The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 29, 1890, Image 3

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AUGUST 23. 1890
Pt.4ier nihl Proprietor.
ktouiax Krii.niM;,
Cas Stuket
Term of SuWrliitlc.n.
Serw lijr Camer. ;t ck ...... ir cts
n- Hj: Mfi jer iwth Cocts
rt hi. Must, ottt ?r . . $7.00
1Y v nf fM4a?c ! M.locniH'rs,
The A-tokia- KwnnuiU'ts to its adver
xrtfc tersest citcHlatioii or any newpa
iwr jwtKHl h the Columbia, river.
An unknown and the "Snohomish
Ki l will wrestle for a pnr&e :it the
A'hWic ciRb rooms this eroniujj.
TWjhjis Yipond, a native of Nova
Jvwtw. aitd a British subject, was
nw fin citiRtnliip papers yes-
AqtiontMt failed to materialize again
htet evoumg and in consequence there
ns no martini? or the board of fire del
txst. The Jscow bay foundry has com
meiteed Imhhhos, as appears by their
adwrtaeement in liiis morning's As-
Tl? bvturtl of directors of school
di-4nci Ko. 1 will lueel as a board of
sltsntkm on nest Monday, Tues
i nitd AVednesday.
Then? will be an auction side of fine
los.4oW goods at Mnrtiu Olsen's
AHctHMt rooms to-morrow forenoon, at
Jo o'clock. See advertisement.
A new lot of first-class job slock has
just been received at Tim Astoman
f mid utir patrons can, as usual,
.t'TiUe finer work in priulinjr
i" J. ticueidiiNel "proved up'" be-lot.-
IVnmtj Clerk Trenehard ye.str
ia. mi a kv em pi ion claim in section
.". io-Rr4iit 8 north, range 7 west.
A warrant was issued by Justice
Cleveland last evening for the arrest
of Charles Turk. The charge is bat
tery. Turk being accused of having
koektd a ?aikr down.
Last Wednesday night, Hilma,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mateo
Kmstkka. died at the residence of her
liarvtits. from general debility. The
Inneralwill lw held to-day from her
late ltome.
The suit of D. M. Stuart, against
Harrington to recover money for lo
cntiug the latter on a piece or govern
ment land was tried before Judge
Ji-weU in the iolice court yesterday.
It "Hill be decided to-dav.
TIk condition of little Paul "Wors
le. who was so frightfully burned
ednosday afternoon, was much
worse voter-day, and last night the
Ih-sicinuR did not think the child
W(M live until this morning.
Tlie large number of ieople present
la-t evening were highly entertained
In the difficult and amusing feats pcr-ftH-med
by the dogs and ponies in the
oiHta houseal the closing performance
f Professor Gentry's Equine and
Canute Paradox.
The old board of directors of the
Odd Follows Building and Loan Asso
ciation were re-elected vestcrdav as
follews: 15. Heed, J. Q. A. Bowlbv,I.
W. Oa G. S. Wright, Jno. Ilahn. G.
W. Lomislerrv. ,1. IF. D. Grav and A.
J. Megler.
George Xoland and C. 11. Thomson
filed suit in the circuit court yesterday
against Kmest House to recover pos
session of an acre of land on the
sliorots of the Xecanicum river. It is
charge that House is unlawfully in
Inssession of the land, and is with-,
holding same from the plaintiffs, who
ask for a recovery of the land and $23
Two brothers named Whit field will
lie examined in Justice Cleveland's
court tins morning on a charge of lar
ceny. The proscculiug witness is the
proprietor of the Portland saloon, on
Third street, who accuses the brothers
f having stolen several decks of play
ing cards from his place. The accused
saj they purchased the cards, which
were found in a trunk belonging to
one of them.
A. P. Sharpstcin, one of the promo
ters of the proposed electric motor
line, left for the Sound last evening on
business connected with the enterprise.
He staled that the necessary bonus or
subsidy to insure Hie building of the
line had not all been subscribed as yet,
but the canvass of property owners
would be complete within a few days
aud the question of building the line
would then be settled.
In order Ihnt the citizens opposed to
baseball on Sunday may have an op
portunity to see the Astoria boys on
the diamond, a game will be played at
tho Talor grounds, Smith's Point,
tomorrow afternoon at 13 o'clock. The
Astoria club aud a picked nine will
play, and the play will be more in the
nature of a practice game for the club,
which is making preparations to plav
the Aberdeen uiue at Grav's Harbor
at an early da.
