The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 23, 1890, Image 3

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.T-ltt -(S-J5S4 j
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Mt gaito fam
EPTOIBEH 23. 1690
Publisher and Proprietor.
Ter8 of Subscription.
Sorvetl by Carrier. ier weeX
Sent bj Mall, por month.......... ..
"tent bj Mall, one ear ..
Free of postage to subscribers.
Thk Astoriax guarantees to its adver
tisers the largest circulatlou of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
(Additional Local News on 4th Page. J
Yesterday four mortgages were filed
for record, amounting to 82,600.
The Occident Packing Company an
nounce their annual meeting for Octo
ber 4th.
Look at the premiums offered to
subscribers to The Astobzax, on the
fourth page.
A "sea pigeon" was captured in Jus
tice May's yard a few mornings ago,
and is kept .as a pet by his children.
Quite a number of silver-side
salmon trout are caught every day
along the different docks in the city.
It is remarkably inconvenient to
h&ve no boat coming down from Port
land to arrive here on Sunday even
ing Work on CapL Flavpl's new build
ing, corner Third and Main streets,
is progressing very rapidly. It is
already nearly enclosed.
Another attorney is represented in
our columns by the new advertise
ment -of J. P. Hamilton, who is located
on Third street near Benton.
Bev. William Travis of East Port
land was here last evening, and re
ports the satisfactory completion of
the Presbyterian church at Knappa.
The Albany Democrat says the last
meeting of the city council of that
city was "as good as a monkey show."
So it is to be presumed that the mem
bers were all good in their respective
Yesterday Ernst Stoinhoff at the
county clerk's office, proved up on a
pre-emption claim for the south J of
uie nortnwest f, and lots 12 and 3,
section 2, township G north, range 10
Two happy mortals j esterday took
out a license to wed, and very likely
by this time Martinus Lareen and
Karen I. Ekrem are husband and
wife, and have started to travel
through life as a double team.
Elegant designs in the way of dress
goods are exhibited in the show win
dows of Cooper's dry goods store,
which would make up into very beau
tiful dresse3 for some of the .hand
some ladies of Astoria.
The valuable premiums offered by
The Astobiax to its subscribers
meet with appreciation and there are
but few who examine them that fail to
avail themselves of the opportunity
to secure a large amount of first class
reading for an insignificant outlay.
Mr. H. Glossop, proprietor of one
of the poultry and fish markets in
Astoria, came up to Shoalwater bay
on Monday to make contracts for
spplies from here. Ho left orders
at North Cove for crabs, and at Bay
Center for oysters and clams. These
will be the first fish shipped regularly
to Astoria dealers from this bay.
South Bend Journal, 19.
The residents oE Mishawaka have
completed the trail over the spur of
Saddle mountain, and the Young's
river people have finished their part
over Green mountain. A petition is
to be presented to the county court to
have the route declared a county road
and opened as such. This is a good
move, and will no doubt be successful.
It will render that section much more
accessible to the present inhabitants,
as well as those who intend going
there -as soon as the roads are rendered
The Normal school at Monmouth
will begin its year's work to-day- The
outlook for a large attendance and a
prosperous session is good. The fac
ulty and friends have arranged a good
program for the opening, and it is
their wish to see as many of the
friends of tho institution present at
these exercises as can make it conven
ient to do so. Tho session starts out
with new buildings, plenty of room,
and nothing to mar a most Tirosper,
ohs and harmonious year at the Not
&1 school
A Wide-Awake Dllat Jinn.
Yesterday thore arrived in this city
r young man named Fred Cooper,
who is perfectly blind. He is 22 years
of age, and has been blind for sixteen
years. Thejoung man. ia going to
South Bend to open a cigar store.
The lot that the store is building on
has been given to him by a "resident of
that flourishing little town. Mr.
Cooper is a graduate of the blind
school at Salem, and is quite a learned
gentleman. During the last two and
& half years he has been peddling gen
eral merchandise through Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, and has
amassed quite a little fortune. Mr.
Cooper does his business by the aid of
little raised marks on a sheet of paper,
aad by placing his finger on one of
them can tell instantly the letter
needed. The South Bend people have
been very kind to him, and Mr. Cooper
thinks he can build up a profitable
business in that enterprising town.
The Electric-Cable Line.
