The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 16, 1890, Image 1

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b wjl TiE-stf?ry m70S3ucb: imm .j lb . .. .bv Bk .bw. .. r janu-pr. "
.A m & -. rtsgga MWBMkgBsgggegS5i. liar JmOFM JWW ?. -
Absolutely Pure.
This Vwler lie ver vanes, A man-el ol
,inty. strriurtMi and whoteMunciiebS, More
rconnmlcal than the ordinary kinds, and can
t t mM in comeUtion with tlie multi
tude of low tst, short weight, alum or ihos
lhale ww dcrs. Sold only in cam. Koval
Ha in o Powder Co. loc V'all-st.. N. .'jr M. .Toun"ON & Co.. Agents, I'ort
iJ. nc!i.
tfire sLiitl Marine and Life
VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'ls,
Of the Following
Reliable Foreign and
Home Companies :
v iH-.inl mA T n.1n m1 fltltn TVirfli
Rriiishaud Mercantile. Scottish Union and
National. Hartford of Connecticut, Commer
cial of California. London and Lancashire of
ljenool. Commercial Union of London.
cunrdiaiLfif London. Northwest of Portland, life of New York.
Prompt,Liberal Adjustments Guaranteed
Insurance Agent.
Califernia Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co.,
Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb & Parker,
Fire and Marine Insurance,
With an Aggregate Capital of
lMl'KKlAL. of London.
CALIFORNIA, of California.
CONNECTICUT, of Hartford.
OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland
LION, of London.
FIREMAN'S FUND, of California.
QUEEN, of Londoa
Washington Market.
Mala Street, - Ahtoria, Oregon.
christesf. .v co.. rnoririirroits.
tion of the public to the fact that the
&ooto Market will always be supplied with a
yhlch will be sold at lnest rates, whole
sale and retail.
-Special attention jdven to supplying
Fresh and 'ured Meats,
"Vo setatles ,
orposrxE Occident hotel.
CKKXAHUS Street, Astoria, Og.
Roadway Market.
O'FIara A: Injrrclls, Propr's.
Opposite Foard & Stoke-..
A First-Class fteat Shop.
Fresh and Salt Meats.
All Purchases Delivered m ai.y part of the
SSil!.'. P;i
V - A -sS C l J
&&? U5EIT!
It roacs the Jjrcr and Kidtv ami Stomach,
Curt". Headache. Dvspep";! i, crc-itcs an Appe
tite, Purifies the Impure Blood, and
Makes The "Weak Strong.
Csed everywhere $1 a bottle; six for ?5.
Fresh, Young and Tender,
Magnus G. Crosby
Dealer In
Iran. Pipe sad IFUUngs, Stoves, Tin
ware, and
Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron,
Tin asd Copper.
Sjjjgjkg p F U NrffffggBl
Tie? Place Ties on the Tract ana
Wrect a Passenger Train.
Special by The United Pukes.
Pittsburg, Aug. 15. Last night an
Atlantic City excursion train on the
Baltimore and Ohio railroad, was
wrecked by unknown persons, twenty
miles from this city, where the road
runs along the Yonghiogheny river
thirty feet above the water. The
wreck resulted in the death of two en
gineers and a tramp. The passengers
escaped with slight cnts and bruises.
Ties was placed across the track and
the engine was thrown down tbo em
bankment. JLne passengers were
saved by the cars turning over m the
other direction.
TIic Trouble on the Central at
an End.
Special to The Astorian.1
BuffaiO, Aug. 15. Grand master
workman Powderly, secretary Hayes
and J. J. Holland, members of the ex
ecutive board of the Knights of Labor,
arrived hero this morning and left for
New York. The fact that they did
not remain in Buffalo shows that the
trouble on the Central is over. Dis
trict master workman Lee is also sup
posed to be here, but if he came to pnt
new life into the Buffalo strikers he
came too late. The strike is dead here
beyond resurrection. A meeting of
the switchmen which lasted until 2
o'clock this morning, drovt the laat
nail in its coffin. The switchmen de
cided they would remain at wotk this
morning. A visit was paid to lue
headquarters of the strikers
the place was empty.
For a few Momenta Only.
Special to This Astohun-.I
New York, Aug. 15. Bev. Andrew
Colville, 46 years of age, attempted to
take his life early this morning by
shooting himself in the mouth wiih a
32-calibre revolver in the hallwav of
his home. After firing the shot Col
ville repented. Without notif yiug any
of his folks he left the house and pro
ceeded to Bellevue hospital, when
Colville reached there he was almost
exhausted, owing to loss of blood.
