,'"'5.& " '1 ";3?rr - P) ;?hr g&Rtljj gtstwfett. ASTOUIA, OREGON: MUXUAW , . ...OCTOBER 20, 1800 ISSUED EVERY MORNING, P. W. PARKER, Publisher and Proprietor. Astoiuax 1$uii.dio. - Cass Stueet Terns or Subscription. Served bv Carrier, per week 15 cts Sent by Mall, per mouth CO cts nt b Mail, one j eir $7.00 Free of postage 10 subscribers, Thk Astokiax Ruarantees to Its adver tiser the larpest circnlation or any newspa per publicised on the Columbia rh er. All the returning Knights of Pyth ias have pockets full of Indian arrow heads gathered at The Dalles. Some one has left a silk umbrella at this office, and the owner can have it by proving property and paying for this notice. Most of the day yesterday it was clear and sunny, a very agreeable con trast to the stormy and unpleasant weather of last week. A silk umbrella has been left at the store of Parker k. Hansen, which the owner can have by proving property and paving for this notice. Miss Eunice Goodrich and her com pany were passengers to Portland last night on the 1L 1L Thompson, where they open -this evening for a week's engagement. The Snohomish Sun says it has the bigget potato in the civilized or un cfrilizcd world' on exhibition in its office. It weighs just over seven pounds. It is nearlyas heavy as some potatoes that havo been grown and nro -on exhibition in this part of the en i:ghtened world. The gain in membership in the Knights of Pythias throughout the state, has been very gratifying, as re ported at the session of the grand lodge last week at The Dalles. In a very few days Grand Chancellor Cleveland ex pects an invitation to institute a new lodge in the Willamette valley. The returning Knights of Pythias are all loud in their praises of the fraters at The Dalles; and not only they, but the citizens generally, all had kind words and warm greetings for the visitors. It w;is indeed a gala occasion, highly enjoyed by a? I who were fortunate enough to compose the party. The Washington Independent offers the following candid remarks for the possible benefit of some aspir ant for political preferment in its neighborhood. t4Wo should like to say something good of all the candi dates if wc could do so, but as a few of them are not enterprising enough to take this paper, we do not desire them to commit ' larcenyby" stealing uiything good we might say about them; and therefore, wo omit any laudations of the many virtues they pcem not lo possess. Our columns aro our bread and,butler, and we propose (scrupulously to guard"' them from being ovcr-ladcn with praise of those who have not public spirit enough to patronize an agency that works night and day for the interests of tho entire community." PERSONAL MENTION. L Tj. Osgood went toPortlaml last evening. George Wallace returned Saturday from Alaska via tho Sound. Inspector Tom Linville went up on the steamship Mexico in his official capacity. i Judo C. EL Page and wiro started last evening on their visit to tho east ern states. JfJamcs Auderson is in this city for a few laysbuUisjgoingJto JMk creek again soon. Charles S. Rogers, who- is con nected with tho Union Pacifio railroad, was in tho city yesterday. Charley Clausen, the candy man, who has been on a trip to Europe is in Portland and will bo'fhere in a few days. , . Richard Turk, number one of Fojrt Canby life saving station, returned last evening from a two-weeks' visit to Portland. J. A. Monroe, assistant general traffic manager of the Union Pacifio i Railroad company visited this city yesterday. Mrs. W. C Ricord and son left Son'! Francisco yesterday on the steamship Columbia, and will bo duo here to morrow morning. - -, E. A. Seeley, president of the Co lumbia Transportation company wasl in the city yesterday, and went up to Portland last evening. a . Dr. O. B. Estes was elected assist ant surgeon of the First regiment, Uniform Rank, Knights otPythiRB,of Oregon, with rank of first lieutenant, at the regimental election held at The Dalles last week. PasseBgers to Portland. The following is tho list- of passen gtrs having rooms who went up the river last night on the steamer R. Ii. Thompson, Mrs. P. P. Johnson and son, J. "W. McGowan, W. Scott, E. A. Taylor, J. E. Ferguson, J. O. Hanthorn, 0. H. Page and wife, John Hobson and son, Harry Gotcbell