About nine hundred dollars was
added to the subsidy for the eleotrio
cable road yesterday and the com
mittee now feel certain that die signa
ture of one prominent property holder
ear the Hustler & Aiken tract will be
obtained this morning and that the
sabsidy will be closed by this evening.
Mr. Sharpstein said he was expecting
Mr.Belding and Mr. Mitchell on the
boat this afternoon, and there would
be no doubt about applying for a fran
chise from the council at to-night's
- . m
L&Kber Shipment.
During the month of August the ar
rivals and departures of vessels at
Hoquiam, Gray's harbor, were thir
teen each. The cargoes brought in
were of miscellaneous goods but the
exports were all of lumber.
The smallest cargo sent out on any
Teasel was230,000 feet, and the largest
was 760,000 feet, the total shipment
for the month being 4,640,000 feet,
Tslaed at $46,400, all of which went
to San Francisco, and is within the
jriedictioa of this port
Will Put Anotler Seller inSer
Yice as Soon as Possible.
Pilot Commissioners Montgomery
and Weeks yesterday stated that it
was their firm determination to place
another schooner in senico as poon as
a suitable vessel can be secured. The
G or. Moody was insured for 11,000
and the policy is as good until the
Glh of next October. Captain Bos
worth who came down as the agent
of the underwriters to examine the
wrecked vessel was of the opinion
that tho insurance would be promullv
paid. If so, the commissioners will
bo able easily to boy another vessel
with the money and put her in service
It is also their intention to adopt a
vigorous, policy in regard to the mat
ter of providing competent pilots for
the bar sorvice. There aro a large
number of ships on the way to this
port, and the fact demands that every
precaution bo taken -for the safety of
shipping, by allowing none but pilots
who are familiar with this locality to
take the responsibility of piloting
ships in or out of the Columbia river.
In regard to the card which ap
peared in The Astobiax yesterday,
the pilot commissioners state tliaf. there
is no paper on file among Hue records
of tho board to show that the. board
have ever received any offer from any
one to man the OoT. MGody in the
maimer stated, -and us a board ,tbey
could not be considered responsible
for any proposition which, may have
been mad J vorbally to an individual
commissioner, as -such a proposition
confd not have been binding' -on the
person making unless made in .writing.
L. F. Hodge is suffering from in
flammation of the eyes.
Capt. E. P. Parker, who has been
quite ill, is convalescent
J. 0. Dement, tho Third street drug
gist, has been ill for several days.
Miss lLatie Thrall returned last
evening from a short business trip to
J. F. Ferchen, of the firm of Arndt
& Ferchen, goes up to Portland this
morning on a business trip.
Charlie Hooper, formerly station
agent for the A. & S. C. K. R., has a
situation as clerk with Cdrnahan &
Co. j
Capt A. T. Harris, of Ft Canby,
who has many friends here, was on a
visit last week 'Aberdeen Herald,
18th. t i
'Herman "Wise, the" reliable clothier,
was with the Astoria ball team in the
dual capacity of scorer for the team
and reporter for The Abtobiak.
Aberdeen. Herald, 18th:
Mrs. E.A. Weed g5es to Portland
this morning on the Telephone, on a
Tisitoficoupleof weeks to her par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. F. W;Stevens, and
her sister, Mrs. F, T. Merrill.
Harry CiLord, chief engineer of the
Manzanita, last evening received a
telegram summoning Mm to Seattle
where his sick wife is much worse,
and he goes up the river this morning
on the Telephone.
Geo. T. Myers, a well known former
canneryman of this section, and now
a resident of Seattle, is on a visit with
friends in the city. Mr. Myers lost
his cannery in a recent firo at Seattle,
in which his loss was $20,000. .
M. M. Ketehum, wife and daughter
start to-morrow for Green river springs,
Washington, where Mr. Hetchnm
hopes to receive some benefit, and a
relief from the severe iheumatic pains
which have afflicted hiimof late.
Carl Hanson and George Heald re
turned from their ranches on the No
oanicum yesterday, having finished
the buildiug of their houses They
are much delighted with the invigor
ating effect of uncouple of weeks of
roughing it
Deeds filed or recorded on Sept 22,
1690, as reported tor The Morning
Astorian by the -Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cemnauy:
United States to Thos. Doig,
Tcceiver'3 receipt fdr the
NW U of sec IT, 3L 5
N., R 7 W 400
M. M. Dee to W. S. New
bury, lot 6, blk. 21, Chelsea
railroad add t...,...i.... ICO
Charles J. Stanton to Frank
J. Stanton, lots 21 aud 21,
blk. 14, Pacific, add 250
Deeds filed, 3; total amount. $ 800
ProviouslyroporUidthis year 1,645,200
Total to dlitoT .'SI.OOO
Wooden Wallfe" a&a SpMge.
