cv Se gmltj stovm ASTOKIA, OREGON: MONDAY AUGUST 25. 1890 TIMETABLE FOK ASTORIA. ACGUST KIRK WATER. LOW WATER. First. Second. J First. Second. te Tglo o o i E .jsl Jc E "5:S u , P 1 H S H S H h iH.wi.JE k. m. jv j. m. S Ji. w. 5 9 0 5 Oi vS S SI V M onfol 35 :s w at &&,:t3 sn sk -02 3 S3 34 iTill M Hi0S7 67 455 -0 8 4 45 31 ISC$M7,11 3G 0 0 5 40 -12 5 43 2 4 2 - - - - 12 60 77G31-14G37 17 a 1129 82 7 12 -13 720 12 a,ll 9 0 2 07 S C 7 51 -1 0 8 14 0 7 "The hows between midnight and noon are dovtpjatcU by a (a. m.), those between noon jwm! midnight by y (p. in.). 0 ft. 00m . a de iMMes midnight, oh. 00m. p denotes noon. The hotghi is reckoned from the level of average lowerlow waters to which the sound ing are given on the Coast Survey charts. VESSELS OX THE WAY From Foreign Torts for the Colnmhia River. ypiiMnbTa. Br. sp., M5J, London. Apr. 22. Aatler. Br. r.. 1.3S, Liverpool May 3. Htbn. Ur. sp 1798, London, Mar 7. I.a4alc. Br. sp ,MS5. Tonal o. lCtt. An. ep . tax, YoVoliaiua. Pantm. Br.W... IE, Lverpool.Ma?23. Mirth 1UW. 15r jplTTi.Rio Janeiro. July F. lMOwSetl, Ur bk,lC, Anwerp, July 21. DaQtapse. Ilr p. 13$f), Antrcrp, Jnlj 31. Neottotsh Gtoss. Ur FP.20C1. Rio Jacoiro. Aa!reB. Ur rp. 1215. Sidney. Afrl ncau. Ur f p. 1 WU, Yokohama. AaJora. fir p, MW. Mauritius. Troop. Ilr p, 1SS. Sbanghat. Mitten Park. Ur sp. 1161, banta Rosalie. rrt OtrUelc, Ur bV. IMS, anta Uosalio. Kirgndfartghlf-hirc. Br. Sp. Ue.Tonalo. OcktortfrTe. Ur bV. ljjif. Alcoa Bjy. Ittcxicf eM. Ur n 11M, Honolulu. A'ctBeasUrrp liTC. Newcastle A. Ana4nr. Ur bV, INC. Capo Town. l.4y liubeUi.Urbt,l 55. Sidney. gjTcrfetU'c, Ur sp. 1GW. Liverpool. AxtiatttarchtB, Ur sp. 1700. Obiks Towc. resaak.Urpp.li99. OfVprranntli.Urt-p.12S7. Liverpool. XI iint CanaeL ISM, Manila, Ierln. Ur bl, 13eL. Liverpool. Atf-nndor l.airrener. Urbk. 1285. London. FROM AMERICAN' TORTS n-rMMn. Am. mi, 11. X, if-. Mar. S. li f rtMlad4pbia. Am. fp 151. N V. Mar. IS, T..WK.SUrlmcV. Am p, 1S1. N. Y. July 21. Kr-apw, Amm- 1W. Jf w York. INTHERIVUR. S t tM4ant. Ur. sp. 1MI. Ant wen Mar.tli. .. F.Ttooji. Itr. tik, 1WG. Miogo.luly IS. I etm&. Am bk. Ml. Hong Kong May 12. I T. Am bk. list, York J uly 10. Mmt lanart. Ur t-p. IT'S. Newcastle Aug '.. rf4k It4anl. Ur bk. 1311. Newcastle. Aur 13. BUSINESS CARDS. TIT I. HOWARD, M. D. HOMiKOrATHIST. Graduate ol Uuiiorsity r MichiKtui. OMcemerA. V. Allen's store, noitheast crtnKT lliinl ami Cass. 11hk lnin ill to 12 a. in., 2 to 4 and 7 to 7 :a . ih. T I. K.VY310XII, CIVIL HNG1NEKK. Cxnty Surveyor of Clatsop County. OIHcei ltoom Ko.7. Kinney's Iliick, Aslo m, ilroson. rvrurrtN. o.c. tulton FliS.TS ISROTJIEKS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . h aMd G. Odd Kellows IlnildhiK. -., i. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Of -Havel's ncwHtrick building, corner rcd ami Oass streets : up st:iirs. fn J. CUKTIS. Attornrj--t-lAw: Notary Tulilic. (VumtHssioHer f Deeds for AVashington Tsry. OSee in riavel's new brick 'wtkttHc Oer. Seooud and Cjiss streets. rents II. SMITH. I ATTORNEY AT LAW. KKkeoiiOnss street, 2 doors back of Odd i-HVnvs llHitdinc, Astoria, Oregon. . A. BOWLUY, marnci nnd Cannscllor at Lavr on Ghcuamus Street, Astoria, Oregon l R. KANACA, ATTOUNKY AT LAW. : ovar iite House Cor., Astoria. Or. T II. XAXSKliL, KK.1I. KST.VTK BROK13K AND NOTARY rURLlC. TWr Street, next to V. U. Telegraph Of 6m. Astnria, Ur. 13 F. KAFFEKTY F. KAFt'EKTY, 31. I. Uraduntc .Toffrson Medtcil College, l'hiladelphia. Oi'Picn -R?G Tltlnl Street. T P. MULUNIX, Wl. D., xJ rilYSlCIAN AND SURGEON. UJbecoH Fourth Street, bet. Main and Cass. Sicoiat attention given to private diseases. OMcc boHrs 9 to 1 1 a. .. 