The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 14, 1890, Image 3

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    'T--V- '!g
f to M tfttxw.
Publishers and Proprietors.
Astoriax Building, - OAFsSniKKr
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, jmt week 15 cts
Sent by Mali. ;or month .... Co eta
Sent bv Mall, one j ear . 7.00
Free'ol postage to subscribers,
Thk Astoriax guarantees to Its adver
tisers tbe largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
Prof. Peterson's
Scandinavian Comedy company at
llo opera house.
A larfre oik was
.Bench TuesQav.
killed at Lour
Lubt evening there was a social
dance at Tinker's hall, Long Beach.
Two preemptors proved up on their
claims poster Jay in the county clerk's
A fine new carriage came down on
the Telephone vesterdav for Capt.
Plavel. '
Tln Maud Granger company will
..pjujar at the opera house on Monday
evening, August 23th.
Next Sunday there will bo a ball
game at the new grounds on Young's
bay, at the terminus of the Bay Bail
way. Yesterday was the warmest day of
the season thus far, and yet Portland
people would have called it only mod
erately warm.
Last year the assessed value of
property in Pacific county was S890,
000. This vear it is $1,892,000, a gain
of S 1,002,000.
The concert and entertainment an
nounced to take place in the M. E.
church this evening, will be held at
Rescue hall instead of tho church.
Tho members of tho Scandinavian
compauy came down on the Tele
phone last evening. They will ap
pear at the opera house this evening.
Ou tho east side of Main street, be
tween First and Second, a now side
walk is being laid, to replace the for
mer one, which was in a very bad con
dition. Miss La Belle of Cathlamet, died
yesterday afternoon. Deceased was in
the 13th year of her age, and died of
consumption. Tho funeral will take
place at Cathlamet to-daj.
Yesterday was a scorcher in the in
terior. Icwas extremely warm even
on the river, till the boats reached
Skamokawa, on this side of that point
there was a refreshing coolness.
The electric light company were yes
terday at work putting up the new
poles for the wires of the incandescent
system. They are square posts and
painted, so they present a good ap
pearance. The McMinville Reporter says that
the McMinnville band has been en
gaged to furnish musio for tho state
agricultural fair. The reputation of
that band is a guarantee that that part
of tho programme will bo satisfactory.
Andrew Thomson, a Native of Nor
way, has concluded that ho is better
suited with tho United States for a
home, and yesterday ho renounced
allegiance of the king of Norway, and
took out his first papers.
A baseball club of well-known play
ers, who have been prominent in many
games, has been organized at Long"
Beach from those who are stopping
there, and will soon be in a position to
play with clubs of Astoria and other
Yesterday morning there were so
many passengers to go to the incline
on Young's bay and take tho cars,
that the steamer Electric could not
carry them all, and those over tho
number bTio is licensed to carry were
seated in a fishing boat and towed
down by the steamer.
The musical entertainment at the
Kescue hall this evening should bo
well attouded. Tho programme is an
attractive one, and will bo rendered by
the best talent Mrs. Wetzell, of Port
land, assisted by Mrs. Bicord, Mrs.
Judgo Taylor, Mrs. Bannells, Miss
Nellie Plavel and others.
Contractor "W. H. Parker was in tho
city yesterday, and leaves for Aber
deen," where he has a contract of grad
ing for the Northern Pacific railroad.
His contract is for fifteen miles south
east from Acosta. Ho commenced
work on tho 19th of July and expects
to finish in about two months more.
He has engaged several men hero who
go along with liim this afternoon.
Yesterday a merry-go-round was set
up in rear" of tbe court house and
commenced running at 525 p. u. It is
operated by a steam engine. There
arc twenty-four wooden horses, which
operate in a galloping motion, wagon
seats for sixteen persons and twelve
chairs, so that fifty-two persons can
ride at once. It revolves very rapidly
and is highly enjoyed by children, and
also by adults.
Astoria Typographical Union, No.
264, had a meeting yesterday after
noon. Three now members were ad
mitted, who had been applicants for
tho charter, and the new charter was
received. It was ordered framed.