- - -
A canons American invention is a
new wall for alnps. "By this Invention
the walls' forming the hull of the ship
audits partitions arepjroviaedwjfh a
.ImuigLcbraprsse-spopge, forming
a-water absorbent material? to present
xaferfrom entering, .the JralT through
a-defectivtr pari or-aidle made by a
projectile or -other 'means. Boston
Journal of Commerce.
OhUurllr a Sift Place.
"Did you hear of that 'woman who
was arrested -for trying to smuggle a
bathing suitf
"No; did she have it in her trunkf '
"Oh, no indeed! She had secreted it
in one of her teeth that had lost the
filling." Epoch.
Temporary Removal.
Pending the construction of a new
building at onrold stand, which we
will occupy wheu completed, the Ore
gon Bakery will be found for the
present in the Y. M. C. A. building, on
the corner of Main and Third streets.
The oven will not be disturbed.
Two more Lady Waiters at Jeffs New
JT. Caldcr, JT. I. S. Dentist.
Graduate of the Boston Dental Col
lege. Office over P.J. Goedman & Co.'s
shoe store. Oalder's Vegetable Local
Anaesthetic for painless extraction of
A full line of the celebrated E. &.W.
collars and cuffs just received at C. H.
Cooper's. .
Mrs. Derby and McKenzie invite the
Ladies of Astoria and vicinity to their
opening of Fall and Winter millinery
on 1 nesday, fcept 23rd.
A fine line of Oigars and Cigarettes
can be found at the Columbia Bakery,
696 Third street
The Fiaest Ffcts
Are now taken by 3L S Shuster. See
new samples.
At Holmes, C10 Third street
Seventh Day of the September Term,
llondny, Kept. 22, 1890.
The court met at 10 o'clock a. h.,
tho officers all present
E. Johnson vs. Henry Pice; judg
ment for plaintiff by default.
John Morgan vs. Imperial Insur
ance Co.; continued for term; plaintifi
to have thirty days to reply.
John Morgan vs. Norwich Insur
ance Co; same decision.
John Morgan vs. Lancashire In
surance Co; same decision.
John Morgan vs. Eoyal Insuranco
Co; same decision.
Worsley & Carrulhera vs. J.
Kuzanich; judgment for plaintiff;
amount 8100 and costs.
Geo. HT Eoberts vs. Ghas. Elana?
continued for term by consent
Thos. J. Fredenburg vsTS. Elmore;
verdict for plaintiff.
Cirand jury came into court and ri
ported three true bills.
atate ot Uregon vs. lid. and Thos.
Moore; Ed. Moore arraigned on crime
of larceny; C. J. Curtis appointed at
torney. To plead on Tuesday.
State of Oregon vs. P. J. Lappin;
arraigned on crime of larceny; Geo.
Nolan appointed to defend. To
plead on Tuesday afternoon.
State of Oregon vs. Harry Whalen,
Wm. Scott and Thos. Kearny; Scott
and Kearny arraigned on crime of
larceny from tho person of another;
C. J. Curtis, attorney. Will plead on
Court adjourned until 9 a. m. Tues
day morning. Sept 23d.
The Eonte From the I. B. & N. Cos
Line FayoraMy Consiierefl.
