The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 24, 1890, Image 1

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    -?$' 'fetiZiS"
if 111 1 31 I ill II I mlr&Mmfyf- Jt W B 111 I I IU III
Asplnwall in fiame3.
Adolph Tjler stabbed at New York.
Railroad oollision on tho Northern Pa
cifle. Slavin and SIcAnhffe under $5,000
hands each.
Chinese floods rain millions in an area
of 3,000 square miles.
A pretty American girl elopes with a
Chinese laondrjman.
A girl shoots her betrayer in the stom
ach at San Francisco.
JJilford Thompson kills Timothy Ball
in a church in Virginia.
The ship Henry Villard puts into Va'
paraiso badly damaged.
Jndge Silent starts n subscription for
General Fremont's widow.
Goofee Manly nominated for minister
to Paraguay and Uruguny.
Republicans in tho House have diffi
culty in srcnnng a quorum.
A sliame to California to allow Mrs.
Jessie Benton-Fremont to suffer want.
Oregon's population said to be 320,000,
sad will give her another member of
Depew says there is no Stanford-Vnn-derbilt
combination against tho South
ern Pacific
VaLRderfelit-StRHferd. Cemblnn-
Bs.tteB Story In Nonsense.
Special to Tiik ASTom a .l
Knw York, Sept 23. When Dopew
read tLe story Bent from San Francisco
ot tho project for a now transconti
nental lino in which tho Ynnderbilts
were combined with Senator Stanford
lo damage tho Southern Pacific sys
tem, ho declared that it was all non
sense. A CenhUiuiiisr Koproacli.
Iralx.i rim
PnmADKnrniA. Sept. 23.- The
Tiinas says editorially, "If Mrs. Fre
mont i without a dollar in her Ijoufo
it is a consuming reproach to thous
ands of wealthy people ef California.
The firet inliniHlion of Ruch a condi
tion should huvo brought prompt and
generous relief from many men who
have Itecomo many times millionares
whDo tho founder of California died
in abject povorlj.
Additional Jdcgraph on Foutth Page)
Higbest of all in Leavening Power.
A. L &fsxs&
?IgIToX0T07.0..P 0JJPod'cToclpoo'o'o'cio'o'o'o o o o"oo o o
lens. Youths. Boys I Child's
i q i tour n i n n
Suits, Pants and Overcoats
Ever Shown
The : Great
In Occident Hotel Building.
lORffflH HAS
TliBCensasCoant Sires Her Enonsli
for Another Congressman.
And That There is Little Probability
That Another Count Will
bo Ordered.
S hIIi. Tui:U.vnn I'kiwm.
Washington. Spt 23. John B.
Lelruid, a special agent of the census
oflici', who has been in Portland, Or.,
l..-king aftir the recount of that city
ntitt Multnomah county, which was
ii:iiifrti.1.en by tho citizens, has le
turuthl to tho city. lie ww surprised
to -a u that petitions were coming in
froi:i v.iriiJUb portions of tho state, nslc
iiijj for a it04Miut of tho cnliro state.
Wln'u ho left public sentiment seemed
to bo witislied with tho recount of
Poi Hand and tho county where that
city is located. Tho total population
is now placed at about 320,000,
which will give tho stato an
additional member of Congress,
and this is the main point iu tho
controversy. Leland says he is op
posed to a recount of the stato for two
reasens: "First that the figures as
now ascertained give tho slate all tho
population which it is entitled to."
Second, that the reasons which justi
fied the recount of Portland do not
apply to the entire state and a general
recount is not warranted by tho facts.
Tho secretary of tho iuterior has tho
matter still under tonsideration, but
it seems highly probablo that tho con
clusion reached will bo adverse to or
dering a recount of the stato.
Go Off and Down Itcfiikinir
to Be Courted.
fltvi.ll t 1 HK ASIOICIAN 1
"Washington. Sept 23. Tho scenes
in tho ITou'uj during tho eudeavors of
the Republicans to secure n quorum
to day were tiugod with excitement,
and some incidents wore amusing to
those on the floor and to a large crowd
in I ho galleries. When it became
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
to th.Q People of Astoria
: Clothing :
known that only two more members
were needed to make a quorum, and
that Mildken, of Maine, and Midd, of
Maryland, wore absent, there was
much excitement among theBepub-
hcans. Soouta were sent out in search
of them and soon tha much-needed
mombers wero rushed into the House.
