The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 24, 1890, Image 1

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g5&?y Kriss
we i-tvsis:-
Absolutely Pure.
la.N m4'i ..! vautt. A :n.irfl lit
, , irvm'tta mm wlnWniiit'iieis More
r . l-.u h:iHlier.!i:itiyki!iil-.:i!i(1 call
ii Im -i ,fMiiH,;il!.ui wiili Hie multi-
. ! I !iv. t-4. s1ii1 weight, :i!u:u or phos-
t m P.whkjiCo. li. i' aM-t..N. .
I,i n i XI. .Iaii.vpox t Co.. Agents, IWl
.'I ttijn
Fin and Marino and Lii
i t!i" I-1I in;- l.VliaWe Foreijtu ainl
tli iii t niit.iiinK :
I t r,.H :uid Uiii.lon ami (.lulu. Noith
l'i. i It .-m. I Mi'ii'tiilile. So(itl:li Union ami
li.nnl. Iljutfoid ol (iilit-i-::ciit, (.nimrl
c a l i ..lifonun. Iimlon ami l.-uicaMifreof
I 'i-nHMs, ('-.tinmen ml Union or limloii,
.u tr Uimloii. IVirtl.iml,
XI i lal Uf.MifNew York.
f iomil.Lt(-ttal Adjustments Guaianlncd
Insurance Aent.
California Marine las. Co., S. F.
Columbia Fir .n ! Marine Ins. Co.,
Home Mutual Instance Co . S. F.
Phsnix of London,
imperial of London.
Robb & Parker,
Fire and Mar ne insurance,
U h an ApinryatP Capital of
tWUFOKNlA. of California.
iTONMCCTIClTT.or Unrttanl.
nM.N'l IIOMK, or Oakland
!.K)...f l.iulo:i.
FIKK.M AVS FUN'P. or California
Ql MIX, .f UnuWx
Washington ftlarket.
tlrUn ""jrTt, - txifirln, ttrccort.
iiRTRsr.v v to., ritorriKToi.s.
i t-.'H r Hie public lei the ract that the
fu- Market will always besupplled with a
"it vi::rrv and ukst quauty
micii wilt tie vta ut i.iwciKt rates, whoie
wnl rvtail.
Ije'! Attention tfm t ".tpuiytiiK
Fvcsh si ml fared 5iats,
""Co gctablos ,
CHK.VA3IIIS Street. Astoriu, tf.
Eoadway Market.
O'Hara. A: Inalls, Prnpr's.
OjuKwite Fturi a. Stoke.
A first-Glass Meat Shop.
Frosh and Salt Moats.
" 1 run-luM-s Delivered in any part of llio
jT is the ideal medicine.
I Ihf JjwTarul KulnrsanlSloiinch,
M tl.iv Ik. I -h, rrctlcs jn Apjic
.i I'- .. -tbclm;arc DIii-m, and
il:rs Tho Weak Stronc.
. i inn. nmw.lnw,iS.
Uaod ovcryvliorc 1 abottIo;hixfor$G
v a. Wi:riii:.
KlOIAltn IlAItltV.
Call Ktigmeer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
O't and Salmrl'-an I'rojH'rtj Sold on Cin-
lutesian. Im cements SInd Tor
OiuMde Parties.
I VV. Case, Ranker. Judge ( II. Page.
micc en Third. Street,
Sear Court House, - ASTOBTA. OR
-. eo
Interesting: Political, Social, Sensa
tional and General News.
A Saininary of the Latest and Principal
Events Occurring Through
out the Land-
A thief captured iu Portland.
AGO,000 fire in Pennsylvnnin.
Fatal accident ntSan Jose, Cnl.
Clydesdales exported to Hawaii.
Cholera on the increase in Cairo.
Joe Choynslu sails for Australia.
A Spokane Falls merchant robbed.
Influx of Chinese at San Francisco.
L?prosy discovered in Nova Scotia.
Powderly speaks about Chief Arthur.
A man in Salt Lake confesses murder.
A unique convention held in New York.
United States silver purchases limited.
Summer resort burned at Newark, N. J.
Heavy opium soizuro at San Francisco.
New mines to be developed in Alaska.
New York money is quoted at C per
Slriko en the Delaware- & Hudson
The Senate eulogizss the late Senator
An ex-conrcs3man dies in Sun Frau
cisco. San Franciico ticket agents cutting
Cutlery grinders striko iu Massachu
setts. California sngar refinery advances its
An unknown man found dead at Gold
en Gate.
Two maniacial mutes kill n child in
Tho Czar confer.-! honors upon Von
A weak spot found in tho cruiser San
Suit to bo instituted against tho Cana
dian Pacific.
