The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 26, 1890, Image 3

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    "W l 'm'SJjr-'- 9zxr,r?- -
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... AUGUSTS. 181fl
rakMtcr and rroprietoi.
irin HciLyiNG. - OassStiikkt
Tortus of Subscription.
Mr sl by Gamer, per week 15 cts
MHit by Matt. jcr month . cocts
'cut b Mftil. oo jfr .. 7.00
Frvv of potase a subscribers.
Tiik Astouian guarantees to its adver
:iersthe largest oirculatioii of aiiv newspa
per pubhbeil on the Columbia river.
Glorious weather now and everybody
. Track laying on the extension of the
Bay railway into the city was com
menced yesterday.
John Bell renounced allegiance to
tlie cear of Russia yesterday, and was
jnveu first citizenship papers.
The board of fire delegates met last
fvemiig, hut adjourned until to-night
witliout transactiuir any business.
Auditor Jewett Iisik received the
uew Kcmiugton type writer, which
was purchased lv order of the coun
cil This is the last day of ihe steam
thinir liorses. for Uifi mnrrv-crn-rnmil
leaver here to-morrow for Salem,
where it will be m operation during
11h' state fair.
Work has already commenced on
the steamer to be built for Capt.
Balbage at the foot of Jackson street
In Je Leathers. It will lie 75 feot
long and 16 feet wide.
It will he but a short iiine before
r:iuii boast or haing n system
' ..:M?ivcut HghSs. for work is to
- .iuiiimvi at once running the
.!; ::k1 putting in the lights.
riK- Occidental cricket team resum
ixl practice games on Flavel's wharf
last evening, preparatory to sending a
challenge to the Spokane Falls team,
In which they were defeated recently.
One of the windows in car Ko. 1, of
the city railroad was broken yesterday
afternoon, by Wherry & Co's. famous
gra horse, poking his nose through
it, at the corner of Third and Cass
M reels. The horse was uninjured.
Suit was instituted in the State
Circuit court yesterday in behalf or
tlio City vs. M. J. Kinney, to recover
S-I. tUeeo-t of improving the street
in fixmt of defendant's property on
Third street, near Genevieve street.
.1. O. Sii(wr, of Clifton, has been
appointed administrator on the
tMate or 11. II. Taylor, the
Miictde. whose body was found
lwck of the Hillside eemelerv last
wvk. This estate, which consists cn
litvh of uionev and a fow personal ef- j
ftvl is vnhitHl al SfiOi). !
Tlie new city Ivonds which are for
Harris .v. Co., or Chicago, 111., are
lwent three in nunnVr and for $1,000
each Every lond and the coupons
attached must be signed in forty-one
jdaces b Auditor Jewell, and yesler
la lie signal his name )13 limes.
Tin- bunds will be sont away at once.
The eight lour svst cm seems to belMrs- G- W. Shidler, C. H. Watson
worked for ail it is'worlh in Umatilla ! Miss E. Watson, Archie Askins, Mrs
county. It is said that in the harvest
fields there men are required to work
eiflii hnnrs in iln forenoon mid nirrlif. i
ltnnrs: in ilio nffprnonn lfvivinrr nirrlif 1
lionrs for rest and recreation, or to '
mske up for any time that may have
lee lost during thp day.
llenn Doyle, the Pacific coast
agent for Barlnuir Bros, celebrated
salmon twines and threads, will arrive
this morning on tho Slate of Califor
nia from San Francisco. Experience
f many years past has demonstrated
the excellence of tho manufactures he
represents, and his arrival in this city
a mnitw of interest to those engaged
in tin lisherios.
The Willapa llcpublican tells of a
citizen of that place who recently vis
ited Astoria and was so dazed by tho
electric lights and other metropolitan
illuminations that he followed three
Idoeks after what he took to be a street
car light, and finally fell exhausted on
a dor step and was disgusted to find
that it was a lightning bug on the
. d of his nose.
Tic readers of The Astowax were
in their seats in time last evening at i
Ik pera house, for exaotly at 8:li5 p.
