& . -iln gang tforimt. ASTOUIA, OREGON: SI'S DAY. .OCTOIJEK 19. 1890 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. P. W. PARKER, Pulilbher and Proprietor. ASTOIUAX BU1LDI.G. Cass Stiikbt tfcrms of Subscription. Served v Carrier, per cck 15 cts Sect lv Malt, per month Co cts ent b Mall, one year . S7.O0 Free ol postage to subscribers, Thk Astokiax guarantees to its adver itscr he largest ctrctilatioii of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. A mortgage for SI, 000, and a release of mortgage, vrere yesterday Oled for record. Nils Edstrom, a subject of the Ctear of Knssia, look out first citizenship vipers yesterday. While the lionifa was on lscr down trip yesterday she ran under the wharf at ML Coflin while trying to make a landing and damaged the whaf to the extent ot about S100. Last evening attho opera house, r.rtcr the close of the theater, the first number drawn was announced, and Mrs. A. Montgomery was the fortunato holder or its duplicate,nnd won the gold watch To ilaj's themes in tho Congrcga ti nal church at 11 a. m., "Peace in iYibnlalion," and 7:'W r. m. "The Jvlra'i'Mi Aran.' Goitd music. Iln'j- i arm and comfe: table. lilvery 1kU siixtlotl. IVeiKinttory to the beginning of the wmlcr ni-uon, the Western Union Telegraph company is rebuilding the hue letween Kahuna and Wcstport Wtweon which points all tho trouble has of late ocenred. O. Boron advertises to do all kinds of stoucmasou's work in a neat and snifetnuti.il manner. A sample ot his work can Ik? seen at tho Court street school lot and other places in tho city. See his advertisement. Last evening the electric wires be came so heavily charged that several telephones were scorched and dam aged, and the central telephone office had more electricity than the switch board could accommodate. A very large tobacco leaf has been brought to this office by Job Ross in whose garden it was grown from seed procured from the east The leaf is of firm texture, twenty-six inches in length and ten inches in width. Kev. X. ,T. Power, C. S. S. E., of Baltimore, Md., arrived in the city last evening, and is stopping at the residence of his father, 11. P. Power. He will preach at St Marv's Roman Catholic church to-day at 1030 a. ar. First Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. G. W. Grannis, at Rescue hall, imrniug and evening services. Morn ing subject, "The Secret of Christian Power; evening subject, "Noah, or Communion with God." Song service at 7 o'clock r. m. A telegram was received last night from Dr. O.B.Estes, dated at Port land, announcing that Rev. Hill, stato missionary, would arrive in this city this morning on the steamer R. R. Thompson and occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church, morning and evening. At the matinee yesterday afternoon Miss Jennie Douglass held the win ning number and received tho gold watch. Three other numbers had previously been drawn, but tho hold erswere not present, and when the fourth was drawn, the little miss above named held the duplicate. .Mr. UutbirtU yesterday gave evi dence of his interest in tho young men ot this city by his most excellent work ot hanging the new paper in the Y. M. C A. reading room. Tho Asso ciation is especially grateful for his donation, also to Mr. F. F. Allen who so cheerfully presented the paper. Again warning comes that winter approaches and is near at hand. Last lnghtabout 11 o'clock several flocks of wild geese flew over this city headed south. The fowl flew close down attracted by the electric lights. Tliis will doubtless bo good news for the clothiers who 1 ave overcoats on hand. It was so excessively warm and close m the opera house in consequence- of the largo audience present, that Mrs. O. W. Dunbar had a fainting spell and was helped out the side door to the open air, where she soon recovered. Miss Bell, of Uppertown, was also taken in the same manner a few mo ments later. ' Frank Freeman, the young man who was fished out of the river early yesterday morning by Officer Hen dricksen is still in the city prison. Freeman said when taken out of the water that ho had been shoved over board by two men but said nothing about having been robbed. Yesterday he said that two men "stood him up," and out or $25 in money ho had in his pocket they left him only twenty-five cents. The matter was investigated by the