rV 3gS -. - ' i , -sr vy. -aAr vrja r?v?i -r--5r -"rc? ' -"tTs?' 4-' V 4 5 " ,- -m Site gutty gtsfotfmt. BRI TON BEACH ASTORIA. OREGON: UHEEmSBEIEIBMUISIimUKM EIElIiailllliniEIIlSIlIUIIIIHB FRIDAY AUGUST 15. 1890 A sljlve trade in Punjaub -women Las been discovered in Scinde. As Laid out by h. f. l. Logan The Coining Seaside Eesort of Oregon, As Laid Out by H. F. L. LOGAN A diamond lias been found in the Kimberley mines of south Africa, weighing 183 carats. j- The Maharajag Dhuleep Singh has written a letter to the Queen begging forgiveness for his past acts. Hekk von Geksok, the Australian engineer recently captured by brig ands in Circassia, has been released. Tin: government contemplates a further important reduction of the British army of occupation in Egypt. Oxe hundred and twenty-four head or cattle are to bo slaughtered in Yorkshire on account of pleuro-pneu-nionia. UnvABD of 1,000 per day is spent in telegraphing to Australia, and now means of communication aro spoken of. Oameron, the English African ex plorer, favors the introduction of Chi nese and Indian planters into Africa, particularly the former. The London Times has at length completed the payments on its expense account for the Pamell commission, tho total being understood to amount to 150,000. A Cakfoen-ia salmon has recently been caught in the Mediterranean, near Banyuls. Probably it found its way thither from the river Aude, into which many young fish of this species have been introduced, in tho hope that they may be acclimatised in Prance. The excessive heat is causing an alarming amount of sickness in Aus tria. In the military camps of the southern Army tho death rate has risen 30 per cent Deaths from sun stroke are daily reported. Tho ther momotcr registers an averago of from 105 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade at midday. In some of the southern districts the wheat crops arc quite burned by the sun. EvEnr day there is impressed on the minds of our citizens the necessity of a greater or belter water supply. Every night in the central portion of the city the water supply is shut off to prevent waste, and in CtTse of a fijjc breaking out in a house, for want of water to extinguish it when first skirted, a serious conflagration might result An abundant snpply of good water is an indispensable requisite for a prosperous city, and Astoria should bo thus provided. Tho tendency of well regulated, cities is to have the municipality own its water supply, and it can then be furnished to citizens at cost If the city cannot do that, then have a company which will furnish an adequate system of water works. More and more every day, as often as any needed improvement or change is suggested, there arises the stumb ling block of a charter, and the fact that a new charter must bo had for Astoria before any great progress can be made towards having this any thing of a city. Hampered and fet tered by the narrow confines fixed by tho antedeluvian charter under which wo now exist, no great work or de sired improvement can bo made. One of the most essential requisites of As toria is a new charter, broad and comprehensive enough to be applic ablo for a city tho size that Astoria will be ten or fifteen years hence. The present charter we have long since outgrown and a new one is demanded by the march of improve ment and the logic of events. Letters aro frequently received at this office from discouraged residents in Nebraska, 'Dakota and elsewhere, wanting to know what prospect there is for them to find employment here. The most of the letters aro from men who have families. They have suf fered repeated failures of their crops and are anxious to emigrate to a coun try where there is neither drouth nor grasshoppers, and where the crops never fail. "While there aro no vacan cies waiting for someone to come along and fill them, it is. true that thoso who are able and willing to work are sel dom idle. And men who will take hold earnestly to do the rough, hard work of developing the country can make places for themselves that will afford them more than a good living. Those who find the greatest difficulty in making a living are thoso who aro looking for easy jobs. Light work that docs not require much muscular exertion is much sought after. The ranks of those who would bo clerks and bookkeepers arc overflowing and to such no encouragement is offered. A Scotch writer says that he has sprinkled wasps and bees with rose- colored powder, and has found that thus handicapped they could with ease keep up with the fastest trains. They were not carried along by the rush of air caused by tho train, but -would enter and leave tho cars by the windows, sometimes disappearing for a minuto or more and then returning. ETerjtklDg Goes Wrong Tb the bodily mechanism