The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 26, 1890, Image 3

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..-SEPTEMBER 2C. 1800
Publisher and Proprietor.
Astoria:? Build tsa,
Cass Stueet
Terms or Subscription.
Served br Carrier, per week ...
Sect by Mali, per month.........
"vnt by Mall, one year .. .. .
Free ol postage to subscribers.
15 eta
. cocts
Tk Astorxax guarantees to Its adver
tiser! the largest elrculatiou of any newspa
per published on the Columbia rlter.
(Mditnn&f Local News on 4th Page.)
A new hotel is Boon to bo opened
across the river at Frankfort.
Look at the premiums offered to
subscribers to The Astoriak, on the
fourth page.
Two mortgages amounting to $559
were yesterday filed with. Booorder
Dnubar for. record.
It is proposed to put a basement
under, the Episcopal church, for the
use-ot the Sunday school
The infant son of John E. and Lucj
M larsen, of John Days diediyoster
day and. will bo buried to-day nt
The burning chimney
oH the Oooident- hotel last oveninlr
Hiae-aiiliJe -excitement, but no alarm
was turned in.
One solitary-drunk .brought into the
elation house by Officer Beasley, w;.s
tfeo oaly arrest- tp to an early hour
-this morning.
Tbe.bordca.ot conversation now on
the streets is base ball, and tho entire
community is thoroughly affected.
Indeed, it may bo said to bo epidemic
Another couple appears to be mat
rimonially inclined, for yesterday a
license to wed was obtained by Mau
rice E. Pearis and Miss Alice C.
Geo. "W. Traver, a prominent Ta
coma capitalist, has been in the city
for a few days past and has made ar
rangements to invest largely in Frank
fort property.
Nearly all are availing themselves
of the opportunity to secure one of the
valuable premiums offered to sub
scribers to The AsToniAX. Take a;
look at Uem; no trouble to show them
Suit was brought in the circuit
court yesterday by George Marshall
against Mrs. Sophia Dnggetfc, to re
cover the sum of S10G.23, claimed to
bo duo him for services rendered as
Another native of Norway .yesterday
retired from under tho red flag, with
its white-bordered blue cross, and
adopted the starry emblem of tho free
as his banner henceforth. Andrew
Samuelsou, according to his declara
tion yesterday, intends to be an Amer
ican citizen.
Cushing Camp No. 13, Sons of Vet
erans will give a grand cake walk and
ball this evening at Liberty hall.
Tkey did not advertise it, for it is
strictly nn ;nvitation affair, and no
one will be nchr'tted who has not re
ceived an invitation. The Astorian
acknowledges receipt of a compli-
ltary ticket
A eougar weighing 160 pounds was
killed in Seattle last Saturday morn
ing after it had roamed through the
streets and had been shot at several
times. Seattle seems to be growing
so fast that it is crowding on the
wfldersess and tho wild beasts. It
may become necessary for them to
pass an ordinance against allowing
cougars to xnn loose about tho streets
of that city.
Compaay Hwill not have an oppor
tanity to go in camp with the regi
ment, for there will bo no encamp
ment of tho First regiment at Eiver
side as was expected. Colonel
Beebe was unable to secure tents, for
though Gov. Pennoyor asked the lpan
of them from the quartermaster at
Vancouver, the secretary of war
would not approve of the loan. A
competitive shooting match is pro
posed. The Spokane Falls Review says:
"Owiug to the fact that the notaries
pablic of Washington exceed the num
ber cf men enrolled in the militia,
Governor Ferry savs it would bo bet
ter in case of an uprising whichr-would
require a great many men to suppress
to call out tho notaries. They may uot
be so well untied, buttheivastness -or
their numbers would intimidate
almost any foe."
A gentleman iu ihfc-city received a
letter from his lather, in whiolvit is
ttalod that ihevcropsiu the central;
portion of South Dakota are a total
failure. Families are leaving thore as
rapidly a3 possible, ioand for-theJPa-cifio-coastf-uaany:
of ihomi . Over 150
families hare leffyor aro propariag
to leave Hyde county. Oregon'
gon has room cuough for thenr,-nd-can
offer them homes in a laud whore
crops never fail.
Yesterday morning, while Charles
Tackleson was driving his express
wagon, when near the Salvation Army
barracks the axle hroko, causing tho
vehicle-to capsize, throwing out tho
driver, but without injuring him.
