T T irvc - r ASTOTUA, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20. I Sim. PRICE FIVE CENTS n.. .XV. iXO. :. "- a ' fwf'JW"- ftr - a J " . Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE INSURANCE hv nils': Jlariiioaiid Life 'H DUSE & 00.. Ag'is, ASTORIA. OR., t-.41mruu: Ki'liatW Foreign :uid ... aicutics : I 1 j .-4Ml l.ntH i Clobe. Noiili !:-!- . mm( MfimnlHc. Scottish Union ami . .ijU. iMlMnl ol 0mv:icut, Goinisier-- . , . Cili6mut. luit(M ami Lancashire of r!-.ij. Omninerdl ITnkm of Ioiulon. .njiri:4M C lwihni. Northwest orrortlaml, M .lu j! Ij f New York. . .v:pf , Adjustments Guaiantccd ,. W. (-ASK Insurance Agent. KKrKKSKMlXC California Mvi2 i"-s. Co . S. F. Columbia Fir n 1 Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Horns Mutual Instance Co.. S. F. P.'.snix of London, hnpenai cf London. Robh & Parker. I ire and ftar.ne Insurance, WHU xn Aggregate Capital or 370,000,000 . ii'!::iAiof loiuiou. a t.tniKNI.. of California. !vrirn.-f sinnioni. ikl.M) llOMf'ttf Mkl..lil i iS.. iHoi.m. . IKK: " ITN1. of Ctlilomta . Kl . vf l.i:ul44 --.VKlvETS. Washington Market. Ui!n Mice:. t.tirl.t, Oregon. .. rt:oi'ztiiritt!:. .. ..C...VU.U cam. nils attkn- 1. hi . r tfco imMir !o the fact that the m ; ,rVM . u: xlv s he supplied u it h a 1. vu:;kty ami erst quality FS AKD CURED MEATS ! 1 tttitott w he sW at lo;t rates, whole- 7 jv-tol ttii'Mtlou given to supplying STAR MARKET. WHERRY St COMPANY, Krcsh and Cured Meats, Vogotablos, FRUITS, SUTTER, and EGGS. .SSITK OCCP.IFXT IIOl'KI., UK VSSt'S Wirt'cl. AHtnrln, Of. ILoadway Market. O'llsrn A :c.il!s Piopr'-. 0iitsi 1 iKTtl Jt Stoke. A first-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. ,l rsirrtrees delivered in any urt of the Jpfim titer's ilKAUM RESTORER. S&&S USE IT! i J TS THE IDE Alt MEDICnrB. "he Jjvcrand Kil:csand Stomach, - Mi, Dvprrwii, irtJtci an Appc 1 - . v the Isipurc Blood, and Mates The Weak Stronc Ts Mil M E III i t u i 1 1 '1 1 i I d 'X PFUNDER'S Uacd everywhere 51 abeltlo;bixfor?5- " W.Wmri: 'Am i:... Kirn mid Hakky, Cnii Engineer. Wherry & Harry, Real Estate i nIKYKYIM.. TOWXSITE WORK A SPECIALTY. i i' ad Sulmrtmi rmierty Sold on Com- miion. I nves: incuts Made for .ntMf rarties. i:hf::icncj-s I W.Caw. Knnker. .Iiidjie C. II. rase. OfTicr on Tliinl Street, &carCMirt ll'Htse. - ASTORIA, OR Morgan & Sherman (4 ROGERS And Dealers I?i Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies rnrnlslied at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part ol the city Office and Warehouse In Hume's New ButldluR on Water Street. P. O. Box 1SX Telephone No 37. ASTO RI A , OB15 G OX csnt iHtisBnE ti.-K' ilfgWt 1 Ceien Sifes! U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Powder Wingate & Stone, ATE BROKERS AC.EXTS i'Oll HOLUAIxPAf -Ti ie- FINEST SUMMER RESORT -ox Clatsop Beach. ODD FELLOWS Astoria, BUILDING, Or. and Two Choice Blks in Adair's Astoria ran sai.i: i:v Van Dusen & Co Lois in Block "8V S200. Lots in Block "88' $150. Kjilt' Cash, Balance in Three and Six 3Ionllis. C3FAI1 lots slaked :il four f timers. JACOBS & PLUHlillRR. Contractors and Builders. Estimates Given on Brick, Wood Work. Stone, or Concrete and Cement Work n Specialty. OFFICE. 1 1 8 Genevieve St. ' Lsster & CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Ol'FlCK, ItOOM P, FI.AVKIS IJi.n'o SECOND STREET 1. O. ISox 813. .VSTOltIA, OR. B. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL: PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cas and Jefferson SLe.. Astoria, Cor. John 0. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. t'rcsrriplloii!, Carefull I'ompoiuiilcO. Agent lor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure C. E. BAIN, Manufacturer and Dealer in Snsli, Doors. Mouldings and Brackets. All Kinds of llaid Wood and House Finish ing Lnnibf r. lio it Matctial a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Cor. Genevicic :m Aslor Streets. Astouia, - - Okegox. H. EKSTROM, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA. R. A fine line of Hold and Silwr Watches, Solid Cold and I'lated Jewelry, Clocks, etc, at reasonable prices. KctKiltin;; l'loinplly Done. Next to JIoi-Ran & Sliernian. V. n. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Eccs, Canned Goods, Potatoes, Wood and Willow Ware. Kte. W. F. Scheibe, CIGAU MANUKACTUKEK. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or ELECTRIC INTELLIGENCE Interesting Political, Social; Sensa tional anil General Hews. ECHOES FROM THE OLD WORLD. A Smmnavy of ihe Latest and Principal Events Occurring Through out the Land- Stanley has not been restored to perfect health. A fire at Yacaville, Cal., caused a loss of 20,000. The cruiser Sin Francisco hna sailed for a trial trip. Tho British bark Docerby was sunk at sea in collision. Congressman L. F. Watson of Penn sylvania dropped dead. Tho annual convention of grangers has opened at Carlisle, Pa. President Harrison will leave Capo May cottage to-morrow. United States Minister Lincoln denies that ho intends to resign. Ten women in Oakland, Cal., demanded to ho registered as voters. Henry P. Walker, ex-British consul at New York, died yesterdnj. Three women wait berrying in Wis consin and got lost in tho woods. Many people in Oklahoma aro in wnnt of food, and tko fanners need seed. On Yang Keug io to bo recoguized cb tho Chinese vico consul at San Francisco. California has been invited to make an exhibit at tho Spoknno Falls exposition. Win. Fallm is on trial in San Francisco for tapping tho Western Union telegraph wires. Tho body of Harry Johnson, tho sprinter, is to bo sent to St. Louis for in terment. G. II. Bnnlz has been held to answer at Portlnnd for cutting timber on govern ment land. Tho bodies of five persons drowned in Long Island sound last Thursday wcro recovcied. Tho order for the removal of tho army headquartors from Los Angeles has been conntcrmnnded. Tho seizure of tho schooner Malllc Dyer promises to cost tho government considerable money. Tho schooner Maygie S. Jluss, went ashore in n fog near Port Town send and was slightly injured. Y.r. W. Morrow was ro-nominated for Congress by acclamation in tho fourth California district. Two men wero burnod to death and others injured by a firo in the Queens hotel, Sunrise, Ont. Additional suits have been filed nt Port Townsend against Max. Nathanson, an insolvent merchant. Tho Ormondo club of London lias hung np a purso of 5,000 for n match bplwepn Dempsey and Burke. Tho strike of the engineers and firemen in tho Chicago stock ynrds was settled, both sides making concessions. Tho committee appointed by Southern Pacific trainmen to demand an advance in wages aro in session in San Francisco. There are four candidates for the Re publican Congressional nomination in the sixth district; a lively contest is ex pected. It is reported that tho supreme eounoil of the Knights of Labor has refused to endorse the striks on tho Now York Cen tral road. The Northern Pacific Hailroad Co. has been sued for $21,000 by a San Francisco jewelery firm, the value of a trunk lost in transit. The American consul at Pulmero hns gotten into trouble with tho government by advising Americans to keep away from Sicily. BREAKING UP HOUSEKEEPING The President "Will Lcavo Gape May Cottage To-Morrov Special to Thk ASTOitiAX.l CArElL Y.Aug. 25. Signs of break ing up are already visible at the presi dential cottage and by Thursday it will be closed for the season. The president will probably leave on Wednesday for "Washington. Mr. and Mrs. McKee will go to their west er loan ;iul Mrs. Hirruja an I others will go to Cresson. Though the wind was high to-day the president entered the water and remained for some time. CODIES RECOVERED. The Sea. Gives: Up tUc Victims of a. floating Accident. Special to The Astokiax.1 New Yobk, Aug. 25. The bodies of Marc Ilulse, Moritz Stadler, Bertha Schulz, John Logan and Peter Hauke, who wero drowned by the capsizing of a row-boat off Whitestono, L.I., hist Thursday, wero found floating in the sound this afternoon off Port Schuyler and fully identified. To Recognize Ow Ynnjr Kentr. Special to Tnit AsTOitiAN.I "Washington. Aug. 25.