The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 06, 1890, Image 1

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    T?li'S-Sl iSgEgg
? . ,,
(L. XXXV, NO.7.
wrfttw"' - gm ,"MivtyS8;' 5 i iyi e::r ty'T
liyilE L. I Oil LIii3 iJDlilllJll L
LJcs advice; from LiouoSuSn.
A?C.(K3 fin- st lientoo3,
Oregon and Washington weather.
PorJnnd's reconnt nearly completed.
Mnr-. tM tnnrderor, on trial at Fresno.
l'ohr.j it n uiuition in Near Mexico .
Fatal railroad accident at Mojave,
A rulr.nd wreck is rjjortcd at Cnncy,
Eight ininois bnned nine in Michi
gan. liindmg twine is placed on tho free
Destructive prniri fire in North Da
kota. A iMiisy IJon!angit meeting held in
lit llroxore TruKt liable to coire to
A 1'ortfcuul morchant's re sidenco bnrg
lartb d.
Newoctric mad t bn4esLnbhshed in
A smnNliup on th" Dulaware A. Hudson
A new bank to bo establishnd at River-
ido, Cal.
ltewo tho allowed kidnaper, wants
IWtland veteran firemen arrive in Sin
An excursion of colonists has reached
Gen. Mile speaks on Pacific coast
. lmracnlons accident on tho Central
linden railrmd.
Illinois Contral railroud stated to bo
on the verge of rnin.
SnuoP will probably be left with
Warren another year.
Tacoma contractors telegraph East
Uk 1.000 lalmrinc men.
A Iomi of $1.'.,000,000 to he. nindc for
warships for Honolulu.
The New York Central offers $T.,000
reward for train wreckers.
Marquis Dc Lenvillo and a reporter are
arranging for doadby combat.
President Harrison re elected Presi
dent of the Indiana Regimental associ
ation. A tuavemeat innuurated to represent
California products at tho Columbia e
IVHition. in Italy in 1SU2.
Fatnl Collision.
Special, to Tiik AsToniAX.
MimvK, Cal., Sept. H.A freight
wreck occurred on the Atlantic & Pa
cific ixiad In-l night, near llnalic. It
rai cnusetl by running into cattle.
The engine was then thrown oil the
track, killing tho fireman, named
Kuhl, aud delaing the passenger
trains fonr or five hours.
Dnlr I.irtoil from Tu inc.
NccuU to Tiik Asrom n.1
Washivotox, SepL fi. 33y a vote ot
3S to L the Scuato this afternoon
placed binding hvine on the free list.
-t MtMw?t Tcloijtaph .ji rouilh Page.)
Gearhart Park
Is a Seaside Resort,
on the
With its Beautiful Groves, Fine Lawns, Shady Promenades
and Artistic Rustic Bridges, and it is laid out so that every lot
affords a splendid site for a Cottage, and as for the Beach, it
has no superior either for Surf Bathing or driving. A perfect,
smooth and level drive for fifteen miles.
Gearhart Park.
The Portland Delegation Eeceiyei
With Ronsin Cheers,
The Guests Saluted With the Airs
"Hail to the Zion" and the
''Star Spangled Banner." IJj Tiik Omd Pkess.
San Prakcisco, Sept D. The vet
eran firemen hud the honor of open
ing the Grand Native Sous' celebra
tion this morning. Shortly after 10
o'clock they assembled in front of the
Pioneer hall, and headed by the
Second artillery of the Native Golden
West baud, inarched down Market
street to the Oi egon dock to receive
the veteran firemen from Portland,
who arrived on the bteamer Ouyoiu
The "Vets" turned out sixty strong,
with red shirts, -white fire hats aud
while belts, and presented a very
handsome appearance. As the Oi egon
neared the dock the veterans formed
a company in front, and greeted their
guests with roariug cheers, while the
band saluted them with the airs,
"Hail to the Zion," and "Star Span
gled Banner." The Portland veterans
responded in a similar manner, and
were soon on the dock enjojing good
old hand-sbakiug with their San
Francisco friends.
The visitors number sixty, aud were
dressed like the San Francisco asso
ciation, with the exceptiou of the firo
caps and belts, wliicli were black.
