-
puie to aocouncroF-tnw peculiarity.
'XhetTHi&this seWmJiaYo 'all been
spasmodic. "bmVtKe "nresent 'mm. which
so far has proved successful, will un
dbnbtadlycontinue' uritil the Tend of
zua season, &6aiu&,Jbitnest Si.
Passengers to Portland.
i The:folIdKiagis.th8 Jist of passen-
jgere-naving -rooms 'wno went- up tne
river, last night on the steamer Ji. JR.
'ThVmpsom'1- x j
1 WtYl dinar .Ci, .Wt "Rrtvio-vtr "I? A
Bxxrt, B. C. Irwin, A. J. Johnson, B. L.
Hustler.J.JH. Murray, Dr. Smith, A.
G.fiardestyi'-L. A. JJoomis, C. R.
3Qm,JaW Logan,' Miss Trask,
Miss-Sibson,Mrs. Mclleay, J. H. D.
Gray, H. Binder, Mrs. Jewett, Frank
Patton, B. A. Seaborg, D. H. Welch
and wife, W. Baleigh, J. Connelly, G.
H. BainF. E. Blewett, Prof. Pratt, H.
Swade, H. T. Donahue, G. W. Miller,
Mr. Brockall, J. P. Hovey; Bev. Dr.
Thompson, Mr EgberqMr. Pry.-B. &
Frank Slocum, E. A. Taylor, Mr. Wal
lace and wife.
Weinkxrd's Beer
A fifteen ball Peel Table aud all the
leading newspapers on file at the Sun
nyside Saloon.
Finest Barber Skup
In town at Joe Glardina's. Shaving
15c, 15c, 15c. 4
Up Witk tke Times,
.Railroad Is coming. Shaving 15c at
Joe Giardina's
Skaying, fekaving,
15c, 15c, 15c,15c, at Glardina's.
Tke Finest Pkeles
Are now taken by H. S. Shuster.
new samples.
Wcinkard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Candy and If His
At Holmes, GiOiilrd. street
Pleasant Farnlsned Ream
To rent Enquire of Mrs. C. Y. Stone,
corner Cedar and West 8th streets.
Teleaaae:-Ijajrlnc Mease.
Best Bedsfi? twif. Booms per night
w ana x ct&, per wcck sum. new ana
clean. Private-entrance.
Fnmlske Imhs
For rent, on Main street No. -307.
An Invitation That KeacLed Tills Cily
Too Late.
By reason of a delayed letter, or,
rather, the irregular mail service be
tween this city and Portland, Astoria
Division of the Knights of Pythias,
Uniform Bank, was unable to have a
representative at tho ceremonies at
tendant on tho institution of Ivanhoe
Division, No. 8, Uniform Bank, which
occurred last evening. A letter of in
vitation, dated Ofitnhpr 9.1 ronfVho1
here only yesterday morning, and
ixicu in ua mo aaie to sena a repre
sentative. Telegraphic regrets, how
ever, were sent by CaptainTrenchard
as follews:
"Invitation received too late. As
toria division wishes success to Ivan
hoe division."
The formal letter of invitnfinn f mm
Ivanhoe division is as follews:
POBTULND, Oct. 21, 1690.
Captain Curtis Trenchard.
Astoria, Or.
Knightly Sir and Bro.: I am instructed
by the committee of arrangements to ex
tend a cordial invitation to Astoria Di
vision, Ho. J. u. KM to be present at the
institution of Ivanhoe Division, No. 8,
and tbo banquet on Friday evening, tbe
24th insfc., at 8 v. m. Institution at tbe
Arion hall; banquet at tbe Elks' hall.
Hoping to see a representative from As
toria, Yours in F. C. and B.,
John Bovht.
The steamship Columbia is sched
uled to sail for San Francisco this
The schooner Letitia is loading
lumber at the Clatsop mill for San
The steamer Qen. Miles arnved
yesterday from Sboal water bay and
left up the river after a short stop.
The schooner John F.Miller will
sail from San Francisco for this port
in a few days to lead Jumber at the
Clatsop mills for that city.
