The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 22, 1890, Image 1

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VUL. AA-W, NO. -52.
HV Jr-r TT"
. ' - . -- ''
JojR f3
Absolutely Pure.
This iwudcr never varies, A marvel ot
,K4ty, Nironcth u;l wliolesomeness. More
fOH.mICitf than the ordinary kinds and can
sot Iv .old in competition with the niulti
Utm f low test, short weight, alum or phos
ptote powders. Sold onlji in cans. Uoyai
I.kwis l. Jo 1 1 x.sox & Co.. Agents, Port-
. 'tvcoii.
Fire ami Murine and Life
VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'ts,
iX Iho Following Reliable l'oicign and
llmo Oomjianios :
Uvorpool and lOiidon and (Hobe, Noilli
Urrtivhamt Mercantile. SootlUh Union and
NaiMftl. HarlfuHl ot iVmnoellPiit, Oomincr-
mi tlf.nii.t. 1Miilon and l.-mca'.ltirc or
Iwi-w4, iicni:l Union or London.
.rAnu f IxsmJ.ui. orthufst of lrll;mil,
Mf4l a(" f Now ork.
fnqptf..lcw Adjustments Guaranteed
i. W. I ASK
Insurance A cent.
California Ma--ia I s. Co , S. F.
Columbia Firj n 1 Marine Ins. Co.,
Homiv Mutual Insmance Co . S. f.
Phcentx of London.
Imnera! of London.
Robb & Parker,
A.'.KM'N V.
ire and Kar ne insurance,
W'kJi xii Aegrojsil Otpital or
tU-KKlAUtf Ij.i.don.
CALIFORNIA, id California.
CONNECTICUT. .r Hartlord.
OAKLAND 1IO.MK, or Oakland
I.TOX. of linndon.
FIREMAN'S FUND, or California.
QUEEN, of IxmdoiL
Washington Market.
Main Mrrct, IMorla, Oregon.
cHRiTCXrv v co., i no x rectors,
1 lion ot the public to the fact that the
xxtove Market will always, uesupplled with ;
Which will be Mdd .a lowest rates, whole-
tSfSpecla! attention given to supplying
Km!i and ureci Moats,
orrosriK oivniKvr mrrri.
ilKVtKKirer'. tftorin, Ojr.
Eoadway Market.
O'ttara V Innlls, PntprV..
Oppoxiu Foanl X Stks.
A first-CIass Meat Shop.
Fresh and Salt Meats.
Ml Ph llellveicd in :uiy p:irt of Uie
iVZl's, Wit t? rf '
. L
'. --.. W.&.T O
I' m rs the Liver and Kidneys and Stomach, II ailafhc. Dvpc"1'. r.ili-s an Appe
tU. Puitu. the Impure UlooJ, and
Makes The "Weak Stronpr.
Used everywhere ?1 nbclllo;.ixfor$&
ttx. VT. Wnrnnv,
S. a iiru
HiciiAim Hakkv,
CiH Engineer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
A Sl'iriALTY.
CUy and Sutiurlui Fropcrty Sold on Com
mission. liivisttnents Mad1 Tor
nts:'p I'arties.
t Y. Case, Ranker. Judge C II. I'agc
rricc en Tkird Street,
Ner Court House, - ASTOllLV. OR
A Synopsis of the Latest And Im
portant Happeniugs.
An Account of Various Interesting
Occurrences at Home and in
Poreign Olimcs.
Cyclone in Ohio.
Death in Tncoma.
A Tacoma woman attempts suicide.
Sensational elopement at Fcstb.
Double tragedy at Placerville, Cal.
Fatal explosion at Downieville, Cal.
The will of a California pioneer filed.
"Webb's opinion of the proposed strike.
Government of Uruguay offered a loan.
A Tacoma boy in hiding for shooting.
Site of the "World's Fair still unsettled.
President Harrison shown a curiosity.
Fond ahead for Governor of Califor
nia. Oregon and "Washington weather re
The schooner Mary Ellen wrecked in
Bank of England reduces its rate of
Itailroad cfrpeutcr killed ut Sacra
mento, Cal.
Holders are deserting foundries in Sau
Tho Corbolt-Choyuski wrestling match
decided off.
Meeting of the California World's Fair
Two mares mako fast time at Fough-
koopsie, N. Y.
Accident occurs to a Union Facifio
passenger train.
Atrikuon the entiro Vanderbilt sys
tem to bo ordered.
Light rcsiKHiso for United States re
demption bonds.
Tho crni';rr Charleston arrives in Ore
gon from Honolulu.
Six Chinese to bo returned to China
from San Fraucisco.
Kepublicau convention in session in
Boiso City, Idaho.