They brought with them their old
Laud engine "Veteran," wliicli was
taken in charge by tho San Fruncisco
veterans, who gave tho right'of line
in the procession to tho visitors. -The
bodies, as they paraded through the
lower portion of the city, made a fine
The Portland veterans are com
manded by President llobert Holman,
chief; ex-Chief T. G. Young, of tho
Portland department; ex-Chief Joseph
"Webber, of Albauy; ex-Chief John
Holman, of Salem, and ex-Assistant
Engineer M. M. Lucas, of Portland.
The Sau Francisco veterans arc mak
ing great preparations for a banquet
to bo given to them Saturday night.
Tlic "Weather Vroplict.
Special to Tiik Astouian J
S vx Fjuncisco. Sept !. For Ore
gon and Wnshiugtou, fair weather m
the western portion; local rains in tho
eastern portion; stationary tempera
ture in tho western portion; slightly
cooler in tho eastern portion; winds
generally northerly.
Motion For Nonsuit.
Special to Tiik astoiuax.
OaktjAnd, Cat, Sept 5. Judge
Elsworth this afternoon granted a
motion for nonsuit in the S50.000
damage suit of Frauk Heme, for false
imprisonment on account Heme's ar
resi for alleged attempt to abduct
Florence BJ the.
and is the Prettiest Place
Pacific Coast,
Ocer a Half Million Dollars Said
to be Involved.
Special to The AsToniAK.l
Chicago, Sept 5. The failure of
Sawyer, Wallace & Co., of New York,
is a topic of much interest here. B.
P. Hutchinson, a well-known commis
sion merchant, says he knew for two
weeks that the "crash wss coming.
The principal interest of the failed
firm in this market was pork. They
have been carrying cost pork for about
a year. They undertook first to run a
deal in October pork, but that wound
up disastrous!, and they transferred
it into January, and it is reported that
their los3 on the deal is not less than
half a million.
London, Sept 5. Lucien Sawyer,
who had charge of the business here
of Sawyer, "Wallace & Co., of New
York, says: "The failure surprises me
as much as it does others. It is true
large losses have been sustained in
both the home and foreign business
conducted through the London house,
but it is not true thatmy private spec
ulations caused the disaster." The
failure caused much excitement in
commercial circles in London.
ITInrquis Dc Lcuvillc and a Re.
porter tlic Parties.
Nii'cial to Tiik Astoisiax.j
New Yoke, Sept. 5. A report
cabled from London that Marquis De
Leuville and a reporter had arranged
for a deadly combat, which was to tike
place at da break on Thursday morn
ing, is the latest chapter in romance
which has been furnished in install
ments to the public during tho last
decade. Mrs. Frank Leslie, on whose
account the duel was to have taken
place, was seen to-day in reference to
the affair. She said: "I do not doubt
a duel will be fought, and there is
really no reason for apprehension on
account of tho marquis. Ho is one of
the best shots in Europe, but I should
feel dreadfully if . an thing befell the
other mtmy
Important If True.
Special to The Astouian.1
New Yorr, Sept. 5. An evening
paper publises a secret petition which
it states is being circulated amoug the
stockholders of tho Hlinois Central
railroad, urging them to rise in re
bellion against tho present manage
ment The petition states that the
company is practically on tho verge
of ruin through mismanagement
Suicide of a. Vctcrau.
Special to The Astoriax.1
Oakland, Cat, Sept 5. John Wise.
au invalid Grand Army man, was this
morning taken to the county hospital
at bau Jjorenzo. About ten minutes
after arriving there he shot himself
through the head and died. It is suppos
ed thatdespondeucj caused by chagrin
at being sent to the hospital was tho
cause of tho act
An Excumiou of Colonists. to Tiik AstOrIat.1
Madera. Sent fi. Tho John "Rrnwn
Colony Company's special excursion
arrived hero to night The entire ex
cursion is composed of settlers from
Nebraska, Towa and Kansas. Another
oxenrsiou under tho auspices of the
same company will arrive from Chicago
on tho 22d of this month.
"When love is dead there is no God.
-VUtor Hugo.
Forty Minutes
Lots and Blocks
Are now offered for sale. Go and see them. We know you will buy.
For particulars inquire of
E. J. FORD & CO., Agents,
Opposite Dement's Drug Store, ASTORIA, OREGON.
A Loan of $15,000,000 to leHaie
for the Purpose.
Prominent Merchant of Sydney
Said to be Engineering
tho Scheme.