when the Ih er sets out oC order. Constipation, dyspepsia, con t&miBiUion of tho blood, Imperfect assimila tion are certain to ensue. But It is easy to prevent these consequences, and remove their cause, by a course of Hostcttcr's Stom Mfe Bitters, which stimulates the biliary K&H aad regulates its action. The direct Metritis a dLvippcaranco of the pains be seftth the ribs and through the shoulder Sb4c tfee nausea, headaches, yellowness of Ike skta, furred look of the tongue, and sewrod&rottho"breath. which characterize Jh?cr oemp-laint. Sound digestion and a rlar habit of body are blessings also Sfettre by the use oi this celcbraled res- tonulvc of health, which imparts a degree C vtw to Uie body which Is its best puar aee f, safety from malarial epidemics. Jierve weakness and over tension are evd by it, and it Improves both appetite ROBE & PARKER, G.r How to Behave in Society. Do not call upon persons in reduced circumstances wearing a great display of wealth and ornamentation. Possibly, on second thought, it would be better not to call upon them at all. They might shock you by openly indulging themselves in hab its of industry. Do not make a display of consulting your watch. Especially, if making a fiast call on one of the nobility, do not ostentatiously open tho rear of your watch to show tho name of tho factory or tho glitter of tho works, and do not, while visiting among titled people, and while the family are at prayers in the morning, blow a kernel of wheat out of your key and wind your watch with a defening report. There is nothing that will tempt a God-fearing duke to come down from the front steps of the throne of graco and brain his visitor with a frozen cucumber quicker than this. Let us at all times try to bo respectful to others, especially if there's money in it If you are a hostess, and engaged in entertaining the nobility of One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street, do not jump up hurriedly and run to tho barn tho moment you hear a hen cackle. It is rude to your visitor and is an implied insult to tho veracity of the hen. If you aro a gnest at the house of a neighbor who has borrowed some of yonr pie plates for tho occasion, do not, in a fit of rage or despondency over your failure to converse fluently with the pastor, call attention to the fact that theso are your pie plates. It is about the detroppist thing you could well do. This season's epitaphs will bo briefer than usual, and run more into plain or Gothic extended letter. The hand with forefinger extended upward will not be used so much this sum mer, as in several instances this stylo of stone has heretofore been upended, or turned end for end rather, by mischievous people, thus conveying a different impression on the public mind from tho one intended as to the general direction taken by deceased. If in making your first call you do so on a bicycle do not bring the instru ment into tho hall with you or hold it in your lap whilst calling. You might drop it and break it Do not caress your watch chain or charms whilst making a party call. You will be apt to wear the gold off and expose your poverty, which is vulgar. True politeness consists in deftly concealing your poverty and natural-born vulgarity so far as pos sible. Do not pick up tho wine at tho ta ble and carefully scrutinize tho label as if you were a connessurr, when you are really a common curr. You may fool the company during two or three courses with the idea that you aro usod to wine at home, but before the pie is reached you will manage, no doubt, to advertise the fact that you are accustomed to thick milk from a gourd, and not much of that Do not waste your hair oil on tho wall paper. Hair oil costs money, and wo cannot lubricate the futuro with tho hair oil that is past. Do not gawp and listen like a bump on a log while someone is playing at tne piano, l'eopio will tuinK you camo from tho country. -Bill Nye. Wiiflilcn's Arnica Salrc. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bhe um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively enrcs Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. J'rice25 cents per box. For sale by .1. W. Conn. If EW TO-DAY. r- O T H E O i AUSTIN-:-HOUSE J. P. AUSTIN, Propr. Op All the Year 'Roil THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of the Necatilcum, within five minutes' walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seasldo Resort on the Northwest Faciflc Coast. Every attention is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests, and the table is supplied with the very best in season. Here are plenty of Clams and Crabs, there is game in the woods and plenty of the finest fish in the streams. Administrator's Notice. ALL PERSONS' HAVING CLAIMS against the estate ofMartin Thompson, deceased, must present the same within six months of the date hereof at my office, In the County Court Ilouse. II. A. SMITH, Administrator. Astoria, Or., Aug. Sth, 1800. C. E. BAIN, Manufacturer and Dealer m Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Brackets. All Kinds of Hard TVood and IIouso Finish ing Lumber. Boat Material a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. Cor. GencYievo and Astor Streets. Astoria, - - Oregon. Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St.. Tortlaud, Oregon. Advance Threshers AND ENGINE?, Farm. Ohurch and School Bells. Inspirators, Injectors and Feed Pumps, Coal Oil isngines, xranern .rumps, .nnuuet Enclnos. Boilers andSteam Generators JCaundryJKacliincry.HIarlnc'Xachlnery CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES. Blacksmith Forges and Drills, Best Axle Grease and Compound in the world. Pow ell's Brass Goods and Iron Pipe. Scad, for Circular. Wagon Road From LEWI "X7V ILL BE ON THE The Pacific G- IE INT IE3 :Ei A Xa I. ! 11 IIIH I 111 Mill llll -iu A Few IMwfcS, NOTICE TO FiSHERiEN, The Season for Sturgeon Pishing mil open Mon day, August 11th, and continue until March 15th, 1891. For particulars write CHAS. B. TBESCOTT, Box 477. Portland, Or. Warren REAL ESTATE DEALERS. 559 Third St., - - Astoria, GRX&Q3S' HOTEL, Seaside. Special Bargains in Seaside Property Investments for Non-Residents a Specialty. The Oregosi Where Property Corner Third ASTORIA, - GO 3?0 8T3irTPn Columbia FOR FRESH BREAD, Cakes, and. Fixic Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I hare this day purchased the entire stork, business and Reed will of tho Ci;jar and Confectionary business at No. 4a Third street, formerly owned by Mr. N. J. Berg man, and will hereafter conduct the same. Mr. O. M. Celler will manage the business for me in my absence. ISAAC BERGMAN. Notice. ALL PERSONS HAVING ACCOUNTS against the estate of the late Pliilo Callendcr are hereby notified to present the same to me for settlement forthwith. M. P. CALLENDEU. Knappton, V:ish. AUgUSE&Ul,ll. Annua! Meeting Notice. TIIE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the O. 1 L. and li. Association will bo held at 2 r. m. in Odd Follows' hall, on Thursday, Auk. 23th. for uie purpose oi electing directors anu at tending to such other business as may como before the meeting. A. J. MEGLER, Sec'y. For Rent. OFFICE ROOMS, NO. 1HTCASS STREET. VAN DUSEN & CO.. Agents. Fine Property. FOUR CIIOICE LOTS IN BLOCK 110 McClurc's, suitable for residence pur poses. Will sell singly, I F. IIODGK. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my -wife, Mrs. Henry Olson, as she has left my bed and board without cause. nENRV OLSON. Astoria, August 7th, 1S90. V. H. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Eggs. Canned Goods, Potatoes, Wood and Willow "Ware, Etc. UNION MADE CIGARS! Ask your dealer for tho following brands of cigars: Australian Ballot, W. E. Krum Innocence and Eight Hour League. The uuiuuxttucioaeacnoox. For lurtner par ticulars apply to John Hahn. Astoria. Ore gon. Terminus of Astoria al Agents, - - - IfEIA, QEUBCKm MAEEETi A C2-IH2 23" 3? 3 IHJJ.LtHV-!J'jarcmAULJJ.TI slssliii Is Left For Sale. and OIney Sts-, OREGON lis twsrfintsr?') The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVKIjAXI), Prop'r. Good Breea, Cake anil Pastry Nous but th& Bust Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Itri'sJ dclivrjsl t'i a::y part of the city. PATRGHiZE HOUSE I3GUSIHV! There Is imi uec;tsio:i for the :nM fastidi ous of our citi7fJis to sciui to lVxtlaud or San Francisco for Custom tSado Clothes As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work manship, ana for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with 2IEANY. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call and see him and satisfy yourself. P. J. Weany. Merchant Tailor. Astoria Im loft. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Minists ai Boiler lata. Land and Marine Engines bohes iroK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Voih A hPKCXAI.Tr, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. John Fox. President, and Sunt A. L. F03T,.......... ..Vlce President J. G. IIUSTX.EI: Sec. and Treas SeaH9ie. C. C. Cooper, - Manager. OPEN FOR THE SEASON, The Seaside House has been refitted and refurnished throughout, and offers unsur passed facilities to all to enjoy a pleasant sojourn at inc lamuus imisui iicacn. An attentive corps of attaches aro employed, and everything done for the comfort and convenience of guests. iasdHI! ltl and South Coast Railroad to the Resort, J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER NOTARY PDBLIO FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. Y. O. Box 3C3. Esiab'ished 1SS3 INVESTMENTS MADE FOR OUTSIDE PAR TIES. Next