Fatal collision on tho Missouri, Kansas
and Texas railroad.
Nominations of the Pennsylvania pro
hibition convention.
Title completed to tho site for tho new
Fort Bliss, at El Paso.
Congress' action- to romovc General
Grant's remains protested.
It. L. Del Vallo nominated for lien
tenant governor of California.
A rumored change in tho management
of tho Union Pacific at .Portland.
Venezuelans indignant over tho high
handed proceedings of the English.
Member of tho Dominion Cabinet
speaks ou the Behring sea question.
Steamship service between San Fran
cisco and Honolulu to be increased.
General Superintendent Fillmore fails
to meet the brotherhood at San Fran
(ciicrnl Supt. Fillmore 'ail to
Meet tlic Men.
Special to Tin: Astoriax.
San Fkaxcisco, Aug. 2L The con
ference between the committees rep
resenting the Brotherhood of Railroad
Conductors and Brakemen and Gen
eral Superintendent Fillmore, rela
tive to advancing tho wages of the
trainmen ou tho western division, did
not take place this morning. The
men sent word that they would meet
Fillmore to-morrow morning. The
committee wishes to give the Sonthern
Pacific officials ample time to con
sider the demand, that the conductors
get a raise of $15 a month and
the brakemen $10. The men think
they will gam their point They
wish it understood that until they
are ready to strike they are conduct
ing the present negotiations in a
friendly spirit, and that perfect good
feeling prevails between them and the
More Deserters.
Special IoTiik ASToniAX.
Sax Fkaxcisco, Ang. 21. All is
quiet around the molders' headquarters
to-day. Two men deserted from'the
Occidental Foundry last evening, and
were sent east by the strikers this
afternoon. The committee, appointed
by the council of the Federated Trades
to negotiate between the fonndrymen
and the strikers, visited several of the
foundries to-day, but did not succeed
in accomplishing anything. They ex
pect to bring the matter to a head to
A Reported Cyclone.
Special to Tint Astokias.1
Fort Wayne. Ind., Aug. 21. It is
reported here that a cyclone early this
morning struck at a point six mile3
east of Fostoria, Ohio. Tho wires in
that vicinity are all down, and no par
ticular can be obtained. Fostoria h
eight miles east of this city, on the
Nickle Plate railroad.
Encouragement for the Feeble
Solon" as the fallinc emben of vitality
are capable of beinp; re-Klndled Into a warm
and irenlal rlow. lust so Iodk jis there is
hope for th weak ;uid emaciated invalid.
Let him not, therefore, deimnd. but derive
aicoiinu-'t'ineuf from this and from the
fiuther fact that there is a icstorativemost
nntcnt in renew intr the dilapidated powers
of abiokeu down system. Yc,, thanks to
lis un x:mp:ei toel: virtue, iiostetters
Stomach Hitters is daily reviving strength
mine nouies anu nope ni iuc iuiuu.sia me
feeble and nervous. Appetite, refreshing
sleep, the acquisition of Jl'-sh and color, are
blessings attcudiuit upoa the lepanuivo
processes which this priceless invigorant
speilv initials and carries to a successful
conclusion. Digestion is restored, the hlo d
fertilized and sustenance afforded to each
llfo-sustalnlng organ by ihe Hitters, which
is inoffensive even to the feminine palate,
vegetable in composition, and thoroughly
safe. Use it and regain vigor.
ItlcMeil to fie General Manager of
the JO P. at Portland.
Special to The Astokiax.1
PoBTiAND,Aug. 2L General-Man-1
nnn UrnVnn if ! Qf- Trio QTiri Ornnrl .
UCl lUbllCUf Ul UE KJl. UW uuu .u..u
Island railway, is in tho city in coin
ViJinv with Vice-President W. H. Hol-
comb, of the Union Pacific. Rumor
has it that his object in visiting Jfort
land is to succeed Mr. C. J. Smith as
irp.nArnl-mnriaiTer of this division of the
Union Pacific, of which the St Joe and
Grand Island is another division.
Mr. Smith will resign to accept a
liiph TKisitinn with Eliiah " Smith.
through whose influence principally
ho was given his present position.
He AVI 11 Know Saturday.
Special to The Astoeiax.1
Chicago, Aug. 21 President Webb
this morning said he did not believe
the impending strike would be nearly
so gigantic as the Federation and
tho Knights of Labor would have the
people believe. Webb did not doubt
the Supreme Council of the Federation
would call out their men, but he was
of the opinion that the number who
would respond would not bo so great
after all.
The World's Fair.
