The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 22, 1890, Image 1

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I pi g I X i 1 11 III i'iMiiS fm MrM I I I I I III I I
v'OL.XXXV, NO. S3.
Xews from the national capital.
Fatal railroad collision in Chicago.
A millionaire snicides in Michigan.
Fatal railroad collision in Missouri.
Apache Indians murder two white
The Kew York Central train wreckers
Michael Davitt's paper meets wit!
great success.
Northern negroes demand the seating
of Langston.
A Cleveland, Ohio, farmer swindled
Ten Turks drowned in Arkansas dur
ing a rain storm.
Messenger boys arrested in San Fran
cisco for swindling.
The Senate to finish consideration 0:1
Senator Evarfs bill.
Transporting the natives of New
Hebrides for slavery.
A man drowned while trying to switu
the Willamette at Portland.
News regarding tho relations of ILe
Southern Pacific and Union Pacilic
A Farmer Loaim S5,O00 011 11
Natckcl Filled ivltli "Wood.
Special to Thk ASToniAN.l
Cleveuixd, Sept 21. Henry Bur
ns, a wealthy quaker fanner, living
near SmiUifielQ, Jefferson county, was
swindled out of S5.000 by sharpers
today. They went to his 'house and
offered to buy his farm. They left
him a satchel filled, as ho supposed,
with money ;uuouutiiiK to about S13,
1KM. the sharpers said. A few days
later they met Harris at Smithfield
and nsL-cd a loan or ."5,000. Thinkiug
the money in llio satchel ample secur
jtj. Burns made the loan, and the
sharers disapivnrcd. Tlie wsfchol
vi filhsi with paper and pieces ot
ttrutli by ;i Collision.
M-w-a1 Jo Til K A-TOUIXN
L.miata. Mo., Sept. i! 1. Two S.mtsi
Fo freight trains collided here
la-t rrcninj. Bmkomnn (Jills was
ii:.!l lulled and one or the en
Kiiuvrs and his fireman vi e daner
ul injured. Both en;ine. were de
molished and four cars were thiovvn
in'o the ditch
. fttrf OIKtf Vt.-JJUTlJl f(J FlHU til I'illtl.)
Highest of all in Learening Power.
I X. sssaetm
ess ciateovoVb 00000 000 o'efo
Suits, Pants
Erer Skowa to
The : Great :
In Occident Hotel Building.
The gal Fate Wind a Party of
Excnrsionlsls Met
Five Others Seriously Injured The
Accident tho Result of Crim
inal Negligence.
Sp.' by Tiik United 1'uksh.
Chicago, Sept. 2L Four persons
were killed, two are dying and fivo
are seriously wounded, as the result
of somebody's carelessness at Doug
lass Park btatiou. This evening
shortly after 7 o'clock a train of ihe
Illinois Central railway stopped at
Keuzio avenue. It was the last of
four sections which wero taking home
a crowd of excursion ihts, who had
gone out to Addison to enjoy them
selves. At Cljde the train was
switched onto tho Burlington
track and at Douglass Park
station it came to a stop. As
it backed towards the west the
Downer Grove express, of the Bur
lington road, came thundering aloug,
and before the breaks could bo set, or
an alarm given, the pilot of the Bur
lington engine wont crashing into tho
rear of tho picnic train. The second
car was a light suburban one.
The ono behind aud tho one
ahead 01 it were regular passen
ger coaches, aud a great deal hoavier.
Wh en the Burlington train struck the
rear coach of the other train it rose
from the tracks and plowed over the
tender box iu its way for ten feet. It
was completely telescoped as though
it was an ens shell, and hum 111 beings
in its way wero ground to h or
cruelly injured.
Four persons were instantly kilk-.l,
and seven othors were injured, two or
whom will die. Many others wore
slightly hurl, and all abo ird the pic
nic train aud tho Burlington passen
gers were thrown from their seats and
severely shaken up.