police, with the result that Freeman's story is doubted and it is believed by tho officers that he fell overboard accidentally. Board ami Lodging. At Mrs. Ruckcr's IloteI,r.'jS Third street, at reasonable rates. "Wanted Young Woman To take care of a baby. Good wages and home. Apply at 10 Second street. Go to Olsen's for Cuban Blossoms, 10c Furnished Rooms Kor rent, on Main street. No. 307. Mns. H. Bekendes. "Wanted. About ten ladies and gentlemen to soil liakcr cjity property. Salary or commission. Call on A. L. Uurry, at rartcer House, between 10 a. m. n. to-day and to-morrow. and 12 tf Wanted. Two more Lady Waiters at Jeffs New 1 c-taurnnt. Uy Wanted A bright, active bo wa .ted. .i'P' a the New York Novelty Store. oud Hirl Wanted. Tlo central ho tsewnrk in a small fating. Apply .it tin- office. SCooisin In Itcut Furnished or unfurnished o:i Court street, cast of tsain'l Elmore's. Mns. C. A. Mat. Pleasant Faralshcd Boom To rent- Enquire of Mrs. C. W. Stouc. corner Cedr and West 8th streets. TIEWLTRESTAURAHT-JEFFS AND THE WIND BLEW STROM A Heaiy Gale Visits Astoria H Vicinity Yesteriay. FEARS FOR rFSSELS AT SEA. This morning according to signal service office reports from San Fran cisco, should break bright and clear. Yesterday a "piping" gale prevailed, not only in this city but outside. At Fort Canby the wind whistled through the register at the rale of fifty-two miles an hour. Outside, the bar was breaking, and a barkentine in the off ing which was headed in put out to sea again. The steamship Mexico arrived off tho river early in the after noon and lay to for high tide. When it served the Mexico started in and after tumbling about and shipping more or less water crossed the bar safely. That somo disasters will bo reported within tho next few days is extremely probable. The signal officer at San Francisco under date of Friday even ing; Oct 17th, reported as follews: "Storm center, off the Oregon coast; moving east northeast, with northeast and northwest winds; stationary fol lowed by lower temperature; rain, thick weather with dangerous gales along the north Pacific Coast for the next thirty-six hours." The brnnt'of the storm, mariners say, will be very close to the month of the river and Capo Flatten will feel it also. In this connection it may be staled that imong other vessels over duo is the little steamer?. P. Elmore, which is supposed to have been nt sea during the gales of a few days ago. Mr. Sanborn of Elmore, Sanborn & Co., owners of the vessel, asked in when regard to matter, stated that as yet ho had no apprehensions for the safely of tho steamer. "Wo have," ho said "had no advices of her leaving Port Townsend and do not know whether she is at sea or not" In this city the wind blew a gale at intervals all day long. Several signs were loosed from their fastenings and awnings had to bo clewed up close in order to save them from being carried away. The rain fell in torrents dnr both forenoon and afternoon. PERSONAL MENTION. R. C. Carson, of Tacoma, is in the city. Samuel H. Perin, of San Francisco signed at tho Occident yesterday. Charles C. Trott and Chas. Longton of Sea Haven, were among yesterday's arrivals. Ex-County Judge Page will leave this evening for an extended visit to the east C. A. Hanson returned from Sea side yesterday, where lfo has been re constructing his liouso that was de stroyed by a falling tree. Master Eddie Weed is still in Port land, too ill to be brought home, but it is hoped he will be enough better to return to-morrow, with Ins mother. The Rescue Club. The attendance at last evening's meeting of the Rescue club was not as large as ordinarily, owing probably to the large audience at the opera house, but the usual excellent program was rendered. Rev. G. W. Grannis pre sided. There was a duett by the Misses Nellie and Lena Mason, a rec itation by Sydney Campbell, a song by Freeman Parker, who accompanied himself on the violin, and sang ex cellently, "The Horseshoe on tho Door." An address was delivered by Major EVA Weed and closing re marks by tho Rev. Grannis and signing of the pledge, and a closing song terminated the exercise of the evening. Meeting of Soliciting Committee of Cham-! bpr of-Commercp. . k At a recent session, ot the chamber of commerce a committeo "was ap pointed to secure new members and present the claims of tho organization among