The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 21, 1890, Image 3

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    Tv Uaflj Itefotm
.SEPTEMBER 21. 1890
Publisher aud Proprietor.
AsTomvy Building. - CassStueet
Term of Subscription.
Sen cd hv earner, mt a cek ............ 15 cts
eut by Mail, per month CO cts
VJit lv Mail, one 5 ear . . $7.00
Five of postage 10 subscribers.
Thk AsToniAN gu:irantei's to Its adver
Isers the largest circulation of any newspa
t r ;uMihed on the Columbia river.
(Additional Local News on 4th Page.)
The couuly board o equalization
vnll meet on Monday, the 29th inst.
Frightening a Lone Woman at Midnight.
Dr. Alfred Kinney and family have
returned from their summer residence
at Gearhart Park.
F. 11. Snrprenant has been ap
pointed administrator of the estate
of Nicholas Spero, deceased.
Ileal estate transactions have been
better aud more numerous the past
week than for several weeks recently.
Dennis Leonard, an able seaman of
the 2?oddleburn, v,;is taken to the
hospital yesterday suffering with a
very sore lej.
The South Bend base ball team did
not arrive as wtis expected last even
ing and the home team were sorely
Next Sunday the Nqb Hill base
ball time or Portland ill cross bats
a ilb the home team at Smith's Point.
Then a most interesting game may be
looked Tor.
A w hale was seen spouting or blow
ing in the channel opposite the West
Shore nulls 3 esterday morning. This
is, we believe, the first time a whale
has been seen so far up the river.
"Work on changing and enlarging
the M. E. church is to bo commenced
to-morrow, and Rev. G. W. Grannis
and family will remove to Captain
Snow's house on Main street up on
the hill.
Last evening at 10 o'clock William
Scott and Thomas Kearney were ar
rested for lewd cohabitation, and in
default of $300 each they were by Jus
tice Cleveland committed to the
county jaiL
Captain W. EL Whilcomb last even
ing received orders from Major Hand
bury to man the steamer Cascades
and be ready for sen ice early in the
week to tow barges of rock for the
jetty. So the noble work goes bravely
Services as usual to-day at the Pres
byterian church, to be conducted by
Bev. LW. Gamer, LL.D. Morning
theme, "Strength of Character;" even
ing theme, "Why Does Not God Kill
the Devil and Put an End to Every
Form of Evil?"
This morning at 11 o'clock Rev.
Sprague Davis, of Tacoma, will occu
py the pulpit of the M. E. church. In
the evening at 730 the pastor, Rev. G.
W. Grannis, will deliver the first of a
series of sermons on Old Testament
characters, the subject being "Adam."
There are contemptible creatures
that walk in the form and semblance
of men who act like demons but allow J
no regard for property or the feelings
of others to prevent their demoniac
promptings. Three of them one
night last week did a deed that should
make them hang their heads for
shame: a deed that would make
devils blush.
On the Benton street hill is the
residence of first officer Gregory of
the Manzanita.
There live his wife and three chil
dren, and he is often away when the
Mauzanita is engaged in tending the
lighthouses at various points on the
Knowing that Mrs. Gregory was
on this night alone with her little
ones, the ruffians referred to, in a de
sire to be devilish, put into execution
a scheme that could only arise in
brains devoid of all the attributes of
There is a young man employed as
clerk in an office in this city. Him
they got drunk, then carried and led
him up the hill, and opening the
kitchen window in Mrs. Gregory's
house, flung him in, where be fell
with great violence on the floor.
bho heard the crash, the fumbling
of the drunken young man in the
darkness, and thoroughly frightened,
fled screaming to a neighbor's hbose.
The neighbor returned with -Ihe
trembling woman and tha" na
ture of the midnight vis
itation was revealed. The young
man, whose brains were addled 'with.
bad whisky, and whoiras as innocent
as a sheep, was told where howas, and
given an opportunity to go home, on
opportunity of wliich he quickly and
quietly avadedliimself.
Through, regard tor his estimable
parents ins name" is .withheld.
The friends Tvjio conveyed, -him "up
the lull -doublless think ifcwas "a
joke." TrobafaJyTthatis-thelc idea of.
fmij but If U10 young-man lias any. lin
gering sense of shame ho will never
again give those midnight devils an
opportunity to repeat so contemptible
and dastardly a trick.
Tie " Got. Moofly " Goes Ashore In
a Fog on Mi Head.