His wound will not, the surgeons
fhinV prove fatal. He refused to give
any information concerning himself,
except to say that while under the in
fluence of liquor he foolishly at
tempted to kill himself.
Pronounces marriage a Failure
in Her Case.
New York, Aug. 15. The announce
ment made by Harry Phillips, hus
band and manager of Kate Castletou,
tho actress, to the effect thai she
would not go upon tho road this sea-
sou, and that her company would at
once disband in consequence, was
much discussed in dramatic circles
to-day. Tho reason, Phillips said,
was that the new farce comedy which
Mrs. Charles A. Doolmus had written
for his star had proved unsatisfactorj'.
The real cause for Miss Castleton's
action is said to be trouble between
her husband and herself. It was also
said that divorce proceedings had
been begun by the actress, and that
papers had already been served. Tbcy
have been married about six years.
Stated, to lie in flood Ilttiming
Special to Thk Asrom x.j
New York, Aug. 15. At noon to
day "Webb said that the affairs of tho
New York Central were in such a good
condition that the heads of the var
ious departments could again assumo
control. Webb denied that he asked
the governor to call the militia out at
East and West Albany. General
superintendent Voorhees said ho has
received many applications for rein
statement for old men. Their cases
will be considered. Powderly sent a
dispatch stating that ho would arrive
here this evening.
Formed for the Purpose of Abol
ishing Middle Men.
Special to The Astobiax.I
BatjTimobe, Aug. 15. Tho coffee
merchants of this city are very much
interested over the rumored formation
of a coffeo sjTidicate, with a capital of
S3i)00,000. Several cables were sent
to Itio this morning asking advices as
to tho syndicate. One dealer, who
has relations with Hio and Sanbos,
says tho syndicate is for tho purpose
of doing away with middle men, who
are importers in the coffeo trade. The
syndicate will buy up all the coffee it
can from planters, regulate prices, and
ship to their agency in the "United
Stales instead of to importers.
1,500 ISJLE I71EN.
Morocco Dressers Discharged.
Special to The Astobian.1
Lynn, Mass., Aug. 15. Six hundred
morocco dressers here are without
employment aud by tho end of the
week the number will reach 1,500. As
icon as tho manufacturers learned of
the strike at Moullon's factory they
discharged their finishers and to-day
many others have 'been obliged to
Firemen In Secret Session.
Special to The AstorianI ,-
TJtica, N. Y., Aug. 15. The execu
tive board of tho locomotive firemen
are in secret session in this city. Fire
men from other xoads than the Cen
tral are present. Nothing is known of
the proceedings.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should alwavs be used for children
teething. It soothes the fluid, tens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
rhcea.Twenty-five cents a bottle.
All the Choicest Delicacies, made by
only first-class men at tho Seaside
Minnesota Influential Railroad
Hlcii in the Northwest.
Special to Thk Asiowan.I
St. Paui,, Aug. 15.-A complete
change in the officers and directors of
the Eastern and Jfi.inucsotr. railway
was affected at tho annual meeting '
vpsierdav. Tho new officers are:
President, W. P. Clough; vice-president,
M. D. Grover; secretary and
treasurer, Edward 'Sawyer; directors,
Clough, Grover, Sawyer and J. J. Hill,
all of whom arc prominently identified
with the Groat Northern. The retire
ment of H. D. Minot from tlie presi
dency lias been expected. At present
he issomewhere on the Pacific coast,
and it is known that several of his
eastern mid Minnesota associates have
followed him to the coast It in said
that they have established an office in
San Francisco, aud are furthering au
unknown enterprise of the Great
Northern, running a line and of pur
chasing the right of way to extend tho
Great Northern from Butte, Montana,
through Boise City, Idaho, to San
repeatedly denied by the officials of
the road. The fact, however, remains
that Minot is upon the coast, and also
F. C. Crugcr, formerly treasurer of tho
Eastern and Minnesota, and one or
two other former employes of the com
pany are also there, on a mission of
somokind. Whether they are thero
in the iutcrcst of the Great Northern
or some other company, cannot bo do
finitely ascertained.
He f reels a Train, Steals tie Pro
visions, ani Commits Hurfler.
Special KyTm: United Phcss.