Tho reception was not complimentary,
as several of the members of tho House
hissed them. It was in marked con
trast to tho reception of Sweeney, who
hurried to the House from tho railroad
station on his arrival this morning
from Iowa. Sweeney was greeted
with applause on his unexpected ap
pearance. Meanwhile Cheadlo, of In
diana, Republican, who made a speech
in favor of tho Democratic contestant,
Mr. Veuable. hnd walked out of the
House into the lobby and settled him
self on a sofa. Persuasions, threats
and promises at first wero all in vain.
He refused to re enter the House aud
answur to roll call, but finally he
agreed lo allow himself lo be counted,
so that a quorum could bo seeured.
A Lengthy Debate but the mat
ter Yet Unsettled.
Sl"rlnl UlTuK ASTOKIAX 1
"Washington. SepL 23. No confer
ence of tho tariff bill was held lo-day.
The Republican conferees hold ti long
meeting this morning, at which the
principal point of the discussion was
the sugar bchedulo, although the ac
tion of the Southern Republicans last
night, iu demanding that the special
taxes on tobacco be removed, was con
sidered as a new complication. "When
the meeting broko up nothing had
been accomplished, but there were in
dications that tho House conferees
were disposed to yield on the sugar
question. An agreement may be
reached beforo midnight, but it is
doubtful. Tho conference report will
not bo presented to tho House for
twenty-four hours, giving time to pre
pare the report
A Ilard Fight Over MaHly.
ypecl.ll toTlIK ASTOMAN.J
Washington, Sept 23. Tho Sen
ate in secret session to day confirmed
tho nomination of George Manly, of
Tennessee, to bo minister lo Paraguay
and "Uruguay. A long fight was made
on the nomination. Mr. Manly an
tagonized ono wing of the Republican
party in Tennessee at the last presiden
tial convention.
Scsperato Democrat.
Sp.i 1 tl to Till? ASTnltTAX.I
Washington, D. 0., Sept. 23. -It is
proposed by some of the Democratic
representatives that the Republicans
shall be compelled to pass the tariff
bill without tho aid of Democratic
votes iu the House.
Elliot OuNtcd fer miller.
SlH-tl.ll t.tTlIK ASTORIAX 1
Washington, Sopt 23. Following
tho seating of Langston the house
ha-s agreed lo a resolution declaring
Miller duly elected represnlativo
from tho seventh district of South
Carolina. Thero was no debate.
This unsealed Elliott. Miller waa not i
present o be sworn.
The House Scats LangitoUc.
:jppci::l t. Tiir AsTOitlAN.l
Washington, D. 0., Sept 23. Tho
limieA f n-rlriv Tntji3fi1 n rAPnlnfinn dfl-
claring Langston entitled to his seat
and at 2 p. ir. he was sworn in.
oo o a ooopjap
Tie CoBpgatMofaEeacirGroYe
Chnrcli Witness a Eloofly Scene.
A Woman, as Usual, is the Oauss of
The Quarrel Tho Murderer
Escapes Without Arre3t.
Spe'I.U By Tils Unit?d Puks. .
liouisvnii, Sept 23. Timothy Ball
wos shot and instantly killed by Mil
ford Thompson on Sunday lnorninfcal
church inBeaoh Grove, Ya., a Utile
village, ten miles distant from Middier
borough, over the monutains. Sev
eral days ago Ball and Thompson had
a quarrel about a woman. Ono word
taught o another, who, Thompson
Artxvr n Vnifrt nml n!fpmn!p,l
a kmfo and attempted
to use it tn Ball The
lutter in the meantime had drawn his
revolver and pointed it at Thomivxtu,
but tho hammer snapped, and beforo
Thompson could use his knife the by
standers separated them. Ball at
tended tho services at the church, and
after the congregation was dismissed
and every one was making prepara
tions to leave, Thompson deliberately
walked np to Ball, and without giving
the latter any intimation of his inten
tion, drew a largo revolver and fired five
bullets into Ball's breast, killing him
inBtantly. Ball dropped dead and
Thompson made good his escape.
Thompson is about 35 years of age,
whilo his victim was a youth of 17.
Ho Didn't Accomplish Iffuch.
Special lo Tn b AstoktanI.