Special IoThk AsToniAs.l
Chicago, Ang. 21. Tho executive
committee on buildings and grounds
of the World's Fair directors was in
session for an hour yesterday, and
discussing the apparently never end
ing question of, the site for the exposi-
tidii. What action, it any, was taken
could not be learned, the committee
being m stnetly executivb session.
Further Particulars ot the First
aufl Second Days' Exercises.
xrnxTs or the cr.osrsa day.
Special to Tiik Asiokiix.J
SEAiiAXD, WXsir., Aug, 21. This
was the closing day of tho
Willapa Harbor Yacht Club's annual
regatta. The regatta has been un
usually well attended and yesterday's
great race furnished attraction for all
the neighboring peoplo as well as a
large number from outside towns.
The entries were ten in number and
tho race lay over an eighteen-mile
course. There was a fair breeze and
a good race was had. After tho time
had been corrected it was found that
the Sailor Hoy was tho winning boat
of the ileet, with tho Marti M. Sollies.
second; Vivian, third; Mayflower,
It having been alleged that tho
judges had, without authority of the
yachting club, changed the course of
the race, their decision was appealed
from and the matter referred to three
disinterested parties for adjustment,
penning wuicn me time is wituneiu.
The $500 race between tho Sailor
Boy and tho Mayjloicer, on which a
forfeit of $120 was posted by the
respective captains last night, was to
day declared off as tho owners of the
former boat would not allow her to
enter the race. The regatta proper
is for but one day, but the citizens of
bealand raised purses for base ball.
foot racing, horse racing and other
sports to constitute the second day's
program. The ram which set in this
morning, however, rendered the
ground unfit for such purposes and
practically put an end to the annual
The Ilwaco band has furnished
music for the occasion and, though
young as an organization, acquitted
themselves very creditably as musi
cians and gentlemen.
Last evening a bower dance was
held in an arbor on the Morrison
hotel grounds. Utzinger's orchestra,
of Astoria, furnished excellent music,
and the attendants, who were numer
ous, had a highly enjoyable time.
The wish has been very often ex
pressed during the last two days that
Astoria boatmen would hold a meet
ing to try the sailing qualities of their
boats, and it was promised that
several boats would come in from
Willapa harbor to take a part in the
affair if an invitation were extended
them. It would certainly prove a
payiug attraction, and aside from be
ing a benefit as an advertisment
would leave more money in tho city
than would be taken out in the way of
purses to bo subscribed.
Deputy Sheriff Stone yesterday
served a warrant of arrest on Henry
Heikes, the fakir, running a tent show
here, for an assault to commit murder.
Ho had endeavored to brain a man
with an ax. Heikes is now nt liberty
on his own recognizance.
SucccHHfui Experiment.
Special to The ASToniAx.i
Sax Fbaxcisoo, Aug. 21. Tho ex
periment ot Livingstone. Clark & Co..
in putting on tho steamer Farallone,
between this port and Hilo and Hono
lulu, has been so successful that tho
hrm feel justified in continuing her
trips, and contemplate increasing
the regular service by purchasing or
building several first-class steamers.
Decided Off.
Special to The Astobiax.
San Fbaxcisoo. Aim. 9.1. Thn
wrest lint? match betwenn.TJm fWhflffc
and Joe Choynski, which was to have
taken nlace at tho Olvmnic club this
afternoon, has been decided off. Last
night the directors of tho club con
cluded that before any such match
could take placo their permission
should be asked.
Happy Hoosicrs.
Wm. Tiiumons, postmaster of Ida
villc. Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters
has doiifi more for me than all other
medicines combined, for that bad feel-
inOT arKilllT from Tvwlnnv mill I .iviir
trouble." John Leslie, fanner and
stockman of same place, jays: "Find
and Liver medicine; mndn inn iwi lit-
a new man." ,1. AV. Gardner, hardware
iiKuimiii, an un- UJWH, says: JMCCIXIC
Bitters is lust the thing for a man who
is all run down and don't care whether
he lives or dies; he found new strength,
good apjit-tite and felt just like he had a
new leii-e on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at
J. W. Conn's Drug Store.
Report Resarfling Orflers or United.
States Cruisers Denlefl.
Joseph Chamberlain to Take a Hand
With Julian Pauncefortc in
the Negotiations.
Special by Tun Uxited Iiies.
Ottawa, Aug. 21. Tho report that
the United States cruisers have been
ordered to seize every vessel found
taking seals in Behring sea is discred
ited here. A member of the Domin
ion cabinet ridiculed the rumor. 'It
does not look as though we anticipated
any serious movement," said he to-day,
"when Sir John Macdonald and other
members of tho cabinet are at the sea
side, and intend to stay there for sev
eral weeks. Let conio what will,
England has given us every Jtssurance
that she will stand by us." It is gen
erally believed in official circles that
Joseph Chamberlain is to take a hand
with bir Julian rannccfoter m the
Behring sea negotiations as advisor or
in a semi-diplomatic way. In fact the
report is not denied in government
circles here that he comes from En
gland clothed with authority to assist
Sir Julian.
