The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 09, 1890, Image 3

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    if - -.-
Hub a Saloon
Keeper at i
i'lMWm ttad 1'ruprkMftr.
ilAN ftrtUHZtU.
15 v's
Of late numeious peity tlTefts and
acts of outlawry have been reported
from llvraco and vicinity, which indi
cated thai a rough element was head
ing that way, probably enroute to the
South Bend and Gray's Harbor sec
tion. A bolder outrage than any
of the previous ones occured a few
nights ago when Joseph Petit, a
brother of Captain Petit, of this city,
was attached by footpads and robbed.
Mr. Petit is a saloon keeper and on
the night in question closed his place
i :sk a-twihan swiniiiU" to its a.tvc p auout i o clock. He was proceeding
- tx itH ixnct ciicttluiidii of any in w!pa- homeward when two colored men, or
, wmies whu omcKeneu laces, stopped
l him with a leveled pistol. They de
I mauded his valuables in approved
highwayman style, Mr. Petit comply
ing and giving up between three or
four dollars in silver, all the money
he had. The meu disappeared, and
although the constable tried to find
them he had up to last reports been
icrtnv r Snfcsct iSii.n.
1 -I In Ohtwt, vf Ktw!; .
- . !i Mai . kt iuoa:k... ..
-'!. Mrt,wrr
1 . r f fiO-asC ! : ltifct- I'HT
.ih-I : :t c 0!ii:t.l-:.i river.
tJd.iifHii Local Nova on 4th Page )
The River ana Harlior Bill Now in
the President's Hands.
The lKnri ( fire delegates meet
i'u ovouing nt 7 o'clock.
C4Hhtiltrt made of the depre
UAiums f fniit thieves, who are de
IKMliuir trees in many private or-
Those wlio would travel on the As
toria V South Const railroad should
Cknnlt the new Fchedule published
tins morning.
Nuoriff Smith removed into his new
office yestcrdny and says when he gets
it fixed up, he will have the finest lit-t!-
ofltce in the court house.
llnnl . Kunzler ''proved up" be
fore County Clerk Trenchard yester
da. on a pre-emption claim in section
1. township G north, range J) west.
Another plat was yesterday filed in
the recorders office. It was by Tia-
cliel Marx ct al., and is called Louis-
ilk lwing located in section 19,
township 7 north, range 0 west.
The infant child of Mrs. Jack Hay-
jaaa tlietl yesterday morning of chol-
tra infantum. The funeral will be
fro:a Surnrciiaiit fc Co.'s undertaking
rotims io-ilny at 9:30 a. m. The inter
ment will le from Clatsop.
Ell Jones and Sadie Smith, two
ladies of dark color and easv virtue,
were arrested last evenimr bv Oflicer
kirhy. charged with keeping a bawdy
lwuse They w ill have a trial before
Jndp Jewett this afternoon.
J, W. Stengele, who for several
months has been engaged in transfer
ring all the old plats in tho old deed
bvilc to official plat boolcs, has com
pleted his task and yesterday removed
from the recorder's office to Cass street
nr Fourth.
TLc Edison Company Will IilJ oa the l'ro
jiosed Work.
Mr. Shjrtz, of the Edison Electric
company, left last night for Portland,
taking with, him the profile map of the
proposed electric railway for this city.
Should the engineers find no changes
advisable, a proposition will then be
submitted to Messrs. Sharpstein te
Belding to build the road and have the
same completed in lime to earn tho
subsidy. As soon as the proposed
line is approved, work will be resumed
on the subsidy which there is little
doubt of raising, as the citizens are
daily awakening to the fact that tho
electric railroad is to bo of vast benefit.
Should no hitches occur in the mat
ter of subsidy, the contractors propose
to have all grading completed before
the heavy rains set in. The propo
sition now stands for an electric rail
way four and one-third milas in
Xcws was received yesterday that
M-. M. Ilergman, an attorney of
rrt html had died in that city "at 2
VWk cstcnlay. Mr. and Mrs. I.
liergraitn, the uncle and aunt of tho
deceased, failed io at rive in Portland
iu time to sec the young man alive. 2
rite directors or the O. F. L. & B.
attfintion held their aunnal meeting
yo-4erlay in the parlors of I. "V.