Farts of a Ship Found Afloat at Sea by
the "Xoddlebnrn."
There was great amusement for all
at the ball game yesterday, and last
evening there were very many crip
ples in town. It was rare for many of
the players to do so much running in
one day, and last night they were as
bad off as fouudered and knee-sprung
The pastor of the Congregational
church will discourse upon the follow
ing themes to day: At 11 a. m.,
"Hear Ye Him; or, the Pre-eminenco
of Christ as a Religious Teacher and
Law Giver." At 7:30 p. m., "What
God Hath Joined Together Let No
Man Put Asunder; or, A Recent Case
in Court.'
In tho ball game yesterday the law
yers led from the start, but the real es
tate men put on the finishing touches.
It was worth anybody's time to see
Elmore do the coaching. AL Clove
land's base-walking cost the lawyers a
run or two, and CrandalTs picnic
pants were admired by all.
When portions of a wreck are found
at sea and no name can be discovered
to indicate the name of the lost vessel
there is always a feeling of dread, un
certainty and wonder as to the fate of
the crew and passengers.
The British baxkJSfoddleburn, Cap
tain Hall, met with such an incident,
which is still shrouded in mystery, -as.
will be seen by -the 4 following extract!
from herleg: . . 3
Left London dock April 21, 1890 at
3 p. m. On Friday. August .22nd at
9 a. h. in Lat. 15-51 H, Jjong.J23-5T
w, during nne t earner; ana smooui.
sea, fell in with some .smalt floating
wreckage, backed main yard and pnj;
out the gig with seconrLmate .and four
hands, chief mate aloft with, glasses
for directing boat Picked , up a por
tion of the starboard ,atter part 01 a J
ships double ender boat painted
white with Liverpool painted in black;
also teasewooa internal jnrangs, iap
parently partition of Alleyway of
ship's cabin) being panned and
moulded and having a guard rail on
the one side, while the other .side ap
pears to have been a berth. A berth
door with light graining inside, also
piece of deck plank (broken) painted
white underneath and the seam white
leaded (evidently a poop.) A leather
pillow, a hve gallon coal oil can partly
full, with paper label as follews:
"Beacon Light Oil. The eafeat Jig"ht
for family use. Nathan, agents, 324
Front street, S. F." Alsq part of
small patent log box with 1,272 in
pencil on the bottom, and a teake
capstan bar. The above had "evi
dently been but a short time in the
water. Cruised around tho vicinity
until 2 p. at. with lookouts aloft bujt
failed to pick up anything with a clew
to name of ship. ,
Nothing of any note or consequence
occurred durinc? tho rest oLthetriD.
and the vessel arrived hero on Friday
evening, as reported .in. yesterday's
A Valiant Bnc Ball Contest Victory
for the Boomers.
The X. M. C. A. annual convention
meets at Portland next Wednesday,
and will last over Sunday. Repre
sentative men from prominent points
from California to British Columbia
will be present The convention will
bo very interesting and well worth
the attention of the christian community.
Sixth Day of tlie SeptembtriTorm, Sutar-
day, Sept. 20, 1890, r..
Yesterday two men were brought
here to the hospital, having received
injuries in tho woods. One is named
Smith and came from Mclntyre's
camp, where he was at work and the
axe struck him on the big toe, split-J
ung uiat ana pare 01 nis loot. The
other man is named Morgan and was
brought from Westport, where lie -was
accidentally struck with an axe and
his knee cap was badly cut
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of Deep
River have suffered a great affliction
in tho loss of their two sons. Franz
Joseph died on tho 16th inst, aged G
years 9 months and 27 days; on the
17 th his death was followed by that of
Charles Robert, aged 8 years 10
months and 29 days. It is seldom that
are parents called upon to bear such a
load of sorrow and the sympathy of
the community goes out to them.
On board of the Manzanita is a
splendid model yacht with full sails,
small boats, and everything as com
plete in detail as on a large yacht It
is about four feet long, of appropriate
dimensions and correctly made. It is
the work of Capt Babbidge, of New
port, and is sent here in care of his
son Gas Babbidge, who will forward it
to the Exposition at Portland which
opens on Thursday, where it will be
on exhibition.
The court met at 9 o'clock a. m.,
officers all present
Karl Johan Karlsbn, a native of
Sweden, was admitted as a citizen of
the United States. ,
N. P- Canning Company ts."X P.
Fester: motion. for-.cQntinnanco al-.
lowed until Friday xaorningnext, 1
Samuel itusseiu. Jto-uarnanan, tx.