business men and the citizens generally: -The committee met at iha office of tho Clatsop Land Company last oven ing, andrdivided. tho city into four districts as follows i District No. L All west of Main street; assigned to Samuel Elmore. District No. 2. All between Main and Olney streets, assigned to A. R. Cyrus. . . District No. 3. All between Olney and West Seventh streets, assigned to W. Hampton Smith. District No 4. All- east oE West Seventh street, assigned to J. W. Welch. . Major E. A. Weed, as solicitor at large. W. Hampton Smith, Chairman Committee The .area umd capacity of the Hotel del Coronado ot- San Diego, the larg est hotel in the world, is: area of grounds, twenty acres; area covered by building, five acres; capacity of reservoirs, 100,000 gallons; area of dining rooms, 10,000 square feet. Have you seen that Umbrella show in onanauan isros.' winaowr jno. Well, it is without exception the finest show I ever saw. "Where arc you going, Sam?'' "Go ingto the Astoria Baths, of course, for my regular Sunday morning bath. They are the finest in the city." Telephone JLeCjfiBg: House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts per week -SI .50. New and clean. Private entrance. Finest Barber Shop In town at Joe Giardina's. Shaving 15c, 15c, 15c. "- Remember the Austin kousc at the Seaside is open tho year 'round. Go to the Columbia bakery for all kinds of cakes. Sons of Veterans. The next regular meeting of Cushiug Camp, Sons of Veterans, will be held on Monday evening, October 20th, 1890. A full attendance is desired. Members of G. A. It invited. Hv order, C. J. Curtis, did . Captain. 4 Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes; also flexible hand-turned French Kidsj at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s. IVciiihard's Beer. A fifteen ball Peel Table and all the leading newspapers on file at the Sun-1 nysine saloon. Kothinjr Succeeds L.llfc Success. It is verified by the fact that nearly everybody eats at Jeffs .New re staurant. Wciabard's Beer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. r . Cutlery, at 649 Third St. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer Cascades, Capt W. H. Whitcomb, came down just after mid night, bringing barges of rock for tho jetty. The steamship Mexico arrived from Alaska via Departure bay yesterday, bringing a cargo of coal and somo salmon. The Mexico has on board twenty-seven Chinese, all of whom claim to come from Alaska, but in re gard to this there is some doubt, and Inspectors Linville and Carney, who boarded tho vessel, immediately upon her docking allowed no one to go on board or ashore until tho Pagans had been rounded up and checked. Even then the Chinese wero kept on board as a safety measure, as it is thought that some of the Coolies came over the border and boarded the vessel at Nanaimo and have no right in this country. There is also a strong sus picion that there is a quantity of opium on board the vessel, but the customs officers will see that it is not landed here. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed or recorded October 18, 1890, as reported for The Morning Astoeian by the Astoria Abstract Title and Trust cempany: J W Stoneman to Jas A Atkin, lots 21 and 22, blk 1 , in Merriwether add S 225 Annie Reidt to Fred Har- wood, 8 lots in blk U, Rosedale add ,. M J Kinney and wife to E M Holmes et al, lots 3 and 4, blk 3, Gearhart Park. . . Joseph C. Wolf to Frank Morrison ct nl, land in sec 10 and 11, T ON, ROW.. 100 325 800 Deeds filed, 4; total amounts 1,150 Previously reported this year 1,737,501 Total to date... ,.,S 1,738,951 STRAWBERRIES IB ALASKA. That Far northern Territory Com ing to the Front WITH A GRLCULTUJtATj PRODUCTS Alaska has usually been looked upon as a bleak and distant section of Uncle Sam's domain where the land was mostly water, furnishing seals and salmon, while icebergs and glaciers adorned wonderfully picturesque landscapes and waterscapes, tho de light of summer tourists, who visit that far northern clime to enjoy a few elongated days. Of late tho reports from that rapidly developing territory seem to indicate that it has possibilities in the way of fruits and vegetables not generally suspected. Among the arrivals in this city yes terday was James Cox, who left here for Chilkat a year ago last April with his family; consisting of