Nnw York, Aug. 15. Tho latest
advices from Havana state that the
outlaw jMauucl Garcia, who styles
himself "King of the Cuban Forest,"
has been trying his hand at train
wrecking. .Recently he scut to the
president of the "Vellanucva railway
a letter demanding 25,003 and inti
mated thnt a failure to comply with
his request would probably resnlt in
serious interruption to travel. Tho
officials of the road paid no attention
to Garcia's communication, therefore
tho "King" led his men to a place
called Empalino and tore up about
150 vards of track on one side of a
sharp curve. Late in the afternoc
as a freight train bound from Regla to
Matanzas came along the engineer
did not perceive tho danger until it
was too lato to stop, and a bad wreck
ensued. Garcia and his gang
nromntlv arrived on the scene -and
directed conductor llodriguez to tell
them which of his airs contained pro
visions. lodriguez replied by warn
ing the outlaws not to meddle
with any of the freight, and
showed his revolver to enforce his ad
monition. A fight followed, in which
Garcia and his thirty colleagues made
short work of tho five trainmen.
Eodrignez was killed, tbo engineer,
fireman and one of tho brakemen were
wounded, and the other brakemaii rau
away. Loading their mules with
whatever suited their fancy the out
laws returned to their mountain fast
nesses, before a civil guard could put
in an appearance. Garcia left two
letters at the scene of the wreck. One
was addressed to the captain cf tho
civil guard, aud is translated as fol fel fol
eows: "Sir: This train has been
wrecked, and the most valuable part
of its cargo earned oil byJunnuci uar
cia and his men, whom yon havo pre
viously tried in vain to capture. You
are welcome to try to catch us, but I
know you will not succeed.
The whole government of
Spain cannot catch us. You and
your miserable troops are no good
against, jours in defiance, Manuel
Garcia." The second letter was for
tho president of the Yellanneva nrfl
road. It baid: "Dear president. -Yon
see I have kept my word. It
would have paid yon to send me that
25,000. I write this to assuro yon
that I mean to have money. You can
send it now or wait until I wreck a
few moro trains. It j on are wise you
will forward at once. If yon fail to
send it beforo Friday, August 15th, I
shall assumo that you want more
trains wrecked. Do not flatter your
self on the fact thas the civil guard
can catch me. Manuel Garcia, "King
of the Cuban Forest" Havana military
authorities have detailed a large force
to hunt for Garcia, but nervous people
are retraining from extending their
patronago to the Vcllauueva rail
Value and Interest to
Breeding Industry.
Special to The Astortan.1
New York, Aug. 15. Tho Sun says:
"When such an effort as that proposed
for Tenny to make comes so rarely, it
comes with all the moro refreshing in
terest for turf men, who see in the cul
tivation of thoroughbreds something
moro than to supply material to make
close finishes and exciting contests
Not since Terbroeck's momorable per
formance havo wo had an opportunity
to lake our bearings in the horse world
and learn as satisfactorilv as possiblo
where the racer of to-day stands in
comparison with his ancestors. Ten
ny's engagement is to show on Augnst
20th how fast ho can run over the
standard distanco of one mile. It
promises to bo an event of certaiu
value to tho breeding industry, and of
very great interest to the observant
public. At 4 years oE age, with 118
pounds, he will undertake to do what
Tenbroeck did at live years of age,
carrying 110 pounds. It is safe to say
that he will start a f avorito over time.
Tired of Life and Melancholia.
Special to The Astorian.
Baltimore, Aug. 15. J. Howard
Ward, a well known member of tho
corn and flower exchange, committed
suicide by cutting his throat with a
razor. He had been suffering from J
Your Friends
At the beach will appreciate a nice box
of fruit Thompson & lloss have a fine
assortment, and will give careful atten
tion to all such orders.
To Develop Coal Lands in Oregon
ani Washington.
Special by The U:tted PitES3.
San- Francisco, Aug. 15. Tho
"Washington Coal and Lumber com
pany, with a capital stock of a million
dollars, was incorporated at Oakland
yesterday. The object is to lease and
purchase coal lands in Oregon and!
Washington, prospect, develop nua
work the same. Of tho capital, $171,
000 has already been subscribed. The
directors are Chas. Elliott, W. T.
Halliday. Jesse K. Marsh aud .John
L. Davis of Oakland, Weatly" 3.
Elliot of Chicago, and OswolL H.
Harshberger of Linkville, Oregon.
Cannot Import Banc Kalllsts.
Special to Tite AsToniAif.
Sax Frakoisco, Aug. 15. After to-
day no clnb in the California Base
Ball League will be permitted to sign
or import any players into this state.
This is a rale adopted by the leaguo
and agreed to by each or tlie four
clubs in the association. It was mu
tually arranged that no club could
import a player from out of the state
after the 15th day of August.
