(t) ihU gauit Ssfotm ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 20. 1E90 TIIE TABLE FOR ASTORIA. 1IIOH VTATKK, LOW AVATKK. iJrst. Second. ! First. Second. Tae hours between midnight and noon are dotpinled by a (a. in.), those between noon jwJ midnight by j (p. m.). 0 lu 00m. a dc hs midnight, oh. 00m. p denotes noon. Tiie hctghl is reckoned from the level of xwrngc km er low waters to w Ulch the sound 1tlt are Riven on the Coast Survey charts. LimMXOJl VESSELS OX THE WAY lirwm Foreign Ports; for the Columbia Hirer. i?tetaVne. ISr. sp.. 1561. Antwerp Mar. 22. Koddlcborn, Ilr. sp., ICO J, London. Apr. 22. Anneslej-. 15r. sp.. 1G2S, Liverpool Mar 5. Kfekora. Or. jv, 179S. London. May 7. Kate i Troop. Br. bit.. 103G, liiozo Jul? 13. Lnntdalc. Br. sp , 1(K5. Tonalo. IMpve. Am. sp . IMC. Yokohama. Vartfcto, Hr.bV., 22. Liverpool. May 23. Mistf 6y Hall, llr sp., 1772. Rio Janeiro. July F. Lizzie Uoll, llr bV. 1USG, Anwcrp. July 21. Oa&loyne. llr m, 1350, Anwcrp, July 21. Scottish Glons, Ursp.20Gl. Rio Janeiro. Anceroaa, llr up, 1215, Sidney. Astracaaa. llr sp. 1CS1, Yoiohasna. AuJora. lir sp, 1C70. Mauritius Troop, llr sp, 1S25, Shanghai. Milton Park, Br sp. 1461, Santa Ilo&al ie. I 'ort Carlisle, llr bk, 132S. Santa llosalic. KlrondbricVitshirc. Ur. Sp, 1152. Tonalo. Oohtcrtyre. llr bV. 129e, Alcoa Bay. I-Jonsfcll. UrFp 1151. Honolulu. AlcinouR, llr sp Ir7C. Nctrcastlo A. Ariadne. Ur bk. 11G7. Capo Town. Lady Hlinbctu. llr bk.llSS. Sydney. Foylcda'.c, Ur sp. 1G10. Liverpool. Anlaamnrelian, Br sp, 1790. Caps Town. Posnan. Ur t p. 1193. CocVcrmouth. llrsp. 12SI7. Liverpool. MonntCarnicl. 1396. Manila, l-ortoa. IJr bk, 10, Liverpool. Atoxiailcr Lawrcncs, Ilrblc, 1235, London. FROM AMERICAN TOUTS, rjtlrician. Am. s;l. 1251, N, Y Mar. 8. tiity of Philadelphia. Am. sp.. 1SSI. .V. V. Mar. IS. TilHei:.Starbnck. Am sp, 1!31. W. Y. July 21. lUaper, Am sp. llW.New York. IX Till: KIVKR. Uoloma. Am bk. S14. Hone Kong May 12. Ivy. Am bk. 1ISI. New York July 10. Shore Donard, llr sp, 17SS. Newcastle Auk 9, Norfolk Island. Hr bk. 1311. Newcastle. A uz 13. -i,SS CAIIDS. W I. HOWARD, M. D. IIOMOJOPATIIIST. GnulBatcor University of Micliipiu. Oilice over A. V. Alien's store, noitlieast oiimcr Third and Cass. Hours from 10 to 12 a. in.. 2 to 4 and 7 to 7 dS) p. in. JtJ I. KAY3IOS, CIVIL SKGLN1SER. Co :nty Suiveyor of Clatsop County. OP.lcc : Koom No. 7. Kinney's Uriel:, Asto Hh. Oregoiu -. a- flto:. o. c. Kur.Tox ViiJ.TilX J5KOTE5ERS, A TTO HN' K YS AT LA W. wosd c,dd Fellows Ituildlng. I .. r.LEVRliAXD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ota ' Flavei's new brick building, cornel Swml and (Jass streets : up stairs. Attorncy-al-Iir: Xotry Public Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. OAlco in Flavel's new brick VwAdinr. Cor. Second :uul Cass streets. ATTORNEY AT IsAVt. JRlce o Oftss street, 2 doors back or Odd fv.s r.ulldtng, Astoria, Oregon. c . A. BOWLUY. tornry stfid Coonpcllor at fc,avr a 'VJkmtiWi Ulienamtis Street, Astoria, Oregon A R. KANACA, ATTOKKKY AT LaV. (NSce ovor White House Cor., Astor!i, Or. ax NOTAItY TUDLIC. !-Jab!islietI 1SS3. Tliinl Street, next to V, VI. Telegnipli Of e,Avtoria, Or. 5, F. KAI'FERTY, ITS. l. (Imduate Jefferson Medical Collclf l'liiiadclplila, Okpick-SSC Third Street. Jjt P. MULLINIX, M. D.f PIIYSICIAX A'I) saitCEOX. iceon Fourth Street, bet Main and Cuss. Special attention given to private diseases. OITicc hours 9 to 11 a. m 2 to 5 l. M. I) t?4. A. . AX1J.1. A, FI'S.TOX. Cassstreoj, between 3rd and 1th. Srocial attention to Diseases of Women tin.! CJnldrcn, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Jijiecial nttvntioii to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. Fulton. oiQcc hours frrnn 10 to 12 A. M and 1 to 4 P. M. JAY TUTTLE. M. D. Pliysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Krtom C, Pytldau Building. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. IteMdeuce, soutli sido of Cedar St., next Mock west of the Hospital. B. K. SMLiIiKn. SI. D. Craduatc of Cleveland Ilomneopathic JTos piial College, and Post-Craduate of New York City Polyclinic School of Medicine ami Surgery. First and Main streets, Portland. Dinc&scR or Women a Special ry. !) K.O. B. KSTK8. PHYSICIAN AND SUKOEON. Sieclal attention to Diseases of Women ind Surgery. -viek: Opioslto Telegraph Office, ut maIts, Aori3, ivgon. fK. P. A. ItEKsJ, DENTIST. JUKms7 and 8, Flavel's new Brick Build ing. W. T. BUIIXKY. L. T. JIAKTX J. VT. IlRArKIL ' Bnrncy, Barin & Draper, Attorneys at-Iaiv. .Oregon City, Oregon. Twelre years experienco as ltegister of ti U. S. Land Office hero, recommentis us ih HH-seclUy of Wlnmcaud all otlicr bus iiiess before Uio Lsuid Office or the Courts. mhI tavelTiftc the pracUco in the General XMrtOOee, w S Ul i 2 I 1 2 IS U . -- s ? Isl h s h lal h Is: . w. .55 U. ih. jj. m. ,55 h. m. 1 , 171 1 S 7 71 2 31 75 SOT -0 2 S2." 25 ISl Gi 7 S 2 55 7 7 S SO 0 18 55 2 1 Wj 2 -; 7 3 3 21 75 851 0 3 J 27 II) SOI 3 21 7 0 3 51 79 9S3 0 9 10 11 17 2! 4 10 C 5 4 35 S 0 9 59 1 4 11 05 14 221505 59 5 19 SO 10 39 19 - - -- 2M 6 IX 5 3 C 11 8 0 0 07 1 2 11 27.1 2 5 SI! 7 35 4 9 7 13 SO 12.1 0 9 12 35 31 RAILWAYS AND STEAMERS. Astoria & M Coast Sallw'f And Connections. Schedule A.o. ii, of Train aud J touts in Effect 7:00 A. Jf. Tuesday, July UPth, 18V0. Sunday. Leave Astoria C :00 AM 9:00 " 3:00 I'M It Ion da y. 4:45 " Tuesday. C :00 A M 8:.30 " 2:00 P M - 4:45 " Lv. ClaUop Beach. 5 : 00 A Ma 7:50 " ci 2 : 00 r mj 5:00 " 4:20r M 5 : 09 A Ma 7;50 " e 1 ; 00 l aid 4:20 " c ia Steamer Thompson...... , Potter. ... Telephone.. .. Electric. Thompson. Electna. 1'OttJT. Electric Wednesday Thompson. c : 00 a m 5 : 00 a Ma hlectnc 8:30 " 7:50 c tlecuic 4:45 I'M 4:20 I'M Thursday. Thompson G :00 A m 5 : O0 A 3ia Electric 8:30AM 7:50amc Potter 2:00 r ii 1:00 1' jid Telephone. 5:00 " 4; 20 " b Friday. Thompson. C : 03 A si 5 : 00 A 3ia Electric 8:30 " 7:50 " c Electric- 4 :45 V M 4 :20 Y M Saturday. Thompson 0:00 A M 5:00 A Ma Electric .... 8:30 " 7:50 " c Telephone. 3;O0i'M 2:00l'ii7 Potter. 0:15 5:40 ' d a Connects with Thompson for Astoria and Portland. -Connects with Telephone for Astoria and Portland. c Conncct-s with Potter for Astoria and Portland. d Connects witli Potter for Ilwaco. c-Connects with Electric for Astoria, Connects with Electric for Astoria and Portland. Round trip tickets via steamers Potter, Thompson and Telephone for ale at Union Pacific and Telephone ticket oilices. BaKsajje checked between Astoria and all regular stations via Union Pacific boats at Union Pacific dock, and on the tram. WM, JtEII), President. HEXKYP..TIHELSKI, Chief Engineer and Superintendent, TIME GAJR.TJ OF BAY RAILWAY OOMPANY WEEK DAYS. Leave Astoria End -10, 11 a. m. : 2, 3. 4, 5 I'.M. Leave Youiik's Kay 10 SJftti 1 SS) a. m.: 2 ao. 3 -J30, 4 :30, 5 150 i: u. .SUNDAYS. Ixuive Astoria End 9, 10, 11 a. m. ; 1,1 :30, 2, 2 X0, 3, 3 :30, 4, 4 -SSO, 5, 5 -JSQ, C, C :30, 7, 7 iSO I'.M. Leave Young's Bay-9 :30. 10:30, 11 30. a. m. : 1 :15.1 :15.2:15 ' :15.3 ;15.S ; .1 -in. J -tr. 5 :15, 5 : 15, C :15, C : 15, 7 :I5, 7 : 15 r. u. Prorn Terminal or Interior Points THE Norton Paciic Railroad Is the Line to Take To All Points East and South. It Is The DiuingCar IEoulc. It runs Through Vcstibulcd Trains 11-cry Day In the Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. No Change of Cars, Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. I'uliuiau Drawiiigltooni Sleepers Of latest Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Bast that can be constructed and in which accommodations arc both Free and Furnished to holders of First or Second-class Tickets, and for Slegant Day Coaches. A Continuous Line C nnecting with All Lines, airortuiig Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations Can be Secured in Mvauce through any Agent ol the itoad. Through Tickets To and rrom all Points in America, England and Europe cm be purchased at any Ticket Oilice or this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trams, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (iencral Passenger Agent, No. 121 First St.. cor. Wellington, Portland, Oregon. I. E; & H. Co. THE STEAJIEItS "Gen. Cniiby' or "Suoiiii" Leave Astoria daily at 8 a. m. and 2 i. si. for Tanzy I'oinr. Fr. Stevens and Ilwaco. connecting with railroad miming north at 10 a. :. ami :t0 I'.m. and it with boats on Shnalwater Bay. for South Bend, Sunshine, Nortli Cove and other points and tUrougli toCmy's Haroor. South bound trains start from Nah cotta and Sealand at 8:30 a. i. and l :45 r. si. daily, connecting at Ilwaco with steamer lor Astoria, and In the afternoon con.n.'cting with night boat for Portland, Sunday Schedule-Steamer starts at 8 a. si. a.id : a. m. from Astoria and north bound can; at 10 a. m. and It a. si.audS i'. i, from Ilwaco, Soutli bound cars leave Nahcoita at a. si., u i3o A. u. and 3 :t3 r. u. Stunner .starts from Ilwaco at 5 r. u con necting with night boat for Portland. I.A. LOOMIS. President. B. V. EGBEBr.Supr. Ioiin 1L Goultkic, Sccrctiiry. Portland and Coast S. S. Co. GSAYS HAHB0E. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from Port land every Thursday at 7 r. M. ; and from Astoria the following morning, land ing at Hoquiam, Aberdeen, Cosmopolls and Montesano. SHOALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at North Cove, Soutli Bend, WillapaandBay Center. F. R. STRONG, President a P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. The Str. Telephone Portland and Astoria. Time Table. Leaves Asteria: Every evening except Tuesday at 7 o'clock Leaves Pertland: Every morning exccptTuesday at o'clock ATJCTIOKT AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEKT, Successor to E. C JTolden. The oldest established Commission House in Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture ou hand. When you want Bargains in Household Goods go to MARTIlf OL8E.N Have you PEAR RAILWAYS AND STEAMEIiS. BEGINNING ar-nxy 1st, xsso. Str. VOLGA, B. F. STEVENS, Master. Will leave daily from Wilson . Fisher's Dock for I LWACO, - at 7 a. ii. and 2 so r. si. Eeturning will Leave Ilwaco, at 9a.m. and r p.m. Stopping at Fort Canhy, Fort Stevens andTanzy Point on first trip from Ilwaco and second trip from Astoria. SALOONS. Wholesale and Hetall LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and do mestic Wines, Liipiors and Cigars. J. II. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders rrom Hie City and Country promptly filled. Squcmoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. AUG. DANIBLSON, Sample Rooms. "Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for the GUION Steamship Line and the TIUNGVALLA Stcamsliip Line, direct. Also, agent for "Svcnska Tribunen" and 'Svenska Amerikanaren." Corner of Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria, Oregon. Resort Billiard Parlor, GROSBAUEB &BKACII, Prop's. L. FEOBEB'S CELEBRATED Cambrinus Beer I ON DRAOGIIT. fSnuiuriuus BottIcI Ilecr. J. n. Cutter Wlilslty, IJouiostic ami Kej AVcst CipirN, Constantly on hand. Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph Oilice, formerly Telephone Restaurant. ASTORIA, OREGON. L0EB & CO.. files, Lipors anfl dps. A Large Stock of First-CIass Goods. The Trade Supplied at Lowesi Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accuratelv. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opp. Parker House. Standard - Saloon. Southeast Corner Third and Olney Sis. Astoria, Oregon. The Celebrated North Pacific Brewery Beer on Draught. Also the Finest Kinds of Wines, Li quors and Cigars. The Kcst of French Brandies AAD IiRAXDY PEACHES. 2L Free la-u-ncli H. CRUBE, Propr. ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON. GEBMANEA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. WM. BOCK, Proprietor. The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Christian tVejen, Proprietor. (Formerly Bartender at the "Resort," Bestof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner Main and First Streets. John C. Dement, DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundrlos. Prescriptions C&reftilly 4'ouipoiiinlcit. Agent lor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, rure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binaclo Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spike.-, Galvanized Cut Kails. Agricultural Implements, Scwiug Machines, Taints, Oils, Grrooerios, 3E5to. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., County Coroner. JS First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material Next to astouiak office. Hughes k m - .jij.