jKr 'Vfrr- xn STORTA, Ott!XK)JV, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. ISJJI). I'RICE FIVE CENTS s. ($ .. NO. 57. Ay Highest of all in Leavening Power. E X. .asas? ABSOLUTELY PURE INSURANCE Kirc nnil Marine and Lift VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'ts. ASTORIA. OR., . thr PoMAtuMS Krlmble Foieisn ;md M-rar t'wWH.ev : I-t(m4 Mid ldoiidiui ami Slle. Xoitli LmMiMit! Mercantile. Scottish Union ami Nuttmuil. HmtXoni ICniiiec:icnt,Coininer- .! C ltfifnriMn, 1-omion ami Itncashlre of 1j ewi. (Vmuncmal ruion of London. .wnHiHt of lAHMln. Northwest ofTortlaml, MuiMAl life of Xeu York. twnp,Lib?til Adjustments Guaranteed .. V. CASE Insurance Assent. KBrKlKN'TIXC. California Mamc Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fir in i Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Instance Co , S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb & Parker? AtJKM'YOK hire ana Marne Insurance, V. ith .m Aggregate (Upit:.! of S7O,O00,O0O- IMl'ltKIAI.. or London. CAtJltlKMA. or California. tiXN!XM IClT.or Ihirtronl. M.M110MK. of 0.1k land UN..4 lmiitm. riKKMAN' VI M.r'iWnrnla. Ol'KKX, of IuidiiiL ilAKkKTS. Washington Market. :im Mti--i, - Vxtortn, Oregon. ih.M-mKl-l.li i'ALI. Till: ATTKN tt u:. : Uu pwSt'.k to tin faet thai the t.,k. m .: Mt ntartys le supplied v.itli a uu. vi::Krv and hkst quality OK FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I WMeh wttt be M4lt at lowest rates, wholc- t3PHvml audition given to supplying STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Id eats, Vogotablos, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. v. ism orti!: vr no'in. t IS K,U:rS Street. Awtoihi, Oj: Roadway Market. I!ara A Silent Is, l'lojir'.s (tMsit Ptmnl - StoKos A first-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. AM l'wivknses Demerol in aov pari of the Vft. rPfiivrfw -Zritstfirte&ir.nri tSioAt HEALTH RESTORER. IT TS THE IDS AT. MEDICINE. ti ya c tlic Jjror and Kleiners anil Stomach, rr-.- it . '41k. DvK"ri i, crc Uis an Appc t.t. l'i iik the Imp-re Blood, and Makes The "Weak Strong. amnMSmlEnBms iOiii'iUjUiffiuyzU'iii Ccd everywhere $1 nlotllo;bixfor$5- M. V. Vhm:kv. S WllKKKI. Ku iiaud IIariiv, Civil Engineer. Wherry & Harry, Real Estate AXD sl7VKYIX. TOYVXSITE WOKK A SPECIALTY. City and Suburban Proper! v Sold on Com mission. Investments Made Tor Outside Parties. KEFEUEXCES , I W. Cfa.se, Banker. Judge C. II. Page. orricc 011 Third Street, Near Court House, - ASTOUIA. Oil Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers In Cannery Si 1 rpecial Attention Civento Filling Of Orders. A FvJLL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms, riirchascs delivered In any part or the clly Offi.ce and "Warehouse InTImne'sXew Kuildlug on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. S7. ASTORIA, OREGON lis U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Powder Wingate & Stone, REAL ESTATE I BROKERS F irr mrrn-n t m i-it - - A - AHEXTS 1--OK MUM :: PABK THE FINEST SUMMER RESORT ox Glatsop Beach. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, Astoria, - . - Or. 8 and 88 Two Choice Blks in Adair's Astoria rei: sai.i: r.v Van Dusen & Co Lots in Block "8" S2G0, Lots in Block "88" $150. Half Cash, Balance in Three and Six Months. C3?A11 Inks staked al four reruns. JACOBS & PLIIMMBH, Contractors and Builders. Estimate i Given on Brick, Stone, or Wood Woik. Concrete anil Cement Work a Specialty. OFFICE. - 118 Genevieve St. TMelfflD, later & Andersen, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Survovors and Architects. Orrici:, It,-rM i), Ki.avki.'s IU.p'o SECOND STREET 1. O. Unx S13. ASTORIA. OJ.. B. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL: PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Ca&s and Jefferson St.".. Aftoiia, John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. rrcftrriplions Car-rullj rit;oniult-t. Agent tor Mexican Salve aud Norwegian Pile Cure C. E. BAIN, Manufacturer and Dealer in Sasli, Doors, .lEouItliiigs and Brackets. All Kinds of Hard Wood and House Finish ing Lumber. Bo it Material a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Cor. Genevieve mid Astor Streets. Astoria, - - Oreoox. H. EKSTROM, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTOUIA,. OK. A fine line of Cold and Silver Watches, Solid Cold and Plated .Jewelry, Clocks, elc., at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman. V. II. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. IJtitter. Eggs, Canned Goods. Potatoes, Wood anil Willow Ware. Etc. W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUKACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or AUSTIN -:-VoUSE J. P AUSTIN. P.op-. Open Al: the Year 'Soifi THI POPULAR IhiUL Is new and c.ean and he.i.itifully lo aled on the hanks or the Nicaniciim. within live niinutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Ki !ort on the NortliHCst Pacific COaSt. E en attention is paid to the com fore an accommodation of the guests and the tahle is supplied with the very hesi in season. Here are plenty of Clams and Crab, tljere Is game in the woods and plenty of the finest fish in the streams. iiB.p9IE3G53w9M QELO F. I'AKKKK. CAUL A. HANSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steame THIS WEEK. Dross - Gr-oods, Tlie Old SLind - Astoria Orecon. E. P. N00NAN & CO. (Successors to; J". IE.. TTynos, -DKM.HRS IX- Groceries Produce. Water Stieet. Astoila, Oieson. 1 r MTIIOM-: Mi. T. - f. O. 1IOX :.9il Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DIvA-LERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I'-onier Chenamus ami Cass .streets. ASrt'RIA ORECON CO TO LARSON & HILIBACK -rou- GROCEEIKS ASI rKt-SII FRUITS. Oitlers I elhered Frc-e of Charge. Countr Orders Solicited. Third Mreet. next lo Pioneer office. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Mlllor, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Expn ss and Delivery' Rusines transacted. Your patronage N solicited. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. wonveyancf s of any kind, on short notice. Transfemng Baggage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. H. W. SHERMAN & CO. Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St.. Portland, Oregon. Advance Threshers AND ENGINES, Parm, Olmrcli and School Bells. Inspirators. Injectors and Feed Tumps, Coal Oil Engines, Trahern Pumps. Kriebel Engines, Boilers and Steam Generators iMttndryTaehincry.Tarine'AraeJiincry CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES, Blacksmith Forges and Drills, Best Axle GTease and Compound in the world. Pow. ell's Brass Goods and Iron Pipe. Scud for Circular. MAXSON DORE! RESTAURANT. THE ONLY FRENCH RESTAURANT IN THE CITY. It is the object to make the Malson Dore the best restaurant on the coast where the finest French meal cau bo had. Second Sr,, r.;isi 01 licnion. C. FRAM'ISCOTICII, Proprietor. Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line or Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. ELECTRK INTELLI&ENGE Interesting Political, Social, Sensa tional and General News. ECHOES TR'M ?:!C OLD WORLD. . Summary of .hc'Latest and Principal Events Occurring Through out the Land- A &TiOO,000 fire in Chicago. Opium seizure at Portlnnd. Gigantic railway scheme in Canada. Democrats iu convention nt Tncoma. Chinese in Portland Retting r.-ndy for battle. The fair at Chico, Cam., opened yes terday. News regarding the movements of the Charleston. Portland hoodlums indulge in a fight over a woman. Powderly speaks regarding the action of the Federation. Switchmen on tho Chicago fc Alton road are on a strike. Freeman, of Spokane, appointed pen sion medical examiner. Trouble feared between the pooplo of Ilnyti and San Domingo. Seven lives were lost by thq sinking of tho British baric Doverby. A firo burned over GOO acres of slnbble field near La Trobe, Cala. Tho situation at the Chicago stock yards assumes n new phase. Tho expected outbreak in the Hawaiian islands believed to