World's Fair Association.
Special to The astokiax!
SAX 4JKAXCISCO, Atlg. 21. At a
meeting this afternoon of the World's
Fair association, M. M. Eslco urged
that the delegates to tho state World's
Fair convention bo instructed to in
sist upon California securing recog
nition, by being permitted to show
her products alone and distinct from
tho other states. It is ccrlain that
her products aro far better than those
of other states, and she should get
credit separately in showing that, and
not for general credit to the whole
United States.
The Cruiser "Charleston."
Special to Tiik AstOrIan.1
Newport, Or., Aug. 21 The United
States cruiser Charleston arrived at
Ynquina harbor tins morning, after a
fourteen days trip from Honolulu
She sailed for Port Townsend at noon,
after taking- on fresh supplies. She
made slow time to economize coal
Admiral Bronen forwarded telegraphic
dispatches to Washington from here.
The Action Protested.
Special to Tiik astokiax.1
New York, Aug. 21. At a meeting
ot tho executive committee of the
Grant Monument Association yes
terday, a resolution was adopted pro
testing, in behalf of the people ot the
state and of the city, against the pro
posed action by congress in regard to
the removal of tho remains of Gen
eral Grant.
Title Completed.
Special to The AsroKiAX.l
Ei, Paso, Aug. 21. The title to the
site for the new ort Bliss, to be es
tablished here, is about completed and
ready for delivery. The title is to 010
acres of tho 1,003 acres purchased, and
is made direct from tho governor of
Texas to tho United States.
Altrcr Their Choice.
Special to The Astobiax.
New York, Aug. 21. A special
from Boston to tho Commercial Au-
xettiscr says the G. A. B. was sounded
on the subject of a-presi cnlial can
didate, during their recent encamp
ment, and tho delegates were for
Alger nearly unanimously.
A lioan Offered.
Special to The astouiax.1
Montevideo, Aug. 2L It is re
ported that a French syndicate has
offered a loan to tho government of
Uruguay, for the purpose of enabling
the government to withdraw its
paper currency now in circulation.
Premature Explosion.
Special to The Astoiuax.1
DowxieviijIie, Cal, Aug. 21. Ono
man was fatally aud two others seri
ously miured by a premature ex
plosion in a mine near nere mis morn-
Fatal Accident.
Special to The AstoiuaxI.
Sacramento, Aug. 2L B. L Dan
iels, a railroad carpenter, while riding
on the top of a refrigerator car
through the snowsheds yesterday, was
killed by his head striking a beam.
Passed Away.
Special to The AstouiaxJ
Tacoma, Aug. 21. The man Dun
ham, who was injured by a falling
tree, died to-day.
Gubernatorial Nomination.
Special to The Astor:.vx.
Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 21 R L. Del
Valle, of Los Angeles, was nominated
for lieutenant governor tins afternoon.
Thick Skins.
The skin of a whale is from two
inches to two feet thick, that of a large
specimen weighing thirty tons. The
rhinocerous is the thickest-skinned
quadruped, with n hide so tough as to
resist the claws of a lion or tiger, tho
sword, or the balls of tho old-fashion
musket Among bipeds politicians
havo the thickest skins.
In New York, on and after the 1st
of September, it will be unlawful for
any "child actually or apparently un-'
der sixteen years of age" to "smoke or
in any way use any cigar, cigarette or
tobacco in any form whatever in any
public street, placo or resort"
Cattle disease i3 raging with dis
astrous effect in the southern pro
vinces of Russia, and a strict quaran
tine of those regions is being observed.
All the natcnt medicines advcrtlsca
in this "paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc win
be bought at tho lowest prices atJ.W.
uonn's drug store, opposite ucciueni
hotel, Astoria.
He is Shown the Offical memo
rial of His Ancestor.
Special to The Astokiax. i
PhtijAdelphia, Aug. 21. Previous
to going to Cape May yesterdav.
President Harrison and General
Sewell called at the mint and were
shown all over the building. Major
Palmer asked the president if he
would like to see his distinguished
grandfathers medal. "What medal
is that? I wonld lie very much
pleased to seo it," said the president
Tiio party was condncted to the cab
inet of curiosities, and there Presi
dent Harrison saw for the first time
the official memorial of his distin
guished ancestor.
Pond, Ahead.
Special toTllEASTORlAX.