;, Hie hour announced in these
c Junius yesterday, the curtain rose
aud the pfay ojened. 'The few people
bt1h do not read Tim Astokian were
late, coming in after the performance
oHUHienecd, and lost more or less of
tlie first act.
There are three very important events
iq the lire of every male. Number one
i when as a boy he wears his first
i .ir of pants, the second is when as a
2 onng man tlio girls first speak of him
as Mister," and the third, when as a
happy married man, tho doctor tells
him Its a boy.' The latter was
Jeff Crandall'.s oxparienoo yesterday
iit ruing.
The Oregon Improvement oompauy
at hjeattle have engaged a diver to ex
amine the piles that support their coal
bankers, and watch the operation of
tlie teredo as he performs his destruc
tive scnlpings in firty feet of water.
Going down under water in a diviug
Ull to watch teredos is an interesting
scientific amusement that is denied
owners of water front property in As
toria, there being no teredos to observe
'Oi .
Goo. "VV. Parker, of God's valley,
rdlaxnook county, arrived in tho city
Iat night aud reports settlers coming
into that section rapidly. Many set
tlers are locatiug on nnsurveyed land,
ami thoso who aro on tho land in
cluded in the Tjato survey arp quite
anxious as to tho result of Inspector
Bussey's examination. Will Bussell,
who has a fine ranch adjoining Park
ers, finds pleasure in the retirement of
this fertile valley and yearns not for
the gilt and tinsel pleasures of city
Captain J. 11. D. Gray passed Snu
day across tlie river, and while there
look occasion to iuquire into the ru
mored purchase of tho L B N. Cq.
The story is all bosh," said the Cap
tain yesterday morning, "and grew out
of the fact that some gentlemen, who
are oounected with tho Northern Pa
cific company, have bought forty
acres of land on tho hill about a mile
BonthofMr. Loomis' place and oon
ttunplate putting up a summer hotel.
The purchase has not tho least rail
road significance."
WciHkard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Five Pounds of Powder Exploded in HLs
Yesterday afternoon Andrew Peter
son, who has a ranch on the Necani
cum, about eight miles from Seaside,
met with a terrible accident while at
work in the woods.
Peterson was blasting a log and had
put one blast in which failed to go off.
He then commenced putting in an
other and had a lard can full of pow
der in his hand while putting in the
charge. There must have been some
fire in the log from the previous charge
that fired the loose powder which
caused the explosion of that in the can
he was holding. The terrible force
of the explosion struck him in the
face bnrning his beard and skin to a
crisp, jiis race is terribly swollen
and full of powder and his eyes are
closed to sight
From where the poor man met with
the accident it was about half a mile
by the trail to Mr. Johnson's place,
and down this trail he crawled, once
in a while stopping to pnll his eyes
open with his lingers, being then able
to dimly see his way. Thus, with
great suffering, he managed to reach
Johnson's, where he was assisted to
Seaside. From Seaside he was ac
companied to Astoria by George W.
Eowe, who took the unfortunate man
to St. Mary's hospital, where he re
ceived medical attention. His right
eye is the worst injured, although he
may possibly recover the sight of
both. He is a member of the Scan
dinavian Benevolent society, and will
receive the sympathy and attention
of his fellow-members, as well as the
nursing and kind offices of the at
tendants at the hospital.
A Local Pugilist Severely Punishes a
A little tin pleasantness occurred in
a saloon in lower town about 10 1 o'clock
last night, in which a sailor whose
name is unknown was badly beaten
by Wm. Scott, otherwise known as
Seotty, the pugilist.
The sailor, it appears, arrived here
recently on a deep water vessel aud
put up at one of the sailor boarding
houses where he was given carte
blanche, had the ran of the bar-room
and in other ways life was made
pleasant to him from a sailor's
standpoint, the understanding on the
part of the boarding houso keeper
being that the tar would stay with
him until ho could bo shipped. The
sailor, however, after a few days of
riotous living concluded he did not
want to go to sea any more, and leav
ing the boarding house, went to work
for a cont motor,
Last night he came into town, and
in his rounds met "Seotty." The
latter took him to task for "desert
ing,' aud as Jack vouchsafed no ex
planation nor showed any disposition
to pay his bilk "Seotty" did him up in
the most approved Sullivanistic stylo.