and wife, Miss Alice Stockton, M. Foard and family, Mrs. E. E. Ross, Miss Eunice Goodrich, G. W. Sanborn, Miss Ella Rucker, E. A. Secly, Miss Je&nette and sister, James Turk and wife, Fred Brown, Wm. Fitzgerald, C. G. White, F. Kelleher, John Matter, J. Kaboth, L L. Osgood, H. Baker, Thos. Trullmger, H. E. Brown..H. B. Thielsen, G. Truxell and wife. Dr. Mnllinix, Capt Smith, H. Smith, R.C Carson, T. H. Lienen weber, Ohler, James R. McCann, Harrv Jackson, Maurice Bronnan, W. R. XcKey, Fred. Kay, Miss Lizzie Kendall, Miss Pearl Kendall, Miss Ella Lawrence, Miss Annie Strong. . mm m Wanted. Abo it ten ladies and gentlemen to s'll llakcr City property. Salary or commission. OaM on A. L. Uuny, at IVirkw Ilnuse.letiiMi 10 a m. and 12 m. :-iia ami to-morrow. tf :;..j Untitnl V bngiit iifl'w lv v:i trtl. the New Y't. . Now! y Siuu . Xpp'y jo:-r-l ho Mwrk in n jnuill Aji -li .f tlii- uffiiv. k t.Hl l ItCllt 1 ii t..x!i,-l -r iptfuriiihcl on Court Mnvt, cat of Sum'l Elmore's. Mits. O. A. Mat. IPieasaat Farrtiskcrt R tem Te refit Enquire of Mrs. C W. Stone, cerar 0Ur aad West 8th streets. THE UHTIESTAURAHT-JEFPS ASTORIA KNIGHTS VICTORIOUS They Brins Baci the Drill Prize and Other Preiinms. lUJi CITY THAT JiEATS E3r ALT.. It was what might be called a triumphal march. Tho local Knights of Pythias returned home yesterday and proudly through the streets did the company bear the premium it had won in the prize drill at Tho Dalles. It was an eventful occasion, Astoria division had won everything and in the way of trophy bore the Sir Knight bronze clock that had been awarded the company and which was after wards presented to Alex Campbell, who had drilled the boys. When -the steamer Thompson docked, the drum corps and the Knights that had previously arrived were on hand to welcome them. An informal line of march to Carnahan's hall was taken up headed by the drum corps, with Grand Chancellor Cleveland in the front. At the hall which had been handsomely decorated an informal breakfast, preceded by an address of welcome was served. The returning knights were Alex. Campbell, A. A. Cleveland, L. G. Car penter, Wm. li. McCroskv, Ben Ward, O. B. Estcs, C. H. Cooper, C. J. Curtis, James McComber and James Hare. Many of the gentlemen had their wives with them. On arrival at Pythian hall an ad dress of welcome was delivered by C. J. Curtis, which was aptly responded to by A. A. Cleveland, the newly elec ted grand chancellor. Then came speeches from other membeis of the order.' The trip, the returning members say, was one of the grandest they ever had. As has been announced in The Asto ktuj, nothing Tho Dalles had was too good for our boys. It was good cheer and good will all around, and Astoria's delegation left the little city reluc tantly. Tho prizes won by the home boys are on exhibition at Alex. Camp IkjII's. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steam schooner Michigan will sail this morning for Puget sound ports. The steamship Elder, loaded down pretty heavily with wheat, will sail for San Francisco on tho tide this morn ing. The steamship MoyigTcut left yester day for Victoria via Puget sound. She has on board a general cargo of flour, etc., for Hong Kong. The customs officers detailed on the steamship Mexico failed to unearth any contraband opium. They live io hope, however, that there is stuff on board and that it will be dug up by the officers at Portlands She sailed up the river .for Portland yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The steamship George- W. 'Elder which arrived from Portland yester day was in collision lust outside the mouth, of the Willamette river and lost a littlepaint, besides going ashore. The vessel that collided with the Elder was. the Willamette Chief and it was In pulling back in order to avert a bad accident that the Elder went ashore She touched lightly in soft mud and is indebted to the steamer 11. IL Thompson for being pulled off. Jfewtpnpers Arc Often Asked to Make Sim ilar Corrections. A thin,nervou3looking men stepped up jtothe pastor as the latter came down jlrorbL the '.pulpit "Jou have had a good xleal to say this morning," ho observed, "about a feller that killed a man named Abel." "Certainly,"- replied, the pastor. "'The Sin of Cain,' was the subject of my discourse." ''I wish't you'd do me the favor next Sunday," said the thin man iasomejkcitement, "to tell the folks that the man you was talking about this mormngainTt no relation to the Kane that keeps a livery stable down by the grist .mill.. I don't want none .of my friends to think that I had a hand in that kfllin'. 