Yesterday morning the steamer
Gtn. Canby made a special trip from
this city to Hwaco to bring up Presi
dent L. A. Loomis and Jacob Kamm
and Major R. S. Espy of the L R &
N. Co , directors, who went over to.
the other side of the river to investi
gate regarding tho building of aline
of railroad from the I. E. N. & N. Co.'s
line to Frankfort, via Scarborough
head. Whether they have definitely
decided to build the road under con
sideration or not was not learned, but
the route would certainly be feasible,
although quite expensive in conse
quence of the bluff and rocky -"banks
of the river between tho points men
tioned. There is another route that would
commend itself to consideration, and
that is a line commencing, say, 'at
some point on the line of the L B. &
N. Co.'s road, at or near Seaview, for
instance, thence up Bearnver, through
a low divide to the south fork of the
Nasel. aloncr the Nnsol nnd fmnq fn
Foss creek, down Foss1 nrvlr in n
Tjoint a short distnneo nhnvn iht lnnrl-
iUK okx'iuuuua. j.uib nun woum Dei
oniy some ntteen miles in length and
would pass through a country rich in
the Verv finest timber in ihn (nnnfrv
much of it being the best quality of
ceaar, wmen would rurnish profitable
traffic for the road nlmrvef. frnm ifo
"beginning. Those who have exam-
xueu uio uouiiiry mroagn wmen tnis
route is described rav flmf thorn fa tint
osly the fine timber, but limestone
ana nuiiaing stone convenient to
mine. The unner end of the rnnd
would ran through a tract of land
ownau oy uapt. j. l . fcrray.
The travel which now goes down
the river to Hwaco for Willapa and
Grav's Harbor noints wnnld thpn m
directly across the river to Frankfort,
iuuh uvuiLung- finy rougu water oe
tween here and Hwaco, which some
times causes seasickness of delicate
persons. It would also materially
snorten uie tune on the route from
this city to Willapa and Grey's Harbor
points. Although this route has not
been definitely located, snrveyors are
in the field, and tho location of tho
road as indicated is not at all im
probable. St. Helens Items.
The Pittsbure-Mill Conmanv hnvo
been hauling quite a quantity of cedar
lumber to St Helens for shipment for
a weeK past.
Hod nickini? has boenn on ihn finw.
litz, and pickers aro in big demand.
uoou wages can be made. Tno hops
are said to bo of excellent quality and
well matured.
Six bits worth of nails and a ham
mer in the hands of some person could
be pnt to good use in tho sidewalks in
St Helens. If it wouldn't save mmn
one from a broken neck, it would bet
ter a good many folks' chances for tho
Throuch accident or carelessness
on the part ot some one a week ago a
very valuablo Durham bull belonging
to jx. a. x'orry, received a bullet in one
of its fore lees, that is liable to result
in the death of the animal. It don't
look reasonable- that anv one would
intentionally injure an animal ot this
kind, as it was always noted forife
gentleness, it can only be called care
lessness, which would not help the case
any if Mr. Perry could find out who
he was. A person who is so exceed
ingly reckless with a gun as to shoot
in whichever direction and at what
ever object he may .feel inclined, re
gardless of either hnmrni lives nr ike
lives of domestic animals would "find a
proper mark for tua.stray shots, were
they at his own insiimificant cranium.
Oregon Mist.
S50 Reward.
I will give the above reward for in
formation which will enable me to
find my daughter Nellie.
Warm weather otten causes extreme
tired feeling and debillity, and in the
weakened condition nf t.h svefpm l?c
eases arising from impure blood are li
able to appear To gain strength, to
overcome disease, ana to purity, vitalize
and enrich the blood, take Hood's Sarsa,
Telepkene .Leaaruai: jshsc.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
E0 and 23 cts per week Sl50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
NeiMiHg Succeeds JLlko Success.
It is verified by the fact that nearly
everybody eats at Jeff's New -restaurant
Illccly Furaished
Booms to rent. Enquire of Mrs. S.
Daggett at the Grounds House.
IclieieHS Ice Cream
Served dally at the Columbia bakery.
Ludlow's Ladies' $30 Fine Shees:
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s. '
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodhak & Co.'s.
Fonr Tiionsaad Acres of Timto
LaM Sou Yesfetfay.
A. GOOD CIl.LXCi: roil ASTOItlA.
Yesterdny in ti a ofiice of li. F.
Hodge, opposite Tni: Astokiax, Sll,
000 in gold coin was paid out to 25
citizens of this city through his
agency, from M. M. Ketchitm, agent
of an eastern of lumber
men. ,
Allihe claims arc 1G0 acres each,
making 4,000 acres in all, anU'sitnated
in various section'; o township 5
north, range 7 west, near tho Klas-
kanine and Young's riiers.