1ias hunk. The following officers
were re-elected: G. Heed, president;
J Q. A. Iowlby, vice-president; I. W.
Case, treasurer; A. J". Mcgler, secretary
SiKVtking of wheat the Onyonian
y$- "There is wheat for all this
ear, millions of it, the best crop wc
have ever had, and there are lots of
ships headed for Portland, many of
them large ones which count, "and
make the tonnage greater than was
over here lntfore."
Tin- Stcasirr 4
' Greyhound " ISrcak
; on the Sound.
Thc steamer Greyhound, which
was here last week eufoute to the
Sound, has fulfilled the expectations
of her builders and surprised the
steamboat men on the Souad. A
dispatch from Seattle, under date of
Sunday, says: Tho steamer Grey
hound, built at Steflen's shipyard,
Portland, for the Scattle-Tacoma
passenger trade, made a special trip
for tho benefit of the press to-day,
and beat everything on xecord. She
easily overtook and passed tho Fleet
wood, the propellor boat, acknowl
edged to be the fastest steamer on the
Seatlle-Tacoraa-Olympia route, in a
four and a half hour run, with tho
Fleetwood having half a mile start.
She also beat the State of Washing?
ion, tho "greyhound of tho Sound."
The State left Tacoma three minutes
ahead, and the Greyhound overtook
and passed her before she got out of
sight of the hundreds of people on the
Some grand good news reached this
city yesterday and caused great re-
joicmg among mercuants ana ousi-
ness men, as it undoubtedly insures
the immediate resumption of work on
the jetty, and a completion of the
work as now projected. It was early
in the afternoon, that the news came.
It was in the shape of a telegram
and read as follews:
WjusmxoTOjj. D. C Sept. 8, 18U0.
J. 0. A. Bovelbv:
Astoria river and harbor bill passed
and forwarded to tho president. Colom
bia, river jetty appropriation, $575,000.
BrKOKn Hebminn.
When the news became" known en
the street, several officers of the jetty,
who were contemplating a vacation
trip to the Sound and to 'Frisco, un
packed their gripsacks and concluded
not to go, as it is expected that they
will be called back to their posts
within the next few days.
That Mr. Harrison will withhold
his signature to the bill is a possibility
that has not been counted upon, and
it is not expected that he will, but that
he will sign it at once.
Sbootiag or
Can lac.
A Well Known
There was a mysterious shade of
sorrow on the faces of the attaches of
the Occident hotel fr m tho proprie
tor down to the kitckcti scullion, yes
terday. The lzo'.el, itself, had an air
of sadness about it. "Monk's" dead."
That explained it. Everybody knew
"Monk," the hotel's ivt dog, and ev
erybody liked him. People from all
parts of the world admired his silken
hair and applauded lm tricks.
"Monk" was always at he lauding to
welcome travelers aud he did it with a
dignity that fitted well his intelligent
face. He was not a mischievous dog,
but he liked to "scrap" with other ca
nines and was not particular as to
size or weight. In most cases
he won a " bluff" and there are few
dogs in this city that at some time
during the past year have not whipped
or been whipped by the little Scotch
The circumstances leading to the
death of "Monk" are shrouded in mys
tery. That the animal was wantonly
killed there was no doubt and a lib
eral reward awaits the apprehension
of the person that is responsible.
It was shortly after 8 o'clock
yesterday morning that word
was taken to the Occident hotel
that "monk" was lying in the street
near the corner of Fifth and Main,
dying. Frank Guun hastened to the
place and removed the dog to the ho
tel whero it shortly afterwards ex
pired. At first it was thought that
"Monk" had been poisoned, but a
round hole in the side dispelled this
idea and showed the canine had fallen
a victim to a pistol shot. "Monk"
was laid at rest in a grave dug in the
rear of the hotel stable on Cass street
The South Baseball
Clab Defeated
The Astoria baseball club returned
from South Bend last evening, wear-'
ing dusty clothes and victorions smiles.