'That's alL Good day." Cliic&go Tribune. Chicago, -now having the biggest and prettiest theater in the world, is soon also to havo tho biggest extrav- uganza ever produced. An English -theatrical speculator has bought all the scenery and.costumes of "Uinder- jella,'.1 which, with Minnie Palmer, was seen .at her majesty's theater, in JLon- don, and to it he has added the cos tumes of "Babes in the Wood" and ittie,fRed. -Biding Hood' all to be rolled, n to one gigantic show, and put upon IhOf mammoth stage of the "Auditorium." The, costumes alone jire said to have cost the earls and "dukes inveigled into the London scheme 120,000. T , r tr v - v.0i the twenty-six barons who signed Magna Gharta-:oll but three hod to "make their mark," being unable to write. Wanted. Two-mpre Lady Waiters at Jeffs New K estaurant. Board and .odcinjr. At -Mrs. Rucker's Hotel.CUS Third street, at reasonable rates. Wanted Yonng Woman To take care ol a baby. Good wages and home Apply at 16 Second street. Go toOlsen's for Cuban Blossoms, 10c Furnished Rooms For rent, on Main street No. 307. Mrs. II. Bebekdks. Finest Barber Shop In town at Joe Glardina's. Shaving 15c, 15c, 15c. Remember the Austin houso at the Seaside is open tho year 'round. Go to the Columbia bakery for all kinds of cakes. Sons of Veterans. Tho next regular meeting of Cashing Camp, Sons of "Veterans will be held on Monday evening, October 20th, 1890. A full attendance is desired. Members of G. A. It invited. Br order, C. J.COKTI!. did Captain. I.ii '' rxdM' S3.00 Fine Shoes; . 11 ih Mi.h'hniul-tiii tied Frrnch Kids ii r. '. oodiiian & Co.V. Uiith:inl't Itcer. fifteen ball Pnl T!ile and all the 'railing iiewsjtapi-rson fil- at the San- -i Ii Saloon. .mi i N;iiTird Like Success. It isverifud bv I lie fact that nearly ever body eats nt Jeff's New re staurant. Wcinhard's Beer And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents , Cutlery it i Third St. ST. HELENS ITEHS. Clipped From the -'Oregon 3Iist" of Fri day Last. Nine divorce and two criminal cases are included in the long docket for this term of circuit court. That is an unusually large number for Columbia in this line. m Horticulturists say that tho yellow jackets are doing splendid work in the orchards of Rogue river valley by destroying the green aphis. When a swarm of jackets light on a tree afflict ed with the pest it is cleared within two hours. A test has been made of the coal of the Yakima fields of tlio Cowlitz liver. It was tried in a Northern Pa cific engine, and the engineer reported that sixty pounds of Yakima coal pro duced as much steam 03 eighty pounds of Roslyn coal, was free from clinker and gave little ashes. "Lum" Jackson, Portland, an uncle of Prof. J. J. Jackson, of this place, accompanied by another nephew, O. K. Jackson, of Kansas, was in town this week. O.K. is in Oregon, with the intention of locating, providing after an examination of the state he becomes satisfied. It only takes one look, generally, for eastern people to become infatuated with Oregon, and Mr. Jackson is probably no exception. Last Monday, while the family of Mr. Reeder, of Seeders landing, on Sauvie's island, were out in the garden, two tramps entered his house and stole a watch, and helped them selves to victuals. The same fellows were caught by one of Mr. Reeder's neighbors eating a pig which they had killed and roasted. They each carried a new Winchester rifle. Mr. Reeder followed their trail till he found where they had left the island in a boat He is anxious to get eyes on them and his new watch. In compliance with a request from tho steamboat men on the Cowlitz river, Major Handbury has had a small party, under charge of Captain Orin Kellogg, at work removing a point of the Toutle river bar, which interfered with the navigation of the Cowlitz. They turned the current of tho" Cow litz into a new channel and attacked the obstruction with scrapers and wheelbarrows and removed the hard surface