The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 24, 1890, Image 3

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STto gmttj Sstotfetr.
Publisher and Proprietor.
Astoriak Buiuig, - Cass Street
Terras of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week ...... 15 eta
Sent by Mall, per month......... .. cocts
'Jent by Mall, ono year . . 57.00
Free ol postage to subscribers.
Tax Astqbxax guarantees to its adver
risen the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on .the Columbia river.
(Additional Local News on 4th Page.)
A mortage for the sum of 8300, was
yesterday filed for record.
Olympla & rejofcing over the com
pletion and operation of her water
Look at the premiums offered to
subscribers to The Astorian, on the
fourth page.
Hugh F. Donohue yesterday proved
Hp on his homestead claim, as follews:
SWK section 33, T. 8N..K.8 W.
A general power of attorney, from
M. D. Staples to Benjamin P. Pack
ard, was yesterday filed for record.
i "" ' i
Tb&w Pioneer cjffido has discharged
iis'uyenile compositors and is now a
Union office, employing Union
A,larce crowd will probably assem
ble aithe ball grounds on Saturday to
witness another, game between the
Boomers and Barristers.
All"lHe household furniture of Mrs.
William Knemeyer is to be sold nt
auction at her residence next Monday
morning, by Martin Olsen.
Criminal business occupied nearly all
the attention of the Circuit Court yes
terday, as will be seen by reference to
the report of proceedings in another
The last finishing touches are be-
iDK given 10 xmra screer, wuicu is
now rcplankcd all the wny east to the
end of tho street at tho corner of
West Sixth street
William L. Deeds proved up on his
Ere-emption claim yesterday, as fol
ws: KEK of SW, NK of SE,
section 21, and NW& oiSte" of sec
tion 22, T. 5 N., R. G W.
Injustice Cleveland's court vestei
day, the examination of William Scott i
and Thomas Kearney for lewd cohabi
tation was postponed until 10 o'clock
this morning, on motion of defendants.
The Steen and Abb6tt combina'tion,
which was hero two months ago, are
now playing in Yreka, Siskiyou county,
Cal., whero they have just beon joined
by Fred T. Merrill, of Portland, the
famous bicyclist
Jesse Baker and Samuel Walker ar
rived in tho city last evening and
leave lor Taconinjthis morning to at
tend tho Washington state conven
tion at Tacoma as delegates from
Wahkiakum count'.
The work of changing the wires of
the flro alarm telegraph to tho proper
poles has beon successful' accom
plished by Chief Engineer Stockton
and his assistants. Thero are about
four miles of wire in tho circuit
The infant daughter of Julius and
Gfastina Jensen, aged 22 days, died
yesterday morning of cholera infan
tum. Tho funeral will be from the
parents' residenco at 10 o'olock to-day
and tho interment will be at Clatsop.
The holiest of the Jewish holidays,
Yom Kippur, or day of atonement,
tho great fast day, commenced last
evening and will end at sunset tins
evening. Every Jewish placo of busi
ness will bo closed until this evening.
Yesterday morning Officer Beasley
'Went to JefTs lodging houso and took;
oai a boy named Alfred Cook, who
"ksd jun away from his home at Ska
mok&wa. Tho boy's father had, noti
fied the police to be on the lookout for
him, so Officer Beasley sent him home
on the boot yesterday morning.
By ono of those unaccountable
blunders which sometimes occurs even
in the best regulated' offices, the case'
of Thomas J. Fredonburg vs, Samuel
Elmore in yesterday's paper was
stated as having been a verdict for
plaintiff. Tho copy read ''verdict, for
defendant" Tho man who inade the,
mistake has been quietly disposed jof,
and no vestige of him was left, as he
was promptly annihilated.
Last oveniog In jtlle vCouncilt. ifr.
Bergman Bpoke in -favor of hayjng the
.fire department iept "well supplied
with whatever pparalusClhey jneed.