They declared themselve3 to be the
people, and to a number of enthusiasts !
gathered at tne wharf they told how
they had wiped the earth up with the
Bend ball players. ""Why, they wasn't
in it," said one of the boys; "but wc
had a grand, good time; the people
over there entertained us royally."
The game of ball, from a scientific
standpoint, was not a brilliant one, tho
score being 30 to 19 in favor of the As
torias. No brilliant plays were made
and no official score was kent. The
players on the respective clnbs, to-!
gether with the run3 by innings, were
.T. II. Gold....
Frank Tuttle....
Perer Grant....
F. Parker.
Fred Rawl lags.
James Ryan.....
Cieo. Bucliter....
W. Grant...
soctii r.nsD.
Catcher- C. Ross
Pitcher V. C. Irish
1st Base L. Jordan
...2nd Base J. Irish
3rd Base V. .Johnson
Short Stop U. Hamlet
...Left Field. L. Huntington
Center Field. D. Mullen
.1). Iselson
J. Grant Right Field
urxs nv iNNixr.s.
1 2 3 4 5 0
8 i)
Astorias 2
South Bend 2
4 2 14
10 2 2
U 1
t SO
Annual Jlretin? ami Klectlon of OlHerrs
The Rev. O. B. "Whitmorc, grand
lecturer of the A. O. TJ. AV., leaves for
different points in Pacific county,
Washington, this morning, to institute
new lodges, one at Willapa, one at
Aberdeen aud another at Hoquiara.
He will also officially visit all the
kvlges i:i this graud jurisdiction.
15ea Young returned from British
Columbia Sunday morning. Ho is
considered authority on the salmon
peeking industry of that section and
lie reports that the pack of the
Skecna. Fraser rivers, and Rivers
inlet will not exceed 340,000 cases for
the season of 90, although some
other authorities have estimated it as
high as over 400,000 cases.
By the new schedule going into ef
fect to day, there are two trains over
Uie Astoria and South Coast railroad
to Seaside every day except Monday,
taurine Astoria by the steamer JUlec
ttic nt S5J0 a. ir., and i:4o r. m. On
Monday there is only the afternoon
tram, no train running in the morn
ing. Trains running north leave
Clatsop beach at 7:f0 a. xr. and 420 r.
x. every day except Monday, when
tU"!re is no morning train.
Alert nook and Ladder company
No. 1 held its annual meeting and
election of officers last evening. The
attendance was largo and tho meeting
very enthusijistic as the boys feel as
sured that they will soon have a new
truck and ladders. One new member
Wm. Ryan was enrolled.
The officers elected are: president,
F. M. Green; secretary, P. S. Cook;
treasurer, It. N. Carnahau; foreman,
J. H. Johannsen; first assistant, O. E.
Miller; second assistant, S. Freeman.
Representatives to the board of dele
gates, F. L Dunbar, P. S. Coel: and
C. H. Cooper.
The Columbia river water front
from Tongue point to Smith's
point is six miles long and is from
thirty-seven to fifty-seven feet in
depth. This startling fact is realized
by few. Ask nearly any old citizen
hero how far it is from Tongue point
to Smith's point and he will promptly
say about three miles. But the sec
tion lines show it to be six miles and
more. And this is the deep water
frontage of Astoria, that is not ex
celled upon any other river of Amer
ica. Supplementing this there are
four miles of deep water frontage on
Young's bay and river, and four miles
at Tansy point, all practically a part
of the future great sea port of the west.
Along the south Eide of the Astoria
bay rnns the deep channel of tho Co
lumbia separating from tho main ship
channel near Tongue point and
uniting with it at.Tansy point.
The Astoria front is also free from
barnacles and the teredo. No other
place below Tongue point presents
any such advantages, for commerce,
although many places, as New Astoria,
Jjrankrori; and llwaco, nave many
features of importance to commerce
and will rise to greatness with the
Astoria selected by John Jacob Astor
on account of its unequaled location.
It is theso same advantages for a
world's commerce that will bring all
the railroads here to meet the largest
ships, instead of meeting them at Port
hind where vessels carrying eighteen
feet cannot go without lightering
hundreds of tons. This location within
ten miles of the ocean, together with
the thirty feet depth on the bar at low
tide now being rapidly made by the
new jetty places it as far ahead of the
Sound ports as New York is ahead of
any other Atlantic city. The reflect
ing investor has only to consider As
toria by contrast with other places iu
order to realize its future grandeur as
a seaport city.