Sax JoaE, Cal, Aug. 21.- On re
assembling this morning the state
Democratic convention proceeded with
the third bullot for Governor. It re
sulted as follews: Poud 230, Coleman
223. English 153, Paulsee 21.
The Third congressional district
convention nominated John P. Irish,
of Oakland, this morning.
John A. Stanley, of Alameda, was
nominated for Chief Justice; Jackson
Hatch, of Santa Clara, Associate Jus
tico for tho short term. Adjourned
until 10 a. 3i. to-morrow.
Wonder if Tlicy Slid V
Special to The Astouia::
Tacoma, Aug. 21. Mrs. Elizabeth
Luud nKide two unsuccessful attempts
at suicide by cutting her wrists with a
razor to-day. She claims spirih ad
vised her to suicide.
To Is (MeM ly tlis Federation of
Railroad Hen.
oa" tiii: r.iXDiznuiLT system.
Special i.i The Astoiuax.1
New York, Ang. 21. The chief
sergeant this morning said a meeting
of the federation of railroad men
would be held at Terrc Haute, Ind.,
Saturday, with the undoubted result
that a strike on the entire Vander-
built system would be ordered, as he
aud Ids three associates had endorsed
the action of the general executive
board of the Ivnights of Lauor. He
thoroughly believed the supreme
council of the federation would sus
tain it. He also said the action of
Webb in adhering so firmly to the
stand he had taken, rendered the nc
tion thev had taken ueccssarv. Webb's
arbitrrry methods and refusal to arbi
t rate the situation made it useless fo
danl with lism auv longer.
Two Mares in Double Kariipsx
lUaltcaltlilc in li.1V, l-i. toTHEAsTOiriAX.l
PouGHKEursiE, N. Y., Aug. 21. C.
J. Hamlin, of Buffalo, accomplished a
feat this afternoon that slandu with
out a parallel of its kind, when he
drove "Belle Hamlin" and "Jnstina,"
two mares, bred by himself, and both
got by the same sire, a mile in double
harness to a wagon, in 2.1GJ4. No
breeder has ever done this,
and taking Hamlin's seventy
ouu years into acconnr, it was a
wonderful performance. namlin
drove with rare good judgement, send
ing his team to theqnarter iuSo'j,
the half mile in l.OSJLf, slowing up a
little to the third quarter, and huish
ing at 2.12 gait. There was a general
outburst of enthusiasm when tho lime
was announced, and Hamlin took his
honors modestly, though he was
greatly gratified at the result
ci;jiini xnii:.
A Sand Covered Track Causes
Delay to a Train.
Special to The Astoriax.1
Portlaxd, Aug. 21. Tho Union
Pacihc passenger train which should
have pulled in tho Union depot nt an
early hourlthis morning, ran mto a
sand pile last night near Celio, and
came to a stand still, suffering a dclav
of ten hours. Sho arrived hero at 5
o'clock this afternoon. The track hi
that vicinity is constantly in danger
of being covered with sand, strong
wmus blowing all the while. A force
of laborers with shovels arc kept in
readiness to go at a moment's notice
to the scene of the trouble. The first
report which came to the city was to
the effect that an cast bound pas
senger train had been derailed, smash
ing a coach and killing a lady who
was aboard. Tho story proved to Ijc
a canard, as usual.
A Iiacc in the Air.
Although hawks are popularly sup
posed to fly faster than all other birds,
they are, iu fact, outstripped by mauy
much inferior in size to themselves. I
saw a goskawk strike a quail on the
ground, and when, after a short strug
gle, the latter tore itself away from its
enemy's talons and flew straight across
a wide meadow field, there was a fair
contest of swiftness. The hawk started
apparently about ten or twelve feet
behind, and darted liko an arrow
after its victim, whose life depended
on speed. I expected to see a short
race, but was pleasantly disappointed
when the quail began to gain iilowly
but surely, and at last dashed like a!
bullet into a haystack, where it saiely
hid itself from its savage pursuer. I
noted that the flight of the quail in its
dire extremity was as noiseless as that
of an owl, its wings making not the
slightest hint of that loud whirring so
characteristic of its ordinary flight
Tho race was indicative of intense,
concentrated, absolutely utmost effort
Jioston Qlobe.
Rucltlcu's Arnica Snlrc.
TnE Best Sai.vj: in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ithe
mn, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Tiles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give pcrrcctr&atisfactuin, or money re
funded. I'rlcc25 cents per box. For
sale by ,1. W. Conn.
flyer lie Recent HiEl Handed Pro
ceeding oftlc Englisl.
A Britisher Compels the Captain of a
&i Vensimelan Vessel to Haul
Down His Colors.
