The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 20, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. XXXV, NO. si.
Murder m Quebec.
Big fire in Michigan.
Lre real estate ale iu Tacoma.
A swindler secures 5830 in Tacoma.
Particular of thj to of theSf. Mary.
Report of the wreck of the Challenger.
Doteotivtrs niter nounterffaitcr- in Ci.n
J.i. Horrible w.irk a father in -New;
Four women burnt d to death in
Jay Goald'n consolidated milroad
The schooner Geo. C. White arrives
fr :n llebriiig sen.
i.rrrgdlAritin'i dulay the acceptance of
t.. cuns-jr San Francisco.
Ttie ship Et'loyroul fonndera ut soa;
un hundred kcs Just.
rn DitUt.i and O'Brieii de
clared wrioe nu.l oluunv.
l"a I'mmuImI sum-, tbi tun-lottery
unl Uo nvr am! ban.r l.ilU.
i'jDovunMUKt r:diu r d for ciUdiug
the nrrufltof Dillon and O'iirieu.
Michael Davit t to pabhrfh a series of
articles entitled "Piyott and His Pa
trons. A rumor concerning tho Northern Pa
cific and tho Oregon Improvement Coni
luiny denied.
Tho murderer of Clarke, of tho Alaska
Commercial Company, supposod to be in
SAn Francisco.
The Clarice Murder.
Silnl lo Thk Vstoku.v)
Sax Fkaxcuco, Sept 19. Cant.
Turner of the United Stales fish com
inttSKmcra htcamcr Albatross, which
armed nt Port Tov.neud lately, re
Iortl Hint tho murderer of Clarke,
:iont or the Alaska Commercial com
pany. wn su;km.1 to liava come lo
in FrniwM on the Mliikiier t'2nv.
i 'i .ii;e:i.. ir tin ' -". arc the Aie
t .! Filituj: anil rr.uliuCti. The
t.ate thai CViplmu of '.be Clar,
knew murdeier Cl.srke well, an.: !.
K? llie murderer did
uol comedown on the suhooner.
Allixo.l His Slnuiuro.
N-ial I UK .srO'.lw.J
Oiu"ssok Springs, li., Sept. 19. -The
President to day signed the mili
lottei and the river and harbor bills.
A 1.1 1 iiNiii Itlcgrajth mi i'tmith l'nut.)
Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, xS.
Prifa Baking
c a o"oi(o.lo.lc1s'To7o",o"bu6o"'6"oo 00 00
A TnrHsli Vessel Goes Down fill
Fire HnnM Souls od Board.
Osman Pasha Sails Per Japan on the
"Ertogroul," and on His Return
Trip the Accident Happens.
Special by Tho United Pekss.
Loxdon, Sept 19. Advices from
Iliojo state that the Turkish man-of-war
Ei toyroul foundered at ecu and
five hundred of the crew were
Osman Pasha, whosij victory over
tho Russians ut Plevna gnva him a
high rank as a fighting general, had
been ou an official visit to Japau,
having been entrusted with a special
mission from tho Sultau to the
Mikado. The progress of tho
Ertogroul since bIio left Constan
tinople for tho east, many months ago,
has been ludicrous. Leaving Turkey
short of money, it was understood that
supplies wore to bo sont hor to the
port at which she was to coaL
The result was that her sojourn
in other countries was indefinitely
prolonged, as the officers at home
wore unable to koep thoir Drcmiisea.
Iii this way sho lost some of hor crew,
and her officers were many times on
tho verge of rebellion, induced by
starvation, while the governor of tho
cilipa visited refused to remit tho har
bor dues and grant other privileges of
right due horns n Turkish man-of-war,
on tho gronud that alio was uot
nailing in that character. There was
not powder enough ou Imanl to en
able her crew to fire the regulation
fululcri. Afler many adventure, only
worthy of opora house nolo, the.
liitorrnnl filially arrived in Japanese
waters un.l it wa-j ou hor return voy
age that tho disaslor occurred.
AltVU'h ro HOTWKUv
v..:n. Ai.!.ovrN Sokiiiimo JaYUlT
-Oi.'tili! niivn;- ! u'l fa oliildiu
tee.hiun It MMilbfH K'u hlld, "w imin
tho uiimi. hIIuy all puin. iwr wind
eltnJir. and i- tlu 'el r'ined fn ilinr
rlne.u ecuU u lmttb'.