Tno names of the 25 iudividuals
who received an average of Sl,600
each yesterday, in Mr. Hodge's office
for their respeclhe quarter sections,
aro as follews:
B. F. Packard, H. G. Smith, Jr A.
Gardner, E. L. Smith, Eric Johnson,
Martin Foard, H. E. Howes, O. Ras
mussen, Horman AYise,E. Z. Fergu
son, James W. Welch, A. F. Kraiger,
Joseph Winterholder, Thomas Doig,
Herman Schocne, Williard N". Smith,
Joseph Harriman, P. A. Stokes,
Loring S. Staples, M. D. Staples, B.
Van Dusen, Soren A. Lyngo, P.O.
Seaberg, John Zitt and John Smith.
So far as can bo ascertained, the
syndicate is composed" of wealthy
lumbermen who are thoroughly fa
miliar with logging business aud Inm
ber mills, and it is bafe to presume
that they have purchased, this vast
tract, for the purpose of erecting one
or more mills and converting the
giant trees into lumlier for market
This they can do readily for it
would be an easv matter to erect
mills on the tract, then construct a
short railroad to the Jvlaskanino or
Young's river aud thus on barges ,
send the lumber down to this city for
shipment abroad.
a grand orronxcxTrr.
Now is tho time for tho display of, a
little energy on the part or Astorinns.
Before the owners make any move to
wards erecting their mills in the fdr
est let the business be secured here.
If a liberal offer of an advantageous
location near deep water, where wharf
facilities could bs had, were made to
this syndicate, possibly they could bo
induced to build their mills here and
raft their logs down the Klaskanine
and Young's river.
Such a location, if it were offered
them here on ihc river frout would
very likely be accepted, and if so,
they would undoubtedly erect extens
ive mills, and not only produce rough"
lumber, but budding material in the
way of siding, flooring, shingles,
laths, sashes, doors, blind, etc An
establishment of dimensions commen
surate with the vast tracts of timber
land they own, would bo sure to em
ploy 200 or 300 hands, and would
prove of inestimable value to every
other branch of business in Astora.
ThiB is no imaginative sketch, for
the fact that the company planked
down 841,000 in gold j esterday, with
out any flourish or show whatever,
but quietly and with a desire to es
cape notoriety, is proof positive thaf
they have a strong financial backing
and are abnndautly able to carry out
extensive plans.
Tho purchase of tho land for spot
cash is but a d-op in the bucket, large
as it may appear as a single transac
tion, for no company would purchase
4,000 acres of heavily limbered land
unless they intended to cut it up into
lumber. The erection of mills, the
construction of roaJs and railroads,
the cutting down trees and getting
logs to mill wonld necessitate the ex
penditure of a quarter of a million
dollars before any money would come
back from 'the sale of their lumber
Thejvery .magnitude, then, of their
first moe, purchasing so much land,
is proof positive that they must be a
heavy company, aud is nil the more
reason why a strong effort should bb
mado to secure the location Tf their
extensive mills in ihis city, if it can
be done,
Ojvners of laud on the water front,
who are alive to their interests, should
not fail to mako an offer of a location
for a milL If it cannot be donated, it
would be a profitable investment for
a fund to be raised to purchase snch a.
site and civo it to tho syndicate it they
will build here.
AXettcrroru-an Eminent PlijsicJan.
Mb. Editeb: At .the risk o indorsing
proprietary preparation, I have a few wordi
In favor of a new lazatlvc principle. But
flni, how I came to discover It A patient
asied about tnVing Joy's Vcgctablo Sarsa
pariTla. As sarsaparlllas usually contain
mercury or iodides I objected, and asked for
the formula, which findlngpurely vegetable,
and to mild as to bo to ray mind almost
Inert, I consented. Imagine my astonish
ment when perfect laxative action was re
ported. It has two great points. First, being
purely vegetable, it is (unlike mercury) not
cumulallvou the System, being easily car
ried off by tho digestive processes ; and c coid,
It Is effective with a less quantity'of tho
cathartic principle than has hitherto beca '
attainable. It In this respect ranks?aa a
discovery, and approaches the ideal,.Tis.:
the least medicine consistent with the great
est good. It harmonizes .natural laxativ
action and perfect safetyand shonld inter- -eat
both, the public andthe-prdTesslonbJSJ
xcrrxrirrsiciAx of TsAfT years' ujtm
jW Francisco lmfr,wMnrch'10,iaae
? - r: -y
At the Sunn v Side saloon. Furnished
streets, inquire at burtnysiuo saloon. -
gjMKIins WiCk Board.