bo a hoax. Buffalo Bill's and Dr. Carver's Indians andcowboj-s engage in n conflict. "V. W. Bishop, a prominent San Fran cisco attorney died in San Francisco. Nomination of tho Sixteenth Con gressional district convention of Ohio. Tho residenco of II. A. Edwards, near San Jo was destroyed by fire; loss 14 000. Clara Bello McDonald has after threo years extricated herself from all law suits. Pay Director Williams, of the llaro island navy yard has sued tho San Fran cisco Examiner for $.10,000 libel. LowK tho "Slranglor," defeated Mc Leod, tho Olympio club champion in a wrolling match in San Francisco. i:3IOCICATIC (JATHERIKU. Delegates lis Convention nt Ta- coma. Special to Tun Astokiax.1 Tacosia, Aug. 26. Never in the history of Washington has there been rso largo aud distinguished a body or Democrats as those who met here to-day to attend the Democratic con vention, which convened at 130 p. jr. in the theater building. There were 356 delegates present, and there are fully one thousand prominent Democrats here. The orntors are Hon. JefT Chandler, of St. Louis, and Hon. 1. B. Smith, of Helena, avIio ar rived here yesterday. A train of seven coaches arrived this morning from Eastern Washington with dele gates and visitors. Colonel lvanfman, president of the central committee, called the convention to order at 150 p. it.. His opening address wns an eloquent and hearty welcome lo all delegates and visitors. Secretary Hassard read the general call, aud Judge Bochester was introduced and opened his address. He, at much length, gave a history of the work done by tho Democratic party on the current question, the tariff. Appoint ing committees followed. To-morrow will be a big day. TKOl'IILE FARED IXotwocn the People of Ilayti nnd San Domingo. Special to The AsroniAX.l NewYobk, Aug. 26. The trouble which for some time has been brewing between Hayli and San Domingo, it seems, from private advices received here, is about to develop into active warfare. To aggravate the situation the Haytieu minister of finance has given orders not to admit any of the products of San Domingo. All these events have so enraged the people of San Domingo that wpr is imminent. OX FIRST E3IAM. Salaries of Southern Pacific Em ployees Raised. San Francisco August 25. The Southern Pacific company to-day, complied with the demands of tho conductors and brakemen. Con ductors salaries are raised S25 and brakemen S10 per mouth. The salaries of about 2000 men are in volved. A Big Blaze. Special to Tub AstokianI. Sacramento, Aug. 2G. Yesterday morning a fire started in some unac countable manner, in a stubble field near La Trobe, a station on tho Sacra mento and Placerville railroad. Be fore it was put out it had burned over GOO acres, destroying trees and fences. Helgoland bas a national debt of .10. The revenue is between 8,000 and 9,000- . m . Startling Discovery. Tho discovery by the inhabitants ot a locality hitherto unvisited by tho pestilent scourge of fever and ague, that it exists in their very midst, is decidedly startling. Such discoveries are made at every season, in every part 01 mo union. suDsenucimy, when it is ascertained, as it Invariably Is at such times, through the valuable experience of someone who has been benefitted and cured, that JJostetter's Stomach Bitters Is a thoroughly emcacious crauicaior 01 me malarial poison, and a means of fortifying the system against it. a feeling of moro se curity and tranquillity reigns throughout the whole neighborhood. Besides the febrile forms of malarial disease, dumb ague and ague cake are removed by the ioteut action oftlie Bitters, to which science also gives its sanction as a remedy for rheumatism, dy spepla, constipation, liver complaint, de bility, kidney troubles, and all diseases Im pairing tho organs of digestion and assimilation. OPIUM SEl'FRE. An Inspector Lays UK Hands on 45 'J'net Cans. Slivcijl toTHF A-srontAN. Portland. Aug. 2o. Inspector Hoss made the first seizure of opium under Collector EarhanVri