( 1 1 . X. fJf LV A. VOL. XXXV, IYO. 105. ASTOKTA, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1S)0. TRKEIVE CENTS Highest of all in Leavening Power. X. S3 ABSOLUTE IY PURE BUSINESS CARDS. AT I. KAYJIOXD, CIVIL ENG1XSKK. County Surveyor of Clatsop County. Oaicc : Koom No. 7. Kinney's Brick, Asto ria, Oregon. pvic. ie. v. stxhckl.er, PHYSICIAN, Sl'KGEON AND DKUGGIST In simple case, chaises only for medi cine, Near Potoulce, Clicnamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. T F. HA3IIE.TON, ATTORNEY AT 1AW, Astoria, - Oregon. Office, three doors cast Court House, Third street. ""I J. CURTIS, Attorner-at-Law: Xotarj Fabllc. Commissioner of Deeds for "Washington Territory- Office in Flavors new brick building. Cor. Second and Cass streets. J OII.V IS. S3UTK. ATTOIINEY AT LAW. OlUce on Cass street, 2 doors back of Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. T t. A. nOVli5$Y, l tttorncy ami Counsellor at luw MRloe on Cbenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon A R- KANACA, ATTORNEY AT LaV. JHce over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. f II. Jl.l.VSKIiL, UK YE. KSTATK BROILER AXI) NOTARY rUBLia Established 1SS3. Thiid Street, next to V, U. Telegraph Of fice, Astoria, Or. VVT W. PARKER, Real Estate and Insuiance Agent, Com eyancer and Notary Public. 112 Benton Street, opposite tho Postofllce. Between Clicnamus &Siuemoquc Sts.. Astoria, Oregon. A. A. CIiKVEXiAKI, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Onlre Havel's new brick building, corner Second and Cass streets : up stairs. RS. A. Lu AXD J. A, FUIFOX. Cass strecr, between Srd and 4th. Stwcial attention to Diseases of Women umI Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. S'ulton. ORlcc hours from 10 to 12 A. M., and 1 to 4 J'. t. AY TUTTLE. Wl. D. fhysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. OP.lce, Room C, Pythian Building. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, & Cedar Street. B. E. MILIiKK, 31. I. Graduate of Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pital College, and Post-Graduate of New lork City Polyclinic School of .Medicine ami Surgery. First and Main streets, Portland. Diseases of Women a Specialty. JU.O..E8TKS. I'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sieclal attention to Diseases of Women tnd Surserv. ofiok : Opposite Telegraph Office, up Main. Asiona, uregou. Ttt. l A. REKf. DENTIST. Rooms 7 and S, FlavePs new Brick Build 'ng. w. t. nunxnv. l. t. bartn' .t. w. TjKAPEK. Burney, Barin & Draper, Attorneys at-IjRw. lOregon City, Oregon. Tweho j ears experience as Register of .he U.S. Land Office here, recommends us m our specialty of Minnie and all other bus iness before the Land Ofllce or the Courts, md iuvolving the practice In the General Ijimt Office. i T.wtpr ft J) JJUUIU1 U. UUUUlUUUj CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Office, Room 9, Flavel's Bi.t'g SECOND STREET P. O. Box S13. ASTORIA, OR. FARM AND DAIRY RANCH TO LET Twenty le Thirty Choice Cows AXD 30 to 50 Acres of Fine Meadow Farming Land A Farm of ICO acres, 4 to 5 acres of orchard in choice fruits, complete farm buildings, near Astoria. Convenient to sell milk in the city. All farming tools and dairy appll saces. One span fine Farm Horses and Wa;on. Apply to this offlcc, or to A. H. Sale, on the premises, at Woodland Farm, Young's River, Or. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Fbwder O. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Main St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODBERRY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Companies, Representing 313,000,000 I'll (EN IX, Hartford, Conu HOME, New York, Agency Pacific Express and Wells. Fargo & Co. AUSTIN-:-HOUSE J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Open All tte Year 'Ronnfl. THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of the Necanicum, within five minutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Uesort on the Northwest Pacific Coast. Every attention is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests, and the table Is supplied with the very best in season. Here aie plenty of Clams and Crabs, there Is game m the woods and plenty of the finest fish in tho streams. E. P. NOONAN & CO. (Successors to) DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE MO. 7. P. 0. BOX 390 W. F. Scheibe, CICAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Shjp Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints, Oils, Groceries, Etc. Magnus 0. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Tipo and Fittings, Stovei, Tiu ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, FROrRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and DeUvery Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. School Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the taxes for School District, No. l, for the year 1890, are due and payable at the office or the clerk on Alain street wharf. TheTax Roll will remain in my hands for sixty days from date, after which time those not paid will become delinquent. By order of the Board of Directors. J. W. CONN. Chairman. J.G.HUSrLER. Clerk. Astoria, Sept; 4th. 1690. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Chief Jnstics Miller is dead. A fire in BarnarJsville, N. J , causes a loss of $40,000. Alojoinotivo on tlir- Chicago E ie railroad exploded. Tho loss of the Atneri3an ship Magel lan in confirmed. David Nash, a sailor, was killed by a fall in San Francisco. Encland will probably dispatch n gun boat after Dillon and O'Brien. A Japanese committed suicide at Tn ccraa by cutting his throat. The president's trip was shortened by the death of ex-Secretary Belknap. Mrs. Walter Busey, of New York, com mitted suicide by jumping from a cliff. Two Siwnsh Indians got drunk in Ta coma, and one fatally stabbed the other. Billy Hawkins, the light-weight, wants to fight any man of his class for 10,000. Six persons were burned to death and thirteen injured, some fatally, by a fire in London. An attempt was made to wreck the Southern Pacific passenger train near Tehachapi. Henry Lichenstcin, a lottery ngent in '.Frisco, has jumped his bail; he swindled many people. Two Americans, confined in a Mexican prison for the past year, were released from custody. Sir William Gossott was accidentally killed at Misstm, B. C, while returning from a hunt. T.H. Wells, collector for tho East Portland Water company, has been ar rested for embezzlement. Ex-Secretary of War Belknap was found dead in a room in Washington; heart diseaso was the cause. A farmer named Clayton Lloyd, living near Ozark, Ala, poisoned his whole family; ho wanted to marry another. James Finlayson Hint : Tailor 534 Third Street, Invites the gentlemen of Astoria and sur rounding distiicts to call and sec his large selection of NEW SEASON GOODS Suitable For Ulsters, Overcoats, Suits, Trousers Comprising Scotch, English, French and American floods 0B"A Good Fit GuarariteeJ-s Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN FOR GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts of Firms and Individuals Solic ited on Favorable Terms. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Money Loaned on Personal and Real Estate se curity. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. C. T. Edcc, President. John Hobson, Vice Pros. A. IX. Edcc, Cashier. 1. K. Warren. TUmnir C. S. Wrijrlit. j "'rectors B. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALEHS IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL : PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts., Astoria, Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city Office and "Warehouse Iu Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No, 87. ASTORIA, OREGON V. fl. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Eggs.Canned Goods, Potatoes, Wood and Willow Ware, Etc. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc, a specialty. Telephone No, 12. Ht W. SHERMAN & CO. Traveling men Smoke and Recommend Cannery Supplies! gUj ACT OF TRUE HEROISM. An iDjnrei Engineer Flags a Train Jnst in Tims. A BAD A00IDENT AVERTED. The Wounded Man drawled on His Hands and Knees Along Half a Mile of Track. Social by Tho Usited Pbess Huntington, Iud , Oct 13. An en giuo attached to tlio Chicago & Erie west-bound freight train -broke down at "West Point last night and engine 69, manned by Engineer Edward Murphy and Fireman George Kirby, was sent from here to take the tram on to Chicago. "When in a deep cat about two miles west of this city engine "63n exploded. The front end blew out and flew a dis tance of 400 feet. The engineer was badly scalded, but jumped off, his leg being broken by the fall. Fireman Kirby was blown from the engine cab back over the tender and upon the track. He is so badly scalded that his recovery is doubtful. The explosion was heard for miles and in a few minutes quite a crowd gathered. The first man to arrive found Engineer Murphy crawling up the track on his hands and knees with a lantern