Tt-V - ? - " W Kite gnitij gtstotfim. ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY. .. SEPTEMBER 4. 1890 A W1XDY BRAGGART. The irresponsible Columbian in some of its editorial vaporings yester day morning, declares that it has printed the facts in regard to the progress of the electric motor line project, and tbat it bas given its sup port and encouragement to the en terprise. As usual, tbe Columbian states that -which is the reverse of the truth, in an attempt to misrepresent Tnc Aetoriax. Tbe Columbian admits its own ir- rofponsibility, and says it does not ovm anything; yet it assumes the ability to manage successfully the business and enterprises of those who have demonstrated their ability and good judgment by earning the owner ship of their property. The idea of the Columbian sup porting a business enterprise is one "which will cause tbe promoters of the electric motor line to smile a sarcastic smile. The truth of the matter is, that the promoters of the .electric motor line told the mismanagement of the Col umbian that tbe extravagant state ments and unfounded reports of flatter ing progress that have appeared in that paper were doing the scheme more harm than good. Ir. Sharpstein, tbe man to whom is due the credit of effort to bring the electric motor scheme to a successful end, was compelled to administer a cutting rebuke to the Columbian in an endeavor to make that senseless sheet understand that sensational and fictitious reports of progress would be an oljstaclo to success. In a communication to the Colum bian of September 1st, Mr. Sharp stein says: ''It is best not to delude, ciUjor those who may be watching de velopments or even ieopc who do not care, by an assurance of that which is at present most dubious.' The Columbian has no moral sense and has only a desire to be sensational. JtTvould go a hundred milc3 around to tell a lie rather than staud still and tell the truth. Tbe Columbian, in a bantering sort of way, says that it will subscribo more toward the enterprise of a motor line than will Tun Astokiax. A subscription paper tbat bad no more rcsioiiPible name than that of the Columbian upon it wouldn't be worth as much as a check on a sand bank. If the Columbian bas five hundred dollars in coin it can find several places in this city where it would be Teccived with thanks and it would make the Columbian' credit just five hundred dollars belter than it is at present. Be just before you are generous. If tbe Columbian is anxious to achieve a reputation for financial solidity, let them prove tbat they pay as much coin to their hired help every Saturday night as does Tiie Asromxs. You don't do it and you can't do it. AiioxG the prominent men of this country is Eev. "Wdliam H. Milburn, the blind chaplain of the House of Representatives. He is now in San icisco, and proposes visiting Ore- and "Washington. It is to be loped that be will include Astoria in bis rounds, for be is a remarkable man, and has been so long prominent ly before tbe public as a preacher, lecturer and an author, that his visit would be appreciated and enjoyed by all. -old ironsides; A Gallant Vessel Now a Receiving at Portsmouth Navy Yard. Ship The frigate Constitution (Old. Iron sides), that stands at the head ot the list of honor of the ships of America's early naval history, is now a receiving ship at the navy yard at Portsmouth, K. H. There are not many men who have not recited in their school days Oliver "Wendell Holmes" tribute to the gallant old vessel, beginning: Ay, tear her tattered ensign down! Tjong has it waved on high; And many an cyo has danced to sec That banner in the sky. "Old Ironsides" was built in Boston in the years 1794-97, under a law ap proved by "Washington March 27, 1791, and was launched on the 20th of September, 1797. The list of her cap tains contains the names of Nicholson, Talbot, Preble, Decatur, Eogors, Hull, Bainbridge and others men renowned for nautical skill, bravery and devo tion to their country, and no one of whom ever brought defeat or dishon or upon the gallant craft intrusted to his command. Her first gun at an enemy was dis charged August 3, ISai, when an attack , was made on the American squadron ' then in the Mediterranean sea by the j Tripolitan forts. In 1S12, shortly after the declaration of war with En-J gland, the Constitution met and cap-; tared the British slup Guerriere, an action that will ever be memorable in I the records ot naval warfare. The i Constitution was under command of, vapcun xsaac xinu, wim a crew oi 3UU i men, while the Guerriere was com- uuuiueu uv iipuim o. j.u iacres, Willi 400 men. Both captains had met so cially before the war, and had