Mayer Crosby.explained -that het .ve
toed the ordinances providing" for tho
purchase of new material for, the de
parimeBti because thpjty had
reached the limit of its andeutecfneffll
aad for ojo'oQiqr reason. "He'ad"
always been a member of the hook
and ladder company and would like
them to have a new truck if he could
see where the money was coming
from to pay for it.
The new bridge has just beon com
pldiedLaeross the Umpqua river at
Unapqua ferry. The driving of 'the
last, spike was the means of great re
joicing by the people of that-neighborhood,
and tho exercises were wit
nessed by 500 people. Miss Maud odk drove the last spike.
Speeches were made by tho prominent
men of Douglas county, and at night
a dance was given by the young peo
ple. The structure is a combination
Pratt trusts, and, is 613 feet in total
TeagCh with one span of 300 feet prob
ably tho longest span in the state at
present; another span forty-two feet
and the rest in approaches. The
height above low water to the floor
k fifty-one feet, and the piers are
forty feet in lengtb, and the total
height from low water to the top of
the truss work is 105 feet The cost
was $23,000. Salem Joumril.
m m
$50 Reward.
I will give the above reward for in
formation which will enable me to
find my daughter Nellie.
Ohas. MicnEiiiu
Nicely jFaraiskcd
Rooms to rent. Enquire of Mrs. S.
Daggett at tho Grounds House.
Two more Lady Walters at Jeffs Now
The latest stvlo of Gents' Boots and
Sfeoes at P. J. Goodhax & Co.'s.
Tic Astoria ana Soul! Coast Bail
roafl to Go AM.
spzExnin xrws if omot trve.
Last evening a short dispatch was
received from Portland, which it is
hoped is true, for if so, it means grand
results for Astoria, and immediate
activity. The dispatch was from our
United Tress agent and is as follews:
"Astoria andSonth Coast railroad
bonds have been floated. The in
formation was obtained from private
A .request was immediately, wired
baut to Portland for more pirtwulars,
bu fait that -$ras obtained wasB'repe
Gujpjot the other dispatch frthe
item was as givei lihd.haa' been ob
taTnettf rom private sources. . ,
If later accounts verifyatho-'iOve it
had .in a Iongjifme, .and means im-
1UCUWK) JCSllUipbUJU Ul .U WUlh. UL t!i-
tending the line of. the railroad
towards Bullsbbrq andPprtland.
A. E. King came up from Uwaco
last evening.
Miss CalHe HunWri came up' from
Point Adams last eemug.
L. C. Kinney went.onj; yteray on
the Slate of California tor q. trip to
San Francisco. ,
, Walter Kidehaulgh, returned from
Tillamook yesterdaj'.oa Uis Avgiuta.
. T, S Urquhart. fhVjjlght operator
oL the ,W, U-telegraph1 office in tfcis
cityrelurned last evening from a trip
to South Bead.
Joseph Murphy RpTlnterA wlio has
been for sonle months1 employed irf
tho composing room of The Astohian,
leaves this morning for Portland,
and after a brief visit there, will go to
Chas. Elmer, of the Yaquina Repub
lican, came up yesterday on the
steamer Aliscnief, and also Qhas. M.
Winant, city marshal of Newport, con
stable and deputy sheriff, also -United
States deputy marshal. Charley has
to stop and think which ho is some
times, his official duties being so mani
fold. But the unlucky offender who
gets him on his track might as well
surrender at once, for if he jumps on
to him in his total or aggregate official
cip.ncity ho will have no show what
ever. Wahkiakum County Nominations.
?. .1 h ceunty: fcoVi
Skamokajvalast SaVurd
vcntion held at
iVurdav. the follow
ing uonfyinations wore, made;. t
Delegates tb state reconvention H.
M. Montgomery, W. L." Col well,
Jesse Baker, .Samuel ,Wnlkor. Alter
nates MeglarIasten. . . m
Bepresontattye-dJ'. "Gr. Megler. .
County G6mmissioners-TlBtDIstrIct
Tjionas Keatj,.2ndDisricJ, John
uawson;iJraJLsmci, a. uimsteaci.
Auditor, "0. Harney.