Throe miners murdered by Apiohes in
New Mexico.
Tho United Stales steamer Alert put
Iu commission.
Citizens of Madam, Cal., charged with
cattlo stealing.
Senator Stewart speaks on an im
portant matter.
Tho treasury department makci heavy
bond purchases.
Sir Edvvard Arnold infatuated with
Jnpaneso women.
A schemo to securo Chinese for railroad
building in Mexico.
Simremo Council of railroad men still
in session in Indiana.
Tho situation at tho Chicago stock
yards still unchanged.
Southern Pacific considering tho do
mands of tho trainmen.
Tho eight-hour and alien contract la
bor bills to be considered.
Encampment of tho Union Veteran
Legion to bo formed in Boston.
The remain0, of tho lato John Ericcson
to bo disembarked at Coltenburg.
Tho threatened contest over tho
Grower property settled in Boston.
Member of tho Alaska Commercial
company talks on tho Behring sea ques
tion. English government to investigate tho
report of the failure of tho Irish potato
Portland Detectives Arrest n
Yomi;r Tliief.
Special toTmc Astouias.1
Poutlaxd, Aug. 23. Detectives
Day and Griffin neatly caught n
vouncr thief this morninir nnnn flm
i arrival of the Southern Pacific train.
iiis name is i'rank iiyrne, aged 33
years, xuey yesterday receivea a
telerrrani from Chief Crowlov. nt Hnn
IFraucisco, requesting them" to arrest
the boy should be come this way.
The police learned that Byrne had
bought a ticket for New York. Byrne
is wanted for stealing Sl,100 from bis
mother, a lodging bouse keeper at
the bay, and when searched here
Sl,009.35 of the pilfered money was
fouud on bis person.
Futnl Ncfflicrcxicc,
Special toTiiK Astoriax.
Buckingham, Qua, Aug. 23. Yes
terday Mrs. Cole went berrying, and
left her child in charge of two boys,
deaf mutes, of unsound mind. On her
return she found the deaf unites bad
killed the child and partly eaten its
body. The maniacs must bave at
tacked the child shortly after the
mother's departure.
Mild winters aud changes iu fashion
having depreciated tho value of tho
Hndson bay furs, and there being a
large stock on band, that company is
selling off its lands to pay dividends
to stockholders. These lauds aro in
creasing in value, being in demand for
Kncouragcmenl for the Feeble
.-.o Ioiik as Hie failing embers of vitality
mc capable or beinj; re-lclndlcd into a warm
and genial glow, just so long as there is
hope for tho weak aud emaciated invalid.
Ixa him not, therefore, despond, hut derive
eucouiajrement from this and from the
further fact that there Is a restorative most
potent in renewing tho dilapidated powers
of a broken dow n syMein. Yes, thanks to
its unexampled tonic virtues, Hostettcr's
Stomach Hitters H daily reviving strength
in the bodies and hone in the minds of the
feeble and nervous. Anpetite. refreshing
sleep, the acquisition of llesh and color, are
blessings attendant upon the reparative
processes which this priceless Invlgorant
.speed iW iuitiats and carries to a successful
conclusion. Digestion Is restored, tne
fertilized and sustenance afforded lo each
life-sustaining organ by the hitters, which
is inoffensive even to the feminine palate,
vegetable hi composition, and thoroughly
safe. Use It and regain vigor.
Three Miners Suffer Death nt
Their Hands.
Special to Tue AsroBT.vx.l
Deiting, N. M., Aug. 23. Parlies
who arrived to-day from the Teha
cbita mountains, eighty miles sonth
west of here, confirm the reported
murder by the Apaches of three
miners, named Alf. "Williams, Carl
Ehrman and Peter Kiggs within the
past week. Military men say that
two Indians did the killing, but citi
zens report that there were five in the
party. Two detachments of troops
are following on their trail. Men
went out from here to-day to bury the
bodies and secure the effects of the
murdered men.
Influx of Chiuchc.
Special to Tub ASTOKIAX.1
San Fkaxcisco, Aug. 23. Tho pres
ence of so many Chinese on the
Oceanic; which arrived last night, is
explained by Collector Phelps as
caused by the recent rale war between
tho Canadian Pacific and the Pacific
Mail. Warfare lowered the rates, and
in consequence the Chinese took ad
vantage of the reduction, twice as
many coming over as usual.
Strike on the D. A: II. Road.
Special to The AstouianI
Aiiiuxv, Aug. 23. Superintendent
Hammond, of tho Delaware &
Hudson railroad, this morning told
the switchmen at Green Island they
would accept from and deliver to the
New York Central all freight. The
yardmen and freight handlers then
struck. One of tho strikers said a
strike on the Delaware & Hudson bad
been ordered between Albany and
Green Island.