Santa Fc Section Men Strike
Special to The astori.w.1
Santa Fe, N. M., Ang. 15. The sec
tion men on tho Las Yegas division of
tho Santa Fe are out on a strike for
an increase in pay. They have failed
to respond to tho company's circular
and return to work,"hnd their places
are being filled by other men. Thirty
men from Mexico nrrrived at Lamy
this evening and expect to go to work
False Report Denied'
Special to The Astoriax.I
San Francisco, Aug. 15. The
steamship Australia left at noon to
day for Honolulu. It was rumored
sometimo ago that the Australia was
going to the Antipodes in placo of the
Zealandia. This report, however, is
iinfrnf Tlir jfp.n1ii.niUn. Iarvm for the
(Colonies next Saturday, and this will
bo her last trip under the existing con
tract from Australia with regard to
the mail subsidy. If tho bills nowbe
fore congress do not pass, it is just
possible that the steamer lino may be
Destined for a California
Special to The Astoeian.1
Merced, CaL, Ang. 15. A largo
gathering of tho Holland colonists
were at the depot to day to seo Mr.
H. C. Huffman off He is goiug to
Holland to look after the interestsof
tho company here. Crocker, and
Huffman intend to bring colonists out
hero in ship loads.
A Rascally Dentist.
Special to The Astokian.I
San Fiunctsco, Aug. 15. G. W.
Scottf a former resident of Tucson,
and a dentist, who has been about
here for the last two montns, lias dis
appeared, leaving several hundred
dollars of indebtedness behind him.
He bought his office furniture on
credit, and afterwards pawned it.
Among others he swindled Kev. L. 0.
Alvord, of San Diego, CaL, out of 72.
He is believed to have gouo to Dn
rango, Colo.
Electric Railway for Roise City.
Special to The sto cian.1
Boise Cm'. Idaho, Aug. 15. Tho
Boiso City Bapid Transit company
filed articles of incorporation yester
day with secretary of state E. J. Cur
tis. Tho capital stock is S20.000. The
object of the company is the construc
tion of an electric street railway in
Boise city. Nearly $5,000 is already
subscribed, and cars will be running
by the middle of October.
Ncaring Completion.
Special to Tub AstoriajtJ
Merced, Cal., Aug. 15. The new
Oakdale road is progressing rapidly.
Already ten miles of track have been
laid and tho grading is nearly finished.
A switchhas been placed for tho grain
shipments of tho Crocker and Huff
man Land and Water company, and
it is arriving daily.
Twelve Car-Ijoads Gone Easjt.
Special to The AstouiaJ
San Francisco, Aug. 15. Tho first
train-load of Alaska canned salmon
from San Francisco left Oakland on
its way across the continent to-day.
There were twelve cars in tho train,
all filled with salmon from Alaska
canneries. Other shipments are to
folio tv.
Guilty on Twenty-Seven Coants.
Special to The ASToniAN.
Sax Francisco. Aug. 15. The
United States grand jury this after
noon, in tno unitea oraaa uibutiuu
court, brought in a true Din against
Chan Foo on twenty-seven counts,
charging him with unlawfully aiding
and abetting in the landing of Chi
nese. Ho was held in 5,000 bail.
.Clioynsltl as a Wrestler.
Special to The astoriasJ
San FRANCisco,Aug. 15. Joe Choyn
6ki, the pugilist, made his first public
appearance as a wrestler last nignr.
It took Evan Lewis just eight minutes
to gain a Jali and then not until Joe
was half choked by a three-quarter
Nelson lock. By the performance Joe
won $40.
Pacific Coast Failures.
Special to The Astorian.1
San Francisco, Aug. 15. Tirad
streeVs Mercantile Afjency reports 12
failures in the Pacific coast states and
territories for the week ending to-morrow,
as compared with 16 for tho pre
vious weet, ana j.i ior uie correspouu
ing week of 18S9.
All the pateut medicines advertised
in this pnperytogether with tho choicest
Ecrtumcry, anu unlet uriiuiL-s ci- ui
e bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Go to tho Columbia bakery "for all
kinds of cakes.
Gov. Waterman Declines an In
terview on tuc Subject.
Special to The ASToiirAx.j
San Francisco. Autr. 15. The
Daily Report says this evening that
governor Waterman was sought after
for an interview by tho correspond
ents of all the papers in the state, but ho
would not talk for publication on the
subject of tho Markham nomination.
"I declino to be interviewed," he said.
"But, Governor, in view "of your gen
erally understood views on this sub
ject, great interest attaches to what
yon might say. Will yon not sny
whether yon will support the nomina
tion Do yon think it a good or bad
.The governor, speaking slowly and
emphatically, said: "I do not think it
necessary for me to speak upon the
Kcccivc tlie Subsidy Scmamlcd.