then discussed the merits ot the two vessels. When they spoke of what -rould happen if, in the event ot war. they should come into col lision, Hull said: "Take care of that ship ot yours, if I ever catch her in tbe Constitution." Darces laughed, sod offered a haudsome bet that if ever they did meet as antagonists, his wura nucwu iiuu uui HIS iniSKlKC. Hull refused a money wager, but offered to stake on the issue a hat. Years after, when the conjectured en co&Bksr did occur, and when, after a deefterate fight, tho English frigate be ckbo x total wreck, Captain Dacres eae on board the Constitution and offered his sword to his captor. "No, o, MMXS.UU, j. wm not take a sword asm oo who knows so well how to mtit 1-f Til bnnliln vnn f i. hr3oton Herald. Superstition in Germany. A month's imprisonment for occas ioning the death of a woman by cut ting open one of the veins in her arm appears a light sentence; but prob ablyalthough no statement to that effect is made the German tribunal, before which a man named Michael Stankewitz appeared charged with the crime, took into consideration that be acted under the influence of a superstitious belief in sorcery and witches. The accused, a mason by trade, employed at Dantzic, came to the conclusion a short time ago that his wife was bewitched, on what ground does not appear. Ho also came to the conclusion that the person who had cast a spell on her was a poor old creature named Nixdorf, and to break the spell be determined to bleed the al leged sorceress in the arm, his wife drinking her blood. Unfortunately, the operation was attended with fatal consequences. The old woman, whose constitution was already weakened by age and privation, succumbed to loss of blood, and the authorities, hearing of the affair, arrested tbe mason. He has been lei off easily, and possibly, from bis own point of view, he de served no punishment whatever for i ridding society of a "witch." It seems strange, however, that in mis enlightened age, and in a civilized country, a man in his right senses should be found to believe in witches, spells and similar superstitions non sense. London (Standard. Tact, though partly a natural gift, is a good deal indebted to education and early habits. The superiority of one sex to the other in tills respect will often bo found to depend on art quite as much as upon nature. Those who discbarge promptly and faithfully all their duties to those who "still live" in the flesh, can have but little time for peering into the life beyond the grave. Better attend to each world in its proper order. Tlor- ! ace Greeley. Hood's Sarsapariila Is carefully prepared from Sarsapariila, D..i.Grlion, Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper Rerrit-s, and other well-known and valuable vegetable lemedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion, and process, giv i.ijrlo Hood's Sarsapariila curative power not posseted by other medicines. It effects reinajkable cures others fail. Hood's Sarsapariila .Js the best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula, S:lt Rheum, Roils, Pimples, all Humors, )yspesia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, iSeneral Debility, Catanh, Rheumatism, Kidney and I.hor com plaints; overcomes Th:.t Tired Feeling, . rentes an appetite, builds up the n1cm. Hood's Sarsapariila Has i.iet unparalled success at home. Such is ils popularity in Lowell, Mass., where it is made, that Lowell druggists sell more of. Hood's Sarsapariila tlrin all other sarsajia rillas or blood purifiers. The same success is extending all o er the country. Hood's Sarsapariila Is peculiar in its strength and economy. It is the only preparation of which ean truly be xiid " 100 poses One Dollar." A bottle of II ood's Safsapai ilia taken accord ing to directions, will last a month. Hood's Sarsapariila Is peculiar in the confidence it gains among all classes of people. "Where it is once used it becomes a favorite family remedy. Do not bu induced to buy other preparations. Re sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsapariila Solduj-drajrci-ts. Jl; Ixforg5. Prepared by C.1.HOODA CO.,Aiiu!U'.tri!'s Lowell, JIass. EOO Dcses Ono Dollar NEW TO-DAY. HBNRT GrLOSSOP Poultry and Fish In Quantities To Suit. 53, OTOTES.'FXZ: iSX. Southwest cor. Fourth & Casc School Taxes. JVTOTICE IS HEItEBY GIVEN THAT i-1 the taxes for School District, No. I, for the year 1800, are due and payable at the onice or the clerk on Main street wharf. TheTav Roll will remain in my hands for sixty days from date, alter winch time those not paid will become delinquent. Uy order of the Uoard or Directors. .1. W. CONN. Chairman. J.G.HUSrLEK. Clerk. Astoria. Sept. 4th, IKK). Notice to Gas Consumers. ITMIOM AND AFTER SKIT. 1ST, 1S30. . the price of gas will be reduced from S3 50 to ?2 SO for 1.000 cubic feet. ASTORIA GASLIGHT CO. CCUOOL OF PRACriCAL CIVIL, Survey y mechanical, Mining Engineerinj; ing. Draughting. Architecture. Assavinz and Navigation. 