Clerk, G O. Carlton..
Sheriff and assessor, 'S. F. Albert.
Treasurer. D. West. , ,
' flolmnVSiTTrintSonf' TTTIoVi Waf
Surveyor, p. Smith.
Coroner, Daniel Jack. ,
County central committee Jesse
Baker, Gray's .Ttfver; "J. E. Hull, Deep
Bivcr; B- O. ShaK, 'Crooked Creelr; J.
ru-asuiey, jorooisneiu;. xnqmas non t,
Cathlamet; J. "L. Smiley, En'reica.
nFjjh 'Letter Boxes.
" Tiook Ijere,' 1 said CiCyr Afo'rney
Curlpa to an'AsToniAN repprter, with
feigned ipdigiia,ribfl, "ee vhat a boloh
tl.ey are making of this mail delivery
business. We are 'all 'mad about it
We want you to "burp them .up. I
shall draft an ordinance at
once. Just lookl Wh'o wtfufs to
climb away up there over' tune he
wants to put a letter in tlatbox?"
At tho same time he 'pointed oub to
the reporter one of. 'those, iron tronp
focnior boxes .VYjiich .to' electric light
company is placinguiion itsbles in
uppui. 9YPH"ngin-ija.i8eryioe,
bo, snstajnedh, Jais, commendable yig-
nanoo ior mo puuiio vjenare.
Con Vorfe Uavfnq.
, JB. FHall, residing iip tGe'riyer in
thovicmitv-orHall's ferrv. hna n hnlf
ironn Xnrjiamjw.which brought him
ilh'Pmd doiag.ell,"apd during-good
grass ihtfnaet season gave about five
ijallone of rich milk each day. ..The
first two calves 'cama in. April, 19,
JM, tho ietp;iastrXarchhthe-for-
mer tmg Doia(mBies ana tneiatter a
male and l1emaleiAm'oUilhra,few
eowa hlfo tttftt could soon fltnV. thn
-ranges of ''Kae'tern " Oregon. Salem
journal. .
.BeVroK bat'lv.V0,;'gltl&e:Beat of
a 'jfrudg8.ainst the- company, jn
!4)lfis)i6ir. HbV is that, 'Dennis?"
asKd,'a'6ySfaaaer.r-I5rvtet bJnglitt a
Has repjy. dosiott uommerciai niu
tetin. Rooms Willi Board.
Parties desiring comfortable rooms
with board, at reasonable rates, can be
accommodated at Mrs. 13. C. Holden's,
corner Main and Fourth streets.
Cutlery, t6f 0Thirtr&t.
-Go to the Columbia liakery for all
kinds of flakes.
Thompson & Ross have Just received
a fine lot of Italian Prnnes, and are
selling them lower than ever.
Caatly'sml Xuts
At Holraos,G40 Third street
For Choice Kell or. Tub Butter, call
on Thompson & Ross.
Rothiag Succeeds Idlce Success.
It 4 is .verified by the fact tbat nearly
ererybody eats at 'Jeff's '.New re
staurant icliclwR.Icc ircsat
Served dally at the Columbia bakery.
Telephone lediciac Konse.
JrJvtBedsln.rown Rooias per night
ttiaud,2acts per week,Sl-r0. r?ew and
clean. Private I'nrrance.
J. Caldcr, D. V. S. JJcaMft.
'Qradaate of .the Bostoa. Dental Col
lege. . Office over P. J. Roodraan & Ca's
hhoe.'store. Caldert Vegetable Local
Anaesthetic for painless extraction of
teeth. .
At Holmes, 640 Third s'treet
.Afihe Jine.JcX Cigars' and Cigarettes the Colambla Bakery,
090 Third street
AVnoW t&TlatV1H?S. Shuster. Bee
new samples.
Deeds filed or recorded on Sept 23,
1890, as reported for The Moizxxxa
Astokian by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
M. J. Kinney to Margaret Y.
Gowans, lots 1 and 2, blk
4, Kinney's Astoria S 209
Willard N. Smith to Albert
J. Seligman, trustee, the S
W M of seo 17, T 5 N, B
7W innn
Herman Schoene to A. J.