Special to lliB.ASToniAN.l
San. Francisco, Aug. 15. Capt.
Holmes, of tho steamship Umatilla,
which arrived from Victoria to-daj,
says it is currently reported in Van
couver, B. C, that the two San Fran
cisco companies have agreed to pay
the snbsidy demanded by the- Cana
dian Pacific of them. Tho Abyssinia
was to sail for this port two days after
the Umatilla left She will be tho
only one of the Canadian Pacific line
to come to this port
Tbeir Excnrsion Trij nearly Ter
minates in a Bailroaft Accident.
Special by Tho Usitm) Pbvs3
Portland, Aug. 15. The program
for the entertainment of membera of
the Oregon Press association was
rudily disarranged to-day. . They
started on anexcursion over the Un
ion Pacific railway to Troatdalo
station to inspect tho slaughter
houses located at that place. As the
excursion train reached Clarnie, a
station twelve miles from the city, they
encountered the we3t bound freight
train in tho act of side tracking. The
result was a badly smashed locomo
tive, caboose aud two freight cars. No
one was injured, but all were more or
less Bhakcn up. The program for tho
rest of the day was sadly disarranged,
but was carried out as far as possible.
coast fogs "
ITlnkc Navigation a Difficult
WorSc at Present.
Special to The Astouian.1
, Portland, Aug. 15. Captain Ack
ley, of tho steamejc State of Califor
nia, said to a Telegram reporter this
merning: "The coast is now all cov
ered with heavy fogs, and such
weather makes navigation pretty
mean work,' as it prevents tho skipper
from getting his bearings at times.
The entrance at the Columbia river is
also heavily veiled with banks of fog,
so that a ship must come between the
fog encountered and thereby bo some
what delayed at times."
Chinese Bound Over.
Special to The Astouian.1
Portland, Aug. 15. Tho highbind
er war seems to be postponed for a
time. The Chinaman aud woman who
were arrested for keeping a bawdy
house, which was the cause of the
threatened trouble, waived examina
tion and were bound over to await
tho action of the grand jury.
Unlawfully Connected With the
Company's System.
Special to The Astorian.
San Francisco, Aug. 15. Tho Pa
cific Telephono and Telegraph com
pany had reason to become suspicious
recently of the manner in wlncli tlie
telephone system was being operated
in Chinatown. Yesterday an eraployo
of the company was started ont on a
tour of investigation. Ho ascertained
that the Chinese were running the sys
tem their own way by means of pri
vate lines. Fifteen sets of telephone
instruments were at onco removed
and taken to the office of the company.
How long the Chinese have been oper
ating tho system is not known. The
names of the Chinese firms from which
the telephones wero taken wotdd not
bo divulged by tho company's officials.
Tho Chinese had rented the telephones
and put up lines at their own expense,
and had a sj'stem in operation which
answered every need of their business.
Tho wires connected tho stores of tho
Chinese merchants, lodging houses,
offices of tho six"" fompanies, ware
houses, steamship offices and docks.
71 Wholesale Murder Trial.
Special to The Astoria.
San Francisco, Aug. 15. The cases
of Jbrank Larue, Bernard Meyer, J. J.
Jamison, Joseph Bowers, George Lid
die, Timothy McGrath and Joseph
Joel, charged with murder in connec
tion with the killing of Harry McBride,
in the Golden Gate Athletic Club last
May, were set for trial on tho 22d
Shot by A Countryman.
Special to The AsiObias.
San Fiuncisco, Aug. 15. Woo
Yon, the Chinaman who was shot to
day by ono of his fellow countrymen,
died this afternoon. Two Chinese
were arrested on suspicion and
charged with the mnrder.
Merit Wins.
We desire to say to our citizens that
for years we haye been selling Dr.
King's NewDiscovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bukletfs Ar
nica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell
as well, or that have given such univer
sal satisfaction.- We do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, and we
stand ready to refund the nurchase
price, if satisfactory results do not fol
low tlieir use. These remedies Have
won their great popularity purely on
their merits. J. "W. Conn, Druggist.
Remember, the Austin house at the
Seaside Is open tho year 'round.
A Change ProMle in tie Goyera
' ment's Boni Bnw Policy.
tiij: jtirjcn axj iiAiznoit hilt,
Special by Tho United Pius.
