wr ,,3r T5f-'SBp!?wfT K. -' CD Whc gjafljj Sfonam ASTOKIA, OREGON: TUESDAY... SEPTEM.BEE 23. 1850 TIIiE TABLE FOR ASTOKIA. SETTKMUKli. HIGH VTATEtt. I LOW "WATKH. Fust. Second, j Pir-t. Second. shshsh B: h a jh. tmj .5 h. m. jv h. m. rv 7i. m. 52 T 21 , Si f. 47 " 7 71 0 K 011112 15 3 5 3 S iSJSW. 782 18 0 C I 57 3 7 21 9 59 S ft 9 21 7 9 3 31 0 2 3 30 3 4 2S 10 S3 C 7 10 23 S 3 4 31 0 2 4 3? 20 2S tl Su" 7 5 II 2d 8 5 5 20 -0 4 5 33 17 27 - - - - 12 IS S 3 6 05 -0 4 C 21 0 9 2S 0 21 8 7 12 51 87 6 11 -03 7 OS 0 2 29 1 l S C 1 32 89 721 0 0 7 51 0 1 30, 1 SI SI 2 10 9 018 01 05 8 37 0 3 The hours between midnight and noon aro designated by a to. m.), those between noon and tmdnlght by p (p. in.). 0 7i.oom.ri de notes midnight, o.'i 00m. ; denotes noon. The height Is reckoned from the level ol average lower low watt rs to which the sound ings ate given on the Coast Survey charts. &3IM OA11DS. Ty I. HOWARD, Kl. D. IIOMCEOPATIIIST. Graduate or University of Michigan. OMceoverA. V. Allen's store, northeast corner Third and Cass. Hours from 10 to 12 a. ni., 2 to 4 and 7 to T :33 ju in. TaT It. KAY3IOXW, CIVIL EXGLXEEK. County Surveyor of Clatsop County. Office : Room No. 7. Kinney's P.rlck, Asto ria, Oregon. A. A. CliF.VRtiVM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oai f navel's new brick building, corner Second and Cass streets : up stairs. r J. CUKTIS. AUorsernt-Iaw: Notary P&Irflc Commissioner of Deeds for "Washington Territory. Office in Flavel's new brick bulldms. Cor. Second and Cass streets. J gAKlNg pqwdeb DEIKIODS fUVORlHB EXTRACTS NHHU.nMTrDHRS ' Used bv the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Univers siries and 1'ublic Food Analysts, as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking I'bwdor docs not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price's Dellclou Flavoring Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Kose, etc., do not contain Poison ous OILs or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. New York, Chicago, San Franctsco. HALLWAYS AND STEAMERS. TIME CARD OF BAYRAILWAYGOMPANY WEEK DAYS. Leave Astoria End -10, 11 a. ai. ; 2, 3, 4, 5 r. si. eavo Young's Kay- 10 :30, 11 :30 a. m.;2 iSO, 3:30,4:30,5iX)r. m. SUNDAY'S. Leave Astoria End 9. 10. 11 a. v. : 1. 1 :30, 2, 2 130, 3, 3 :30, 4, 4 30, fl, 5 -JO, fl, G :30, 7, 7 iJO 1. it. Leave Young's Bay 9 -TO. 10 '"0, 11 -JS0. a. it. : 1 :15. 1 :15. 2 :15.2 :I5. 3 :15.3 :15, 4 :15.4 :45, 5 :!.", 5 :ir., C :l."i, C:15, 7 :15,7 :45 p. m. Oll't II. N2IITK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offle on Cass street, 2 doors back ol Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. r . a. boivsjBY. t ttrney and ConcHCalor at JLmw Offlct on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon A R. KANACA, ATTORNEY AT LaW. OOce over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. T :i UANSKLiI.., "KRAI. ISTATE B2SOKF.S& AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 3SSX Ttnr.t street, uext u W, U. Telegraph Of fice, Anuria, Or. TTT W. PARKER, Heat Estate and Insurance Agent, Convcj nncer and Notary Public. 112 Kenton Street, opposite the Postoflicc. Between Chenamus &Squcnioque Sts.. Astoria. Oregon. B. f. BAFrcrtTY, irr. i. Graluate .Toffrrsim Medical College, Philadelphia. Offick-SSC Tliird Street. D Sfc. A. la. AXt.5. A, t'PLTOX. Cass street, between 3rd and Hit. Sjvclxl attention to Diseases ol Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Sectal attention to Surgcrv, by Dr. J. A. FolUtn. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. i and 1 to 4 TAY TUTTLE, SVT. P. Physician, Snrijcon and Accoucliour. Office, Koom C, Pythian Building. Office hoars : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. EeMdence, 639 Cedar Street. B. K. XriiLKH. SI. I. Graduate of Cleveland Homajojiathic Hos nttal College, and Post-Cnnluate of New York City Polyclinle School or Meliclne and Surgery. First and Main streets, Portland. Ii.caes or Women a KpcrSalty. D K. . . K5iTSi. "UYiJlOlAN AND SUJiGEON. Siclal attention to Disease r "vtTomeu via Surgery. ikti-k: OpiKistic Telcgrapli OSUeo, ip Stairs, Ailoria, :vro. jk v. a. 5tr::tt, DENTIST. KoomT and 8, navel's now Brick Kuild- W;T. KUKXKV. I T. I'.AKIX i. w. lutArmu Buvney, Bnrin & Draper, Attorneys nX -Law. ;Oregon City, Otogon. Twelve years evsHMience as ltegiiler f the U.S. Land Offlce here, rceniniucnds us ta our specialty or Mining and all other bus iaeai before the IuidOIllce or the Court5. aad involving Uie practice in t'ne General Lsiid Office. TM5E SCHEDULF. Astoria & South Coast Railway. Fate's Golta Female-Pills I For Female Irreg ularitlfs; nothing itKO tnem on me ji-.irki'L XevcrfalL Successfully used iuy iiniinuii-niiiuiii-s monthly. Unaran tred to relieve mh- pressed menstrua lion. Sart! Sare! Certain! Don't be humbug ged. Save tune and health and moin-x ; ta no other. inMit lo any u