to flag vestibule train No. 8, which was due in a few minutes. The passengerirain was stopped at tho en trance of tho cut. Murphy's presence of mind and heroism prevented what would have been a terrible accident THROWN UNDER A TRAIN. How a Prisoner Got Rid or Ills Captor. Special to The Astokiax.1 ClevetjAXD, O., Oct 13. Mr. Critch field, who lives near the Orrville switch yards complained recently to Marshal Porter of the rowdyism of a gang of tramps. On Friday night Deputy Marshal Boydston, of Orrville, arrested James Sweeny and started with him across the tracks to the station. Sweeny re sisted, and in a struggle the two men were run over by a passenger engine. Boydston was mangled beyond recog nition, while Sweeny had his leg crushed at tho knee. At tho inquest it was brought out that one of Sweeny's friends hit Boydston with n billy and pushed him nnder the en gine, and that Boydston held to his prisoner. One Mclvce has been ar rested on suspicion ot tfce murder. Boydston was coroner of the county and a leading democrat A Collector Arrested. 8iiecl.nl toTiiK Astoiuax.1 Poktlaxd, Oct 13. T. H. Wolls, collector for the East Portland water works, was arrested to-day for em bezzlement Ho has been released on 83,000 bonds. Strikers Replaced. Special to Tiik AsroniAx. Sackamrnto, Oct. 13. The Bee. whoso compositors struck under in struction from tho union on Saturday morning, has a full force of compe tent people in the office and issued the usual paper to-day. A Ligrlit-Wciglit's Clmllciif-c. Special to Tuic AsToniAX.l New Yokk, Oct 13. A special re ceived hero from Des Moines states that Billy Hawkins, the light-weight champion of tho west hits issued a challenge to fight nny light-weight in the United States for $10,000 a side. Druggist (awakened nt 2 a.it.) "What do yon wish? Voice (at the door) If you'll let mo look in your director to see how to address this letter Pll buy tho postage stamp of you. Qood News. JBpocli. Tho transition from long, lingerlng and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the indi vidual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been at tained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Elec tric Bitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic If you are troubled with any disease of the Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find re lief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 ennd SI per bottle at J, W. Conn's Drug store. AlderbrodK BAKGAINS IN MerteooHroprtf FOR A Few Days Only. BUY NOW! DON'T WAIT! Is we To 15b TIIK Terminus of a Rail Road. Wingate & Stone, ODD FELLOWS'BUILDING, Astoria, - . - Or. A TRAIN WRECKER FOILED. A Timely Discovery Saves ITIauy! Pasvcnpcrs' Lives. I Special to Tun ast m:.c;.l Tehachapi, Cal., Oct. 13. An un successful attempt was made last night to wreck the west bound pas senger train due at Bakersfield at 10 o'clock, by placing a section car on tho track and blocking it with rail road ties. The obstruction was placed in the middle of a high trestle bridge. It wa3 discovered in time to prevent a terrible disaster and loss of life. A search party succeeded in effect ing the capture of the miscreant, who is a hard looking citizen and a strang er in this vicinity. He has confessed, but further is very reticent. It is the opinion of his captors that he is slightly deranged. He was taken to Bakersfield and lodged in jail. A WILY LOTTERY AGEKT. lie Swindles Dealers iu Coupons Out of Big- money. Special to Tun AsTonrAxl. Sax Francisco, Oct 13. One of the bondsmen of Henry Lichensteiu, who was fined S100 for having lottery tick ets in his possession, to-day paid the sum. Lichenstcin appealed his case and gave bonds, but disappeared when the judgment of the lower court was affirmed. The detective who made the arrest says that before his departure Lich enstcin swindled a number of lottery agents out of about $7,000 by getting tickets from them and failing to pay. He is believed to be in Denver. Oyer a Cliff. Special toTiiK Astokian Newport, K. L, Oct 13.- Mrs. "Walter Bnssy, aged 29, wife of a well known New York caterer, was found dead this morning nt the foot of a cliff. It is supposed she threw herself over while despondent EI-SECRETARY OF WAR BELKNAP A Hotel Man Dies Alone in His Rooms in WasMnfloii. HEART DISEASE THE VAVSE Special by The IXiTM Pns.. Washington, Oct 13.