Thau tho horse Btarted on his own
hook and ran the wagon against one
of the electric lght poles, when the
horse cleared himself of the wagon
and started up Third street to Cass,
then back to the starting point Tho
damago was about $50 to the wagon.
About $150 more is needed by the
committee to properly provide for the
reception and entertainment of the
Aberdooa club, who are coming here
on Sunday to play a ball game with
our dub. Mayor Maling and a num
ber of prominent citizens of Aberdeen
are cowing over, and as they treated
our boys so handsomely, we should re
turn tho courtesy in good style. Purely
as a business proposition or from a
Berceaary standpoint, it is right that
these people should be cordially re
ceived. We need their trade, and
swply f or boaneea purposes our 10
b&oai with those people should be of
tfcesaoet friendly nature. Even the
Ohinwnwi are contributing to welcome
these -visitors, and ia the matter of
hospitality our own citizens should
sot be surpassed, by the moon-eyed
FarMtskcd Rms te Rest.
October 1st, fine furnished -rooms in
quiet location. A pply at this office.
Visit of a Mutter io Her Three
Sons After 18 Years Absence.
The new and elegant residence of
A. V. Allen and wife on Main street,
which has been occupied by them but
a few days, was yesterday and last
evening a scene of splendor, for there
was a gathering of beauty consisting
of the leading ladies of thiB city, who
had been invited to welcome here
after many years absence, Mrs. O. H.
Hastings, of Oswego, New York,
mother of AV., A G. and Gi B. Allen.
Eighteen years ago Mrs. Hastings,
then Mrs. Allen, was thef wife of
Major H. A Allen, who was in com
mand of1 the garrison at Fori; C&nby,
and resided there, frequently coming
over to this city, which-was then-quite
a small plnco in comparison with its
present appearance.
The reception yesterday afternoon
was given in honor of Jier -arrival after
so long an absence, and the many
ladies present made it a .joyous affair.
Refreshments were sorved in abnn
dauce, and the time passed merrily
Mrs. Hastings' recollection pf her
residence here for a period'ot three
ear&, previous to her departure, in
1872, i very vivid, and- she nilndea
with pleasure to the many improve
ments and clmues whieh have taken
place siuce thou.
ThuJmhcs ulro were present as in
vijed' guesitf itMbe afternoon recep
tion wcro life fftljotwng!
Mcbdanuw W; S Short, O. H.
Ilustingaofr-Owogo, New Yoik, J. F. H" BfW?l .K. I'roel. P.
-S token; E. ArNb d, Afc Foard, AY: Ix-
Robli, ls 1m ruittirVl? 15yri T. Trnl
linger, A. P. Sharpstein, Airs. Pope,
C. i. Upshur, M. Trent-hard, W. T.
Chuttor, Geo. Noulen, 11. N. Carna
han, J. Badollet, G. W. Sauboru, S.
Elmore, Floicnce Wadleigh, B. Van
Dusen, A Van Duseu, G. George, H.
Van Duseu, M. Adair, Mrs, Wclker of
San Francisco, 0. J. Trenchard, E. C.
Lewis, J. E. Thomas, H. Kindred, J.
"W. Babbidga,C. W. Holt.M. llodgers,
W. Kinney, Mrs. Habersham O. W.
Fulton, G. 0. Fulton, A JD. Pulton,
J. A Fulton, M Gillman, Mrs. Edee,
J. E. Higgins, J. Bell, A G. Allen, J.
Hobson, K. Hobson, F. Newell, Mrs.
Andersqnof Portland, Mrs. Lovings,
Mrs. Richelieu, Geo. McLean, V.
Stein, Mrs. Ditnbar, F. L Duubar, A.
Dunbar, H. G. Smith; D. Morgan, F.
Crang, C. R. Thomson, S. Arndt, R.
Carrnthors C. W. Stone, E. W. Tal
lant,' J Nv Griffin,- J Demont, F, J.
Tavlor. .El B,Hawea. JT. H D. Grav.