administration yesterday afternoon. The ollicer had been watchiu"; some parties whom he suspected of beinir in that business, and finally located a cache at the wash-house, on the corner of Four teenth and R streets, and made a tour of the ground, and becomim,' con vinced he was eorrect, walked iu. At the moment lie entered one of the in mates of the house recognized him and rnshed out through another door way -with, a basket under his arm. The inspector followed him, and overtak ing the runaway Chinaman, found the basket to contain 45 tacl cans of prepared opium. The drug was f aken lo the customs house, where it is under lock and key. One ITI ore Strike. 5-ptCi.ll toTlIK ASTORIlt Chicago, Aug. 2G. The switchmen on the Chicago & Alton road struck because the company wished to put one of its old employes in charge of the yard at Brighton. About forty-five men are out altogether. The passen ger trains are moving all right, but freights are lied up. I'mlcr I'olice Protection. Special toTiiK Astoi:ian. Chicago, Aug. 2G A" the switch men employed by the Chicago k Alton railroad struck this morning. Upon the request or the otlicers of the road. Superintendent March detailed a squad of policemen to guard the com pany's property. THE CRUISER ''CHARLESTON." She Will Proceed Witliont Delay to foe Hawaiian Islands. UKU JUSSIOS" OS TIUS COAST. :; Special Ry T11 k Uxitku ris. Kkv York. Aug. 2G. The Hera Ms Washington correspondent telegraphs that l)oth the secretary and acting secretary, positively stated last night that thero is no intention of sending the Uhai'latlon north to co-operate with the Uorwin. After coaling at Seattle, the secretary says she will go lo San Francisco. Then probably proceed witbo .t much delay to the Hawaiian islands, where, according to Eear Admiral Brown, at present the Charleston scorns to be needed. There is little doubt that the original purpose in sending the ('karltelon to the Pacific slope was iu connection wilh theBehriug sea troubles. This be- j came apparent since the fact that or . ders for her return were issued just at t lin timn f T.ord Salisbury's wnrninir. 1 flint tlm TTnifPil Siaf os would be held resiwusiblc for any seizures of British sealing vessels, ami irom luriutT wru - lmbiliHrc ihrtr. Uenr Admiral Brown wmil.l unf imvft left tho turbulent scenes at Hoi olulu unless his new or ders showed 1 hat there were urgent rea sons elsewhere, aud it is quite plain that nothing has transpired on the Pacific co.'ibt to warrant her immediate ! piesence there. That she is not going north now is probably because there lias been further developments be- j twecn the two countries on the Beh- j ring sea matter, of which the public has not yet learned, thai makes such a course necessary. CliAKA llV.l.IAZ M1JO:'AIjD. Extracted at l,tist from a 'S'anjrle of Ij:ii' Suits. Speeial to Tin: Astoui xs.1 Sax Francisco, Aug. 2G. Four suits, in which Clara Belle McDonald is plaintiff, were dismissed in the Su perior Court to-day by stipulation. Two of the suits were against Dr. 11. H. McDonald, one to recover $500, 000 damages for alienating her hus band's affections, and another was for S15,000 for false imprisonment. A third suit was against the sherifi" to re cover the sum of S'20,000 for the un lawfulj'seiznre of jewelry aud other personal property, and the fourth was a divorce suit against her hnsbanji, I which is now pending en appeal in 1 the Supreme Court. I This closes the litigation, in winch Mrs. McDonald has been involved for nearly three years. 