tsf - x ;- - --ov - -?.- -,- v ru --. -agSt.1- . & it.-? k IimI --- t 4 l VOL. XXXV, NO. 111. ASTOTITA, OREGOIY, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1890. L'RICE FIVJE CENTS SMfSmMl jSA a. 1i1l&S HI Kl 1 (Hf II II ill mil Eigfeest of all in Leavening Power. PriVJ Baking ABSOLUTELY PURE HOSLNESS CARDS. X I. UAYHOXD, CIVIL ENG1NEKB. County Surveyor of Clatsop County, Offlce : Koom No. 7. Kinney's Brick, Asto ria, Oregon. rR. II. AV. STIUCKLrR, rilYSICIAN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIST In simple cases, charges only for medi cine. Near PoMofllcc, Clienamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. J. . nAaiii.Toar, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Astoria, - Oregon. Office, three doors east Court House, Third street. C. J. CUUTIS, AUorBfj-aMjnr: ItoUry Pabllc. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Office in Flavel's new brick building. Cor. Second and Cass streets. J OUS IL SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OHlce on Cass street, 2 doors back ol Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. A. BOWLBY, vitoracy and CoKBgcUer at Law fflce on Chenaraus Street, Astoria, Oregon A R- KANACA, ATTORNEY AT LAV orace over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. T II. 71 IXSKLL. "ke.ii. ESTATE BROILER AT NOTARY PUBLIC. " Established 1883. Third Street, next to W, U. Telegraph Of fice, Astoria, Or. W. W. PARKER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Conveyancer and Notary rubllc 112 Benton Street, opnoslto tho rostofflcc. Between encnamus & squcmoque sis., Astoria, Oregon. L A. CLEVELAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlfe navel's new brick building, comer Second and Cass streets ; up stairs. D RS. A. L. AND J. A, FULTON. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A Fulton. Offlce hours from 10 to 12 A. M and 1 to 4 r.x. JAY TUTTLE. M. D. fhysacianf Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Room C, Pythian Building. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, C33 Cedar Street. r k. MILLER, ar. i. Graduate of Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pital College, and Post-Graduate of New York Cry Polyclinic School of Medicine and Surgery. First and Malu streets, Portland. mrteaMCK ef Women a Specialty. D R.O.R.ESTK8. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Women ind Surgery. jfkioe : Opposite Telegraph Office, up Stairs, Astoria, Oregon. D K. P. A. RKKS, DENTIST. Rooms 7 and 8, Flavel's new Brick Bulld- w. t. noKXKr. r- t. bakin J. W. DKAPKK. Barney, Barin & Draper, Attorneys at-Law. Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years experience as Register of the U.S. Land Office here, recommends us la our specialty of Mining and all other bus iness before the Land ORlce or the Courts, nd involving the practice in the General Land Office. TMelsei, Lsster & Anflersen, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Office, Room 9, Flavel's Bld'o second street P. O. Box 813. ASTORIA, OR. FARM AND DAIRY RANCH TO LET Ttrcmty te Thirty Cfceicc Cews 30 to SO Acres of Fine Meadow Farming Land A Farm of 190 acres. 4 to 5 acres of orchard ia cfeaiee traits.- complete farm buildings, sear Astoria. CeaveaieBt to sell milk in theefcy. All faratec tools and dairy appli ances. Oee spaa fine Farm Horses and Waaaa. Apply ta this office, or to A. II. Safe, ea tae premises, at Woodland Farm, TaaacsKiver,Or. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Slain St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODBERRY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Companies, Representing 313,000,000 fikenix,., HOME, .Hartford, Conn .New York, Agency Pacific Express and Wells. Fargo A Co. -o-T H E- AOSTIN-:-HOUSE J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Open All the Year 'Roimfl. THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of thcNecanicum, within five minutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Ilcsort on the Northwest Pacific Coast. Every attention Is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests, and the table Is supplied with the very best in season. Here are plenty of Clams and Crabs, there is game in the woods and plenty or the finest fish In the streams. E. P. N00NAN & GO. (Successors to) DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE XO. 7. - P. 0. BOX 390 W. F. Seheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, rure Oil, Bright Varnish, Blnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Lard Oil. "Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sowing Machines, Paints, Oils, v G-rooerlesi ZEJto. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and fFIttinps, Stoves, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead, Strip Lead, Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. School Taxes. TWOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JLl the taxes for School District, No. 1 , for. tho year 1800, are due and payable at the offlce of the clerk on Main street wharf. The Tax Bell will remain In my hands for sixty days from date, after which time those not paid will become delinquent. By order of the Board of Directors. J. W. CONN, Chairman. J.G.HUSrLER.Clerk. Astoria, Sept. 4th, 1800. TELEGRAPHIC SDMIART. Two children were burned to death in Utah. The Priuco of Wales is said to favor home rule. The republicans carried the da; in tho Idaho elections. An aged woman Vas killed by baptism at Perry, Mich. Nearly nil the ships overdue at San Francisco have errived. Several lives were lost by tho explosion of a torpedo boat in Italy. IuW. Cutler, editor of Field and Farm, died suddenly at Salida, Colo. Preston Turpie, n victim of dime nov els killed himself in New York. Another member of the suicide club at Bridgeport, Conn., has ended his life. Captain Carroll wa3 elected represen tative to Washington from Alaska. Politics in tho South are mixed nnd both parlies nre bidding for tho colored vote. Tho engineer and fireman on a train on the Pennsylvania road, were fatally injured. A drunken- man at Peoria, III., r shot while attempting to assault two young girls. Thirty-two Chinese have arrived in San Francisco from Tacoma, to be sent back to China. James Morris poured coal oil on his sleeping brother at Kingston. Now York, nnd set fire to it. Spreckles Bros., of San Francisco will continue to carry tho Australian mail without subsidy. He Read. Dime Novels. Special to Tub Astokiax.1 New York, Oct 19. Preston Tur pie, a youth 14 years of age, commit ted suicide tins evening by hanging himself in his father's house. He was an inveterate reader of dime novels and it is supposed that his mind had become thereby affected. Tito KcwDifccovcry. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking aboutit lou may your self be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it. you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given trial, Dr. King's New Discoverv ever after holds a nlaco in the house. If you have never used it and should be afllicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, lAing or Chest trouble, secure a bottle atonco and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at J. W. Conn's Drugstore. QELO P. PA11KEK. CAUt. A. HANHON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steame Tnis WEEK. Drees - Goods The Old Stand Astoria Orccon. James Finlayson Murctat : Tailor 534 Third. Street, Invites the gentlemen of Astoria and sur rounding districts to call and see his large selection of NEW SEASON GOODS Suitable For Ulsters, Overcoats, Suits, Trousers Comprising Scotch. English, French and American Goods 3" A Good Fit Guaranteed-5 t:b::ej Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN FOR GENERAL BAHKIHG BUSINESS Accounts of Firms and Individuals Solic ited on Favorable Terms. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Money Loaned on Personal and Ileal Estate se curity. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. C. T. Edcc, Tresident John nebsen, Vice Fres. A. B. Edcc, Cashier. D. K. Warren. n?w.fn C. S. Wright, j Directors. Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city Office and "Warehouse In nume's New Building on Water 8treet. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. tNTORIA, OREGON A pocket mirror free to smokers ot Cannery Supplies FROM THE FROZEN NORTH The Alasia Salmon Pact Was Atoye the Ayerap. THE GUTTERS AND SEALEES. Ifo Serioua Trouble Experienced by Seal Poachers ' Mission of the Steamer "Bertha." Special by The United Puess.1 Sax Fkaxctso, Oct 19. Intelli gence lias been received hero from Alaska that the steamer Mexico will bring down to Astoria, en route to this port, 1G,8S9 cases of. salmon, closing the season's work. Lale reports from the canneries state that tho season will average well on account of tho big catche3 made at several stations. Captain Carroll, at one lime em ployed bv the Pacific Coast Steam ship company, is a candidate for dele gate from Alaska to vnsumgiou, aim ho is making an active canvass. lie is opposed by George W. Carsed. a well known lawyer of. Janeau. The convention of "Tho People of Alaska" met at the lntter city on October Gth to nominate a candidate and after a" hot tight