O. S. Wriglft,tJr..a Crosbyi G. W.
Lounsberry, Pj Trullinger. Mrs. Mc-
Kenzie, Annuo iox. Tho Misses
Mamie Gilbert, Alice Bell, Annie
Pope, Miss- 'Wheeler, Bell Barin of
San Francisco", LiAdafrJ'LbutBxjfgers,
Jessie Anderson Nord Nickerson,
Lillie Ireland, Ellen Dickenson and
Last evening there was a family re
union at the someplace,' to'-welcome
Mrs; Hastings, when her three sons
were present' A V. arnl A Gn Allen
are married ana their families "were
also .present C. B. Allen isnot yet
fortunate enough to have a family to
bring with him,. but his welcome to
his mother was cordial enough to
make up for a whdle family. The
occasion was one1 of true pleasure
which will be long remembered by
tho entire family circle.
The schooner Annie Oee sailed yes
terday from .Khappton lumber laden
for San Francisco;
The Slteve Donard was towed to
tho bar anchorage yesterday nd will
go to sea this mornings
Tho British-ship Kinhora will .fin
ish lightering to-day and go to 'Port
land in the morning.
TheBrifeh6hip2ltt"owa has fin
ished lightering coal at the gas com
pany's" dock and will'&o to'Portland
The little" government atcainef Gen.
TVotks yestef day-forlrepairi:
Turahli; theTaMeff.-
As predicted in yesterday's Astorian,--Cons
table. Obergwris arrested
yesterday foir coffipfejini5'' of -Sheriff
Smith forunlawfttUyarrestang-James
Kelly,. a eailoon; the British ship
Slivxe DojUa'd; knowing- -he "was by"
law exempt from arrest For debt
,. .A demurreo ' thy'eomplaint -was
nipa Dyra?uiton-Jiros.Y-atcoEne's-ior
Justice Cleveland,' who' declined to
rule on constitutional pointi'" After
examination2qf "wifeessos the con
stable wasfouiittTgmltyr-ns 'charged
and lined 20 dn'l'costsi'nnd-m de
fault of payjnentrtheroof; he-was com-
jjnitted'to tbe-eoatityaiL-
-oaoeas corpus proceedings- were
commenced' before Oud go-Taylor yes
terday nftofjjion, ntaa'-the writ kra re-
,surnaofo xo-iay, suien'tne iase win oo
anrosd. 'It is a neWidoa'for'acCin-
ltJalild'Hofbe snnt ia jail by1 his-own
edurt for orrestimg another-man-.'Fred
now "knows'howit is himself."
A Scholarly Notice.
The following is said to bo a literal
copyor the rules posted On a school
house door up in tho Big Bend coun ceun
try: "Each-pupil is required to make
a bow on entering tho "School Houso
of morning, also on leaving of the
School Room of evening. There shall
beo no profain language usedin School
nor on the play ground nor there shall
bo no pinstickin, pinchin, scratcbin,
nor no taggin, nor no fltin nor uo un
easy "Whisperin in School. No pupil
shall leve the School house without
permission of tho Teacher. No un
easy moven-from seat to Beat No fitin
on the road from nor to School nor no
Nick-namin. Every pupil over eight
years old shall be subjec to these
rules, and the teacher is to make
allowenso for all pupils under eight
and enforco the rules accorden. If
any scholar brakes these rules tha
shall be punished by switchen."
FaskioHable Drcsbmakias; Far
Mrs. J. Tennant has opened dress
making parlors at No. 5G2, Third street,
Room C A perfect fit guaranteed.
Two moro Lady 'Wallers at Jeffs Now
At Holmes, 640 Third sirest
A fine lino of Cigars and Cigarettes
can be found at the Columbia Bakery,
59G Third- street
Tke-FiHcst Ph(
ATO1nowi-take'h1-byiH.'S. Shaster. See
new samples. ' i
E. A. Noyes left last evening for a
trip to Portland.
Milton Bozorth returned last even
ing from a ten days' visit to relatives
at Lewis river.
A V. Pendleton, who has been spend
ing a short vacation in Portland, re
turned on the S. G. Heed last evening.
J. F. Ferchen, of the firm of Arndt &
Ferchen, returned last evening from a
trip to Portland.
W. 0. Ricord has returned from a
trip to the citie3 on Paget Sound,
and is not yet certain where he will
H. F. L. Logan, tho genial host of
that comfortable homo for travelers
near the mouth of Elk creek on the
coast, was in the city yesterday.
Charles Michell yesterday received a
dispatch from F. Bohwest, in Port
land, stating that he had seen his
daughter Nellie in that city. Mr.
Michell goes to Portland this morning
in search of her.
lie Dnties of Inspectors ani Some
of the Reflations,
The government requires that all
steamers must be inspected every
year, and tno men who attend to
that duty for this district are Capt E.