Ihe following is a list ot the killed
and injured: Killed Lillie Diuner,
eighteen years old; Martha Dinner,
twenty oars old, a sister of Lillie;
two unknown meu, one apparently
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
o o ojVojWqojgob'qooo
7 J
and Overcoats
tke People of Astoria
Clothing : Palace'
eighteen and the other twenty-three
years of age. Fatally -wounded Min
nie Pilgrim, 22 years old, both legs
broken and some internal injuries;
OttoSchaff, 18 years old, body bruised,
not expected to live. Injured: Louis
Orphey, leg broken; Albert Berger,
foot crushed; Henry Newman, faco
crushed; Tillie Burke, collar bone
broke and internal injuries; Fred A.
Swich, left leg crushed.
Had the Burlington train been run
ning at a high rate of speed every per
son in the car would have met with
instant death.
Citizens carried most of the killed
and wounded into the little depot be
fore the police arrived.
No sooner had tho accident hap
pened than tho conductor of thenii
nois Central uncoupled the telascoped
cars, and with tho rest of tho train
drew into Chicago. Tho police at
one? sent word to tho central station
ordering the arrest of all train hands.
Transporting tlic Native of New
Hobrldcx for Slavery.
Skci u 1 : UK vr.:i vt i
Sx Fiuxcrsco, SoptiM. -Lite ud-
vices from tho South Sea Island, tell
a startling story of the result of l:ib.r,
or the semi-slavo treatment of tho
island savages. Tho whjle of tho
islands in tho Solomon group iu New
Hebrides, and in other sections of
Polynesia, have been depopulated by
tuo ravages of men employed to seize
and transport tho natives to the plan
tations of New Caledonia and the Fiji
Islands. Scarcoly a vessel arrives
here from Australia that does not
bring news of tho massacre of some
white trader or skipper by tho natives,
who have been gradually driven into
desperation by the treatment they
havo received from tho whites. While
many of tho islands have been depop
ulated, no less than 10,000 natives
havo been added to the cheap labor
population of Now Caledonia, Queens
land, tho Fiji Islands and New Heb
rides. Thirty or moro vessels are engaged
in the nefarious traffic, and men are
becoming wealthy at tho business.
Seven Turku Meet Tliclr Death In
a Rain Storm.
Special toTiiB AsTORtix.1
Fokt Smith, Ark., Sept 21. --Dur
ing a lierce storm in tuo lioston
, - . ., r , ,
mountains a party 01 ten Turks whe A
were travelling south with a lot of
dancing bears, lodged in a creek in
the bottom of one of tho gulohos. A
heavy storm caused a torrent iu the
ravino aud seven of tho men and all
of tho bears were drowned.
IV'of Ottly the ."Villoma Ilra
tint .11 any othrr.
It ia 9 tid that dyspepsia is our national '
in.i!nd Well, BuvNomrrn's Pills will
euro tho national uialnuy.
It is Raid that constipation is tuo'ctfrso
of oncjiedpiitnry life. Well, Buaxdbkth's
Tills certainly cure constipation.
It 1a oenprnllv conceded that rhBumn-1
li-mi oomi-s froiu acid stomach and sud .
den ehauses of tcmnoratnro. Biian-
nr.KTii'rf Pills havo corrected all this nnd
will do it nsain.
Chronic diseases nro cored bv tnkin"
la anil
two to four of BnANnnBTn' Pills overy,0!"0 C""5 Irev lit tever ami auo,
nigtiL lor n montn.
BaAKnuCTn's Pills are sold in evcrv
drug and modicino store, oithor plain or
sugar coated. .
: .
o. ooVoo
THE S. P. & U. P. -BOADS
Tie Relations Existing Between
tie Two Corporations -
Closer Relations Established "Batwean
the Southern Pacific, Missouri Pa
cific and the Atchison.
Special by The Uxithd Pkess. v
Sax Fbaxosco, Sept. 21. 1 has
been reported that a bitter feeling ex
ists between tho Southern Pacific and
the Union Paoific companies. This
report appears to have no foundation
whatever. The comparatively recent
expressions of Charles Francis Adams,
-t l ,, -n - y-i i !
President of the Umon Pacific, and of
tbo officials ot tho Southern Pacific
company, as well as the harmony that
nas always existed, show on the con-
trary the existence of cordial rela
tions. Many small differences havo nat
urally arisen, and some -have existed
for a good while, but the relations
now are understood to bo wholly satisfactory-
One of these differences
wa3 in tho division of rates on through
business, and especially on business to.