The union adjourned until this after
noon at 230 when action will bo taken
in reference to the scale of prices
which goes into effect to-morrow.
A good manj' Astorians will remem
ber Mr. Lindenberger, ot Hamburg,
who came hero List spring to make
unlimited purchases of salmon which
were to be salted and shipped across
the brinv deep, and upon their ar
rival at Hamburg to bo freshened and
there manufactured into canned
salmon. He succeeded in getting two
or three contracts, lint the subsequent
hitch in financial arrangements re
sulted very -unsatisfactorily to the
shippers. The first drafts were duly
honored, "but after that it transpired
that tho more that was shipped tho
reore money tho snippers would lose.
and tlirco men waiters
Apply at Jeff's New lies-
Two lady
A musical entertainment of rare
merit will be civen at the M. E. Church
this fThursday) evening. Prominent
amo&RSt the singers will beMrs.Wetzell
of Portlaad. assisted bv tho best local
talent such as Mrs. Ulcord, Mrs. Judge
Taylor, Jtrs-Kannels, Miss Nellie Flavel
awl others. Admission 25 cents. -Refreshments
will be served in the par
lors of the church.
Of tie Astoria anJ Ml Coast Rall
roalHaYS a Meeting.
Yesterday morning the directors of
tho Astoria and South Coast railroad
had an official meeting, H. B. Thiel
sen, chief engineer and superintend
ent, reported, that he had accepted the
Seaside division of tho road from the
contractors, as it was nil completed
and in good running order.
To contractor Smith is due $31,500,
for that portion of the road from Car
nahan's to Bird's. There is also due
him $12,500 from the Pacific Construc
tion Company, for building tho line
from Bird's to Seaside. Besides this
there are allowances or incidentals
amounting to S700, making a total of
$47,000. This also includes the
bridges and turnouts.
This pajTnent is due contractor
Smith five days after the acceptance
of the road by the company, but Mr.
Case, as trustee, has thirty days after
that, allowed him to raiso money on
the securities, so that it virtually gives
flnrfv.fivn ilnve nffr fha fiPfonfnnxn I
and before that timo the financial!
arrangements will have been made
and the claim fully met
In regard to the telegraph line tho
directors awhile ago signed an accept
ance of a contract with the Pacific
Postal Telegraph company, but the
company did not accept it, and sent
down another contract for signature.
This latter required the railroad com
pany to keep an operator at each ter
minal station. The directors con
cluded that before the line could be
put up and in working order tho sea
son would be virtually over, and tho
lino of no particular uso to tho road,
and therefore postponed action on tho
proposition of tho telegraph company.
A proposition was received from G.
Wingate to donate to the company at
Glenwood sufficient land for depot
grounds, and to construct a neat
depot Trailding and donate to the com
pany, if the latter would designate it
as a regular station. Tho proposition
was accepted by the board, and supor
intendentThielsen empowered to make
all the necessary arrangements.
No further action was taken, and
nothing was presented from President
Keid, and the board then adjourned.
Respect For the Unknown.
To many their only fear of death is
that they may be forgotten. To per
petuate their memory, that they may
dwell after death in the minds of tho
living, is a hope and an ambition for
which many would be willing to give
all they possess in this world, even life
itself. To gain this end, millions have
been squandered in rearing costly piles
of stone and brick. Some have stooped
to crimes of blackest dye for the brief
memory gained by the horror of their
deeds. Millions have been lavished
on institutions of learning, that the
thousands of future generations who
delve for knowledge within their
doors may hold and revere the
memory of their benefactor. But the
memory of the dead is often as brief
as morning dew. This was brought lo
mind yesterday at tho funeral of a
Bussian buried from Coroner Su
prenant's undertaking rooms. His
friends were there to perform tho last
rites and convey him to his last rest
ing place, but no ono knew his name.
They simply knew that ho was a Bus
sian, that was all.
Passengers From California.
Tho steamship State of California
is due from San Francisco this morn
ing, with tho following passengers:
J. J. Collins, Mr. L. G. Foozo and
wife, Mrs. Morgenstein, J. D. Hunt
and wife, J. O. McCouniff and wife, F.