Captain Carroll camo out the! victor. It is reported that so far the steamer Bertha, chartered by tho government in place of the WalcoW as a patrol boat in "Dehring sea has accomplished nothing worthy of note. Tho sealers Triumph and Adele aro nowin Behring sea and the Bertha is there supposedly to seizo thein. Tho Adele sailed this season under, tho German flag and it is said that ship will not endeavor to escape seiz ure. Some of the Victoria poachers want to make a case as between t his country and Germany, and they think that in this way the Behring sea question will ar rive at a settlement favorable to them. A REPUBLICAN GAIN. Idaho is In the Hands of tbe Good Old Party. Special to Tub ASToniAX.I Boise Crrr, Ida., Oct. 19. Official return shows tho total number of votes cast at the recent election to bo 18,003. Tho mnjority received by tho repub lican candidates for congress aud gov ernor aro as follews: Sweet, cougresr man, 2,171; Shoup, governor, 2.377. Upon a joint ballot, the legislature will stand, republicans 45, democrats 9. Keep Your Blood Xnrc. Impure blooil, however geneiatcd, is always present in the body when pain is felt; it spreads ana ferments whir ever aweak spot exbt-. Take Bkandhetu's Pir.LS to make the blood pure and expel all that Is hurtful to the sisteni. Thy arc the ono great and unfailing remedy, 'ihey cleanse tho bowels an-l :i'tore eqnat circulation throughout the body. i hoy preserve the vigor of youth and often save life. O. E. BAIN, Manufacturer and Dealer 1:1 Stash, Doors, 'tloulriiiig uml Bracket!. All Kinds of Hard Wood and House Finish ing Lumber. Boat MhUtUI a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Cor. Genevieve and Astokia, - - Astor Streets. Okegox. B. P. ALLEN CO. DKAI.EKS IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings PRACTICAL :- PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Ca3 and Jrnersou Sts.. AfU rl:. ASTORIA TRANSFER VS. AN'I Livery Stables. t,onvf:inces o! any kind, 011 short lu.iicc. Transferring Baggage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. n. W. SHERMAN & CO. AloerbhooK BARGAIN'S IN AluBrtaooffioprty FOR- A Few Days Only. BUY NOW! DON'T WAIT! Js hire 'To Be THE Tei minus of a Bail Road. Wingate & Stone, ODD FELLOWS'BUILDING, Astoria, Or. FAVORS HOME RULE. Tbc Prince of Wales Said to Ad vocate It. Special to The Astobian. Lonixn Oct. 19. In a recent inter view Mr. O'Brien made a remarkable assertion, which is likely to stir up tho politicians. He declared that the cause of justice to Ireland has no le3s a friend than his Boyal Highness, the Prince of "Wales, who, however, could of course take no active part in ad vancing that cause, and who was pre cluded by the constitution from open ly pronouncing his opinion of political matters. O'Brien said ho had it from those who frequent the society of the prince that he is by no mean3 opposed to home rule in Ireland and that he would welcome the passage of some measure to bring it about; and that he has prompted the queen to have tho subject mentioned in aspeechfrom the throne at the opening of parliament and that her majesty has consented to briug the matter to Ihe notice of her advisers. WITHOUT SUBSIDY. Sprccltlcs Bros. Will Carry the Australian Mail. Sp Ci.il toTlIKASTORIAN.l Sax Fiiaxcisco, Oct. 19.--T. D. LSpreckles & Bros., agents for the Oceanic steamship line, have received stiflicient encouragement in regard to tho prospective passage ot the ship ping bill to warrant them in closing a contract for another year of mail ser vice with New Zealand, and without subsidy aid from New South Wales and other Australian colonies. Overdue S!iip all In. Special in Thk AsToniAX.l San Fran'cisco, Oct. 19. Nearly all the overdue ships have now arrived. Tbc only vessels over which any alarm is felt aro tho Baton Hall, now out 1G0 days, and the Prince Edward, 150 tlnyt, from Newcastle, England. CAHNOT DO WITHOUT FIGHTING Revolution in the Argentine Hepnl-" lie is a Matter of Necessity. cii.it inm .1 -ir.i-v FJtoir there Special b7 Tho Uxitfd Pekss. San Fbawcisco, Oct. 19. D. P. Thomas, of Bnneos Ayre3, arrived last evoning en route to Australia. Mr Thomas is an American business man who has resided iu the Argeutiue Re public for several years. Speaking of tho revolutions in tho sonth, Mr. J-Thomassaid:- ' "Therevolntion. in tho Argentine Republic is over for the time being. Its cessation, however, is only the re sult of a compromise and there will be other revolutions down there he fore many months. The people there cannot exist without revolutions. Tho Argentine Republic is a republic iu name only and the people