." OK VOL. XXXV, NO. 112. ASTORTA, ORBGOJV, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, IS90. PRICE FIVE CENTS T" - --r i& 6 I IB Jl fluB IB I kmBSi'AjhW& H nl m ill 1 i 111 I 1 Kgnest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE BUSINESS CARDS. TV- l. RAYHOXI), CIVIL ENGINEER. County Surveyor of Clatsop County. Ottee : Itoom 2"o. 7. Kinney's IJriclc, Asto ria, Oregon. pK. II. AV. STBICKLKK, PHYSICIAN. St'I'CEON AND DKUGGIST In 5ftHle cases, charges only for medi- tiHP, Near PnstflRIec. Clicnamus Street. Astoria, OreeoH. T F. 11.111 1 TOY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Astoria, - Oregon. Office, three floors cast Court House, Third street. "I J. CURTIS. Attorner-at-Law: ""oUrr Public Commlssionpr of Deeds for Washington mtory. Office in Havel's new brick Itui'dinf-. Cor. Second and Cass streets. J OJI.V II. N 31 ITU. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office oh Cass street, 2 doors back of Odd bellows Ituilding, Astoria, Oregon. i q. A. BOWLBY, ittornc and Counsellor at Law s r n Ciienamus Street, Astoria, Oregon A R- KANACA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gce over White Ilouse Cor., Astoria, Or. r II. 31 VXSKLL, KE.1I. ESTATE BROKER AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Establhhed 1SS3. Third Street, next to V, U. Telegraph Of ftce, Astoria, Or. W W. PARKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Conveyancer and Notary Public 112 Benton Street, opposite- the rostofllce. Between Chcnainus &Squemoque Sts., Astoria. Oregon. A. CLEVELAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 030 Havel's new brick building, comer -ecead and Cass streets ; up stairs. D KS. A. U AXU J. A, FULTON. Cass streer. between 3rd and 4th. Special retention to Diseases of Women ihI Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Stecial attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. u ton. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. M and 1 to 4 JAY TUTTLE. M. D. byskaan, Sur-reon and Accoucheur. OStce, Room C, 1'ylhlan Building. Ofice hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, G3D Cedar Street. R. niliLKR. X. I. Graduate of Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pital Cortege, and Post-Graduate of New York City Polyclinic School of Medicine ind St-rj-t-rv. Hrst ai:l Main vtreets, Portland. DIkca-xci of Wemen a Specialty. D !CO. B. KSTKH. I'll YS1C1AX AND SURGEON. Siecial attention to Diseases of Women ad Surgery. ofkiek: Opposite Telegraph Office, up Stairs, Astoria, Oregon. TVR. I A. RI5KH, DENTIST. Rooms 7 and S, Havel's new Brick Build er. W. T. JJUnXEV. U T. HAItlX J.W. DIU.PK1U Bnrncy, Burin & Draper, AttamcyH at-Iiaw. 'Oregon City, Oregon. Twrfve years experience as Register of Jie U. S. Laud Office here, recommends us u our specialty of Mimncand all other bus bcss before the Land Ofllce or the Courts. ind involving the practice in the General Land Office. Tiieta, Lssler & Anta, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Office, Room 9, Fi.ayei.-s Bld'g SECOND STREET P. O. Box 813. ASTORIA, OR. FARM AND DAIRY RANCH TO LET Twenty to Thirty Ckelcc Cows AXD 30 to 50 Acres of Fino Meadow Farming Land A Farm of 1 08 seres, 4 to 5 acres of on hard in cVsice fruits, complete farm building's. Bear Astoria. Convenient to sell milk in lkcity. All famine tools and dairy uppli Mtces. One spaa fine Farm Horses sni WacoB. Apply to this office, or to A. H. Sate, on tle premises, at Woodland Farm Twee's Kiver, Or. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Powder C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Iilain St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODBERKY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices, FIRE INSURANCE Effected in Firbt Class Companies, Kepresentlng $13,000,000 PHffiXIX, HOMK, .Hartford, Conu .. .New York, Agency Pacific Express and Wells. Fargo & Co. o T H E o- AUSTIN-:-HOUSE J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Op All the Year 'Ronnfl. THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of the Nccanicum. within five minutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Itcsort on the Northwest Pacific Coast. Every attention Is paid to the comfort and nccommodation of the guests, and the table Is supplied with the very best in season. Here ai e plenty of Clams and Crabs, there is game in the woods and plenty of the finest fish in the streams. E. F. NOONAN & CO. (Successors to) 3". :E EEynes, DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPIIOXE NO. 7. - P. 0. BOX 300 W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Ordpr. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN. Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. BInacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Lard OIL Wi ought Iron Splke, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints, Oils, Grrooories, 3E2to. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron ripe and JFittlngs, Stoves, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Shcet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron. Tin and Copper. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PEOPEIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. School Taxes. TWOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JL1 the taxes for School Districts No. l , for the year 1890, are due and paj'ablo at the office of the clerk on Main street wharf. TheTax Bell will remain in my hands for sixty days from date after which time those not paid will become delinquent. By order of the Board or Directors. J. W. CONN. Chairman. J.G.HUSrLEB. Clerk. Astoria, Sept. 4th. 1890. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. A heavy Rale is reported off the Nova I bcotia coast. The Rovernor of Ohio and tho legisla ture are at outs. F. K. Petsrsou shot and kSlleJ hU wife ul Memphis. John t . Waddinton, an old printer died at Jlirysville. Dempsey and Fitzsimmons have signed articles for a fight. A uiuil pouch was stolen befween St. P.ml and Milwaukee. Herman Keith was drowned in a well at Grass Valley, Cala. Governor Hill of New York will stump Ohio for the democracy. During n strom at Nyack, N. Y., hail stones as large as walnuts fell. Two little children at Dubuque, Iowa, overturned n stove, ono is dead. The steamship Umbria in crossiu" the Atlantic was caught in a waterspout- Students at Yale and the police hnd a fight. One officer is seriously injured. A bootblack of Stockton, Cal., was mysteriously wounded while in a bagnio. The steamer Annie Young was burned on Lake Superior and several lives wore lost. Tommy Warren knocks out Ernst Boscher at New Orleans in a round and a hair. Tho New Orleans vendetta against tho officials is still on nnd rnoro threats are heard. A bad smash-up occurred on the Balti more & Ohio railroad; one man was killed. A boiler in a Pittsburg inachino shop exploded killing one man and injuring several. James Brown, a barber was shot by Tony Lynch, during a row in n Portland saloon. Andrew Sullivan, was drowned in tho Sacramento river, by falling over board from a steambont. Ex-Senator Piatt, one of the dry dock commission thinks a favorable sito can be found at Astoria. Returns from tho census office showing Oregon's population have been received; it is 312,310; Astoria, 7,701. A verdict of acquittal tfas rendered in the murder case of John Evans, for kill ing David It. Davis at Butte, Mont. At Chariton, la., E. Oliver killed a Miss Tuttle because sho refused to marry him and then committed suicide. Torch light processions, the beating of tin pans and blowing of fish horns marked the republican victory at Ta ooma. Captain Nicholas F. Skottowo of the British army fell through a bridgo at The Dalles; the captain was seriously in jured. An attempt to blow up the residence of the public prosecutor at Berlin Falls, N. H., was made; members of the family were injured. Additional Telegraph on Fourth Page.) James Finlayson 1 531 Third Street, Invites the gentlemen of Astoni and sur rounding districts to call and see his large selection of NEW SEASON GOODS Suitable For Ulsters, Overcoats, Suits, Trousers Comprising Scotch. Engllbli, French and American Goods xsb-a fiood Fit Guaranteed-K C. E. BAIN, Manufacturer and Dealer in S:tsh, Doors, 3Ioulllu;rs nnd Brackets. All Kinds of Hard Wood and House Finish ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Cor. GeneYieye and Astor "Streets. Astoria, - - Oregox. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. n. W. SHERMAN & CO. Morgan & Sherman GROCERS Aud Doalcrs In Special Attention CIvento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satls- iaciory xerms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street P. o. Box 153. Telephone No, SI. 1STORIA, OREGON A pocket mirror free to smokers of Mercta Tailor Caniry Spies ! ;5gg5J23J JYERY PRETTY HOWDY 'DO Tie Olio Legislature Does Not Recognize tlie Governor. HIS MESSAGE WAS liEFUSED. The Obief Magistrate Fesis the Insult and Will Ignore the Legislature. Special by The UxiTKl) TltFS. Columbus, O., Oct 20. The house of representatives of the Ohio legislature was only in session long enonglr this afternoon to administer a slinging re buke to Governor Campbell. The house was called to order at 4 v. ix., and the reading of the journal imme diately proceeded with. Dnring this reading Claude flecker, the governor's private secretary, en tered and took tho usual position of a bearer of a message in the center aislo, carrying a document in his hand. It was already known by members that tho document which Mr. Meeker carried was a message, and it purjort was generally understood. Speaker Hypell would not recognize Mr. Meeker and at onco upon the con clusion of the reading of the journal Mr. Green, (democrat), moved to ad journ to 1() a. m. to-morrow. Another democrat promptly second ed the motion and the house ad journed with tho governor's messenger still standing on the tloor wailiug for recognition. Governor Campbell fei U the insult very keenly and declares that ho will hold no further communication with the legislature unless they send a com mittee to him. FIFTEEN CAIIS WRECKEE). A Bad SmnsUup ou tlic Balti more mid OHIo Iii:tc. Special to Thk Astomw Wiieelixo, W. Ya., Oct. 20. An east bound freight tram broke in two on tho Baltimore it Ohio railroad near Cogly's crossing east of here early this morning. Brakeman L. E. Moore fell between tho cars and was cut into pieces. The men then lost control of the train and it crashed into a west bound freight, wrecking fif teen cars. CKLEimATIN THE VICTOUY. Republicans at Tacoina Having a CJrnntl Jubilee. Special to The AstouiaxI Tacoma, Oct 20. The street 13 in u perfect uproar to-night. A large torchlight procession u moving and each man is blowing a tin fiah horn or beating oil cans and others are yelling themselves hoarse over the republi can victory of Saturday last TO STl'UIP OHIO. Governor Hill "IV ill make Cam paign Speeches. Special to The Astokiax. Albany, N. Y., Oct 20. Governor Hill left to-day for Ohio to speak on democratic principles. He will visit different places in that state. His first speech will be made at Canton, to-morrow night. Tho governor will go later on to West Virginia. A Good Pack. Special to The Astoiuax I Sax Fbaxcisco, Oct 20. The bark Coryphene arrived this ' morning, eighteen days from Karlnk. A clean up was made at tho cannery beforo the Coryphene sailed and 22,000 cases were brought down. Keep Your Blood Furu. Impure blood, however geneiated, is always present in the body when pain is felt; ft spreads and ferments wher ever a weak spot exist. Take HRA.nnETii's Pills to make the blood pure and expel nil that is hurtful to the svsteni. They are the one great and unfailing remedy. They cleanse the bowels and lestore equal circulation throughout the body, 'ihey preserve the vigor of youth and often save life. B. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper and. Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL : r- PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Cuarantood. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, AlqerbrooK BARGAINS IN FOR A Few. Days Only. BUY NOW! DONT WAIT! i Is Sure To Bs THE- Terminus of a Bail Road. Wingate & Stone, ODD FELLOWS-BUILDING, Astoria, - - Or. AlttertoookProiierty THE DOCTORS KILLED I1IITI. A Montana 31uu Is Acquitted of Murder. Special to The Astokiax i Butte, Mont., Oct 20. Tho case of John Evans for the killing of David B, Davies in this city on July 14th last, resulted m a verdict oi acquittaL Evans i3 a mining man of good re pute and is an invalid. Davis was a big bnrly fellow. The stabbing affray grew out of a loau of 5 which Davis demanded of Evans, and on being refused he struck Evans and knocked him down, whereupon Evans drew a knife and stabbed his assailant in the bowels. Davi3' wound was not considered dan gerous by three physicians who at tended the wounded man, but peri tonitis set in nnd he died ten days after the cutting. The defense was that the doctors killed Davis. OYKRTURriED THE STOVE. Two Eityc Children Cause a Fatal Accident. Sjieel.il IoThk AstpbiaxJ Dubuque, Oct 20. Two children of Nichols Brandt," respectively two and threo and a half years' old, were fatally scalded last night. They wore playing about a stove, on which sat a large pan of boiling water, when they overturned the stove and the water poured over them. One of the children lived but a short lime and tho other died this morning. PSED HER AS A SHIELU. Hon' an Erriiiff WiTe Was ?Jadc a Target of. Special to The Asroni Memphis, Oct. 