crust of the bar, leading the sand exposed. The stream, when turned back into its channel, will soon wash the sand away and enable steam boats to pass up. A few miles down the river from this place is one of tho finest logging roads in tho country, and considering its length it has cost more than most of tho railroads in the "West The road belongs to MoFarland Bros., who aro operating two logging camps at Westport and one at Kuappa. It was built to render accessible a large body of timber a short distance back of Wrestport Tho most expensive feat ure of the road is a tunnel through solid rock nearly 300 feet long. The tunnel was built in order to maintain a down hill grade to tho road clear to tho water, thereby enabling teams to haul out loads that it would bo impos sible to move on a level road. The outer end of the tunnel is near the head of a small canal leading out to Westport slough, so that the logs aro run from the entrance of the frinnel right into the water. As the road leads back into the hills it passes through an extremely rough country, and within a distance of half a milo it crosses three immense bridges. Indorsing. Tho system of indorsing is all wrong and should be ntteriy abolished. It has been the financial ruin of moro men than perhaps other causes. Our young men especially should study the matter carefully in all its bearings and adopt some settled policy to gov ern their conduct, so as to be ready to answer tho man who asks them to sign his note. What responsibility does one assume when ho indorses a note? Simply this: He 13 held for payment of the note in full, principal and inter est, if tho maker of tho note, through misfortune, mismanagement or ras cality, fails to pay it Notice, tho in dorser assumes all the responsibility, with no voice in tho management of the business and no share in the profits of tho transaction if it prove profitable,-but with a certainty of loss if, for any of the reasons stated, tho principal fails to pay the note. Boole keeper. 'The largest reservoir or artificial lake in the world is the great tank of Dnebar, twenty miles southeast of Udaipur, Rajtootana, which covers an area of twenty-one square miles; the masonary dam is 1,000 feet long by 95 feet high, 50 feet wide at the base and 15 feet at tho top. JBticltIcn'8 Arnica Salrc. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhe um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively enres Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ?;ivo perfect satisfaction, or money re unded. Trice 25 cents per box. For sale by .1. W. Conn. Weeden, in his "History of New England," says that in 1758 fifteen families came to Newport, K. L, from Holland, bringing with their goodsJ and mercanblo skill, the first three degrees of Free Masonry. "Where are yon going, Sam?' "Go ing to the Astoria Baths, of course, for my regular Sunday morning bath. They are the finest in the city." Attention Smokers. Commercial. Lurline, La Peria Cubana all imported. Flor de Madrid. La Palladina. La Ermlna. LaFamana in Key West Brands. The Belmont Mocha. Reading Boom in rear of Cigar Store. Charles Olsek's Worse Than leprosy Is Catarrh, and there is but one prepa ration that does cure that disease, and that is the California Positive and Neg- Latlve Electric Liniment. Sold by J. W. Conn. It also cures ncuralcia. rheuma tism, headache, sprains, burns and alll pain, i ry it nnu icu jour iuignoor where to get it. tbi With flu; 'I f ijioj. l:'.ilro.ul is con.ing. Shaving 15c at lot (.lintdtnaVt Tin- Finest Pkolo.s Are now tnken by H. S. Shustor. new samples. Itrftt Iinrhcr in Town At .lo Gianlina'i. Shaving K-c. Sco Skariug, SknriBfr, 15c, 15c, 15c, 15c, at Giardlna's. A lino lino of Cigars and Cigarettes can be found at the Columbia Bakery, 59G Third street. First-class shaving, 25c, Ferd Forrell's. BELIEVER H BELLAMY. A California Lady is io FouM "LooMde Bactraf coloiy. a JFJiES HOMES FOR AJjT. JPJSOl'Zi The principles set forth in Bellamy's "Looking Backward" aro about to bo tested by Mrs. Olive "Washburn, a wealthy lady residing in San Francisco, who will devote nearly her entire for tune to the founding of a Nationalist colony, where the ideas advanced by the National leader can be developed to their fullest extent Mrs. Washburn