S. Edwards, inspector of steam vessels,
.and Frank McDormott, inspector of
steam boilers.
Every steamer must be inspected
pvery jear, and before their certifi
cate expires tho owners must apply to
tho local officers, requestiugan inspec
tion of the vessel and boiler. Within
this district, which extends up the
coast as far as Shoalwater bay and as
far down as Coqnillo river, are 180
steamers which these two officials have
to inspect every year.
Tho entire business is under the"
direction of tho Secretary of tho
Treasury at "Washington, to whom
these oQicors have to report "When
they inspect a steamer, they make five
copies of their report One of these is
entered in a printed blank book, which
they keep, one is filed with tho collec
tor of customs whore the steamer be
longs, and the other three copies aro
given to the owner of tho boat One
of these three ho can keep, but tho
other two must bo framed and hung
up in tho steamer, one in the engine
room, and the other in tho cabin, or
where it can bo seen by passengers.
Messrs. Edwards and McDermott
aro thoroughly familiar with their
work and know every vessel in their
distriot, when sho was built, and her
condition. In examining a boat, tho
principal weak points of tho hull is the
part above tho water, which is liablo
to have tho timbers become rotten or
worm-eaten. To satisfy themselves as
to the condition of the timbers, they
go down iu the hold, and, if necessary,
bore a hole in the planking and tho
timbers to ascertain tho exact condi
tion of the wood.
Their occupation is more or less
disagreeable, for they must conform to
law and frequently havo to stop boats
from taking too many passengers or
too muoh freight Gangways of
steamers aro not allowed by law to be
piled up with freight but must bo
kept clear for the use of the passen
gers. Tho number of passengers to be
carried on each steamer, is fixed in ac
cordance with the amount of space
which she has for freight, and on
boats which usually carry a large
amount of freight, in connection with
passengers, the number of passengers
allowed to be carried is regulated ac
cordingly, and is much less than if no
freight was carried.
Excursion permits, allowing a
steamer to carry more than her usual
number of passengers, are to be used
on trips when no freight is carried.
All these rules and regulations are
for the safety of the traveling public,
and people should be grateful because
such provisions are wisely made in
their behalf.
Of the 180 vessels in this district 26
aro at Astoria, 52 at Portland, and the
balance up aud down the coast, and
inland on the various rivers.
Having a copy of each inspection
certificate in his office, the collector of
customs or one of his deputies is em
powered by law to forbid any steamer
from taking tco many passengers.
For violation of any law, or any rule
or regulation of the treasury depart
ment, the collector of a port is au
thorized to impose a fino upon the
owners of any steamer, and tho fine
must be paid before the boat is
allowed to be used again.
TirntTr tears tractick
A Letter from an Eminent Phyalcias
Me. Editer: At ttro risk of mdorslng a
propriotaxy preparation, I havo a few wordl
in favor of a now laxctlro principle. Bat
first, how I camo te discover It A patient
asked about taking Jey'a Yogetablo Saraa
p&rilla. As earsaparlllas usually contain
tncroury or iodides I objected, and asked for
tho formula, which flndlnsparbly vegetable,
and bo mild as to be to my xalnd almost
inert, I oonscnUd. Im&glno my astonish
ment -when perfect laxatlva notion was re
ported. It has two great polnU. Firtl, being
purely vegetable, it la (tinllko morenry) not
camalatlvo in tho system, being easily car
ried off by the digccUva procctscs ; and second,
it is effective with a leu quantity of the
cathartic prinoiplo than has hitherto been
attainable. It in this respect ranks as a
discovery, and approaches th ideal, viz.:
tho least modlcloo eonslitoat with tho great
est good. It harmonises natural laxative
action and orf ect safety, and should inter
est both tha pablic and tho profession.
AcrrrpnTsiaux ay thistt tiaes nuenca.
Ban Fraacisf Examiner, March 10, 1SS0.
KelkiBg Succeeds Idbc Success.
It is verified by the fact that nearly
everybody eats at Jeff's New re
staurant Delicietts Ico Cream
Served dally at the Columbia bakeryl
Nicely FiuraifiRcd
Rooms to rent. Enqulro of Mrs. S.
Daggett at the Grounds House.
The latest style of. Gents' Boots and
Shoos at P. J. Goodmak & Co.'s.