Faiifp Jresiring' comfortable rooms
witli Bkrrt!-at reasonable rates, can be
accommodated at Mrs" E. 0. Jloidcn'sJ
oorner Main and Fourth streets.
CSSjcr . " ' ,
fegtlsry. at ftlO Tlrirdt. -.
EffiTpgolFarH ahtfcufo-rhbest in'
the 3tfUgt 0.-H. Cooper's. .
Go TlSHie Columbia "bakery for all
klndftbf:e$ . ,
Tpcfapson sBoss Jiayo just received
a Gnerbr of Italian" rdnc, and aro
selling lLgrJi Igwer IhaiuJYer, ,
jj Caii&y ami NutS
At HelmfsyGiifid strict; 3
Frtlhofc 8oJl or Tub Butter,call
on Tnosirsox & Hossi
2n!sr7aTIc Wine c
DellvetaFat GO cents -a gallon, io any
parfoCpKicify? A line line of pure
California wines at low pricas, at A.
V.ragfljjKr,s PsmPtan saloon.
SdTciHJiarcrs Be or.
AnjrliuSoMtJlie Telephone Sa-
Katr&faker.tae Anstra Tiouso at the
Seaside iSTopeniho year 'round.
Ckfltrci Cry fwPitGier Castoria
The new steamer for H. B. Parker
has been, launched in Portland. She
is a very pretty model, is 140 feet long
and has 26 feet beam.
TIk steam lighthouse tender Man
zanita took on supplies yesterday at
the buoy depot and will tako on more
to-day for tho light stations up the
coast and on Pnget sound. She will
depart to-day or to morrow, and will
bo absent two weeks or more.
Tho British ship Troop from
Shanghai did not get in yesterday as
tho weather is foggy outside. Sho
will probably bo in to-day.
The three-masted schooner Magyie
E. Iiuss arrived down from Portland
j esterday, where she has been un
loading redwood. She will load lum
ber at the West Shore mills for San
The steamer Cascades, Capt W. H.
Whitcomb, starts up the river this
morning, with five empty barges,
bound for Hinkle's quarry, on tho Co
lumbia river. just above Vancouver,
and will bring down rock for the
The steamer Alliance, Capt. John
Peterson, arrived from Gray's harbor
last evening bringing five tons of
household goods for this port and
6000 feet of cedar lumber for Port
land. Sho brought up fifteen pas
sengers.' v
Tho British ship Kinkora, 1799
tons register, 136 days from London,
Henry Lawrence master, arrived ves-
terday. She brings 2,760 tons of gen-1
erai cargo, mciuuing z,uo tons ot
cement She will have to lighter
1,000 ton3 of cement beforo proceeding
up tho river, as she is drawing 21
feet of wafer. Capt. Lawrenco is ac
companied by his wife and 2-year-old
son. He was here, about "four
years ago on tho British ship llr. .
Watson and ia pretty well known
along the water front The ship also
has in her cargo S3 barrels of tar, 200
cases of beer, 4,055 cases of glassware,
and 42 cases of mineral water.
Out of Jthe Fire
P Tormented wtfii'SalF ETicuwi
Cured by Hood's Sarsapartlla.
, Only thoso who havo suffered from salt
rheum in its worst form know tho agonies
caused by this disease. Hood's Sarsapa
rilla hasfhad great success in curing salt
Theuia, and all affections of tho blood.
" I owe tho gratitude to Hood's Sarsapo
nlla that one would to his rescuer from a
burning Bui!dingmrd
'with salt rheum, and had to leavo off work
jaltogether. My lace, about tho eyes, would
bo swollen and- scabbed, my hands and a
jPart of my body would bo raw sores for
weeks at a time, my flesh would seem so
rotted that I could roll pieces from between
my fingers as large as a pea. One
physician called it typo pnjenn
and gave me medicine accord- UIOUI
Ingly; but salt rheum cannot be cured In
that way. Finally I bought a bottle of
Hood's Sarsapartlla. It helped me so much
that I took two more bottles, and was
Entirely Cured LSLS
with salt rheum sinccT I also used Hood's
Olive Ointment on the places affected. It
stops tho burning and itching sensation im
mediately. I will recommend Hood's Sar
saparilla not only for salt rheum, but for
55 Loss of Appetite
'all-gone' feeling so .often experienced."