his wife and three children. Mr. Cox is quite well pleased with tho climate where he was stationed, the temperature seldom dropping to fifteen degrees below zero and occasioning no inconvenience. He had quite a nice garden, last sum mer in which he raised fine vegetables, turnips, beets, carrots, onions and po tatoes. He says there is an old half breed woman at the Chilcoot mission a few miles from Chilkat who lias raised potatoes and vegetables for many years past. This last season she experimented with some straw berries and succeeded in growing some very fine ones. Mr. Cox's family was increased on the 6th of last April by tho addition of a 11-pound boy, and as a native Alaskan the youngster has proved a success. Mr. Cox came down on the Mexico as far as Tacoma when he and his family left the steamer for the over land route. For the present he will locate at St Helens. "Worthy of Patronage. Last night closed the week and seventh entertainment by Miss Eunice Goodrich and her capital company, as they commenced on Monday evening, and gave a matinee yesterday after noon. Every night they played a different piece, most of them having been written by Miss Goodrich. Last night they gave an entirely new play written by her, and pre sented for the first time. It is a drama in six acts, each ending with a startling tableau, and is really meri torious, abounding in interesting sit uations and startling scenes. The little lady may well feel proud of her latest production, "Tho Little Count ess," which was most admirably pre sented last evening, and Astoria should feel honored in welcoming the piece. This evening tho company go to Portland for a week's engagement at the Casino, but announce their inten tion of returning hero for another week at no distant day. They have given universal satisfaction, as their large audiences attest, and, will be sure of a warm reception when they return. Last night the opera house was crowded, many of our best people being present Only One iu tho United Stales. Out of 1357 cough syrups manufaej lured in the united states, out one lias been found to-be entirely free from opiates and that Is tho California Posi tive and Negative Electric Cough Cure, which is the best on earth for coughs, colds, croup, etc Sold by J. Y. Conn. Attention Smokers. Commercial. . Lurline, La Perla Cubana all imported. "Flor de Madrid. La Palladina. La Ermina. LaFamana in Key West Brands. Tho Belmont Mocha. Reading RoOra in rear of Cigar Store. CUAULES OlSES'S Worse Than Leprosy Is Catarrh, and there is but one prepa ration that does cure that disease, and that is the California Positive and Neg ative Electric Liniment. Sold by J. W. Conn. It also cures neuralgia, rheuma tism, headache, sprains, burns and all pain. '! ry it and tell your neighbor where to get it. Up With the 'limes. Jtnilroad is coming. Shaving 15c at Joe Giardipa's The finest Photos Aro now taken by H. S. Shusler. new samples. Best Barbers in Town At Joe Giardina's. Shaving 15c. See Sharing, Sua-ring, 15c, 15c, 15c, 15c, at Giardina's. A fine line of Cigars and Cigarettes can be found at tho Columbia Bakery, 596 Third street. OREGON CAMOT COMPLAIN, Very Literal Ainriations Orepn ant Washington. for FA1TIIF VL REPRESENTATIVES. Senators Dolph and Mitchell and Congressman Hermann have done ex cellent -work in Congress for tho state they so faithfully represent, as is evi denced by the numerous large appro priations they havo secured for the improvement of tho waterways of Oregon and Washington. Much val uable information on this subject is contained in a dispatch in yesterday's Uregonian, from which we quote as follews: Tho projects for the improvement of the lower Columbia and Willamette rivers, the upper Columbia and Snake rivers and Coquille river have been approved by the war department The improvement proposed at Coos bay and Chehalis river were to-day approved. These and tho projects for the improvement of the month of the Columbia and Yaquina bay, approved last month, are the only projects for Oregon and Washington improvements which have reached the chief, of engineers. Senator Dolph said to-day that ho could not under stand why tho project for the im provement at the Cascades has not ar rived. Mr. Hermann was asked what he considered the great accomplishments of tho session for tho state aud said: Oregon's greatest