Fiae Tabic Wiae
Delivered at CO cents a gallon, to any
gartof tho city. A fino lino of puro
alifornia wines at low prices, at A.
W- Utzlngor's Cosmopolitan saloon.
WeiaMard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, Scents.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open tho year 'reund.
CUIlren CrjftrFitcker's Casttris
Coiuwooi Buoys Morel in tie
Cbannel Damage Stealers.
There is much compla'it from the
masters of small steam vessels against
tho owners of fishing outfits along tho
river who have their lines stretched
into the channel of the river, where
vessels engaged in passenger or freight
traffic or towing are passing and re
passing at all t"ues of the day or
At present the most of the lines of
which complaint is made are those of
tho sturgeon fishermen. H the lines
with their buoys were kept out of the
channel there would be no cause for
complaint, but oftentimes tho buoys
are simple; plain sticks of cordwood
that aro impossible to see in the
night, and the first intimation the
master of tho vessel has of anything
wrong is when tho stick of wood
comes crashing into tho propeller and
he finds his vessel disabled by one or
more of the blades of his propeller
broken off.
The sticks of cordwood aro worse
than saw-logs or other large obstruc
tions, for they are just the right size
to be drawn into the propeller when
the vessel passes close alongside.
The fishermen should either keep out
of the channel with their fishing gear,
or else use buoys that would cause no
injury if drawn into the propeller of a
vessel. Or, if they must use buoys
that are dangerous to vessels, let
them station lights upon them, as is
by law required of rafts or other ob
structions anchored in the river.
Tho steamer Tonquin, Captain N.
P. Johanscn, is now laid np on the
beach undergoing repairs made
necessary by injury resulting from
getting a stick of cordwood in her pro
peller. She went on the beach on
Wednesday and got off last night-, the
repairs to her propeller and stem
bearing having cost over S80. She
was towing a raft near Skamokawa
when tho propeller became fouled
with a stick of cordwood and knocked
onfr threo blades. It ;as with great
difficulty that sho was taken to tho
landing and tho raft secured. The
samfa difficulty was met last year. Tho
slight expenso neces ary to secure
safety leaves no excuse for nnchoriug
dangerous buoys in tho river.
The Demand Fair and Piicvs Steadily
Shipments of fruits and salmon by
rail wero unusually largo last month,
and tho demand for canned fruits and
vegetables continues heavy. Toma
toes particularly are attracting atten
tion, nnd prices are steadily advanc
ing. Salmon is undoubtedly stronger,
and it is surprising the way stocks are
moving into consumption. This is
doubtless a fact, but it is difficult to
prove it, owing to the endeavor to
conceal shipments by reporting them
as canned goods. The Alaska pack is
coming to hand steadily, the receipts
being in excess of last season to date,
but from best advices to hand the
total will not bo as large as in 18S9.
This is more or less surmise, as there
are a number of points not yet heard
from. Good red fish is now quotable
at 95c$1.00 per dozen. An un
doubted shortage exists at tho chief
points from which returns havo been
received, and as there will bo no fall
fish packed, it is almost certain the
output of the coast will fall consider
ably short of the immense pack of
Tho arrivals of Alaska salmon nt
this port for the season to date have
been as follows.
July 15.. Tercy Edward, bil.. 5.C02
JulylG Umatilla, steamer.. 2,12s
July 28 Premier, schooner. 10,853
July so Bertha 10.473
July Sl.M Umatilla. Meamer. G.357
Auj;. 301 H. C. "Wright, schooner. ll,oOJ
Au,;. 12 Nicholas i haj er, bark 17.413
Au. 13-.. Corypheiie. bark 13,220
Aug. 21 City of Pucbla. stcamr. 12,247
Aug. 21 Compeer, schooner. 2. 101
Aug. 30 Umatilla, steamer. 7.4S7
Aug. 30 .Hobert Searlcs, liooiicr 27,798
Sept.1 . Newsboy, bark 19,240
Sept. 1 .Annie Johnson, lurk. 41.113
Sept. 1 Queen, schooner 11,000
Sept. 10 Hera, schooner. 2,193
Sept. 11 Sadie F. Caller, schooner- 12.213
Sept. 12. Electra, bark 20.000
Sept 12. Iouis, schooner 7,500
Sept 14 Umatilla, steamer. 10,248
Sept 15. Percy J"d ard. br. c.250
Sept. lC.....janies A lorUutl.. ............ 15.905
Total .2SI,x
Same time last j ear.. 220.094
San Franclcco Csmmcrcial iVtiw, 19.