He JIukcs Sonic Remarks On the Water
Question, and His Relation to It.
Warm weather often causfS extreme
tired feeling and dcbillity, and in the
weakened condition of the system, dis
eases arising from impure blood arc li
able to appear To gain strength, to
overcome disease, ami to purify, vitalizc
and enrich the blood, take Hood's Sarsa,
Wingale & Stone,
Qfuipo of Poll Drpoo Rhflnc
duflGd Us rilil III Oas UUUUo
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
O 37 -A. S "3? O 3L X
o. s. oFEmiB
The Swedish-American citizens of
Portland yesterday celebrated the
252 anniversary of "the landing of their
lorefAtliers in America. An interest
ing program was prepared, and the
exercises were held in the Tabernacle,
which was well filled with representa
tive Scandinavian citizens of Portland
nd the surronudiug country. The
meeting "was opened with singing.
Prayer followed, and then Consul A.
Wilson delivered an eloquent oc
casional address. Addresses were also
delivered by Rev.Brauer, Rev. Zweizig
and Rev. Wilson. The exercises were
conducted in the Scandinavian lan
snasa Orogonian, S.
rassv users to Portland.
The following is the list of passen
gers having rooms who went up the
nver last night on the steamer Tele-
Geo. Taylor, J. E. Ferguson, Miss
Woodward, Miss Ella Strong, Miss
Powell Miss H. Keilson, H. B. Thiel-
pen and wife, It. F. Hodge, Miss N.
Whigaro. F. A. Beck and wife, G. S
Taylor, Mrs. J. D. Holman, S. W.
Wallace, H. Christiansen, Geo. T. Hol
man, J. O. Hanthorn, O. P. Henry and
wife, a A. Stuart, a Page, L. A. Bor
chers, R. R. Cole, J. W. Jordan, A.
Wing, H. A. Smith. E. A. Noves. J.
W. McFarland, Mrs. B. Julian, Miss
Stern. J. Goodenongh, D. Rieman,
Mrs. M. Pise and J. Pennv.
R. E.Espey and daughter of Oysler
villc were in the city yesterday.
F. D. "Wiuton and wife returned
home to-day from a visit in the state
of "Washington.
Miss Nellie Wliigam, of Pipestone,
Minnesota, who has been visiting Miss
Zadie Ketchum of this city, returned
to her home last evening.
J. O. Hanthorn and his sou Claude
went to Portland last evening, whither
Claude goes to attend the Bishop
Scott grammar school which re-opens
Mrs. W. R. Strong, wife of the pur
ser of the steamer Alliance, and
daughter of Mrs. E. C. Holden, re
turned to Portland yesterday after n
visit hero of a week.
Mrs. E. A. Noyes passed Chicago
Sunday night on her way home from
Maine, where she had been on a four
months visit to her parents. Mr.
E. A. Noyes left up on the Telephone
last evening to meet her at Pendleton.
J. N. Skidmoro and wife were in
the city yesterday on their return
from Mr. Skidmore's old home in
"Warreusburg, Missouri, which ho had
not seen since he left there in 1853,
nearly thirty-eight years ago. They
left South Bend last August and have
had a very pleasant visit
W. G, Iloircll fc Co.,
Successors to Astoria Grocerj' and
Canned Fruit Co., are now in the field
with a lull line of choice Staple and
Fancy Groceries. They will continue
to caVry a full line of Domestic and
Imported Fruits, and will sell at bed
rock figures. Call and see them.
Mrs. Friend ami Mrs. Ahercomhie on
Benton street, east of Ihe postoflice, are
prepared to do first class work. Ladies
in need of work in oar line are invited
to call.
Ueson Weather Bureau For tVoek Ending
Saturday, September C, lSOa.
About the average temperature pre
vailed during the week; both day and
night temperature gradually falling.
Frosts aro reported from the moro el
evated places of Eastern and South
ern Oregon, but no damage was done.