1 Woman War Veteran. Dnukirk, N. Y., bas a veteran of the war in the person ot a woman, Mrs. William Sinfield, to whom Congress ! has just granted n pension of $15 a1 month. By special permission she entered with her husband iu Com- j pany E, Seventy-second Begiment, 1 New York volunteers, and w;i3 in the j battles of Willamsbnrg, Sevcu Pines, Peacn Orchard, the second battle or 1 Malvern Hill, the second battle of j Bull Bun, the battles of Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsvillo aud Gettysburg. She has earned her fifty cents a day. Will the Mouth Kver ilite the Vav) A Frenchmau has discovered that the human mouth is gradually work ing its way around toward the left ear, nnd accounts for it by the invincible tendency of men to eat chiefly with the teeth on the left side of the mouth, says the Springfield Union. This wears out the teeth on that side and gives the jaw a cant toward the left. In the course of a few ages it is be lieved that the mouth will approach the left ear, and there is some danger, if the process keeps on long enough, that it may get around to the back of the neck. A Scrap ot Paper Saves Her JLifc It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by her physicians that she was in curable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, It helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller Particulars send stamp to Y. II. Cole, ruggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free at .1. W. Conn's Drugstore. 0R5 OF THE ME Tie City of CMcap is Visited ly a Disastrous Fire. THE LOSS HALT A MILLION. Firemen Have a Miraculous Escape by an Eighth Story Wall Tailing With a Crash. Special by Thk i;xm:i 1j:i:ss. Chicago, August 2G. McYicker's theatre, Ko. 82 Madison street, one of the finest theatres in tho cit was practically destroyed by fire this morning. The loss is about $250,000. The fire started about three o'clock, and at 4:o0 was still raging. All the down town fire departments are play ing on the building, endeavoring to prevent its- spreading to the valuable buildiugs adjoiuiug. One fireman was fatally injured by the falling walls. Several others are reported injured. The fire which originated in McVick ers theater building, spreading to the Chicago Tribune building, which is now on fire, and the flames have spread from the rear of McYicker's building across the ally, doing considerable damage, aud also to Monroe street. Chapin ic Gore's liquor house, and the Bennett hotel are now on lire. Tho loss will probably approach 6300.000. McYicker's theater wa3 almost de stroyed by fire at '1 o'clock this morn ing. The west Avail of the "building, reaching the eighth story in height, came down with a terrific crash into the narrow alley adjoining. John Dnf fey. a fireman in Engine Company rio. 7, came down with the debns. landing fairly on his head on a jagged pile of mortar and bncks. Ho was fearfully mangled and is probably fatallv injured. JJnlley s comrades on the roof barely escaped with their lives. They heard the wall crack and ran to the center of the root just as the great mass went down. Thev sub sequent! v escaped. The fire started in the basement of the Lithgow saloon, which occupied the west half of the building, and smouldered among piles of straw for nearly an hour before it was dis covered. By that lime flames burnt through the basement windows. "When the department arrived every thing under the big theatre, including the dressiugroomSjStage paraphernalia and baggage, was ablaze. The fire burned so fiercely that a second bat talion of engines was called out, and it required all they could do to keep tho falling Uames from eating a path mto the upper stones of the building. As it was the foyer and the chairs in ! the pnnmettc circle caught fire at one time ami uiazeu ungnuyuuiu lour j -"-"" ..... ..v.. t.i.uiU on the llamcs. The loss to the theatre building will not be less than 125,000. The entire interior of Iho theatre is practically destroyed. Five companies of firemen, who were stationed near the main entrance, barely escaped with their lives. The brave fellows were pushing through to the stage, when they heard a loud crashing above head. They instantly retraced their steps, and had barely gotten outside in the lobby when, with a roar, the falling gallery came down and told of the destruction of the theater. W. Miller, truckman, and another fireman were also injured, but not ! fatally. Fireman DnflV, who came down with the