The ship City of Philadelphia
concluded lightering between 800 and
900 tons of freight yesterday and will
go up the river as soon as she can get
a low.
The British ship Cily of Carlisle
arrived off the bar last evening and a
pilot was put aboard. She will come
up tho rivor to-day. The Carlisle is
from Australia, and, it is thought, has
a cargo of coal.
The German four-masted bark
Renee Kichmers entered at tho cus
tom house yesterday. She will finish
taking in cargo hero and now has on
board 16,004 sacks of wheat, valued at
29,000; and 2G.286K sacks of flour,
valued at $19,943.
The British ship Mistley Flail, D.
Evans master, arrived in late last even
ing, 110 das from Bio de Janeiro.
She is a vessel of 1772 tons register
and is in ballast to load wheat for the
United Kingdom. Tho voyage around
tho horn was a very tempestuous and
lengthy one, tho vessel meeting with
baffling winds and a series of gales,
but met with no mishaps.
An To tho Sheriff Boarding Prisoners.
It has been stated bv tha finlpm
Statesman that tho law in this state
governing sheriffs in their charges for
boardincr prisoners. nroterlv inter
preted allowed a sheriff 5 a week for
each of four prisoners, and when the
number exceeded four ho should be
allowed S3 each for each additional
prisoner above four. According to
that ho would receivo S20 for four
prisoners, 823 for five, 2G for six.
The section of law governing tho case
reads as (oilews:
Section 2341. A sheriff shall bo en
titled to receive $5 a week for keeping
and boarding any person arrested upon
a civil or criminal Tirocflas. in thn nnmitv
jail, and a proportionate part thereof for
any fraction of a week, provided that, if
ut any iimo ine numoer oi persons con
fined on criminal process in such jail
shall exceed four, then the sheriff shall
receive $3 per week for boarding and
keeping each one of said prisoners dnring
the period such prisoners shall remain in
The ordinary interpretation of Eng
lish language would seem to make it
plain that the sheriff is allowed S3 for
eachprisonerwhen the number does not
exceed four, but when it exceeds four
ho will only get S3 each for the num
ber he has in custody. So, for four
prisoners ho would bo allowed $20 per
week, while for five he would only be
S15 per week. Sheriff Smidt sas that
the latter mode of interpretation of
the law is the one that is applied to
the estimation of his bills, whether it
it be reasonable or otherwise.
The record of cures accomplished by
Hood's Sarsapanlla can never be com
pletely written. The peculiar curative
powers of Hood's Sarsaprilla are suc
cessful when everything else has failed.
If j our blood is impure, ) our digestion
out of ordor. try Hood's Sarsanarilla.
Attention Smokers.
La Perla Cubana all imported.
Flor de Madrid.
La Palladina.
La Ermlna.
LaFamana in Key West Brands.
The Belmont
Beading Boom in rear of Cigar Store.
Chables Oien's
Runs high at .1. V. Conn's drug store
over System Builder, as evervbody is
nsinir it for Oatnrrli nf thn slnmaoli
Dyspepsia, Constipation and Impure
Blood, and to build up the system It cer-
i-.iiiiij jHJsacssea wuuuenui merit wiien
all speak so well of it
Fine Tabic Wine
Delivered at CO cents a gallon, to any
gartoftho city. A fine line of pure
allfornla wines at low prices, at A.
W.Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
A Pkysician's Opinion.
Dr. A. M. Spaultjixq, of Grand
Kapids, Mbhn says : 'i prescribe Hib
bard's Bheumatlc Syrup In my prac
tice, and unhesitatingly recommend it
It operates upon tho liver, kidneys and
bowels, destroying the poison in the
blood and tissues. It is a grand tonic
and appetizer, and for a diseased stom-
uun ur u ysiu'psja, iias no enuai. ' r or
uy j. iv - uc
. Conn.
$1,900 BEWiKD,
Wfcat Wenld Astoria Bo Witk
eut Jeff?
$1,000 in U. S. gold coin will
be paid by "Jeff," the World Beuowned
Caterer, to any person who can satis
factorily prove he can get a better meal
or a greater variety of all the Delicacies
of the season to chose from, than he can
at JefPs for the money.