dress, si-cere ox i mad n receipt ol I price, f2. Address, THE APHR0 MEDICINE COMPANY. Western Branch. Box 27,rORTLAND, OK. MMmiK . &"3MskWlii. HS.am tGStih locate Lv. Clatxop via steamer Jiwma ncaen. I'.Iect rie: 8 : 3() a.m. 7 : 50 A. M. Klectnc 1:45 i. M. 1:20 r.si. () Daily except Monday. () Daily. BEGINNING 3"TLily 1st, 1890. Str. VOLGA, B. F.STEVENS, Nlastor. L JiBJl .vx ;s,?4,;?joo- ,Wsyszo,?zz,.y,- &J?X?K&&$ &, r &y:r& & a XvA mwmm ij " "-"rlCTrwr, 'tWti i Vill leave dailj' from Wilson & Fisher's Dock for ILVVACO, lleturnins will at 7 a.i. and 2 r. u. Loave Ilwaco, at9A. M.and4:i5i. u. Stopping at Fort Canby, Fort Stevens and Tanzy Point on first trip from Ilwaco and second trip from Astoria. From Terminal or Interior Points -inii- Mta Pacific Railroad Is the Line to Take To AH Points East and South. It Is The SiiiinCarftoutc. It runs Through Vcslibulcrt Trains ivcry Day In tlic Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ko Change of Cars, Composed of Killing- Cars unsurpassed. I'itIlm:i.iiIraAViiifjtooni Sleepers Of Latest Eiiuipmcut Tourist Sleeping Cars Ke-J that can be constructed and in which acninmiMiations are botli Free and Furiiislicd to holders of First or Second-class Tickets, and for Elegant Day Coaches. A Continuous fjiuc Connecting witli All fjiuc.s, affording Direct and Vnttttcrruptctl Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations Can be Secured in Advance through any Aculof the. Koad. Through Tickets 'loaml fmni all Points in America, England sand KiirojH c;in be purchased at ;uiy lieket ouiee ol this ttmipany. Foil hifi.niiatioii eouccniing rates, time of train-, reute: and other details fumiihed ou ap:5na:ioit to any agent, or A. D. CHARITON, A-s.vt:iiit. Cencnil Pitssengcr Ageiit, No. 121 First St . cor. Washington, J'ortlaud, Oregon. 7? in 9H A MOXTH ran be made ' $fo IU ftJU working for us. Persons' jeferrcd wlio can furnish :i liors- and give ' their whole Uiin to the business. Sparc J MGRtentscan be profitably emplojed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. 15. F, JOHNSON & CO., 1000 Slain St., Itichniond, YiTtfnla. Executors' Notice. A Li- PKKSONS HAVINC CLAIMS xjL against the estate of Louis Wilson, de ceased, and firm of Wilson & Fi.sher, are requested to present them pr iperly verified at tlie )fiice of .1. Q. A. tiowlby, and all persons owing said estate .should make im mediate settlement at the same place. J.Q. A.BOWL11Y. W1LKYJI. ALLEN. Executors. Astoria, Sept. 10. 193. d-Ct I. E. & N. Co. THE STEAM KLS "Gen. Canby" or "Suomi" Leave Astoria daily at 8 a. m forTauzy Foint, Ft. Stevens and Ilwaco, connecting with railroad running north at 10 A. m. and it with boats on Slioalwater Bay, for South Bend, Sunshine, North Cove and othet points through to Gray's Harbor. Two rounc trips made Thursday's giving two hours In Astoria or longer if tides per mit. & South bound trains start from Nah cotta and Scaland at 1 :45 r. m. dally, .con necting at Ilwaco with steamer for Astoria and night boat for Portland Sunday Schedule-Steamer starts at y a. u. from Astoria and north-bound cars at 11 A. it. from Ilwaco. Southbound cars leave Nahcotta at 3 :30 r. m. connecting with steamer at Ilwaco and night boat for Port land. I.. A. 1A)0MIS. President. It. V. EGBEltT.Supt. Joir.v IL CouLTEn, Secretary. The Str. Telephone Portland and Astoria. Time Table. LcaTCS Asteria: Every evening excapt Tuesday at 7 o'clock Leaves Pertland: Every morning exccptTuesday at7 o'clock Portland and Coast S. S. Co GEAYS HABB0B. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from Port land every Thursday at 7 P. M. ; and from Astoria ilio following morning. Laud ing at Iloquiam, Aberdeen, Cosmopolls and Aloutesano. SH0ALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at North Cove, South Bend, Willapa&nd Bay Center. F. IE. STROWG, President. C.P. UPSH UK. Agent Astoria. .TJOTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MABTIN 0LSEN, Successor to K. C .Ilolden. "Hie oiaest establlsheil Conimlsslou House In Oregon. Coodsof all kinds sold on c.un mixsiou. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General ltepalring. Jobbing and Upliol bteilng done. Fine stock of Fumlturo on hand. When you want Bargains In Household Goods go to MARTIK OL8E.N A Toacklag Iaeldcat. An incident of a peculiarly touching character occurred yesterday in one of the elevated railroad trains, Jhat brought tears to the eyes of the pas sengers. The train had just left One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street when the passengers saw entering tho car a little boy about six years old, half carried by an older boy, evi dently liis brother.- Both were well dressed, but at first glance it was seen that the little fellow was -blind.