-C4eneral W. W. Belknap, crc-secretiry of war, died in bed this morning iu his room iu the Evans building, on New York avenue, in this city. The room in which he was found adjoined his office room, and was only occupied by tho general during his wife's absence from the city. General Belknap was last seen alive Saturday night about midnight, and was on the way to his room, appar ently in excellent health. Mrs. Belknap, who ib iu New York city, has been notified of her hus band's sudden death. General "William Worth Belknap was born iu Nowburg, N. Y., in Sep tember, 1S29. He was graduated at Princeton college in 1S18, and in ISol he removed to lveokuk, Town, where he practiced law. Belknap served throngh the war, beginning his ser vices as major of an Iowa regiment, and nt tho close was brovetcd general. In October, 18G9, he was appoiutcd secretary of war. This office he re tained during General Grant's admin istration, until March, 1S7(, when, in consequence of charges of official cor ruption, ho resigned. He wa3 after wards impeached and tried beforo the senate for receiving bribes for the ap pointment ot post traders, and wa3 acquitted on technical grouuds for want of jurisdiction. The coroner's inquest showed that the general suffered from fatty degen eration of tho heart, and that tho im mediate cause ot death was iuflammi tion of the heart As soon as the death of Belknap was known at the war department Actincr Secretary Grant ordered the flag on the building at half mast in honor of the ex-secretary and gave directions that tho building be draped in black for tho enstomary period. Ho also communicated with the family of tho deceased to offer what assistance they might desire from the department in tho arrangements for the funeral. As soon as the funeral arrange ments are completed an order will be issued olosing the department on the day of tho funeral also an order an nouncing the death to the army, with instructions as to proper observance of the dav. THE PRESIDENT'S TRIP. It is Shortened By the Death of fJcllcnap. Special to The Aktokiax.1 CrestIiTN'E. O., Oct 13. During the president's trip to-day short stops were made at Larue, Augusta and Mar ion, but the president merely bowed to the cheering multitude from the rear platform. He made no speeches. Crestline was reached at 12:45, where a brief stop was made. The president received a message here say ing that Justice Miller was sinking and could live but a few hours. In consequence the Echednle was so shortened that Pittsburg was reached at G-50 p. ii., two hours earlier than originally intended. Washington will be reached to-morrow morning. Ouclilcu's Arnica Salrc. The Uest SaiA'e in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Ithe um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Trice 2o cents per box. For sale by .!. YV. Conn. Good fortune of a Land Stroller In February, 1SS3, 1 commenced to use Jlibbard's Rheumatic byrup aud Plasters for inflammatory rheumatism from which 1 had suffered for three years. My joints were swollen so that J could hardly walk, but three bottles of the Syrup, and the Plasters applied to my limbs, have cured me. C. It NICHOI.SON-, Alanson, Iowa. For sale by J. W. Conn. PRISON DOORS OPENED Two Americans Release! From a Tile Mexican Prison. WEEE 00HVIOTED OP MUEDEE. Interference of the Stat8 Department at "Washington Leads to Their Eelease. Special By Tiik Un'itkd lltKSS. Er. Paso, Oct 13. McLaughlin and Walters, the two men arrested in Juarez about a year ago for the mur der of a Mexican woman; were released from jail yesterday morning. They were tried in a Mexican court and found guilty in spite of their assertions of innocence. Walters was sentenced to be shot and McLaughlin to serve ten years in jail. The case was appealed to the su preme court at Chihuahua, and noth ing was heard of it till yesterday, when the doors of the prison were thrown open and they were told to depart Walters was so weak after his dis charge that he could scarcely speak, and at times he spoke irrationally. Of course, he was overjoyed at his release and glad to bo on American soil once more. Tho cases of McLaughlin and Wal ters became the subject of interna tional correspondence. There was not a uarticle of evidence ajrainst the men, but they incurred the enmity of petty Mexican officials at Juarez, aud their conviction resulted. Detectives from San Francisco were sent to Juarez by direction of the state de partment at Washington, and it is doubtless that the interference of the secretary of state had much to do with the release of the men. Ed. RE-APPORTIONMENT BILL. The Fiirurcs Taken From the Census Returns'. Spec!.i; to Tiik