To Transport a Colony of Celestials
From China Into Mexico
Special ItyTjn: Uxiti'D I'mc-s.
San Fiuncisco, Aug. 23. Among
the passengers on the steamer City of
Peking, which sailed for Hong Ivong
this afternoon, w;is Lyman I. Mowry,
a well-known attorney of this city.
HLs mission to the Orient is to secure
Chinese labor for Mexico, and if tho
scheme is a success, it will be one of
the greatest achievements in trans
porting an entiro colony from one
country to another that has ever been
known. Mowry returned from Mexico
a short lime ago, and it was on Ibis
southern trip that be perfected plans
for the deliveringot Chinese into Mex
ico. His contracts call for 8,000 Chi
nese. Laborers are wanted for the
construction or a railroad across the
isthmus of Tchuantepeo. The railroad
is to be built by English capital. The
work is to bo done by Mexican con
tractors. Mowry has contracted to
supply laborers "at so much a head,
be and those liebiud him to lodge and
board the Chinese.
Respectable Citizens Charged.
With Stealing Cattle.
Special to Tub Astoma,!
Madeua, Cal., Aug. 23. Quite a
ripple of excitement was created in
this place this afternoon by the arrest
of two of our bast known citizens for
cattle stealing. Mr. G. "W. Mordecai,
a wealthy rancher, stock raiser, and
Democratic candidate for the as
sembly, swore to a complaint charg
ing J. N. Goode and J. Noble, pro
prietors oi me leaning meat market
of Madera, and Prank Scbraum, an
Indian in thoir employ, with stealing
aud killing cattle belonging to Mor
decai. Mr. Mordecai has mysteriously
missed cattle for the past week. Last
night be missed two. This morning
be located one of the bides aud ono of
the beads iu the slaughter bouse of
Goode & Noble,, Goode & Noble
claim they came honestly by the
cattle, having bought them from a
man by the name of Dunham, who
lives near by. It is believed very
strongly that there is conspiracy con
nected with the affiair.
Quoted at 0 Per Cent.
Special to The Astouiax.j
Sax Fkaxcisco. Aug. 23. A private
telegram from New York quotes money
at G per cent The normal rate is evi
dence that the stress was only in spec
ulative oircles, and that it is over for
tho present, borrowers having secured
loans to tide over itntil Mnivlnv nf
Arrived Safely.
Special to Tue Astoeian.
New York, Aug. 23. The Ham
burg American line sfenmshin Tinnn
which went asboro at Jones inlet and
was hauled off last night, arrived at
quarantine this morning.
To Be Laid nt Rest.
Special to The Astorian.1
New Yobk, Aug. 23. The remains
Of John EricCSOn. tlininVAtifnr ofnrfnrt
on tho Entei-prise for Sweden, bis
u.mvu uiu, io-uay ior nnai interment.
At Chester Assizes, England, Lord
Chief Justice Coleridoe. in iijo nlinnro
to tho grand jury, emphatically ex
pressed hirnsel as to the need for leg
islation to stamp out the daugerous
practice oi carrying revolvers.
It is said that Germany has agreed
to a comnromlso. in necnnlnrmn wifh
which sbe will pay back one-halt of
tne money value or tho bishops' prop
erty, which was confiscated, during
the culturknmpf, and interest on tho
X Krrun of Paper Save.q Hit Lire
It was justan ordinarj' scrap of wrap
ping paper, hut it saved her life. She
was iu the last stages of consumption,
told by her physicians that she was in
curable and could live only ashortlime;
she. weighed less than seventy pounds.
On a piece of wrapping paper she read
of Dr. King's Tew Discovery, ami trot a
snmplo bottle; it helped her, she bought
a large bottle, It helped her more, bought
another and grew better fast, continued
its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy,
plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller
Particulars send stamp to W. II. Cole,
iruggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of
this wonderful Discovery Free at J. V.
Conn's Drugstore.
A General Me OrJereJ on tie
Delaware auJ Huflsou
The Trouble Originated Over the Dela
ware Eoad Handling New
York Central Freight.
Special by Tho Uxitep Press.