-Assistant Sec retary Spaulding, m compliance with a request irom Secretary Blaine, has directed tho collector of customs at San Francisco to rccoenize. temnorarilv. Mr. Ow YangKengas vice consul of China at San Francisco, pending tho presentation of his commission and issue of a correspondent's exchequer. A Physician's Opinion. Dr. A. M. Spaui.dixu of Grand Rapids Mich., says: 'I prescribe Hihhard's Rheumatic Syrup in my practice, aud unhesitatingly reoommed it. It operates upon tho liver, kidneys and bowels, de strojing the poison in the blood and tissues. It is a grand tonic and ap petizer, and for a diseased stomach or dyspepsia, has no equal." For sale by J. W. Conn. FOREIGN' MISSIONS. Close of tlic Session of Dcard of Commissioners. Special to The Astoriax ' Boston-, Aug. 25. The conimitleo of ; nine, chosen to investigate the methods o the executive oflicera of the American board of commissioners j for foreign missions, Tvhich has been1 sitting in the Congregational House, during the past week ha3 fiuished its labors for the present. Tho sessions were occnnied with the reading of reports of sub-committees and acting upon the same. The pro ceedincs were secret and the commit tee refuses to divulge its action. It is understood, however, that harmony prevailed. It is said that other sub committees were appointed to reiiort at a session to be held in Boston, September 23d, with a view to final action at tho annual board meeting. FIRE AND LOSS OF ,IFE. Two Wen Burned to Death in n Hotel. Special to Tjik AsjTOKian.1 Sukridoe. Ont. Aug. 25. The Queen's Hotel was burned this morn ing, and tue guests, 01 wuoni inure were a larco number, had great diffi culty in escaping. As it was, Thomas Powers and Herbert Laytou, the lat- ter irom uttawa, were ounieu 10, burned uuaui. , -""Vxi '1 V t mo nanus unu siiuuny uumeu. o. McGuire, a news agent, was badly burned on tho face. Thp Joss is not) eslImatetL ! ITIorrjir Itc-Nomlnatcd. Special to Tin: AsrORUs.l Sax Fraxcisco. Aug. 25. Congress man "W. "W. Morrow was re nominated bv acclamation by the Fourth Bepub- lican Congressional district conven tion this evening. SAN FRANCISCO KNOCKED OUT, Chinatown Can Slay in lie Heart of the City, rni: mxaiiAM x.nr jsvaliik S.ocIal hr Tko Ujhtko 1'bcsj Sax Fraxoisoo, Aug. 25. Circuit Judge Sawyer, to-day, decided that tho Bingham ordinance, which pro vides for the removal of Chinatown outside of tho limits of San Francisco is invalid. Thojudgo holds that it is contrary to tho constitution, tho statutes of tho United States, and our treaty with China. IT AVI 1.1. COST MONEV, Seizure of a Schooner Likely to Cau.S Tronbln. , Special to Tiik Abtokiax.j Sax Francisco, Aug. 25. It is believed that tho seizure of tho Amer ican schooner JIaltie T. Dyer by Deputy Collector Eraranui, of Sitkr, will cost the United States a large sum of money. Captain Mockler was offered his ship back if he would sign a paper agreeing not to hold the United States liable for anj' damage he might have sustained, but he refused the offer point blank, and says he will hold the government liable. WANTED TO REGISTER. Oakland "Women Demand the Right to Vote. Special to Tiik Astoimax. OaktjAXd, Aug. 25. Ten women walked into the county clerk's office to-day and demanded to be registered as voters. An acting county clerk de clined to register them, and a legal argument followed, but the ladies had to withdraw. They all belong to the "W. C. T. U- and wish to vote for Gen eral Bidwoll, tho Prohibition candi date for governor. ASHORE IN A FOG . The Schooner ".tlacrgic E. IEnss" Slightly Damaged. Special to Tiik Astobiix J Port Towxsexd, Aug. 25. The schooner Jfaggie E. llass went ashore near Point "Wilson at low water to-day and remained a few hours when she got off in an injured condi tion. She went ashore 111 a thick fog near where the bark Oaldand ground ed a few weeks ago. Eoiifr I'assnjje. Special to Tiik Astoriax. I Port Towxsexd. Aug. 25. A largo number of vessels have arrived from California ports, all ot which have made long passages. Au Army Order Countermanded. Special to The astoriax. Los AxoeTjES, Aug. 25. A special to the Tribune to-day slates that an order for the removal of the army headquarters from this city to Santa Fe had been countermanded. A S20,000 Blaze. "Special to The Astoriax.1 YACA.Yn.LB, Cal.. Aug 25. A fire, which broke out in a harness shop about midnight this morning destroyed the same and a building adjoining. Tho losses aggregate $20,000. Shipping Notes. Special to The Astoriax. Sax Fbaxcisoo, Aug. 25. Sailed. Barks Seminole, Nanaimo; Shirley t Port Townsend; barkeutine Quickstep, Port Townsend. Death of n. Congressman. Special to Tiik Astoriax. Washington, Aug 25. Congress man L. F. Watson ot the twenty seventh congressional district of Penn sylvania, dropped dead to-day. A Kerap oi Paper Sarcs Her Lire It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by her physicians that she was in curable and could live only ashorttimc; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read or Dr. Zinc's Xew Discovery, and got a sample bottle:; it helped her. she bought aiargeUOUie.ll. liuipeu net muic, uuuni, another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosj plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller Eartlcnlars send stamp to W. II. Cole, irugglst. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free at J. W. Conn's Drugstore. THE STRM6 TRAINMEN RBJOfl 110111 1116 UWfM CflRUCll nf thp KllitflitiJ nf T.Qlinr Ul lUD Mllll& Ul LrtUUl. THE SOUTnERH- PAUIH0 lii IT. Employes on All the Liues of the Sys- cm Want an Increase in the Bate of Wages. Special by Tiik Uxitkd Pkkss. New York, Aug. 52. Vice presi dent "Webb, of the Nov. York Contral, received a message at 2 o'clock faying that the supreme council at Terre Haute had refused to endorse the strike on tho Central. A similar mes sage was received at the Produce Ex change. Members of the Kiughts of Labor disclaim the anthentitv of the dis patches. , sus thekn pacific fiiHi'LOYKs They Will Demand an Advance onvages. S:t rial to Tit r. Abtoiman.I Sax Fr.vxclsco, Aug. 25. The fif I teen trainmen from various Kints on the Pacific coast lines of the South cm l acme, wi o are in power sis rcpre- , sentauves of tue Brolherood of ton- dnctorsnnd brakemen to comply with 75 years of ae and had been a the company's oflicinb relative to auiontof'thiscftv for over 30 rears general nuvnucc in pay, uesmes ortier nlinmrn? .till unf ltnlil ! mnnlifw. vuuiikO) HIU llrfl t.rJ.K. i.J. .MV.Jli,; It. j uny. 11. S. Bodman, of Los Angeles, chairman of tho grievanae committee, which the fifteen constitute, say that while the men are determined to sain their point they will not act rashly as uiey nave commence 111 ineir nullity to convince tho company that their demands are reasonable. The committee will visit the railroad officers to-morrow, and also hold a de cree meeting, a unai answer is ex-1 pected from tho company at to-mor-1 row's conference. " The dramatic event ot tho season If the decision should be against the was the magnificent rendition of the men, many of (hem think it Avould bo pathetic plavoi "Inherited'' last even best to strike immediately instead of ing, at the o'pera house, bv the emo wnitmg fill tiio railway company has I tional actress, Maude Granger, sup time to begin a regular system of :,ub-1 ported bv a fine company. It wa3onc stitutiou. The grievance committee, of those finished productions which are however, announces that thoy would ( onlv occasionally seen, and then aro so not aot lmmctuaioiy upon an ativerse uceiston, nut report ;o council for instructions. llto supreme A S1NG!,E-I3ANSH:2 S'SGZiT. What the Action or the Fctirra ticn Means. Special to Tin: Astoriax. Alraxy, Aug. 25.- A United Press representative showed Grand Master Workman Powderly a dispatch from Terre Haute saying that a strike would not be ordered by the federa tion. Powderly said that it was the first intimation he had received of such action, but declined to talk, stating that it would not be policy for him to make any comments upon it until he had been officially notified. He did not seem to be very "much sur prised or downcast at the result, but went to his supper in good spirits. reason assorts its sway in the mind, Local labor leaders, however, looked ' aud then back again to the iuco very glum, and were evidently very herent ravings and the wild laugh much displeased at the action of the which indicates that the mind is council. Secretary Hayes said: 'If 1 turned and tho poor wife is demented, the dispatch is true, it means a single-' and as one closely observes Maude handed fight, with the