Washington, Aug. 15. General
Nettlehon, assistant secretary of the
treasury, has returned to Washington
from New York, whero ho spent some
timo in conference with prominent
bankers in regard to tho financial
situation. He was in communication
with secretary Windom on the subject
to-day, and it is not surprising if there
should be a slight change in tho gov
ernment's bond buying policy within
the next few days. Secretary Windom
said just before leaving Washington
that he had considered a proposition
for the redemption of a four and one-
half per cent, loan at par, but has not
reached a conclusion. There was no
reason why the public should not be
informed of the rates at which tho
government is willing to buy silver,
but as the directors of the mint
thought otherwise, he did not care to
interfere in the matter just then. He
said he would consider it more
thoroughly on his return.
Consideration of tlie River and
Harbor Rill.
Special ta Tns astoiuan.I
Washington, Aug. 15. In tho sen
ate to-day, Quay made personal ex
planation as to tho remarks attrib
uted to him in reports of the Kepub
lican caucus last night. Ho had been
represented as saying that ho did not
wish to have the southern members
of the honse of representatives yelp
ing at his heels, and urged on by the
speaker (who had made no such re
mark) and had made no reflection on
the distinguished presiding officer of
the other branch of congress. Hoar
expressed the hopo that
it would not be understood
that because Quay felt called upon to
contradict such a statement, other
people wero not also called upon to
contradict mendacious statements as
to them on a similar subject. The
senator knew that the statements as to
himself were mendacious.
Frye moved to proceed to the
consideration of tho river and har
bor bill.
Edmonds demanded the ayes and
noes. A voto was taken and the mo
tion was agreed to. Yeas 30, Noes 9.
The senate theu proceeded to the
consideration of tho river and harbor
bill. Hampton asked Fryo to allow
him to have a bill taken up for action.
Frye excused himself for declining to
do so, and said that he had asked the
finance committeo to let him have two
days for consideration of tho river
and harbor bill, to-day and to-morrow,
and that ho should ask tho senate to
remain in session to-morrow until tho
bill was passed. Ho did not feel at
liberty, therefore, to yield any timo for
any other business.
Ounces of
Special to The Astouian.1
Washington, Aug. 15. The amount
of silver offered tho treasury depart
ment to-day was 79-1,000 ounces, of
which 117,000 was accepted. Tho di
rector of tho mint refuses to give the
price paid, but it is known to be moro
than 1.14. Tho London quotation of
silver to-day was 52d., and the NewYork
equivalent S1.14. Tho silver pur
chased today was for delivery at
Philadelphia, San Francisco, and
New Orleans.
Two Detectives ITIcct an Unex
pected Death.
Special to The Astoria::.!
Albany, Aug. 15. Two Pinkerton
detectives at West Albany met a hor
riblo death early this morning.
In aiding in getting out tho freight
cars the engine backed down a car on
them. Both men were caught by tho
bumpers and killed.
Tho news quickly spread through
the city that tho strikers had killed
these men and an immenso crowd
soon gathered.
The road has not moved any freight
since last night, but is now shifting
a few cars. Tho Boston t Albany
railroad refused a consignment of
east-bound freight from tho Central
tins morning, and it is thought that
road will not take tho risk of a strike
on their hands, as they know their
men are well organized and ready to
go out on any provocation.
A Unanimous Vote.
Special to The AstorianI
New York, Aug. 15. Tho voto for
tho re-organization of the Oregon &
Trans-Continental was nearly unani
mous. Less than 4 per cent of tho
capital stock was voted in tho nega
tive. A Heavy Silver Purchase.
Special to The Astorian.1
San Francisco, Aug. 15. Mint di
rector Leech to-day accepted 42,000
ounces of silver at San Francisco at
$1.11 per ounce.
Deserted Non-Union Ranks.
Special to The Astorian.1
San Francisco, Aug. 15. Another
molder deserted the Pacific Iron
works last evening. He was sent back
east this morning by the strikers.
What TIacy Arc Good For.
Brandretii's Pills are the best
medicine known.
First They are purely vegetable, in
fact a medicated food.
Second The sanio dose always pro
duces tho same effect other purgatives
require increased do3esand finally cease
Third They purify the blood.
Fourth Thoy invigorate tho digestion
and oleanso the stomach and bow'ols.
Fifth Thoy stimulate tho liver and
carry off vitiated bUe and ofchor depraved
The first two or three doses tell the
story. The skin becomes clear, the -eye
bright, the mind active, digestion is re
stored, costiveness cured, the animal
vigor is recruited and all decay arrested.
BKANDRETH'sPrLLSarftSnlfl i" Avorv
drug and.medioino store, oither plain or
sugar coateu. - - .
The Apple Snooting; Story Pro
claimed Fanciful.