AtiBAxr, N. Y., Aug. 23. At noon
to-day Labor Association No. 216, of
the Knights of Labor, ordered all
members employed at Use Green
Island yards of the Delaware & Hud
sou railway, as well as those iu Ibis
city, to strike at once. The order was
generally obeyed, and Ibis afternoon
the Delaware & Hudson company
finds itself confronted with the same
state of affairs that existed about a
week ago when a similar tie-up went
into effect. Tho trouble is all grow
ing out of the handling of certain
freight by the Delaware and Hudson
road. A committee of the Knigbts
waited upon the company yesterday
aud asked that it be definitely agreed
that no more Central freight bo
moved. A reply was received from
the road this morning to the effect
that the company proposed lo trans
port over its lines all freight that
might bo received. This ultimatum
precipitated the tie-up which cm
braces the yard men and the switch
men employed hero and at tho Green
Island vards.
siTrAYiorv rxcHAXtittD.
Tito Men at the Chicago Stock
Vards Still Out.
Special to Tin: Astokian.
Chicago, Aug. 23. Tho situation at
the slock yards among the engineers
and firemen of the switching tissocia
lion who went on a strike yesterday is
unchanged to-day. The men are "out
and business is paralyzed. At the
great slaughter center the men arc
awaiting the result of a meetingof tho
superintendents of the various railroad
companies comprising the association.
Tho superintendents "were in session
last night and resumed the conference
nt 11 o'clock to-day with closed doors.
It is believed the deliberators will be
unfavorable to lb? strikers.
Are Now Considering the I&e
iii a it ds or the Trainmen.
Special to The Asroi:i n.J
Sax FitAXoisco, Aug. 23. A com
mittoo of the Brotherhood of Con
ductors and Brnkomen called upon
General Manager Towne to-day for
the purpose of securing hotter wage.1?
for freight conductors and brakemen
on some brandies of the Southern Pa
cific system. General Superintendent
Fillmore aud six division superintend
ents were also present. Tho confer
ence lasted over two hours. The em
ployes presented their demands in
writing for the first time since the
present agitation was begun. They
were given to understand that their
demands would receive earnest consid
eration, and as prompt a response as
possible. The men ate determined to
strike in case of a refusal.
Powderly Speaks.
Special to Tin: Astokiax.i
New Yokk, Aug. 23. Powderly this
morning was asked about Chief Ar
thur's statement, that tho latter would
not answer a letter which had not been
addressed to him personally, but
which had been given to the news
papers. He said: "Arthur never au
swers any communication I send him.
When I went to Cleveland I wired
him that I was going to meet him,
and although I scoured the town for
him, I could not find him. He never
has shown a disposition to meet me.
All I want Arthur to do is to declare
which side he is on. Is he for the
workmen or corporations."
Still Deliberating.
Special to The astoriax.j
Tekre Haute, Ind., Aug. 23. At 12
o'clock the supreme council of railroad
men is still iu secret session. An car
nest debate is in progress. At 150
President Sargent was not yet through
his report. It i3 said that it would
probably be 5 or 6 o'clock before the
council adjourned.
An Obnoxious Workman.
Special to The AstohiaxI
Gkeexfiem), Mass., Aug, 23. Seventy-five
grinders of the Bussell Cut
lery company, of Turner's Falls, struck
to-day because the management re
fused to discharge an obnoxious work
man. lioils and Pimples and other affections
arising from impure blood may appear
at this season when the blood is heated.
Hood's Sartaparilla removes the cause
of these troubles by purifying, vitaliz
ing and enriching the blood, and at the
same time it gives strength to the whole
There is a respect duo to age, but
there is also a respect dne to youth,
tho lack of which accounts for many a
failure in tho household and in sys
tems of education. N. Y. Ledger.
Pcoplo have got to be shocked to
wake them out of old absurd routine.
TJEeparnlyzes us to almost every in
justice. When peoplo are shocked
they begin to think and inquire. .
1. Stowe.
Tho transition from long, lingering
and painful .sickness to robust health
marks an epoch in the life of the indi
vidual. Such a remarkable event is
treasured in the memory and the agency
whereby tho good health has been at
tained is gratefully blessed. Jlence it is
that so much is heard in pniiso of Elec
tric Hitters. So many feel they owe
their restoration to health to tho use of
the Great Alterative and Tonic. 1 f you
are troubled with any disease of the
Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or
short standing you will surely findrc
lief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at
50 c, and Si per bottle at J, AV. Conn's
Drug storo.
Over the (Jrowcr Property Ami
cably Settled.
Special to The AsxObiax.I
Bostox. Aug. 23. It is announced
that the threatened contest over the
property of Fred Grower, the husband
of Mme. Nordica, has been satisfactor
ily adjusted, and that the matter will
not be brought into court. Mme.
Nordica sought to recover part of her
husband's estate, aud certain property
bis brother George said be purchased,
with bis own money. The property,
which is in Tccoma, is worth about
S100.000. The case is said to have
been settled on Mme. Nordica's own
terms, namely, giving her a large por
tion of the property, and leaving her
to return at once to" fulfill her engage
ments in Loudon.
misplaced Confidence.