W. U. Telegraph Office. Third W. Astrrin, Oreun. i 6 M CANDY To-Day-Fine Ice Cream SodaTo-Day Also Handle None bnt the Finest Key West and Imported OIGrARS. Please Call and Give me a Trial. FRED Saddles and Harness A LAEGE STOCK TO SELECT PEOM. GOODS AT SAS FEAKTCISCO PEICES. I mal:c a specialty or good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wcs Side OIney Street, Near "Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, - - - - - OREGON. The Largest Stock ! Immenso Stock OF I XT DEL 3ST X 3? "O" JEL 5ra OHAS. HEILBORN. Tuo car-loads received : More on the way. You are invited to see the finest display of Furniture, Carpets, etc., in tho city. Prices reasonable. Tho Old Stand, - Astoria, Oregon. WHOLESAIiE AND Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. 0 Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Frosh. Fruits and Vegetables. Beceived fresh every Steamer. North. Pacific Brewery, JOHN KOPP, - - Proprietor. BREWER OF EITRA FINE BOHEMIAN LAG-ER BEER. EXTEA FINE STEAM BEER. 2C SI PORT jE3 3EL STALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. "ffo. nn H. OLSEN, a (Examineret Dansk Apotheker) Prescription Druggist. Prescriptions Accurately Carefully and Comjiountlcd Choice Perfumes of All Odop, Toilet and Fancy Articles. 588 Third St., Astoria, Or. -THE- DIAMOm) PALACE GUSTAV HANSEN, Proper. A Largo and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonds Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. AH Goods Bongbt at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watcli niifl Cloclc Repairing A SPECIALTY. Comer Cass and Squemoqua Streets GOTO LARSON & HILLBAGK FOR GROCERIES AND FRESH FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free or Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third Street. next to Pioneer office. W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE 'SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or KAO 9 9 FACTORY THIRD STltEET, Next W. U. Telegraph Ofllco S AIZ 5 The Lowest Prices ! TtzzzihSi Sfifll2 --!-srnzESfV,J m 3H ts ' V EETAIL DEAIiEK IN QELO F. FABKBB. CAKI. A. HANSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Stcame THIS "WEEK, Dress - Goods, The Old Stand - Astoria Orecon. Tlieta, Lester & Anita, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Office, Rooji 9, Flavel's Eld'o SECOND STREET P.O. Box S13. AST01UA, OR. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists Sundries. Prcscrlptloas Carctally Cempoanded. Agent lor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure B. F. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper and Oi! Paintings : PRACnCAL-:-- PA1NTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, xhlTJtjUiiR !a III if D rSl fFB uLrfpSj Affording a Lovely m jjrjv We offer for sale our Entire COST. Surprise Orders from the Country and the benefit liMUk TERMS OP SALE STRICTLY CASH. New York Noyelty Store, Havel's Brick Building, Pity book stqr -QIoiica.ctULC3?tor 3For Blank Books and Stationery of All Kinds. A Large Assortment of Novels Always on Hand The Latest Periodicals and Magazines received as soon as pnhlished. G-RIFFUST : & : REED. SHOICE iiOREAGE La Fayette Park. Three Miles from the Postoffice and Custom House. Astoria Real Estate Co. 172 CASS ST., Willamette -:- University ' Graduates Students in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law and Medical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It Is the oldest, largest and least expensive institution of learning in the northwest. School opens first Monday in September. Send lor catalogue to THOS. VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. Wholesale Wine Ilouse. Fine Wines, "Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL OKDEKS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Yonr patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. Astoria Grocery ai GhI Fruit Co., JOBBERS and RETAILERS, Carrying a. Full Iiino of Groceries, Provisions, Green and Canned Fruits. No. 5 1 8 Second Street. For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address Leinenweber & Coodenough, SECOND ST., NearPostofilce. The New Model Bange CAN BE HAD IN ASTOEIA, ONLY OP En R. HA WES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E.K.Hawes Is also Agent for Ve Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock n-Hand. 3F2a.e XieadUng Tailor, ohas. Mcdonald. Call and See My Nobby Stock of Spring Goods Jnst Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in the market, and I offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the city. Next to C. H. Cooper's - Astoria, Oregon. Drive. OUT SALE! rpatLjt2j Stock BELOW ITS ORIGINAL Bargains Every Day. will receive prompt attention of the reduction. 0pp. Occident Hotel. E N Astoria, Oregon. P. O. Box 63. U ,