JUenver and Montana, on which tho
Union Pacific demanded and secured
a proposition of the whole rate, practi
cally amounting to their own local
It was learned yesterday that not
long ago the Union Pacific made con
cessions in these cases, and anew di
vision was agreed upon, in which tho
Union Pacific received as its share bnt
little more than .1 pro rata based, on
A dispatch from Chicago states that
tho details of a gigantic railroad
combination woro just coming
to light. Tho deal was said
to consist in tho establishment
of close relations among the Southern
.Pacific, Missouri Pacific and the
AlohLson, amounting to an offensive
unu UU1UU31YU uiuuuce. Ana 11 was
fnrthor asserted that tho three great
5y8toms wero rhiniiy nnder ono
unu aeiensivo amance. Ana it was
Tho Southern Pacifc officials say
that there is no truth in the, report
The L'fTpets of Mental Kxhanstlon. . scs.fspeelallylhoeortheuer
ous3stein, arcth( product, t daily re-
iirueu niruuM cui.iusium. Hustings avi-
cviioiH f(i'n in olve :iu amount t-r mental 1
wear nn.Utur t-ry prcjudica! t. lUjsIcal
hu.i Hi an I Hi- profttiNio:. It anlnnuMv !
luiisut'il. utc Uj iH-i ttcsini'tivc Ui hRiii'i !
anl nerve iLiiue. Jt-N-oHf of tho Aioat nttrihutosof Itusieltor'sstonuiCii t
llittor., th a 11 cunipriHaU"? fur this undue
lHiO iKsue. un.l h.u it iiiKKirls new pti-
'"BV to ln'-bruii anil uotvm. Tin. rapidity
lV"J... 1 " V"''. 1w,!lJ!C,,e, ni-ntal
" ";ri I A "5 s V 'i"1. L?'" fc
....-. X. ..J ......
:iru in 1 ue 11 KJiesi onn-r. i:esnies 1 icrfUbing ;
vitil suinui.t :iTnt oiiiilt r.n tintr :lu (-fleets
of uiruLii fxlnastton. tnis iMitnital mcdi-
:. .1 "" -"- 1 n-nu m mu.
,wt it t'.-i in, oi..,.,'., ., li"
10 -
Though it is generally known that I have for the last
YL0J two shown the .largest assortment of Mens and
Boys Wear in the Qtyit will be news to most people that
I am now away ahead of all my previous efforts. Such an
" .7. ' '"'.!' '
exhibition of the tailors' art in the-production of a superior
stock, at the most reasonable prices, I am sure cannot fail
to merit the appreciation of all judicious Bargain Hunters.
t '
The Roliable'' Clothier and Blatter,
I I V 1.
-Apaclie Indians Murder Two
- White men.
Special to The Astoriax
Asbuqueeque, N. M., Sept. 21.--Last
night General Carr, in the camp
here of the Sixth Cavelry from Fort
"Wincafe. received a telegram frnm
Governor Prince stating that Indians
were on tne warpato-in the Blacfi
Bange mountains,' antUhat twb white
men had been killed. No furthur
particulars were received. On receipt
ot tne news ireneral-ajarr notified the
department at "Washinpton. and the
Tmmanding officer at Fort Bayard
U iciegrapu, . oroenng ine latter 10
iiim-ccu mmieuiaieiy wiui a company
of soldiers to the scene Tim fJen.
era! thinks that "The Kid" and other
renegade Apache Indians are respon
sible for the killing.
ItM First Isauc ITIccts ivitii nn As.
tonlshing- Sale.
Special to The AsToniAX
London, Sept. 21. The first issue of
Michael Davitt's weekly paper, the
Labor World; has met with an as
tonishing sale, and its declaration of
principles "and program are hailed
with -evident satisfaction by certain
classes, whose interests Mr. Davitt
espouses. These include not merely
the laboring men but tenant farmers
and small shop keepers. In -fact all
persons of small means and precari
ous conditions in life. For this reason
the sales of the paper are considerably
abovo that of any previous journal of
its kind.
Ended Jllh Existence.
Special 10 Tiik Astohiax.1
Grand Rapids, MicIl, Sept, 2L
William D. Gilbert, nephew and heir
apparent of T. D. Gilbert, and a mil
lionaire and wealthy man himself,
committed suicido yesterday by put
ting a bullet through his head. Ill
health is thought to have unbalanced
liia mind. Ho leaves a wifo and three
Tin First Step.