Sehgman, trustee N E M
seol8,T5-N, K 7 W.... 1,000
A. Krager to A. J. Seligman,
trustee, J of SJB tf, S
W 4 of S E J4 s9c 18
and N E of N E U of
seol9.T5N.B7 W 1.000
Jas. W. Welch to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, S E j of S
EKofsec5,SWKot S
W Mof seo 4.W Uol N
Viofsec9, T 5 N, R
E. Z. Ferguson to A. J. Selig
man, Trustee, SWMoIS
E K, sec 5, W of N E
M.NWKofSE , sec
8,T5N,K7W.. ...... 1,000
H.C. Smith to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, N E if of sec
7.T5N.B7W 1,000
E. L. Smith to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
sec6,T5N,R7W 1.0C0
C. Rasmussen to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, N , of 8 E
5N.R7W 1,000
L. S. Staples to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, E J of N E
AT of sec 10. S E M of S E
Mofseo4,T5N;R7W.. 1,000
Tho3. Doig to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, N W i of
secl7,T5N,R7 W 1,000
L. A. Lynge to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, W M of N E
K,E of NWjofsec
9.T&N.R7W 1,000
R. K Howes to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, NWJfofS
E if, E K of S W X, and
lot 4 of sec 18, T 5 N, R
7W 1,000
Herman Wise to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, SWif of sec
8.T5N.R7W 1,000
M. Foard to A. J. Seligman,
trustee, SE of SWif and
lot 4 of seo 7, NEjf of
the NWif, and lot 1 of seo
18,T5N,B7W 1,000
P. A. Stokes to A J. Sehg
man, trustee, SEK of the
NWif and lot 2, andNE
of tho SWif and lot 3 of
seo7,T5N,R7W 1,000
B. VanDusento A. J. Se
ligman, trustee, NWf of
sec8,T5N,R7W 1,000
B. F. Packard to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, SEY ofsec
G.T5N.R7W 1,000
E. Johnson to A. J. Selig
man, trustee, SEAf of the
NW , NEAf of the SWif,
and lots 2, 3 of sec 19, T 5
N,R7W 1,000
M. D. Staples to A. J. Sehg
man, trustee, SEf of sec
7,T5N,R7W 1,000
J. H. Harriman to A. J. Se
h'gman, trustee, N of the
KEif , NE of the NWif ,
and lot 1, of seo 19, in T 5
N.R7W 1,000
City of Astoria to Chas. Bohr,
lot 24 in blk "E" section
"N," Clatsop cemetery 10
J. Winterhalder to A. J. Se
ligman, E of tho NEif,
EM of tho SEif of seo 8 in
T5N.R7W 1,000
Deeds filed 23; total amount 21,219
Previously reported this year 1,646,000
Total to date Sl.667,219
The British bark Noddlebtirn left
up for Portland yesterday to finish
discharging her cargo.
The British bark Kate F. Troon
was moved alongside the U. P. dock
yesterday to finish taking on the bal
ance of her cargo.
The steam schooner Mischief ar
rived from Yaquina bay yesterday to
load box shooks nt tho Astoria box
factory for Sinslaw.
The British steamship 2fonghut,
Capt Anderson, from Hong Kong via
Victoria, B. C. arrived yesterday.
She arrived in ballast, and will take
back a cargo of flour.
The British ship Kinkora was
docked at the U. P. dook vester
day and will start this morning to
lighter 1,000 tons of merohandiso, be
fore proceeding up to Portland
Tho steamship Oregon, Capt Pohl
man, arrived from San Francisco yes
terday bringing 50 cabin and 100
steerago passengers. She brought
83 tons of freight for this port.
Tho steam schooner Augusta, Capt.