Special to The Astoriax.1
Sax Francisco, Sept o. A. Hoff
man, a prominent merchant of Syd
ney, and who has also large interests
iu Houolnlu, was a passenger on the
Australia io-Aay. He 13 one of Kal
akaua's advisors, and is a very close
friend of the present govermcut He,
it is said, is bound for a tour around
the world. He is accompanied by his
wife and daughter, and his trip is os
tensifily one of pleasure. The teal ob
ject of his jaunt to Europe, how
ever, is said to be for
the purpose of obtaining a
loan of $15,000,000 for tho lung, who
proposes, it is stated, to have two wnr
vessels built to guard his interests on
tho islands, and to make some show
ing in the commercial world. This
story is doubted by many, Spreckles
being amoug the number, but at the
same time, two days before sailing for
Australia Kalakaua had Hofinong out
on his yacht, and .gave him a
grand ball that night, at which the
nobility and tone of the Islaud were
present It is stated that the busi
ness was consummated on the yacht
Horses Carcasses Used to Ex
tingui&li the Flames. to The Astori is.
Dickinson. N. D., Sept 5. A wide
spread prairie fire raged over hun
dreds of thousands of acres of land
along the.Littlo Missouri river ten
days ago, about forty miles from the
main line of the Northern Pacific rail
road. The great cattle range was
swept clear. The fire was put out by
means of horses, which were killed
and used as drags to extinguish the
flames. The horses were split up the
back and their carcasses dragged over
the country by long ropes. Twelve
hundred head of horses wero
stampeded to the fonr winds.
In Town anil Hatnlrt
Tliesecds of intermittent :u. I bilious roml-ti-nt
ff or Kcnnlnate and bear v il f mil . .No
community lus altos Mhor escipeil it. In
populous wards of l.irgp title bid spenijj
cuix-s ir, and in tluir subuilK stagnant
pooN in lots breed ir. Tliere is at
onee a remedy and n iiip.uis of p-vnli.)ii.
It ii.Ltnc L Hotteit r's Stum.Hi r.llter-.
which is without pemdveiitjie, t!u nnM
potent autl.lote in existence to tne it: d trial
lriH. Fortified with this iiiciu:pttili e,
saving specific. iiiUmimUc inllucuci s m i lie
encountered with absolute im init. Dis
orders of the stomach, iivi r and bowels,
begotten b iniasin.i-t.iiiited water, or au
other cause, succumb to U c In neliconl ror
rettie tiauird. and rhriiiu uic, kidue and
bladder troubbs aud siml removable bv
its use when it IsKiwna persistent trial.
Is on the line of the Astoria
from Astoria, with a Station with all its Accommodaions at the
Entrance of the Park.
Coaches Wrecked "Without
Loss of Tjlfc.
Special to The Astopi vn.1
Albany, N. Y.,Sept 5. The second
section of train No. 13, on the
Central Hudson railroad was
wrecked about three miles be
low Greenbush, between midnight
and 1 a. ir. Six sleepers were
wrecked, but miraculous as it may
seem, no one was killed. The injured
list will foot up about seven, the most
seriously injured being Mrs. Atkinson,
of Trenton, who was badly injured
about the back; Miss Garakan, of
Brooklyn, had her head badly cut;
Trainman Sanespaugh had his back
wrenched; others had their backs and
limb3 wrenched, but none of the cases
are fatal. A single rail placed cross
wise on the track; in front cf the train,
resulted iu the disaster. Six coaches
were turned bottom side up on the
bottom of a fifteen-foot embankment,
and three were twisted and wrenched
beyond repair. The eugine remained
ou the track.
The executive board of the Knights
of Labor is iu consultation on the
question of offering $1,000 reward for
the arrest of the perpetrators.
Probability That the Concern
Will Conic to t'ricr.
Special to Tm: Astobian.
SanFi:ncisco, Sept u. It is stated
this evening that there is a probability
that the Brewers' Trust will come to
grief. Deposits were paid by the
syndicate on all concerns purchased,
out m most of the cases the remainde'r
of-the contract has not been fulfilled.