Special by Tho Uxited Peess
Caracas, Venezuela, Aug. 21. The
dispute with England over the Guiana
boundary continues and causes much
irritation. Venezuelans are indignant
over the recent high handed proceed
ings of the English in the disputed
territory. A British gunboat, made
ready from Demarara, with Commis
sioner Motcnck on board, arrived at
PnntaBarivna toward the close of
last mouth, aud ordered the captain
of a Venezuela vessel, the Fara, which
was guarding the mouth of the Orin
oco, to haul down his colors. This he
was compelled to do by submit
ting to superior force. Tho gov
ernment has sent a commission
to the spot to investigate the outrage.
The commander of the Fara will be
tried by court-martial for having
yielded without making a proper show
of resistance. The Liberal of this
city suggests that another vessel bo
sent to Punta Barima with guns
shotted and a ling nailed to the mast
Let Britain then do their worst, and
Venezuela can appeal to tho United
States and her sister republics in
South America and to the British par
liament itself against such a violation
of international law.
The Daughter of the Bishop
Count for Rnch, This Tame.
Special to The Astokiax.
Pestii, Aug. 21. The natural
daughter of tho most Bcverend Bish
op Connt for Bach, a girl fifteen
years of age, named Helen, has eloped
with an Italian named Abbot, taking
with her a great mauy valuable jew
els, some of Avhich are heirlooms, and
a large sum of money. Her mother,
who is well known as a great land
owner, Anna Sander, has procured a
warrant against the fugitives, and
sent relatives on their track.
Republican Convention.
Special to The astokiax.j
Boise Crrr, Ida., Aug. 21. At the
session of the Eepublicau State con
vention this morning, the committee
on resolutions reported the platform,
which was adopted as read. Oronoke,
of Shoshone, offered a resolution that
it w;is tho sense of the convention that
the first legislature elect one United
States senator from North Idaho.
After an extended debate the resolu
tion was adopted by vote of Gl to 39.
Rallrord Collision.
Special to The Astomax-I
Kaxsas Crrr, Aug. 21. A freight
train ran into the rear of a passeuger
train of the Missouri, Kansas and
Texas railroad at Paola last night,
killing Pullman Conductor Camp, in
stantly. The engineer and fireman of
the freight jumped from the train.
Engineer Woodward was seriously in
jured by the fall. The brakeman,
whose name is unknown, was proba
bly fatally injured. No passengers
were hurt.
Coast Weather Reports.
Special to The Astokiax.j
Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 21. The
weather forecast for Oregon is fair
weather, except light rains in Port
land; winds generally westerly; nearly
stationary temperature.
For Washington Fair weather in
the eastern portion; local rains in the
western portion; winds generally
westerly; nearly stationary tempera
ture. Reduced Its Rate.
Special to Tiik Astoriax.
Loxdox. Aug. 21.-The Bank ot
England has reduced its rate of dis
count from five per cent to four per
cent The rate of discount in the
open market for both short and three
montlis bills is h per cent Money
is 3j per cent
Prohibition Nominations.
Special to The Astokiax.1
BLvRRisnuRG, Pa., Aug. 21. The
state prohibition convention to-day
nominated Charles W. Miller for Gov
ernor and Charles E. Hyatt for Lien
ten ant-Go Vcrnor.
Will filed.
Special to The Astokiax.
Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 21. The will
of George Hyde, a deceased pionee
was filed this morning. The property
of tho deceased was bequeathed to
his widow. Tho value of the estate
is unknown.
A Severe Storm.
Special to Tiik Astokiax.j
Fostoria, O., Aug. 21. Thero was a
severe storm here this morning, but no
lives were lost
The Origin of '-He's a llrielc."
The expression, "He i3 a brick," is
over 2,000 years old. Agesilaus, King
of Sparta, 8S0 B. C, iu showing his
army of 10,000 men, pointing to them,
said: ''There aro the walls of Sparta,
and every man is a brick."'- -Savannali
Although the cholera is very severe
on the Bed Sea coast of Asiastic
Turkey and at Mecca, strict prevent
ive measures are keepiug it out of
The bill to prevent pool selling ou
horse races in the District of Columbia
has been favorably reported to the
advice to mothers.
xMrs. Wixst.ow's Sootiiixo Syrup
should always ho used for children
twining. It soothes tint child, soituns
tUe gums, allays all pain, cures wind
cholicandis tho best remedy fordiar-rhcea.Twenty-five
cents a bottle.
Interest in Their Dissolution
A n.iii Revived.
Special to The Astokiax.