Second street, opposite Te7ep7ione
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, togother with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles ctc can
be bOHght at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodkan & Co.'s.
A Gorgeous Spectacnlar ProflncHon
f onderfQlly Attracfe
On "Wednesday evening last there
opened at the iTarquam Grand in
Portland, one of tho most brilliant
spectacular extravaganzas ever pro
duced in that city, entitled the "Crys
tal Slipper, or Princo Pettiwitz and
Little Cinderella." Every evening
the vast house is crowded to its ut
most capacity, and seats are sold sev
eral days in advance. The play is re
plete with fun, and intensely interest
ing situations. The ballet and chorus
girls are mostly beautiful in face and
form, especially when arrayed in
dazzling costumes, scanty and unique,
and m the ballet many now features
are presented.
Miss Louise Montague as the
"Prince" is perfection personified in
face, form and voice, sharing well the
honors with the charming little Miss
Ida Mull, as "Cinderella," who is the
smallest lady in the entire company,
a child in height, but a perfect wpman
in form, with a beautiful childish face,
and a voice of wonderful power and
sweetness, making her a great favorito
with the audience, admired by tho
men and beloved by the women.
Tho transformation scenes are mar
vels of stage mechanism, especially
the closing one which has many
changes, each opening up more grand
ly beautiful, and producing at last a
veritable vision of enchanted fairy land.
To-morrow night it is given for the
last time, giving place on Monday
evening to the splendid melodrama
"The Stowaway," which will hold the
boards for a week. Edwin Foy as
"Yosemite," the baron's valet, and W.
S. Dabollas "Baron de Boulevard"
sustain the comic side of tho piece
and are exceedingly mirth provoking,
and remarkably original in their ef
forts. Manager Friedlander has more than
delighted his immense audiences with
the "Crystal Slipper," and not only
Portland, but from all tho citiss for a
long distance, many people have come
to witness the brilliant niece. As-
torians in largo numbers have at
tended. Tho costumes worn are cost
ly and elaborate, and tho mounting of
tne piece is superb. Cinderella s
chariot is drawn by four beautiful
littlo ponies, and tho team turns
around on'the stage in regular style.
Many features of great interest are
introduced, which should bo seen to
bo appreciated.
Eye, Hea.d and Nervous Diseases, At
Occident Hotel, Astoria, On "Future
Date, For a Few Days Only.
Dr. Prentice Will Cure the First Cane
Of Cr&a-Eyes and Epileptic Fits -Free
On the Day of JIU
Arrival in Astoria.
A man well known in this community
writes the following interesting letter:
"1 was chopping a stnmp four weeks
ago, when a living chip struck me in
the eye; for a short time 1 was entirely
blind, 'llien partial sight returned
again. I nurtured hope and continrifcd
to treat it at home, until ten das ago,
when 1 began to abandon hope of ever
seeing perfectly again, unless some
thing more than ordinary was done.
1 then connciled two of the leading
Oculists of Portland, who told me one
eje would have to be cut out to save
the other. It did not exactly suit me to
have my 03 e cut out, and so I sought
other council. I went to Dr. Prentice,
the Oculist, then at Portland, and he
laughed at tho idea of its being neces
sary to cut my cj e out; I joinc d m ihf
laugh, for it was on my side. 1
hae been free from pain since the first
day's visit to Dr. Prentice, and im
proved steadily, and am now en'.irelv
well again. I feel bafe in saj ing that it
Dr. Prentice cannot cure a case he will
always say so Tjios. 11. Fos,
Uray'o River, Wash.
A Touching Scene Witnessed By a Portland
One week ago we recehed an invita
tion to witness a delicate surgical oper
ation on an eye. he patient was the
17-j ear-old daughter of Harrison Ilaj
For three years she had been blind 111
both 03 es with a cataract, and was
obliged to grope her way about in total
darkness The patient, without takiug
chloroform, submitted to the following
operatien: bhewasnow readvforthc
surgical part of the work, and we Mood
in breathless anxiety m Dr. Prentice
placed the point or his knife at the
side of the esebal , carefully touched
the point of the cornea, then the blade
entered the 03 c; we saw It pass through
the eye in front of the pupil and then
come out at tho opposite side. It was
then drawn upward, and a cut made of
about one-third of tho circumference of
the ball. Another instrument was then
passed in back of the pupil, and almost
on the instant the girl said: "Oh, Dr.