Findlay, T.-QrTinngerrnH R. A.
Abbott were 'excu&ednas jurors until
Monday. . -" lt
Matilda Berendes vs. Henry-Beren-des;
decree of divorce by'defanlfc. ,
Katie Linvilleivs. "M. OrLinville;
decree'.ot divorcCoJr default !.3,r ...J
KjQOIgQ. jpsweuama y Aiportf uu
The loss of a pilot schooner in its
own immediate locality, where it
is supposed that the officers on board
know every foot of the coast is a sin
gular thing to chronicle in a home
paper, but nevertheless it is a dis
agreeable fact.
The news first reached this city by
a dispatch from Signal Observer
Young at Fort Canby which was sent
from there at 9:30 yesterday morning,
and read as follews:
The pilot schooner Qov. Moody
went ashore in a fog on North Head
at 4:30 a. n. The vessel is a total
wreck. The cook, George Salvely,
was drowned; Capt Peter Cordiner,
arm and head hurt, but not seriously;
Louis Olsen, slightly hurt in left hip;
Gustavus Adolphus McCorda, slightly
out in head.
A .second dispatch from the same
source, and dated at 2 o'clock p. h.,
was as follews:
The wreck lies at the base of tho
5liff at Wills prairie. The colored
cook, George Salvely, reported
drowned, was discovered by the life
crew on a rock under a cliff and
hauled ashore by them. They then
boarded the" wreck and saved nearly
all the men's clothing, also books and
sextant As far as can bo seen there
is not the slightest ohance of saving
the vessel.
A little before six o'clock last even
ing the steamer Suomi arrived hero
from Hwaco, bringing Capt Peter
Cordiner and the crew of tho wreck,
and as near as can be ascertained from
a conversation with them and from
the above dispatches the facts are giv
en herewith.
It seems that the two pilots who
went out on the schooner on Friday
had been transferred to incoming ves
sels and Capt Peter Cordiner, the
sailing master, was in charge. He isn
an experienced navigator but a new
comer in these waters and not at all
familiar here, either with the coast
or the currents. It wa3 very foggy
on Friday night and the vessel stood
out to sea for six hours, then headed
shoreward for two hours, when sud
denly at 420 yesterday morning the
schooner struck the rocks, and the
men on board found they were on a
rocky shore and against the edge of a
high bluff.
They climbed up the mainmast, but
the vessel lurched heavily against tho
rock, the mast broke off and they fell
to the deck slightly injured. Then
they climbed the forerigging and
managed to get off to the rock.
While doing this, Capt Cordiner's
arm wa3 badly bruised by being
caught between the mast and the
rock, as the ship rolled, for there was
a heavy swell on, and the schooner
was continually bumping against the
rocks and gradually being driven
further on shore.
The colored cook was supposed to
have been lost, but he managed to get
on another rock lower down from
which he was afterwards rescued by
being hauled up with a rope.
As soon as word reached them the
life-saving crew at the Fort Canby
station went to the wreck and did ex
cellent service. They also connected
the rock and the schooner with a line
and saved considerable property from
the vessel.
Capt Flavel says it is a wonder that
all hands were not lost, for the boat
was heading directly for that rocky
shore and coming rapidly both by the
wind and the powerful current which
sets in there so swiftly. It was also
not quite daylight, and there was a
dense fog at the time.
The action of the "Union Pacific in
placing in command of a pilot schooner
n man who is a stranger to these
waters is very reprehensible, for how
over good a navigator ho may be he
certainly was not familiar with this lo
cality and tho course of the currents.
TJiere are scores of men here well
quaJihedfor the position, who know
every foot of the coast and are pos
sessed of every possible knowledge re
quired concerning the soundings, the
currents and curves, any one of whom
could have been secured for tho place.
The Qqt. Moody was a staunch
schooner, built for the business, had
been idle for several months, but had
just been overhauled and refitted, and
sailed out on Friday for the first
time, and then was wrecked tho very
next day. She was owned by the
state, but was operated bythe Union
Paoifio, and was insured for $11,000.