It took a phvsician half an hour to
dress the man's bruised face. No ar
rests. Coniinj; Front California.
The steamship Stale of California,
Capt. II. S. Ackley, is due from San
Francisco this morning, with the fol
lowing cabin passengers:
B. W. Boekwell, W. S. Harlnnd, F.
S. Calhoun, W. H. Young and wife,
B. li. Xpapp, Mrs. B. L. Knap), J. B.
W ilber and wife, JJr. . W. Shidler,
J. Hilton aud son, Mrs. AVillio Bich,
G. B Carkey, Mrs. J. W. Miner
and son, O. 1L Pickett, Mrs.
B. UUfblC, INLrs. J.
Seaman, J.
A. Aldcn, H.
.?,!e ' "Wylic.
Thornburg, B. Abbey, James Scott.
Simon Seintlenbach, Mr. J. O. Gilio
Iniid and daughter, Ed. Wilcox and
wife, W. E. Post, Miss Nevins, Mrs.
M. C. Mnren, Mrs. G. 1L Wood, II.
Mangier, C. A. Bacon, J. McPhers, H.
Howe, W. A. Humphrey, Wm. Boss,
Q. Camp, W. C. Harvey, Henry Doyle.
From South IJpiid,
Wm. B, Adair, formerly in tho real
estate business in this city, arrivod
from South Bend last evening. He
reports business in the Bend section
as quiet, but considerable activity Ls
being displayed iti railroad building.
Work on the Chehnlls and South Bend
line, he said, is being pushed rapidly,
aud altogether there is probably 700
men at work. On this end of the line
200 Chinese are looking after the work.
Extraordinary Salmon Shipments.
There has probably been no season
in tho history of salmon packing on
the Columbia when the. pack has been
disposed of so 'rapidly as tho present
For some time past every steamer has
been loaded on her up trip with
salmon, and still it goes. At this rate
very little will be left to gp over the
bar for foreign ports. It is thought
there is probably not more than -lSjOOO
cases left on the river.
police to JJariners.
An official letter from Thomas Perry,
lient commander TJ. S. N., lighthouse
inspector of the twelfth district, dated
San Francisco, Oak, August 22, 1890,
reads as follews:
Notice is hereby gi?eu that the
whistling buoy, off Point Sur, Califor
nia, has been reported missing since
the morning of the 20th inst. This
buoy will not bo replaoed.
For Rent.
P.'eaint furnished room for one or
two quiet gentlemen. Inquire at this
A Rare Chance.
A faum comprising the S.E. X of sec.
.H, T. 8 N., 11. 8 W. Good agricultural
land, 1Q acres cleared and 2Q acres
slasljed. with hou0e", well "anil other
improvements. For'sale at auction at
Couht House on Saturday, Aug. 30th,
R90, at 1! r, m.
Nothing Succeeds T.ihc Success
It is verified by thp fact that nearly
everybody cats at Jeff's New re
staurant, Kooms With Board.
Parties desiring comfortable rooms
with hoard, at reasonable rates, can be
accommodated at Mrs. E. O. llolden's,
corner Main and Fourth streets.
IVc in hard's IJecr
At the Sunny Side saloon. Furnished
rooms up stairs.
Telephone lo!i;iujff lleusc.
I!est Beds in town. Booms per night
50 and 2T cts., per week S1JK). New and
clean. Private entrance.
Fine Tahlo Wine
Delivered at GO cents a gallop, to any
part of the city. A lino line of pure
California wines at low prices, at A.
W. Ulzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
Ludlow's Ladies' 3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Delicious Ice Cream
Served dally at the Colombia bakery.
A ConsMon Company's CMitor
Brings Snil.