- He had a pale, wan face, but was smiling. A quick look of sympathy passed over the faces of the passengers, and an-old gray-haired gentleman got up and gave his seat to the two. The "big brother," who was about 11 years old, tenderly lifted up the little blind boy and placed him on his knee. "How is thatf he asked. "Nice," said the little chap. "Where's my 'monicaf This puzzled some of the passen gers, and several turned to see what the child meant But the "bis brother" knew, and immediately drew out u .small mouth harmonica and placed it in the little fellow's hands. Tho little fellow took the instrument into his thin hands, ran it across his lips, and began to play softly, "Ifear ei Jiy uoa, to inee." Tears came into the eyes of the old gentleman who had given up his Seat, and as the little fellow played on, running into the "Rock of Ages" and "Abide With Ale,1' there were many moist eyes in the car. The train rushed along, tho pas sengers listened, and the little fellow played on tirelessly, never missing a note of "Annie Laurie1 or "Home Slinpp.t rfompV PSnrtllv 4h "hicr brother" leaned down and told the' littlo one to get ready to leave, as the train was uearing their station. .Then, as if he knew ho had won a whole car load of friends, the blind boy quickly clinnRed "The Suwance River" into "Anld Lang Syne," and with ono accord tho passengers bureted into a round of applause, while the "big brother" carried the little one out of the car. New -York Times. ' ButklcB Araticm Salve'. The Best Sat. ye In the world for Cut, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, -Salt Rhe um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively enres Files, or no pay required. It is Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re-J lunaeu. iticczd cents per box. ifor sale by .1. W. Conn. Halsteod street, Chicago, is eightetn, miles long. Hfotice. GOD'S BLESSING TO HUMANITY So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old. Fobe8t Grove. Or., March 19. I, have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA and obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it to the afflicted. 1 am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon In I&42 in the em ploy of tho Hudson's Bay Company, and since 1 began using the OREGON KIONEiT TEA I enjoy pood health. DAf ID MUNROE. Nebraska cowDoys "round-ups." are having Peoria, Illinois, is the greatest whisky town. A Chicago brewer owns365 saloonsi Our railroads employ 750,000 voters J A PREMIUM TO SUBSCRIBERS A Liberal Offer to Old and New Subscrib ers', Either Daily or Weekly. Attention is directed to the extraor dinary premium offer for The As ToniAN which is advertised on the fourth page. A complete set of Dickens' works is offered with, the Weekly Astobian for $2.75. A com plete unabridged set of Dickens in twelve volumes for 75 cents additional is an extraordinary offer when one considers the extraordinary amount of reading matter offered. This offer is extended to old subscribers who re new their subscriptions, as well as new ones. The Mammoth Encyclopedia is another premium which is offered on the same terms as above. For a de scription of this rare offer see adver tisement on the fourth page. To old subscribers who send S2 for a new subscriber to the weekly, will be sent twenty-five novels to be selected from a large list to be published very short ly. Or, if the old subscriber sends $2.75 he will receive the novels and the new subscriber will get either of the premiums above offered which he may select To those who pay for a year's subscription to The Daily MoBSixa Astobian for one year in ad vance $7 either of the above premi ums will be given postage free. Those who prefer; instead of tho above premi ums, can havo a copy of Washington Irving"8 "Astoria," a beautifully print ed book of 693 pages. This book needs no other recommendation than the fact that Washington Irving is the author. This is an unusually good opportunity" lo get a good newspa per and a good library for very little money.. It is worth looking after. Bead the advertisement on the fourth page. VESSELS ON THE WAY Children Hry for Pitcher's Castoriaj SVhen Baby was sici, vm cto her Cactorta. SVhen eho waa a Child, she cried for Cactoria, tVhen she became MIm, she clung to Caatoria, Thea cho had Children, sbe gars then Outoril SCHOOL OF PRACnCAL CIVIL, mechanical. Mining Engineering, Survey ing, Draughting, Architecture, Assaying aud Navigation. 170J4 Second Street, Port land, Or and 723 Slarket St.. San Francisco, Cal. Established 1SGL A Va-dkkNailijcx, Pres. Send for circular. H, EKSTB0M, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OU. A fine line or Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and llated Jewelry, Clocks, eta, at reasonable prices, ltepalring Promptly Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman. JACOBS & PLUMNfiR, Contractors ant BuiUers. Estimate Given on Brick, Stone or Wood Work. Coucrctc ami Cement Work a Specially. OFFICE, 118 Genevieve St. Carnahan & Co. tii'i Ks.oi:.t hi 1. W.CASK. iirnini:i:s ami wrrni.KSAi.K asi ? ItlCTAll. UKAI.KKH IN GENERAL MEfiCEtin lUinn-r Cheiianam Hiidilavj trcai. .wn itlA ohKdo.N From Foreign Porta for the Columbia River. Aodora. Ur ip. 1670. Mauritius. Ariadne. Ur bk, 1167. Cape Town. ABtrtcant. Brip. 1661, Yokohama. Alclnons, llrap. 