000 o"o"o"o do"o"oo'o'oop6"ootP.t&l2i'P.o.oC&SL
undred Boxes I Two
O F-
Goods .-.
-: JL T :
Herman Wise's
In Occident Hotel Building.
Tke "Ktm Hall" Strikes tke
"St. Mmry" Amlesklp.
Special to The Astoria.x.1
FoBTiiAND, Sept 19.-;CoL Charles
rrancis xJeeoe cas receivea a ieiier
from his partner. Hit. Sutton, in San
Francisco, concerning the wreck of
the Ut Mary u few days ago at Fort
Stanlfily on the Falkland Islands. He
says tho cargo is being saved, but the
vessel is a total loss. The SL Mary
sailed from New York the 27th or
May for San Francisco. It was her
first voyage, she having been com
pleted only last spring. Her value
was 8100.000, and she was fully in
sured. Off Fort Stanley she encoun
tered the British ship Eton Hall,
which ran into her, striking the St.
Mary amidship. The injured vessel
was beached, and taking off freight
was at onco begun. No lives were
lost Tho cargo was valued at about
8225,000, aud the Jarger part of it bo
longed to Portland merchants. Con
sidering the fact that the ship was
new and staunch, her wreck is more to
be rogrolted. Sho was full rigged and
wa3 owned Ty C. V. Minnott, of Bath,
Over 100,000 XVmrth. ef Prepcrtr
Lai In K1bm.
DjrrnoiT, Mich., Sept. 19. Special
news from Whitehall, Mich., says:
Whitehall had tho largest fire this
morning that it has had since 1881.
It started near Meat's barn, and swept
a path through the town for half a
mue, aesiroying ounaings. xue
principal losers are Lyman T. Covell,
brick bnilding and drag store; M. B.
OovelL briok stere: Buggies opera
house and rink; E. J. Smith, of White
hall. Forum. Reed & sons and the
Masonio and Odd Fellows halls. The
aggregated loss will bo over 3100,000,
Tho Characteristic Applied to
Balfenr'a Poller
ritrclal ! tllit Akl'.-ui N.
Dublin. Sent 19. Tho Fietinan.'s
Journal, a Nationalist organ, say-s:
"If the govemmont s objeot was to
stop the visit of Dillon and O'Brien to
America, tho arrests arc a shamoful
confession of weakness and ducoia
ilturo." Further on Balfour's policy is
characterized as a piece of imbecility,
which will givo tho plan of campaign
tho most invigorating and exhileraliug
Tho Independent, a Conservative
journal, and tho Dublin ,xire$i say
it is an imperative necc&ily to secure
relief from the tyranny now exeroised
over lonanls by tho landlords.
Tlt "tew- li worery. luttdicatit our friends ami moLMi
has- laUmi: about i , Tuniyji 1
Mslt lm nuu of the iiiau uho klimv fnuti
pei-Notial exoerlenro just how U'hhI a
tiling it I.. If you huV'j ever trl ilit.xou
ari Him of u staunch friends, hecaiiM
llii wondcirul thing about it h. that
when once given trial, Mr. King' New
UUrovery ever nfter holds a place, iu
the house. If you have never used it
and nIioiiUI be afllicted with acou-,'li,
cold ur any Throat, Lung or Chest
trouble, secure a hottlo at once and give
it a fair trial. It Is guaranteed every
time, or monoy rof unded. Trial JJottles
Freu at J. W. Conn's Drugstore.
Tie M Fate flicl Befell tie
Slip "Cuafeer."
Oapt Thompson Relates the Occurrence
A Lis1, of the Elled
and Injured-
Special by Tho UxmD Peia
Boston, Sept. 19. The ship Chal
lenger, of Bath, before reported, put
in here in distress to-day. She has
nothing but her fore aud main lower
masts, with her fore and main yards
Thompson reports that he exper
ienced adverse win-Is nearly the whole
time after leaving West Hartlepool,
until the hurricane of August 31st,
during which eight men wero lo.t
overboard and four injured.