Paul Schrader, arrived from Tilla
mook yesterday, bringing 1,002 cases
of salmon for Elmore. Sanborn fin..
and 304 kegs of butter for Foard &
btokes, or Astoria, and Allan & Lewis,
of Portland
The steamer Qeorae IT. Menrfpll
Capt John Brown, arrived down from
iroruana last evening, bringing a load
of supplies for the works at Fort
Stevens. She also towed down n.
barge loaded with cordwood, to be
usea. at xort Stevens.
The British ship Troop, 1,526 tons
register, D. W. Corning master, fifty
three days from Shanghai, in ballast,
arrived yesterday. The captain re
ports thirty-four days' heavy head
wind out of the :fiftv. three, or ha
would have made a much quicker
Yesterday morning while two Bail
ors of the lighthouse tender Manza
nita were in a boat belonging to the
ship doing some work at the hull,
when a Budden swell jammed the boat
between the vessel and the dock,
smashing her -up quite considerably.
She was hoisted up and is now under
going repairs. The Bailors were un
hurt The State of California, Capt
Ackley, sailed for San Francisco yea
terday, taking 1 cabin and 23 steerage
passengers from Astoria. She also
took the following freight from here:
23,600 feet lumber, 3,684 bundles
shooks, 704 bundles wool 'slate, 563
bundles laths, 110 barrels in& 72
boxes cranberries, 750 cases salmon,
265 sacks oysters and 2 tons assorted
household freight
"Weak and weary" .describes the con
dition of many people debilitated by
warm weather, by disease or overwork.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is just the medicine
needed to bufld up and strengthen the
body, purify and quicken tho sluggish
blood, and restore tho lost appetite.
Wciahard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Remember the Austin houso at the
Seaside Is open tho year 'round.
A Bnsy aid Harmonions Session
Last EyeiiiM.
Petition for a liquor license from
J. Tj. Carlson was read and granted.
A communication from the Astoria
Street Railway company, relative to
city assessment, was referred to com
mittee on Ways and Means.
A communication r.-om Marcus Wise
relative to city assessment was referred
to same committee.
A communication from Fulton Bros,
relative to balance due E. W. Wright
on oity assessment roll was referred to
tho city attorney.
Communication from N. Clinton
relative to fencing off certain portions
of Jefferson, Cass, Genevieve, Ohaey
and Astor streets was read and re
ferred to committee on Streets and
Public Ways.
A communication from Mayor Cros
by relative to laying sewers wa3 read.
Communications from Mayor Cros
by vetoing the ordinances for purchas
ing a hook and ladder truck, 2,000
feet of hose and a heater for Colum
bia Engine Company were read.
Proposals for laying a sewer on
Madison- street were read as follews:
W.H. Smith, 81,600; Worsley & Car
ruthers, 81,450. Contract ordered
drawn with the latter firm.
Committee on Wharf and Froutage
reported in referenco to wharf at foot
of West Sixth street that parties be
allowed to complete the same. The
report was accepted.
Committee reported that work had
been completed in front of lot 4 and
5, block 4, and the street improved.
Report adopted and bondsmen exon
erated. City Attorney Curti3. reported that
bonds had been forfeited and costs
could be collected from property
owners on Arch street The report
was received, placed on file, and city
attorney ordered to commence suit
ogainst the parties.
City attorney reported that suit of
cUyr against M. J. Kinney had been
decided by the circuit court in favor
of the city. Report received and
An ordinance to establish tho grado
of West Ninth street was adopted.
An ordinance declaring tho prob
able cost of improving Concomly (or
Second) street from Ufain street to
western city limits was adopted.
An ordinance authorizing the audi
tor and police judge to issue n war
rant directing chief of police to col
lect delinquent taxes on roll of 1890
was adopted.
An ordinanco oxtending time of im
proving Polk street from Third to
Water street from October 1, 1890, to
April 1, 1891, was adopted.
An ordinanco extending time of im
proving Jackson street from Third to
Water street from October 1, 1890, to
April 1, 1891, was adopted.
An ordinance oxtending time of im
proving Madison street from Court to
Water street from October 1, 1890, to
April 1, 1891, was adopted.
An ordinance to appropriate SS3.73
out of the general fund for West
Shore Mills Co. was adopted.