This is particularly the case in regard
to the Philadelphia brewery. A de
posit of S130,000 was paid" to it, to
bind the contract Then S300.000 wns
to have been paid on the 1st of July
last, and S500,000 on the 1st of August,
and the balauce on the 1st iust These
payments have not been made, and
the whole contract 13 within an ace of
being declared off. The syndicate,
however, has been given until the 15th
inst in which to pay the whole of the
purchase money. Should it fail the
brewery will revert to Mrs. Wielaud,
and the $130,000 deposit will be for
feited. Illegally Arrested
Special toTHB ASTOHTAN.'l
Chicago, Sept 5. C. C. IvjJney,
who was arrested here Monday on a
telegram from Portland, Oregon, say
ing that he was an embezzler, swore
out a warrant ibis morning for the
arrest oE ChieE Detective Kipley and
Detective Collins ou a charge of false
imprisonment Rodney was brought
before Judge Altgeld esterday, who
released him after scoring the police
for arresliog tho man without a war
rant As soon a3 Eo.lney was re
leased ho was immediately arrested on
a warrant sworn ont by Detective
Collins, charging him with being :;
fugitive from justice. He was brought
before Judge Altgeld again this morn
ing and released, the judge declar
ing that the jwlice had no right to ar
rest Kodney on insutficent evidence.
Rodney then swore out the warrant-;
alluded to.
All tin piiiMit nieil ctne a.hertiMi.
in this paper, together it li the o'iiivj.t
mTuimrry, ami toilet artiei n i: . an
he bought at the lowest pi tcts -.t .1. W.
Conn ilrug store," Oceident
hotel, Astoria
and South Coast Railway
Program for tie Reylsion of tie
Consfltoflon Enflorsefl.
Made Upon the Editor of a Boulangist
Organ An Anarchist Spits
in His Face.
Special to rup. astobian.
Paris, Sept 5. A noisy Boulangist
meeting wa3 held last night. The
meetiug protested against the revela
tions concerning Boulanger. A resolu
tion was passed affirming adherence
to the program o the part for tho
revision of the constitution. Castelin
made a violent attack ui)ou Mermeix,
editor of the Coanl, a Boulangist
organ, and the author of tho revela
tions, who, upon rising to reply, was
greeted with hisse3 and groans and
compelled to abandon the attempt
He thereupon left tho meeting.
Sondey, au auarchist who was waiting
in the neighboring boulevard, followed
Mermeix, heaping abuse upon him,
and ended his tirade by spitting in
Mermeix's face. Several duels are
expected as a result of the meeting'.
Jlc makes An Unfair Exchange
of Clothing.
Special toTiu:AsTOiii.J
PortIiand, Sept. 5. A burglar made
his appearance at the house of Major
"V. T. Shanuahan, a well known
music dealer, yesterday afternoon.
He evidently made himself at home,
for he took all the gent's clothing he
could find, four nice suits. So confi
dent was he of his ability at thieving
that he disrobed and donned a full
new suit, leaving his own behind.
IS civ Electric Railway.
Special to Tiik Astoria-.
Tacoiia, Sept. o. Articles of incor
poration of the Peninsula Electric
Railway companv were filed to-dav.
Tho capital stock is $300,000. It "is
destined to be au important road, as
Tacoma's extensive street car service
is backed by wealthy and enterpris
ing Tacoma capitalists.
Honors for Harrison.
Special to Tub Astoria.
Indlvnapolts, Ind., Sept. 5. Presi
dent Harrison's regiment, the Seven
teenth Indiana volunteers, held their
annual re-union yesterday. Harrison
was re-elected President of the regi
mental association by a unanimous
vote. Greetings wero sent him.
A Ilcai y Reward.
Special to Tun Astorian.1
New York, Sept. 5. The New
York Central Railroad company has
offered a reward of S5,000 for detec
tion and conviction of persons who
placed obstructions ou the track,
causing a wreck near Greenbaum
this morning.
The AVorst in the Criminal An
nals of Fresno.
Special to TnE Astorian.
Fresno, Cal., Sept 5. The testi
mony for the prosecution in tho case
of Samuel Mars, charged with mur
dering his mistress, May Foster, re
vealed one of the most dastardly crimes
known to the criminal annals of this
county. Seven or eight eje witnesses
swore that Mars caught his victim by
the arm and continued to shoot her
until she fell, and that he then dis
charged the weapon at tho prostrate
form of the helpless woman.