Light general rains prevailed last
Sunday, sufficient to lay dust, but do
ing no damage. In most sections of
the state there is less smoke in tho at
mosphere than in usual at this season
of the year.
Hay making is yet in progress in
some sections. Wheat, oats and bar
ley have generally been harvested and
threshing is for the main part com
pleted, though in sections it is yet in
full blast Stock is in good condition.
Ranges furnish an abundance of feed.
Grass is quite dry. Streams arc low,
though there is more water in them
than at this time last year. Hop pick
ing is going on. Mop lice nave been
found in sections. Potatoes are being
delivered and large supplies of them
are on the market Peaches aro quite
plentiful, though the average crop is
not as large as usual. Melons are un
usually plentiful. The largo prune
crop is being dried. A full harvest of
all products is now being cured, stored
or sold. Prices are good.
Reports of largo yields of wheat,
oats mid barley continue to be re
ceived. Tho averago yield for the
state will undoubtedly be larger than
for years, while the crop will be the
lnrgest Prices quoted to day in
Portland for wheat are, Eastern Ore
gon wheat, 72 cents per bushel; Val
ley wheat, 78 cents per bushel. The
market is reported to be very fluctu
ating. Tho wheat crop in the "United States
appears to be short, while the foreign
wheat crop "is reported to be unusu
ally short
Hops are active, with strong prices.
B. a Pague,
Observer TJ. S. Signal Service.
1,500 ani.ES.
Superintendent Welch has been se
verely blamed by water consumers for
the fact that the water was shut off
on Sunday without previous notice.
Superintendent Welch states that the
pipe burst at the mouth of tho John
Day's some tinio during Sunday,
probably about 1 in the morning.
The fact of the rupture camo to his
knowledge later in the morning, and
he then hastened to repair the pipe.
On account of tho state of the tide,
he was unable to complete the repairs
until 2 o'clock yesterday morning. He
says if the pipe had broken during the
daytime he could and would have no
tified people that the water would be
shut offi But as it was there was no
time to ba lost because there are so
many leaks tho reservoir is lowered
rapidly when tho supply from Bear
creek is interrupted. In regard to
keeping the pipe in repair during the
summer, he says he has always avoid
ed making repairs during dry weather
for tho reason that the daily require
ments of the city would soon empty
tho reservoir.
In regard to tho report that he had
collected water rents of Chinese for
September and then shut their water
off, he says it is not so. He collected
water rents of them for August
and shut their wnter off on
September 2d. He says he shut
their water off because they were
wasteful and he thought it would be
better to givo it to peoplo who wanted
it to drink. Ho said last year there
wero six or soven water closets to bo
suppliod and this year there arc ovfir
seventy, aud each one uses as much as
six families for ordinary purposes.
Clatsop Beach.
.T1ir.,i, . JL -
Deeds filed or recorded on Sept. 8,
1890, as reported for Tiie Mobniko
AsToniA by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
N. O. Hardy and wife to
Alex. Gilbert, undivided
1-9 lot 4, blk 34, McClures.S 70
J. Q. A.Bowlby et al. to Alex.
Gilbert, undivided 11-15
lot 4, blk 34, McClnres... 45S
B. C. Kindred and wife to
Angus Gor, lots 13, 14, blk
1G, Kindred park 250
J. E. La Force and wife to
Valinda E. Conn, lots 7, 8,
blk 9G, McClures 2,000
I. W. Case, trustee, aud wire
to E. E. Coovcrt, lot 11, blk
C, Railroad addt'n 225
Columbia Investment Co. to
Daniel Loerch, lots 7, 8, 9,
blk 2, Columbia 2d addt'n . 210
Martin Foard and wife to
Fred L. Keenan, lot 1, blk
2, Foards Astoria , 150
United States to Ellen M.
Anderson, receivers re
ceipt for S E if of sec 23,
T7N.RGW 200
United States to Ellen M.
M. Anderson, receiver's re
ceipt for tho S E H of N
W JLf of sec 23, and N E.
if of S W if of sec 23, T
7N,RGW 200
Ellen M. Anderson to Chas.
E. Wheeler, the SEifof
and SEifof sec 23, T7
N.R6W 2,500
BUeV. Bire for the LaVcs.