2 to 5 r. M. i HS. A. U ASW J. A, FULTON. Cass street. iK'tween Snl and 4th. S;fial aUcnlidii to Diseases of Women 3Kit GhildroH, by Ur. A, U Fulton. Sjeoial attejitlnu to Surgery, by Dr. .1. A. Fatton. Oicc hours from 10 to 12 A. m and 1 to 4 r. st. AY TUTTLE, M. P. Phyaclia, Surgeon and Accouclienr. Office, Room G, Pythian Iluilding. lSce hours r lu to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence. muUi side of Cedar St., next blK-k WTst f the Hospttal. T K.3IL.IiKK. . I. CradnaUr of Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pital OoHepe. and rost-l5raduate of New York City Polyclinic School of Medicine and Surgery. First and Main streets, rortland. liscjk!CM T Women a Specialty. K. O. . ESTKS . IIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. i5jctal attention to Diseases of Women umI Surgery. f-iuK: Opposite Telegraph O.Tice, up 5airs. Astoria. tnm. 7K, r. A. KKSS, DENTIST. Kins7aad8,I!lavel,s new Brick Build- IT. T. BTJKXKV. I. T. UARIN .t. ir. nrtArKu. lnrney, Barin & Draper, Attemcys at-L.aiv. ;Orcgon Citj', Oregon. TVrfve years experience as Register of 'fee U.S. Land omce here, recommends us Im cr specialty or Mining and all other bus-:- before the Land Office or the Courts. a4 teTelrlai; tke pracuce in tke General luktWce. KAILWATS AND STEAMERS. Astoria & South Coast Baitf j And Connections. Schedule Xo. li, of Trains anil Jionts in Effect 1:00 A. 31. Tuesday, July 20th, 1S0O. Sun day. Leave Lv. Clatsop Vta Steamer Astnria Ttrnrh. Thompson c-.ooam 5 : 00 a mo rotter. 0:00 " 7:50 " d Telephone 3:00 I'M 2:00 r M 5:00 " Mondar. Electric 4:43 " 4:20 pm Tuesday. Thompson G:00AM 5: 00 A Ma Electric- 8:.30 " 7:50 " c Potter. . 2:00 PM 1 ; 00 P Md Elcctria. ............ 4 :45 " 4 :20 " c Wednesday Thompson 0:00 AM 5 :00 a Ma Electric 8:30 " 7:50 " c Electric- 4:45 pm 4:20pm Thursday. Thompson G :00 A M 5 : 00 A Ma Electnc -. 8:30AM 7:50amc Potter 2:00 r si 1:00 1' Md Telephone. - 5:00 " 4;20 " b Friday. Thompson. C :00am 5:00a Ma Electric 8:30 " 7:50 " c Electric- 4:45 PM 4:20PM Saturday. Thompson G:00 A M 5:00 A Ma Electric .......... 8:S0 " 7 :50 " c Telephone. 3;O0PM 2: OOP lib Potter G:15 5:40 " d a Connects with Thompson for Astoria and Portland. Connects with Telephone for Astoria and Portland. c Connects with Potter for Astoria aud Portland. d Connects with Potter for Ihvaco. c-Connects with Electric for Astoria, Connects with Electric for Astoria and Portland. . Hound trip tickets Ia steamers Potter, Thompson and Telephone for sale at Union 1'aciiic and Telephone ticket offices. Baggage checked between Astoria and all regular stations via Union Pacific boats at Union Pacific dock, and on the tram. WM, KEID, President. HENRY 11. TIIIKLSKX, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. TIME CAJRJD OF BAY RAILWAY COMPANY M'KEK DAYS. I-eave Astoria End 10, 11 A. M. ; 2, 3, 4, 5 P. M. Leave Young's Bay 10:".0,11 AU. n.:2:30, 3:30.4 o,."uar. ii. SUNDAYS. Leave Astoria I'ml !i, 10. 11 a. u. : 1, 1 :30. 2, 2 iio. ::, s iw, i, i iio. r., r. to, o, c ::a. 7, 7 sw P.M. I.ene Young's Bav-iiS50, 10 W, 11 ito. a. m.: 1:15.1 :ir..2:iri.2:ir..:::i5.:t:ir.,4:I5.4I.r., 5 :15, 5 : 15, c :15, : ir., 7 :15. 7 : 15 v. . Prom Terminal or Interior Points THE- Northern Pacific Railroatl Is the Line to Take To All Points East and South. It Is The DiitiiigCar IEotitc. ItnmsThrougli A'esliluiled Trains IJvcry Day In tlic Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. No Change of Cars, Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. fit II inn n DraviiilCoomSIccpcr.s Of latest Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that am be constructed and in which accommodations are both I'rcc and Furnished to holders of First or Seeond-chiss Tickets, and for Elegant Day Coaches. A Continuous IAuc Connecting with All liiiu-s, affording Direct aud C'niutcrrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations Can be Secured in Advance through any Agent of! he Road. Through Tickets To and from all Points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, lime of trains, routes and oilier details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First St.. cor. Washington, Portland, Oregon. I. R. & N. Co. THE STEAMERS "Gen. Caiiuy" or "Snorni" Isave Astoria daily at 8 a. m, and 2 p. M. for Tauzy Point. Ft. Stevens and Ihvaco. connecting with railroad running north at 10 A. m. and 3 :30 p.m. and it Willi