Astoriax.1 WAsraxaTON-, Oct 13. An article appears in the Washington Gazette stating that the figures for the Dnn nell re-apportionment bill were made up in the census office. Dnnnell is chairman of the house committee on the eleventh census aud called for these figures early in the count, in order to base tho apportion ment bill upon them. The program liad nudonbtedly been arranged to pass both the elective bill and the ap portionment bill at the last session of congress, but the senate was not wil ling. "Observe the figures closely," said the clerk, "and you will see that tak ing the population of several states, as returned, and allotting a member to every 180,000 inhabitants, it will make it very difficult for the Democrats to elect the next President, unless next fall it shall demonstrate that tho Re publican line in the west is weakened by the passage of the Mclunley bill. "For example, the states now called Republican, among them California aud Iowa, will have an electoral vote of 218, while the states classed Demo cratic will have but 161 votes. Then thero aro placed in the doubtful col umn Connecticut, Indiana, New York aud West Virginia. The Demo crats would have to carry all four of these to elect a President, while the Republicans would have to carry but one." A 810,000 Blaze. Special to Tiik Astorian. BERXARDSVimyn, N. J., Oct 13. About midnight last night a hand some cottngo owned and occupied by George J. Gesey, the New York banker, was burned. The inmates barely escaped. The loss is $10,000. Tho lire was canscd bv a defective flue. A Jfeirspapcr 2Iaa Pone Up. A good joke i3 related at the ex pense of a modest young Dakota newspaper man, which is going tho rounds simply credited to "Ex." It i3 to the effect that the pusher of the pencil went out to report a party the other evening where the home had re cently been blessed by a new baby. Accompanied by his best girl he met tho hostess at tho door and after the usual salutations asked about the baby's health. The lady, who was quite deaf and suffering with the grippp, thought he was asking about her cold, and. told him that though she usually had one every winter, this is the worst sho ever had; it kept her awake nights a good deal at first and confined her to her bed. Then notic ing that the scribe was getting pale and nervous she said sho could tell by his looks that he was going to have one just like hers, and asked him to go in and sit down. The paper was out as usual the next week but tho local ed itor has quit enquiring about babies. A HeaTjBloiT. Devoted Wife Mercy! What's the matter? Straggling Author (with a gasp) It's all over, all over! My dream of fame and fortune has ended! I'll be nothing but a nobody after all. Devoted Wife Horrors! What has happened to your book? Struggling Author (despairingly) The postmaster-general has refused to suppress it New TorJc WeeJcly. IHuuiau Frailty. We aro frail creatures physlcally-thc most ruhmt anions in. llic unhealthy man or wom.iu b iu great measure incapa ble ot benefit to society. If, for msiauce, bililottsnesi, a trouble of frequence and often obstinately resis'antot ordinary med Icatitn. obstructs the liarnionious actl n of the liver and tlie bowpls, the snfTerer is Mire to be dyspeptic. The three disordered conditions are sure to be connuned by neg lect. Under the erroneous hnpress'.oii that there Is no hope for him. an impression in all likelihood confirmed by the use of ob jectionable remedies, the sufferer is apt to become neglecttul. n.iy. even reckless, and the sooner he is removed from the sphere of human endeavor tho better for all parties concerned. What a series of mistakes ! His liver is responsible. It is an incoroorate part of himself. How discipline it? By the aid of Hostetter'3 Stomach Bitters, a cer tain "medium for the re-establishment of united. 