Yesterday was eventful of no little
interest among th' vivacious people of
the city, as it was tho occasion of the
base ball contest between a chosen
nine of attorneys and as many real
estate dealers of Astoria. All during
the fore part of que day could be
seen upon the streets ominous signs
of the approaching coiitest; base balls
were seen flying from fingers soft and
delicate and unaccustomed to a harder
usage than that of v.ielding tho pen
or turning the leaves of law books; a
squad of lawyers on one corner, a
knot of real estate men on another,
and no little speculation was indulged
in by people generally.
As the hour approached for the
game the Bay railway train was kept
flying with passengers for some time,
until several hundred rsople had con
gregated upon the grounds, a large
number of ladies forming a conspicu
ous and a graceful feature.
The game was called at 3 o'clock.
Judge Taylor acted as umpire for the
lawyers, and Captain Chenault offici
ated in the same capacity for the real
estate men. The two nines of players
were named in the following posi pesi posi
teons: Heal Estate. Position. Ijawtees.
Tattle..-. catcher Southern
Cook pitcher Carpenter
Marion short stop Koland
Crandall 1st base. . . .G. C. Pnlton
VanDosen 2d base J.H.Smith
Hodge .Sdbnse ,....Cnrtis
McGowan left field Cleveland
Stono center field. -C. W. Fulton
Elmore .right field.... Thompson
The "toss up" sent tho Lawyers to
bat They took hold with an energy
that bespoke determination to win or
bleed. Several moderate but safe
hits filled tho bases when Southern
wont to bat and raised a fly far out
over the fielders and vacated the
bases, reaching third himself. The
round up of this inning for tho Law
yers was seven runs.
The Boomers went to bat and suc
ceeded in scoring one run. Then fol
lowed tho Lawyers with two; then tho
Boomers got a goose-egg; then the
Lawyers captured two more ana tlie
Boomers one. Thus ended the third
inning with the scoro standing nine to
two in favor of the Lawyers, and
looking decidedly blue for thoBoomers.
In this style tho game continued until
the beginning of theninth and last
inning, when the score stood 20 to 13
in favor of the Lawyers. The latter
went to bat and scored one run. This
left eight runs for their opponents to
overcome. The Boomers had borne an
equal fight throughout the entire con
test Their competitors were flushed
with success, and perhaps a trifle vain
glorious. It looked as though they
had the game within their grasp. But
the Boomers had no notion of being
vanquished, even with such odds star
ing them in tho face. They went into
their last play in the game with a de
termination that they would win or
die, and win they did, as can be seen
from the following score by innings:
Lawyers.... 7 2 2 2 0 2 0 6 121
Boomers. ..1 0 14 0 3 1 3 1023
And thus closed one of the most ex
citing base ball games ever played in
Clatsop county.
An Interesting Trip Down tliB Coast
as Far as Cap Blanco.
Deeds filed or recorded on Sept 20,
1890, as reported for The Mobxtxg
Astoriak by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust comoany :
U. S. to Charles Williams re
ceiver's receipt for tho N y,
of the NE If and N X of
NW U of sec 1, T 6 N", R
10 W S
U. S. to John Bran for the
SWKof section 8, T 5 N,
U. S. to William E. Joplin,
thoNW of. tho NWif
of sec 20 and tho NE if
of the SW if and E K of
the NW M of sec 20 T 7
U. S. to Samuel Freeman
the SW if of sec 17, T 7
Deeds filed 14; total amounts 1,000
Previously reported this year 1,C43,C00
A rule has been established in Dis
trict No. 9, that any pupil who is ab
sent for two days in succession, must
present an order signed by at least
two of the directors before said pupil
will be allowed to attend school again.
There has been so much difficulty ex
perienced by the teaches in securing
regular attendance at school that the
above rule has been made by the
principal and endorsed by the direc
tors with the hope that regular attend
ance may be secured in the future.
j:-i ' iZ.
Jury excused until Monday; 10 a, m,
Theot -Bracket excused, aintil .next
E. W. Sehlin vs. E. F. Sehlin; de
cree of divorce granted.
Court adjourned until lu a. m.,
Monday, September 22d-
There is a dangerous hole in the
planking on Second street which
should be repaired before some seri
ous accident results. Only yesterday
a horse stumbled in it and barely
missed breaking his leg. Strangers
riding or driving in the city will have
an unfavorable opinion of this city if
such dangerous .traps are allowed to
go unmended. The hole is easier re-
? aired than a horse's leg if broken,
he property owners, "who are abund
antly able to do so, should see that
their property is not disfigured by
dangerous holes in the planking.