20. F. Jv. Peterson, an employee pr the Illinois Central railroad, shot and killed his wife last night Peterson found his wife in tho company of S. M. Maxwell. The hus band drew a revolver and fired twice at Maxwell, who drew the woman in front of him nnd she received both bullets. ASTORIA A SUITABLE PLACE. Wbat Oue or tlio Board Says Alont the Dryfloct Site. VTj EASED WITH TU E SOU Til IVES T Special by Tho Uxmn I'eiaa 1 New York, Oct 20. Ex-Senalor T. 0. Piatt returned from the Pacific coast to-daj. Ho said, "We enjoyed the trip thoroughly. The only suit able place wo found for a government drydock, ontside of Puget sound was Astoria." He was greatly surprised at the growth of the northwest within the last year. LIVED AND DIED FOR LOVE. A Yonug Irl Itlurdcrcd hy Iter LoVcr Who Suicide.. S.ccial by Tho Usiteii Ic.h1 CnAT.rro.v, la., Oct 20. -Saturday afternoon E. Oliver, aged 21 jears, ar rived here from Kansas. He hired a liver team and drovo to the littlo town of Freedom, where ho went to the house of a Mr. Tuttle and re quested to see the latter's daughter, with whom he was in love. Ho re quested the girl to inarry him aud she refused, saying that she was too young. Oliver then pulled out a revolver and shot the girl through tho temples causing instant death. Ho then turned tlie weapon upon himself aud fired a bullet through his head. He lived in an unconscious condition un til this morning when he died. DID SHE SHOOT I2IIT2V A Bootblack at Stockton Ii Slys tcrioiiBly Womittcil. Special to Tin: Astoria:;.! Stockton, Oct 20. Lawrence Val entine, a young bootblack, lies dying in a bagnio in this city. On Friday night he was shot with a pistol through the left lnng whilo in a room with one of the women of the place, with whom he had been living. Valentine asserts that ho shot him self accidentally, but indications tends strongly to a belief that the woman, whoso name is Enuice Lorrotto, shot him. TItc Hew Discovery. You havcheaul your friends and neigh bors talking about it You may your self be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it. you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is. that when once given trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should ho afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at .1. V. Conn's Drugstore. Miss Mary Cleary Dnncreux, presi dent of the New York Screw manu factory, has such a practical knowl edge of her business as only seventeen years as a working mechanic can give her. Sho thinks that girls would make mst as good mechanics as boys, if they would ouly submit to the training. The Prince of Wales is a direct descendant of "King Alfred, being the thirty-third greatgrnndson. Thus .the English throne has remained in the same family for over 1,000 years. Euicpsy. This is what j-ou ought to have, in fact you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our peo ple in the hope that they may attain this boon. Antl yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions antl the. use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon dyspep sia and instead Eupepsy. We recom mend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach antl Kidneys. Sold at Cue. and SL00 per bot tle by J. W. Conn, Druggist STUDENTS AGAINST COPS A Lively Battle on Die Camps at Yale-College, UHAMPAGNE BOTTLES AS 0LUBS. One of tlie Police Officers Seriously In jured and two Students Un der Arrest. Special hy the United Fkess. New Haven, Oct 20. One of the most serious outbraaks for years be tween the students of Yale college and the town people occurred about 150 o'clock this morning. The sophomores were making a loud demonstration on tho campus when policemen Cowles and Hackett at-" tempted to stop it Students angrily retaliated and soon tho policemen were using their clubs. The crowd closed in on them nnd both tho ollicers were knocked down. The crowd was large and constantly increasing and the position of the policemen was precarious. They were struck on the head with champagne bottles, bnt help finally arrived for the policemen and for a time there was a regular pitched battle. The officers managed to arrest two of tho ringleaders aud take them to the station house. Officer Hackett's condition to-night is reported serious. Detectives are looking for the other offenders. OREGON'S POPULATION. Returns l'rom tltc Census Of. ficc Received at last. Special tOl'UK ASTOEIAN.1 WASiiraaTON, Oct 20. Tho census office to-day annonnced tho popula tion of the state of Oregon to be 312, 310, an increase during tho