1 cuular action in the stomach, liver and bowels. It also cures and prevents ma larial, rheumatic and kidney troubles. ABANDONED AT SEA. Reported Loss of an American Ship at Sen. Special to Tee Astorian. New York, Oct. 13. A telegram from Boston confirms the report of the loss at sea of the American ship Ma gellan, which sailed from Bostou on May 10th last with a cargo of oil for Valparaiso. The telegram says Hemingway & Brown, consigners of the cargo, re ceived a cable dispatch from Valpa raiso, stating that the German bark Para, which arrived at that port, re ported passing the Magellan, aban doned and in a waterlogged condition, in August Tho lookout of theP7-a sighted a corpse lashed to a spar. The'Magellan was commanded by Captain Marshall, and it is believed every one on board perished. A HUNTING FATALITY. An English Nobleman Killed in British Columbia. Special to TnE Astorian. Mission-, B. C, Oct 13. Sir Wil liam Gossett, who had been on a shooting excursion in this neighbor hood, was accidentally killed yester day, while ho was returning from a hunt. He had landed in a canoe and in attempting to take Ids gun from the boat the hammer caught on the edge and the gun was discharged, the shot passing through his heart, killing him instantly. IN A DRDKEN QUARREL. One Indian Stabs His Brother to Death. Special to Tub astorianm Tacoma, Oct 13. Two Siwash In dians, brothers, from tho Puyallup reservation, got howling drunk in this city and on the road home quarrelled, one cutting the other horribly with a large pocket knife. Ho was found the next morning lying on the road un conscious. He will die. BLAZE IS A LONDON FACTORY Six of the Employes Killed and Thirteen Badly Injured, ' TJTEl',TUJl'En OUT OF WTXIiOlFS. Spocial by TunU.iirhit Press. Lon-dox, Oct 13. A fire this after noon destroyed a four-story building on Middle street occupied by Rowley & Brock, manufacturers of hats, caps, helmets and government contractors for military headgear. Six persons were burned to death and thirteen severely injured. The premised occupied a frontage of thirty feet on Middle street and tho samo on Glothfair street, and thence extended fifty feet to Newberry street, where was tho employes' entrance. The fire started in a workshop on tho upper floor at 1 o'clock. At the time thero woro thirty persons in the building. Within two minutes from tho time the fire, was discovered tho buiiding was wrapped inflames, which spread so rapidly that the employes found every avenue of escape, except tho windows, shut off and through which a number of them jumped to the street. Five women, employed by the firm, were killed in trying to ef fect an escape in this manner. DILLON AND O'RRIEN. England Wants the Fugitives Brought Baclt. Special to The Astori.vk.1 Lokdon-, Oct 13. It is officially stated that it the government is cer tain that Dillon and O'Brien are aboard a vessel flying the British flag they will order a man-of-war de spatched from Halifax to intercept the vessel and arrest tho fugitives. In that case tho prisoners will tit once be brought back to Ireland. The real belief is that they took the French steamer from Havre. A Wealthy 3Ialden. Miss Elizabeth Gates is the richest unmarried woman in Buffalo, says tho Chicago Post. Miss Gates by good business management has added very considerably to the 1,000,000 left her by her father, at one time president of the Western New York and Pennsyl vania Bailroad. The late Mr. Gates was not what could be called a church goer. Indeed it is related that the only time he was in church he came quite late, and not finding at once the familiar bonnets of his family to di rect him to their pew, he approached an usher and said in a hoarse whisper: "Where is that infernal pew, any how?" It W&s Tonsrli, Indeed. They were relating stories of hard ship and adventure'at the dinner table where Billy Bliven boards. "Billy," said one of his friends, "you haven't told us anything yet What is the toughest thing you ever struck?" 'The neck;"' replied Billy dolefully, as he laid that portion of the fowl on the tablecloth by his plate. Wash ington Post. A nclicato UecosrnltiOii. Legalcap A client addressed me familiarlv this morning as 01d Horse." ' Breefer Had ho just paid his bill? uYes, why?" "Perhaps it was his way, of telling you that you were a splendid charger." Neio Yorfc Sun. Just in i!n IViclc oi'Tiino. Mrs. Lyclin A. Nelson, Luther, Lake County. Mich., writes: 'Luther, Mich., Maich , 1890. "The Allcock's Porous Plasters you sent me came just in the nick of time. We have all had the 'Grippe' and, of course, we all had to have a plaster over the lungs. I verily believe they kept me from having inflammation of the lungs, or something else, when I had the 'Grippe,' and perhaps saved my life. "I never intend to be without them as lene: as they are made. "Please send me another dozen, as the last are all gone but one. I gave several of them away, but they all did good in every case, so far as 1 could learn.'' POISONED THE FAMILY A Ian Deals Oni Dead to His Entire Family. WANTED TO MAERY ANOTHER The Murderer Arrested on a Train and Stands a Good Ohancs of Being Lynched. Special by Tho Untted