1576, Kewcaitla A. Ardoamnrchaa, Br tp, 1700. Gape Town. Anneal ey, Ur, ap., 1535, Liverpool May 3. Alexander Lawrence, Brbk, 1285, London. fiirker, Br bk. 1003. Honolulu. BU&ftelL Br ap. 11M. Honolulu. Chailensar. Am ab. 1399. New York. Oockersoutb, Br ap, 1297. Liverpool. Oity of Oarllale. Br bk.823. Brisbane. Duabajae, Br ap, 1389, Anwerp. July II. Klipce, Am. sp., 1S36, Yokohama. Pcyledalo, Br ap, 1649. Liverpool. KircudbrlghtabJre. Br. Up, 142. Tonal o. Lortoa. Br bkr 1330, Liverpool. LoBsdale, Br. ap., 1SS5, Tonal o. Lady Elizabeth. Brbk. 1153. Sydney. Lizzie Bell, Br bk, 1038, Anwerp, July 21. Momt CarmeL 1598, Manila. Metropolis. Br ah, 1759, Montevideo. MacDuff, Br ship. 1235, Santa Rosalia. " Milton Park, Br ap, 1161. Santa Rosalie. MisUey Hall. Br. ap.. 177i. Rio Janeiro, July B. North. Br sb. 123. London. Koddleburn. Br. sp,. 1053, London. Apr. 22. pchtertyre. Br bk. 1 J9f. Alcoa Bay. Toonan. Br aP. U99. Port Carlisle Br bk. 1323. ?anta Bosalie. Partbia, Br. bk., 1022. Liverpool. May 23. Principality, Br sh. 1699, San Pedro, Sept 3. Scottish Glens, Br sp,2061. Rio Janeiro. 8cottisa Is'es. Br ah. 1993. BataTla. An??!. Troop. r ap, 1528. Sbanchai. FROM AMERICAN PORTS City of Philadelphia. Am. sp.. 1S3I. N' Y. Mar. l Reaper Am sp, UG3, New York. TillieE.SUrbuck. Amsp, 1131. N. Y. July ?. - IN TUE RIVER. Anseraaa,Brsp, 1215, Sidney. Coloma, Am bk, 811, Hong Koas. ; Ivy, A'm.bk. 1131. New York. Kinkorv. Br. ap., 1799, London. May 7. KateF.Tioop. Br. bkvl936. Uiogo. Norfolk Island. Br bk. 13H. Newcastle. Patiicfan, Am. sjw, 1251, N, Y. StrathHane. Br. spn 136L Antwerp. SlieTpOonard. Br ap. 1733, Newcastle. 50& .- im isfTA irr lytA faz w.r AH lacAfiT HEALTH. s La Rlchnn Coldon nlsam ?,o 1 Cures Chaacrea, first and second staSes: Bores orf thi Legs and Body; Sore Eari, Slf,,.?s?: V" Copper-colored Blotches. BynhiliUc Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forma of tho diseaso known as ayphllia. Frier, S5 00 per Bottle. I BIckan's Golden Babsa a'o.a Cares Tertiary, MercurialSyphlllticSheu. saatism. Palm in tho Bones, Pains in the nead, back of the Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, and eradicates all dV-ia from the system, whether caused . , indiscretion or aboso of Mercury. Ijaylng tho blood pnro and healthy., Pilco 85 00 per Bottle. Lo ltlchau'4 Golden Hpamlsk Aatl doto for tho cure of Gonorrhcea, Gleet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Price $3 59 r . Battle. Lo Rlcaaa Golden Spanish Xa iactlon, for severe cases of Gonorrhea. Inflammatory GIet. Strictures,&c. Pries fl RO per Bottle. La Rlchna'n Golden Olntateat for the effectlra hcallngof Syphilitic Sores. . andcrupUons Prlrofl 00 per Box. fLe Blckaasi Golden Pills Nene and Brain treatment; losj of physical pow - cr, excess or over-work. Prostration, eta Price S3 00 per Box. aC Tonic and Nervine, fa Bent cvcrjwhcre, C. O. D., securely :H per express. THE RICtfABBSOX BEDG CO., AOEST 869 aid 511 Market street, Saa Fraaebteo, Cal. - CIRCULARS SENT FREE. fl TO DATS. V luniMd Bl Ml Esf StrflMtysysks lSsku.fiMla.1 'moaaalBsl BnleisaBSBBisWkV I irctrr1lr sn.l (u'.lj tudiirie Ills O u Ibc ouly spocltlcforthecer talu euro of this disease O.rt- iNOHAKAU.U.n Amsterdam, N. Y. We save sold B' O f oi many years, and it bat nven tae o-ji exaau faction. 1. IU Sychs A Co.. Chlcaco. 1st tl. SoIdbySruaajsV 814 btJ.W. Coin Astaria, Oreroa. "j lu'jsi jjxi.aAHi, if jr. in i mm ... ii n prs !SiiB-vos os-otso sj a a?.!! 9!.2a tuaas xwzx aaaaaaaseassaaais s KxaaaaaaKaaaww. sxkxxkk ttstxastsistioisxvKsiai sJ o 5'"'go00-So!!Bi;lyB:jOM0g o o oo p $ o oopooo popop poop o o op p o p p p p p o pp pp o p o o op o o o o p op f0poffp Pf ff"fff ?f ?.? J 6M S 2 Kg Ko c 0,5 i.S. 5c S5sS3SaSsSSSSS2K5SSSS5SsSKS5S5SBSS8S l!lP?ll!!li!ill!lilIl tiB&l ?llillillllsl .iRPifflM iS&SKKI & iftiWi Hii!iiiii m m wflfl& wsm PrtS W twMm M$ isBiliP5a;S558gala S? fii igR Ugi ?4$ '.IllaissS hh'M- &Y MMitll hi s sliiBf liflliill i I m m II m Ft ffl IMii 8 Me Mf i SI I miiiiiit ai ii? hh J s I rti i i n tamp fVn c 4 f i 1 1 mi 55ffl E?fgli?iil??s??s?-5s?? ???????! ?????? ????? ????????? 55? 555555 .55555555555? 55 5555555555.555 Jg illf Iifell!lllI?Eli!Sfmp!liy IgHlMFiP h?