tt&8&&rmr iSTSyil? C3 -fit? Jlailtj gsforimt. ASTORIA. OREGON: MOXDAY OCTOBER 20, 1890 C3KS9KQQJG3C2SZXZaaB Kxrwcsmwrwcm MIND AND MATTER IN SCIENCE. In whatever depart inent of thought we Sad it occupied, the very nature of kce k hostile to uncertainty, says the Lancet. Facts, indeed, are sot its constant possession, but its ob ject, nevertheless, is always to know the truth as true beyond pos sibility of doubt Nothing, therefore, can, in strict confoimity with its char acter, bo received on mere trust All that is accepted must be capable of proof, and anything that cannot be veriGed, though true it may be, is to science a thing not known. In refer ence to all such matters, its position is that of the agnostic, properly so called, not, .that is to say, of a mere crccdlcss bigot, but of an expectant and cautious investigator, accepting iu belief only that -which he has proved. In virtue of this very position, however, the de scription here given is but a partial one. It applies rather to a purpose than an actual condition. It is a true portrait of actual science only, and it leaves untouched the illustration of that far-reaching prin ciple by which every branch of knowl edge is made subject to the law of de velopment and passes through doubts, conjectures, and shrouded truths to the brightness of clear understanding. Science is no exception to this rule. It has its tentative theories, its muta ble facts, and provisional acceptances, and its position would be logically un tenable if it were to deny to other modes of thought a share in that charitable consideration which allows time for its own conclusions, however crude, to be planned, marred, recast, and slowly matured. Tho assumption of such a position would indeed bo suicidal, for it implies a fatal schism among the forces concerned in phil osophic inquiry. Science and philosophy, it must be remembored, are not contraries. They are merely the obverse and the con verse of the same intellectual process, the former objective, tho latter sub jective as to its rational method. Either may, in the wider acceptation of its mcaaing, bo taken to include the other, and it is only tho promin ence of one, the physical application of roientiOc study, which has associated the former with what we call matter, as distinct from spirit or mind, the natural sphere of the latter. How ever divorce they may seem to be, dis tinction between mind and matter is, in the present state of our knowledge, impossible. "Yc are yet without exporience or information re specting the separate condi tion of one or another. At all points matter is instinct with in corporated properties which consti tute the law of its being, though wltencc derived its atoms cannot tell us: and mind, on the other hand, can only confess itself through its physi cal manifestations. Thnnnli m should penetrate if it were possible beyond the earliest known traces of our world, we might still be as far as evor from a solution of the mystery, but at no stage could wo expect to pass beyond the age at which these two became united. Everywhere we still find, whether in vital activity or in the buried vestiges of world-old existence, the sure signs of cause and effect The design may vary, but its evidences are never wanting. This is the last week of the great cxiosition at Portland, and all of our citizens who have not yet visited it should surely do so, if possible. It is well for people to see what is being done iu this slate and know what is being produced. It is also an object lesson of inestimable value to tho joung, one which when seen, will leave a lasting impression on their minds which cannot fail to bo. useful Lay aside your business cares, lake your family and go to Portland before tho wonderful at traction closes, as Saturday even ing is the last time it will be open. It does one good to go away from home, visit other places, see other peo ple, and learn by observation what is transpiring in other localities than our own. Valuable information is ac quired by travel, as new ideas aro sug gested and an opportunity is afford ed to learn by observation and com parison, so that on returning we are enabled to put iu practice improve ments which add to our financial in terests or contribute materially to our prosperity and happiness. Whenever the men of Astoria can unite upon any project, and bend all their energies to secure its accom plishment, the result will be a grand success, but not until they can har monize conflicting interests and all pull for tho one end, will any particu lar good be secured. So long as one man is afraid to do anything for fear his neighbor will reap as much, bene fit as himself, so long will nothing of general interest and public benefit be sccompb'sbed. Seattle, Ta cornn, Spokane Palls and other live towns have no more natural advantages than Astoria, yet when any public im provement is inaugurated, no