have been robbed right and left by President Celman, who is said to havo 8,000, 000 in London and Paris banks. He practically taxedrhe people to death. Since President Pelligoine has as sumed the reins of the government he has been compelled to flee from the city for fear of another revolution. The English have control of ever thiug and really own the republic. They are building railroads and mak ing other improvements. I expect to see England own the repnblic one of these days." Hanging to a Tree. Special to The Astoria. "Woodbuen, Or., Oct. 19. L. Ev ans, a railroad section foreman, was found hanging to a tree near hero this afternoon. Indications point to suicide. A PREUIUJI TO SUBSCRIBERS. A Liberal Offer to Old anil New Sub scribers, Kither Dauy or "Weekly. Attention is directed to the extraor dinary premium offer for The As- xokian which is advertised on the fourth page. A complete Bet of Dickens' works is offered with the Wkeklt Astohiax for S'2.7;"i. A com plete unabridged pet ot Dickens in twelve volumes for 75 cents additional is an extraordinary offer when one considers the extraordinary amount of reading matter offered. This offer is extended to old subscribers who re new their subscriptions, as well as new ones. The Mammoth Encyclopedia is another premium which is offered on the same terms as above. For a de scription of this rare offer see adver tisement on tho fourth page. To old subscribers who send 2 for a new subscriber to the weekly, will bo sent twenty-five novels to be selected from a large list to bo published very short ly. Or, it the ojd subscriber sends S2.75ho will receive tho novels and the new subscriber will get either of tho premiums above offered which ho may select To those who nay for a year's subscription to Tns Daily Moukikg AsToitiAN for ouo year in ad vance 87 either of the above premi ums will be given postage free. Those who prefer, instead of the above premiums-, can have a copy of "Washing ton living's "Astoria," a beautifully printed book of G93 pages. This book needs no other recommendation than the fact that "Washington Irving is the author. This is an unusually good opportunity to get a good newspaper and a good. library for very little money. It is worth looking after. Read tho advertisement on the fourth page. Etipcpsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, yon must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands arc jearching for it daily, and mourning hecause they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are speni annually by our peo ple in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantt'P that Electric Bitters, if usd according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon dyspep sia and instead Eupcpsy. We recom mend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Ridncys. Sold at 50c. and S1.00 per bot tle by J. W. Conn, Druggist POLATICS III THE SOUTH Tbe liegro Tote fill Be a Very Important Factor. THE SITUATION VEEY 0BITI0AL Leaders of Both Parties Trying to Control the Colored Bleu Some Predictions. Special by The United ttiES CnAitMsroxi S. O., Oct. 19. The situation in South Carolina, from a political standpoint, is decidedly peculiar. Everybody is talking poli tics and tho people are wrought up to a high political excitement: The excitcmeut is confined to no class, nor to any peculiar section of the tate. It is general throughout tho whole state and effects both 1 aces. The few days now remaining before tho gen eral election in November bid fair to bo days well filled with bitterness and events of bloodshed. The leaders of tho opposition factions are hard at work and neither side will leave a single stone unturned to ensure vic torv. There aro many who regret that such a stale of "things ha3 come about. On tho. other hand there are othere who welcome the breaking of old party lines. All recognize tho fact that the negro will bo used and many admit that the negro will be the deciding factor in the fight be tween thewhite3. A great "many bewail this recogni tion of the negroes' right to vote and declare that tho result will bo that in four years tho blacks will have con trol of the state. T'jc other side re tort that thi3 i3 a part of wisdom to recognize the negro vote, which cannot be suppressed much longer, and to take chargo of it now and get control of it. They say that tho re cognition of tho negro vote is but a question of time and that, too, of a very short time, and that if they did not use it their opponents would uso it two years hence, to keep themselves in office. THE DEADLY COAL OIL. Two Little Children Biirucil to Death