S. Norton. E, D. Kingsley, Mrs. B.
fSmith, E. E. Spaulding and wife. May
lvennedy, Minnie Mersei, J. ij. wnire,
John. Queen, G. Hoffman, E. Stow,
Mrs. E. Stow, E. B. Meek and wife,
Miss Matters, Miss Smith, Mrs.
Lovell, Mrs. A. Nelson, Mrs. A. Bog
ers, G. H. Foss, L. H. Boots, W. C.
Peter and wife. O. P. Peterson, J.Sor
enson, L. Stack and wife, Mrs. B. D.
Becker, T. H. Day, L. B. Hatch, L. L.
Knight, Mrs. E. Praig, Mabel Ken
neth, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. West, H. Bun
stein, C. B. Labath, G. P. Haywood, J.
F. Leinstock, W. A. Ering, L. B. B
LeCorapt, Mrs. "NY. B. Watson, Mrs.
Anderson, E. H. Fitzgibbons, Mr.
Crawford, J. Helmers, Mrs. G. Mitchell,
Miss Black, J. Byden, jn. Jones, aits.
H. C. Wells, W. Stonor, E. Oliver, H.
Stoner, G.H. Bailey.
The British bark Norfolk Inland,
Capt Robert Thomas, will lighter
about 350 tons of coal which will bo
taken up tho river on a barge, after
which the vessel will bo towed to Port
land with the balance of her cargo.
Tho steamer Oen. Canby, Capt.
Thomas Parker, brought over 300
cases of salmon from tho Aberdeen
Packing company, of Hwaco, yester
day, and landed them at the TJ. P.
She Killed tho Bear.
Mr. aud Mrs. Max Sachse, of Cov
ington, Ky., who were hero a few days
ago nnd then went over into Pacific
county, returned to this city last oven
incr. While near Sealand, and waiting m
the timber alone, Mrs. Sachse sudden
ly encountered a large black bear, who
was directly in her path. Most ladies
would have screamed and fainted, but
Mrs. Sachso is composed of good ma
terial and possessed of cool nerve.
Drawing her revolver the lady took
good aim, fired, and bruin was a dead
The thirteenth annual exhibition of
the Oregon state fair will be held at
Salem this year, commencing on Mon
day, September 15th, and continuing
through the week. There will be over
S15.000 in cash premiums to be awarded
for meritorious exhibits. Eeduced
fares on the various transportation
lines to and from the fair have been
secured, and the fair promises to be
hmhlv successful. It is an institution
that gives valuable aid to the indus
tries of the state, and should receive
substantial support and encourage
ment. Brier, But to the Poiut.
I had rheumatism ail over my body
for two years. Doctored with eminent
physicians, and spent three months in
Heed City Hospital. Pour bottles of
Uibbard's Rheumatic Syrup entirely
cured mo. The greatest medicine in
the world. Kowk, Baldwin,
Every word of Vie above tstrue.
T HBTflfRRSAX. Druggist.
"-- i . , -I - --,-
jiamwin, iu.icii.
for sale by J. W. Gonn.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside Is open tho year 'round.
Did He commit suicide.
It Is Claimed That Coirovc rorp&scly
Fell From the Parachute Sunday.
It is now learned from a reliable
source that Arthur Cosgrove, who
came to his death by falling from a
parachute Sunday afternoon, commit
ted suicide, and that his seeming care
lessness in not providing himself with
a belt and other safeguards against
accident was nothing more or less than
a carefully planned arrangement for
taking his own life. It also transpires
that Cosgrovo was intoxicated when
ho went up. He had to be in order to
mnt-o llirif fearful death droD. It is
said that Cosgrove threatened to take
his life a number of times, and ho '
imieu in cemiut: umui im m u,u-
loon near Snohomish several months j
a- .,,,-,,, -r, -. J
It is said that Professor lleduioud
estranged tho affections of Cosgrove's
wife, who, herself, is a balloonist, and
goes by the name of Bertha Anzola
She made several ascensions with Bed
mond from tho east approach to the
Jefferson-street ferry. Cosgrovo saw
that his wife's affections were centered'
in Bedmond, and at one time he had
reason to suspect them of sustaining
improper relations. The thought
preyed on his mind, and he concluded
to kill himself methodically as lted-
lUOnd had died by aCCidOllt.