17015 Second Street, Port land, Or., and 723 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Established 1SG1. A VaxdekNaille I'rcs Send for circular. Notice. 1 LL PERSONS RAVING ACCOUNTS 1&- acainst the estate of the late Phllo Callcnder arc hereby notified to present the same to wc for settlement forthwith. M. P. CALLENDER. Kuapptou, Wash. August 5th, 1800. 11 EDGAR. pj0,.lQ Tip -1 QJ....A. Vj ' JUUtlu ami omul, wKiKrirArv rhipp vrnr M"-ksciialm & bkili. iiriiS. Pocket Cutlery, Marine Glasses, 7 ' STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. Corncr M' and Second Sts.. Astoria. Or. TP-.TJ T"0TT TTT TTTmfl I XjLSIa&IL JC iC U 1 A b ! fcANDY, NUTS, KTC, Evcrvlhinz in Season. W X.. EXQX-IVIS Next to Central notel . Astoria, Oregon . F.H.SURPRENANT&CO. county Coroner. TSrnf moea TTtM "w -"o uuuoiuuuug ESTABLISHMENT. v e HS'les, Caskets and funeral material 1 ""i AOXUIUAH U1UCC. EW3MBBKflWstiHiOWWWBlP -: Vs7"IXJXJ BE:- ON THE MAEKET THE PACIFIC REAL ESTATE CO. NEW TO The "Smith TYPEWRITER See It. :: Try It. :: Buy It. A WONDERFUL INSTRUMENT s- HsDfiBQUALLBD BY ANY OTHER F. W. KEYNOLDS, General Agent. Portland, - Oregon. A "SMITH PREMIER" TYPEWRITER can l)e seen at THE ASTORIAN OiKce, where it is in daily use. NOTICE TO The Season for Sturgeon Fishing will open Mon day, August 11th, and continue until March 15th, 1891. For particulars "write CHAS. B. TEESC0TT, Box 477. Portland, Or. The Oregon Land Co. Where Property Is Left For Sale. If You Have Property For Sale Leave It WHEKE BUYERS COME TO BUY. Don't Fail to Sec Our List of Residence Property. Corner Third and For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address SECOND ST., Near rostofllce. FLYNN, The Tailor, KEEPS IS STOCK THE Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. AH the Latest Styles He buys for Cash at Eastern Trices. 'lie Guarantees the Best Workmanship on all Garments. Call and see for vourself. Uarth Block. ASTOKIA, OK. -THE- Scow Bay Foundry -CORNER WEST FIFTH AND WALL STS. AfeTOKlA, - - OKKOOX. CASTINGS Of all Descriptions MADE 10 ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. T. Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Advance Threshers AND ENGINE Parm, Ohurch and School Bells. Inspirators, Injectors and Feed Tumps, Coal Oil Engines, Traheni Tumps, Kriebel Engines, Boilers and Steam Generators X ii iid ry2Iachlncry.3IarincMach l iicry CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES, Blacksmith Forges and Drills, Best Axle Grease and Compound in the world. Tow ell's Brass Goods and Iron Pipe. Scud, for Circular. C. C. Cooper, - Manager. OPEN FOR THE SEASON, The Seaside House has hecn refitted and refurnished throughout, and offer-; unsur passed facilities to all to enjoy a pleasant M)journ at the famous Clatsop Beach. An attentive corps of attaches :iro employed, and everything done for the comfort and convenience of guests. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PItOPKIETOltS. Ileadquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE KO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. MOUNT ANCEL COLLEGE. Largest and best equipped school for boys In Oregon. Good discipline and careful training. Our terms arc : Entrance fee ...... S 5 Board and tuition for ten months. ISO "Washing and mending . 15 sax College will open September 2nd. For further particulars apply to Kev. If. Domini cus. Director oi College. House mm - DAY. Premier" F6SHERMEN. OIney Sts., Astoria. Leinenweber & Goodenough, P. O. Box 63. Neimi & Engross, MANUFACTURING Jewelers and Watchmakers, Jen-dry, Watches, and Cloclis lcciairca at Svxtrcmclj Low Prices. 628 Third St., - Astoria Ob P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Itlain St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODBERltY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Companies, Representing $13,000,000 PHffiXIX,... HOME, -Hartford. Conu ....New York, Agency Pacific Exprexs and Wells, Fargo Jt Co. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. conveyances of any kind, on short notice. jransicrnng uaggage, etc, a specialty. Telephone No, 12. n. "W. SHERMAN & CO. GKLO P. I'AUKKIt. CARL A. HANSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steame THIS WEEK, Dress - Goods, The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. Lie wis vi J.H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROK I NOTARY PUBLIC , AND- I3"T7E!T3VE3S3Sn? u.CS-333XTl?. ESTABLISHED 1883. Office 487 Third St., ( 4 M i K CANDY To-Day-Fine Ice Cream SodaTo-Bay Also Handle None but the Finest Key West and Imported Please Call and Give me a Trial. THIRD STREET, Next W. U. Telegraph Office -FIIED addles and Harness A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty of good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wes Side OIney Street, Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, OREGON. The Largest Stock ! Immonso Stock OF IF TJ H. 3STIT "EJ 3Et fist CHAS. HEILBORN. Two car-loads received : More on display 01 tturmiHie, uarpeis, ere, in me cny. Tho OW Stand, - - - MM Hill 1 A. V MMM WHOLESALE AND Groceries, Provisions end Mill Feed, u Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tho Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Deceived fresh overv Steamer. 5- Main Street House RESTAURANT. The ahove Itestaurant is Just Opened, uii uYi'ryuiiiiK jew aim i First Class 1 This is the Cleanest and Quietest I Place in the City. BARLOW & HAYDE8, Prop's. No Chinese Employed. RUGKER'S - Restaurant. CSTEnlargetl and Befitted to Meet the Popular Demand.3 FINEST RESTAURANT IN THE CITY Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters. Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc. MEA&S COOKED TO ORDER. THIRD STUEET, -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Trop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock or Fine Diamonds t Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Bougkt st This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Comer Cass and Squemoqua Streets f . . -. jit Nest to W. U Telegraph Office. FACTORY s SAIZ The Lowest Prices ! 3E3 -the way. You are invited to see the finest rrices reasonable - - Astoria, Orogon. i.i) KETAIL DEALER IN A STOMA, OR Carnahan & Co. SUCCKSS0113 TO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AXU KETAIL DEALEItS IN GENERAL M EBCHAMSE, Corner Chenamns and Cass streets. ASTOKIA - OREGON EH CIS. li jfti & ifff w . .-j- .-.....l ..- m . i .. .., I " O 3R. Oregon and Washington AGENT FOR THE K a &. &, &SL JSk. Mm 3? JCji i B OF THE im Books Now Introduced in Washington A COMPLETE STOCK OF SCHOOL BOOKS NOW ON HAND. BPBOIA.L S&LE. Barnes First Reader 20c " Second ' 30c 11 Third " 45c " Fourth " 65c " Fifth 85c The Mew York SCHOOL tny Our Stock of Oregon and Washington Books is now . Complete. We are the Agents for the Exchange of Books to he used in Washington. Fine "Wines, Choice Brands. I havo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wino in anv quantity at lowest cash Jigures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDEKS DELIVEKED FItEE IN ASTOKIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. siona HieiT ai lina In JO!2i:i:ilS and RETAIliKHS, Carrying a Full Hue of Groceries, Provisions, Green and Canned Fruits. Mo. 5 1 8 Second Street. G-O "2?C3 "3?:o:253 a . FOR ERESH BREAD, Cakes, ami Fine Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COPLEY BROS. 1 iiii 1 1 1 .4 I, ii 1 1 j 1 i ! 1 1 1 limy 1 1 iii 1 1 a Hi 111 11 ii 11 111 1 1 'i 1 Mi 1 n iri f 's Is the Choice of the Connoisseur. Superior Facilities for Sliipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. WEINHAED, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twclf tli and. IS. Telephone 72. Ill I hi I Iff T USBtXBKSSBBBBSaaB I I I lllll I II O E - S tt Sl Call and See My Nobby Stock of Spring Goods Just Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in tbe market, and I offer them at prices never before heard o in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the city. Next to C. H. Cooper's - Astoria, Oregon. JOHN E0PP, - - Proprietor. BREWER OF EXTRA FINE BOHEMIAN LA&ER BEER. EXTEA PINE STEAM BEEE. SI SZ PORT 23 32. . 5-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. "S illamette - urauuaies buuienis in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law and Medical Courses. Also ?.1usical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It is the oldest, largest and least expensive institution of learning in the northwest. School opens first Monday in September. Send for catalogue to THOS. VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E.Jt. Hawcs Is also Agcut Tor lie Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIKST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. -: ZjST :- General Agents. BOOHS Movelty Store. K STOR BOOK EED. -1 fi i-. 'J aiicry Lager Beer ! P. O. Box 405 o 23 O 3J3" &. 3Lj 33 . Fri H' l . ri,i'irWt3Baar-FJLiiiLA 'i.,Tq,..t-i aaeataag i c isrewery, : - University ASTOKIA, ONLY OF X VWfUPmM'nWi 0 91 dbaBBtaM . "S"1 SS54s-a