& i$iM I2?c S sSffp o20tJooaS3M Sr: ? -5' i 2 ?2T ?eESzSSscaiir0-3,2SQ?5;2. p 5 Sal ,C,? I?r Sti1 a2.lM?E 5.sE7rx ct S pi If ISiit St JftePfeiieiftp n B m teKlr: f g i 5 iPiiirfiiiaiiiiPifi w i ni ni ma s a m mm h frfeP si 23.o?e tfStSl3 iSiilli HgsS2. m H&: aS1 4Z5l oe53 Tutt's Pil CURE Malaria, Fever and Ague, Dumb Chills, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, etc. Thoyprodnco regular, natural evac uations, never gxipo or Interfere Avltn daily business. As n family medicine, they should havo a place In every household. Price, 25 cents per box. Sold Everywhere. Office, 4A Murray St N. Y. ''fiZ HEALTH RESTORER. IT 13 TEH IDEAI. MEDICIJTB. It oncs the Ijvcraml Kidm-vs;ind Stomach, Cures Jt'-.idache. Dvspepsln, cnsitt-s an Appe tite, PanSes the Impure BIihkI, i.d Maea Tha'oalc Stronj. CscdoTcryivhcre. SlabcttIo;&Ixor$ SALOONS. Sample Rooms. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for tlietti lN - iraiudihi i.iai- and the THINCV M.l .-iimusiiii Line., invi Ala , Hfit ftir r,uk 1 Trinuiiei.'" .ud 'Sveuska .iiioiik..o.irfii." t'-oruer ot v-ir in- Wi-i 'n t Aitorla. Ort-uoii Standard - Saloon. Southeast Comer Third and J'incy Sis. Astoria, tjreson. The Celebrated North Pacific Brewery Beer on Draught. Also the Finest Kinds of Wines, Li quors and Cigars. Tko Best ef French Brandies AND BRANDT PEACHES. -A. Free XaTuxclx H. CRUBE, Propr. ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to .THE GE3I SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. PROPRIETOR Resort Billiard Parlor, OROSBAUEfc & JlitACn, Prop's. L. FEURER'S CELEBRATED Cambrinus Beer 1 ON DRAOGIIT. (JaaibrlHii.BoitIcl Beer J. II. Cutter Whisky, Domestic . ami liej-West Cijrars, Constantly on ii.uid. Third StrtH'i. ti'iir t.ir. wst ul Tclejaph Office, fomiiTly udcidin-r rt4aunmt. ASrilRl.V.OUIKMN. GERfflANiA BEEK HALL The i-elebnted WEINHARO LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. W.Tt. HOCK, Proprietor. The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Christian Wi-jeu, Proprietor. (Formerly Bartender at tlie "Resort," Bestof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner Mam aud First Streets. Hill's Palace Yarieties. Open Eyory Night. GEO. HILL, - - Sole Proprietor. NEW PEOPLE WEEKLY. Aim to Please Everybody. The only Free Show in Aatorlx Wines. Liquors and Ci gars. Ire Cold Beer. L0EB & CO., Wines, Liprs ail Cipfs. A targe Stock of First-Class Goods, rhc Trade Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders Ailed promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreicn and Domestic Brands. Main street Opp. Pancer lloust. :! KT n KKT?c. Astor Lod'o No. O, K. of P. REGULAR MKEIliNCS EVERY WED ni!(.l.iy cvi:li j: at 7 0 p. i..it Pylliian Castle. Sojoiirninj; ICniiiiMii j'.cc.l .sUiikI tnmli:i:t invited to attend. Uy ord-r (:.:. 0 R. BLOUNT. K cJ U. and S. Scandinavian Deu'evolcnt Society. REGULAR .MKtCTINGS OF Til IS SOCIE tyattltetr n-uiiH. in Pythian building at olulit oVIouk v w.. ou tins second and fourth Tut-ulayn if each mouth, AUL UANIEION, Secretary. Seaside Liodge No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. Will be held In their ILU1 In Pythian Castle, on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order In good standing, and TlsRingiRrothersaro Invited tq attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. W. B. ROSS, Iti'C s Ocean KncampmantNo.13, 1. O. O.F REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN campmeut N'o. 13. I. O. O. K at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p h., on the second and fourth Mondays of c.icli month. Sojourning breth ren cordially Invited. By order C. P. Astoria Building & Loan Asaocmtion milE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS JL Association a"0 held at 8 1 m.. on the first Wettnesday of each month. Ofllcuon Genevieve street, south of Chenamu?. W. L. U)P.B, ecu tary. Common Councu. REGUL.VR MEETINGS, SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings ol each month at 7 o'clock. wPersons desiring t hare matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet In must present tlie same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening Erlortotho Tuesday on which the Council olds Its regular meeting. TJIOS.8..TKWRTT, Auditor and Police Judge. Notice. "JWElTIlfell THE CAPTAIN NOR CON 1.1 sigtiee of the British bark Nrddle bum will be responsible for any debts con tracted by theofflcersor crw while lying in this port. . . , A "r. A. HALL, Master. Astoria, Or,, Sept. 20., 1890. For Sale. THE STEAMER EDITIT WILL RE SOLD cheap for cash. Her dimensions are : 78 7-10 feet Ion. 17 7-10 feet wide, and 9 3-10 feet deep. She Is in good order. Ior fur ther particulars apply to Van Dusen & Co., Astoria, Or., or J. G. Megler, Brooktleld, Washington. JL SET OF T&E3 iKUBUmmij&WM m im in Twelve Large Volumes, WMch "we Offer tvitli a Tear's Suhscriptioa to this Paper for a Trifle More than Our Segnlar Subscription Price. Wishing to largely increase tho circulation of this paper during tlio next six months, we have mado arrangements with a New York publishing house whereby we are enabled to offer as a premium to our subscribers a Set of tho "Works of Charles "Dick ons, m Twelve Large and