Loxdox, Aug. 21. Interest in the
Gilbert and Sullivan quarrel is again
revived. Fischer, council for Gilbert,
appealed to-day for a postponement
for a week of the hearing in the dis
pute between him and Doyley Carte
for accounting, and his part of tho net
proceeds derived from the comic opera
texts which were produced at the Sa
voy Theatre, also for tho -appointment
of a reciver for "The Gondoliers," now
running there. Fischer said he desired
to file further evidence, and to add Sir
Arthnr Sullivan'sjname, as defendant,
to that of Carte. The application was
granted and tho case was adjourned
till next week.
Result of Domestic Trouble.
Special to The AsrouiAX.
PiiACervicltj, Cal., Aug. 21. Will
iam Eowlands, of this city, killed his
wife by shooting her twice in the head
with a pistol about 11 o'clock last
night Ho then placed the pistol in
his own mouth and fired, killing him
self instantly. Eowlands was 58 years
old. Tho tragedy was the result of
domestic troubles, which caused a sep
aration of tho couple two months ago.
In Hiding.
Special to The Astorivx.1
Tacoma, Aug. 21. Kataseke, the
father of tho young boy who is sup
posed to have shot Tommy Moore,
claims that the boy is in Irving Park,
a suburb of Chicago, and that he will
send for him. This story is not be
lieved, but it is thought the boy is in
hiding in this city.
Tie "Mary Ellen" Hnns Onto Bocts
at Unp Island, Alaska.
Special to Tiik Astokiax.
Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 21.--By the
arrival of the schooner John Hancock
from Alaska, details arc received of a
serious accident to the schooner Mary
Ellen. She was owned by Daniel
and Alexander McLean, both well
known in this city. Tho vessel was
commanded by her former owner, and
was fitted out here some time ago by
Leibis, of tho Xorth American Com
mercial company, and sent to Alaska
on a sealing expedition. She fared
well during the trip, and tha last news
received from tho sealers credited her
with a catch of over 1,000 seals. A
version of the disaster is that after
making a successful catch the Mary
Ellen sailed for Unga island. In at
tempting to make tho island tho
schooner ran on some rocks.
It was instantly seen that
her keel had been split in sev
eral places, and a big hole appeared
in her starboard streak. These dam
ages were bad enough to make the
vessel absolutely worthless. There
were no conveniences on the island
for effecting any repairs. Help
could not be procured, and Captain
McLean thought it advisable to sell
her. She was purchased by Captain
O'Brien, of Sand Point, "for $300.
O'Brien managed after considerable
difficulty to get her off the rocks, and
she was subsequently taken to Sand
Point, where she was repaired well
enough to let her go on another seal
ing cruise. A crew was obtained and
she set sail again on a sealing expe
dition to PrybilofFs island. Captain
McLean came down to this city on
the John IancocJc.
Sawdust I.roail.
"I have found the cheekiest swin
dle of the age," said George Lord.
Mr. Lord is a drummer, who keeps
his eyes open when out on the road,
and is greatly interested m matters
portaining to food adulteration.
"It is wood flour,'' ho continued.
"Flour actually made of wood and
used largely for the purpose of adul
teration. It was at Mount Pleasant,
on the little Ulster and Delaware
liailroad, that I first saw the mill.
White beech trees are used. The
wood has no flavor or color, and is
hard and dry. The hark is pealed off
and the logs put on a carriage, which
forces them against a cutting machine
shaped like a pencil-sharpener, except
that it has five or six knives instead
of one. These knives revolve at the
rate of from 200 to 300 revolutions a
minute, and the log is soon cut into
five shavings. After these are thor
oughly dried they arc put into a
hopper and ground the same as wheat
or corn. Tho flour come3 out as line
and fragrant as from fine wheat, and
is put in bags without any
marking on, except a tag with
the address, and scut to New York.
Where they go here I don't know,
but I learned from a workman at
tho mill that there is a pretty big
sale for the stuff. He said that part
of it was used as paper stock and in
the preparation of lincrnsta walton.
This is tho ostensible purpose for
which it is made, but the workman
told me that a good deal of tho stuff
went into the hands of contractors
for furnishing Indian rations, and
that considerable of it also went into
the cheap breads sold in the Italian
districts in the lower part of tho citv.
If. Y. Star.
Broadway, New York, will be re
paved, and at the same time prepara
tions will be made for running cable
Maywood, Kans.,
An?. 10..1SSS.
I snflered two years
with pain in my side;
doctors failed to help
me; no return of pain.
Carlisle, Pa., February 11. 1SSS.
I wa3 hurt in tho left hip and tried sev
eral physicians without obtaining relief. Ecs3
than a half-bottld'of StKlacobs Oil cured me.
Listit Respuse for Redemstion of
tHe 4 1-2 Per CentBonds
Increase in the Price of the Bonds to
be Made for the Belief of the -
Money Market.