C. J. Curtis, as attorney for W. H.
Bain, purposes checking Wm. Beid
and the Pacific Construction company
in securing control of the $391,000 in
bonds and securities on deposit with
the L W. Case Banking Co., as
security and forfeit for the payment
of the construction of the Seaside
division of the South Coast railroad.
Yesterday suit was filed against the
Construction company on behalf or
Bain, who, as assignee of a number of
surveyors, obtained judgment against
the company last fall for 83,483.60.
This fact is set forth in the complaint
in the case, which then recites that
the Astoria & South Coast railroad is
indebted to the Construction company
in tho sum named. That the latter
company is insolvent and except for
its lien on tho negotiable securities
and bonds has no assets.
Wherefore plaintiff asks that the de
fendant corporation be declnred insol
vent; that a receiver be appointed to
close up the affairs of tho company
aud apply the proceeds to the payment
of plaintiff's claim.
"Unless some good philanthropist
steps in and furnishes the money for the
construction company to pay the claim
of Bain the bonds will be tied up for
some tune and the proposed plan of
Wm. Beid to place them with capital
ists seriously interfered with.
An Alh.ny Man Srciircs Some Valuable
At the court house yesterday after
noon, J. K. Weatherford, of Albany,
made a good buy of choice Astoria
property. He was one of a few that
attended tho sheriff's salo in tho par
tition suit of C. 11. Page against
Sclhosser et als. The property in
volved comprised lots 5 and 10, block
CI; lots 5 and 10, block 5S, and lot 10,
wth water front rights, in block CG)j,
McClure's addition, and is on what is
known as Hamilton.street.
Tho price paid was $12,000, which is
considered very low.
As Mr. Weatherford is connected
with tho Albany & Astoria railroad in
an official capacity, tho purchase will
doubtless bo tho foundation for re
ixirls that the company has secured it
for terminal facilities.
Frank Gentry, representing tho
Gentry equine paradox, arrived in the
city last evening.
Chas. Mitchell, of Seattle, who has
been spending a week in the city, re
turns home this morning.
Mrs. E. S. Lowe, of Fort Slevons,
will leave for a visit to California on
the .steamship Columbia to-day.
Boss Clinton went to the Klaska
uine Sunday aud returned yesterday,
briuging seven dozen tine mountain
E. E. Coovert, formerly a resident
of this city, but now practicing law at
Vancouver, Wash., is m Astoria on
Maude Granger and her excellent
company go up to Portland this morn
ing on the li. li. Thompson, thence to
Oregon City, where they appear this
Lintenant-Governor Charles E.
Langhton, of our sister state, passed a
couple of hours in this city yesterday
artemoon and left for Portland on tlis
steamer Telephone. Governor Laugh
ton has been a guest of J G. Megler,
at Brookfield for several days. The
visitor stated ho would return here in
a few weeks when it is his intention
to invest in soine property.
To Scholars and Teachers.
Court street Bohool will open Mon
day September 1st, Examinations for
the Astoria high school will be con
ducted tho first week. All pupils who
have finished the first grammar grade
work in any of the city schools, will
be admitted without examination.
Tuition for non resident pupils can
be ascertained by making applica
tion to J. W. Conn, chairmau board of
directors district No. 1.
There will be a teacher's meeting
held at tho Court street; buildiug
Saturday, August 30th, at 2 p. ar. All
teachers are requested to be present.
W. D. Pratt,
A movement is on foot to procure,
by a writ of habeas corpus, the liber
ation of Mrs. Maybrick, the American
woman who was sentenced, to. imprison
ment for lifo on a charge of murder
ing her husband.
To Ask Again, but Ha Frank XotUr
Got It for UIiu.
A few mouths ngq one ol the unfortunate
Inmates in tlie Sap frauclsco Almshouse
was inspired by the sen.saUQ8.ftl statement
In the newspapers with tho belle! that Joy's
Vegetables Sarsaparilla would hclphlm. But
without money, how to get it was tho ques
tion. Finally ho wrote to tho Edwin W. Joy
Co., appealing to their generosity, and It was
not unheeded, the coveted preparation be
ing sent by tho next parcel delivery. IU
effect Is best told in a subsequent letter, from
which we quoto tho follewing:
I supposo you know mo by this writfnr.