1L S. Husou, superintendent of the
Korthorn Pacific railroad and a party
of mends consisting of J. Or. blayden
and wife. Miss liothwell and Charles
Holchkiss. all of Tacoma, arrived here
yesterday from Long Beach, where
they have bee:i visaing for several
days. Mr. Husou, being in poor health
anil taking a much needed rest In
tue forenoon they were driven to vari
ous points of interest alout the city
and in the afternoon at the invitation
of Captain Gray and the Frankfort
Land compauv a trip on Ihe steamer
iwencrxxl Canby was made, Frankfort
and other points being visited. This
morning the party will go to Seaside.
A Matter of Regret.
The resignation of Miss Lawrence,
principal of the Second Ward school,
is n matter of regret. She has accept
ed the position or preceptress of Wasco
Independent academy at The Dalles.
Miss Lawrence is one of the 6 est edu-
fttlorsixx the state, both as an in
st rue tress and disciplinarian. She has
most faithfully served the people of
Astoria for the past eight years, built
up a school second to no public school
in the state and will be sadly missed
by scores of friends, whose best wishes
follow her in her new field of labor.
Wanted n Young; Girl
To do housework. Apply at Seaside
Bakery, Corner Third and Olucy SJts.
For IScnt.
Pleasant furnished room for one or
two quiet gentlemen. Inquire of Win
pate fc Stone.
Ilcmembcr the Austin house at the
Seaside is open the year 'round.
I V1jj the Cruiser 'Charleston" Will Xot
Viiit Astoria.
The following correspondence in
regard to a proposition to have the
United States cruiser Charleston
visit this port is self-explanatory:
AsToiiiA, Ore., Aug."2o, 1890.
Jmlye J. Q. A. Jlowlby, 'President
Dear Sir The undersigned, mem
bers of the Astoria Chamber of Com
merce, would respectfully request you
to telegraph our Congressional dele
gation in Washington,!). C, to call
on the Secretary of the Navy and re
quest him to order steam cruiser
Clwrltston, now at Seattle, to come
to Astoria, Oregon, on her return
to San Francisco, for the purpose of
examining the harbor as a suitable
site for a navy yard, and for the pur
pose of giving her officers an oppor
tunity to become acquainted with the
harbor and the entrance to the Co
lumbia river. Yours respectfullv,
J. H. D. Gray,
Chas. S. Wright,
Magnus C. Crosby,
Sam'Ii. Elmore,
Thompson & Ross,
TanDusen & Co.
Astoria, Aug. 25, 1890.
To Senator J. N. DolpJi, Wash fus
ion, v. (.. .
The Chamber of Commerce and As
loriaus generally request our Con
gressional representatives to visit the
secretary of the navy and urge him to
order steam cruiser Charleston, no w
north, to visit Astoria on her return,
to give her officers an opportunity to
become acquainted with the entrance
to Columbia river and note advantages
of Astoria for navy .yard.
13. C. Holden, Secretary.
Washington, Aug. 27.
E. C. 11 olden, ftevrelaru Chamber of
Commence, Astoria, Or.:
The secretary of the navy telegraphs
me as follews: I am sorry thut the
necessity of bending the Charleston
away immediately will prevent her en
tering the Columbia at the present
time, asyou request. .7. N. Down.
Xy 3Iin. Kate Linvillo Wants to be
The story of an unhappy married
life is told in a complaint filed in the
circuit court yesterday by Katie Lin
ville, who sues for a divorce from M.
O. Liuville. In her complaint Mrs.
Linvillo sets forth that she and de
fendant intermarried in this city in
January, 18S7. From that time up to
September of the following vear all
was sunshine and happiness in the
Liuville home, but then there came a
change over the husband, and in place
of kind words and loving caresses he
had formerly bestowed upon plaintiff,
he used harsh words, called her vile
names and frequently beat and abused
Mrs. Liuville evidently kept a diary
of her domestic life, for she sets forth
with great particularity the vile names
that her hubby is accused of calling
her, and the dates upon which he
struck her. The lady must also bo of
a forbearing disposition and suffered
this kind of treatment in silence until
the first day of August, a year ago,
on which occasion Mr. Linvillo's con
duct was such that she decided to
live wilh him no longer, and she
packed up and left him. The couple
were at Seaside, and a quarrel was
followed by the husband picking up a
glass goblet filled with milk and
throwing the contents over her.