Sjecial to Tin: .stokia:.m
NnwYonu, Aug. 23. Emma Mor
gan, alias Forge, an octaroon, who has
figured in several scrapes in San Fran
cisco and Denver, was arrested yester
day and arraigned in court, charged
with the robbery of a wealthy and
promineut merchant of Spokam Falls,
whom she bad just accompanied on a
visit to this city. "When ho left her
here, be missed $1,930 of his money,
and he notified the police. The police
refused to disclose the merchant's
name. Emma was rcmauded until
the merchant was notified of her
Investigating the Report.
SK'Cial to The AstokiaxJ
Lon-dox, Aug. 23. The government
has initiated official inquiry into
the reported failure of the potatoe
crop in Ireland.
Sir Eilmn Arnold Infatuated Willi
JananesD f omen.
S;ieci.'il by Tho Uxitki Peujs
Sax Fi: vxcisco, Aug. 23. A private
letter from Tokio, received by the
YOccanir, last night, says: The friends
here of Sir Edwin Arnold are becom
ing alarmed at that gentleman's be
havior, and are iryinp every means to
get him out of (be country. Tie came
to Jap.ut to spend two months, almost
a year ago, to finish his poem. ''Light
of the World."' Uo has three years
leave of absence from the London Td
eyraph. At the end of two months he
expected, with bis joints' daughter,
who accompanied him, to go to India.
He has not gone, and seems perfectly
infatuated Avitb the Japanese women,
so much so that his India detour is
postjioncd indefinitely, and his friends
fear he will marry a Japanese and re
main here. He says bo will do it, and
if there i3 not a decided change in his
mind, there is much room for doubt as
to whether lie will ever return lo En
gland Jo reside." Miss Arnold docs
not in the least share her father's en
thusiasm for Japanese, and is greatly
discouraged and disgusted.
Cu!iii:r Uatcs.
Special lo run ASToisiAX.I
Sax Fjuxcisco, Aug. 23. Notwith
standing the reported statements to
the contrary it is now certain that
the ironclad agreement entered into
last April by the ticket agents of this
city has been broken, and a whole
sale slaughter of rates lias lieen begun
muoii" nuany an me Ollices. witii a
hotel runners, etc., although it is im
possible to locate the viDlator of the
agreement The dull times are said
to be the cause of tho war, and it is
now an assured fact that after the
present week, all the latitude granted
the agencies by their respective lines
in the matter of cutting will be taken
advantage of.
To Ilevclop Itliucs.
Sax Francisco. Aug. 23. The
steamer SI. Paul, which has sailed
for.Ounalaska, has among the pas
sengers Thomas Mahone, a well
known mining engineer, who goes on
an important mission. He has been
employed by a newly organized min
ing company, in which Louis Sloss
is prominently interested, lo make an
expert examination of some mines
which the new company intend to
develop in Alaska.
Union Veteran I.cgiou.
Special to The Astoiuax.I
Bostox, Aug. 23. Several represen
tative Grand Army men in this city
are promoting the formation of an
encampment of the Union Yeteran.
Legion, to be made up of withdrawals
from the Grand Army of the Eepub
lic, with the administration of whose
affairs it is stated there is consider
able dissatisfaction among members.
Drafted men and substitutes are not
eligible to membership in the legion.
A Popnlar Military Play.
"Shenandoah," which is doubtless
tho greatest military comedy yet pro
duced iu America, will celebrate its
firat year of uninterrupted run, Sep
tember S. The company is at present
playing at Chicago, where the 100th
performance in that city will bhortly
take place, and the event commem
orated by an elaborate and useful i
souvenir. Tho business that this,
stcrling play has done in Chicago, in ,
spitc of tho tropical beat, is really
phenomenal, as the receipts averaged
no week less than S7,000. Tho anni
versary performance lo be given Sep
tember 8 will take place at St. Louis
and up to date, that is for the eleven
months of its run, "Shenandoah" earn
ings are $235,000. This is unparalled
in the history of the American drama.
Scicueo Worlts "Wonclorv.
1 had sciatic rheumatism so that 1
was all drawn over to one side. My hip
sank so that you could lay your hand
in the cavity, and I did no work for a
year. Nothing did me any good until
1 tried Hibhard'a Jthcuniatio Syrup,
lour bottles cured me.
Awiert King. Van Vei t, Ohio.
1 or sale by J. W. Conn.
!a sensational report
HoYsineuts of Britlsb ana American
Men-oi-f ar On tie Sonnil
A Member of the Alaska Oommercial
Company Expresses Himself
On the Subject.