Medicaii Lake, Wash., Sept 7.
Silver lake and also Clear lake, the
former one mile east of town and the
latter throe miles sontli, will both be
stocked with black bass in a few
weeks by order of Marshall McDon
ald, commissioner on United States
fish and fisheries. This will be a grand
thing for people who visit Medical
lake and wish to havo a little sport
with the hook and line, as Medical
lake is entirely void of fish, owing to
the medical properties it contains.
If o tier.
Xolice is hereby given that there will
be a special meeting of tho Board of
Delegates of the Astoria lire Depart
ment on this Tuesday, September fltli,
aovui. At ' .M. iiiDiuifo ui. im
portance to be transacted.
J. W. IlAKK, President
Attest: E. Z. Ferguson, Secretary.
Telephone .Lodctns; JIoubc.
Best Beds iu town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week S1JK). New and
clean. Private entrance.
ICooms Wiili Board.
Parlies desiring comfortable rooms
with board, at reasonable rales, can bo
accommodated at Mrs. E. C. llolden's,
corner Main and Fourth streets.
Kiccly Furaislicil
Koonis to rent. Enquire of Mrs. b.
Fiuc Tabic Wine
Delivered at 60 cents a gallon, to any
part of the city. A lino line of puro
California wines at low prices, at A.
V. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
Delicious Ice Cream
Served daily at the Columbia bakery.
Qo to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of jakes.
Ludlow's Ladies' 3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. .1. Goodman & Co.'s.
At Holmes, W0 Third street
- . - Or.
Second and Benton Streets.
Hardware anil Ship Chandlery,
Pan O.l, Urfcht Varnish. Ihnacle Oil,
Cotlon Canvas Hemp Sail Twmr.
!-inlOil. Wimumt Iron Spike-,
Calvanlzcil Cut Nail.
Agricnllnnil Implements, Sewing
Machine.--., Paints, Oils,
Gi'ooories, S5-to.
There Is no occasion fur Ihe most fastidi
ous i our citizeiiS to sonrt t' Purtlaml or
S:m rrancis"t ti-r
Custom rade Olothes
A.Nlii.'y rcui crl I'-fttcr Fils. SMtor AVork
!irtiliip. and for less Money.
Uy U-.;viiiK their Orders with MKA.NY.
Wcw Coeds bv Evory Steamer.
Pall ami ee lilm and satisfy yourself.
P. J Moany. Merchant Tailor.
Deeds filed 10; total amount 8 6,863
Previously reported this year 1,597,693
Total to date Sl.601,556
Opening Day
of the New
Term The
But She Got It. A Sample of Let
ters Sally Received.
Only thoso who havo tried It can know
what It Is that prompts one to send 1,500
miles for it to get it again. Hero is another
of many such instances:
Dear Sirs: I send. $5.ior which nlcaso re
turn a half dozen of your vegetable sarsapa
rilla. I have moved hero from Sierra City!
CaL I toolc three "bottles before leaving,
hence I send all the way back to California
for more. It was Just before I left Sierra
City, about a year ago, that I began to feel
very miserable. My dan was very yellow,
audi was alL painsjind ny especially nn
dcr ;my shoulders and in my head. The doc
tor yola it was iny liver, and gavo mo some
medicine which Tclieved mo somewhat
One of my neighbors happened in and told,
me Bhe hod started to take Joy's Vegetable
SarsaparlUa,andadvicdmctotryit. Ididr
and with such good effect that I now feel
like a new being. I have persuaded one of
my neighbors hero to take it, so part of this
it for her and part for myself.
Butto City, Montana.
Tho reader, who has not tried It, has no
idea what tho vegetable juices In this remedy
will do for disordered systems.
Wcitiliarcl'g Beer
At the Sunny Side saloon. Furnished
rooms up stairs.
A fine line of -CiRars and Cigarettes
can he found at tho Columhia Bakery,
59G Third street.
Caady ami Ruts
At Uplmps, G10 Third street
CHtlciy, at frlO Third St.