in Utah. Special to The AsroiuAX.l Salt Lake, Oct 19. "May Demple, aged 9 years, attempted to start a fire last evening, during the absence of her parents, by tho uso of kerosene. The girl and her little brother David were covered with the flaming oil in a moment, and both were fatally burned. LIKE A FAICY TALK. Senator Hearst's Dig Schemes la the Ji'cit.s Paper World. Senator Hearst is creating a bigger sensation than anything he has ever published in his newspaper. He is a very rich man. It is estimated that his income averages $7,000 a day. It is said that he spent 1,000,000 in placing tne Jixaminer on a paying oasis, a sum only a little less than nait ot nis income lor an entire year. Recently rumors have been current in New lorkof his intention of estab lishing his son in tho newspaper busi nes3 in that city. The gossips say that he offered Ben nett 55,000,000 for the Herald and that Bennett laughed at tho offer. which surprised Senator Hearst some what, for the sura offered was about equal to two years' income. He is reported to have said that he would have made an offer .to Dana for the Sun, but he heard that the veteran was getting so much fun out of his paper that he wouldn't sell foran-v amount It is probable that so far as a .New lork newspaper is concerned, Senator Hearst will have to establish one on his own hook. It may require three or four vears' income at the rate of $7,000 a day, but if ho undertakes the enterprise it will certainly be a howling success. There is always an opportunity in Kew York for a man with sufficient income to start a daily paper, and if lie can stand the drain for a few years ho will prob ably succeed in drawing down hand some interest on hi3 investment. The latest rumors concerning Sen ator Hearst's financial adventures grow out of his purchase of tho Nu cleus buildiug, on tho corner of Mar ket and Third streets, in San Fran cisco, for which he is said to have paid S1,80U,000, only 75,000 less than his yearly income. It is said that he finds the Nucleus property altogetherinade qnate for the gigantic scheme he proposes. He is now negotiating for the pur chase of the entire block bounded by Market, Third, Stevenson and Annie streets, which he has bonded for $4,000,000, or nearly two years' in come $1,000,000 don't count for much m these transactions. On the site of this property he will erect a building fourteen stones high, in a corner of which will be located tho Examiner cstaonsnmenr, witn a ciocu so large that the time o' night can be discerned in Oakland when the weath er i3 clear. Tho building will, be one of the largest and finest in the world. Before such enterprises backedr by such inexhaustible wealth the imagin ation of a Dumas might stand ap palled and the story of "Monte .Cristo" sink to the level of tho commonplace. Oakland, CaL, Times. The Best Man in tho World. Well, it not postively tae he3t, one of the wlsct is he who checks disease at tho start in his own systtm In preserving or restor ing the hcaven-erauted gilt of health, he de serves profound constdeiation. H13 ex ample Is worthv to bo Imitated. The com plaints which afllct us pre Lovely attribut able to a want of tone in the stomach, either Inherent or inflicts I by ourselves upon that much abused repository 0; the food that should nourish us. "Vii;it is Icsie qulrcmcnt in adversity? A wholesome tonic. None so good, if we rely on experi ence and testimony, as IIo3teter"s Stomach Bitters. Unmeditated stimulants won't do. Herniation, as vtcll as invicoraticn ol the disestivc viscera. Is not to u- effected by these. Ihrough the agency of the stomachic named, strength of the entire system is rc- trenched dyspeniia -and biliousness over come. Malarial, kidney, bladder and rheumatic complaints are eradicated by this salutary reformer or ill neaitn. KILLED BY BAPTISM. Another Victim of Religious Fanaticism. Special to TheAscoutav. Perbt, Mich., Oct 19. Last sum mer T7m. Fillinger and his wife, who live three miles from here, attended a series of revivals and became religious mad in a mild way. "With them lived Fillinger's mother, who has been physically frail- It wor ried Fillinger and his wife, that the elder woman was unbaptized and yes terday they decided that tho necessary religious rite should be performed, al though the poor woman was confined to her bed, and unable to even rise. Taking water to her room they be gan the ceremony by dashing it in her face, and continued it until from the shock and exhaustion, their victim died. Fillfncer and his wife were arrested and taken to jail at Corruna.. SHOT IN THE BACK. The Fate of a Rcdcles Drunken Ulan. Special to Tnz astokiak Pronr,,Els., Oct". 