Press. Ozark, Ala., Oct 13. The -people in this neighborhood were startled this morning by information that Clayton Lloyd, a farmer, 35 years of age, had last night poisoned his wife and children with rat poison. The poison was placed in meat and when cooked for dinner the little children partook of it, three of them falling dead at the table. Mrs. Lloyd was taken deadly sick and in a few hours died. Tho baby breathed its last this morning. Lloyd bears a very unsavory repu tation and has been iu jail. He wished to wed a young woman in Texas, where he had been for some time and to accomplish this end he secretly slipped back, ended the life of his wife and children and than took the train. Ho has on several occa sions made threats to kill them. Lloyd was captured last night at Donaldsonville, Georgia, a little sta tion on the Alabama Midland road. He arrived here to-day and threats aro made to lynch him. AT REST. Chief-Justice miller Died Early Last Night. Special to Tun Astorian'.I Washington-, Oct. 13. Justice Mil ler died at 10:32 o'clock last night. Samuel F. Miller was born at Rich mond, Ky., April 5, 1816, and was con sequently 7i years, 6 months and 8 days at his death. Ho was educated at Transylvania university became a physician and afterwards" a lawyer. As a politician, he adopted emancipa tionist views in 1848 and removed" to Iowa in ISoO. He was successful as a lawyer and declined all public offices until 1S62, when ho was appointed one of the justices of the United States supreme court by Abraham Lincoln, apd has occupied his seat for almost twenty-eight years. Ho has made an enviable record as an able jurist Suicide of a Japanese. Special to The Astoeian. Tacoma, Oct 13. A Japanese named Uimer was found in a dying condition in a pig pen last evening, having his throat cut from ear to ear. He had lain in the pen three days in this condition. Killed by a Fall. Special to TnE astokiax.i San' Francisco, Oct. 13. A sailor 10 years of age, while hoisting a boat on the schooner C. II. White this afternoon, fell from a beam, a dis tance of do feet and was killed. Pools on Politics. Special to The .stokia.v.J Tacoma, Oct 13. Both parties will hold conventions hero to-morrow to nominate city officers. Betting is freely done on all candidates, running from 1,000 to 5,000 on tho candi dates for mayor. The Latest Xotelty Is a Hay Palace. The interstate hay palace opened at Momence, 111., October 1st Tho build ing is 200 feet in length and 186 feet wide in the center. The main hall is a perfect circle 103 feet in diameter, flanked on the four sides with wings. A circular gallery, eighteen feet wide, sweeps entirely around the main hall. The walls are built entirely of baled hay, with just enongb baled straw to make a pleasing contrast in shading and color. Tho primary object of tho exposition is to make a display of the varied products of Eastern Illinois and Western Indiana, which will in clude products of the farms, factories, forests, mines, quarries, and of the arts, domestic skill and the accom plishments of the people of the dis trict in music, oratory and manual training. A special feature is tho display of tho latest tools in haying machinary and implements for ditching, laying and making tile, and road machinery. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Wintsi.ow's Soothing Syrup should always bo used for children teething. It toothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. Extreme precautions were taken for the protection of the czar during his journey from Warsaw to Skierniemico recently. So careful were the officials of his majesty that at one point on the route a large number ot passen gers were locked up in a train for seven hours until the imperial train had passed. CURES PERMANENTLY BRUISES and WOUNDS, Fell From a Telegraph Pplo. , ,1 v Gary, Dat.Sepl: 20, 1888. I was badly bruised and strained by 4711 from telegraph pole; couldn't turn In beo!. Doctors did no good. Tried St Jacbbs Oil : 1! cured me. "W. II. SCANNELIa iTho Kickor Outwitted. . Merced, CaL, Sepfc 29, 1S8. I was kicked by a mule- on rlgnt kned and could not walk for three days; gufferea two wecks.butSt. Jacobs Oil cured mo completely. L. IANGDON. At Deuggists akd Dealees. THE CHARLES fl. V0GELER CO.. BalUaon. M& Notice. NOTICE IS HEUEBY GIVEN TUAT my wife. Sara Kaisa Person, ha3 left my bed and board without just cause or provocation and that I will not he responsi ble for any debts contracted by her in my name. JONAH PERSON. Clifton, Oregon. SrS &eBs Oft