- sc, A used y OAP? E. P. N00NAN & CO. , (Successors to) a. JEm Hiynes, DEALEItS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE XO. 7. - P. 0. BOX 390 CHEAP FREIGHT! THE STEAMEH "Xj..3-tt:na." Will Sail front San Francisco for Astoria about July 30th. For freight apply to captain on beard. Garnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPOirTEItS AND WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALEKS LN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Chcnamus and Cass streets. ASTCKIA ----- OBEGON Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT ISSUED out of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, to me directed on this lGth day of July, 1890. com manding roc to levy upon the goods and chatties of the dcliiuiuent taxn.ivers named on the delinquent tax roll for said county for the vear IPS), thereto attached, and if none be found then upon the real pioperty as set fortli and described in the said delinquent tax roll, or so much thereof as shall satisfy the amount of taxes so charged therein, to gether with costs and expenses. I have levied (having been uuablc to find personal property out of which to mako said taxes) upon the real estate set opposite the names ot the rcsiectivc parlies, firms and corpora tions contained in the following list to satis fy the amount of tax assessed and charged against such persons, firms and corporations tn said delinquent tax roil, all of said real property being In Clatsop County, State of Oregon, to-wlt : Adamapplc , Antone, lots 5 and C.scc 30. TON, KB W, 33 acres S 7 7C Carter, O V. S li of S E JS, sec 20, T 7N, 118W. H)a 11 21 Andcrson.Edward, improvements only 1 47 Carlson. Cliarlc. improvements only, near smiurs romt ...... .. Dunkle, ! & W, land on Kccanicum Creek, la . .. Erickson. Josephine, imp on Smith's D. I C Handler, Fred, lot 10, Union & Allen add Hartran. M. S W ii sec 22. TO N. R 9 3C3 29J 5SS 5SS W. l)a 11 7G Holdcn, E C, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, G and 7, blk 20, wiuiamsDort Helgcson, T, S K lots II and 12, blk 14 5 50 5 15 Holt. Amelia, lots 3 and 4. blk a, Brad bury's add to Ocean Grove... Hume, Jos, lot 3, sec 31, T9N.R7 V, 18a.... Imhoir, J M. blk 14 Willlainsport Johnson, Carl, lots 7 and 9, as laid out by 0 D Young, 8a Knott. A J. lot C. blk 104. McClure's 14i 1 5SS 58S Astoria as extended by Cyrus Olney. 1 47 Kternan, John, lot C.blk l4",McClure's Astoria as extended by Cyrus Olney. 1 70 La Force, J E, K Yx sec 30, T 5 K, R 7 W,320a. . 23 Lcan.J,SEJ4,sec3J,TS K, R 8 W, lGOa -. 12 CO McNulty.ER, lot 3, blk 49, Shlvely's Astoria. .. .... .Murray, G S, SiJ and NVi of SWJ4 sec 2 and NEM of SE sec3,T7N, R7 W. iCOa McLean, Elizabeth, E of SEK sec C, T 8 K. R G W. 80a Olsen, P. S of SEK sec 23, T G N, R C W. 80a Peeplos, Eugene, E',i of sec 10, T 5 N. R 7 W. and Vi4 of sec 10. T 5 N, R G 00 45G 8 40 79 W.GJOa.. 41 1C Robb, J II. lot 8, blk 130. McClure's As toria, as extended by Cyrus 01ney. 147 Ross, W J, KE15 sec 12 and SWJ4 of SEi SCC 1, T 7 Xi, II G W, 2003 Rachonen. Tobias, lot 27, Union & At .. 4 41 147 Seidell. E, lots 4, 5 and G, sec4,T5K, RG W, 77a.... Sherman, M J. N of SEJi and NWJf G74 OI StW SeC'Jl, 17.ii.BD w, N....... Smith. J E. KK of NE and NWLI of 5SS SE SCC 17, T 8N. R 10 XV, 120a 35 23 Starr, J L. lot 20. blk 2, First Add to ocean urove . 41 Seilfcrt, NYJisec27.T7N,B8 w. IGOa 11 7G Taylor, E W, SE&sec 33. T 5 N, R G W. IGOa 11 7d Thomson, CR and Geo Noland. lotG. blk 32 and lot 7, blk 133, McClure's Astoria, as extended by Cyrus Olney" 9 01 liiomson.UK ami v lioiiiug, tots i, J 7 andS, blk 1G, Willlamsport- Tucker, R 11, N Vi sec 1, TG N. it 9 W, and NJ5 ot NEJ sec 2.T G N, R 9 V, 2JGa Tenehiinen F, 14 of lotG. blk 3, Shlv leys Astoria.. . ..................... Thompson. E and F i; Iiewl. SWJi of 91 1 91 5 V, N li sec 14. T 8 N. R 9 W, 40a 29 40 Thurston, A, ShK soc 21 , T G N, R 9 V, IGOa 1 1 7 Upton, V. undivided H ot blk 111 bluvely's Astoria . 