Freeman Parker is in this city from
Hon. J. H. D. Gray went to South
Bend yesterday on business.
Rev. G. W. Grannis will address the
Y. M. O. A. this afternoon at three
Julius Strauss returned last evening
from a three days business trip to
Miss Eugenia Johnson, of Eugene,
Oregon, who is teaching school on
Clatsop plains, is on a visit to her
aunt, Mrs. W. W. Parker.
Steamboat, hull and boiler inspect
ors Edwards andMoDermott returned
from Shoal water bay last evening, and
will go to Portland this evening.
Parker's camp at Seaside is broken
and Mrs. Clara Pease and Mrs. Clara
Johnson went to Skipanon yesterday.
Mrs. Johnson will retunf to this city
to morrow.
Total to date....
Rescue Clnl).
Last evening Rescue Hall was filled
to overflowing to hear tho regular
weekly exercises. Tho president, Rev.
Ft O. Weeks, opened the exercises and
requested Rev. G. W. Grannis to lead
in prayer, after which Miss Lena
Mason gave a humorous recitation,
which was loudly applauded, followed
by a temperance recitation by little
Gracio Rannels. Next was a song by
H. M. Curdy, which was well received.
lvev. Sprague Davis, of bouth Bend,
was then introduced and addressed
the large audience on the subject of
prohibition in Kansas, which pleased
his hearers, as shown by tho unani
mous applause that was tendered tho
gentlemnn. Remarks by the Rev. F.
O. Weeks on "How to Make a States
man" were welt received. Mrs. L.
Hnrtwig, Miss Dora Badollet and B.
Ward were appointed a committee on
program for next Saturday night.
Signing tho pledge was next in order,
and after singing tlie closing hymn
the large audience dispersed.
S25 Reward.
I will give the above reward for in-io-rmatkm
which will enable me to
fid aay daughter Nellie.
Two more Lady Walters at Jeffs New
Furniskeil Rooras Tor House
keeping. I have six nicely furnished rooms to
let for housekeeping, at 271 Second St,
up stairs and down, at my Iruit store.
Mrs. Holmak.
Mrs. Derby and McKenzIe Invite the
Ladies of Astoria and vicinity to their
opening of Fall and winter millinery
on 1 uesday, ijept 23rd.
A full line of the celebrated B. &. W.
collars and cuffs just received at O.H.
Thompson & Boss have just received
a fine lot of Italian Prunes, and are
selling ihem lower than ever.
At .Holmes, 60 Third, street
J. Caldcr, JD. 1. 8. Dentist.
Graduate of the Boston Dental Col
lege. Office over P. J. Goodman & Co.'s
shoo store. Calder's Vegetable Local
Anaesthetic for painless extraction of
Mrs. Friend and Mrs. Ahercomhie on
Benton street east of tha postofiiee, are
prepared to do first el ass w ork. Ladies
In need of work in our line are invited
to call.
The Finest Photos
Ara now taken by H. S. Shuster. See
new 8am pies.
Wcinkard's Beer
At the Sunny Side saloon. Furn!shd
rooms to let corner Third and Olney
streets. Inauire at Sunnyside saloon.
For Choice Ball or Tub Butter, call
on Thompsox & Ross.
That tired feeling is entirely overcome
hv Blood's Sarsanrilla. which creates an
appetite,rouses the liver, cures headache,
and gives renewed strength and vigor to
the whole body. Be sure to get Hood's
Sarsaprilla, which Is peculiar to itself.
Sold by all druggist
Telephone Liodjcms House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts per week S1.50. Eew and
clean. Private entrance.
IfelkingSuccccrts JLlkc Success.
lt is verified by tho fact that nearly
everybody eats at JclTs New restaurant
Nicely Furnished
.Rooms torfent. Enquire of Mr?. S.
Daggett atthe Grounds Ilouse.
Delicious Ice Cream
Served the Columbia bakery.
Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of cakes.
The lighthouse tender, the steamer
Manzanita, Capt. Richardson, with
Capt W. W. Rhoades inspector of
this district, and Mrs. Rhoades, on
board, left here on Thursday evening
the 11th instant bound down the coast.
At noon of the next day they arrived
at Cape Blanco light station, the
most southerly station in Capt
Rhoades district, but the sea was
high and the weather too unfavorable
for landing, so tho steamer proceeded
south to Port Orford and dropped
anchor at 230 p. ir. The annual sup
plies for the station were landed here,
from which place tljey are hauled
seven miles over a rough wagon road.