boats on Shoahvnter Bay. for South Bend, Sunshine, North Cove aud other points aud through to Gray's Haroor. South bound trains start from Nah cotta and Sealand at 8:30 A. M. and 1 :15 p. M. daily, eonm-cting at Ilwaco with Mcamcr lor Astoria, and in the afternoon connecting with night boat for Poitlaud. Sunday Schedule-Steamer starts at 8 a.m. and : a. m. from Astoria and north bound cars at 10 a. m. and 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. from Ihvaco, South bound cars leave Nahcoila at 8 a. m., 3:30 a. m. and 3:15 P. M. Steamer starts from Ilwaco at 5 r. u con necting with night boat for Portland. L.A. LOOMLS. President. It. V. EGBERT, Stipt. lOIIX R. GOULTKK, Secretary. Portland and Coast S. S. Co. GRAYS HARBOR. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from Port land every Thursday at 7 p. M. ; and from Astoria the following morning. Land ing at Hoquiam, Aberdeen, Cosmoiwlis and Montesano. SH0ALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at North Cove, South Bend. Willapaand Bay Center. F. R. KTItO&'G, President a P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. The Str. Telephone Portland aud Astoria. Time Table. reavos Asteria: Every evening except Tuesday at 7 o'clock r.eavcs l'ertland: Every morning except Tuesday at7 o'clock AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN 0LSEN, Successor to E. C Jlolden. The oldest established Commission House iu Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on coin mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household Goods go to MAKTIN OLWE.N RAILWAYS AND STEAMERS. BEGINNING JTxaJLy ist, 1890, Str. VOLGA, B. F. STEVENS, Waster. Will leave daily from Wilson & Fisher's Dock for ILWACO, - at 7 a. m. and 2 i3Q P. m. Returning will Leave Ilwaco, at 9a.m. and 5 p.m. Stopping at Fort Canby, Fort Stevens and Tanzy Point on first trip from Ilwaco and second trip from Astoria. SALOONS. Hughes & Go Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of AH Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. AUG. DABSON, Sample Rooms. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for theGUION Steamship Line and the TUINGVALI.A Steamship Line, direct. Also, agent for "Svcnska Tribunen" and 'Svenska' Amerikanaren." Comer or Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria. Oregon. Resort Billiard Parlor, GROSliAUEIi & BKACH, Prop's. Ii. FEI'IIEK'.S CKLEIIKATK!) Gambrinus Beer 1 ON DRAUGHT. Gaiuliriiiti.s Bottletl Boer, J. II. Cutter Wliisliy. Domestic ami Key West Cigars, Constantly on hand. Third Street, four doors west or Telegraph Office, fonncrly Telephone Restaurant. ASTORIA. OREGON. L0EB & CO.. Wines, Liprs anil Clears. A Large Stock or First-Class Goods. The Trade Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign aud Domestic lirauds. Main street Opp. Parker Hnuc. Standard - Saloon. Southeast Corner Third and Olney Sis. Astoria, Oregon. The Celebrated North Pacific Brewery Beer on Draught. Also the Finest Kinds of Wines, Li quors and Cigars. The Itcst of Frcnclt SEraudics AXD BRANDY PEACHES. .A. 3?:i?o Iiuncli H. CRUBE, Propr. ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON. GERMANiA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Glass. WM. BOCK, Proprietor. The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Christian Wejcn, Proprietor. (Fonncrly Bartender at the "Resort," Bestof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner Main and First Streets. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR Hill's Palace Varieties. Open Evory Night. GEO. HILL, - - Sole Proprietor. NEW TEOPLE WEEKLY. Aim to Please Everybody. The only Free Show iu Astoria. Wines. Liquors and Ci gars. Iec Cold Beer. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves i Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WAIiltANTED WATER CLOSETS, PLUMI1IM1 GOODS, TUMPS, SIXES, AXD BATH THUS INTo cfc Scully, 341 CHENAMDS STREET. S. ARN DT & KERCH EN A810RIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop 'k S M'-Wk r SHO ? SQ i vmix n ! ot- rVKJLHU Doner anop skt-I" g All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aspeclaltymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. O. PB Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Slain St Wharf, Astoria. Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine. WOODBEKKY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Etfected in First Class Companies, Representing 813,000,000 IMIffiXIX,. HOME, Hartford, Conn .........New York, Agency Pacific Expreis and Wells, Fargo A Co. THE DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, TropV. A Large and Well Selected Stock or Fine Diamonds i Jewelry At Extremely I jow Prices. All (loods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Wat eli nutl Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass aud Squemoqua Streets J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil. Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp SalWTwme, I.nrdOil. Wi ought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Implements, Sewing Machines, I'aints, Oils, G-rooorles, Etc. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., County Coronor. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material Net to astohian office. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HAEDW ARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and (Fittings, Stoves, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper. I. W. Case, BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In any part of the U. S. and Euroe, aud on Hong Kong, China Ofkick Houus : 10 a. m. to 3 v. m. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Maverick National BANK, BOSTON, ITIASS. CAPITAL SURPLUS ..$400,000 ,.. 000,000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corpora tions solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excel lent, and we re-discount for Banks when balances warrant it. Boston is a Reserve City, and balances with us from Banks (not located In other Reserve Cilies) count as a reserve. We draw our own exchange on I-ondon and the Continent, aud make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the united States and Canada. We have a market for prime, flrst-class Investment Securities, and Invite proposals from States. Counties and Cities when Is suing bonds. Wo do a general Banking Business, and In vite correspondence. ASA T. rOTTER, President. JOS. W. WORK, Cashier. OSLO F. PAKKRIt. CAKL A. HANSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steame THIS WEEK. IDross - Groods The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. SOCIETY MKF.TIXUM. Astor Lodge No. 6, K. or P. REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY WED nesday evening at 7 30 r. si. at Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights in good stand ing cordially Invited to attend. By order C. C. I). B. BLOUNT. K of R. and S. Scandinavian Benevolent Society. O EG ULAR MEETINGS OF Til IS SOCIE- JLIj tv at their rooms in Pythian buildim; at eight o'clock r M.. on the second aud fourth Tuesdays of each monih. AUG. DAN1ELSON, Secretary. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will bo held iu their Hall in Pythian Castle, on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will bo open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. W. B. ROSS, Rec. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.F REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN campment No. 13. I. O. O. F at the Lodge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at seven v m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially Invited. By order C P. Astoria Building & Loan Association 1111 E REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS . Association :re held at 8 r. v.. on the first Wednesday of eacli month. Office on Genevieve street, south of Chenamus. W. L. ROBB. Secretary. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday eveniugs of each month at 714 o'clock. 03Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening Eriortothe Tuesday on which the Council olds Its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Police Judge. A Pocket Cigar Case Free to Smokers of Sgg55BS HOTELS. CHRIS. EVKNSON. F. COOK THb Central Hote EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish. Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, WATKKSt., Opp. Koard Jt Miohes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. MAIS0N BORE! RESTAURANT. THE ONLY FRENCH RESTAURANT IN THE CIT1. It is the object to make the Maison Dore the best restaurant on the coast where the finest French meal can be had. Second St., East of Benton. C FRAXCISC0VICH, Proprietor. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc, a specialty. Telephone No, l'i II. W. SHERMAN & CO. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists Sundries. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Agent lor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure Morgan & Sherman fcrKOUEKS And Dealers in Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished, at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any parlor the city Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No 37. ASTORIA, ORECOS OREGON STATE FAIR, 1. Thirteenth Annual ExliMtion. Under the management of the Oregon State isoaru oi Agriculture, win ue neiu on the Stale Fair Grounds, near Salem, commencing on Monday, September 15th, 1890. And lasting one wcek.-r OVER $15,000.00 CASH PREMIUMS Offered for agricultural, stock and me chanical exhibits, for works or art and fancy work and for trials of sneed. Reduced rates for fare and freight on all ransponaiion lines 10 ami irom me i-air. Important improvements have been made upon tho grounds aud increased facilities are ouereu exiiinuors. Tie Pavilion fill lie Open Four Nights During the Week. A splendid field of horses entered in the speed department, aud fine exhibitions of racing will be given each day. Entries fr premiums close Monday at i :m p. m. isxniuuors arc urged 10 make as many oi ineir entries on baiuruay ueiore me Fair as possible. Goods, animals and ar ticles for exhibition must be in their places oy iu p. m. on Monday. PRICES OF admissien: Man's day ticket 50c Woman's day ticket ...... .. 25c Man's season ticket . .. $2 CO Woman's season tickets 1 00 send to the secretary at Portland. Oregon, for a premium list. D. II. LOONEVT, President. J. T. GREGG, Secretary. Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St.. Portland, Oregon. Advance Threshers AND.ENGINES, Parm, Ohnrcli and School Bells. Inspirators, Injectors and Feed Pumps, Coal Oil Engines, Traliem Pumps, Kriebel Engines, Boilers and Steam Generators T,aundry3rachUicry.3Tarinc'MachiHCTy CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES, Blacksmith Forges and Drills, Best Axle Grease and Compound in the world.Pow- ell's Brass Goods and Iron Pipe. Send for Circular. WANTED-AN ACTIVE MAN for each section, salary S75 to SlOO, to lo cally represent a successful N. Y. Company Incorporated to supply Dry Goods. Cloth ing, Shoes, Jewelry, etc., to consumers at cost. Also a Lndy of tact. Salary SIO, to enroll members (80,000 now enrolled, 8100,000 paid In.) References exchanged. Empire Co-operative Association (credit well rated) Lock Box CtO, N. Y. H. EKSTR0M, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OR. A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc., at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman. C7R f n C9RO A SOSTII can bo made v'w I" ptvru working for ns, Tersons preferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments can be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F, JOHNSON & CO., 1000 Main St., Richmond, Virginia. Cannery Sillies! FOREIGN NEWS AND GOSSIP. An extradition treaty bas been signed between Germany and tbe Conjro State. An immense forest area bas been destroyed in Bavaria by caterpillar ravages. Premier Crinsio bas orderd a list to be made of. all religions bouses in Jttome, witu tiie new or connscatmg tbose tbat are liable to