decade of 137,722, and tho cities and'towus m tho state as follews: Astoria 7,701, an in crease oi 4,.:oo; xiioina o,iUi, an in crease of 4,961; Portland -17,29G, nn increase of 27,7bl; East Portland 14, 810, an increase of 7.518. The correct population of "Wiscon sin is 1,650,639, an increase of 316,200, Tho Oneido Indian reservation, ly ing in Brown and Outagami counties, was not included in the original an nouncement Additional schedules have also been received which aro now added. Baitimobe, Oct 20. The dissatis faction that has been manifested hero since the United States census enu merators made their returns cul minated to-day in an order for a re count, by the police of this city, of this city's population. Citizens gen erally complained so loudly that ! Mayor Davidson laid tho matter of the recount before the peaco board, and it has been decided that an enu meration will bo taken by the police in November. It is not doubted that a careful recount will show a popula tion of at least 470,000. THE VENDETTA. ITIorc Officials In New Orleans to Re Killed. Special to Tub Astoria?. 1 New OutjEaxs, Oct 20. Informa tion was brought to the police head quarters te-day, that Maha has de cided upon putting ont of the way Mayor Shakespeare, Captain "William Uonuers and Sergeant George Wan dervoort . The informant stated that he over heard a conversation to this effect among some Sicilians. TonyMatringa and Viceut Caruso were re-arrested this afternoon. Both are on crutches. The result of the Esplanodo street ambush by Pro- enanes. Matringa declines to .make a statement by advice of his attorney THE BOILER I2URST. ratal Explosion of an Engine at Pittsburg. Special to Tub astokianm PrrrsnuKa.Pa., Oct 20. The boiler of a small shifting engmo at tlie Eliza fnrnace bnrst at 11-30 today. Three men were killed and two injured. Tho body of one of tho killed was blown out into tho Mouongahela river and has not yet been recovered. Death of an Old Typo. Special to The Astortax.I Martsytij&e, Cal., Oct 20. John W. Waddiugton, ono of tho oldest printers on tho Pacific coast died sud denly in this city thi3 morning. He was a native of England and came to this country in 1830, and for fifteen years has been a resident of this city. He will be buried by the printers of this city to-morrow. Sonic Big Hailstones. Special to Tus Astoria;. Nyack, N. Y., Oct 20. A terrific hailstorm prevailed throughout tho npperpart of Bockland county last night, doing much damage. Sonio of the hailstones were as large as wal nuts. A Heavy Kale. Special to The Astoriai. Halifax, N. S., Oct 20. A fierce southwesterly i-ale has been rnmnrr nn tho coast all this morning and prob ably win lie tne cause of further wrecKs. The Best Man In the World. Well, U not p.vuhely the hest, one of the wket is he who checks disease at the start in his own system. In nreservln" or restor ing tlie heaven-j-ranted jrift of health, he de serves proiounu consiaerauotu ins ex ample is worthy to ho imitated. The com plaints which afllct us are largely attribut able to a want of tone in the stomach, either Inherent or inflicte I by ourselves upon that much abused repository of the food that should nourish us. What Is its re quirement in adversity? A wholesome tonic. Ifoneso good. If we rely on experi ence and testimony, as Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Umnedlcated stimulants won't do. Regulation, as well as invit-oration of the digestive viscera, is not to on effected by these. Through the agency of the stomachic named, strength of the entire system is re trenched dyspepsia and biliousness over come. Malarial, kidney, bladder and rheumatic complaints are eradicated by this s-Uutary reformer of ill health. LOST ON THE LAKE. A Steamer Burns and Several Lives are Lost. Special to TnE Astoriax. Port Hubox, Mich., Oct 20. Tho steamer Annie Yonnn nf flA T,nVo Superior Transit Company, took fire and burned to the water's ed"p. off" Lexington this morning. 