falling wall, will, it is now stated, recover. The fire communicated to several small hotels in the immediate vicinity, but no serious damage was done, ex cept by water, and the tenants will continue to do business at their old stands. McVicar is now at Saratoga. Hi3 son and manager says that the theater will be rebuilt and reopened in thirty davs. To Scholar-, anil Teacher-!. Court street school will open Mon day September 1st. Examinations for tlifk Aofnrin liirrli crlmnl -nrtll lin rr- dlcted the &tgt week Ml pnpil3 who jmve finished the first grammar srade work in any of the city schools, will be admitted withoat examination. Tuition for non resident pupils can be ascertained by making applica- tion to J. W. Conn, chairman board of directors district No. 1. There will bo a teacher's meeting held at the Court street building Saturday, August 30th, at 2 p. zi. All teachers are requested to be present. W. D. Pratt, Principal. Our Iron Manufacturer. No other census returns shows in so striking a maimer tho marvelous de velopment of the industrial resources of tho "United States a3 the figures re lating the manufacture of iron. They show that the production of iron dur ing tho first six montlis of the present year exceeded any other similar pe riod by over five hundred thousand tons, and that tho United States is making such remarkable strides in the manufacture of iron that the country Miii&uuu iciiu 1110 icsc otuiewonu, both as a producing and consuming center. lotra State Register. - . It is proposed, both in Vienna and Pans, to water the streets with a disin fectant mixture with water bavin? powerful antiseptic matters dissolved in it. Ninetv barrels of the volks nf onna were an odd importation from Syria 10 rans. ane yeucs are to be nsed in the preparation of leather of a very fine quality. A Physician Opinion. Di:. A. 31. Spaui.dixg of Grand Jiapicls ' Mich., savs: ''I Tirf-?erihf TTiMinivitc , , ---w - v..ww -mwihtl ij JClieuinntic bvrnn in mv nmnhVo o.,i unhesitatingly recommed it. It operates upon the liver, kidneys and bowels, de stroying the poison in the blood and ussui. j.l is a yranu. ionic and ap jji-Kzcr, jinu iui a uiscaseu stomach or uyspepsia, nas no equal." For sale by J. W. Conn. THE "STRAXGLER" WOX. lie Carries Out His Contract and JDoiviis His ITIan. Special to TnE Astoihax SaxFkaxcisco, Aug. 26. The wrest ling match between Evan Lewis, the "Strangler," aud David McLeod, champion of the Olympic Club, took place this evening in the presence of over 2,500 people. The match was for S4.00 a side, Lewis to throw McLeod three tunes inside of nu hour. The "Strangler," who weighed twenty-four pounds more than tho Olymyic Club man, carried out his contract, winning tho three falls 111 forty-nine minutes. The nrst bout lasted twenty-eight minutes, the second eight minutes, the third thirteen minutes. The final bout was very exciting, McLeod as suming the offensive, and three times m succession he almost succeeded in making Lewis's shoulders touch the carpet. KEADY roil RATTLE. Trouble I'carcd Aniens: the Chinese in Portland. SpJct.il to The Astokian.1 PoraiXD, Or., Aug. 20. The Hip Sing Tong and Sam Gip companies, also highbinders societies aro getting ready for battle. They are purchas ing revolvers and cartridges by the wholesale. One storo alone selling over 200 Colts revolvers in the last ten days. The prlice are doing their utmost to prevent any crisis. I?Icdical Appointment. Speci.il toTun AsronrAN-.l Wa&iiikgton-, Aug. 2G. Commis sioner Banm has appointed Win. Fru man. ot Spokane Falls, as pension medical examiner. THE HAWAIIAH SITUATION. EyerytMnE Rejortei Peaceful in Hie Island Kiiiiom. Til 1: co irsTit v t'Ji osrniio us. Special by Tho U.nitki I'kkss. Seattle, Aug. 2G. Latt Frauci&o, a gentleman thoroughly informed as to the affairs of the Hawaiian govern ment, said yesterday in reference to the expected outbreak in tho island kingdem: ''There cannot be a word of truth in the telegram sent from Seattle in reference