is the wife of Henry Washburn, a live-stock dealer, and re sides with her husband in a hand some mansion at 2,728 Howard street, Son Francisco.. She is a pronounced Nationalist and Spiritualist, and ever since reading the book mentioned has been imbued with tho idea that her mission in lifo is to aid her fellow be ings as much as possible, and that the founding of such a colony is the surest method of attaining her desire. She states that communion with tho spirits of tho departed has served to strengthen her conviction. A part of her large fortune consists of a tract of 1,700 acres of land known lis the 'Washburn ranch, situated on tho road between Mount Hamilton and San Jose, California, and it is there that tho colony will be located. The tract is very desirablo in every respect, and 'when improved accord ing to Mrs. Washburn's plans will bo a veritable paradise. Over SxOO.OOO will be spent by Mrs. Washburn in tho erection of factories, dwelling houses, etc., and the pur chase of farming implements, and when all is ready she will present the entire estate to the colony. All people of good moral character, irrespective of religious belief, who are willing to work for the benefit of the colony are welcome to become a part of the community. Mrs. Wash burn does not expect or wish any of tho colonists to use any funds they may have in the founding of the col ony, and merely asks them to do the part of tho work of tho community alloted to them and work for tho gen eral good of alL The work of improvement was bo guu about two months ago and at the present time is well advanced. Mrs. Washburn has invited several hundred prominent nationalists to be present at the dedication of the colony, which will take place shortly, and is in hopes of having Bellamy himself present Jp lead the exercises. Ho has been written to regarding tho matter, and his answer is anxiously awaited. Several families aro ready to start for tho colony as soon as the arrange ments are complete, and many others havo signified their intention of join ing. Mrs. Washburn is very sanguine of success, and says that she will be satisfied. with the labors of her lifo if her hopes are realized. The founder of tho colony has been a resident of California for many yearn, and has long been conspicuous for her generous gifts to charity and the active part sho has taken in the advancement of tho nationaKcause. She is about CO years of age. Her husband, while not so pro nounced in his ideas as his wife, is willing that she should employ her fortune in tho way sho lias done. Both are now at tho ranch superin tending the arrangements. The Chicago l Times." Thc Chicago Times, now in its thirty-sixth year of successful publica tion, continues to be tho leadiog democratic'journal of tho Northwest and one of tho few grent newspapers of the world. Since 1870 it has been a champion of tho reduction of war taxes, especi ally thoso cunningly laid less for pur poses of revenue than for the promo tion of the interests of a class whereby tribute is compelled not to the govern ment alone but to a relatively small body of beneficiaries, whoso constant cry, deeded in the MoKinley tariff bill, is for more. The Times has the satisfaction of seeing the tariff question squarely presented for settlement, with tho democratic party unitedly arrayed upon the side of tho reform, which has long been necessary and is now urgent. Printed in Chicago, the Times responds fully to the demand of that great metropolis for local recognition. bub while strongly a local publication it is essentially a great newspaper, whose enterprise covers tho whole world of news. - The Chicago Times is thoroughly well equipped. It has always been a pioneer in the employment of every mechanical improvement calculated to increase its efficiency. The Times is a paper of tho people. Tho confidence of people who hac tried Hood's Sarsaparllla, In this preparation, li remarkable, it has cured many who have failed to derive any good whatever from other articles. For diseases caused by Im pure blood or low state of the system It Is unsurpassed. Only One in the United States. Out of 1357 cough syrups manufaej tured in the United States, but one has been found to be entirely free from opiates and that is the California