Omaha, Nob., Sept 23r Edward
Weggand, driver for a bakery, shot
and dangerously wounded Alho Ho
rine, alias Tanner, a sowing machiije
agent, this afternoon because she re
fused to live with him. Hr I hen blew
out his own brains.
Ho Preferred to Be Ilnngcd.
Social lo Tub AstokiaxJ
MAItriNEZ, Cal., Sept 23. William 1
Martindale, Tvho shot and killed John
Burke two weeks ago, had his cxnmi-
nation before tho county judge to-dav
and pleaded guilty as charged wiu
murder in tho first degree. Ho asked
the judge to hang him, but not im-
prison him for life.
w .
jw. ..!. 7i. -. kt..i
NotOttljr the National - Many Other.
It is said that dyspepsia is our national
malady.. Well, BiuNDBErn's Pius wiU,
euro the national malady.
It is said that constip-ition is the carso
of oar sedentary life. Well, liBANDntrra's
Piu3 certainly euro constipation.
t is generally conceded that Theunui-
Ham oomps from acid stomach and snd
den changeB of tomperatnro. Hr:; trie Hitters you will lind th" exact rem
DBHrn'fl Puis have corrected all tii!s and edj' for restoring your nervous system
will do it aqain. lo its normal, healthy condition. Sur-
Ghromo diseases are enred by taking
two to four of BEANDnBTU- Pills every
night for a month.
BaANDKETn's Pills aro sold in every
drag and medicine store, either plain or
sugar coated. ,
Though it is generally known that 1 have for the last
ver or two sl?wi1 tie largest assortment of Mens and
Boys Wear in the City, it will be news to most people that
I am now away ahead of all my previous efforts. Such an
exhibition of the tailors' art in the production of a superior
stock, at the most reasonable prices, I am sure cannot fail
to merit the appreciation of all judicious Bargain Hunters.
Th. Reliable Clothier and Hatter,
A Girl Pats a. Ballet in Samuel
Goldberg's Stomach.
Special to Thk Astorian.
San Fbangisco, Sept. 23. Samuel
Goldberg, a dealer in lottery tickets,
was shot last night by Millie Park
Irarst, a young woman -whom he be
trayed under promise of marriage.
The girl's father ia a well known cap
tain of deep water vessels, and kept
house for his daughter in the city.
Her mother was dead and she was
alone most of tho tune. Goldberg
laughed at her proposition of mar
riage. He visited her house last night
at her request, and when ho again re
fused to marry her she took a pisto
from her pocket and shot him in the
stomach. His wound is serious, and
will probably prove fatal
devastating Chinese Floods.
Sp vi.U to Tub Astoriax.1
Washington, Sept 23. The de
partment of state has received a
report from thb United States lega
tion at Pckin dated August 12th, in
which it says that tho flood in that
province has been the most serious
ever known. It is supposed that an
nrAn rf 3 (W miloc n-nr? n nnnnlflfinn
i " " .t: v i:ii7:":V-r r "srrv;
g . TSTSbrfTlSS? SiS'SS
i ivn Amwnn.i na fo5f iiononna
; aro refugees from their iiomes, living
ou. charily. Uno result, the report
sajs, may have far-reaching conse
quences near Lutia, which point on
the railroad from Ijonku to Tongshal
railroad embankment has been de
stroyed by the peoplo for several
miles. It was alleged that the- em
bankment dammed up tho water and
flooded tho conntry. PorcibJe posses
sion was taken of tho embankment',
which was cut in many places. Trains
were stopped and employes driven
away. It is supposed that tho general
in command at Tulai investigated
these proceedings, in which his sol
diers largely took part. A very serious
feature of tho caso is tho supiuo of
Vice Boy In. He has done nothing
to prevent these lawless proceedings
Tqngshal colliery is stopped and
3,000 men are thrown out of employ
ment and operations of railroad is of
coursa suspended. This destruction,
report says, was wanton and unneces
sary for letting off tho water. All
theae proceedings indicato an anti
niilrond excitement which may result
in postponing indefinitely all further
railroad enterprises ia China.
Murdered and Thrown ia a Well
SJJ to Thk Astoriav.