Earsaparllla. Its laxative action is perfec
tion itself. It has ao thoroughly regulated
my system that my catarrh, rheumatismi
constipation, and headaches aro all better.
7. feel ashamed to ask In this way, bqt what
hall I do ? I thought I might not neod any
more, but I am now o anx4o.Ul to xoop It up;
but ypu seeTiqw It Is,"
It was seat, and he can get more It he noodi
Your Friends
At the bench will appreciate a nice box
of fruit. Thompson & Ross have a fine
assortment, and will give carerul atten
tion to all such orders.
Good Goods and low rates at the Sea
side Bakery.
Tl Finest JPkotns
Are now taken by H. S. Shuster. See
new samples;
A fine line of Cigars and Cigarettes
can be found at tho Columbia Bakery.
590 Third street.
The latest style of Gents' Roots and
Shoasat 1. .1. Goodman & Co.'s.
Go to the Columbia bakery far all
kinds of Jakes.
All the Choicest Delicacies, made by
only first-class men at the Seaside
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open the year 'round.
A Young Lady Dragged by a Runaway
Miss Grace Carrnthers, of this city,
met with a thrilling adventure on the
road to Kamm's farm and her escape
from death or serious injury was noth
ing less than miraculous. Miss Carrnth
ers was one of a party of ladies and
gentlemen, who set out on horseback
early Sunday morning to visit the
Kamm place. The animal that Miss
Carruthers rode was a spirited one
and caused her no littlo inconvenience
by shying at objects on tho road. She
managed to keep her seat until at a
point about eight miles from the city,
when the horse took a leap to one side
ana ran away.
Miss Carruthers was thrown to
the ground. Her riding habit caught
in the stirrup and she was dragged a
considerable distance, the animal's
hoofs striking the ground in alarming
proximity to her head. Fortunately
the strain on tho dress proved tob
great, and its tearing released the
young lady from her perilous position.
An examination disclosed that Miss
Carruther's injuries consisted solely of
a braised shoulder, The horse was
recaptured and the young lady pluck
ily rode it into the city.
Deeds filed or recorded on Aug. 25,
1S90, as reported for Tiie Morning
Astorian by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cemnanv:
To T. H. Foss, E. M "N. W. K
audS. W.if of ST. W. hi
and S. W.j4'ofN. E.J4,
Sec 29. Township 8N..K.
8 W. S 400
J. C. Dement to F. E. Klotz,
lot 1, blk. 17, Dement's. . . 80
D. R. Mcintosh to W. It.
Mcintosh, lot 1, blk. 2, in
Mater's addition 10
D. R Mcintosh to Ed. Turn
bull, lots 23 AuclSJ; blk. 11,
Yonug's addition 175
Wiugate & Stone to Maria
Ann Warner, lot 2, blk. W,
Holladay Park 200
United States to Jonas Lind,
lots 1, 2, 3 and N. E. 1 of ,
N.W.Kof Sec 7, Town
ship G N., R9 W.,143 80-100
acres 338
Deeds filed G; total amount $ 1,223
Previously reported this year 1,579,229
Total to date S1,5S0, 152
An Objectionable Ordinance Will Re Re
pealed To-Xislit.
Tho meeting of tho City Conncil this
evening will see a settlement of tlie
differences between that body and tlie
fire department. The council com
mittee on lire and water, to which was
referred tho matter of a proposed re
peal of tho ordiunuco taking the ap
pointment of engineers away from the
tiro companies, will report. Two
members of tho committee Conncil
men Bergman and "Wickmau will
present tho report, tho third member,
John Fox, being absent from the city.
Tho committee will favor a repeal of
the objectionablo ordinance, which
will leave the appointing power where
it formerly, with tho Board of
Firo delegates.