benefit, bowoer, from legislation of this congress is in tho splendid appropriations for her rivers and harbors. No stato in tho Union has so many uavignblu tide-water outlets on her coast as Oregon. They aro all enpa blo of permanent improvement, and when improved will carry to tho sea abundant productions from their fertile valleys. Uregon will always be a great commercial stale, and as natnro has richly endowed her with many and supe rior waterway facilities, it is right they should be improved. The East reluctant ly concedes to Oregon her demands, and parts begrudgingly with necessary appro priations to utilizo present advantages and to further develop others. But do spito this Eastern exclusion and ignor ance, Oregon is compelling recognition of her demands, and has worked her way to tho front rank. Tho Oregon water way appropriations at this session amount to $1,507,100, while two years ago there was secured $1,178,500, and four years ago but 593,'i50. It can bo seen from this what magnificent results have been secured over the past, New York obtains this year 1,504.000, exceeding Oregon's allowance onlvSSG.- 900. Michigan obtains the highest al lowance, being $1,908,000, of which SlOO.000 is for tho great .Sault St Marie canal and tho channel above it Texas, including Galveston harbor, has but $810,000. California has $591,500. As to gross amounts, Michigan stands first, New York second and Oregon third of the state. Oregon has four harbors and nine separate improvements on seven rivers; New York has twenty-seven harbor, and eleven river improvements; Michigan has seventeen harbor, and ten river improvements; California has five har bor, and six river improvements; Texas has three harbor, but no river improvements. For public-land surveys Oregon has done well. Last year S10.000 was allowed, and this year S20.000. For several years the Western domain was hampered with limitations on sur vey contracts so low that in case of. timbered lands contractors could not afford to bid, but this session this has been much changed, so far as Jo allow for "survey ot lands heavily timbered, mountainous, or covered with dense undergrowth," rates not exceeding $18 per linear mile for standard and meander lines, $15 for township, and $12 for section lines, and this increase is confined alone to Oregon and Wash ington. Other states must make special showings to obtain it Oregon has 20,000,000 acres of land yet unsur veyed. The present liberal rates will induce numerous surveys, and thus encourage the development of large areas of our public lands in Oregon, which are now retarded. Tho Oregonian correspondent is indebted to Mr. Hermann for the com pilation of the amounts appropriated for Oregon rivers and harbors for the past three congressional terms, which are as follews: Coo3bay,18SG S 33,750 Coos bay, 18SS 50,000 Coos bay, 1890 125,000 Yaquina bay, 188G 75,000 Yaquina bay, 18S8 150,000 Yaquina bay, 1890 1G5.000 Mouth of Columbia, 1886 187,500 Mouth of Columbia. 1888 500,000 Mouth of Columbia, 1S90 550,000 Lower "Willamette & Columbia, 183G 75,000 Lower Willamette & Columbia, 18S3 100,000 Lower Willamette fc Golf inbia, 1890 100,000 Upper "Willamette, 18SC 10,000 Upper "Willamette, 18S8 29,000 upper Willamette, irhj 11,000 Coquille river, 18SG... 20,000 25,000 ,".0.000 50,000 187,000 :wo,ooo 435,000 Uoqmlle rivor, lbss.... Coquille river, 1800.... Month of Siuslaw, 1800, Cascade Locks. lh6G... Cascade Lcoks,18S3... Cascade Looks, 1800. . . Upper Columbia, 1SSG.. 10,000 Upper Columbia, 1638.: 10.000 Upper CoIumbin,lS00 "20,000 Tillamook bay, 1883 10,000 Tillamook and Nehalcm, 1800.. 10,500 2,000 y.ooo 2..100 1,000 Umpqua river, lboo Umpqua river. 1S90 Gauging waters Colunihia, 183s Improving Young and Glaska- nino rivers...." Total $1,507,100 Total appropriations for threo congres sional terms 185G $ 593,2. 1883 1,178,500 1890. . . . :11111:1.. 