Haadsome Volumes, with a year's subscription to this paper, for a trifle moro than our regular sub scription price. Our great offer to subscribers eclipses any ever heretofore made. Charles Dickens was tho greatest noyelist who ever lived. No author before or since his time has won tho fiimo that he achieved, and his works are even moro popular to-day than during his lifetime. They abound in wit. humor, pathos, masterly delineation of character, Yivm uescnpiiona 01 places ana inciaents, thrilling ana skillfully wrought plots. Each book is intensely interesting.. No homeshould bo without a set of theso great and remark able works. Not to have read them k to bo far behind tho ago in which we liTe. Tho Bet of Dickens' works which wn nffar ma a Premium to our subscribers is handsomely printed from entirely new plates, with new type, he twelve volumes contain tho following world-famous works, each ono of which is pub lished complete, unchanged, and absolutely unabridged : . CHABLES DICEEtS. DAVID COPPERFIELD, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, NSCHOLAS N1CKELBY, DOMBEY AND SON, BLEAK HOUSE, LITTLE DORRIT, OUR MUTUAL FRIEND. PICKWICK PAPERS, BNA?Y.RUDCE AND CHRISTMAS STORIES, OLIVER TWIST AND GREAT EXPEC TATIONS, THE OLD CURIOSITY .SHOP AND THEUNCOMMERC1ALTRAVELER, A TALE OF TWO CITIES; HARD TIMES AND THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD. Tho aboyo are without question tho most famous novels that wore ever written. For a quarter of a century they havo been celebrated in every nook and corner of the civilized world. Yet thero aro thousands of homes in America not yet suppliod with a set of Dickens the usual high cost of tho books preventing peoplo in moderate circums tances from enioyimr this luxury. But now, owing to tho use of modern improved printing, folding and flutchinir machinery, tho extremely low pneo of whito paper, and tho groat competition in the .book trade, wo aro onabled to offer to our subscribers and readers a set of Dickons works at a o?fhowSSffiSSSto! vtlJ' ETery homo in th0 Iana mivy now b0 eBppliea lrtth Bet Our Hi eat Offer to Sntecrite to tee "feeHy Astoriai.5' TT'c trill ycnil the JiNTIlCE SET Ot OICKENSJ WORKS, ia TWELVE VOLUMES, ax ahnvc described, all jwstagc prepaid by numrlvcs, alio THE WEEKLY ASTOUIAX, for ONE YEAR, upon receipt of S2.75, ar7uc7i is only 75 Vents more than the rcnidar subscription price of thl paper Our readers, therefore, practicaliy net a set of Dickens works In twelve volumes for ouiy 75 Cents. This is the grandest premium ever offered. Up to tills time a set of Dickens' works has usually been S10.0UO or more. " Tell all your friends that they can get a set of Dickons' works, in twelve volumes, with a year's subscription to THE WEEKLY ASTOItlAN, for only S2.75. Subscribe now and get this great premium. If your subscription has not jet expired. It will make no difference, for it will be extended one year from the date of expiration. We will also give a set of Dickens, as above, free and rost.pald, to any ono sending us a club of three yearly subscribers. Address : "THE AST0RIAN," Astoria, Oregon. Our Latest ant) Greatest Premium Offer! m warn craopiii, Mm iiiiMi,ii hhk mmSSSSSm IN FOUR VOLUMES. A Great and Wondirful Work, 2,176 Pages AND 620 Beanlifol Illustrations! Tan Maiiiiotii Ctcxofoix bos beau pab llslied to meet the wants of the miuses for a ankerxal compendium or knoirldge, practical, useful, ddentlfic and ceneral. The work la pub lished complete In four largo and handsome volumes, comprlln?a total ot 2,176 paces, and Is profusely lUustraiednlthfCOboantnuf engrav Inc. Thousands of dollars have been expended j to make this tho mot complete, valuable and ti, urefut work for the masses ever oabliihed. It Is ! a wrrk for everybody man. woman and child, I lncTcry cecupailon or walk In life. The sub- ecincoanaprariicai utility ot twenty oruinary volume! ar comprised In these four, aad so ivpreto U tho r-i.rk with knowledge of every kind, s filled Is It with useful hints and helpful flugci-stlimc. that wo fully bellevo that In erery homo to which It shall And Its way It will aoon com to be regarded as worth its weight to gold. For want of space we can only briefly-summarize a small portion of tho contenta of thii. great work, as follows : . Chlofjc. J.panfM. Uie rrla of Indls, Africa, Wilajuear, PItlo.i. IctUcJ. Borneo, Barmab, tbs Sandwich IIndt. Serrln. K.fTntla, Tartiry. Cuhmers and Tanlt, tb Arabi, Tarks, Ucxicani. Sontb Amerlcaas, Americin Indliai, Xiyp IIiuj, Siamuc. Abrulnlanf, Korwtglant, 8panlardf. Bvlu, Ilollaui, Greeks. Uu"ians, Siberian!, Afjhint, Fertiani, Sloilemi, Australians, llalgarlant, Sicilians, its., etc; SIANCFACTUItES. la Uds treat work Is alio deierllxd and lliaitratel the arts and proeesiei of printing, sureetjplnj, bookbinding, wood engraslnr. lithography, phowgriphj, calico printing, piano