Knights doing Granger in these varying emotions the lighting, and 'other organizations aiding financially.' WATCHING TZSE DOOR Croivds- Waitine; for (he Su preme Council to Report. Special to Tiik astoki x.l Terre Hatjti:, Aug. 25. Tho crowd in tho lobby of the hotel waited pa tiently throughout this morning, but no signs came from the committee room until 12:30 o'clock', when the doors opened and the members filed out. It soou developed that they were going through the report of the sub-committee, clause by clause; that tho final claiuse had reference to the action recommended, and that until this was reached the matter wonld be practically in statu-quo. The council -will reassemble at 2 o'clock, and now expects to finish the balance ot its labors by 5. THE NEWS CONFIRMED. Official Notice Kent to Plaster Workman tcivderly. Special to Tin: Astoria v. Terre Haute, Aug. 25. -The fol lowing dispatch has just been sent to T. Y. Powcrly, at Stanwix hall, Al bany: TUURC 11AUTK, IllU., AUg. lJ. T. V. Powderly; Grand Master Work man, Albany: Tho supreme council adjonrned tbis afternoon, after caref nlly considering the striko in all it3 details. You will notice tho result of our determinations in to night's dispatches, which it is hoped will meet with your approval. Tho coni ruitteo was unanimous in endorsing your proposition and the proposition of the grand executivo board aud most earnestly hopo that tho right, which j'ou aro championing in tho great conflict on the Now York Central may finally and powerfully prevail. (Signed) E. P. Sargent, President. "W. A. SnciatAX, Secretary. "Will Not ho Called Out. Special to Tiik Astoriax.1 Terre Haute Aug. 25. Tho Fedor ation men will not be called out The striko motion was defeated late this afternoon. Dr. Nanseirs expedition to the North Pole is to start m thespriugof 1892. His companion, Captain Svcrdrup, will take tho nautical directions. He is at present on board a fishing boat in the Polar sea in order to practice in maneuvering amongst the ice. Science Works "Womlers. 1 had sciatic rheumatism so that 1 was all drawn over to one side. My hip sank so that you could lay your hand in the cavitv. and I did no work for a year. Nothing did nu; any good until I tried Ihbbard's Rheumatic byrnp. Four hotllos cured mp. Alrert King, Yan Yeit, Ohio. For sale by J. W. Conn. COIiLISION" AT SSA. ! One Vessel Sunk And the Other 1 Damaged. i Special to Tiik Astohiax. j Sax Feaxcisco, Aug. 25. The iuuua.ims jiiciiuugu recuivcu 11 tus patch to-day stating that tho British bark Docerby, from Antwerp for Valparaiso, and tho British ship Aryomene, were in collision. The Docerby sunk and Argomene pnt into Parauiba. She has her stern damaged and had to jettison a portion of the cargo. WARNED OF BRIGANDS. The American Consul at Palermo in Trouble. Special toTixn astokxax.1 Paris, Aug. 25. According to the correspondent of the Paris Soir at Bome. tho United States consul at Palermo has got into trouble ith Premier Crispi for having sent a re port to the state department at Wash ington in which he advises Americans to keep away from Sicily because of the dangers from brigands, to which 1 tourists on that island are exposed. j M. Crispi has asked the United States minister in Borne to order the 1 cousul at Palermo to modify his report, 1 adding that if this were not done he would withdraw the nsul's "exeqna- tur. ' 'iho United States mimster has not yet made reply to M. Crispi's de mands. Dentil or at; Ex-RritisI: Consul. Special to Tiik Astokias.J Xew York, Aug. 25 Henrv P. "Walker, ex-British consul io this port, aicd tins cveniiiL' at his home in this .;k- nr piimmV rvntJj Walker wa3 a resi- ears. g. INHERITED.55 Mamie Granger anil Her Talented Company. A SlT.tZXJtlT t:XTt:i:TAIX3IUST. very sratifvinrr to a critical observer. familiar Mith theaters aud actors. It I is a piece in which human nature and tno emotions ot love m its vaneil phases are portrayed with a fidelity and brilliaucy equal to life, and are so realistic as,to sway the audience like tho wav ing of a field or grain, in just the di rection the spirit of the play has been rendered. One moment tho house is convulsed with laughter, again the patriotic