Statistics prepared by the Canadian
Grocer of the British Columbia sal
mon pack indicate that it will fall
short of last season's by about 25,000
cases, though the exact results will
not bo known for some time yet. It
will still be an enormous pack. Its es
timate makes it about 370,000 cases,
against 393,000 last year. The largest
previous pack was in 18S2, when 219,
400 cases were put up. The Canadian
Fisheries Department, however, places
the pack at 500,000 cases. Tho run of
ealinon this year was as heavy, if not
heavier than last This was entirely
unexpected, for a heavy run, such as
that of last year, is usual ly followed
by a light ono. The packers were not
prepared for it, and were nuablo to
put up all tho fish they caught. The
Dominion government has recently
been devoting a good deal of atten
tion to tho protection and develop
ment of this industry, and the unusual
run of 1890 is no doubt duo to this
fact The following from the Cana
dian Grocer shows tho annual pack
for twelve years:
Case. Year. Cases.
37,39! 1883-.. 107.0S8
CI.15G ISSfi. 1C3.001
173.600 1SS7 204.000
249,400 1&S3 170.COO
177,412 1KS3 33.1000
133,947 1890. J70,000
These" reports were- obtained from lfi
FraierTWver canncilos ? 3 Maas rher; 1
Nlmnkish,3 Rivers Jxittit and c Skecna
r.ver S. Ctfmmd'cfal
Kooms "Willi Bonrnl.
Parties desirine comfortable rooms
with-JjORnl, atreasonahle rates, can be
aecommooaieu at Mrs, j$ u. Jiomeirs,
sornerJJnin and bTurlh streets.
i i.... .,
CntlcryVat QtlO Third t.
Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kindaof cakes.
Tlicanpsbn & Ross have just received
a fiuftHot, of Italian Prunes, and are
semng uiem lower man ever.
CaTaay and Rats
At Uolmes, 610 TiurdLstreet
For Choicc-Rell or Tub Butter, call
r " Tjiompsox & Ross.
WelHJsuuNls J3ccr
At the Sunny Side .saloon. Furnished
rooaisf-tp lee coracr. Third and OIney
streets'.'" Inquire atisunnyside saloon.
Ludlow's Ladles 3.00 Fino Shoes;
also flexlblo hand-turned French Kids,
at P.' J. Goodman & Co7s.
Deeds filed or recorded on Sept 25,
1890, as reported for The SlTobmng
Astobiax by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cemDany:
United States to John Con
ner, receiver's receipt for
theS.Kof S. W. of
sec 29 and S. K of S. E.
hi of sec. 30, T. 5 N., R 7
W 200
John Conner to O. B. Estes,
theS. KoftheS.W.ifof
sec. 29 and S. K of S. E.
Kofsec.30,T.GN.,R. 7
W 800
J. O. Dement to J. E. Calla
han, lots 1 and 5, blk 21,
Dement's 180
Deeds filed, 3; total amount. S 1 ,180
Previonslyreportedthi3year 1,669,919
' Total to date $1,671,099
San Francisco "Js Not In It."
Any one visiting the Chamber of
Commerce and noting the earnest work
being pushed forward by the energetic
gentlemen forming tho Board of Com
merce now in session, will bo struck
by the one prominent fact that San
Francisco, to use a slang phrase, "is
not in it" Yesterday but three San
Francisco men were present, and it is
tne noruiern men who are putting
their shoulders to the wheel and for
warding the work of this convention.
If San Francisco is left behind in the
race for supremacy it will be due to
tho supineness of her leading men
alone. "With half tho natural advan
tages possessed by this port, other
cities on the coast through the in
domitable energy of their citizens are
fast surpassing sleepy San Francisco
in the race. . F. Commercial A'eics,
If you have made up j our mind to buy
Hood's Sarsaprilia do not he induced to
lake any other. Hood's Sarsaprilla is a
peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue
of its peculiar combination, proportion
and preparation, curatho powers su
perior to any arliclo of the kind.
Wingale & Stone.
Clatsop Beach.
Astoria, ... Or.
Our Seaside Office is closed for
the season. We have a few fine
lots left in Railroad Addition in
Grimes Grove, and on application
at our office iu this city will take
pleasure in sending a man down
to show the property.