During the threatening weather just
preceding the hurricane they short
ened most of the sails, and when the
wind struck the ship all hands were
aloft hauling in the others. The jibs
filled and carried away tho jibboom,'
the topmast and the top gallant mast.
The men were either thrown into the
sea or landed on portions of tho
wreckage, only a few falling to the
deck injured. Thomas McKenn had
his loft leg broken; Thomas Qiiinn two
ribs fractured; Seamau Raymon his
left leg broken; Seaman Bunk was
hauled in from the sea badly bruised."
Tho following wero cast overboard
and lest: George Buhu, ot Copen
hagen; TlwmaH Gaul, of Austria; Con
Torresburg, or Sweden; O. Olsen, of
Sweden; C. U. Ludwig, of Germany;
Charles Fleming, of Ilichmo'iJ, Ya.;
O. Oleen, of Norway, and a seaman
named Wiuworn, of Germany.
At 2 1. m. the wiud bk-vv 100 miles
an hour, aud tho furled sails were
blown out of the gaskets, aud by 5 r
if. tho mizzen mast was gone. Every
thing ou deck was smashed or carried
away, and tho ship was left iu tho con
dition reported above at the mercy
of tho waves.
The ship labored in a rough sea till
the wind moderated at 9 v. il, when
such of tho men as were uninjured set
about putting tho ship in as good :i
condition as possible. In tho mean
timo tho captain attended to the
wonuded. When tho wreckage v:w
oloared awav the s tils were bent on
tho remaining spary, and the vessel
kept nw.iy for Boston, the- nearest
poiut Iier hull is in good condition
notwithstanding the straining, aud
she will probably be taken into Bath
for repairs. ,
Arrived From Bcitrlng Sea.
special tuTiii: ASTOiuAN'.
ViOTonrA, B. C, Sept 19. Tho
Americau schooner Utorye ('. While
arrived from Behring sea this morn
ing with -100 seal skins, and all well.
Sho saw nothiug of the cutters. She
leaves for Seattle to-morrow.
..NOW . .
In Occident Hotel Building.
Delay of the Acceptance of the
"San Francisco."
Special to The Astoriax.!
Washixgtox, Sept 19. The navy
department to-day received the offi
cial report of the United States
steamer San Francisco. Certain
irregularities were discovered in it
which will necessitate its return to
San Francisco, before it will be
finally accepted by the navy depart
ment This unlooked for obstruction
will probably delay the formal accept
ance of the vessel by the government
uutil the middle of next month. Mr.
Irwin M. Scott, of the Union Iron
Works, has already been making ar
rangements for the acceptance of the
cruiser. Secretary Tracy would say
nothing of the contents of the report.
A Quurtcr of a million Transfer
Negotiated. toTiiK Astouian'.I
Tacoma, Sept. 19. One of the
largest real estate sales of the year
was recorded to-day. C. H. Clement
transferred to the Elsior Park com
pauy lots in his additions for $270,
000. The aggregate transfers of the
year so far, oven including many
deeds of one dollar each, will amount
to nearly 811,000,000, and yet real es
tate dealers claim a very dull season.
Business men are complaining of the
extremely dull month of business.
All the trades ot Tacoma, will have one
one of the, if not tho largest, exhibit at
the Spokane Exposition. The Cham
ber of Commerce is makiug every effort
to have it so.
lie Defrauds Several Tacoma
BuxincNS illcii.
Special to The astokian.
Tacoma, Sept 19. O. A. Bipprey
has worked Tacoma real estate dealers
and merchants for S800 on a fraudu
lent advertising scheme. Bipproy
represented himself as solo agent for
tho Northern Pacifio railroad, and
was soliciting advertisements for the
official folders of that company. About
twenty-five Tacoma merchants have
beou swindled out of sums ranging
from $20 to $7o n month. It is also,
said that a largo number of Seattle aud
Portland business mon arc victims for
similar amounts. The police are mak
iug every effort to arrest the swiudler,
who has left the Sound country.
Taxation on Sank: Notes.
S.iecinl !o tin: stokian 1
Nnw Yokk, Sept 19. A special
from Washington says tho bill passed
by the benato to tax tho national
bank notes is not aimed at tho na-
I tional ban!;?, but is intended to com
pel private holders -of bank notes and.