'ine steamer jsa. Smith went to tho resene and took thirtppn nf fh crew off and brought Ihem here. The remainder of the crew, eight men in all,, took to a yawl and were arownpa. xnere names were M. U. Cannard, J. Donnelly, J. Crosby, J. uanagner, j. uonneuy, and three deck hands, names unknown. The Young had a cargo of coal and merchandise. Sho was of 693 tons burden and valued at 30,000. The mato was badly burned. Detroit, Mich., Oct 20. A special to the News from Port Huron, says that when tho Annie Young caught firo this morning, tho captain and crewook to the boats, nine going in one boat and thirteen in another. The thirteen were nicked nn lw tho steamer Edward Smith, but the oiuer uoat; was upset and all its oc cupants were drowned. Among tho lost wero George McManus, of Port Huron, who only shipped this morn ing; J. Connelly, J. Crosby, T. Gallagher and George Connelly. FELL OVERBOARD. An Engineer Drowned in the Sacramento River. Special to The Astoria;.. San Fraxcisco, Oct 20. Andrew Snlli-jaii, formerly manager of tho Haggiu and Tevis' Jersey tract, was drowned this morning while coming down from Stockton. He was a pas senger on the steamer J. D. Peters, and while inrmrinntArl if: a oo-M walked overboard. He had mado the trip to Stockton to engage as an en gineer. Sullivan wa3 about 60 years ui iifie. DYNAMITE FOR THE ATTORNEY. Narrow Escape of a WMe Family from a TerriMe Deatli. CllinnitUX SEVERELY JSUHXEI). Special by The Uxithd Tress. Berlin Fasls, N. H., Oct 20. The home of Public Prosecutor J. E. Bronnette, was wrenched irom top to bottom by dynamite yesterday. Mr. Bonnette, his wifo and two children wero badly hurt, but wero able to leave the building and reach a neigh bor's house through a drenching rain. Investigation showed that some one had waited until the family had re tired and then had taken a large dy namite bomb, attached a thirty foot fuse to it and strung it up the side of the building with the end near the window of tho room in which the children wero sleeping. They then lighted the fuse and fled. Tho bomb exploded with terrific force. Mrs. Bonnett was thrown out of the bed to the farther end of the room and the children were thrown entirely out of bed aud severely iu jured. The physicians hope to save tho children lives.' Bonnette has been very active in wacrin-r wnr nrrninRf: f ho liquor dealers. A heavy reward has ueen onerea ana omcers are engaged in ferretting out tho guilty parties. FALSE TO HIS TRUST. An Aged ITIan Embezzles Money Entrusted to Him. Special t j The Astokias.J Harvard, Oct 20. Charles Arm strong, aged 77, heretofore much re spected in this community, is charged with embezzling S2o,000 in money be longing to his friends. Large sums had been intrusted to him during the last ten years to loan. He used the money and made out fradnlent mortgages. Joseph Soothell, a friend of three years standing, recently placed 10, 000 in Armstrong's hands to loan and upon investigation fonud that the mortgages he held "were fradnlent. When acensed Armstrong admitted his guilt aud turned over all of his property, amounting to abont 5,000, to Soothill. Ho will probably be ar rested to-morrow. FELL THROUf-H THE BRIDGE. A British Army Officer and Wife Meet vi-itli Accident. Speeiil -o The Astohian. Tite Dailes, Or., Oct. 20. Captain Nicholas F. Skottowe of tho British army, and his wife, fell from the rail road bridge, Saturday evening, a dis tance of twenty feet striking on the rocks and sustaining serious injuries. In the case of Captain Skattowe, he had all of his ribs on the right side broken. They were making a tonr of the world. Drowned In a "Well. Special to The Astorian.I Grass Vai.x.et, Cal., Oct 20. Her man Beith, whilo intoxicated and re turning from a political meeting staggarcd into a well and was drowned. The body was recovered. Knssel Sage says that Jay Gould is tho heavest owner of sureties in the world, his income from dividends alone being 2,000,000 a year, and his other incomo five or six times as great If this is true, Mr. Gould makes 12,000,000 a year, and his wealth must be far more than it has usually been estimated. Important Hoticc. Xow is the time to test the best Ca tarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and llheu matic Cure in the Citv of Astoria. Fifly packages of Leltoy's West India Catarrh Cure, the regular price of which is 5.00, can be had from J. W. Conn, the druggist, at 1.00 per package, thereby saving 4.00. This is a preparation warranted to cure. Call and get a package, as they go fast Kemember the place Conn's, oppo site the Occident Hotel. S. Brown & Co., Proprietors. Los Angeles, Cal. P. O. Box 892. Blnmaur-Frank Drug Co., Portland. IN A SMALL ATESSPODT A Traiis-Atlantic Stealer is Baili Siaten Up. TONS OF WATEE Off THE. DE0K. The Pessene:ers Thoueht tlfa-Dar of Doom Had Dome And Prayed A Lively Voyage. Special by The U-iitkd Press. New York, Oct. 20. A story is in circulation here to-day of the strange and startling experience of the steam ship Umuria on her trip to this port. A strong wind had been blowing all day on Thursday and the sea