Three Trainmen Killed in the
Special to The Astorian.i
PtjAttsburg, N. Y., Sept 3. A pas
senger train on the Delaware & Hud
son railroad, due here at 7:05 o'clock
this morning, was run into by a freight
train at Howard's, between Port Henry,
and "Westport, at 650 this morn
ing. Both engines were badly
damaged. Engineer Murray and
Fireman Starr, of the passeuger train,
and one passenger arc reported
killed. The particulars are not ob
To be Represented in Italy in
Special to Tiik Astorian.
San Frvnokco, Sept. 5. The
Italian Chamber of Commerce has be
gun a movement to get the products
of the Pacific coast properly repre
sented at the Columbia Exposition,
which citizens of Genoa, Italy, have
decided to hold in 1892 In accord
ance with the resolution of the Italian
Chamber of Commerce here, to enter
uearniy into tne enterprise, tne presi
dent has appointed a committee to
take charge of the matter. This com
mittee will add to it, members of the
American community on various
parts of the coast, and tho plan of
procedure will then be determined.
Pacific Coast Fortifications.
Special to The Astorian.1
PortXiAND, Sept 5. General Miles
arrived here this morning en route to
Chicago. Dwelling upon the neces
sity of fortifjing the Pacific coast, he
says: "The nation is really inviting
invasion from foreign powers, who
could occupy every port worth taking."
Portland's Recount.
Special to Tin: Astoki i.l
PoRTiAND, Sept o. This noon tho
re-enumeration of tho people of this
county, with the exception of a few
districts in the city, was turned in
complete to the census superintendent
There are but ten men in the field
here who will make their final report
either to-morrow or Monday afternoon.
Admission Day Festivities.
Snecial to The Astorian.1
San Frvncisco, Sept. 5. Sixty
veteran firemen of Portland, Or., ar
rived this morning to participate in
the Admission Day festivities. They
wero met by a like number of San
Francisco veterans and escorted to the
latter's headquarters. A banqnet will
be tendered them to-morrow night.
Geneva, which was onco one of the
mo3t inexpensive cities in which to
reside, is claimed now to be as expen
sive as Paris.
Gearhart Park
M. J. KINNEY, the proprietor, is now building- and has
nearly completed a large, elegant
And this will be furnished and kept in first-class style, and will
be opened for guests early- next season. He has also a large
force of men beautifying the Park by making roads, bridle and
foot paths, rustic foot bridges, and drive ways to the beach,
stables, etc., all of which will be completed during this winter at
a cost of at least 25,000, making Gearhart Park not only pic
turesque but the most COMFORTABLE AND ENJOYABLE
. Tv
Tacoia Contractors Telegraph East
for One Tlonsani Men.
Ten Thousand Men Eeported to Be
"Working Between Tacoma, Green
Eiver and Gray's Harbor.
Special by The United Tress.
Tacoma, Sept 3. Scugreat has tho
demand for railroad laborers become
that it has been found necessary to
send East for men. Bailroad con
tractors for some time have been try
ing to pick up enough men locally to
snpply the demand, but at last tele
graphed East for 1,000 men.
Influence has been brought to induce
the contractors to employ Chinese, but
they indignantly refused. The "total
number of laborers at work on roads
between Tacoma and Green Eiver and
Tacoma and Gray's Harbor now ag
gregate 10,000 men, with teams in
Politics iuNcwHIcxico..
Special to Tub Astorian.1
Albuquerque, N. M., Sept 5.
Antone Joseph, the present Delegate
to .Congress from New Mexico, was re
nominated yesterday by the Silver
City Democratic convention. If elect
ed, this will bo hi3 third term. Be
publicans will meet in Territorial con
vention in this city on September
13th, and will probably nominate
Mariana S. Otero, for delegate, by
ier Hanking- House.
Special to The Astorian.
Eiverside, Cat, Sept. 5. Articles
of incorporation were filed this after
noon for the Eiverside Savings Bank
& Trust Companv, with a capital o
ESnried Alive. to The AstorianI.
Ishpeming, Mich., Sept. 5. Eight
miners were buried in the Lake Ange
line mine by a cave this morning. An
effort is being made to rescue them.
Haywood, Kan?.
I suffered two years
Carlisle, Pa , February 11, 1SS8.
I was hurt.inJliQ left hip and tr(ed "sev
eral phygjcians without obtafitiiitt relleC Eess
than a half-bottlo of SfrJacob3 OilcfirSd iue.
pains Aches
WllAVyllil wun pom iu my mao;
V I III me;StftcoMTi&rea
s w meinorerornoflpaln.