Pi'ihaiH ou are inn down. can't
raiftj-Iet'p, can't think, can't do anj'
thing to joiir satiAfactinu. .and you
wonder what ails oti. You should
hi'i'il tin v:irniii!?. mi'ii :m tnlfinr lln
fir&t step into Nirous l'rotration.
.fti in .t. iitjiti- .1'iiii 411111 111 citri;-
tric I5itlrs jou will Hud tli ixact rem
edy for reMoriiig jour nenoiis system
to its normal, healthy condition. Sur-
piismg riairts follow tho uc of this
great Nerve Tonic and A Iterative.
"tonrappelile returns', good digestion
i t P(.tnr.wl fitiil llu. I .i i.i oinl T..liift 1?
resume healthy action. Try a bottle.
rnouMK', at .). v.uonn urugsiore.
The people of the state of Califor
nia w-ere taxed $2,531,616 to sustain
institutions having tho care of their
iusauo, dnring tho year 18S9.
.4 IVnticc.
So Says an -Oregon Pioneer Ninet-N
Yean, Old.
Foukst Gkovk. Or., larch ID I
have used llu- OIIEGON K1DNKY
TEA aud obtained immediatu relief.
It is God s lUvslng to liuthanitv. I take
jdeasiire in lecoinincndiiig it to the
atnicted. I am now nearly ninety- , ears
old. cune to Oregon in 1R12 in ihe em
jilov nt the llmNon l.iy Gouipany,
ami sn-e 1 lu'gan using the OKEGON
Kl .Ti)Y THA I enjov good hea th.
15 r'
9 r.8HyT
To Finisl Consideration of Senator
Eyarts' BE .
Bepublicans Determined to. Push It
Througli and Seat the Col
ored Gent.
Special by The Uniteo Pjress.
'"Washington, Sept. 21. The Senate
this week will-continue to work on
the unfinished program outlined by
the Kepnblican caucus, and finish the
consideration of Senator Evarts' bill
for the relief of the Supreme Court,
which could come up as unfinished
business to-morrow. This and Sena
tor Edmunds' private land claims
court bill, which, was laid aside tem
porarily last week, will probably en
gage the attention of the Senate most
of the week, and the bill to transfer
the revenue marine from the treasury
to the navy department and several
labor bills next on tho program will
be more than enough to keep tho
Senate busy during the entire week.
The conference reports ou the gen
eral deficiency bill nnd the tariff bill,
which are likely to come in by tho
middle of tho week, may displace tho
labor bills untill next week. The
work of the Senate during the week,
as tho time for adjournment about
October 1st, approaches, bids fair to
become interesting if not exciting.
Republicans in the House have de
termined that tho Langston-Venable
contested election case shall be put
through this week, and that Langston
will bo seated boforo any other
business comes before the House.
They expected to accomplish
it this week, but the balance of the
quorum of the Bepnblican members
prevented tho action. As it is now
almost certain that a snfficient num
ber of tho Republican members pro
vented the action, it is now al&o cer
tain that a sufficient number of Re
publican absentees will be present to
morrow. SO to break tho InnillnM.-
In this event the case will bo quickly
pusueu 10 a conclusion, if circum
stances are favorable, for it will bo
followed bv tho nnnfoatfwl nWfirtr.
caso of Miller, Republican, against
Northern Negroes Demand That
He Bo Given a Scat.
Special to TnK Astobian.1
JWasiichitox, Sept. 21. Langston,
the Colored COTlfpstfinf -nrlioon niiaa ia
pending in the House, is playing a
uigu cam 10 compel tuo itepubheans
to sent him. TTia wnrl-om lint-nJ unn
consolidating the sentiment among
the negroes of the north, so that their
-organs are practically threatening
that Langston must bo seated or the
colored vote will trim tho cfiinnrofnaf
the Republican candidates in many
L oX 0.0
close districts. Langston raised the
race issue in his canvass for Congress,
and Mahone claimed that he repelled
wnue Yoies enougn to lose the state to
Harrison. The threats of negro pa
pers are having their effect there, and
nearly a solid Republican vote will be
cast to seat Langston, although his
case is one of the weakest that has
been reported from the committee.