Special by The Uxitkh I'i:k?s.
. Sax Fraxctsco, Aug. 23. The
general topic of conversation to-day
among business men wa3 the sensa
tional report of the movement of
British aud American men-of-war in
Paget Sound. It is alleged to have
some relation to the Behrins sea
question. Those who arc most inter
ested in the matter are inclined to
throw doubt on the report. Louis
Sloss, of the Alaska Commercial
Company, said this morning there
would be no trouble, as there was
nothing to fight for. The American
Commercial Company has only se
cured 21,009 skins this season, caused
by the wholesale hunting of both
British and American sealers. Neither
England nor the United Stales could
afford to tight for a market of this
kind. Two mariuers from Seal Island
say that there are thirty or more ves
sels there and near about. Their
crews are idle while the revenue cut
ters are about, but it is an open secret
that all are there for scaling and for
no other purposes.
The Steering CJenr of the "San
Fran ciseo" :ives Way.
Special to Tin: astokiax.i
Sax Fkaxcisco, Aug. 23. It was
not a test of the machinery, bnt the
steering gear, that the cruiser San
Fruncisvo wa3 out Tor yesterday. It
was well that the test was mailed as a
weak spot was found. The cast iron
bracket snapped, aud the whole gear
was broken down. In consequence
this will mean a delay of a couple of
da s, and a new bracket will bave to
be cast. Apart from this, however,
the (rial was a success, and the en
gines made 120 revolutions a minute,
and the ship logged better than nine
teen knots nearly all the tunc she was
out. Capt. Goodall says sho is much
easier to handle than the Charleston.
He is sure that sbe will come very
close to making twenty knots an hour
on her trial (rip.
filnrder or Suicide.
Special to Tin: AsrontAXj
Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 23. At tho
autopsy made last night on the body
of an unknown man, found lloating in
a small cove near Golden Gate, it was
discovered that death w:is due lo a
bullet wound in the head. From the
appearances of the body it is believed
deceased was a seafaring- man.
Whether it is a case of suicide or
murder is unknown. The matter has
been placed in the hands of the police
for investigation. The body had not
been in the water very long." A strong
cord was tied abont the head of the
dead man, being fastened in a sailor s
't'hat Dreaded BIscase.
Si'ccial to Tun Astokiax.
Halifax, X. S., Aug. 23. Several
cases of leprosy have been discovered
at Lnglisbtown. Victoria conntv
many people.
SUO,000 Fire.
Special lo Thk AsioriaxJ
Reading, Pa., Aug. 2:3. The stove
works of Car, Painter and Co., were
damaged lo the extent of G0,000 by
fire Ibis noon, by the accidental up
setting of a kettle of pitch.
Ailranec in Sugar.
Special to The astosiax.
Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 23. The Cali
fornia sngar refinery this afternoon
advanced its prices lc all round.
SCavaircs or Cholera.
Sneeial to Tin; Astoriax.I
Cairo, Aug, 23. From Tuesday
to Thursday there were twenty-eight
denllis and forty-three fresh crises at
It Have I!ecn the Nightmare.
"Ethel Vane" sends us a poem,
"Whj does sweet slumber shun my
eyes':" Why? Sit down here Ethel,
where we can tickle your rosy ear with
the waxed end of a short moustache,
while we whisper to you that
when a girl scarcely eighteen
years old, eats an - 8 o'clock
supper of cold tongue broiled
steak, salt mackrel, fried pota
toes, doughnuts, cold apple pie, fried
cgs, fresh peaches, a slice of water
melon, and one or two cups of coflee,
horrified slumber will pack its trunk,
and climb on the first train that will
take it farthest away, and all the
poetry in the university will not bring
it back to yon for a week. Don't ask
any more such conundrums, Ethel;
these are stirring, earnest times, that
thrill with peril and impending
danger, and our lyre is tuned to loftier
strains. -Burlington Ilatolceye.
The l-argcstTauk in the "World.
, ,.
According to the Allahabad Pio-
" .lll.G Inrgcst reservoir or arli-
"UI" ' "l lu,J ;vo"" w .me great
uiiik ui jwneuar, twenty nines south
east of TJdaipnr, Rajpooiana, which
covers an area of twenty-one square
miles. Tho masonry dam is 1,000 feet
long by 75 feet high, 50 feet wide at
the base, and 15 feet at the top.
Dyspepsia For Sixteen Years.
M.P. Holland, Postmaster, llockaway
Beach, Long Island, N. Y.. was entirely
cured of dyspepsia and rheumatism of
sixteen years' standing, by taking two
Braxdrktii's PIEI.S every night for a
month. During the month he took them
he gained eight pounds in weight. '
Braxtiekth's Pir.T.s arc purely vege
table, absolutely harmless, and safe to
take at any time.