Tho ordinance which the mayor ve
toed, in reference to the purchase of a
hose, eta, was taken up, and by n vote
of 5 to 1 was passed over tho mayor's
veto, Mr. Parker olono voting no.
Tho ordinance vetoed by tho ma or
in reference to purchaso of a hook and
laddor truck was passed over liis veto,
frfur favoring and two against, Parker
and Welch voting no.
Tho ordinanco providing for pur
chase of a heater for Columbia Engine
company, which had been vetoed by
the mayor, was rejected by n vote of 5
to 1, Bergman alone votiug for it
An oidinanco declaring the prob
able cost of improving Ferrell street
was adopted.
An ordinance declaring tho prob
nble cost of improving Cedar strcot
was adopted.
An ordinance establishing tho grade
of West Eighth street was adopted.
As thiB was declared passed Coun
cilman. Welch stated that ho had
voted for it, but it would cost him
8300, and ho thought it did no good
except to provide a grade whenever
an electric or cable road" should bo
wanted. Counoilman Fox laughingly
replied "You never would have voted
for it, if you thought it would do no
good." w
An ordinance decuHng tho proba
ble cost of improving 'JLafayette street
was adopted.
An ordinance establishincr tho time
and manner of improving Court street
was adopted.
A resolution was adopted authoriz
ing the auditor and police judge to
give notice of establishing the grade
on Pine street
An ordinance appropriating 853.05
to pay several small bills as follews:
W.W.Parker, S7.50; Worsley &Car
ruthers, 841; McLean & Freeman,
84.55 was adopted.
An ordinance appropriating 82,200
to pay -J. W. Surprenant for partial
.coat of engine houso for Columbia
"Engine Co. No. 3, was adopted.
An ordinaco granting franchise to
C. E. Bclding and associates for the
construction of an electric-cable rail
way in this city was read once and
referred to the committee on streets,
to report at next meeting of tho coun
cil The auditor was instructed to draw
a warrant for $244.39 on Water street
f undjn favor of West Shore Mills Co.
for, supplies furnished for improve
memVof.the street
Arlttfcrfrom as Stabxeat Phyildaa.
Xj5fres:A.t & itrit frf icdonina
ITcyjtUtMy yriparattoa, lb.f a. few word
Unicraf'l a srvlaxaity- sflaolplo. Bi
iiw.I & JttwT9C tt. rx rat
riOfaCtac 77'a'TcUtila Sarav
9MffiwjLarasn9wiriacr8aIlr eonUia
rtry atioafSM I aftod, and aakl It
tt tannM, wkteh fiadlagparalr vegetable,
tM'aeTmla-m to brto'tay"alad alxnort
hjwrt, i eoajeefal. laaajoa xj aatonlih
JMftCirKea psrfeH'MiafcW'fttUoa Was ra
oCed.nrkai treat Relate. Ftrrt,tslnz
WBilfrHiUVi, lt'k -(HnEkaTaerCTnr) not
oaulaMre tht sjeUm,btaz o&anycar
rli& 9Cjr "tt jigetttreprovdaf ei ; and teeond,
Utij&tdirQ vttH a lets flouiUtr of the
MartX'rixiepa-thaa aa hitherto been
aaalBitfe. "jfci titblospoct rank as a
d&eVren? mi. aapibaakes the Meal, tU.:
ta3afltedletoefeetttea?vlt&tke gTe&t
eeTfeoO. XCkametilsef aatoral laxatlre
eaaad petfecYc?t and should. Inter
est Vota-ffce ptfslte aa the froletslon.
crrr zktbicux oi raxiYx tbau fbicticx.
WWWlasfrUfer,-March 10, 1890.
AtthbiSunny Side saloon. Furnished
roonwto let coraer Third and Olney
streets. "'Inquire atSunnyslde saloon.
Ludlow's Iiadies.' fcaoo Fine Shoes;
alsb flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Eighth Day of the September Term,
Monday, Sept. 23, 1890.