Saturday, September 27th,
"We will open our
Cloaks, Wraps Jackets,
Our House has a .standard reputation
which never falls to attract geniTAi atten
tion during oar Cloak Sales.
mcallen & McDonnell,
131 C 1G3 Srd St., Portland, Or.
Ieadlng Dry (Sooih Storo Tor first class
gnods at Eastern prices.
Auentslor McCalls ftazaar Glove Pitting
Tat teres.
Contractors ani Builders.
Estimates Given on Brick, Stone, or
Wood Work.
Concrete and. Cement Work
a Specialty.
118 Genevieve St.
James Finlayson,
534 Third Street.
(Pioneer Office.)
Informs the inhabitants ol Astoria and
surrounding" districts that ho -naff com
menced uusincs3 at the above address.
Whereby lair dealing and. by giving good
value, fte hopes to merit a .share of public
patronage." xbte the address :
534 Third Street, - Astoria.
Advance Styles of Fall Dress Goods
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
He keeps the Finest Brands of Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars in the City.
Poultry and Fish
n Quantities To Suit.
Southwest cor. Fourth & C.i
J. B. Wyatt,
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
ruro Oil, Bright Varnish. Binaclo Oil,
Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine,
Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes,
Galvanized Cutalls.
Agricultural Implements, Sewing
Machines, Paints, Oils,
G-rooerios, lEZto.
Magnus C. Crosby
Dealer in
Iron ripe and 'Fittings, Stoves, Tin
ware, and
Sheet Lead, Strip Lead, Sheet Iron,
Tin and Copper.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Saili, Doors, Mouldings and
All Kinds of Hard Wood and House Finish
ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe
cialty. Wood Turning.
Cor. Genevieve and Astor Streets.
Astoria, - - Oregox.
Thompson & Ross
Carry a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. -
Open All the Year 'Roil
Is new and clean and be.iutif.ully located
on theb.wk.sof thcNccanicum, within ilvo
minutes' walk of
The most pleasant Seaside Kcsoit on the
Northwest Pacific Coast.
Every attention Is paid to the comfort and
accommodation of tho gue&L. and the table
Is supplied with the very best In season.
nere aro plenty of Clams and Crabs, there
Ls game iu the woods and plenty of the
finest fish In the streams.
E. P. N00NAN & CO.
(Successors to)
Groceries Produce.
Water Street, Astoria, Oregon.
TELEPHONE KO. 7. - 1 0. BOX 390
I. W, Case,
Transacts a General "Banking Business.
Drafts drawn available fn any part of tho
O. S. and Europe, aud on Ilong Kong, China
Ofpick Uouita.: 10 A. m. to 3 p. m.
Odd Kkixows Coildxito, Astoria, Oregon.
TMelseD, Lester & Anton,
Surveyors and Arcliitects.
Office, HoomD, Feavkl's Bmj'g
P. O. Box 813. ASTOHIA, OR.
W. F. Seheibe,
cigar juniPAcrnmER.
Smokers' Articles in Stock.
. Special Brands Manufactured to Order.
MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or
H "ir-1 i Sfe
-P -P J
The Oregon Land Co.
Where Property Is Left For Sale.
If You Have Property For Sale Leave It
Don't Fail to See Our List of Residence Property.
Corner Third and OIney Sts., Astoria.
For Desirable Acreage
Call on or Address
Leinenweber & Coodenough,
SECOND ST., Near Postofllce. ----- P. O. Box 63.
I 3NT "V 3E3 S T 3VE "ES 3ST T L Gr ES IT T
Office 487 Third St.,
Lots to Case's Astoria Are if on Sale
Astoria Real Estate Co.
TJEKMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Frankfort Real Estate Co.
npK-TPK-s J Cor' Commercial and Pearl Sts., Frankfort, Wash,
ui x iota Flju el,s BrJck Block) 435 2d st f Astoria.
Investments Made for Non-Itesidents, a Specialty.
i o roy fip.o J Correspandence solicited. Mips, Circulars and all Information
l.o.uoAbo- 1 cheerfully furnished.
E5PEularged and Refitted to ATeet tho Popular Demnnd.J3?3
Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters.
Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc.
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tliB Bou Ton Restaurant of tliB Town
Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Specially
Uie Finest Wines and Ziquors.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. No connection with his old place on
Main Street.
E JEv i
Next to W. U. Telegraph Office.
-"- Hk. '
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