Prentice 1 can see you." This was
spoken in tones well calculated to bring
tears to one's eyes. From the time
the knife touched the es'e unlil the
patient could see, it was just one min
ute. She was allowed to see those
about her for a moment then the 030
was closed and bandaged.
In just one week after the operation
she came into our office and was able to
read our paper. She also wrote a letter
home, saying; "Dear parents, 1 can
sec and am happj."
Mr. Jerome W. Campbell. General
Superintendent nf the Willamette
Bridge Railway Co , saw this operation.
Another Letter From Jndgo Carlton.
Salt Lake Citt, 1883.
Dkaji Doctek: Before leaving for
the East, I wish to express my appre
ciation of Trour trcntment of my C3CS.
I have tried for several years to get far
seeing glasses, und I had concluded 1
couldget-none that would bo of any
benefit to me. But after I' saw the-wonderful
beHcfit-of your yste'nj, fctnke
pleasure-far saying thatthc? glasses fur
nished by yeu-fcavc restored 'my? vision
both for TeadlBg and foreseeing to the.
same condition as $nmy boyhoods I'rc
solved to bjflyou-IuroldpmQtRkissbs
after I wlttUiKnd Vnm- cfatmflnn irluwm"
tiful young lady 'at sfxteferf yearsaf-1
fltcted witfrit1 compifeated "donditiori of"
tho evesiffht. Shiv'tnttl :?itii uttri? hwii
never bccn-alne -to" dIstinUIsC one's
face at a distanced slx,-feBfc Vith
Dr. Prentictfs-iEiasses she- cowld:soc as
well as -anyone. -As sho looked Tip
win uutvu mo jurvei, unodpr .Xfio nrsc
time in her life saWtlie aistanfrdoujitd
innnirpri wlfli nliititrsli Mtrmitnir-rrJ: utw
other people-see this- wf y F It-secmctVi
wi.vuu. iicTT'Turiu ng openeir 10 ner
view, as nnviI ami lwntit!fi nc fwn
rosy bowersrapp6ared h? our first pari
ents, Yourertruljy n A
V UlniK A. JJ. UAEI.TON, j
Chairman Utah pomodjssion. c
XerroBs phasM XMt "Are. 3,etpanemtljr
f?ril Rtllr IVftnftrn- I
Epileptic "fits, tParalysbr-DrunkBiH
disease,'Asthtea, Sick JieMlftche, SrUnar
iuiuiuuu, aim uurvuus ueouiiy in men
and women. A pernfanent cure is
made. - - -
Deeds fileil or recorded October 24,
1890, as reported for The MoRxtNa
Astobtjln by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
State of Oregon to A. M.
Draper, lot I, sec. 2S, T. 8
N.,K10W.,lot2, sec. 2,
T.7KE. 10 W.,lot l.sec.
2,T.6.N.,B.10W., lot 4,
Eec.l9,T. 6 N..B. 10W S 4S
M. M. Dee to L. Mackordes,
lot 5, blk 21, Chelsea .... 200
D. H. Welch et al. to J. P.
Wager, lot 19, blk50,As-
tor add- 30
S. D. Adair and wife to A. E.
Allen, lots 18 to 24, blk 12,
Merriwether Downs. 570
H. A. Smidt, sheriff, to H.
W. Stnckler, the NEof
NE if, and lots 1,2, 3, 4,
secl9,T5N,E10 W.... 500
M. J. Kinney et al. to Mary
ATulvany, lots 14 to 18, blk
31, New Astoria 750
Frank. Patton, trustee, toH.
E. and A. L. Currey, lots
11 and 12, blk Seal Bock
beach 150
Same to same, lots 17 and 18,
blk 2, Seal Bock beach... 100
Deeds filed, 8; total amount . 8 248
Previously jeported this year 1,748,092
Total to date $1,750,440
Passengers From California.