to the expected outbreak of the native element. I be lieve the whole story is a fake." The latest advices received in this city from both Kalakauka and Minis ter John Cummings, were to the effect that everything was peaceful in the Sandwich islands, and no clouds of dis content were present to darken the political horizon, and the country is in a more prosperous condition than it has been for many years. WANTS fli'TY TSIOl'SAIVZK Pa 5- Uircctor "Williams Sues the "Examiner" for Libel. Speeial to Tin: AvroniAU.l Sax Fuaxcisco, Aug. 26. Pay Di rector W. W. Williams, of the United States navy, brought suit to-day against 'the Examiner for $50,000 damages. The suit is the outgrowth of the Examiner's alleged expose concerning .T. H. McCudden's dealing with the government in delivery of coal and other supplies at the Mare Island uavy yard, while fulfilling con tracts awarded to him at dillerent times. Death ot" a Prominent Attorney. Sax Fkanoisco August 26. W. W. Bishop, the well known attorney, died thismorniug, aged 55 years. CHEAP SAL3ION. Fine Lar.;e fresh FKh SelKnjx for Three "HitV Apiece. The war between the fishermen on the Sacramento river and the can nerynien still continues and the re sult is that large quantities of sal mon aro brought to thi3 city every day and sold at ruinous prices. Yes terday while honsewives were paying 10 and 12l cents a pound for salmon iu the markets they could have gone to the fishermen's wharf and pur chased all they wanted for less than a cent a pound. In the afternoon teu or twelve boat-loads of large salmon that had been caught in the morning were ex posed for sale. Some weighed as high as forty pounds, and they were sold cleaned at a uniform price of 35 cents each. A colored man made money by selling gunny sacks at 5 cents each to wrap the fish in. A fisherman told a Call reporter that the rich fishermen were mostly Greeks and that they had formed a combination er union and agreed not to sell to the canneries below a certain figure. If a man breaks the agreement, he said, "he will be killed sure and his boat destroyed." The regular felucca men complain greatly about the river men coming and taking berths at their wharf. They say they pay no dock dues and hurt their trade so that several of the regular fishing boats aro laid up. The wharfinger and collector at the wharf, they say, are "doing politics"' at San Jose, and they have no one to complain to to make the in vaders from up the river pay dock dues. 8an Francisco Call, 23. . At an equality of age the male is gen erally heavier than the female, except toward the age of 12, when the average weight in both sexes is about the same. pocIi. The transition from Ions, limjcrin" and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the indi vidual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health lias been at tained is grateful I v blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Elec tric Bitters. So many teei they owe their restoration to health to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic. J f you aro troubled with any disease of the Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or siiort standing you will surely find re lief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at ZQ c, and SI per bottle at J, "W. Conn's Drug store. BI& RAILWAY SCHEME To Bnilfl a Line Ea&twarfl firam Une- to to tie Lataior Coast. TO 00NNE0T WITH STEAMSHIPS. By This Kouto Passengers Oan Travel From Chicago to London Inside of Seven Days- Special by Tin: United Pisess. Quebec, Aug. 26. The most gigan tic railway system ever projected in Canada, with the single exception of the Canadian Pacific, is about to bo started. The promotors are chiefly French nnd English capitalists. Sir Hector Langevin, minister of public works for the Dominion, and Sir Charles Topper, a high commissioner for Canada in London, are largely in terested parties. The scheme is to build a railway eastward from Quebec, somo S00 miles, to St. Charles bay, on the