19. While drunk yesterday Henry Baten attempted to assault two little girls. Later on in the day ho entered tho house of a Mrs. Fanny Case, but she drove him away after a terrible struggle in which he cut her on the arms and leg3 with a hatchet. He broke away from the policeman, who had arrested him and was shot through the spine while run ning. Ho will die. Ho is an ex-convict They Must Go Buclc. Special to Thk astoriajj.1 Sax Francisco. Oct. 19. Thirty-two Chinese arrived last evening on the steamer Walla Walla from Victoria and Puget sound ports. Theso have been consigned to the custody of Col lector Phelps, to be sent back to China on the steamer that leaves to-day or to-morrow. They were caught trying to smuggle themselves iuto the United States from British Columbia. WHISKY GOT THE BEST OF THEM Man Ponrs- Kerosene on His Broiler aud Fires II, lIOItlllliLE CASE Or MUJiVEIi. Special by The United Tress. Kingston, N. Y., Oct 19. Crazed by liquor after a prolonged spree, James Morris, finding his brother Joseph in a drunken slumber in bed at home, poured kerosene oil over him and set fire to the saturated bed and clothing. The blaze flashed up and awakened the sleeping man. Others of the family rushed to the rescue, and careless of burns, extinguished tho fire and dragged Josepli to a place of safety, thongh their own hands were scorched. Joseph was in a horriblo condition. Tho flesh on his left side was burned to a crisp. All the care and remedies that physicians could use were given to him, but after lingering in great agony he died this morning. James was arrested and placed in jail immediately after the crime to await his brother's injuries. Coroner Carr and District-Attorney Deyo vis ited Morris' house to-day. The Morris farm is six miles from this city on a mountain road near the vil lage of Hurley. The father of the boys on his death a few years ago, left about $150,000 to his" three grown sons and his widow. Tho boys were likely fellows and they bought a fine farm for SIO.OOO and worked it to gether, living in a well-to-do manner. They made money for the land was good and they also worked a profit able Milestone qnarry on the place. Drink got tho better of them, however, with the resnlt stated. IK THE PRIZE It INI.. A Glove Fight in Texas Aivanlcil on a Fonl. Special toTiiKAsToniAN. Daikas, Tex., Oct 19. A fight took place in the rink last night between Mike Conley ot New York and Dick Sullivan ot Colorado, which was wit nessed by 1,000 persons . The fight was for a purse of $1,250. In the first round Sullivan fouled Conley and the referee gave Conley the fight, but the latter said he was willing to go on. In the second round Sullivan repeated the offense and the referee awarded the fight to Conley. Sullivan's backers lost heavily. Frank Vaquelin, of New Orleans, will chal lenge Conley. A GREEN SXAKD'S FAULT. Fatal Accident on the Pennsyl vania Line. Special to The Astorux.J PnrDADEXiPniA, Oct 19. A few minutes before 1 o'clock this morning a collision occurred on the Pennsyl vania road, near Frankfort J. Shee- han, the engineer, and Harry Niel, the fireman, on the locomotive, were fa tally injured. Both were bnnedm the debris for at least ten minutes, and were severely scalded. The accident is said to have been duo to a green hand giving the signal "line clear by mistake. Worlcctl with Grccly. Special to The Astorian.1 Denver, Oct 19. Captain L. W. Cutler, editor and proprietor of the Field and Farm, of this city, died suddenly at Salida, Colo., yesterday. He was at one time associate editor with Horace Greely and served in that capacity for several years. Important Notice. .Now is the time to test the best Ca tarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and liheu matic Cure in the City ot Astoria. Fifty packages of LeKoy's West India Catarrh Cure, the regular price or which is Sj.00, can be had from J. Y. Conn, the druggist, at $1.00 per package, thereby saving 4.00. This is a preparation warranted to cure. Call and get a package, as they go fast Keinember the place Conn's, oppo site tltc Occident Hotel. S. Jlrown & Co., Proprietors. Los Angeles, CaJ. P. O. Box 802. .Blumanr-Frank Drug Co., Portland. CASHED OUT HIS VOW Anotier Member of me SnicMiA Tales His Life. WAS ELECTED TO HIS DEATH. In Killing Himself, the Victim Simply Carried Out a Pledge He Made to the Club. Special by Tho UTEn Tress. Bridgeport, Conn. Oct 19. Another member of. the Suicide club has carried out tho edict of that so ciety. This time it is Emil Ziemske who ended H3 life, by taking iodide of pot ash. Ziemske