fervor of joyous America breaks out in ringing applause, aud then the pathos, the solemnity, and the deep sorrow of the human heart as the 4,curse'' comes upon ''Helen Carrnthers," aud Maude Granger so vividlv depicts the maniac, brings tears to many an eye, and touches every heart. Wonderful indeed are the chanjres J from insanity to lucid moments when winch are so truthfully portrayed, the admiration is intense, for the beholder and listener mentally acknowledges that she is grandly beautiful and true to nature. Harry Mainhall sis "Julian Baymoud" ia a kind and loving husband, Charles II. Mcstayer as 'Dr. Baymond," his father, is admirable, C. II, Brooke as "Sammy,' the ouug American, and Carrie Elbcrts as his beloved "Fay" furnish the comical gart of the play, and Estha Williams is a splendid "Alice." Little Baby Parker as ''Louise," Helen's child", is an infan tile prodigy, singing sweetly, and 111 the dialogue speaking her lines with the accuracy of a star, while her sweet, I childish recognition of her "real I mother" was touching in its lruc-to- life production, and moved many a heart to pity, as it moistened many ' an eye, In fact, every character was well portrayed, and as a whole, it is a mag nificent piece, though full of sadness. The death sceno in which the hus band and his lost wifo are united only for a moment, when death sets him free, andgthe last meeting between the two wives, were both very affecting. A few of the audience giggled and snickered at those scenes, but those around them pitied their ignorance, and their lack of heart and soul to ap preciate and tuulerstand. ax interview wrrn the .star. After the close of the theatre a rop rescntativo of The Astoriax called at tho Occident, aud was very kindly welcomed by Maude Granger and her representative, Arthur Aiston. The j lady is agreeable and entertaining in conversation, and tnough playing the same part so often, says that it has a charm for her, and she sinks her own personality and actually seems for the lime being as if she was hi reality the Helen Carrathers, afterwards the lov ing wife with tho terrible curse of in snuity upon her. The last week in Portland was very pleasant. Three years have rolled away since she was last on thus coast, when she appeared in "The Planter's Wife." a fine pliy, which was quite successful. A week or more will be cocnpied between here and San Fran cisco, and on the 8th of September tue company opens at the Bush street theater in fliat city, for an engagement of two weeks. "From there," said Miss Granger. "We go down throngh California as far as Los Angeles and San Diego, thence through Arizoua and Texas, aud will be in New Orleans in Decem ber. You can say to yonr people that though I have not been on this coast for three years, I have often remem bered with pleasure my visit to this wonderful region, and though I know not wll0n j siall come tllis way aain I T ,,!, nr i,or,-ai, in-,ii.. ww,!!! I shall ever cherish kindly rccollec lions of tho Pacific slope and its warm hearted and enthusiastic residents." POLITICS IN CALIFORNIA. A 171 uch Mixed Contest for a. Con ;rrcsiional Nomination. Special to The Astoriax.j Fresxo, Cal., Aug. 25. Wednesday afternoon the Sixth Congressional Bc publican convention meets in this city. It will be one of the most no table conventions ever assembled in California. Chester Bowell, of this city, is prominently spoken of in con nection with the" nomination. The other candidates are Senator Bowcfs, of San Diego, Henry Lindley, of Los Angeles, and Judge Heacock, of Santa Barbara. Wild, of Yentura, who was prominently mentioned in connection with the office, it is rumored, has withdrawn. This leaves tho field con test to Bowell, Bower3, Lindley and Heacock. Judge Heacock is an eleventh hour candidate, brought out last Saturday, and it is said will receive the vote of the Santa Barbara and Yentura county delegations. The fight, be fore Judgo Heacock's candidacy, was badly mixed. It is worse now. I.t is stated that Senator Bowers' friends will not support Lindley and that the latter s friends will not sup port Bowers. There is no telling what combination may be formed. With the three candidates in the field from southern California, Bowell is bound to receive the nomination. At Uiis writing even-thing favora him as the prize winner. Dr. A. J. Pedlar, of this city, is prom inently spoken of for senator from this district and if nominated will re ceive the full strength of his party vote throughout his district. Dele gates aro arriving on every train. TS3S: DEAD SPKIPt'TCU. flarry Jotmssa's Body to lEcScut to St. Louis. Special to Tn k Astoiuax. Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 25. Of all the professional sprinters in thi3 city, only one, J. P. Hanghn, has come forward to assist in sending tho remains of Harry M. Johnson home to Ins rela tives. Tho majority of the profesional sprinters at present infesting this city owe their success on the cinder path to Johnson. When he first becamo sick the ama tenr sprinters of the Olympic club promptly came to his assistance, and when they heard of his death yester day they ordered his remains to be taken in charge and embalmed. They will also sco that his remains are ship ped to hi3 family in St. Louis. THE SPOKANE AIU. California is Invited to Make an Exhibit. Special to Tiik Astoriax.1 Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 25. The Chronicle says: General Manager C. W. Bobinson of tho Northwestern In dustrial Exposition, wliich is to open at Spoknno Falls October 1st, says that any exhibit of fruit, wines or other jiroducts of California will bo given a good placo for display free of cost, and that the state or San Fran cisco would find it profitable to send snch exhibit, .is such a fine offer 13 not to be ignored. Spokane Falls, as shown by the cen sus, has 27,000 people and is growing very rapidly. We raise and manufact ure a good many things whicu tho people of eastern Washington cannot get from tho East or Sound country and it wonld bo a good idea to seize this opportunity and make a suitable display of our products. GRANGERS IN COI'BTCIL.. The National Evhibitlon Open in Pennsylvania Vcstcrdaj-. Special to Tun Astoriax.! Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 25. The Sev enteenth Annual National exhibition of the Grangers opened at Williams Grove, near Michamsburg, to-day with an attendance of upwards of 2,000 people. This afternoon tho State and National Grangers held their annual business meeting. To-morrow exhibitions will bo put into active operation. i'or Tapping tlic Wires. Special toTuc AstoriaxI. Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 25. Wm Fal lon was placed on trial this afternoon on a charge ot felony, having in com pany with J. W. Naglo tapped the wires of the Western Union Telegraph Co., in order to obtain "tips" on the eastern races before tho results reached the pool rooms. Held to Answer. Special to Tin: Astori s.l Portlaxd, Aug. 25. G. II. Bnntz, the man recently arrested at Ashland for cutting limber on government land, was held to answer before tho grand jury this morning by the United States commissioner, llo was allowed to go upon his personal recognizance and will be here when wanted. "Will Not Resign. Special to The Astoriax.1 London, Aug. 25. Bobert F. Lin coln, United States Minister to Great Britain, emphatically deuies that he is contemplating tendering his resig nation. A Tiling One WouM Never Gn?-.. Do you know how many SI bills it takes to weigh as much as a $20 gold piece? Driving out to White Bear recently, one of those walking com pendiums of useful information spia'ig the above query, aud the opinions that it elicited showed a remarkable range. Ono member of the party, whose business is to handle money in large sums, after profound thought, sug gested that the number would be from 1,000 to 1,200. Others guessed down the lino to 500, but no one less than that number. After all had placed themselves on record, the com pendium stated that the number of bills was thirty or thirty-one, accord ing to their condition as to dirtiness and age. St. Paul Pioneer Press. Notice. GOD'a BLESSING TO HUMANITY So Says an Oregon Pioneer Nincty lears Uid. Forest Grove. Or.. March 10. I have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA and obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it to the afllteted. 