matter at whose suggestion, all personal feel ings are laid aside and every man works for the general good without slopping to sea if the benefit will be as great to his neighbor is himself, nd tho result is they aro successful, and all are benefited. When Astoria learns this lesson and acts accordingly, Uen onr city will grow and prosper, Imt&ot until then. May God hasten tfeedayl Tragedy appears to be rampant everywhere, judging by the accidents and casualties heralded over the wires. Murders, suicides, criminal assaults, robbery, and various other crimes against individuals or property seem to prevail in all sections. Frequently they are caused by people living too extravagantly, often induced to do so by their inordinate pride, and as they live beyond their means they must resort to crime to supply the addi tional funds. Detection, exposuro arrest and conviction are almost cer tain to follow. A certain amount of ambition is commendable in all, but this insatiate desire for display and notoriety, in order to gratify which people live beyond their means and are thus tempted to become criminals is the curse "of thousands in this broad land. The numerous sad warnings are insufficient to prevent others from rushing headlong into the fatal abyss. Moderation is a virtue many should strive to cultivate. Salmon by weight is now being agi tated as the proper way to regulate the price canners should pay the fish ermen, instead of a certain fixed price per fish, whatever the size may be. The law of Oregon compels a man to use nets with an eight and one half inch mesh, while Washington has no such law, and the fishermen on the north side of the Columbia can use any size of mesh they please. In this manner the Washington canners get smaller fish than tho Oregon canners, and therefore their canned product costs them more. It is now proposed to regulate all this by fixing a certain price per pound, which canners shall pay the fishermen, and tho plan has many advocates among .both classes. BE. PEENTIOE. Eye, Head and Nervous Diseases, At "Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oct- 28, Por a Tew Days Only. FREE. Dr. Trcnticc "Will Cure the First Case Of Cross-Ej-es and Epileptic Fits Free On the Day of His Arrival in Astoria. A man well known in this community writes the following interesting letter: "1 was chopping a stnnip four weeks ago, when a flying chip struck me in the eye; for a short lime 1 was entirely blind. Then partial sight returned again. 1 nurtured nope and continued to treat it at home, until ten days ago, when 1 began to abandon hope of ever seeing perfectly again, unless some thing more than ordinary was done. 1 then counciled two of the leading Oculists of Portland, who told me one eye would have to be cut out to save the other. It did not exactly suit me to have my cj c cut out, and so I sought other council. I went to Dr. Prentice, the Oculist, then at Portland, and he laughed at the idea of its being neces sary to cut my eye out; I joined in the laugh, for it was on my side. 1 have been free from pain since the first day's visit to Dr. Prentice, and im proved steadily, and am now entirely well again. 1 feel safe in saying that if Dr. Prentice cannot cure a case lie will always say so. Tiios. II. Foss, Gray's River, Wash. A Touching Sccno Witnessed By a Portland Gentleman. One week ago we received an invita tion to witness a delicate surgical oper ation on an eye. '1 he patient was the 17-year-old daughter of Harrison Hay. For three years she had been blind in both eyes with a cataract, and was obliged to grope her way about in total darkness. The patient without taking chloroform, submitted to the following operation: the was now ready for the surgical part of the work, and we stood in breathless anxiety as Dr. Prentice placed the point of his knife at the side of the eyeball, carefully touched the point oi the cornea, then the oiaue entered the eye; we saw it pass through the eye in front of the pupil and then come out at the opposite side. It was then drawn upward, and a cut made of about one-third of the circumference of the ball. Another instrument was then passed in back of the pupil, and almost on tho instant the girl said: "Oh, Dr. Prentice 1 can see you." This was spoken in tones well calculated to bring tears to one's eyes. From the time the knife touched the eje until the patient could see, it was just one min ute. She was allowed to sec those about her for a moment, then the eye was closed and bandaged. In just one week after the operation she came into our office and was able to read our paper. She also wroto a letter home, saying; "Dear parents, 1 can see and am happy." Mr. Jerome w. Campbell, General Superintendent of the Willamette Bridge Railway Co., saw this operation. Another Letter From Jndgo Carlton. Salt Lake City, 1888. Dr.AK Doctor: Before leaving for the East. I wish to express