making, Vatch making, paper Baking. Its mannfaetureofsllk. Iron, steel, glass, china, perfumery, aoap, leather, aurcn, wall paper, turpentine. posUl cards, poataga tamps, envelopes, pens, pencils, needles, and many other thing, all of which, will be found peculiarly InttrtiUsg ud InitrnctiTe. rORElGX PltODUCTS. Interesting deittlpUons, lliai trated. of tlie culture and preparation for Bark of tea, coffee, chocolate, cotton, flax, hemp, sugar, rloe. nutmegs, elcrer, ginger, cinnamon, allspice, pepper, coooanute, pineapples, ban anas, prunes, date., raisins, Sgs, oilrcs, Indla-rubbtr, gatta percha, cork, camphor, castor oil, tapioca, etc., etc. NATTJltA.il HISTORY. Interesting and lmtrnotlTe descriptions, accompanied by UluitraUons, of numerous beasts, birds. Caaes and Insects, with much curious information regard ing their life and habits. LATV. Tax Jfiuaeru Crnoroia Is also a eompltle law book, telling erery man bow bt maybe bis own lawyer, and containing full and concisa explanations of the general lawa andthelawsofthesereralStates upon all matters which are subject ta litigation, with numerous forms of legal documents. MIXING. Descriptions and Illustration of the mining of gold, sllrcr, diamonds, coal, salt, copper, lead, sine, tin and qulclullrc. WONDERS OP THE SEA. Ilereln are described an Illustrated tho many wonderful and bcauttrnl things found atnha botton of the ocean, the plant., flowers, shells, fishes, .ta., likewise- pearl diving, coral Gibing, etc., etc. STATISTICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Herein Is given a vast amount or useful and Interesting Information, some of which Is tho population of American cltL, area and population of tho continent, ot tho State and Territories, and ot the principal countries of the werld, length of the principal rivers. Presidential vote for sixty years. Presidential statistics. area and depth of seas, lakes ami oceans, height of mountains, locomotion of adlnal and velocity ef bodles.-helght ot monu ments, towers and structures, distances fromTVashlngton, also from New York, to Important points, chronological history ofdls corery and progress, popular sobriquets of American States, cities, etc., common grammatical errors, rules for spelling, pro nunciation and use of capitals. Wall Street pbraaH, commerce ot the world, curious facts In natural history, longMlty ol an taals,orlglnotthe names of States, and or countries, nfgreai wotis, popular fables, familiar quotations of gmlH. and ot plants, dying words ot famous persons, fata t.tib A.t!e, statistic ot the globe, leading governments of the uotr.l. rtu., etc. HISTORY. Tnx JIiimoTH Grcio?.rsu contains aconpleta and authentic) history of the great American Civil War, pro fusely Illustrated, with numerous Anecdotes of the Bebelllon; a complete History of America, from Its discovery by Columbus to the present time; graphts descriptions of famous battles and Important events In the history of all nations, chronological Ustory,ete.,etc. BIOGRAPHY. This great work contains the Lives of all the Presidents of the United States, front Washington to Harrison, with portraits and other illustrations, also lives and portraits of Napoleon Bonaparte, Shakespeare, Byron, William l'enn, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and famous statesmen, authors, poets, generals, clergymen, etc., down to the present day. AGRICULTURE. Valuable hints and' useful suggestions to Farmers, treating of Held crops, gates ami fences, fertilizers. farm Implements : livestock raising. Including the treatment of dlseasesofdomeslla animals; poultry keeping, and bow made sueeeufuland profitable ; tea keeping, dairy farming, etc: The treatment of these subjects is complete and exhaustive, and renders the work of greatprastlcal use te farmers anditeckmen: HORTICULTURE. Herein Is given the most nsefut hints togrowersofail kinds ot vegetables and fruits, as gathered from the experience of the most successful hortloultarbts. ARCHITECTURE. Designs andplansfor bouses, cottages, barns and other outbuildings, with valuable suggestions to those Intending to buEJ. HOUSEHOLD. This work contains tried and tested recipes for almost every Imaginable dish for briakfast, dinner and tea. this department alone being worth more than nine-tenths of the cook books sold; almost innamsrabia bints, helps and sug gestions to housekeepers; designs and suggestions for making many beautiful things for the adornment of home, In needle work, embroidery, etc.; hints on floriculture, telling how to be successful with all the various plants ; toilet hints, tellllng how to preserve and beautify ths ccoplcilos, bands, teeth, hair, etc, etc. 5 ' MEDICAL. Jfany collars tn doctors' bills will be saved annually to every possessor of this book through the valuable Information herein contained. It tells bow to cure, by simple yet reliable home