Other specific acts of cruelty aro set
forth, and in conclusion Mrs. Linvillo
:i?ks the court to restore to her her t
maiden name.
Surprise Party at Smith's Poizst.
On Wednesday evemug there was a
surprise party given to Miss Kitty
lluttcr at tho residence of her parents
at Smiths Point, which was a happy
gathering. After spending about two
hours in games on the lawn by moon
light, the guests repaired to the dining
room, where an elegant supper was
served. Games, music and social con
verse passed the hours merrily away
unlil 1:30 of yesterday mornincr, when
the party broke up aud the joyous
participants retired to their respective
homes, having a jolly time walking up
to the city in the bright moonlight.
Those present were as follews: Mr.
and Mrs. .lohn llutter, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Bartholomew and son, Mrs. La
Sword, Mrs. Mathoit; Misses Kitty
Butter, Mabel Lizgler, of Portlaud,
Bessie Butter, "Winnie Goodman, Jen
nie Monteith, Nellie Monteith, Lottie
Leviugs, Emma Bahls, Allie Jackson,
Winnie McKean, Nannie Beed, Nellie
Sherman, Zeltie Smith, Lillie Mc
Curdy, Louise Tallant; Messrs. Otto
Prael, Ralph Hanna, Wilbur Babbage,
Frank Rucker, Frank Kerns, Ed.
Reed, John Trnllinger, Will Trul
linger, Paul Badollet, Lem House
and James Taylor.
Passengers to Portland.
The following is the list of passen
gers having rooms who went up the
river last night on the steamer 'Tele 'Tele
peone: 3. H. Mansell, L. Corwiu and wife,
Mrs. W. H. Anderson, J. Pilcher, F.
M. Razor, Miss Mills, A. Cudson and
family, Chas. Tremschardt and wife,
H. Christeusen and wife, W. J. Idle
man and wife, Mrs. Walker, Paul
Fellows and wife, Mrs. L Cook, J. V.
Milligan and wife, L. A. Borcher,
Tho3. Connell, J. W. Shawn and
family, S. C. Hirshberg and wife, R.
L. Willes, J. Leonard, A. Mashley, D.
W. Cnmmiug, E. E. Cooper, B. B.
Linthicum, W. K. Smith, J. Strauss,
Mrs. Fanning, R. M. Canokin, G. Seil,
J. Service, D. Gour, G. Bakers, F. P.
Parris, E. H. Rhode, C. H. Dodd, J.
Hull and wife, Miss White, Mrs.
Blundoll and Major Handbury.
House to Rent.
In Upper Astoria. Enquire of N. 11.
"Webrek, at Ea?Ie Cannery.
Rooms to Rcu(. Furniture Tor
Tlnee rooms suitable for house
keeping. Apply P. O. Box 804.
Your Friends
At the beach will appreciate a nice box
of fruit. Thompson & Hoss have a fine
assortment, and will give careful atten
tion to all such orders.
Kotliinx Succeeds JAUc Success.
It is verified by the fact that nearly
everybody eats at Jeffs New re
staurant. A ICarc Chance.
A farm comprising the S.E. X of sec
-M, T. 8 N., IL 8 W. Good agricultural
land, 10 acres cleared and 20 acres
slashed. "With house, well and other
improvements. For sale at auction at
Court House on Saturday, Aug. SOlh,
Itooms AVitli Board.
Parties desiring comfortable rooms
with hoard, at reasonable rates, can be
accommodated at Mrs. E. C. Holden's,
corner Main and Fourth streets.
Louflou Parties Said to he Heady to
Pat tip Money.
3u:i:Tixa or tiii: nutKCioits
There was a ripple of excitement in
business circles yesterday morning,
when it was reported that a bona fide
purchaser of the bonds of the South
Coast railroad had been found by
William Reid and that the directory
of the company had called a meeting
to ratify whatever arrangements Mr.