Labrador coast. From which point large steamers are expected to make the voyage to Milford Haven, in Wales, in three and one-halt days. By this route it is expected that passengers and perishable freight can bo carried from Chicago to London inside of seven days. The company calls itself the North Canadian Atlan tic Eailwav and Steamer enmnnnv. The capital of the company is 20,000, 000, but it has authorized itself to bond its road for the purchase of steamships. AI,I, KXHJHTS OF LABOR On the Central Road to Re Or dered Out. Special to Ihk Astoiuax.i AiBAxr, N. Y., Aug. 26. Members of District Asssembly No. 246, of this city, who are intimate with Powderly, stated this morning that the chief, said that the action of the federation was merely a conservative course that they were compelled to take by reason of their charters. The words of sympa thy, however, were merely words oE caution to the members of the federa tion to look out for any encroachment upon their rights, and Powderly be lieves that they will seize the first op portunity to strike. That opportunity, ho predicts, will occur before three days. In fact, Powderly almost as sured the members of District Assem bly No. 216 at their secretmeeting last night that a general strike would soon occur. It is further claimed upon the part of the Knights this morning, that as yet only a part of their men are out on this road, and that when a general order goes out there will bo moro trouble yet. Tho general order for a strike of all the Knights oE La bor on the Central railroad will bo given to-night, and on all the other connecting roads aiding the Central to move freight. ASSVINTEO A WEW PHASE. Many 131 en Discharged From tte Stock Yards. Speeial to Tur. Astor ian-.I Chicago, Aug. 26. The strike of the switchmen of the Stock Yards Switching Association after the ad justment of the grievances of tho en gineers aud firemen yesterday, put a new phase on the situation. It was decided to dissolve the association and allow each road to do its own switching. These men were told their services were no longer needed, and others had been procured to do the switching. Superintendent Marsh went to tho stock yards this morning at the head of 300 men to take charge of the pa lice arrangements thero and see that no acts of violence are committed by the strikers. Seven Eivcs- Eost. Sptcial to Tuk ASTORIAX.l Sax Fiiaxcisco, Aug. 26. A dis patch to the merchant's exchange to day, from London, says that in the collision between the British ship At -fomene and the British bark Dovenby, reported yesterday, seven men were drowned. To-any's "Weather. Special to Tm: Astokiax.1 Sax Fkaxcisco, Aug. 26. For Oregon Fair weather, winds gener ally westerly, stationary temperature. For Washington Fair weather, ex cept licrlit rain at Fort Canby, winds generally northerly, stationary tem perature. Trouble Over a Woman. Special to The AstoutaxI PoirriiVND, Or., Aug. 26. In a mid night fracas last night, Archie Beau mont, a well-known rounder, was badly cut up, and two others, William Morisey aud Balph Boss, fared but little better. A woman is supposed to have cansed tho trouble. IVomiuatcd by Acclamation. Speeial to Tnn Astokiax.1 MasshjEox, Ohio, Aug. 26. Major McKinley was nominated by acclama tion in the sixteenth congressional district cbnvention this afternoon. A Residence Burned. Speeial to The Astor.iax.1 Sax Jose, Aug. 26. H. W. Edwards' residence, a few miles south of this city, valued at Sl'1,000, was destroyed bv fire this afternoon. Insurance, 83,000. Iddilional Tchtjraph on Fourth Page.) A CLEAN AND PERFECT CURE OF Hurts assd Bruises A Doctor Saw It. Lawrence. Kansas. Aug-. 9, 18S8. George Patterson fell from a 2d-&tory window, striking a fence. I foun.i him using St. Jacobs Oil freely nil over his hurts. I saw Wm, o-ri morning at work; all tho blue spots had cone, leaving neither pain, scar nor frwcllinjr. C. K. ttEUMANy.M. D. At Druggists and Usalers. THE CHARLES rt-VOGELER CO., BtflMrffJM. SURE Jp CURL