49 62 vtaison, ueo, 101a, uiicai. Aicuiurcs Astoria .. Welch. FW, NEii sec 22, TG N, R 9 W, IGOa Wevang, A, lots 3 and 10. blk 25, Alder- 3GS 11 76 5S3 1 45 Wilson, MI), lot 17. blkl, first add to Ocean Grove . . Wmcard, II K. SJS of NE,NE'4 of HE'i and scji oi sii sec u, tc. R 6 W. icoa 10SS Wood, J II, SHsec 3T, T5N.R7W, S20a. . ... Worsley. F 11 and li S. lots 3 and 4. blk 23 52 7u,aicuiure'sAsiori:i.as fxicmien uy Cyrus Olnet , improvements ou lot 7. block 01 2f 93 Worthlngton, W I, est of, undivided Ji OH0LS3 ami 4, uiock 78. .Mcuiure's Astoria, as extended by CyruS Olney Weise. P, SE sec 22, T G N, R 9 W, IGOa 00 11 TC Warren, M. NE sec 24, T 7 K, R 8 V, iw.u. .. ..................... Yocum, G V, lot 3. blk 147. McClure's 11 7G Astoria, as extended by Cyiu3 Olucy 176 And notice ia hereby given that on Thurs day, the 28lh day of August, 1890, at the hour of 10 o'clocc a. m , of said day. at the Com l House door In said county and state. 1 hhnll proceed to sell the above-described real estate at public auction to the highest buWcr for cash iu hand, in U. S. gold oin. subject to redemption, to satisfy said war rant, costs and accruing costs. li. A. SMIDT, Sheiid of Clatsop County, and Ex-Of!lci.. Tax Collector. Dated this 23th day of July. IKK). ORI.O K. VAKKKB. CAKf. A. If AXHON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamc THIS WEEK. Dress - Qoods, The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. HOTELS. CHKI5. F.VEX30N. r. cook THfc Centra! Hote EVENSOW & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Famine. Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc, Cooked to Order. U'ATKK8t, Opp. Foard & SfokcM A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run ip connection with the Premises. The Best -of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. MAIS0N D0RE! RESTAURANT. THE ONLY FRENCH RESTAURANT IN THE CITi. It is the object to make the Malson Dore the best rytaurant on the coast where the finest French meal can bo had. Second St., East of Benton. C. FfiANCISCOVICII, Proprietor. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. MIIIorr PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc, a specialty. TelcphonoKo, 12. II. W. SHERMAN & CO. The Gem SeEcon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PROPRIETOR Hill's Palace Yarieties. Open Every Night. GEO. HILL, - - Sole Proprietor. NEW PEOPLE WEEKLY. Aim to Please Everybody. The only Free Show In Astoria. Wines. Liquors and Ci gars. Iec Cold Beer. Maverick National BANK, BOSTON, IT1ASS. CAPITAL SURPLUS .$400,000 GCO.O00 Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corpora tions solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excel lent, and we re-discount for Banks when balances warrant It. Boston Is a lteserve City, and balances with us from Bauks (not located in other Reserve Cities) count as a reserve. We draw our own exchange on London and the Continent, and make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the united States and Canada. We have a market for prime, first-class Investment Securities, and Invite proposals from States. Counties and Cities when is suing bonds. Wo do a general Banking Business, and in vite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER, President. J03. W. WORK, Cashier. OBEGON STATE FAIR, DO. Ttoirteentb Annual ExMMtioii. Under the management of the Oregon State Board of Agriculture, will be held on the State Fair Grounds, near Salem, commencing on Monday, September 15th, 1890. And lasting one week. OVER 115,000.00 CASH PREMIUMS OfTered for agricultural, stock and me chanical exhibits, for works of art aud fancy work and for trials of speed. Reduced rates for fare and freight on all transportation lines to and from the Fair. Important improvements have been made upon tlio grounds and Increased facilities arc offered exhibitors. Tie Pavilion fill lie Open Four Nights During the Week. A splendid field of horses entered In the speed department, and fine exhibitions of racing will be given each day. Entries fur premiums close Monday at 7:30 p.m. Exhibitors arc urged to make as many of their entries on Saturday before the Fair as possible. Goods, animals and ar ticles for exhibition must be in their places by 10 p. m. on Mouday. PRICES OF admissien: Man's day ticket. . .. 50c Woman's day ticket.... .. 25c Man's season ticket .... . 2 50 Woman's season ticket l oo Send to tho secretary at Portland. Oregon, for a premium list. D. H. LOONEW President. J. T. GREGG, Secretary. B. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : FRACTICAL : PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts., Astoria, COFFEE TIPPLERS ILLS. A German Fhysician Finds the Bean a Source of Danger. The "cup -which cheers" has been so long believed to be the most fitting substitute for the one -which "inebri ates," that it is a little alarming to find that Dr. Mendel, of Berlin, has come io a contrary conclusion. So far from bel-'eving that twopence of the pound of tea or coffee -will reduce the "drink bill," researches of this eminent physiologist go far to prove that, by permitting the poorer classes to buy more of these sHmulants, the cheapness -will conduce to the spread of what he has described as "coffee in briety" a form of intoxication -which very frequently leads to the moie alarming but not actually more danger ous form produced by alcohol. The studies upon -which he founds these conclusions -were made in all parts of Germany, but more particu larly upon women of the -working pop ulation in and about tho great gun factories of Essen. Here -wages are high and employment constant, so that tho mechanics -wives have no dif ficulty in buying as much of their fa vorite stimulant as they desire. This takes tho shape of coffee. The quan tities many of them consume are enormous. Large numbers of women use on an average one pound per week, and some of tho men drink con siderably more, besides supplementing it .it odd times with beer and wine. The result is a widespread form of neurosis, to which Dr. Mendeli has ventured to npply tho name of "in ebriety." It is a true form of it, ap proaching in both kind and degree to delirium tremens, for the whole ner vous system is deranged, if not utterly ruined. To the gayety produced by indulgence a profound depression of spirit succeeds, coupled with fre quent headaches and a sleeplessness which in time assumes tho character of an almost incurable insomnia a distressing complaint in itself, and nat urally the advance guard of a host of other evils. For a brief space it is relieved by another strong dose of coffee. But as soon as tho effects of this die away tho symptoms return with increased vehemence. Tho mus cles become weak and trembling, and the hands shake when at rest in a manner resembling the semi-paralysis of a confirmed drunkard whose nerv ous system has been shattered to its center. An increasing aversion to labor and any steady work is noticed. The heart's action becomes rapid and irregular, and palpitation, with a heavy feeling in the pnecardial region, makes its appearance. Last of all comes dyspepsia of the most persistent character, and of an cxtremo nervous type, rendering tho life of the coffee-tippler a burden to himself and to all around him. In many cases acnto rosacea is common, showing that tho skin aud tho entire system of which it forms so important a part have been poisoned, and, as in tho caso of acoholism, aro incapable of performing the functions proper to them. In tho course of his studies Dr. Mendel found very few instances in which tho confirmed coffee drunkard was ever cured. The Host KxtcriiI tZcjiKuIy. S. J. Tidwoli, Haley's Marion County, Alabama, writes: "Alxcock's Pokous Plastehs aro a most invaluable household remedy. They do all that is claimed fortlioru. I sell many hundreds every year, and overy day I hear of their curing coughs and colds, diseases of tho spino, iivor and agno cake; in fact, thero is no disease that can bo reached by an externa' ap plication that they do not cure." Beware of imitations, and do not bo decoivedb y misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and lot no solicitation or ex planation induco jon to accept a sub stitute. Altxiock's Cork and Uuxiox Shislds effect quick and certain relief. "Wild animals aro said to be in creasing in tho Yellowstone park. Notice. GOD'6 BLESSING TO HUMANITY So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old. Forest Grove. Or., March 19. I have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA and obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending ft to Hie afflicted. I am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the em ploy of tho Hudson's Bay Company, and since 1 began using the OREGON KIDNEY TEA I enjov good health. DAVID