my appre ciation of your treatment of my eyes. 1 have tried for several years to get far seeing classes, and I had concluded 1 could get none that would be of any benefit to me. But after I saw tho won derful benefit of your system, I take pleasure in saying that the glasses fur nished by j'ou have restated my vision both for leading and far-seeing to the same condition as in my boyhood. iTe solved to have you furnish me glasses after I witnessed your system on a beau tiful young lady of sixteen years, af flicted with a complicated condition of the eyesight. She told me she had never" been able to distinguish one's face at a distance of six feet. With Dr. Prentice's glasses she could sec as well as anyone. As she looked up and down the street, and for the first time in her life saw the distant mount ian tops, she was greatly delighted, and inquired with childish simplicity: "Do other people see this way ? It seemed that a new world was opened to her view, as novel and beautiful as "Eden's rosy bowers" appeared to our first par ents. Yours truly, Judge A. B. Cam.ton, Chairman Utah Commission. Xerrous Diseases That Are Permanently Cnred By Dr. Prentice. Epileptic fits, Paratysis, Drunken ness (periodical), Heart disease, Kidney disease, Asthma, Sick headache, Spinal irritation, and nervous debility in men and women. A permanent euro is made. Excitement Runs high at J. W. Conn's drug store over System Builder, as everybody is using it for Catarrh of the "stomach, Dyspepsia. Constipation and Impure Blood, and to build up the system it cer tainly possesses wonderful merit when all speak so well of it. For Sale. milE STEAMER EDITH WILL BE SOLD JL cheap for cash. Her dimensions are : 76 7-10 feet Ion, 17 7-10 feet wide, and fl 3-10 feet deep. She is In good order. For fur ther particulars apply to Van Diisen & Co., Astoria, Or., or J. G. Megler, Brooklleld, Washington. Salesman. AN ENERGETIC MAN WANTED TO push our manufactures on tills ground. One or our agents earned $5,200 in '89. Ad. dress r. O. Box 1371, New York. RUCKER "Enlarged and Refitted to Meet the Popular Demand.g3 FINEST RESTAURANT IN THE CITY. Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters. Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc. HEAIiS COOKED TO OEDEB. THIRD STREET, o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o (Formerly the Ere n This is the Cleanest and is in Quietest Location of any Hotel in the City. WHITE COOKS. : WOT. O-O-O-O-O-O O - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - O Ctas. Bona! ft Mil Tailor. New Fall Coods Just Received. Latest Coods in the Market. 257"CalI and he convinced that 1 turn 513 Third Street, - NOTICE. 25.00 REWARD To the party receiving the largest list of names for THE GREAT NEW ILLUSTRATED HISTORY Of HTM By HUBERT II. BANCROFT T1IE EMINENT HISTORIAN READY at last Only true History of Mor monlsm published FnscinaUng.intcnscIy interesting, powerful Endorsed alike by Mormons and G cm lies. WONDERFUL ADVENTURES Of Trappers and Travelers moody Indian Wars-Thrilling accounts of Massacres and Miraculous Escapes The famous Danitc Association. Etc. Etc. MYSTERIES OF POLYGAMY 'lhH Tlthine House Celestial Marnacc Strange Religious Customs Biography or Brigham Young, as thrilling as a novel yet true history. A grand book to sell. Everybody Wants It. Merchants, Farmers, Me chanics, andall classes have eagerly awaited the appearance of tlds remarkable book. AGENTS Send quick $1 00 for costly and elegant Canvassing Outfit. Don't waste time writ ing for circulars, but secure territory before it is gl en out. Eemember-thls is a subject of Intense interest to all. and the Grand Illustrations attract attention evcrj where. address THE HISTORY COMPANY 723 Market St. San Francisco Hagee, Argand and Acorn toves i Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED WATER CLOSETS, PLUMBIXG GOODS, PUHrS, SINKS, AXD BATn TUBS ISTo e3 SoiaJJLy 341 CHENAMOS STREET. 1. 17V. Case, BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the 0. S. and Europe, and on Bong Rous, China Office Houbs : 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Report of the Condition OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA, At Astoria, in tho State of Oregon, at the close of business, October 2nd, 1890. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts..... $181.372 20 Overdrafts secured and unsecured, 7,4 H 40 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 Stocks and Securities 23,lil 29 Due from approved reserve agents 87,513 47 Due from other National Banks 674 33 Due from State Banks and bankers 22,792 01 Current expenses and taxes paid i.CGl 73 Premiums on U. S. Bonds .... 2jS00 Checks and other cash items. 38 Bills of other Banks 150 Nickels and cents. m..... Cl 99 Specie -. C5,200 Legal tender notes....-................. 