J1001' c; bePL 2--G:,w- holmes,
a farmer, 27 years of age, disappeared
j about six weeks -and to-day his body
- VnnJV?1. at i ? elL Eaimna:
'J f"0?6 hf,?iad be shot and
lea- J W- Smalling, a brother of
Mrs. Holmes, has been arrested,
Charged with the murder, Tho cause
'0f tho shooting, is unkuowq.
S'Im First 8tcj.
Perhaps -vou are run down, cant e.t,
I ran" t slurp, cnn"t think, can't do anx-
tltiiiir to our satisfaction, ami vnn
wonder what alls you. You should
heed the warning, jou are taking the
first st-p into Nervous Prostration.
You need a Nim Tonic ami in Klm-
piising rru.ts follow tho iim of this
irrcat Nere Tonic and Aitrraiive.
Your appetite mttirns, good digestion
is irdored, and thcJjiv.r and Kidnejs
resumi healthy- aei ion. Try a bottle,
Price oQ, at J. IV.Comfs drugstore.
Haye a FnrUier Hearing in lie
Lonuon Police Court
And aaurety Demanded of Each for
Their Peaceful Behavior in
Court if Summoned.
Special by The Uxited Pbk3S.
Loxdox, SepL 23. Slavin and Mc
Auliffe had a further hearing in "the
Lambeth Police court this mortiing
and both were bound over in tho sum
of one thousand pounds each to keep
peace; one surety and ono "thousand
pounds eaoh to appear if called, up.
If a breaoh of peace is committed
warrants will be issued and .the caso
sent before the judges. . '
Jack Dcmpscy and Fltzginimon
Offered 911,000.
Special to Thb Astokiak.1
Pobtijakd, Sept. 23. Tho Galves
ton, Texas, "Athletic Club telegraphs
narties here that thev aro willinrr tn
give Jack Dempsey and Fitzsimmons
5i,uuu ror a light in their club rooms.
Dempsey left New York for Portland
A Chinaman Confesses.
Special to The Astobiax.
PORTLAND. Sent 2H A nhinnmnn
brought to this city thi3 evening from
xno .Danes, confessed that ho and two
other countrymen robbed tho First
National bank iu that city of 3,000.
The stolen money was recovered. The
police think tho other Chinamen nro
in the city.
Asplnwall Being Burned.
Special to The Astokia1
Galveston. Tex.. SeDt 23. Pana
ma advices stato that Aspinwall is be
ing destroyed by fire and that large
pare ot tue town nas succumbed to the
The "Hcnrjr Villard" Damaged.
Special to True Asto riax.1
San Francisco, Sept. 23. News
was received hero to-day that the
ship Henry Villard, from New York
for Puget sound, had put into Val
paraiso badly damaged.
A Reprlero for tho Condemned.
Wretched men and women long coa
demned to suffer the tortures of dvspepsla
axe tilled with new hope after a few doses of
Hn.ltp.ttnr'a Ktnmih lmt-nro Thie. v....i.nn
hope blossoms into the fruition of certainty
... ...v. iij u iwwm:u iu. xi, uriuKs a re
prieve to all dyspeptics who seek its -aid.
Klatulenceheartburn. sinking at the pit of
the stomach between meals, the nervous
tremors ami Insomnia of which chronic indi
cestlpii Is the parent, disappear with their
hateful nmTpnltnr MVvu- hnniflnn-
stomachl-t! Who can wonder that In so
many Instances it awanens crateful elo-
nilPUPP 111 til (ISA whn hnnnnrtn,! h I. nni.
voluntarily In its behalf. It roqulre? a
Hiai.u.u i-rn iu uescnuo me torments oi dys
pepsia, but in many of the testimonials re
ceived by the proprietors of tho Bitters
these are portrayed with ivid truthfulness.
Constipation, biliousness, muscular debility,
malarial fevers and rheumatism are relieved
by It.
;- "
j v
I '-
s 7
. i
i ?-
: s -r.
; Mt v n
ps '
Coal Cars and Box Cars Piled
Up Beside the Track.
Special to The AstokianJ
Tacoha, Sept 23. A serious col
lision occurred on the Northern Pa
cific railway at 10 o'clock this morn
ing Detween xacoma and Pnyallup.
Two freight trains running at full
speed met on a sharp curve and piled
the coal cars and box cars off the
track into the swamp on either side of
the traok. Both engines were badly
smashed up, although fortunately no
ono was hurt.
A Female Challenger.