Saturday morning Capt Rhodes
and wife rode across the country
and visited the Cape Blanco light,
which the captain officially inspected,
and they returned to tho steamer be
fore dark. Saturday the steamer
Truckee, Capt Gregory, camo into
Port Orford for a harbor, as the sea
was too rough outside for the vessel
to continue her course to Tillamook,
and that is a very sheltered anchorage.
Captain Richardson and First Officer
Gregory visited the Truckee after she
came to an anchor and called ou Capt.
Gregory, who was formerly in com
mand of tho Manzanita, and is well
known here.
Sunday, tho 11th instant, Capt.
Gregory returned their call and met
Capt and Mrs. Rhoades for the first
time, and a pleasant day was passed
by all on the Manzanita, tho weather
being too rough for the vessel to como
Monday Capt Rhoades, Capt. Rich
ardson aud Chief Engineer Lord went
ashore and had a hunting excursion,
capturing considerable game. That
afternoon the steamer Lagnna, Capt
Yarnberg, also came into Port Orford
for a safe anchorage, the sea being a
little too rough for the vessel outside.
Tuesday it was no better, and as tho
wind was blowing very strong, all
three steamers remained at their
Wednesday, tho 17th inst, the wind
and sea having moderated, all three
vessels weighed their anchors and put
out from Port Orford in the morning.
The Manzanita arrived at Cape
Arago light, off Coos bay, at 1 o'clock
p. ir., dropped anchor, landed sup
plies, and Captain Rhoades inspected
tne station, then they proceeded up
the coast, arriving off Cape Foul
weather light, which is on the westerly
end of Yaquina head, seven miles
south of the cape, at 2 o'clock a. m.
Thursday. The steamer stood off and
on until daylight, then to Yaquina
bay, where Captain Minott, of the
steamer Mischief, came on board and
piloted the vessel into the bay and up
to Newport
The same day (Thursday) Captain
and Mrs. Rhoades and Captain Rich
ardson rode in a wagon six miles or
more across the country from New
port to Cape Foul weather light, which
was inspected, and they returned, call
ing on the way on Mrs. Cole, wife of
Rev. Mr. Cole, of Portland.
Friday morning Captain and Mrs.
Rhoades left Newport and went to
Yaquina City, where they took tho
cars for Portland. At high water that
day Captain Minott piloted the Man
zanita out of Yaquina bay, and tho
steamer came slowly up tho coast, as
the run was but short to their next
At one o'clock on Saturday (yester
day) morning they were off Tdla
mook rock, where they intended to
take 'off "Mr. Hunt, the head keeper,
and Mr. Thompson, who has been
preparing the trench, on the rock for
the reception of the telegraphic cable,
but the sea was rolling so heavily and
the fog was so thick that it was im
possible to reach the rock with a boat,
though the vessel waited near by for
live hours.
At six o'clock the steamer started
away bound for this city, arriving off
the mouth of the Columbia at oao
a. sl, but the fog was very thick and
there was a heavy swell from the
west north-west, and the vessel headed
out to sea until nearly noon the fog
lifted a little, objects were discernible,
and the river was entered, the steamer
going up to tho buoy depot
At tho depot a number of empty oil
cases and other articles were un
loaded, which had been brought from
the stations down the coast, fresh
water was taken on board from the
splendid well at tho depot which sup
plies so many vessels with excellent
water, and at r. m. yesterday the
Manzanita was at her pier, foot of
Main street. There a largo whistling
buoy was swung off and landed on the
dock. It was brought from Newport,
having last December drifted from its
moorings off Yaquina bay, and been
towed into Newport by some vessel
who found it adrift. It is damaged,
and bids to repair it will be mado by
the Astoria Iron Works and Arndt fc
On Monday and Tuesday ten tons
of coal in saclcs will be 'taken on board
for the fog signal at Cape Flattery,
and also supplies will be taken on
from the buoy depot for the bght sta
tions on Puget sound and other places
north of here. Tuesday evening or
Wednesday the Manzanita will sail
northward and be absent two or three
weeks, being accompanied by Capt
Rhoades on his regular inspection
While tho vessel was at Port Orford
last Sunday, two small birds flew" on
board the ship and were caught by
the sailors. Capt Richardson made a
little cage for them, and they seem
quite contented with their "life on the
ocean wave." They are to remain in
Astoria now as permanent residents.