Reid had made. The directors held a
meeting all right enough, but the
board did not have sufficient
knowledge of what sort of an arrange
ment Mr. Reid had made to warrant
the official stamp of their approval. A
telegram was read from Mr. Reid, in
which he slated positively that he had
contracted for the sale of the bonds
with a London syndicate, and that an
agent of the syndicate would leave at
once for this city. The terms of the
sale provided that thirty miles
of the road must bo built
by November 15th next, and in
order to carry out the plaus for
tlie delivery or the bonds, it would be
necessary for the railroad company to
get an extension of sixty or ninety
days from J. H. Smith, the contractor,
in which to pay for building the Sea
side division, and to secure the pay
ment of which $391,000 worth of the
bonds are on deposit wilh L W. Case.
It was this latter proposition that
the directors dealt with, and after dis
cussing it thoroughly a" telegram was
sent to Mr. Reid instructing him to
arrange with Mr. Smith for an exten
sion of time. This, it is understood,
will be accorded, and a detail of Mr.
Beid's contract with the London syn
dicate is looked for in a few days.
The directors of the railroad com
pany do not care to talk much in re
gard lo tho matter at present They
all believe, however, that Mr. Reid
has at last succeeded in getting a pur
chaser for the bonds, but they are in
the dark regarding details. It is not
known whether the purchasers will
exact payment of percentage, or
whether the thirty miles of line to bo
built is exclusive of tho Seaside
branch. The names of those compris
ing the syndicate are not stated, one
of- tho directors saying that while ho
knew who the parties are, he is not at
liberty lo give their names.
In regard to the consummation of
the sale this gentleman said that
several little difficulties will have lo be
overcome. In the first place the credi
tors of the Pacific Construction com
pany will have to be called off as they
have filed a lien on a portion of the
bonds that have been issued. All
these matters can be fixed, but it will
take a little time. As regards con
struction of thirty miles of road by
November 15th, this also can be ac
complishedproviding the Seaside
division is allowed to be counted in
without any difficulty.
The above account was tlin mnf.
complete which could be obtained it
the lime of writing, gathered from
various sources. At a later hour, by
diligent investigation and inquiry.
The Astorian became possessed of
all the facts in the case and the exact I
condition of affairs wbinli is mvfln
herewith, and may bo relied upon as
inorougiuy renauie.
A cablegram was rennivWJ Woilnnci.
day from London bv William Reid.
which stated that tho bondholder's
syndicate had decided tliat they would
lake the bonds on the terms previous
ly proposed, if tho directors desired.
These terms are not stated by tho
board, but they will be of interest to
the public aud here they are. They
will take tho bonds at 80 cents on tho
dollar, paying $2,400,000 for tho S3,
000,000 bonds, which consist of 3,000
bonds of tho denomination of $1,000
each. They also require tho comple
tion of thirty miles of railroad be
fore the 15th of. November next.
This infonnnfinn twih w?rW1 in Mm
directors hero on Wednesday after
noon and yesterday the directors had
two meetings. They are perfectly
willing to have tho bonds taken by the
English syndicate as soon as they feel
assured, but have had their hopes
raised so many times that theyare re
luctant to believe overy report of the
sale of the bonds.
The fact that a suit has been
brought against the Pacific Construc
tion companyby W. H. Bain, asking
that the court declare that com
pany insolvent aud appoiut a receiver
for the bonds nnd securities in tho
hands of the I. W. Case Banking com
pany, prevents any transfer of those
securities and bonds.
To obviate this difficulty is a com
paratively easy matter, as it requires
only $3,488 and costs of suit to settle
that claim and leave the securities
But another and a more serious dif
ficulty arises. Tho Seaside division
of the Astoria and South Coast rail
road was accepted August 13th, and in
thirty-five days from that time, if the
money due J. H. Smith, contractor,
was not paid, amounting to about
$47,000, 1. W. Case was authorized to
dispose of the securities in his hands
to pay the sum, and if not paid, then
all the securities and bonds in his
possession would become the property
of the Pacifio Construction oompany.
This obstacle was disposed of yes
terday by the board of directors. At
the special request and consent of J.
H. Smith, a resolution was passed ex
tending the time for the payment to
Smith of the money due him, a period
of ninety days. The fact that Smith
consented to this extension, and re
quested it, is conclusive proof that he
knew very well that the prospect for
placing the bonds was almost certain,
and that then there would be no
trouble in getting his pay, and he
could carry out tho contracts for con
structing the remainder of the pro
jected road, which had been previously
awarded him.