was very rough. The wind freshened to wards night to almost a gale and the woman and inexperienced voyagers slept but little. Well on toward morn ing the ship gave a mighty plunge and then mounted the crest of a wave and shook violently as a succession of cross seas struct: ner. Almost immediately a tremendous wave towered hidi aloft a-minst the horizon and the next moment broke, deluging the vessel with a hundred tons of water, sweeping the decks six feet deep the whole length of the ship. The wave was accompanied by a whirlwind, which the passengers say fairly spun the great steamer around in a whirlpool. The unusual commo tion caused many of the passengers to rush wildly for the deck and at the same instant ordera were given for all to prepare to leave the ship. Thp greatest excitement prevailed. The passengers were panic-stricken, and some of them began to pray and others to shriek in hysteric fear. The whirlwind passed as quickly as it came, and in a few moments the vessel was under control, plowing the waves, ap parently none the worse for the severe shaking and salty baptism which she had received. The hour and the rapidity with which tho event happened make it difficult to account for the vessel's strange experience, but it is thought that the Umbria was caught in a small waterspout, generated during the storm. A Mail Pouch Stolen. Special to The AsroRiAX.l La Crosse, "Wis., Oct. 20. A regis tered mail pouch was stolen off the Friday morning's fast mail train when en route from St. Paul to Milwaukee. Later on tho pouch was found at Brookfield junction, rifled of its con tents. There is no clue to the robbers and it is not yet ascertained how much money was in the pouch. Stopped a Stray Bullet. Special to The Astoeian.1 PorttiANd, Oct 20. During a row, Tony Lynch, an ex-saloon keeper, shot James Brown, a barber, in the fleshy part of the arm. A stray bullet from Lynch's pistol grazed a pedestrian's leg. A PREMIUM TO SUBSCRIBERS. A Liberal Offer to Old and New Sab scribersf Either Doily or "Weekly. Attention is directed t6the extraor dinary premium offer for The As torian which is advertised on the fourth page. A complete set of Dickens' works is offered with, the Weekly Astorian for 2.70". A com plete unabridged set of Dickens in twelve volumes for 7o cents additional is an extraordinary offer when one considers the extraordinary amount of reading matter offered. This offer is extended to old subscribers who re new their subscriptions, as well as new ones. The Mammoth Encyclopedia is another premium which, is offered on the same terms as above. For a de scription of this rare offer see adver tisement on the fourth page. To old subscribers who send 2 for a new subscriber to the weekly, will be sent twenty-five novels to be selected from a large list to be published very short ly. Or, if tho old subscriber sends 2.75 he will receive the novels and the new subscriber will get either of tho preminms above offered which he may select To those who pay for a year's subscription to The DatIjy; Mornixg Astorian for ono year in ad vance 7 either of the above premi ums will bo given postage free. Those who prefer, instead of tlie above pre miums, can have a copy of Washing ton Irving's "Astoria," n beautifully printed book of G98 pages. This book needs no other recommendation than the fact that Washington Irving is the author. This is an unusually good opportunity to get a good newspaper and a good library for very little money. It is worth looking after. Bead the advertisement on tho fourth page. Mrs. Jane Bumgardner, who is of tho reputed age of one hundred and four years, but still makes trip3 per sonally three times a year to Parkers burg, Va., several miles from her home, to draw a government pension, was present at the Army of "West "Vir ginia reunion and proved as big an at traction as ex-President Hayes. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. should always be used for children leuuuuy. j.u sooiues me cnuu, so i tens tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholie. and is t.hp host romoitv fnr ioi- riioea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. 5 JACOBS OH CURES-PIRMANENTLY SPRAINSand8TRAINS. 656 Minna St.', fian Francisco, CaL'May L IBST. Some tune figo, while a embe? of tba severely and suffered .agony, butWM speedily and completely cured by St. Jacobs o2r T"kmr n i im Jumped from Englae. 609 S. 17th St., Omaha, Neb.,Sept. 22, 1888. B1"T" -';?t",-- -"""t ior weexs. At TtoTTRnTcTsi m Tv-.t-L THE CHARLES A.VQ3CLEH CO--, -T