1 am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the em ploy of the Hudson's IJay Company, and since I began using the OREGON KIDNEY TEA I enjoy good health. 1 DAVID MUNROE. DROPPED ODT OF SIGHT Strange Disasjearance of Tiro f omen in lie Voofls. THEY WENT OUT BEREYTKG. Easiness Suspended and All tha Peo ple Go in Search of the Absent Two. Special by Tho United Press. Medford, Wis., Aug., 25. Satur day afternoon Mrs. Barney Moliter of tue town of Moliter in this county, and a sister of Mrs. Moliter and Mrs. Mother's daughter, 15 years old, resid ing at Chicago, went out berrying and got lost. They have not baen found although the whole town has been hunting for them. This morning at 1 o'clock the fire bell were rung and the meD of the city were called together and another large parly started to Moliter, fifteen miles distant, to hunt for the lost ones. The Grist mill and also the saw mills have shut down, the employes joining in the search. lhere is intense excitement here and news of the missing women is anxiously awaited. BOTH MADE CONCESSIONS, The Strike in lie Clicap Taris EuJefl. A COWJIOJUSE SF.TILE2IEXT. Special by Tin: United Tress. Chicago, Aug. 25. Tho strike of engineers and firemen at the stock yards was settled this afternoon. Both sides made concessions, the company granting an advance of 3 cents an hour to engineers and V cents to the firemen. The original demand was for an ad vance of from 2G to 30 cents an hour for engineers and from 16 cents to 20 cents for firemen. DESTITUTION IN OKLAHOMA. ITIost oS the 1'eoplc Arc in Abso lute Want. Sjjeci.il toTiiE Astokian.1 Washington, Ang. 25. Senator Platte, chairman of the committee on territories, laid before the Senate a letter from Secretary Noblo transmit ting the following telegram: Kingfisher, Oklahoma, Aug. 21. After many days of house inspection we find that fully one-third of tho peoplo need aid: that two-thirds of tho farmers need seed wheat. Many aro now in want of food. Thoy have no work and nothing to sell and the prospects aro gloomy. Tho extreme south of tho territory is not so bad. (Signed) Thomas Newsham. The special land inspector in the secretary's department has no re sources with which to relievo the des titution, and tho only course is to lay the information before Congress. A VALUABLE TRUNK. A Jewelry Company Wants S21,- OOO for Its Loss. Special to Tiie AstouianJ San Francisco, Aug. 25. M. AVunsch & Co., jewelers, of this city, brought suit to-day against the North ern Piicific Railway company for S21, 000, tho value of a trunk and contents, which were destroyed by fire in a bag gage car near Spokane Falls last March. The trunk was in the possession of a drummer in their employ, who was a passenger on tho train. KEEP KICKING II1ITI. Suits Against an Insolvent Mer chant Piling up. Sjieci.il to The astoriax. Port Townsend, Aug. 25. Addi tional civil suits have been instituted against Max L. Nathanson, the com mission merchant who failed a few weeks ago, the total amount of which aggregate now about 820,000. A store owned by Nathanson Bros., at Port Williams, was attached to-day by Sheriff Morse to satisfy California creditors. Tlic Portland Census. Portland, Aug. 25. There was an absence of bustle and stir in the cen sus office to day, because about 45 enumerators had been equipped and sent out into tho field at an early hour this morning. A Ii;T Purse Hung' up. Special to Tin: Astoriax.! London, Aug. 25. A purse of 5, 000 has been offered by the Ormonde club for a boxing match between Dempsey and Burke. Atlantic Shipping. Special to XnE Astoriax. New Yorit, Aug. 25. Arrived. Steamer State of Nebraska from Glasgow. .lfiiiic.7U!l Tclcuraph on Fourth Page.) MHMgaqqg 1U1IHMLH1M ssafe, niior ounc. A CLEAN AND PERFECT CURE OF Hurts amb Brusses A Doctor Saw It. Lawrence, Kansas, Aug. 9, 18SS George Patterson fell from a 2d-story window, Etrittns a fence. I found him using St Jacobs Oil freely all oyer his hurts. I saw him next morning at work ; all the blue, spots had gone, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. KEUMANy, IT. D. At DacGGisra and Dealers. TOECHARLESA.VOGELen C0..'BafeaawtM4. surf Jilllilte w"" 2K&i$S38"