suppression nnder tbe law. Like tbe borses of Yienna and tbe cats of New Zealand, says a foreign writer, tbe nionkej's of Sontbern India are numbered among tbe vic tims of influenza. Tbe New Zealand frozen meat' trade bas grown to wonderful propor-, tions in recent years. Over a million carcasses of mutton are sent anuuallv to England. Tbe Sultan of Morocco lias replied to a Spanisb note regarding Arab ag gression, tbat be cannot attend to tbe matter at present, owing to pressing internal questions. j Imperial Borne bas just been cap tured by an electric street railway company, wbicb proposes to run a line from Uielrortoueiropolo to tbePonte Molle, two miles witbont tbe city. Lady Editb "Ward, wbo is reported to be betrotbed to Count Herbert Bis marck, is a tall and very stylisb young woman. Sbe is very bigbly educated if not especially pretty. Tbe king of Italy wants to be tbe emperor too, and tbinks of making bimself "Emperor of Erytbrea and Eastern Africa" on tbe strength of bis protectorate of Abysiuia aud some col onies on tbe Bed Sea. Female slaves are still given to tbe sultan in old-lime pomp. An ex quisitely beautiful girl of sixteen, a Georgian, tbat bis aunt sent to bim, was taken to tbe Yidiz Kiosk in a gilt coacb escorted by a troop of gigautic eunuchs. A young Bussian noble, the Baro ness Loubanowski, is going to ride from St. Petersburg to Odessa, 1,500 miles, to win a bet and to break tbe record which was set some years ago by the Austrian Archduchess Maria Theresa. A list of extravagances of the Lou don season cites an expenditure of 25,000 for a concert, 310,000 for the presents in a contillion, 5,000 for the flowers at a single ball and Sl,500 for the orchids at a dinner party. One of tbe standiug properties of the prison of TJsknb, Macedonia, is a collection of large ants. Fifty ants, placed on the body of a man chained to the iloorso that he can't move limb or head, will cause as extreme torture as can bo devised. The breaking out of the influenza in Iceland has caused a considerable panic, as the consequences there have been serious. Of the 57,000 inhab itants in 1S13, 2,000 died of the in ilnenza, and in 1S7C, 1,500 persons were carried off by the same disease. The National Association of British and Irish millers report a decided in crease in wheat productions in Bussia, Boumania, Austria and Hungary, They think that America is approach ing the time when she must consider ably increase her wheat acreage or cease to be a wheat exporting country, such will be the home demand. bark Endeavor, with the captain's autograph on the last page, was sold at the sale of the Cozens manuscripts for 31. The correspondence of Conde dc Gondama, Spanish em bassador to England, containing the secret history of the Spanish Armada, which cost Mr. Cozens 100, went for 10S. In the agreement by which Heligo land is ceded to Germany, young Kaiser "William, who by the careful aud deliberate conclusion of the united states of Germany is tho Ger man Emperor and not the Emperor of Germany, appears as the ''Emperor of Germany." The use of this title in the English counterpart of the deed was insisted upon by the German for eign office, although it is entirely con trary to the intention of the German nation. I would rather (says Bacon) believe all the faiths in the Legend and tbe Talmud and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a mind. Hours have wings, and fly up to the author of time, and carry news of our usage; all our prayers cannot entreat one of them to return, or slacken bis pace; the ill-usage of every minute is a new record against us in heaven. A bust of the late John Bright, pur chased by 2,000 of tho work-people employed in the various establish ments founded by the great states man, has been formally presented to tbe town of Bochdale, England. The Chilean government will make liberal appropriations for their exhibit at the Columbian fair with the avowed purpose of astonishing us. They claim tbat they lead all of the other South American repubhes