came from Ansonia, and joined the club only nine months ago, when it was without any mem bers other than its president and sec retary. Early last spring "Wm. F. Many, a United States letter carrier, killed himself. "Wendel Baum shot himself and Joseph Kopp followed by hang ing himself. All were members of the suicide club. These last three rolled up the number of suicides to nearly a score and reduced the membership to the president and secretary, who are exempt from self destruction. Ziemske, with three others, was then pledged to the secret order. A ballot resulted in ordering Ziemske to de stroy Himself before thenext meeting, Saturday night, October 18, and Ziemske has fufilled his vow. Bashfal Bridegrooms. Ministers declare that in nine cases out of ten brides are much, more self possessed than are bridegrooms when the marriage ceremoney is being per formed. A shy, modest-looking little creature robed in white will stand perfectly erect, looking tho minister calmly and squarely in the eye, without for an in stant losing her self-poise, while the big, blunt six-footer of a bridegroom by her side is pale, nervous and tremb ling. His fingers are likely to twitch nervously, and ho may even hitch at his trouser legs or twist a corner of his coatslrirt I was once "best man" to a stalwart middle-aged bridegroom, noted for his courage aud feats of daring, and when tho time came for us to go down stairs to meet the bride and her at tendants he nearly had a fit, and he looked like a walking corpse all through the ceremony. I had to keep saying, "Brcoe up, old boy," and "Come, come, you've got to go down," to get him started at all, and at the do- - he was idiotic enough to clutch at me and say: "Say, Fred, how would it do to have ' Mary and the preacher slip in here and have it all over with bafore wo "go down at all? I can't go through with it before all that crowd." "Idiot!" I said, briefly and point edly enough to leave no doubt as to my meaning. "Mary won't come in here and you will go down this in stant!"' He got through it a; last without doing or saying anything ridiculous, in which respect he was luckier than another stalwart bridegroom ot my acquaintance, who was so dazed and overcome that he held out one of his own fingers for the ring when the minister said: "With this ling I thee wed." Another bridegroom I knew lost his head to such a degree that when it came time for him to say: "I, Horace, take thee, Annie, to be my lawful wedded wife," he said in an unnatur ally loud tene: "I, Mary, take thee, Horace, to be my lawful wedded wife?' and when the time came for him to introduce his bride to some of his friends who had not yet seen her, he did it by saying awkwardly: "Hh, er Miss Carter, this is my wife, Miss Barton," calling her by her maiden name. Few men say "my wife" easily and naturally the first time they use the words in public. A funny case was that of the badly rattled bridegroom who stared blankly at the minister until asked it he took "this woman to be his lawful, wedded wife,"- when he started suddenly and hastily and in the blandest manner said: "Ah, beg pardon were you speak ing to me?" A village preacher says that he once married a rural couple at the house of tho bride's parents in, the presence of a large company of invited guests. The bridegroom was a bigt bony, red faced young fellow, who looked as though he could have felled an ox with his fist; but he shivered and turned pale at the beginning of the ceremony, and at its close fell down in a dead faint, to tho manifest annoy ance of his bride, who had been as "cool as a cucumber" throughout the whole ceremony. Detroit Free Press. Several Lives Lost. Special to The Astobian.1 Rome, Oct 19.-Feiirs that the Ital ian torpedo boat had been lost while on a trip from Naples to Spezzia,have been realized. It is learned that the boiler of the boat burst, causing the vessel to founder. Three officers and fifteen sailors were drowned. ADVICE TO BOTHERS. Mrs. Wixslow's Soothing Syrup sbould always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind choiif, and is the best remedy for diar-r!ioea.Twcnty-nve cents a bottle. THE- CBP&T EDY'Pj For Stablemen and Stockmen. rrjACOBson W TRADE HWkMARK REMedy PAlhl CURSS Cuts. Swellings, Bruises. Sprains, Ga!U, Strafes, Lameness, Stiffness, Cracked HeIs,ScratcliM, Contractions, Flesh Wounds, StrlMfcatt, Swe Throat, Distemper, Colic. WhWewV PeM IvM. Fistula, Tumors, Splints, Ringbones as Sputa In their early Stagss. Directions wM each urn. AT D&T7GGIST3 ASj S5ALJCS9. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Mtawn, M. 1 r x-2v"