In addition to the $3,000,000 of
bonds, which includes those now in
the possession of tho I. W. Case Bank
ing comnanv. all tho othpr RnnnriKa
in their possession revert to the syn-
uivuui. ji mo inirty miiea of road
they require completed by November
15th, tho sixteen miles of the Seaside
division are included, leaving only
fourteen to build. Of this distance,
branching at the Y, about eleven
miles from the Young's bay terminus,
some ten miles on the main line to
wards Hillsboro is already graded, so
that it could be constructed as fast as
ties could be placed and rails laid.
L w- C6 and Judge H. 0. Page are
the members of the finance commit
tee of the board of directors of the
company, and it requires their signa
tures as well as that of William Reid
to transfer the bonds to tho syndi
cate, but they will be ready to make
the transfer as soon as the prelimi
naries are arranged and tho deal is
prepared for consummation.
Thus it will be seen that never lum
the completion of the road appeared
moro hopeful than at present, and if
no unforeseen event occurs, it is
almost certain that but a few daj's
will elapse ere the bonds will bo
assigned to the Lordou capitalists and
the money secured for the construc
tion of the road. In that case those
who have sneered at Roid will change
their tune, and tho hardy, energetic,
persevering, undaunted son of Scot
land will be awarded his full meed of
J. G. Megler and wife, of Brookfield,
were among yesterday's arrivals.
J. Strauss, of the New York Novelty
Store, has gone to Portland on busi
ness. D. W. Cummings, Wm. Reid's first
lieutenant was among yesterday's ar
rivals. M. T. Cunningham, a well-known
capitalist of Portland, signed at the
Occident yesterday.
Jim Brown, Knappa's jolly rancher,
arrived last evening nnd will remain
in the city a few dajs.
J. B. Kellogg, ex-3ouncilman of
Portland, is here on n visit to J. O.
Hanthorn and family.
Engineer E. E. Cooper, of the Pa
cific Construction company, was in tho
city yesterday, and went up lo Port
land last night.
Mrs. L. B. Logan now occupies the
rooms up stairs, northwest corner of
Cass and Fourth streets, lately occu
pied by Mrs. James Tattou.
Tho Misses Ada and Anna Brey
man, of Salem, are visiting Mrs.
P. A Trnllinger of this city. Mrs. A
Ross, of Portland is also visiting at
Mrs. Trullinger's.
W.W. McGuire, late of the East Port
land Vindicator, arrived yesterday
and will remain in this vicinity awliile.
Ho gave this office a pleasant call yes
terday, and will visit Ilwaco aud the
Mrs. W. J. Strong, wife or W. J.
Strong, acting purser of the steam
ship Alliance will accompany her
husband on a trip to Gray's Harbor
leaving to-day. The ladv is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holden of this
city and on tho return of the steamer
will visit her parents for a ccple of
weeks before returning to her homo in
Asainst tlie Oflirer.
A jury of six busiuess men decided
a question of property rights in Jus
tice Cleveland's conrt yesterday after
noon, and, as a result of their deliber
ations, rendered a verdict against
Constable Oborg for $140, or the re
turn of a horso and wagon. The law
suit came about in this way: Larseu
& Hillback recently brought Reattach
ment suit against S. C. Nordstrom and
tho constable seized a horse aud wagon
which was supposed to belong to
Nordstrom. Claim was set up by
C. Nordstrom, the latter's son, that the
horse and wagon was his property and
ho enforced the claim by suing the
constable, with the result as above
Sunday School Picnic.
A basket picnic will be held by the
First Congregational Sunday school,
of this city, at Aiderbrook on Friday
of this week, August 29. All children
who have been attending this Sunday
school at any time, wilh teachers and
friends are cordially invited to partici
pate. Ainplo arrangements for trans
portation to the grounds have been
made. Please be on hand at church
building promptly at 9 o'clock a. m.
Well filled baskets will bo in order, for
the reason that thero will be present a
gentleman who is the champion cake
eater of -tho Pacific slope.
By order of the committee.
The Florida orange crop, carefully
estimated, is placed at 200,000,000
boxes, or about tho same as last sea-
To Ask Apftln, hut Hla Frank Xctter
Got It for Him.