There is little doubt but what the
report will bo adopted, as the mem
bers of the council have expressed
themselves in favor of the firemen's
A Sound Racer.
Tho Bailtl Qatzerk ia tho imnin of n
now steamer lately inspected on the
aounu. ano was mint uy t. i'. liol-
lautt, nun will run between Seattle and
Tacoma tocarrv nnssencrers onlv. TTor
contract calls for a speed of twenty-
two nines an hour and her projector
thinks ho will boat even this. On her
trial trip sho will cover the distance
between Seattlo andTaooma in one
hour and tpu minutes. It takes tho
Olympian two hours to make the
same run.
The new steamer Ls built to re
semble the Pugot Sound and Alaska
Steamship company's State of Wash
ington. Her net tonnago ls slightly
less than tho latter vessel, yet she has
seventy-five per cent more power.
Sho is magnificently furnished
throughout with handsome saloons,
lavatories and barber shops. She
has no staterooms. Sho registers
444.32 tons net and m,e;isnre3 173.7
feet iu length and 82.3 feot iu breadth.
Her registered depth' is 8 feet She
has one deck oud one mast, aud will
be out in a few days. Port 'Town
send Leader.
Catching the Speckled Rranties.
"Maud, I should like to know the
meaning of this reception?"
"Mr. Hazard, you shall T answered
the proud, country ghl, freezingly. "I
have found you out, sir. That is all."
4What do you mean, dearest?"
".Don't come near me, sirl Stay on
the other side of that table! X have
found out that you hap been amusing
yourself at my expense.
"For heaven's sake, Maud, explain."
"I know I am freckled-faced, sir!"
she said, with flashing eye, "but I did
not think you onpablo of joking about
it with your friends."
"I haven't done anything of the
kind, Maud!" protested the young
"You have, sir! After you had had
proposed to mo last night, and 1 I
had said y-yes, and you had gone, 1
overheard you telling Mr. Bellcham
ber out there on the front porch" what
glorious fun it was, t.Q gq iuto tho
mountains ' fo August and catch
Bpecl:le4 ' beauties." Chicago Tri
bune. "Weak and weary" describes the con
dition of many poople debilitated by
warm woathor. by dtseaso or overwork.
Hood's Sanaparilla is just the medicine
needed to build up and strengthen the
body, purify and quicken the sluggish
blood, and restore the lost appetite
All over Europe are the agents of
American theatrical and other mana
gers who are in search of novelties,
and who have it spread abroad
that money is no object. Loudon is
made their headquarters.
On tho occasion of her marriage
with the son of King John of Abys
sinia, the daughter of the King of
Shoa woro the historical orown of tho
Queen ol Sheba, which "has been
treasured by tho Ethiopinn kings for
twenty-five centuries.
Djfipcpsia For Sixteen Years.
M. P. Holland. Postmaster. Rockaway
Beach, Long Island, N. Y., was entirely
cured of dyspepsia and rheumatism of
sixteen years' standing, by taking two
Bratiretii'3 Pills every night for a
month. During the month he took tiiem,
ho cained eiclit pounds in weight.
Buandbetu's Pills are purely vege-
taoic, absolutely Harmless, and sale to
take at any time.
Sold in every drug and medicine store,
either plain or sugar-coated.
mmb pea luTjrBrnrwTTrmT-i ,. - -
The cargo of tho British bark2Voop,
which arnvca aundav, comprised
7,823 cases of tea.
The steamshirv Columbia, sailing
from here to-day, will take several
thousand cases of salmon and a large
quantity of shooks for 'Frisco.
Yesterday some slight changes or
repairs were made on the new boiler
of the steamer JIanzanita, and Capt.
Bichardsou expects to go to Tilla-,
mook Rock to-day.
Capt. Tuthill, of the British ship
Slrathblane, which arrived Snndav
from Antwerp, reports that when the
vessel was near the equator on this
side, what looked like a ship's boat
was sighted. The captain satisfied
himself that no signals of distress were
flying from this object, but did not
run down close enough to make ont
whether or not it was a boat.