Special to The Astoria.
New Yobk, Sept 23. A challenge
from Miss Hattie Stewart, of Nor
folk, Va., now in Seattle, "Wash., to
meet Miss Hattio Leslie, of Buffalo,
N. Y., for the boxing championship
and $500 a side, brought the following
'Sotpalo, N. Y., Sept., 22, 1890.
Having seen tho challenge to me from
Hattie Stewart statingshe would meet
me in a glove-contest for S250 a side,
and that she would pay S100 expenses,
but she has no money up now, I will
offer Hattie Stewart that I will fight
her, Police Gazette rules to govern,
with gloves weighing not over two
ounces, baro hands preferred, and I
will give or take 250 for expenses.
"We can get police protection in San
Diego, California. Now lot Stewart
put up her money with the Police
Gazette, and I will cover it, and will
fight her three months after the arti
cles are signed. This is no bluff.
(Signed) Hattie Leslie,
Champion Female Pugilist
Boxer of the World."
Captain Symons Will Go Ahead.
Captain T. W. Symons, United
States engineer, as soon as he was
notified that the president had signed
tho rivor and harbor bill, telegraphed
to the chief of engineers for authority
to go on with the improvements at
Yaquina without waiting for the usual
formalities. Ho has received instruc
tions to go ahead and will resume
work on the jetties at Yaquina this
week. Tho peoplo of Gray's harbor
have offered to furnish Captain Sy
mons with a tug to make a survey of
the work at once. He has telegraphed
to the chief of engineers in regard to
the matter, and if permission is
granted, will begin the survey forth
with. Tho peoplo of Gray's harbor
are not satisfied with the government
chart of their harbor, as they claim
tho survey of the bar was not com
pleted and the figures given do not
show the depth of the water cor
rectly. Oregonian, 23d.
"When a man tells you that salary is
no object to himyon -have found one
of two things either a man who is a
fool or a man who 'takes you for one.
A Safe Investment,
Is ono which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in case or
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buyjfrom out
advertised druggist a bottle of Dr.
Kind's New Discovery for consumption.
It Is guaranteed to bring relief in every
case, when used for any affection of
Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con
sumption, Inflammation of Lungs,
Bronchitis, Asthma, "Whooping Cough,
Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant aud
agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and
can always be depended upon. Trial
bottles free at J. W. Conn's drugstore.
, --?-J?J?J"LL0.LjLlP o"oo 6 o o oo"cTo"o o'cTo
and Valises
k"3r '
In Occident Hotel
Pretty loffie . DicHnsoD Elopes
Witt a Chinese Lanndryman.
Wing Ohing Packs Up His Things and
Leaves "With His 'American
- Sweetheart for the Oity.
Special bv The United Press.
Ashbubt, Pa., Sept 23. Another
sensational elopement is the talk of
the town at present "Wing Chinga
laundryman has run off with Miss
Lottie Dickinson, a comely American
girl who was employed at a boarding
house near Ching's laundry. Chine
speaks the English language fluently.
Larly this summer he made the ac
quaintance of the pretty waitress and
when she informed her mistress that
she was going to marry Ching she was
at once discharged. To-day Ching
packed up his effects. and with his
sweetheart boarded a 'train for the
city. Before leaving, Ching informed
his friends here that he was going to
wed an American girL
A. Fund for Fremont's Widow.
Special to The Astokiax.
San Fbancisco, Sept 23. A move
ment ,to raise a fund for the widow
and daughter of General Fremont has
been started in L03 Angeles by Judge
Silent and "Willard B. Farwell of the
society of pioneers who prepared the
STibscription list The first subscrip
tion was" ono of 250 from Alexander
Montgomery president of the pioneers.
The list will be circulated among the
business men of the city and a gener
ous sum is looked for which will in
sure a comfortable future for Mrs.
Fremont and her daughter.
StabMn? Affray at Newport.
Speclalto TnE Astoriait.
Newpobt, Or., Sept 23. This after
noon Adplph Tyler became involved in
a fight with the Ewing brothers, during
which John Ewing stabbed Taylor.
Taylor is resting easy, and the at
tending physician says his injuries
are not fatal.
Powderly takes only 83,000 a .year.
oooo o o o"b"6o"b ooooooooooo
par Qire of
VJ ?rf&8Ww-
Blankets and Quilts