The new term of the Uppertovra
school opened yesterday with an at
tendance of 85, an increase of 5 over
last year. Other pupils are expected
to bo enrolled within tho next -week
which -will swell tho number to about
95. The scholars are graded as fol fel fol
eows: Grammar department, A. L. Clarke,
principal, 21 pupils.
Intermediate department: Miss
Emma Middlekauff, teacher, 32 pu
pils. Low primary department; Miss
Helen Dickinson, teacher, 32 pupils.
AVciuliard's l$cr.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
The Finest Photos
Aro now taken by H. S. Sinister. See
new samples;
llemember tho Austin house at the
Seaside is open tho year 'round.
Furnished. .Rooms For Ucut.
Apply at Mrs. AV. G. Ross's house at
southeast corner Cass and 7th streets.
Nothing Succeeds JAUc Success.
It is verified by tho fact that nearly
everybody oats at Jeffs .New re
staurant The latest stylo of Gents' Eoots and
Shoes at V. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Poultry and Fish
in Quantities To Suit.
Bog to inform their Customers that they have now received a Complete Line o FINE FRENCH. DRESS
GOODS, comprising Ohevist Checks, Plaids and Stripes, Camels Ilair Checks and Plaids,
Astrachan Pompadore and Satin Stripe Robes. Also tho iinest line of French "Wool
ITenriettes in all the Staple and Fashionable Shades, also Fancy Black
Goods in great variety, Surahs, Plushes and Velvets
in all the latest shades.
Please call and see our display and you will be convinced that Shanahan Bros, is the place to buy.
Fine Dress Goods at a saving of from 20 to -10 per cent.
Country Orders Promptly Filled.
Opposite tlie Post Office.
-.'urjiij -u.i.i nil . ikiB-i-nwmtitri 1 1 it; i "rr-TT' man
pa 69 e1 Hi
He keeps the Finest Brands of Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars in the City.
4kk jpcrariBL's? S3?
Southwest cor, Fourth S Ca
Cigars, Tobacco and Snnif,
Pocket Cutlery, Marine Glasses,
Corner Main and Second Sts.. Astoria. Or.
GMIlren Cr j fw-PitcIier's Castoria
1. "W. GASE
Insurance Assent.
California Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Columbia Fire ani Marine Ins. Co.,
Home Mutual Insuiancc Co., S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Tonsoriai Parlors
I have leased the premises formerly oc
cupied by UeorK D. Jones, No. GU Third
street, where I will In future be found ready
to serve my customers.
Transacts a General Banians Business.
Drafts drawn available in any part of the
0. S. and Europe, and on Hong Jvou, China
Ofkick Hours : 10 a. si. to 3 p. si.
Odd FKM.OW3 Building, Astoria, OreKon.
W. E. Sckeibe,
Smokers' Articles in Stock,
Special Brands Manufactured to Order.
MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or
in Case's Astoria Are low on Sale
Astoria Meal Estate Co,
PRICES FfiOJI 8150 TO $250 EACH..
TE1MIS' One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country
Orders Solicited. Third street,
next to Pioneer office.
Practical : Watchmaker,
A fine lino of Gold and Silver Watches,
Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc.,
at reasonable- prices. Repairing Promptly
Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman.
Manufacturer nntl Dealer m
Snsli, Doors, louldinpjs and
All Kinds of Hard Wood and House Finish
ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe
cialty. Wood Turning.
Cor. Genevieve and Astor Streets.
Astoria, - - Oregon.
Successor to K C .Tlolden.
The oldest established Commission House
In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com
mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday.
General Repairing, Jobbing and "Uphol
stering done.
Fine stock of Furniture on hand.
When you want Bargains in Household
Goods go to
Frankfort Real Estate Co.
nKKinTra i Cor. Commercial and Pearl Sis., Frankfort, Wash,
uui Hjt -j Fiavei'S urick lilocl;, 135 2d St., Astoria.
Investments Made for Non-Residents, si Specialty.
r i wi'v ppq J Correspondence solicited. Maps, Circulars and all information
x . o. bo bb- cheerfuliy fUrnished.
! 5E3ssrs j
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Ton Bestanrant of tic Tom
Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Speciatiy
07ie Finest Wines and JAquors.
Privato Entrance and Rooms.
N. 15. 2Jo connection with his old place on
Main Street.