in indus trial enterprises, and are going to prove it. A Plijsicinii?s Oxiiiion. Dr. A.M. ijPAULDixo of Grand Itapiils Mich., says: ''I prescribe Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup in my practice, and unhesitatingly rcconimed it. It operates upon the liver, kidneys and bowels, de stroying the poison in the blood and tissues. It is a grand tonic and ap petizer, and for a diseased stomach or dyspepsia, has no equal." For sale by J. W. Conn- It is better to be right than caught. be BETTER THAN GOLD. RESTORED HER HEALTH. For 25 years I suffered from, boils, erysipelas and other blood affections, taking daring that time great quantities of different medicines with out giving mo any perceptible relief. Friends Induced mcto try S. 3. S. It Improved me from the start, and after taking several bottles, rc Etorcd my health as far as I could hope for at my age, which Is now seventy-five years. Mns. S. M. Lucas, Bowling Green, Ky. realise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. . FRESH FRUITS ! CANDY, NUTS, ETC., Everything in Season. W. IX. HOLMS Next to Central Hotel. Astoria. Oregon . Ihe original manuscript of "Cap tain Cook's Voyage Bound the World, 17GS and 1771," on board his majesty's P'1 iby. l United States Government. Endoised by the heads of the Great Univer sities and Public i ood Analysts, as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdor does not contain Ammonia. Lime orAlnm. Dr Tvin' TtAiirfnna Flavoring Extracts. r-.icis, ;uiuia, wmou, urage, mis Oils or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. New York, Chicago. San Francisco. Anything to Save Sinners. The Sidvation Army has adopted the tune of "Little Annie Booney' to the work of salvation of sinners. The familiar words of "She's my sweet heart, I'm her beau; she's my Annie, Pm her Joe," have been translated for for the purposes of the army to read: "He's my Jesus, lie's my Lerd: He's my Savior, He's my God." Some people may have an idea tbat this is a bit sacrilegious, but the army believesjin "any thing to save sinners aud so "everything goes." . ADVICE TO 3IOTHEKS. Mks. Wixsr.ow's Soothixo Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic. and is the best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twenty-Sve cents a bottle. Fate's Golden Female Pills 1 For Female Irreg ularities; nothing liko them on the market. Never fail. Successfully u s e d liv iirrmiiniMit l:i(!ii5 monthly. Guaran- iceu to relieve sup pressed menstrua tion. Surd Safe! Certain! Don't l)e humbug ged. Save time and health and money ; ta-fe no other. Sent to any al dress, secure by mail on receipt of price, $2. Address, ;N THE APIIR0 MEDICINE COMPANY, Western Branch. Box 27. PORTLAND, OP.. stimulate tbe torpid liver, strengthen tho digestive organs, regulate the bow els, anil arc uucqualert :u an ANT!-B!L!0US MEDICINE. In malarial districts Uicir virtues aro widely recognized, Jt'oy possess PECULIAR PHOPERTIES in freeing tho system from that poison. Dom) small. Elegantly sugar coated. 1'rice, 25 cents per box. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., X. X. Sr' feW) jaco ; M w? v HEALTH. Le llic:i:ia'j Coition Jtalsam No 1 Cures Ctu-vncrcs, Tint and second slaves. Sores en tin Legs and Hody; Soro Ears Eyes Nose, t,c., Copper-colored Blotches', Syphilitic I'atirrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forrcs of tho disease known as Syphilis. Price, Sr, OO por Bottle. Lo KicliRua Golden Balsam No.Ji Cures Tertiary. JlerciirialSyphilitic Rhcu matisxu, Pains in the Bones, Pains in the Head, lack of the Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat. Syphilitic Hash, Lumps and con tracted Con's, Stiffness of tho Limbs, and eradicates a!I disease from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse cf Mercury. leaving tho blaod pure and healthy, l'rico S5 00 per Bottle. Lu KlcljauN Golden Spanish Anti lotc for tho cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Price S3 50 per Bottle. Lo UichanVi Golden Spanish In jection, itrsei-crc cases of Gonorrhoea Inflammatory Gleet. Strictures.