remedies, available la erery houithoU, every disease and aliment that Is curable, this department forming a complete medical book, the Talcs of whtca la any home can hardly be computed In dollars and cents, INVENTION AND DISCOVERY, remarkably Inter citing descriptions of great Inventions, Including the Steam Engine. theTelegraph. the Printing Press, the Eleetrle Light, ths Sewing Machine, tho Teiepbonetha Type Wilier, the Typo Setting Machine, the Cotton Gin, etc. THE "WORLD'S "WONDERS. Craphie descriptions, beautifully Illustrated, oftbe Tellowstono Park, Yosemlta Valley, Niagara Falls, tho Alps, Far!, Vesuvius, Venice, Vienna, the Canons of Colorado. Mammoth Cave, Natural Bridge, Walxlns Glen, ths White Mountains, etc., etc. TRAVELS. Descriptions. prarcicIylHwtritcd. of the lire, manners, custom, peculiar form, rites and ceremonies ot tho from tha abovo brief summary of Its contenta gomo idea of what a remarkably interesting, instructive ami valuable work the MAMMOTH Ctclop.bdia is may be gained, yet but a fractional part of the topics treated In this great woric have been named. It Is avast storehouse of useful and entertaining knowledge unquestion ably one of tbe best and most valuable works ever published in any land or language. No home should ba with out It. It Is a work; to be consulted every day with regard to the various perplexing- questions that constantly arise In writing and conversation, by the farmer and housewlfo In tnelr dalJjr duties and pursuits, and for con tinuous reading no wort is moro ontertolDlng or Instructive. Grai Preiiiiiii Offer to Sftaita to tie "Weekly Astoriai." By special arrangement with' tire 'publisher cf Mammoth Cyclof-edta, we aio.cnabled to make to our subsenbers-and readers Hie following extraordinary oiler : We -will aend the IflAITIiriOTlT CYOLliEIAj Complete in Four Vohtmcs. as above described, all postage prepared, also THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN, for ONE YEAR, upon receipt of only S2.75, ip7u"cj is but 75 Cents more than our rcaidar subscription price, so that you practically act thl- larye and valuable icork for the trifling sum of 15 Cents. This Is a great offer, a wonderful bargain, and it Is a pirrtMiro to us to be enabled to afford our readers so remarkable an opportunity. Through this extraordinary offer we hone lo largely increase our circulation, riease tell all your friends that they can getth&MAHlIDIOTH CYCIjO!?JEDIA in four volume.", with a year's subscription to our paper, for only 82.75. Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to all who take advantage of this great premium offer. Those whose subscriptions have not yet expired who renew now will receive the MAMMOTH CYCIiOPiEDIAatoncp, and their subscriptions will be extended one year from date of expiration. The IrTAftTiriOTH CliOCIOPJEDIA, will also be given free to any one sendit'g us a club of three yearly subscriber to our paper. Address all letters : "THE AST0RIAN," Astoria, Oregon. Warranted " to euro APHRODITIKE" FreM Cire or money refunded tesTy ISS0T.DOA POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of ner vous diseaso or any dis order of tho ponorativo organs of ri.n xmv PFCnor whether ar- AFTER isingfrom tho oxecssivo u?oof Stimulants.To bacco or Opium, or throngh youthful indiscre tion, over indulgence, &c, such as Loss of Brain Power. Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in tho Back, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, Nervous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Loucorrhooa, Dizziness, Weak Memory, L033 of Power and Impotency. which if ne glected often lead to promature old ago and insanity. Price SI a box, 6 boxes for S3. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WK1TTKX GUARANTEE for every s5 or dor. to rofond tho monoy if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, perma nently cured by Apheoditise. Circular froe. Address. THE APHHO HEDICNE CO. Box 27. WESTKas Brasch, Portland, Or. For salo by J. C. DEMENT. THE CRY OF MILLIONSl . OH. JHTx BHCKl STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BIT TOO LATE. sHi U 1 l TfTjv- I have been troubled many years with disease of the kidnevs ana have tried many different remedies and have sought aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in such a manner that I was Dent over. iWhen I sat down it was almost impossible for mi to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, whet kind rrovidence sent Dr. Henley, with tut OREGON KJDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea.. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment cf all the guests at the hotel, in a. few days.I am happy to state, that I was a new man. I will, recommend the tea to all afflicted as I have been. . G. A. TUPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Rosa, Cal. n. itJ f fl Ijfr JU&- &?&&. . VMr--