Foard & Stoke3 have purchased all
the wreckage of the bark Corca,
which belonged to the Cutting Pack
ing company, and which went ashore
at Cook's Inlet last spring. Tho pur
chase includes all the rigging, chains,
sails, etc., recovered. The TJnion Pa
cific company, it is understood, claims
title to the property also, and it is
stated will try to enforce their claim.
There is considerable red tape at
tached to the practice of lightering
ships at this point before they can pro
ceed up the river to the inland sea
port. Vessels arriving here with
cargoes for Portland are invariably so
deeply laden that they cannot go" up
the river and in consequence must dis
charge part of the cargo on to barges.
This cannot be done without permis
sion of the customs authorities, but
this i3 generally granted npon applica
tion of the agent, made in writing, to
the collector of customs. The request
in tho case of the ship Strathblanc,
which arrived here Sunday, reads:
"Permission is respectfully requested
to lighter sufficient of tho cargo of the
British ship Strathblanc, of Glasgow,
from Antwerp to Portland, Or., with gen
eral cargo, to ennblo hor to go over tlu
river bars to her destination."
The Canadian Pacific Co.'s steam
ship Danube, which arrived from
Victoria yesterday, came "by way of
San Francisco. . The occasion for this
was the late unpleasantness between
the Pacific Mail Steamship company
and the Canadian Pacific, wherein a
war in freight and passenger business
was declared. Tho breach has since
been healed, and under condition
that the Cauadian company will let
San Francisco bnsiness alone, the
Mail company agrees to keep its ships
away from British Columbia ports.
One steamer of the latter company,
the China, touched at Victoria, and
to get even the other company ac
cepted f reisrht and passengers at ilonir
Koug nnd Yokabama, on the steamer
Abyssinia, for ban Francisco. Before
the vessel had crossed the ocean, how
ever, a truce had been declared by
inc companies and tne passengers anil
freight were sent to the Bay City on
the Danube.
In Her Stomach.
About three.inonths ago Dr. Voight,
of this city, was called to attend Mrs.
Annie Micldcs, who lives at 755 South
Pearl street. Columbus, O. Tho wo
man appeared to be suffering from
stomach trouble. Shortlv after treat
ment was commenced Mrs. Mickles
began to throw off vegetable matter
resembling strips of flesh and skin,
and under the doctor's treatment was
slowly recovering. His patient sorely
puzzled Dr. Voight, who deter
mined yesterday to make a thorough
examination of tho case, which
brought o light an astounding state
of affairs. The patient was placed in
a reclining iiosition, and milk was
dropped slowly into her month. An
instrument was then introduced, when
the doctor says ho saw an object mov
ing back and forth across the aliment
ary canal. In order to remove the
object, the doctor administered to his
patient a powerful emetic, which
caused violent tils of vomiting, during
one or which she threw from hor
stomach a white substance an inch
and a half in length, which upon ex
amination proved to be a toad, and it
was alive. The doctor and Mr, and
Mrs. Mickles could scarce! v believe
their eyes, and when the patient fully
realized what she had thrown
oil her stomach she fainted.
The toad was imperfectly developed.
The head and fore part or the body
were perfect and complete, lut its
rear legs were missqg, nnd there is
nothing to. indicate that they ever
grow out. Mrs. Mickles is feeling
greatly improved to-night, aud in en
deavoring to account for the presence
of the toad in her stomach told ihe
Enquirer that about ono year ago,
while living at Lancaster, Ohio, she
was employed "at a house where cis
tern water was used for drinking pur
poses. She frequently found toads
and snakes in the cistern, and thinks
she must have swallowed this one at
that time, Dr. Voight is of the opin
ion that the animal was taken into the
stomach in embryo aud developed
while lying there." Cincinnati Sn.
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I will open on or before August 1st, the Grandest
Line of Clothing Ever Shown on this Coast, which
I will sell for LESS MONEY than the trash which
is now being -faked off on the Public as Rare
t$?LS5 S i'5.5s&8lSHCBc(
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Wlillor,
Headquarter-? at Main Street wharf.