A few months ago one of the unfortun&to
Inmates in the San Francisco Almshouse
was inspired by tho sensational statement
in the ncuhpapcrs with tho belief that Joy's
Vegetable Sarsaparilla would help him. Cat
without money, how to get it was the ques
tion. Finally ho wroto to tho Edwiu W". Joy
Co., appealing to their generosity, and it was
not unheeded, tho coveted preparation bo
lng sent by tho next parcel delivery. 1U
effect is best told in a subsequent letter, from
which wo quoto tho follewing:
I suppose you know mo by this writinr,
and my circumstances and condition. Al
though Improving, I ask of your generosity
for another bottlo of your Joy's Vegetable
Sarsaparilla. Its laxative action is perfec
tion itself. It has bo thoroughly regulated
my system that my catarrh, rheumatism,
constipation, and headaches aro all better.
J feel ashamed to ask in this way, but what
ihall I do T I thought I might not need any
more, but I am now so anxious to keep it up ;
but you seo how It is,"
It was Ecnt, and he can get more if ho needs
Buclilcu'si Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, bores, Ulcers, Salt Rhe
um, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded. Price 25 cents per lox. For
sale by .1. V. Conn.
Fruit for Canning
Will not he cheaper this year. A lino
assortment of plums, prunes, pears, crab
apples, peaches and other varieties at
Tjiompsox & Boss.
Tlie Finest Photo
Are now taken by H. S. Shustor, See
new samples.
Rooms to Bent.
Fine large unfurnished rooms to let
In the heart of the city, cheap. For
offices or small families. Inquire at ft)2
Third street, upstairs, room 2.
Thompson & Boss wilt receive some
fine fruit to-day. Give tliem a call.
Ludlow's Iiadies' S3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. .F. Goodman & Co.'s.
A fine line of Cigars and Cigarettes
can be found at tho Columbia Bakery,
596 Third street
Delicious Ice Cream
Served dally at tho Columbia bakery.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. .1. Goodman & Co.'s.
Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of cakes.
All the Choicest Delicacies, made by
only first-class men at tlie Seaside
AVeiiiliarU'M Beer
At the Sunny Side saloon. Furnished
rooms up stairs.
Good Goods and low rates at tho Sea
side Bakery.
CMliren Cry ferPitcliers Castoria
Seaside, Aug. 23, 1S90.
Mrs. W. W. Parker returned to As
toria yesterday.
Dr. J. Tuttle came down f. l,;
homestead yesterday.
Mrs.J. M. Gordon and family re
turned to Portland yesterday.
Mrs. M. Foard, children and girl,
returned to Astoria yesterday.
Miss Margaret Wilson of East Port
land has bonght five lots in Holladay
The travel this way is growing
lighter on account of the schools
opening soon.
The Misses White, ot Portland,
Miss Razor and Miss Pellican re
turned home this afternoon.
Mr. Ward's team is kept busy tak
ing visitors aud intending purchasers
to Holladay park. It is a beautiful
Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, of
Portland, returned home yesterday.
Mr. Miller located nine men on claims
on tho Nehalem last week.
Mrs. Clara Johhson returned from
Astoria to-day, whither she went to
attend tho wedding of Mis3 Sophia
Binder aud Mr. Johannsen.
About ten or eleven persons have
taken claims on unsnrveyed land on
Elk Creek. They talk of building a
fine hotel and makinir a siimmer re
sort there next season.
Mrs. Lillian AKTerrill of Portland,
was the guest of Mrs. P. W. Parker
and daughter at Pleasant hill yester
day. Mrs. Merrill will return to As
toria to-morrow.
A party consisting of Mrs. Martin
Foard, Mrs. M. Stiue, Miss nilda
Larson, Mrs. A Miller, Miss M. Wil
son, Miss Margaret McKinney and
Frank Seavier, with Mr. A. Duncan as
guide, went around Tillamook Head
last Tuesday. They enjoyed the walk
very much, although it was quite a
long one aud their shoes were much
the worse for wear when they re
turned. It was a foggy day and there
by much of the beauty of the scenery
along the coast was lost lo them, but
all agreed they would not have missed
the trip for anything.
The steamer Allimn-c nnfn?i
Peterson, will sail for Gray's Harbor
tins morning wmi niteen passengers,
ninety sheep and a full cargo of mer
chandise freight.
The steam schooner Louis Olseu,
Captain Johnson, arrived last evening
from Tillamook with 379 cases of
salmon for S. Elmore and 10,000 feet
of lumber for Portland.