The court met at 9 o'clock a. jr.,
the officers all present
Ah Loui, AhToui, Ah Ying, Ah
Sou, Ah Hop, Ah Sing, and Ah Wah;
arraigned upon an idictment of fre
quenting opium dens to smoke; al
lowed until Wednesdnv to WlonrV
State of Oregon vs.Yon .Ton rr nlf na A h
Hing; arraigned upon indictment for
selling opium; given until Wednesday
to nlead.
State of Oregon vs. Ah Fong and
Lou Wong; arraigned upon indict
ment for gambling; given until
Wednesday to plead.
State of Oregon vs. F. L. Lappin;
plead guilty. Friday set for sentence.
State of Oregon vs. Harry Whalen,
Wm. Scott and Thos. Kearney; de
fault of. Whalen entered. Monday
next set for trial of Scott and
State of Oregon vs. Harry Whalen;
assault with a dangerous weapon;
default entered.
State of Oregon vs. A. BobertR; lar
ceny in a dwelling house; default en
tered. S. B. Howard vs. Carrie E. Howard;
Friday afternoon for trial.
The application of Mars Minelli
Morci, a .native of France, to become
a citizen of the United States was re
fused. The grand jury came into court and
Worsley & Carruthers vs. Geo. W.
Hume; judgment for 8250 rendered
for plaintiffs.
The jury were excused until 9 a. it.
Wednesday morninc
HCourt adjourned until 9 a. it.
Wednesday morninc. Sentemhnr llih.
Au Imaieae Chocolate Cream Drop.
Annio Brown (colored) lives in
Houston county, Georgia. She is 47
years old, weighs 500 pounds, is five
feet eight inches in height, seven feet
two inches in circumference aronnd
tho bust, six feet four inches around
tho waist, and thirty inches around
the arm near the shoulder.
Skins on Fire
IVitk Itching-, Burning, Bleeding
czemas Instantly Relieved
by Cutlcnra. Remedies.
Our little son will bo four j ears of age on
the 25 Inst. In May, 18S5, ho was attacked
with a very painful breaking out of the skin.
We called m a physician, w ho treated him
for about four weeks. Ihe child received
little or no pood from the treatment, as the
breaking out, supposed by the phjsiclan to
be lilies In an aggregated form, became
larcer In blotches, and more and more dis
tressing. Wo were frequently obliged to
get up in the night and rub himiiith &oda
in viater, strong liniments, etc. finally, lie
called otner physicians, until noles than
six had attempted to cure him, .tit alike
failing, ami the child steadily getting norse
and hoim, until about the 0th of last July,
u hen ne began to giic him Cuticura
ltKSOLVENTlnternalli, and the Cuticura
and Cuticuka Soap extema'ly. and by the
last or August he nas so uearlynell that
n p gave him only one dose of theltK.soi.VENT
about even second day for about ten dajs
longer, and he ha3 never been troubled
since ulth the horrid malady. In all we
used lojs than one half of a bottle of Cuti
cuiti Hesolvkxt, a little less than one
box of Outicuka, and only one cake of
Cuticuka Soap. II. E. ItYAN.
Cauga, IJilrgstonCo., III.
Suscribcd and sworn to before me. this
fourth day of January, 1SS7.
c. n. cou.j.r.
Cuticura Remedies
Parents, do you realize how jour little
ones suffer, ulion their tender skiii3 are
literally on fire with itching, burning, scaly,
and blotched skin and scalp diseases? To
know that a single application of the Cirri -cuua
ltKuKDiES n ill often afford instant
relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a
pcrmincnt and economical (because so
speed) cure, and not to use them, ii Ithout a
moment's deiav, b to be guilty of positiie
inhnmanity. No greater legacy can be bo
ston ed upon a child than a clear skin and
pure blood. Cuticuka Hemi-diks are ab
solutely pure and may be used from Infancy
to age, from pimples to scrofi'la.
s-old everywhere, Trico. Ci'TicuKA, 50c ;
Soap. 25c; Hesolvext, Si. Prepared by
tho roTTEit lmuo and CnKMicn.coaron
atiok. Boston.