175 Redemption fund with U.S. Treas urer (5 percent, of circulation) 502 50 Total liabilities! Capital stock paid in . ,$395,030 01 9 50,000 10.800 19,753 54 9.350 surplus iuna............ Undivided profits .... National bank notes out standing ... ......... Individual deposits sub ject to check S24S.901 03 Demand certificates of deposit . 55.724 54 Certified checks .. 1,903 $305.52G 47 Total SXW.CX) 01 State of Oregon, U County of Clatsop, r I. S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above n.-.mcil bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashl-r. Subscribed and sworn to bef re me this 8th day of October, IKK). CUAS.K.ltUNl'ON. Notary 1'ubllo. Correct Attest : GEO.FLAYKL. -) JOHN A.DKVLT2T. J-Directors. WILLIAM JL LADD, J For Sale Cheap. A TEN OR TWELVE IIORSE POWER . engine and boiler in good order, mounted. Apply to C. P. ZIGLEK. staurant. ASTORIA, OR - o - o - o - o - 'o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o Main St. House.) the - : NO CHINESE. ELDRED, Proprietor. - U - O - O - O - O O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O out the most fashionable suit in the city. Next to C. H. Cooper's. 'J Successors to Wilson & Fisher. SHIP GHANDLERS IIK.WT AND SHELF "STDES. I 'XTSJ'L.JEl.lEJ Farm Implements, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. Loggers' Supplies, Provisions, and Mill Feed. :GENEIIAL AGENTS FOR: SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS. Portland. Roller Mills. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ETC. Astoria, - Oregon. HENRY GLASSOP Poultry and Fish In Quantities To Suit. Southwest cor. Fourth & Cass GaiHaliail & CO. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL IEMAMISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON Hughes & Go Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - Astoria, Oregon. WM. EDGAR. Cigiy's, Tobacco and Snuff, MEERSCHAUM & BRIER PIPES, Pocket Cutlery, Marine Glasses, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. Comer Main and Second Sts., Astoria, Or. Notice of Guardian's Application FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE of his wards. To Martha Rowland. Arthur Rowland and all other persons Interested in the estate of huos Rowland, deceased : Take notice t hat Wm. Taper, as guardian of the minor heirs of said Emos Rowland, deceased, has filed his pellt'on lor license to sell a specified part of the real estate b?-li-n;riiig to said K1103 Itouland cstntr situ ated in the County ol C atsop. Orfgnii ; you are hereby notified and require.) to :-pio.r before the Comity court at t!n mirt Ifnusn in Astoria In said count .f Ore gon, on the 3rd day f November, lnW). at two oYlock In the Hftriiitn:i of s4iitl d iv to show caue why a Hcenve slton-d not" be k mitPil for Ihe sale of such real eslute. Given thii2Hh da of Septrtnbor. 180"). 0. A. McGUIItK. dtd County Judge. Notice. ALL PERSONS HAVING ACCOONTS against the estate of tho late Philo Callender are hereby noUfled to present the same to mo for settlement forthwith. M. P. OALLENDER, Knappton, Wash. August 5th, 1890. Re House FIB BB FRED Saddles and Harness I iilJwSJga A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FEOM. GOODS AT SA3T FRANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty or good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wes Side Olney Street. Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, The Largest Stock ! .-- mmense Stock OF FTJB.3NTITUIIE CHAS. HEILBOHN. Two car loads received : More on the way. You are invited to see tho finfjt dlspLiy of FuniltHre, Carpets, etc., In the city. Prices reasonable. The Old Stand, WHOLESALE AND Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. . 0 The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Beooived fresh MARKETS. Washington Market. Main Slrcr t, - Astoria, 'Orcj;ou. CIIRISTEXSEV CO., rKOPRIKTOKS. RESPECTFULLY CALL TIEE ATTEN tion of the public to tho fact that the aoove Market will always besupplled v. Ith a POLL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. EirSpecIal atteution Riven to supplying ships. STAR MAKKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHENAMUB Street. Astoria, Og. Roadway Market. O'Harn. & Ingnlls, Propr's. Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Frosh and Salt Meats All Purchases Delivered in any part of the City. IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provisions Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Advance Threshers AND ENGINES, Parm, Ohurclr and School Bells. Inspirators, Injectors and Feed Pumps, Coal Oil Engines, Trahern Pumps, Kriehel Engines, Boilers and Steam Generators Z.aindry2Tacilncry."SIarlneMachlncrit CHEMICAL "FIRE ENGINES, Blacksmith Forg- and Drills, Best Axle (It case and Compound In the world.Pow- ell's Brass Goods and Iron Pipe. Send for Circular. Nulice for Publication. r yi OFFICE AT OltgtSON CIIY 1J Oregon, uct. llli. JQ. NoSKMi-licrbKygivoii ilialth folhmitig ntnied settler has iilediMtice of her intea linn to make final i-ntof in snpnnit of her cl.uiii.and that s,dd pniof uiil 1h made le r r the lcegNU r and Uereivcr of the U S Land Ol ccat Oregon City Orejion. 