Sold in every drug and medicine store,
cither plain or sugar-coated.
Against the Canadian
Railway Co.
Special to TnE Astoriax.I
Portland, Aug. 23. The Pacific
Coast Steamship Company will insti
tute a suit against the Canadian Pa
cific Railway company to restrain them
from running the steamer Danube
from British Columbia or Port
land to San Francisco. The two
companies formed a compact by which
the Pacific Coast company was to pay
the Canadian company monthly a sub
sidy for not running steamers to San
Francisco. The Canadian company
contend that before the compact was
made they had started a cargo of
merchandise from China billed to San
Francisco, and that the compact can
not affect it.
Clydesdales for Hawaii.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Sax Francisco, Aug. 23. The
steamer Zealandia, which left for
Honolulu and Australia this fore
noon, had on board three thor
oughbred Clydesdales. One is a
stallion of immense size, and the
other two are mares. They are said
to be bred from the finest draught
blood in Scotland, and are consigned
to a planter on the island of Mauit in
the Hawaiian group. It is his inten
tion to keep them for breeding pur
poses. Instantly Killed.
Special to The Astoriax.
San Jose, Aug. 23. J. S. Rainer,
aged Go years, employed in a vineyard,
was killed this morning. He was
struck on the head by a falling timber
while working in a construction
A Man Unloads His Conscience of
a Colli Blooiletl Mnriler,
j' via. Axn ovkx coxrjsssiox.
Special by The Unitko Press.
Salt Lake, Aug. 23. A man giving
the name of Jacob Stnmpf called on
Marshal Young, of this city, early this
week and said he had a load on his
conscience and wanted to confess that
on January !, 1S90, in Nashville,
Tcnn., he was walking along the
street and came across a man whom
he struck with a heavy club. lulling
him instantly. He then took 20
from his victim and buried tho body
without ever looking at the papers oil
it, so be has no idea who the murdered
man was. Stnmpf says he boarded
in Nashville with a family named
Tnsch. Marshal Young has notified
the Nashville authorities and an
ollicer is on his way here to investi
gate. To-day Stnmpf withdrew the
confession, saying he made it only to
get something to eat and a place to
sleep. He will be held to await the
arrival of the Nashville officer.
HxCoiijrcssmnn Dead.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Sax Francisco, Aug. 23. Horace
F. Page, ex-congressman, died to-day
after a long illness. Deceased, who
was T7 years of age, represented Cal
ifornia at Washington four terms,
and was mainly instrumental in
seenriug the passage of the first
restriction act. fie leaves a wife and
Von Caprivi sionoresl.
Special to The Astoriax.
St. Petersrcrg, Aug. 23. Tho
Czar and Emperor William bave ar
rived at the Peterhof palace from
Narvai. The Czar has conferred the
Decoration of tho Order of St. Andrew
upon Chancellor Von Caprivi. It is
stated that the Czar aud Czarina have
promised Emperor William that they
will visit Berlin in October.
A Unique Convent ion.
Special to The Astoriax.I
New York, Aug. 23. -To-day began
one of the most unique conventions
ever held in New York. It was a
gathering for mutual benefit and for
the discussion of instructors of deaf
mutes, representing seventy-three in
stitutions, Scotland, throughout this
couutry, France, Italy, Spain and
other countries were represented by
Summer Resort liurncd.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Newark, N. J., Aug. 23. The
Mountain house, a well-know summer
bouse, at South Orange, was totally
destroyed by fire this afternoon. Loss
70,000, covered by insurance. No one
was injured.
Heavy Opium Seizure.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Sax Francisco, Aug. 23. The cus
tom house inspectors yesterday made
a big seizure of opium on theBritish
steamer JTontserrat. Tho find in
sisted of 118 5-tael boxes valued at
&12,000, largest for some tune.
Put in Commission.
Special to The Astoriax.
Sax Fraxcisco. Aiip-. -9.!. Tim
United States steamer Alert has been
put in commission, and is now beino-
used by shipping men. Her destina
tion is unknown.
Choynslti For Australia.
Special to The Astorun.
Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 23. Joe
Choynski started on the Zealandia
to-day for Australia, where he will
meet all comers before going to Eu
rope, IHnkinsr Improvements.
Special to Tun Astoriax.
Portxand, Aug. 23. The old build
ings on the city hall site arc being
torn down.
So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety
Years Old.
Forest Grove. Or.. March II). 1
have used the OREGON KIDNEY
TEA and obtained immediate relief.