The steamship Queen, Capt H.
S. Ackley, is due from San Francisco
this morning, with the following pas
sengers: Mrs. O. W. Farr, Bev. Gray Porter,
E. G. Meuffer, J. S. Damer, J. P. Met
calf, C. W. E. Ford, F. J. A. Mackean,
Mrs. J. M. Jack, B. E. James, Mrs.
Begner, Mrs. P. N. Forney, Mrs. C. P.
Taylor, Mrs. K. Goodrich, M. Good
kind, G. A. Both, E. B. Breakey, Mrs.
Wilbar, J. E. Byrnes, H. A. Harding.
L. L. Trumbley, S. M. Woods and
William Christiansou.
in Astonishing Offor Some of tha
Re plies.
The San Francisco papers ot recent date
contained tbe following effer:
"As an cUdcnoc of the ability ot Joy's
Vegciablo fcaraparilla (o prevent sick head
aches, wo will ghc to tho first tweho ro
Bponsiblcpersous ho will apply atourofll co
a bottle free if thejtwill agree that after
they have been cured thut they will admit
tho fact o er their signatures."
ThU offer bo startlingly asserted the- effi
ciency of tho remedy that many accepted,
and the letters of the parties, nearly all of
whom responded, are probably the most
convincing attestations that any remedy
ever rccch ed. 1 ho following Is a sainplo of
thoso receit cd :
I havo been subject to bilious headaches
and constipation lor several years past; in ha e been compelled to take a physic
ccr other night or clso I would havo s
headache and dull, mean feeling. I hava
taken that bottle of Joy's Vegetable Sarsa
parllla, nnd havo derived great benefit from
it, and intend continuing it. After my own
experience I can heartily adviso thoso troa
bled with biliousness and constipation to try
125 Locust Avenue, San Francisco.
Thesurvo3s for tho proposed ship
canal in Pennsjdvania, connecting
with Lake Erie, have been completed.
Covered with Scales. Awful Spectacle.
Cnred in Fic Wres. hj the
Cnticnrn Remedies.
I am going to tell you of the extraordinary
euro your Cuticurv Kkhjdjes performed on
mo 'About tho 1st of April last I noticed
somo red pimples liko coming out nil over
my body, but thought nothing of it until
Foaio timo later on, when it began to look
uko spots of mortar spotted
on, and which camo off in
layers accompanied with
itching. L would scratch
every pigbt until I wasTaw,
then tbo next night tho
scales, being formed mean
while wcro scratched off
again. In vein did I consult
all tho doctors in tho county,
but without nid. After giv
ing up all hopes of rccovory.
I hanncnod to seo nn ndver-
tfcement in tho newspaper
'about vour Cuticitra llr-uv-
dics, and purchased thorn from my druggist,
and dotained aImot immediato relief. I bo
gan tb notico that tho scaly eruptions gradu
ally droppod off and disappeared onojby ono,
until I had been.fully cured. I had tho dis
caso thirteen months beforo I began taking
tho Rkmediks, and in four or Gvo weeks was
entirely cured. My diseaso was eczema and
psoriasis. I know of a great many who havo
taken tho Ukukdies, and tbaak mo for tho
kuowlcdgo of them, espcciallyinothers who
havo babes with scaly eruptions on their
hcadi and. bodies. I cannot oxpres3 my
thanks to you. My body was covered with
calo3, and I was an awful spootaole to up
hold. Now my skin is as clear as a baby's.
GEO. COTEY, Merrill. Wi3.
Cuticura Resolvent
Tho new Blood and Skin purifier and greatest
of Ilttmor Remedies, internally (to cloanso
tho blood 6f all impurities and thus removo
tho causo). and Cuticura, tho great Skin
Curo.' and Cuticura Soap, an exquisito skin
licautifier, externally (to cloar tho skin and
scalp and rcstoro tho hair), euro every species
of agonizing, itching, burning, scaly, and
pimply diseases of tho skin, scalp and blood.