Negal lender lo pay taes on these, a?
on other property. It is aimed at the
I practice of holding notes sHbjeet -io
taxation mm converting tuem into
com just before the taxes are duo.
t Io.itU !.. e.
j! I was a groat Riiierer from lthcmn-
, atisin and Kidiiav and L ver tronble.
,'AIy limgi were .1I30 seriously affected.
I'Doctors said I uonld not possibly live.
Seven battles of Ilibbard's Rheumatic
.Syrup with tho Plasters entirely cared
nip. Hundreds of parentis iu Creston,
can vouch-for the fact that this medicine,
saved niv life.
NVji. HAnsnAw, Creston, Iowa.
' For saloby J. V. Conn.
AT :
He Organizes a Consofflalei'Sail
roafl Association.
Under the New Agreement Disastrous"
Railway Wars Will Be En
tirely Prevented.
Special by The United Pjiess.
Chicago, Sept 19. Entirely with
out the knowledgo of a single railroad,
not directly interested, Jay Gould has"
succeeded in forming his ideal rail
road association. Its title is "The
Southwestern Railway and Steamship
Association" and it inolndes all the
lines south of Kansas City and west
of the Missouri .river. Its existence'
was mentioned last night in the arti
cle saying that J. F. Goddard had
accepted tho chairmanship: To-day
the full story. was told as follews:
Lines in the territory affected have,
long leit the need or a stroncr associ
ation. None of the existing agreed
ments suited, and Jay Gould las
been quietly working for a year over
tho formation of an agreement which
wbiah will be strong enough to com
pel even line to do as it should. .He
has been completely successful. Two
weeks ago to-day "the presidents of all
the roads interested met in New York
and signed a cast iron agreement
which absolutely prevents disastrous
railway wars under the new agree
ment An executive committee was,
appointed with powers as plenary and
autocratic as those of the. Czar of
The executive committeo consists
of the vide-president and general mana
gers. H. H. .Clark, of the Missouri
Pacific, is vice-president; J. C. Stubbs
of the Southern Pacific, is general
traffic manager; .Waldo, of tho Missouri,-
Kansas &, Texas; Judge J. D.
Spencerassistant toPre3ident Man
vel, "oLthe Atchison system, and A. C.
Mallory, .representing the Mallory
steamship and other ocean lines.
The committee has absolute control
of rates, as well as all other subjects.
Jay Gould himself is tied hand and
foot, and can order no change on the
Missouri Pacific, which will affect
its competitors, except with the con
sentof the executive committee.
. . Death in the Flames.
Spt' 10 Tlftl ASTOKIATf.I
BEitnni, Sept 19.- By a fire which
to-dny destroyed tho residencelof a rich
merchant named Frich, two of his
ttaughters, aged 'lo and a4, were
burned to death. The governess and
maid idso lost'tlleic lives hi tho flames.
' Unfounded Rumor.
Sp'cial to Thk Astouiax.
PcmTiiAND, Sept. 19. A lumor, to
the effect that steps have beecn taken
to consolidate the Union Pacific and
Oregon Improvement Co., has gained
considerable circulation, but tho offi
cials of both cotupanies deny the
- - k
The Arrest by the Government
Special to The astobiasJ
Loxdon, Sept 19. The Chronicle
and Daily Neics ridicule Secretary
Balfour's course in arresting Messrs.
O'Brien and Dillion assuming that
the object of the government Is to
prevent their American mission.
They say the desired purpose will not
be accomplished by the detention of
these prisionera. Other Nationalists
will be sent to America in their stead
and the delegates, though of minor
fame and lacking eloquence and logic,
will be more than compensated by
what they will bo able to tell of the
persecution and injustice. The Con
servative organs support they govern
ment's action, but do not venture to
predict any beneficial result of the
Detectives Endeavor to Locate
Them in Canada.
Special to The astouiax.I
Ottawa, Sept 19. Superintendent
Bell, of tho United States secret ser
vice, is in Toronto, accompanied by
two detective officers. He has in
hand One of the most extraordinary
cases of counterfeiting in America for
many years. The investigation, so
far as it has progressed, indicates that
a regularly organized gang of coun
terfeiters have been at work for years
manufacturing base old coins and
other curios. It has been discovered
that some of these counterfeits have
been manufactured in the neighbor
hood of Toronto, and expressed to the
United States. Tho investigation has
been' conducted quietly for six months,
but as yet the counterfeiters have not
been run to the earth.