ThLRI'lK'K NO.-1S.
A (loui'ml Kxpnss ami Delivery utisincss
Your patroiiatji is Mrficlteri.
Livery St;
-onvc-janersol r.: kind, on .short notice.
Transferrini: r.njysijie, eh-., a specialty.
Telephone No, in,
Orders Delivered Free of Cliarjie. Country
Orders Solicited. Third street.
next to Pioneer ofiice.
Toot of Morrison St.. Portland, Oregon.
Advance Threshers
Farm, Church aud School Bells.
Inspirators, Injectors and Feed Pumps. Coal
Oil Engines, Tnilicm l'ninps, Krienel
Engine. Uoilers and Steam Cencmtors
lilacksmitlv Fojges and Drills, 15est Axle
(!rc:is.,r.ii(l Compound in the world. Pow
ell's l!r.s Goods and Iron Pipe.
Ncml for Circular,
Kvervthinj: in Season.
t$p. 3u. :o:oxubs
Next to CoiUral Hotel. Astoria, Oregon.
Ask your dealer for the following brands
of clears; Australian llallot, V. K. ICrnin
k Co., La rerfec-tos, la Kosa del Vnelta,
I Union I-abel on carli box. For further par
! licidars apply to .Tolin Halm, Astoria, Ore
1 t:on.
O nc p o
ceo - e o 2 5
STe: .
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Tit ffr ' . '"
Lots in tee's Astoria Are low on Sale
Astoria Eeal Estate Co.
PRICES FE03I 8150 TO $250 EACH.
TERMS --One-J lalf Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Is the Choice of the Connoisseur. .
Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots.
Orders for any quantity to be directed to
H. WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon.
Comer Twelfth ami 15. Telephone 72.
ea 9 11 h fL" B nil ill N si T
MM Bi1b3 3 iialEnMBl 1
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is the Bon Ton Bcstanrant or the Town
Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Speciatly
The Finest Wines ami T.iquors.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. R No connection with Ills old place on
Mam Street.
ain Street House
The almvo Jlcslaurant is Just Opened,
with every thins; Xew and
First Class
This is the Cleanest and Quietest
Place in the City.
JS'o Chinese Employed.
Frankfort Real Estate Co.
nif i?rr5?? ) Cor- Cominercial and Pearl Sts., Frankforr, Wash,
ut l iuiii FIavers 5rick j.Iock .u- 2d st Astoria
Investments ade for Non-Residents, a Specialty.
O. no (!f! i Correspondence solicited. Maps, Circulars and all information
" ""'v uu 1 cheerfully furnished.
Neimi & Engross
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
Jcwclrj. Watrhcv. ami Cloclis
Rcp:iireS nt jMxlrciucIy
Low Prices.
628 Third St., - Astoria
Hew Barber Shop
:-: IS NOW OPEN :-:
And lie is ready to serve his friends to their
SIIOr-Ncxt to rhil Stokes' store.
CarpHtcrs aurt Buillrs.
Ilolt & BfcC'iirtric's old stand, have over 200
nintn. and draw-inns of all kinds and styles
of dwelling-houses, ranging from 900 to j
91..UUU. Vj.UI ilUU SCU tliuill.
usurer Jjeer :
P. O. Box 405
o O TTNA T o
ife Size Portraits
You may during the next SO days get a
Which we guarantee NEVER TO FADE for
the greatly reduced price of
:-: S5.00 ONLY :-:
These pictures have before been sold,
everywhere, froift 10.00 to 25.00, but we
will now give
Every One a Chance
To obtain a good piece of work for the
small sum mentioned, if ordered within one
mouth. We can make a picture of any
photograph, tintype, or daguerreotype.
Leave your orders with Mrs. II. A. Derby,
or send direct to Mrs. May D. Ottnat, 11)1
Center street, Chicago, 111., formerly of San
Francisco. Cal. Jf cash accompanies order
we will allow you a discount of iu per cent.
Fresh, Young and Tender,
Poultry Market.