Fold everywhere Prico, CtTicunA, 50c;
Soai. 25c: ltESOiVENT, 1. Prepared by
tho rjOTTKB Iirug and Cheuicax. Uoupou
atiojt. Boston.
TSendfor"IIowto Curo Skin Diseases."
61 pages, CO illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
DIMPLES, black-heads, red. rouch.
1 chapped, and oily skin curod by Cuti
cura Soap.
Chest Pain. Pnrrnp IVahV.
ncss. Hacking. Cough. Asthma.
Pleurisy, and Inflammation re
lieved in Atlo min-ra!, Vn
UCtiurn. Antl.Pnin ninit.
Nothisg likoit for Weak Lungs.
Salmon fisheries
We arc prepared to Supply our Patrons
and others with the best Fish Nettimr. In
Traps or Seines, our Long Experience War
rants, lor itui. we inviic cany oruers.
Beaten Off Icc.04 Cemuicrclal St.
AtSNight Lights, per Month; each $2 00
12 o'clock - 150
10 " " " " ... 1 25
JWest Skerc Mills Company.
The Largest Stock, Best Quality and
Lowest Prices at the Sign of
The Golden Shoe.
v Jv " -arr
the Tfc
bTbbYJP " pip-
Advance Styles of Fall Dress Goods
Leading Dry
Saturday, September 27th,
We will open our
Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets,
Our House has a standard reputation
which never fails to attract general atten
tion during our Cloak Sales.
mcallen & McDonnell,
131 & lG33rd St., Portland, Or.
Leading Dry Goods Store for first class
goods at Eastern prices.
AgentsforMcCalls Bazaar Gloyo Fitting
Scow Bay Fonnfliy
O L'S T X S9T O- S
Of all Descriptions
Contractors $A Bnilters.
Estimates Given on Brick, Stone, or
Wood Work.
Concrete anf Cement Werk:
a Specialty
OFFICE, - 118 Genevieve St.
A Largo and Well Selected Stocfr o Fine
All Goods Bought at Tkla EsUMUliaieat
Warranted Genuine.
Watck aad Clock Repairing
Corner Cass- and Squemoqna Streets
Insurance Agent.
California Marine IniCo., S. F.
Columbia Fira and Marine IntrCo.,
Home Mutual Insmance Ct.,S. F.
Phcenix of London.
Imperial of London.
John C. Dement.
Successor to W.r E.Dewtntlt Ci.
- Carries Complete Stocks t)f
Drugs and Druggists' Sundrlss.
V TTrtli-L-f
rrcscrlpUsHS Caretally Coipas44.
Agent tot
Mexican Baly and
- Norwegian Pll Car
' )il'' v t'jt-SjSMje
Goods and Clotlgr Hcmtf 4
pp a. m a? o
For Desirable Acreage
Call on or Address
SBCOND ST., NearPostofflce.
Office 487 Third St., - -
Lots m Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale
ilstoria Real Estate Co.
'! PRICES FROM $150 TO $250 EACH.
TERMS 'One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Erankfort Real Estate Co.
i nvrTrnva j Cor. Commercial and Pearl St3.t Frankfort, Wash.
EUTd's Brick Block, 435 2d St., Astoria.
: Investments Made for Non-Residents, a Specialty.
i E
i n n-- am J Correspondence soli
P.O. box ess cheerfully furnished.
..ISTorth Pacific Brewery,
J ' JOHN XOPP, - - Proprietor.
ci. t
(Opp, Telephone Landing.) .
Is tie Boii Toi Bestanrait:oriSTbinr
Dinner Parties, BimiuttffiiSjcjitly '
She JMnest Wlw and JZqpiriZr ' c
Private Entranc ndURonSr.
N. B. No connection with- fels,36Spi9ce'6&.1
aiain otrect.
- i t.
V 'K .1'iV
'''. JPW- -rt. ,
Lelnenweber it Goodendugrr,1
P. O. Box 63i
Next to W. U. Telegraph Office
Correspondence solicited. Maps, Circulars and all Information
. - c
-.j. Hi
Cailery at 4 Third St.