MUNROE. AUSTIN -:-Vo J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Open All tie Year 'E THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new aud clean and beautifully located on the banks of the Necanicum. within live minutes walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Resort on Hie Northwest Pacific Coast. Every attention is paid to the comfort an I accommodation of the guests, and the table is supplied with tho very best in season. Here are plenty of Clams aud Crabs, there Is game in the woods and plenty of the finest fish In the streams. JACOBS & PLMMiR, Contractors aM Holers. Estimates Given on Brick, Stone, or Wood York. Concrete and Cement IVorlc a. Specialty. OFFICE, - 118 Genevieve St. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In HABDfARE, IS, STEEL. Iron ripe aud IFittings, Stores, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Mieet Le id. Strip Lead, SheC Iron. Tin and Copper. I. W. Case, BANKER. Transacts a General EanMng Business. Drafts drawn arailablo In anv part of the U. S. and Europe, and on Hong'Kong, China OFI'IOK Houits : 10 A. m. to 3 l 51. Odd Fellows Botldino, Astoria, Oregon. CO TO LARSON & HILLBACK FOR- GROCERIES AIS1 FRESn FRUITS. Orders Dellrercd Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third street. next to Pioneer office. ! Facer's xoldea Female Pills! For Female Irreg ularities ; nothing liko them on the mouthly. Guaran teed to relieve sup pressed menstrua tion. Sure I Safe! Certain! Don't be humbug ged. Save time aud he:dth and money ; tatu no other. fent to any a' dress, secure bv . mall on receipt oI i price. :?:. Address. THE AFh'Rj E.itC'fiE COMPANY, Western Branch, Box '-7. PORTLAND. OR. pjfci gge&K' miuh "Mplantationisina malarial dis-trict'-vvhero fever and agno prevail. i employ 150 hands; frequently lialJ of lliem wcro eiclc. 1 was nearly dis couraged when I began the use of Si ' El 3 H The result -was marvellons. My men became strontr and hearty, and I liavo had no fartliiir trouble. Witb. these piti3, 1 -wonld not fear to live ia any srva.p." E. ItlVAX., Bayou Sara, Xa. 0ec, 44 Hurray St, Hew York. "-. - oir.r&op SyiShitiSPP?-0?1" Blotches Lo Kiel asVa ciw nViT Bo"e. tiiispii eradicates all d vn rT iT mbVa,J SST' &cnhrSilfe Itotti... " coS GO p01 rnnrA,'. f0"?vcrc cases of Gonorrhma Md Brain treatment; Yoof pgj&ffi k r.v o t CO per Kot. To-iio mil rCcrvino SCT-a -- r pcd THE RICHARDSON IlltUO CO., AGENT GOO xmi oil Market street, San Francisco, Cal. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. F. Selieibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealer? in Special Attention Glyento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LIKE CARKSED Aud Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the cit Of8.ce and Warehouse lit Hume's New Building on Water Street. I. O. Box 153. Telephone No 57. -THE- 9LUE0HD PALMS HUSTA.V IIAXSEX, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine DiamonflB t Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All (looils nought at This EstJ.biMiiopr.t Warranted Genuine. XFaloli mid Cloclc ISesmirin; A SPECIALTY. Comer Cas and Sqnemoqua Streits Manufacturer and Dealer m Sash, Ioors, rtloultliugg :ih1 Uraclicls. AH Kinds of Hard Wood and House Finish ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Cor. Genevieve ar.tl Astor Streets. Astoria, - - Oregon. V. H. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Eggs, Canned Goods.Fotatoes, Vood and Willow Ware, Etc. Thoiixpson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries,, Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. E. EKSTSOE, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OK. A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc., at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman. FRESH FBTJITS! CANDY, NUTS, ETC., Everything in Season. Next to Central Ilotcl. Astoria, Oregon . A Chicago Druggist Itetaiied 2,000.000 of ii i-a a m 3 m? Sir P Caieri lilies! HKWvf3ilfMft?Kl.B'i iWIison & Fisher Sliip Chandlers HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOK SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Boiler Mills, FAIR3MiKS, SCALES. ASTft a r.,&'-rti Tomtom's fori- IS "WHAT 'Ol GET AT Groceries