It is God's blessing to humanity. I take
pleasure in recommending it to the
afflicted. 1 am now nearly ninety years
old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the em
ploy of the Hudson's Bay Company,
and since 1 began using the OKEGON
KIDNEY TEA I onjov Reed health.
Memta of Die Senate Eulogize tie
Late Senator Beet
The Eight Hour Bill and the Allien
Contract Labor Bill to
Be Considered.
Special by The Uxited Press.
Washington, Aug. 23. The Senate
met at noon to-day with the under
standing that the session should be
devoted to eulogies of the late Senator
Beck, of Kentucky. Mr. Blackburn
made the opening address. It was an
eloquent tribute to the high character,
broad statesmanship and force and
domestic virtues of the dead senator.
Senators Ingalb, Vest, Allison, Evarts
and others followed with eloquent
and feeling addresses. At the conclu
sion of the eulogies the Senate at 3:30
p. 3r. adjourned.
Senator Stewart's "Views of an
Important Matter.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Washington, D. C, Aug. 23. "I.
don't think much of the movement to
send an agent of this country abroad
for the purpose of securing co-operation
of Europeans in favor of the free
coinage of silver," said Senator
Stewart this evening. "I think that
wo should assume an attitude of inde
pendence instead of going around
begging. The great trouble would bo
to find a competent man. I would not
want to send any man over there un
less he were a man eminently well
qualified for tho mission. If an agent
were sent, I think he should have full
power to negotiate on behalf of this
country. I don't think anything will
bo gained by an effort to negotiate
with other countries on the subject"
Heavy Bend Purchases.
Special to The Astoriax.
WAsnrxGTox, Aug. 23. The treas
ury department to-day purchased
SG-12,000 of tho 'iyi per ceut. bonds,
under the terms of the new circular,
and 12,700 of the 1 per cents, at S1.24.
The assistant treasurer at New York
to-day bought 83,900 of tho dK per
The Jljatc John iiriccs-on.
Washington, Aug. 23. Tho navy
department, acting on a request made
by the Swedish minister, has modified
the orders of the United Statea steam
er Baltimore, which conveys the re
mains or the late John Ericcson to
Sweden, so that they will bo disem
barked at Cottenburg instead of
The Eight Hour mil.
Special to Tun Asrouux.J
Washington, Aug. 23. In tho
House this morning, Mr. McKinley,
from the committee on rules, reported,
and tho House adopted the resolution,
setting apart Thursday and Saturday
of next week for consideration of the
bills constituting eight hours a day's
, work and relative to alien contract
i labor.
t Silver Purchases Limited.
Special to The astoriax.
Washington, Aug. 23. Assistant
Secretary Nettleton said this after
noon that the silver purchases for tho
present month would be limited to a
proportionate percentage of tho total
of the mouth's quota of 4,500,000
ounces, and that hereafter tho amount
purchased might be reckoned by the
calendar month.
Camping by the seasido is having quite
a run,
Camping in the grove, I tell you it 13 fun,
Blankets and mos3 for your bed on tho
Dishes and traps lying promiscuously
Hurry up the fire, for wo aro hungry as
We'll never get our supper if some ono
don't begin.
Moonlight on tho beach, and wo gazo out
in the sea,
From all caro and worry for the moment
wo aro frco.
With a blazing big bonfire to keep away
the cold.
And everybody happy whether young or
Now the hour is growing late, and to
wards the camp we tread,
And being somewhat tired, say good
night and go to bed.
Breakfast is now over, and what shall wo
On the beach again for a lovely morning
Then a stroll through the woods, or an
hour with a book,
And the first thing you know, dinner is
to cook.
Bat tho best part of all is bathing in tho
And if you don't believe it, just como
along with me.
Oh, what a crowd of bathers, and how
fine they do appear.
"Whit varied styles of suits and funny
looking gear,
Tho water is quite chilly and somewhat
wet besides,
Bat 'tis not very bad if you take it at
flood tide.
Oh, I tell you 'tis a fact, when yon feel a
little blue,
Thoro is nothing liko tho Seaside, for
health and pleasure too.
Astoria, Aug. 23. 1S90.
Suffered for Nearly 30 Years.
1S7N. Chester St.. Ualtimoro, Md.
For nearly 30 years I suffered with rheum
tismmnrm and shoulder; could not lift my
arm. Less thnn two bottles of St Jacobs Oil
cured me. W. II. HEESON.
Of Many Years Standing
Gadsden, Crockett Co., Tenn.
My case was rheumatism of many years'
standing; controlled durinp tho war; tried
most everything without relief. St Jacob!
Oil finally cured inc. FRED. ROGGE.
At Druggists and Dealsbs.
swells on.
'& "' ' I-Jutf
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