1 ,507,100 If you have made up your, mind to buy Hood's Sarsaprllla do not pa induced to take any other- Hood's Sarsaprilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of Its peculiar combination, proportion and preparation, curative 'powers su perior to any article of thakind. All the. pa.tcnf medicines advertis'ed in this paper, together with Uie choicest Eerfumcry, and toilet articles etc can oboughtat the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Fine "Tabic Wi'nc Delivered atCO cents a gallon, to any part of the citv. A lino lino of mire California, wines at low .prices, at A. W.TJtzinger's Cosm6politari saloon. For Choice Roll or" Tub "Butter, call on Tnojirsox & Ross. , Cigars At llohnes, &0 Third slrceL Cautljr unci Jfiits At Holmes, W0 Third street The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s. First-ciass shaving, 25c, Ferd Terrell's. C.VTHLA3IET ITEMS. Clipped from the "Cathlamet Gazette" of Oct. 17th. Mrs. Julius Hansen, returned from her trip to Astoria, Tuesday. She re ports having a pleasant visit TomMcGill has his new barn well under way. The building Is 72x50 feet aqd will easily hold 100 tons o hay. Tho R. R. Thompson, with flags flying and champagne bottles pop ping, passed up Tuesdaj, with the naval commissioners on board. Mrs. Martin's school kist Friday, and Miss Sandler's school in tho West Valley "closed to-day, after a success ful term of five months. Sturgeon are coming in rather more freely than ot late. With the advent of rainy weather the finny monsters are expected, up the river in a solid body. Tho people over on Gray's river havo just raised $600 and built a very nice school house in district No. 19. They feel justly proud of their accom plishment. Deputv Prosecuting Attorney Kanaga will leave for au extended trip throughout the .bast next week. Ho will visit cities in Michigan, New York, Hhnois and other states. There is not a point on tho river that ships more butter and potatoes, according to its population, than Skamokawa. Over one thousand pounds jot butter are shipped weekly. The product fs rated as A No. 1 in the markets of Astoria and Portland. Tuesday afternoon a little four-year-old boy belonging to Henry Kaup was severely bnrned. It appears that the littlo fellow had been playing around a heap ot rubbish that had been set oil fire, aud a spark alighted on his person igniting his clothing. Before the child was discovered one half of his dress was consnincd. The little fellow is pretty badly burned, bnt is not considered dangerous in the least Tho Xlazelte reporter, after an ardu ous task, has succeeded in running down IhQ real facts in regard to tho presence of the six surveyors who wero here last week, which caused so much comment in our midst They merely wished to get a section corner, by which they could get a starting point for the survey of township 12, rango 6 west, on tho Chehalis divide. So our railroad bubble is burst Let's try her on another tack, boys. Boom or bust. Our attention has been called to the fact that an unusually large quantity of sawdust is found floating in the river at present". Two fishermen from Waterford called at our office recently to state that the- sawdust was piling up on the banks and damaging fish ing. This is a matter which needs tho attention of our fish commissioner, as tho sawdust is very detrimental to the-fishing interests, besides forming almost unsurmomitable obstacles to navigation in the shape of bars, which it is almost impossible to remove. There is a strict law against dumping sawdust in the river which should be enforced. Ancient Troy. In a recent letter to Prince Bis marck, from Troy, Dr. Henry Schlie mann tells about his excavations there. He is making comparatively slow progress, he says, on account of the depth of the deposit of earth on the ruins. Seventy men and three locomotives are employed. He adds that the art treasures which he will 'give to tho newly-founded museum of Trojan antiquities at Berlin are of great value and beauty. PRACTICAL TESTS. In Astonishing Offer Somo of tha Kcplies. The San Francisco vapors of recent date contained tho following effer: " As an evidence of the ability of Joy's Vegetable Sarsanarilla to prevent sict head aches, we will give to the flrat twelve responsible-persons who will apply at our office l bottle free if the.wuill agree that after they have been cured that they will admit tho fact over their signatures." This offer so startllngly asserted the effi ciency of the remedy that many accepted, and tho letters of the parties, nearly all of whom responded, arc probably tho most convincing attestations that any remedy ever received. Tho following Is a sample of those received : I have been subject to bilious headaches and constipation for several years past; in ,-ct, have been compelled to take a phsic everv other night or else I "would havo headache and dull, mean feeling. I havo taken that bottle of Joy's Vegetable Sarsa- Fiarilla, and havo derived great benefit from t, and intend continuing it. After my own experience I can heartily advise those trou bled with biliousness ana constipation to try It YoiiM. CHAS. E. ELKIXGTON. 