Special by Tun Uxitkd Pkess.
W.vshtxgtox, Aug. 21. In view of
the light response to the treasury de
department's circular for redemption
of the 4J2 per cent bonds, it is ex
pected that the department wfll take
further measures for the relief of the
money market It is not known ex
actly what form or action they will
take, but it is supposed it will be an
increaso in price for the bonds.
To lie Returned to China.
Special to Tin: Astokiax.
Washtxctox, D. C, Aug. 21. The
treasury department to-day received a
dispatch from the collector of customs
at San Francisco, stating that six
Chinamen had been arrested at
Nogales, Arizona, for illegally enter
ing tho United States. The depart
ment has instructed the collector to
ascertain the facts by an investigation,
and it tiiey are illegally in the United
States to dispatch them on the next
steamer for China.
Jmljrc I fa ii ford Define- Terms and Con
struction or tlic Stntnte.
Tacoma, Aug. 20. A decision of
more than ordinary importance was
handed down in the United States
district court in Tacoma to-day by
Judgo Hanford in the case
of the United States against
David E. Budd and J. B. .Mont
gomery. Thn points covered by the
decision arc chiefly as to tho con
struction of the statute in defining
timber lands, and also a3 to tho
necessity of having proof beyond
question of fraudulent conspiracy for
the entry and purchase of timber
lands to invalidate transfers made
soon after the purchase. The de
cision is far-reaching in its effects and
mauy contracts or purchases of timber
lands by corporations which have
been held by the officers of tho land
department to be fraudulent are thus
re-established and legalized.
SXIiTjABUS by the court.
Equity Patent Cancellation
Purchase money. When the govern
ment of the United States applies for
equitable relief it must, like an indi
vidual suit, do equity on its part. In
a suit to cancel a patent for land on
the ground of error in issuing it when
tho patentee is not guilty ot fraud, it
is essential for tho government to re
turn the purchase money to the paten
tee of the offered lands (act of June 3,
1878). Construction within the mean
ing of the act of June 3, 1887, provid
ing for the sale of timber lands in Cali
fornia and other Pacific coast states,
lands which had been offered at public
sale, but were not sold by the
United States and which were there
after withdrawn from sale because
situated within the limits of the land
grant to the Northern Pacific Bail
road company belong to the class of
unoffered lands and may be law
fully sold as timber lands under the
said act, the same as similar lands.
Tho hilly, stony lands, covered with
fir and cedar forest trees, common in
the- western part of this state, are
chiefly valuable for timber and unfit
for cultivation within the meaning of
said act, though the soil is not barren
aud may be made to yield crop3 after
the removal of the timber and stumps.
The true interpretation of the act
does not require the substitution ot
the word "solely" for the word
"chiefly," nor do the words "unfit for
cultivation" mean not capable of be
ing made fit for cultivation.
Same Improvements Tho word
"improvements," as used in said act,
means valuable improvements. An
abandoned and dilapidated cabin and
remnant of an abandoned fence,
which are of use, are not such im
provements. Fraud Insufficient evidence The
fact of a patentee of the United States
having conveyed the land within one
month after entering it in the land of
fice, and prior to the issuance of his
patent to a vendee, who at about the
time of said transaction also purchased
other lands from a number of persons
who, within a recent period, entered
the land so conveyed by them respect
ively under the laws of the United
States, is not a circumstance from
which an inference, much less a con
clnsiou, can fairly be drawn that there
was an agreement between said paten
lee and his said vendee made prior to
tho entry whereby the title to be ac
quired should inure to the latter, and
there being no evidence tending to
connect said patentee with any con
spiracy, no inference unfavorable to
him can be drawn from the evidence
tending to prove that his vendee had
received conveyances of other lands
from other persons made pursuant to
agreements ante-dating the entry of
the lands.
Same. A purchaser from the United
States, under the acts above referred
to, is not required to retain the land
after perfecting his right to it in good
faith. The j hs despondi immediately
becomes vcs'ed hi him, or in a suit to
cancel a patent on the ground of fraud
without evidence of fraud on the part
of the patentee other than as above
indicated, the prayer of the bill will
be denied. Oregonian, 21.
A Voice From Tlic Judicial
Judoe John Chankt of Osceola, la.,
says: "f contracted sciatic and muscular
rheumatism in the armj and suffered
most excruciating agony for years. Dr.
James Itoberts of Osceola, advised me
to take Hibbard's Ithenmatic Syrup. I
have used eleven bottles, and find that
it keeps mo in good health. I cannot
recommend it too highly." For sale by
J. W. Conn.
L- rtj xpi