A. D. ItonBiN'S, Jamaica Plain, Mass.
K.B. H s oudecido to take Hood's Sarsa
parilla, do not bo induced to buy any other.
Hood's Sarsapartlla
"SoldbjdrngglsU. gl; six for S5. Prcparcdby
IOO Doses One Dollar
James Finlayson,
. o343TIiira .Stjrcctv
(Pioneer OiTice.)
Informs the Inhabitantsof Astoria and
surroumlliiK distrlcls he has com
nn Ceil business at the above addtess.
Whore "by fair dealm? and Uy siviiis j;ood
.Ue. he hopes to merit :i share or public
pitroiMRe. .N'nte the addre :
534 Third Street,
Hi ' ". 4.
Scow Bay Founflry
"'- Of all Descriptions
Poultry and Fish
In Quantities To Suit.
fe4fcl FOUXtXEE ST
A,I$e elerfei;of "Ine
n:Lf2i."3:M :?T 1
I artjatoBu4yJUn'rleesT
AU eei St at;?ik',BtallslBie&?
WniBita Gralne.
Watck- ;iiC I Cleclt t Repairing
Cernef CassT, and - j&jucBjioqua Streets
Livery Stables.
-Conveyances ol anyOdnd, onhort notice.
Transf errlne BaRgagp, etc, a specialty.
Telephone Ko, 12. w v
" H. yf. 3HEEMAN & CO.
City Express .Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller,
Headquarters at Main Street wharf.
General Express and Delivery Business
transacted. -
Your patronage is solicited.
Advance Styles of Fall
-' "- AT THE - "
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
He keep3 the Finest Brands of Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars in the City.
Wingale & Stone,
Clatsop Beaeii.
Astoria, ... Or.
Our Seaside Office is closed for
the season. We have a few fine
lots left in Railroad Addition in
Grimes Grove, and on application
at our office in this city will take
pleasure in sending a an down
to show the property.
JiwARR'EN' & Wright.
E. P. N00NAN & CO.
(Succcisirs to)
Groeeries Produce.
Water JtreQt, Astoria, Oregon.
TELEPH&NETfO. 7. - P. 0. BOX 300
County Coroner.
First Clais Undertaking
New Styles, Caskets and funeral material
Next to ASToitiAN oftlce.
I. W, Case,
Transacts a General .Banking Business.
1 Drafts drawn available In any part of the
u. o.ju .Qurupe, onu on iiong iiong, uuina
Office Hours : 10 A.r. to 3 p. m.
Odd Fellows BuiLDiira, Astoria, Oregon.
TM8ta, Lester & Anton,
Surveyors and Architects.
Office, Room 9, Flatel's Bld'g
P. O. Bos 813. ASXOltIA, OR.
W. F. Scheibe,
Smokers' Articles in Stock.
Special Brands Manufactured to Order.
MAIN .STREET, -- - " Astoria, Or
The Oregon Land Co.
Where Property Is Left For Sale.
If You Have Property For Sale Leave It
Don't Fail to See Onr List of Residence Property.
Corner Third and Olney Sts., Astoria.
For Desirable Acreage
Call on or Address
Leinenweber & Goodenough,
SECOND ST., Near Po,tofilce. ----- P. O. Box 63.
X 3" "XT DE3 JS T 3MC IE2 jKT 3? .A. G- ES 2W T .
OSce 487 Third St.,
Lots in Cass's Astoria Are M 01 Sale
Astoria Real Estate Co.
PE1CES FROM 8150 TO $250 EACH.
TERMS One-Half Cash; tho Balance m Six and Twelve Months.
Frankfort Real Estate Co.
OFKIfiFs; J Cor. Commcrei il md Tearl Rts., Trankfort, Wash.
vrxHjtx, -j F, el,a Bn(Jk Block 35 2(I st t Astoria.
Investments Made for Non-Residents, a Specialty.
P. o. ho fifi i Conspjnlencp solicited. Maps. Circulars Jnd all Information
1 cheerfully furnished.
nlRmliri &
w. wr, varm&xsxtrsr, prop.
EEnlarged and Eefitted to Meet the Popular Demand.,3
Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters.
Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc.
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Ton Eestanrant of lie Town
Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Specially
The Finest Wines and liquors.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. I. Ko connection Awth his old place on
Miin Stre t.
Dress Goods
- A. -
Si T
Next to W. U. Telegraph Office.
. t
. HALL & CO.,