8"ncnd for "How to Curolllood Diseases."
DlDV'Q Skin and Scalp rnriGcd and bcr.u
DAD I O tifitd by CoricintA bOAi Ab
solutely pure.
No Rhcumatiz About Me !
Id ono ralnoto the Cotlenra
Anti-Pain Piaster relieves rheu
matic, sciatic, hip, kidney, mus
cular, and chest nains. Tli first
and only ins tantaneoiLspalnkillingstrength
Ing plaster.
Scow Bay .Fonnfliy
Of all Descriptions
Poultry and Fish
In Quantities To Suit.
Southwest cor, Fourth & Ca
A Large-and 'Well Selected Stock of Fine
Dials i Jewelry
At Extremely Low Prices.
AU Hoods Bovgfet t This EaUbllsliiHeiit
Warranted Genuine.
Watch aad Clock Repairing
Corner Cass and Sqneraoqna Streets
James FInlayson,
034 Tltlrd Street.
(Pioneer Office.)
Informs tho Inhabitants of Astoria and
surrounding districts that he has com
menced business at the above address.
Where by, fair dealing and by giving good
value, he hopes to merit a share of public
patronage xfote the address :
534 Third Street, - - Astoria.
Advance Styles of Fall
Leading Dry
He keeps the Finest Brands of Domestic, Key West and
Wingate & Stone,
Olatsop Beach.
Astoria, - Or.
Our Seaside Office is closed for
the season. We have a few fine
lots left in Railroad Addition in
Grimes Grove, and on application
at our office in this city will take
pleasure in sending a man down
to show the property.
Saturday, September 27th,
Vi'e will open our
OF '
Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets,
Our House lias a standard reputation
which nev er falls to attract general atten
tion during our Cloak Sales.
mcallen & McDonnell,
J31 tC 1G3 3rd St., Portland, Or.
Leading Dry Goods Store for first class
goods at Eastern prices.
Agents for McCalls Bazaar Glove Fitting
I. W. Case,
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Drafts drawn available In any- part of tho
0. S. aud Europe, and on Hong Kong, China
Offick norms tio to 3 p. m.
Odd Fetxowb Bunjrjro, Astoria, Oregon.
TMbIsbd, L & Mm,
Surveyors and Architects.
Office, EoosrO, Flavel's Bld'o
P. O. Box 813. ASTORIA, OR.
W..F. Scheibe,
cigJsr manufacturer.
Smokers' Articles in Stock.
the trade supplied.
Special Brands Manufactured to Order.
MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or
Goods and Clothing House
The Oregon Land Co.
Where Property Is Left For Sale.
If You Have Property For Sale Leave It
Don't Fail to See Our List of Residence Property.
Corner Third and Olney Sts., Astoria.
For Desirable Acreage
Call on or Address
Leinenweber & Coodenough,.
SECOND ST., Near rostofflce. ----- P. O. Box 63.
I 3NT V 3E3 S T 3VE 3E3 3ST T .A. 3r DE3 3ST T .
Office 487 Third St.,
tots in Case's Astoria ire low on Sale
Astoria Real Estate Co,
TERMS 'One-Half. Cash; tho Balance in SK and Twelve Months.
Frankfort Real Estate Co.
oi?FTf!F; J Cor- Commercial and Pearl Sts., Frankfort, V'asb,
OM I Fla el's Brick Block, 435 2d st , Astoria.
Investments Made for Non-Residents, a Specialty.
P. O. BOX 662 Correspondence solicited. Maps, Circulars and all Information
i.u.uuado 1 cheerfully furnished.
ESTEnlarged and Befitted to Meet the Popular Demand.JS3
SKoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters.
Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc.
(Opp, Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Ton Restaurant of Mown
Dinner Parties, Banquets a Specially
T7e Finest Wines and Jjiquors.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. N o connection with his old. place on -Main
Dress Goods
Imported Cigars in the City.
Next to W. U. Telegraph Office.