Special to The astorian,
Geneva, Aug. 15. By an order of
the Canton government of Schwyz, the
story of William Tell is henceforward
to be religiously excluded from all
school histories published by its au
thority, and it is officially proclaimed
that tho Tell stories are neither more
nor less fanciful, patriotic legends of
German origin. Tho despair of tho
Swis3 who kept and exhibited Tell's
chapel and pointed out the exact spot
where ho made tho famous shot at tho
apple and who owned and navigated
steamers that brought credulous trav
elers to tho Shrine may be imagined.
Ivni splits Claim misrepresenta
tion. Special to Tun Astorian,
Albany;, N. Y., Aug. 15. Tho
Knights of Labor have issued a cir
cular in which they, assert that the
stato of affairs regarding the strike is
misrepresented by the papers of the
country. They say everything is pro
gressing in their favor. That con
trary to the reports of the officials.
tho railroad company is refusing all
shipments of freight offered.
Democratic Nomination.
Special to The AstorianJ
OiTAHA, Neb., Aug. 15. The state
Democratic convention last night nom
inated James E. Boyd, of Omaha, for
Paciflc insurance Union Passes
8npmp.l Rp.snlntimK!
wjjuuiui aiuuuiuuuuu,
Insurance agent Capt. Burns, in con
versation with a Seattle Times re
porter, had the following to say in re
gard to a reduction of insurance rates
in that city:
"Yes, it is true that the Pacific In
surance union, of San Francisco, has
passed a special resolution applying
particularly to Seattle, whereby the
agents here are authorized to reduce
insurance rates on all buildings where
the auxiliary fire alarm system boxes
are used tho samo as in San Francisco
and other large cities. It will be a
grand, good thing, and the reduction
will be sufficient to pay for the rent of
these boxes, and in many cases will
greatly exceed the rental of them. A
company has been or will be formed
iiLthis city to put tho system in oper
ation. "Late this afternoon tho articles of
incorporation for tho company were
filed with the county clerk, together
with the articles of incorporation of
the state association. The latter asso
ciation is incorporated under tho
name of "The Washington Gamewell
Auxiliary Fire Alarm company," and
aims to control the system in this
stato which its namo signifies. The
company is composed of Messrs. Fred
J. Grant, 0. T. Conover, T. F. Eobin-
ison, s. u. wasnburne anu luaunco
"It is learned that this company has
purchased the exclnsivo right of the
Gamewell patent for the state of
Wtishington for tho sum of $50,000,
and will introduce it ia every city
having a fire alarm system. Nego
tiations are now pending between the
company and Tacoma and Spokano
capitalists for the right to use the
system in those cities, and tho prob
abilities are that a satisfactory deal
will be made.
"Tho local company, which filed
articles of incorporation to-day, is
composed of the same stockholders as
aro in tho state company, and this
association will be under the namo of
the Seattle Instaneous Firo Alarm
company, it will bo wnoiiy a local
concern and will put in and maintain
the sj-stem in this city.
"The svstem is used very extensive
ly in San Francisco and all the larger
eastern cities, and is growing in favor
every day, as mauy serious losses havo
been averted by it. The boxes which
will be put up in the houses are rouud
and about the sizo of a regular mes
senger call box. Tho face i3 covered
with a light piece of glass, and when
the occasion arises to use it, tho per
son wishinir to send in an alarm
can readily break the glass with a
knife or with his knuckles without
danger of being cut. Just behind the
glass is suspended a little hook, which,
when pulled, sends in the alarm to firo
headquarters; ringing tho number of
the regular box nearest to it. The per
son ringing the alarm will then hurry
to tho regular box and when tho cn
gino arrives at it can, by a word or a
motion, direct the firemen to the place
where their services are desired. It
will be seen that by this method that
from one to ten minutes can be saved
in notifying headquarters, not to speak
of the delays which sometimes occur
when a key to a regular box is lost or
misplaced. Two pnlls on the hook
will bring out tho entire department."
"Although no regular established
price of rental has been established, it
is understood that it will average
about $L50 per month per box. Those
who aro familiar with the system
speak in the highest praise of it and
the fact that the insurance union will
reduce rates in buildings where it is
used is a recommendation which estab
lishes its worth beyond any doubt. It
i3 thought that at least 500 boxes will
be in use in Seattle before the expira
tion of a year, and that the number
will easdy swell to ono thousand, dur
ing the second year."
If there is anything that can be
hung up in the houso that will reduce
the rates of insurance in Astoria, it
should be secured if money can buy it.
So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety
Years Old. p . ,
Forest Grove. Or.. March 19-1
have used the OREGON KIDNEY
TEA and obtained immediate relief.