Posi tive and Negative Electric Cough Cure, which is the best on earth for coughs, colds, croup, etc Sold by J. V. Conn. Sl,O00 REWARD What Would Astoria o With out Jeff? S1.000 reward lu OV S.trold coin will be natd-hyMeHy the World Ilenowned Catererito-any- person whocan satis factorily prove-he can-get a better meal or a greater Variety of all the Delicacies of the season to choserom, than he can at JeTrs'for the money. Second street, opposite Telephone Landing. Fine Tahl& WIhc Delivered at CO cents a gallon, to any Bart of tho city. A line- line: of pure alifornla Tvincs at -low -prices, at A. W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon. Tclenaene JudatlIl6uBc. Best Beds in to wm vRoomsper night 50 and "25 cts., "J it week SL50. Ne iew and ciean. rrivate entrance. For Choice Roll or Tub Uuttcr, call on TnoMPsox & Ross. 'Cigars At Holmes, G46 Thjrd street. Cudy dV4.3Vufs At llolmr-s, GlO Third street. The-lateM hlylt ofs Gents' .Boots and Shoes at I. J. Goodmas & Cos. CUIlreiGrykFitcIieFsCastoris THE OLD YELLOW PC3PKIS. How dear to this heart is the old yellow pumpkin, When orchards are barren for stuffing for pies! When peaches and apples havo both been a failure, And berries of no kind have greeted the eves, I How fondly wo turn to tho fruit of the cornfield, Tho fruit thai our children are taught to despise; Tho old yellow pumpkin, the mud-covered pumpkin, The bigbelhed pumpkin that mako such good pies! O, golden hued pumpkin, you surely are "in it," You jolly old rascal, so recently spurned; We ask your forgiveness for thus having wronged yon, "When from your dear prcsenco we scornfully turned, Como rolling down hill till we meet you and greet you, Your bulk is a feast to our fruit-hungry eyes; We love you, old pumpkin, so well we could eat you. For you are a "dandy" when made into pies. Puiixst'taiCTiei Spirit. Heathen nations have different legends as to the origin of woman. The Japanese believe that she grew on a tree; the Laplanders that she was once a rabbit, the Persians that she fell from the heavens and the Australians that she was once a toad. PRACTICAL TESTS. In Astonishing Oflor Somo of tha Replies. The San Francisco papcra ot recent dato contained the following effer: "As an evidence of the ability of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla to prevent sick head aches, we will ghc to the first twelve re Bponslblopersons who will apply attmr office & bottle free if they will agree that after they have been cured that they will admit the fact over their signatures." This offer so startllngly asserted thf- effi ciency of the remedy that many accepted, and the letters of the parties, nearly all of whom responded, ere probably the most convincing attestations that any remedy en er received. The following is a sample of thoso received: I have been subject to billons headache anJ constination lorsocral jcars past; in ,;t lave been compelled to take a physic every other night or else I would havo a headache and dull, mean feeling. I havo taken that bottle of Joy's Vegetable Earsa panlio, and have derived grc.it benefit from it, and intend continuing it. A Iter my own experience I can heartily advise those trou bled with biliousness and constipation to try It Your?, CHAS. K. ELKIKGTOX. 125 Locust Avenue, San rrancisco. In China all the land belongs to the state, and a trifling sum per acre, never altered through long centuries, is paid as rent; this is the only tax iu the country, and it amounts to bnt about sixty cents per head. .1 PIi3'sici:m Opinion. Dit. A. M. Spauldixg, of Grand Kapids. Mfch., says: l prescribe llib bard's Rheumatic Sjrnp in my prac tice, and unhesitatingly recommend it. it operates upon the liver, kidneys and bowels, destroying the poison in the blood and tissues. It is a grand Ionic and appetizer, and for a diseased stom ach or dyspepsia, has no equal.' For sale by J. w. Conn. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles etc can o bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's, drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. We are prepared to Supply our Patrons and others with the best Msh Xclting. in Traps or Seines, ou- I-o:ig Expcrienco War rants, for 1691. Wc Invite early orders. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO. o Boston Of f ice, 01 Commercial St. :o:E2..L3r:2::Kr3- -a Mi General :-: Jobbing The undersigned is prepared to do any. work iu his line at short notice, in a satis factory manner. WOOD FOR SALE. Orders left at Foard & Stokes, or at Asto ria Box Factory will receive prompt atten ticn. F. FEAKES. Contractor and Stone Mason All kinds of Stono Work done in a neat and substantial maimer. Address all Orders or Correspondence Box 213, Astoria, Or. sr- BOOTS AND SHOES The Largest Stock, Best Quality and Lowest Prices at the bign ot The Golden Shoe. INCANDESCENT Prices. All Night Lights, per Month, each ...$2 CO 12 o'clock - ' " " . 1 50 10 " " " 1 25 West Shore. JTIIlls Company. H, EKSTROM, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OB. A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry Clocks, etc, at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman. The Oregon Bakery A. A . CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Gooi Breatl, Cate anfl" Pastry -None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Breaddellvercd In any part of the city. EIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpcstcrs ami Builders. Holt & McCurtrie's old stand, have over 200 plates and drawings ot all kinds and styles of dwelling-houses, ranging from $900 to 112,000. CaU and see them. aimon fisheries jmmmmi vSEir &i ELECTRIC UfifiTS I EREfe E!Ch!r,a a m mj Advance Styles of F AND OTHER HIGH NOVELTIES AT THE Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House i Saturday, September 27th, "We will open our ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, SILK : SEALETTES Our House has a standard reputation which net er fails to attract general atten tion during our Cloak Sales. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. mcallex & McDonnell, 131 & 1G3 3rd St., l'ortland, Or. Leading Dry Goods Store for first class goods at Eastern prices. Agents for McCalls Bazaar Glove Fitting Patterns. THE Scow Bay Ffliiry -CORNER-WEST FIFTH AND WALL STS. ASTOKIA, - - OltEGOX. CASTINGS Of all Descriptions MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. JACOBS & PL11M1R, . Contractors aM Bniers, Estimates Given on Brick, Stone, or Wood Work. Concrete and. Cement Vorlc a Specialty OFFICE, 118 Genevieve St. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine DiaioMs 1 Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Hoods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine Watch and Clock Kepairiug A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Street3 I. W. CASE Insurance Agent. EEPEESENTING California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual lnsuiance Co., S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Jolm C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. PrescrlpUoas Careflally Compeaarted. Agent lor Mexican Salve and -Norwegian Pile dire Sacra tVi i t5 Svs a inK CLOAK ALE 'AWEmm :THIS WEEK:- WE ARE SHOWING all For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address Leinenweber & Coodenough, SECOND ST., Near Postofflce. ----- P. O. Box 63. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NOTAKY AND- IN"VESTMBXT .A. 3r DEI Iff F ESTABLISHED 1883. Office 487 Third St., Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Real Estate Co PEICES FROM $150 TO $250 EACH., TERMS One-IlaI Cash ; the Balancb in Six and Twelve Months. J. BIGGS. BIGGS. HALL & CO., Frankfort Eeal Estate Co. rivi-rniro S Cor. Commercial and Tearl Sts., Frankfort, Wash, ObFlC" "J Flavel's Brick Block, 433 2d St., Astoria. Investments Made for Non-Residents, a Specialty. . v p00 J Correspondence solicited. Maps, Circulars and all Information P.O.BOX662 i cheerfully furnished. North Pacific Brewery, JOHN KOPP, BREWER OF- EXTRA FINE BOHEMIAN LAGER BEER. EXTEA PINE STEAM BEER. "ZSL 3S1 I O JEt. T IE HL . SS-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. " New RESTAURANT SECOND - STREET ? (Opp. Telephone Landing.) j Is tlie Bon Ton Restanrant of Bib Towfi (AND THK FINEST ON THE COAST.) f Dinner Parlies, Banquets, a Specially Tlie Finest Wines and Liquors. Private Entrance and Rooms. N. B. Xo connection with his old place on Main Street. f -S NEW GOODS Dress Goods PUBLIC Next to W. U. Telegraph Office H.B.HALL. Proprietor. - ---