125 Locust Avenue, San Francisco. "I'm a stranger ahout these parts," explained the new harher, who was undecided as to which side he should comb the enstomer's hair. TonJiefs Statesman. . A.PIiy.sician Opinion. Dn. A. M. Si'avldixo, of Grand Rapids, Mioh., says: "1 prescrihcl lib hard's Jvheunintic Srrup in my prac tice, and unhesitatingly recommend it. It operates upon the liver, kidneys and bowels, destroying the poison in the blood and tissues. It is a annul tonic and apjKlizcr, and for a diseased stom ach or dyspepsia, has no equal. For sale by .1. w. Conn. almon fisheries 89! We are prepared to Supply our Tatrons and others with the best KLsh Netting, in Traps or semes, our ixng Jixnenence war rants, for 1691. We Invite early orders. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO. v -o-Beston Office, 91 Commercial St. B00T3 AND SHOES The Largest Stock, Best Quality and Lowest Prices at the Sign of The Golden Shoe. INCANDESCENT ELECTHIG LI&HTS Priced. All Mglit Lights, per Month, each S1 00 12 o'clock s " " 150 10 ..... 1 25 "West Share Mills Company. THIS Advance Styles of Fall Dress Goods AND OTHER HIGH NOVELTIES Leading Dry O JJ ii Saturday, September 27th, We will open our ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE :OF; Cloaks,- Wraps, Jackets, SILK : SEALETTES Our House has a standard reputation wliicli never fails to attract general atten tion during our Cloak Sales. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. mcallen & McDonnell, J31 & 1G3 3rd St., Portland, Or. Leading Dry Goods Store for first class goods at Eastern prices. AgentsforMcCalls Bazaar Glove Fitting Patterns. THE- Scow Bay Franirj -CORNER WEST FIFTH AND WALL STS. AsroniA, Onnoox. CASTINGS 01 all Descriptions MADE 10 ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. JACOBS & PLIIMER, - Contractors aM Bnflte, Estimates Given on Brick, Wood Work. Stone, or Concrete and. Cement "Work a. Specialty. OFFICE, 118 Genevieve St. -TIIE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Trop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock ot Fine Diamonds t Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Wntclx and CIocK Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets I. "W. CASE Insurance Agent. REPKESENTING California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fira anl Marine Insfco., , Portland. Home Mutual lnsmance Co.,S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists Sundries. Prescriptions Carefally Compounded. Agent lor Mexican Salvo and Norwegian Pile Curo CLOAK SALENS MMM OF NEW WE ARE SHOWING AT THE- Goods and Clothing House ja. jb t o it i WWWl? For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE Call on or Address SECOND ST., Xear rostofflce. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE 8R0KEK. NOTARY X 3ST "7" "H3 & 3? 3VE EJ ESTABLISHED 1883. Office 487 Third St. Lots in Case's Astoria Are if i Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Real Estate Co. PE1CES FEOM $150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. J. BIGGS. BIGGS. HALL & CO., Frankfort Eeal Estate Co. nrpIOTC Cor. Commercial and Tearl Sts., Frankfort, "Wash, OFFICfcb -J Fiavers Brick Block, 435 2d St., Astoria. Investments Made for Non-Residents, a Specialty. P. O. BOX 66 Correspondence solicited, cheerfully furnished. North Pacific Brewery, JOHN KOPP, - - Proprietor. -BREWER OF- EXTRA FINE BOHEMIAN LAGER BEER. EXTRA PINE STEAM BEER. !3r ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.! JOES'FIF'S SECOND - STREET i (Opp. Telephone Landing.) ? Is tie Bon Ton Restanrant of Mown; (AND THE FINEST OJT THE COAST.) Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Specially ) Xlie Finest Wines and Ziquors. i Private Entrance and -Rooms. 5 N. B. No connection with his old -place, on? Main Street. GOODS Jem JnW -a. PROPERTY. Leinenweber & Coodenough, P. O..B0X.63. PUBLIC AND- "KT T AGr 3EKNf-a? Next to W. U. Telegraph-Office H.B.HALL. Maps, Circulars "and all Information ESTAURANT 4m