Republicans maintain to-night that
to-morrow there will not only be a
quorum, but that Langston will be
nromntlv seated. Tha RPn finer nf
Langston is held now to be an ab
solute practical necessity.
Drowned in the Attempt.
Special to The Astorian.1
Portland, Sept 21. Geo. Easall,
a laborer in the employ of W. G.
Alexander, while attempting to swim
the "Willamette river this evening, was
seized with cramps and was drowned.
He was aged 38 years and single. He
was a native of New York, and has
relatives living in "Wisconsin. His
body was not recovered.
A Silo In Thirty Seconds.
A mile in thirty seconds was the
rate at which a party of newspaper
men were whirled along the Boston
bicycle railway from Gravesend to
Cony Island. A single bicycle pas
senger car was used. The car itself
was a double decker, in each deck
being six doubled and one single com
partment, each compartment being
by itself and entered from the side
of the car. Each is less in width
than half of tho standard gauge track,
so that two cars can pass each other
when they run on opposite rails. The
wheels of the car are directly under
tho center, a double ilango grasping
the rail. The car is prevented from
toppling over by double wheels at
tached to the top of the car and
running one on each side of a con
tinuous beam held up by frame-work
on either side ot the track. The
engiuo is a bicycle one also. The car
is run on the principle of a hoop in
motion which the faster it goes the
less likely it is to wobble or fall over.
Some engineering papers have al
ready declared it is destined to
revolutionize the present system of
passenger transportation. Boynten
says he can carry 1000 passengers at
tho rate of twenty miles an hour
continuously, or 600 passengers nt the
rate of 100 miles an hour.
Distinction is what we crave. The
degree is unimportant. If we can't
break the bank or run off with a
friend's wife, we can eat quails on a
wager or talk like Sam Jones.
A Saf Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or iu case of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can huy from our
advertised drugqist a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption.
It is guaranteed to bring relief in every
case, when used for any affection of
Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con
sumption, inflammation of Lungs,
Bronchitis, Asthma, "Whooping Cough,
Croup, etc.,-etc. it is pleasant and
agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and
can always be depended upon. Trial
bottles free ac J. "W. Conn's drugstore.
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can
be boitcht at the lowest Triin it. .r w
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
iiuit'i, vsioria-
o oo 0 o o o o o oo cTo cfbo-o 000000 ooo'o o"o o oo"6 o"o o66oooo
and Valises
Blankets and Quilts
fi .
. n
t- In Occident Hotel
Sew Toft Central Train Wrecters
Acimowleflp Tleir Guilt.
He Purnished the Conspirators With
Money to Leave the Country,
After the Wreck.
Special by The United Pbess.
New Yobk, Sept. 21. The Sun has
a special from Troy saying that full
confessions of the men implicated in
the recent train wrecking outrage on
the New York Central, have been ob
tained for publication, and that they
contain many damaging statements.
One of the most interesting features
is the implicating of a leader of the
Anights of Labor in the strike, Mas
ter "Workman Edward J. Lee. The
conspirators personally furnished
them with money to leave the country
after they wrecked the express. They
describe his conferences with the men
who were leaders in the plot. The
dispatch also assers that information
regarding the identity of the conspira
tors came to the railroad people from
the upper councils of the Knights,
and that since the strike began the
railroad company has had in its pay
men high in the order, who have con
stantly furnished information.
Cause or Rheumatism.
The supreme importance of -purifying
the blood and restoring the liver
antr kidneys to healthy action, has been
a subject of great studj-, the results
of which have enabled us to present to
the afflicted, Hibbards JKheumatic
Syrup. By cures unprecedented, it has
proven its right to the title of ''The
Greatest Rheumatic Remedy ever dis
covered." For sale by J. W. Conn.
An early religious education is not
to be despised. I know a Christian
housewife who consoles her hot hours
over jellies and jams with the cate
chetical promise, "The Lord Makes
preserves and keeps them."
T have known women who wouid
die before they would expose an inch
of stocking, but would barethe nudity
of their minds without a pang.
1 DkAmW
AviTXnUpKETbrr4 dfBifJ7
The (ThasA-Vogeler (Maiici'Md-
affC-- .