and Provisions. Everything iu a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Dellrercd all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. S. MiftDT & EERCBKN ASIOPvIA. - OREGON. I he Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP' ? Boner snorj "otss, r-S All kinds of EHGME, GAN1SBY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aspv-cialty made ol repairing OANKEST DIES. FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STKEZC? . Mageo, Argand and Acorn Cooking and Heating, EYEltTONE FDIiLY WiUlRANTED TFATKB CLOSETS, PLTJ3IBKG GOODS, rujirs, SINES, AM) BATH TUBS 3J3"oo c&? Scully, 3tl CHENAMDS STREET. Foard & Stokes '?S32;Oo SssWm fe, ESRrr Stoves i Ranges CY OF PJllLLlONSt OH, JUIV BKCK! STOP IT NOW, IT WIIL cn TOO LATE. SOON I liave been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and have sought aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated mc iu irh n manner that I was bent over. 1 JVhcn I sat down it was almost impossible for mc to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, whet kind Trovidence sent Dr. Healey, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, in a few days,I am happy to state, that I was a new man. I recommend the tea to all affile as I have been. G. A. TUPPER, $ H Proprietor Occidental Hotel, ' ff' sauia x.osa, -aj. Tie Celeljraterl FIi Cue Warranted " APHR0DIT1HE" to euro IS SOLD OS A POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of ner vous disoaso or any dis order of the Konorativo organs ofj fiithnr snr - BEFORE whether ar- AFTER isincfrom tho excessive usoof StinraIant3,To bacco or Opium, or throngh.youthful indiscre tion, ovor induleonce. &c, such as Los3 of Brain Power. Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, :Norvou3 Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Loucorrhooa, Dizziness, Weak Momory, L033 of Power and Impotoncy. which if ne glected often lead to premature old ago and insanity. Prico SI a dox, 6 boxes for 85. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WKITTEN UUAKAJiTEE for every S5 or dor. to rofund tho money if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, perma nently cured by ApnEODrrntE. Circular freo. Address. THE APIIBO MEDICINE CO. Cox 27. Westebs Branch, Portland, Or. For sale by J. a DEMENT. Chief of Police Sale. "JVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY -i-- vmuuui a warrant issuea oy ine Audi tor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by tho Common Council of the City of Astoria, by Ordinance number llSC, entitled an Ordi nance ordering the Auditor and Police Judge to issue warrants for the collection of "Water street assessments, approved June 2Cth. 19S0. Said warrant bearing date the 9th day of July, 1890, commanding mc to le-y upon lot numbers. In south part of block number 135 in the City of Astoria, as laid outamd recorded by J. M. Shivery, to collect an assessment of $195, which assess ment was made for the improvement of Water street, between tho west side of Main streot and the east side of West Sixth street, by Ordinance number 1172. entitled an Ordinance declaring the probable cost of improving Water street from tho west side Of Main street tn thn onofc clfla f Woof Sixth street, approved May 29tli, 1S00, 1 ll.TVtt this (1.1V lAvlort nnnn Int. nnmhnr !r SOnth nart of blnMr nnmhsris; In hlvnl Astoria, and on Thursday, the 21st day of August, 1M)0, at 2 o'clock p. ar. of said day in front of the Court House door, in said City or Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number 3, in soutli part or block number 133. Shivelys Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to bo for U. S. gold coin. W. J. BARRY. . . , , Chief of Police. Dated at Astoria, this 22nd day of July. 1S0O. x prescribes and fully endorse Bt? tr us the only specific for the cer tain cure o ( tn is d Isease. O.H. INQKAHAM.M.D. Amsterdam, N. Y. Wohavo sold lVfz G for many years, and It baa nven ino dosz 01 satis faction. 1). U. Dycttk & Co.. Cblcasro. Ill Vrdeii,klSl. Sold by Dru4stf SoIdbyJ.W.Coan Astoria, Oregon, wilUM- C3J ted1 I i tLO or money rofundod. jWl TO 5 DATS. V OHHQcarcsteed cot MM SfSjW noMStrletan. " jg9 Vrd only by the A ChiclnnatlJiHV OldouV ex