&c. Price SI 5U per Bottle. Lo liichau's Golden Ointment for the cifi ctlvj heallnirof Syphilitic Sores, and eruption.. PricoSl 00 per Box. Lo Kichau'd Golden Pills Xerve and Drain treatment; loss of physical pow er, cs-cvj or over-work. Prostration, etc Prlco SO OO per Box. Tonic Nervine, Sent i.rryvrhcn., ('. O. I)., rccurely packed per eprvas. TIIE P.ICIIAItnSOX DRUG CO., AGENT 509 md 511 Market street, San Francisco, Cal. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. . E. Sclieibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or Manufacturer and Dealer m Sasii, Doors, 3Ionltlii:s and 15 racket. All Kinds of Hard Wood and House Finish ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Cor. Genevieve and Astor Streets. ASTOKIA, - - Or.KGOX. V. II. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Eggs, Canned Goods, Potatoes, Wood ami Willow Ware, Etc. Thompson & Eoss Carry a Full Line or Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. $SiH?l T-V-? JT"t. r7'-'';ii;? UfajzL yi Sftlfc r- DISEASE. BRUMS FLAVORING EXTRACTS NATURALFRUITFOWIRS j Aimonu, Rose, , etc., do not contain Poison- Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Groceries and Provisions. Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Pries raid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. iHE CRY OF M ILLIONSl OH, rav 3KCK! STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WIIL BE TOO LATE. I have been troubled manv years with disease of Ihe kidneys aud have tried many different remedies and have sought aid from diflercnt physicians without relief. About the 15th of April I wa suflcrinjl from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in such a manner that 1 was icnr over. JVhcn I sat down it was almost impossible for me to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, wher kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous cficct, and to the aston ishment of all the gucts at the hotel, In a few days.I am happy to state, that I was a new man. I will;j recommend the tea to all afflicted as I have been. G. A. TUITER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, banta Kosa. Cal. E. P. N0GNAN & CO. (Successors to) DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE NO. 7. - P. O. BOX 390 Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, I51PORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON Tie Celebrated !& Cure Warranted " APHRODITIHE" to euro IS SOLO ON A POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of nor vous disease or any dis order of the e-oho rati va orcana of oifVin onr 'if RFrnnr wholhor nr. AFTER isingfrom tho oxcessivouseofStimnlante.To bacco or Opium, or through youthful indi3cro tion, ovor indulgence Ac, snch as Loss oi Brain Power. Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in tho Back, Seminal Wcnknoss, Hys teria, rNcrvous Prostration. Nocturnal Emis sions, Loucorrhooa, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Powor and Impotcncy. which if ne glected oltcn load to nromaturo old ago and insanity. Prico SI a box, G boxes for 25. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for evory S3 or der, to rofund tho money if a Permanent cure 13 not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, perma nently cured by ApimonmsK. Circular free. Address. THE AP11HO 3IEDIC1NK CO. Box 27. Westers Branch, Portland, Or. For sale by J. a DEM ENT. 1 prescribe and fnllj endorse Hitr ii A tint Curtain I onlyspecilleforthecer- 1 TO 6 DATS.1 tam cure 01 tnis disease. O.Tl. Amsterdam, N. Y. We "have sold Bj: G f M many years, and It ha! jGmratoed not to I eicxe Stricture. Mrdonljbjttn wsCfcuIalCa. CindnnitiJ ;tvon 1110 i3:oisaua faction. Ohio. 1). It. Dyctte i Co.. Chlcaco. III. TrcdamjiarfclSl. Sold by Drtmsit Your Money Worti IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Slokes IN A ( fii d or money refunded. asTy T'TMm' ' sm,-" Sold by J. W. Conn Astoria, Oregon, &kmiJiM-n:. ;? y - ?' -ri' --rHif - ia