011 r.ov. 15th. 1S90, Yiz : Mrs. S. Tolles, rra dilution D.S. No. 7008. for the NE'4 of section 23 T5N.R7W, W.M. ' She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis. : Edward Bur chard, Whalen C. Groff, Hiram Groff and William B. Marye, all of Jewell, ClatsoD County. Oregon. H J.T.AFPERSON, I5 Register. Your Moneys wortn SAIZ OREGON. The Lowest Prices ! Astoria, Orogon. RETAECi DEALER IN everv Stoamor. GO TO LARSON & HILIBAOK GROCERIES AII FKS1S1I FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third fatreet. next to Pioneer onice. S.AKNDT& P&KCIIEN AST OKlA. OKEGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH jls .? "2r Boiler Shop t All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AKI STEAMBOAT WOES Promptly attended to. Aspocialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STKEEl. . Astoria Iron Worts. Concoraly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General lacMsists aii Boiler Maters. Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice.. Johh Fox.. President, and Sunt A.L.FOX, .... vice President J. G. HU8TLBB. Sec. and Treas CHRIS. EVENSON. F. COOK THE Central Hotel EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, 'Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, WATKKSt., Opp. Foard A Stokes a nnsT class saloon Ullll ii -ltllllf tint! HlMl till l'leutlM-8 " H- iw ..r H'V.c. HQfr.y V; ri'-p-Gntt t:.;.i,w - 1 ii . tt.ii i" 1, I'.ini iinutliv 3fgBgMfgSel'A!BiilJM oiiCh.i ti s" ff.ceti.-v NOT HJt: U HEKEltV !IVKX THAT THE :iiiuiul iiiccthi!; of ihi Stockholders of the Fishermen's i nckin Company will he held at the office of tho company on Weduesday, Oct., 23th, 1830, at 9 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other husincss as may properly come before the meeting. By order of the president, G. A. NELSON, Secretary BHTJS'EF ,3:,k-tO3!k'Blt jaBWBdPini CHOOL 1 " j Our Stock of Oregon and Washington Books is now Complete. We are the Agents for the Exchange of Books to he nsed in Washington. GRIFFIN : & : REED. TSie Smith A "SMITH PREMIER" TYPEWRITER can he seen at THE ASTORIAN Office, where it is in daily use. FLYNN, The Tailor, KEE?S US Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. Al! the Latest Styles He buys for Cash at Eastern Trices. JHe Guarantees the Best Workmanship on all Garments. Call and see for yourself. Earth Block. ASTORIA, OK. C3rO Columbia Bakery EOS FRESH BREAD, Calces, nml Fine Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS. illamette - Graduates Students in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law and Medical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It is the oldest, largest and least expensive Institution of learning in the northwest. School opens first Monday In September. Send for catalogue to THOS. VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. ForM's Great MishM Exposition 0PEWS SEPT. 25th. 1890 CLOSES OCT. 25th. Slsnor Liberatl's Military Band or Fifty Selected Musicians will furnish the music. Six and one half acres of floor space filled to overflowing with the wonders of this won derful age. A world of Mechanics in Miniature. Not to visit this Great Exposition and view Its wonders In every department of art and science will he to miss an opportunity such as has never been presented to the people of this coast before. THE FAT AND DOMESTIC STOCK DEPARTMENT. Will open September 2oth and close October 2d. $5,500 Is offered In cash premiums in this Department. Stock Department open to visitors from 9 a. m. until 5 v. m. Exposi tion from 1 r. m. until 10 p. m. One admission ticket admits to both. Price, adults, CO cts. ; children, 23 cts. Reduced rates on all transportation lines leading to Portland. For information address, E. W. ALLEN, Supt. and Sec'y. Weinliard's Es the Choice of Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. "WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth, and. B. Telephone 72. Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL "ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. VV. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. BMWHEJSaAait c E. R, HAWES BOOK n remier TYPEWKITER Contains more points of merit than any other Typewriter on the market. If vou are interested in, or .contemplating; the purchase of a writing machine, send for illus trated catalogue to tglF. W. REYNOLDS, Agt. Ho. 20 Stark Street. PORTLAND, - OREGON. STOCK TUE- PO 1PJELJES : - University Lager Beer ! ihe Connoisseur. P. O. Bex 405 mn a mtmjwi . rusts oFrnnuf nfrrn rnmo ir. rZJr, sor.i l "Ti r ". -""" ""srx ,uub tivevTU C0U2TI now ruMnnoii -AWhere theWireGauzfeDoorifc" IP YOU WAUT THE BEST Buy ihe CHARTER OAK, : "With ttie "Wire Gauze Oreo Dkw. ' Jg.'c5ffeiwfcs