It is God's blessing to humanity. I take
nlMsnm in recommending it to the
afflicted. 1 am now nearly ninety years
old. Minp to Orecon in 1812 in the em
ploy of the Hudson's Cay Company,
and since 1 began using the OREGON
KIDNEY TEA I enjov good
Special by The United Press.
Paris, Aug. 15. The idea, long; ago
advanced by Jervis and Malletto, that
a person could cross central Europe in
a balloon, is now being put into effect,
and will be carried out, if possible, m.
the Figaro air ship. The balloon aer-,
onauts will endeavor to complete the
charts of aerial currents, and settle for
all timo tho debatable questions con
cerning the safe utilization of them
for traveling. The ascent will be made
at Nancy, and the descent somewhere
inBussia or Norway. The date for
starting has not yet been determined.
The French minister of war is greatly
interested in the matter, and requested
a military attache to make a trip in
tne balloon at tho same time.
Cholera on tbe Decrease
Special to The astorian.
JIadrid, Aug. 15. Cholera is nearly
extinct in Badajose. Thero are still a
few cases in Alicante and Valencia
"At the later place two deaths have oc
curred in the prisons, which; contains
1,500 convicts.
In the O'Shca-Parncll Divorce
Special to The Astorian.J
London, Aug. 15. There is another
sensational development in the O'Shea
Parnell divorce suit. Mrs. O'Shea's
solicitors withdrew from her case to- p
day. This is the second time Mrs.
O'Shea has lost her support- Lewis
& Lewis were first retained. Thoy de
clined, for reasons they would not
make public, to go on with the case.
The second withdrawal is said to be
duo to Mr3. O Shea's persistent re
fusal to bring cross suit against
O'Shea, whiohlier solicitors demanded
that she should do.
London News Notes.
Special to The Astorian.
London, Aug. 15. A dispatch to
the Times from Buenos Ayres states
that a bill will be introduced into con
gress authorizing the government to
lease 250.000,000 acres of national
The funds to meet the coupons of
tho national loans payable Sept. 1st
have been provided for.
Tho new president and directors of
the national bank are all men "who
have tho confidence of tho public.
Gold is-172.
March i u$r Into Africa As Ah Ad
venturer. Special to The Astorian.
Cologne, Aug. 15. Tho Cologne
Gazette published a letter from Emin
Pasha, in which he denies that he
bound himself to Germany, after
promising to assist England. He says
that he is under no obligations to any
one, and is marching into the interior
of Africa simply as an adventurer.
They Have Enough
of Payer
Paris, Aug. 15. A dispatch from
Bueno3 Ayres states that at a meethisr
! of tho parliamentary committee the
minister of finance declared the gov
ernment would avoid any new issue of
paper money.
Only One Ticket.
Husband (kindly) " My dear, you
have nothing decent to wear, have
Wifo (with alacrity) "No, indeed.
I haven't; not a thing. Fd be ashamed
to be seen anywhere. My very new
est party dress has been worn three
times already."
Husband "Yes, that's what I told
Bilkin3 when he offered me two $5
tickets for the opera to-night for $9. I
knew if I took them they'd only be
wasted. So I just got one. Well, I
must hurry." Philadelphia Record.
In the principal hotels of Paris
smoking has been prohibited. This is
with a view to offend and drive away
German guests.
The receipts at tlie recent gathering
of German riflemen, including delega
tions from America, lacked about $25,
000 of paying expenses. -
EiK'Iilcn's Arnica Salve.
TnH Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhe
um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively enres Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded. 1 rice 25 cents per box. For
sale by .1. W. Conn.
National Circulating library.
Tho books for tho above have been
placed with J. Strauss, stationer second
street. It will open for business Thurs
day August 21st when all who have paid
tho membership fea can procure cat
alogues and commence to draw books.
Fine Table Wine
Delivered at CO cents a gallon, to any
E art of the city. A line line of pure
alifornia wines at low prices, ac A.
W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
A fine line of Cigars and Cigarettes
can bo found at tho Columbia Bakery,
59G Third street.
Salt Point, N. 1T April 16, 1889.
I suffered six weeks with neuralgia; ahlf
bottle of St. Jacob? Oil cured me: no return 6
pain in tureo years. Havo sold It to m&&7,
aud have yet to bear of a sluglo caso it did not
relievo or permanently cure.
q. JAY TOMPKIN3, Droggfrt
Greea Island, N. Y"n Feb. 11, 18.
I suffered with neuralgia la the head, cat
found instant relief from, tho application of
St. Jacobs Oil, which Hired me.
E. ?, BELLINGER. Qhjef Q?Qlfefc
-r' T -
. -
&-" Try-