Tlie bar tug Escort No. X, which
has been undergoing extensivo repairs
in Portland, nrrivnd lnwii lncf nrnn.
iug and will at once resnme her duly
m towing vessels in ana out tlie river.
The steamer S. G. 7?ppJ fi in nmb
an excursion from Portland Sunday
iuuiiiiii; iu ixiu jjuwer uascauc3 anil
return, which has been postponed
from a few weeks ago. Therefore
some other steamer will probably come
down Saturday in her place.
Assistant Light Keeper Cook was
taken to Tillamook yesterday by the
lighthouse tender Jfanzanita. The
vessel will leave up tho river this
morning to be gone a day or two.
Captaiu Richardson will make sound
ings and replace and straighten the
beacons on the Walker island, Mar
tin's island and St. Helen's bars.
Cantain Claude TrnrmeV: tm-
steamer, the Greyhound, arrived from
X'ortianti last night and tied up at the
Union Pacific wharf. She is en ronto
to the Sound lo engage in the passen
ger business, and will sail Saturday.
Tho QreilllOMlri IS ratl nJ n ymrv
speedy vessel and is built after
a peculiar mouei. bite sits low
in the water, has iioiinnordwlr hnrisrvj
and carries a wheel aft that is large
enough for two boats. In this kind of
a ri is said to lie ilio sonrnh of linr
speed. Her boilers are large and the
engines very powertni. Uaptain
Troupe is in command, and Avill
take the vessel around to the
The record of cures accomplished by
Hood's Sarsapanlla can never be com
pletely written. The peculiar curative
DOWers of II Ofiil's Snrsnnrilla ;ri iio
cessful when everything else has failed.
ii jour moon is impure, your digestion
out of order, try Hood's Sarsamrilla.
Fiuo T;iS2; Wine
Delivered at ii0 cents a gallon, to nnv
part of the city. A fine' line of pure
California wines at low prices, at A.
V. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
Telephone .Lodging House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per niht
GO and 25 cts., per week Sl.50. 3ev and
clean. Private entrance.
5il s-
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UL V vLLLxjG iw u V J.t0
i will open 011 or before August 1st, the Grandest
Line of Clothing Ever Shown on this Coast, which
I will sell for LESS MONET than the trash which
is now being faked off on the Public as Rare
2&MKBazBuanm-aarrtij rn-m ITr..
O 3 o o c ooccocsocsoceoooooc
www - .r-i-' --"'-'oc
The above Firm will open next Monday, Sept, 1st, the
finest line of Dress Goods, Silks, Hosiery, Laces, Ladies and
Misses Kid Gloves, on the Pacific Coast. Doing a strictly
Remember we have no old shop-worn shoddy goods
carried over since the year one. No misrepresentations.
Courteous Salesmen and Salesladies. And positively one price.
' - n i
Cora Secon-d. surLd IBerLtoiEL Sts.
1 in purlers or Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods. Country orders
promptly filled. The only First-Class Dry Goods Store in the City.
JO T'.
Onlors nelivefCd Krco r Cliargf. Country
Orders Solicited. Third btmct.
next to Pioneer of!lci.
O z,
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ri. m-frpfjjp
ooo e ac c o o qcooaoocccooo3 poo
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c oocoooo3 ooosceca
-: O IF1 :-
Lots in liases Astoria Are low on Sale
Astoria Beal Estate Co,
TESMIS --One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Frankfort Real Estate Co.
OFFIfiFq i t-'or Commercial and Pearl Sts., Frankfort, Wash,
u 10" 1 Flavors Brick Block, !J5 2d St., Astoria.
Investments Made for Non-Residenls, a Specialty.
I. O. KOX C2 -' Correspondence solicited. Maps, Circulars and all information
l cheerfully furnished.
.Tjm! jj
(Opj. Telephone Landing.)
Is f&e Bon Ton Restaurant or f&6 Town
Dinner Parlies. Banquets, a Specially
Xhf finest Wines ami X.iquors.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. No connection with his old place on
Main Street.
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. Ail the Latest Styles
He buys for Cash at Eastern Trices. ITo Guarantees tlie Best Workmanship on al """'
Garments. Call and see for vourself. Barth Block, ASTORIA, OR.
oooooooo oooo
so o o o o oop o o o o o o eooooooooo
Silks, Etc.
- i" jJ?S
he Tailor,