Advance Styles of Fall Dress Goods
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
He keeps the Finest Brands of Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars in the City.
Wingale & Stone,
OlatsoB Beach..
The Oregon Land Co.
Where Property Is Left For Sale.
If You Have Property For Sale Leave It
Don't Fail to See Our List of Residence Property.
Corner Third and Olney Sts., Astoria.
Call on or Address
SECOND ST., Near Postofflce. -
& Goodenough,
P. O. Box 63.
Our Seaside Office is closed for
the season. We have a few fine
lots left in Railroad Addition in
Grimes Grove, and on application
at our office in this city will take
pleasure in sending a man down
to show the property.
1883. I
Office 487 Third St.,
Nest to W. U. Telegraph Office.
Lets in Case's Astoria Are low on Sale
Astoria Eeal Estate Co.
TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
(Successors to)
Groceries Produce.
"Water Street, Astoria, Oregon.
TELEPHONE 0. 7. - P. O. EOX.300
County Coronor.
r?ai .-U?i .-.- LV?
WFK.Taeyaj-- -,:.n
First Class Undertaking
New Styles, Caskets and funeral material
Next to Astokiax office.
Frankfort Real Estate Co,
rn.-T?Tnt?o J Cor. and Pearl Sls. Frankfort, Wash,
ui'i'iUiib -j pirtvcl's Brick Block, i.!5 2d st , Astoria.
Investments Made for Non-llesidents, a Specialty.
Correspondence solicited,
cheerfully furnished.
M.iiist Circulars and all information
Flfie Tiiblo WIme
DeliYered at 60 cents a gallon, to any
6 art of the city. A. fine line of pure
alifornia wines at low prices, at A.
W.TJtzlnger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
We!nhards Beer.
And Free Lunch at tha Telepbono Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open the year 'round.
The latef style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Ludlow's Iiadies' S3.00-Fine Shees:
also flexible hand-turned. French Kids,
at P. J. Goodraan&; Co.'s.
Room's Willi Board.
Parties-desiring comfortable loonis
with board, aFreasonable rates, can be
accommodated'atMrs. E. C. ilolden's,
corner Main and Fourth Streets;
Cutlorr, at OlO Third St1.
E, & Wusollars-and cuffs. The host in
the "world at CH. Cooper's.
"Caadyand Ifnts
At Holmes, Gitt Third street
A Letter from an Eminent Physician.
Mu. Editee: At tho -risk of indorsing a
proprietary preparation, I have, c few word
In favor of a new laxative principle. Bat
first, how I camo to discover it. A patient
asked about taking Joy's Vegetable Earsa
parilla. As sarsaparillas usually contain
mercury oriodides I objected, and asked for
the formula, which findlngpurcly vegetable,
and so mild as to bo to my mind almost
inert, I consented. Imagine my astonish
ment when perfect laxative action was re
ported. It has two great points. .Fira, being
purely vegetable, it Is (unlike mercury) not
cumulative ia tho system, being easily car
ried off by the digestive processes ; and second,
lt is effective -with a less quantity of the
cathartic principle than has hitherto been
attainable. It in this respect ranks as a
discovery, and approaches the ideal, viz.:
tho least medicine consistent with the great
est good. It harmonizes natural laxative
action and perfect safety, and should inter
est both the public and tho profession,
jicrrr phtsicux op thtbtt teabs practigb.
Ban Francisco Examiner, March 10, 1SS0.
A fine line of Cigars and Cisarottes
can bo found at tho Columbia Bakery,
596 Third street.
W. Case,
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Drafts drawn available In any part of the
D. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China
Office nouns : 10 A. r. to 3 v. m.
Odd Fellows Bu11.Di2.-a, Astoria, Oregon.
TMelsp, Lester & Anflersen,
Surveyors and Architects.
Office, Rooji 9, Flavel's Bld'o
P. O. Bos 813. ASTOKIA, OR.
W. F. Seteibe,
Smokers' Articles in Stock.
Special Brands Manufactured to Order.
MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or
w w wjeevst, prop.
ESEnlarged and Eefitted to Meet tlie Popular Demand.,3
Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters.
Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc.
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Ton Restaurant of tie Town
Dinner Parties, Banquets, aSpeciatly
Tlie Finest Wines and liquors.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. No connection with his old place on
Mam Street.
',., w-.fc.
, -