The Terms Applied to the Dillon
and O'Brien Warrant.
Socotal to The AstouianI.
London, Sept. 19. A study of the
warrant upon which Dillion and
O'Brien were arrested shows that it f ail3
to specify any particular offenses for
which tho arrests wero ordered. The
dooument is verbose and clumsy in
style and matter. Mr. Heady believes
that it is fatally defective, and that if
tho accused are granted an appeal
they will be able to have the proceed
ings squashed. Sir Charles Russell,
an eminent barrister, is apparently of
the same view. In a speech at Dar
lington last night he referred to the
shadowy nature of the charges, and
said that similar arrests had been set
aside in tho past.
The Effect of 3Iental Exliamtion.
Mauy disc scs, epccla'Iy those of the uer
vOtiS'svstem. arc Mm Droduct f dailv re-
tnewed mental exhaustion. Business avo
cations oftea Involve an amount of mental
near and tear very prcjudlc al to phjsieal
hnnllh. nmt tln nrofcsslrms. if :ir.lnniislv
fpflfsTieaT arc no :cs destructive to bram
ana nerve tissue. 11 is one 01 me most
important attributes of Hostel tor's stomach
Bitters, that it compensates lor this nuriue
.Ioasof tissue, and that it imparts new en
ergy to me uraui aim nerves, xue rapidity
with which It renews weakened mental
energy and physical vitality Is remarkable,
and shows that Its Invigorating properties
are of the highest order. Besides increasing
ital stamina and counteracting the effects
of mental exhaustion, this potential medi
cine cures and prevents fever and ague,
rheumatism, chronic dyspepsia and con
stipation, kidney and uterine weakness and
otlicr complaints. Physicians also com
mend it as a medicated stimulant and
. vVV'
. A vS'-J
11 r Li"
New Goods
.-. NOW
In Occident Hotel
McAuliffe-Slayiu FigM CreaHns In
tense Excitement.
Billy Madden Sanguine That "Big
Joe1; Will Win-Slavin Has.
the Call in Bettinsr,
Special bvTho Usitkd Press.
New York, Sept. 19. The follow
ing special cable was received at the
Police Gazette office yesterday:
London, Sept. 18.-:
To the Police Gazette:
"The international ficht between
McAuliffe and Slavin is creating in
tense interest It is the mam topic
here. Billy Madden is well satisfied
with his man's condition, and is san
guine that ho will win. Slavin has
been trained to perfection, and the
Australian party are backing him
with a vengeance. I have used my
best endeavors to get in free admit
tance for the newspaper men to wit
ness the fight. I may succeed. Large
sums have been wagered in large
amounts. Slavin is having- -tire
call in betting. A good many believe
McAuliffe will not receive fair play,
but with two referees, who are claimed
to be responsible and fair, I think he
will receive it I shall be present and
look after the American's interest," arid
will hand McAuliffe the 500 deposited
in my keeping should he not receive
fair play. I don't know that McAuliffe
will win, but being an American and
taking into consideration the fact that
he holds tho Police Gazette belt, he of
course has the sympathy of every
American as well as my ownt. Howr
ever, I want to see tho best man win,
aad believe they will .prove themselves
heroes. I will cable the result at once
after the battle is finished. I have
arranged for an extended report td
be forwarded."
Signed Richaed K. Fox.
According to the figures of well-in'
formed military men abroad, the rapid
mobilization of the French, German
and Russian armies would cost 100,
000,000, and their maintenance in the
field would cost $200,000,000 a month"
For Stablemen and Stockmen.
Cuts. Swellings, Braises. Sprains, Galls, Strata,
Lameness, Stiffness, Cracked Heels, Scratches,
Contractions, Flesh Wounds, StrlnglwH, Sr-
Throat, Distemper, Colic, Whitlow. Poll Evil.
Fistula, TuTnors, Splints, Rlngfeenes and Sptvfcr
In their early Stages. Directions wRh each brttk,
At Druggists aud Deales3.
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