0u tuo day of the ascension he took I
a number of drinks to nerve himself ,
for the occasion, and a short timo be-,
foro the balloon went up he took form-:
al leave of his friends. He would not
listen to the advice of those who told
him to secure himself to the para
chute with a strap, and put them off
with the remark that he knew his own
He was connected with the Pacific
theatre in a menagerial capacity, and
most of thoso who worked uuder him
were on the ground . to see him make
tho ascension.
" I have known you, all for a long
time," said ho as he was about to go
up. " You have all been good friends
to me, but I will never see you alive
He then kissed his little boy, and
bade all a last farewelL Oreyonian,
Aug. 13.
F. D. "Winton and family returned
yesterday from Oysterville.
Bobert Ball and wife of Portland
are in the city visiting friends.
MissBaiu of Portland, is in this
city a guest of Mrs. S. B. Crow.
ILL. Ball and wite came down on
tho Telephone yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. I). W. Haines, of Forest Grove,
is in the city on a visit lo Mrs. D.Mor
gan. Miss Carrio Beveridge, of East Port
land, is sick with malaria at Long
Bev. G. C. Hall and family returned
yesterday from their camping out at
Mrs. W. G. Boss, and Mrs. S. B.
Crow and daughter have returned
from Seaside.
Dr. J. S. Houghton of Seattle, father
of Mrs. H. C. Lord, arrived hure last
evening on the steamer. I
-m-ti tt)i: tj.v. f
Muses Edith and Paulmc Baum of
Portland, came iipfrom Seayiew yes- j
terday on a visit to Mrs. I. Bergman.
E. A. Seeley is filling the position
ot purser on tho Telephone during i
nnrct'r "RrrnrmVs nlisfinfifi nt the liench. 1
Mrs. C. J. Curtis and family re
turned yesterday from North Beach,
and with Mr. Curtis go to Seaside
Miss Birdie Winton was thrown
from a horse ou Tuesday evening at
Oysterville, but fortunately escaped
J. F. Halloran returned from Port
land yesterday evening. He goes to
the seaside with his family this morn
ing. J. H. Weatherford, M. D., of Port
land, formerly prescription clerk with
J. W. Conn, came up fronrLong Beach
last evening and will spend a few days
in tho city.
George Bose was taken on Tuesday
from Oysterville to Moutesano to
await his trial thero nest fall. Judgo
Bloomfield and wife shook hands witli
him and bade him good-bye.
Mrs. E. A. Weed and sou left Los
Angeles, Cal., on Monday last, will
visit friends in San Francisco and
Portland, nnd arrive hero next week, to
make this city their home.
Deeds filed or recorded on August
13, 1890, as reported for TnE Morning
Astoriax by tho Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
Fancy Powell and wife to
Thad. 13. AVavt, lots 4, o, u,
7. 8, blk 17, Powell's add....
Henry Powell and wife to
John H. Powell, lots 1, 2, 3,
blk 17, Powell's add
Astoria Investment Co to
Theodore Noel, lots S and
9, blk 8, Hustler's
Astoria Investment Co. to T.
J. Cherrington, lots 5 and
G. blk 8, and lot 7, blk 8,
Hustler s
Deeds filed -1; total amount S 1,360
Previously reported this year 1 ,562,332
Total to date 1,553,692
in Astonishing Offer Somo of the
The San Francisco papers ol recent dato
contained the following effer:
"As an erldcnco of tho ability of Joy's
Vegetable Sarsaparilla to prevent sick head
aches, wo will give to tho first twclvo ro
eponsiblc persons who will apply at our office
a bottle free if they will Krce that after
they have been cured that they will admit
tho fact over their signatures."
This offer so atartlingly asserted the effi
ciency of tho remedy that many accepted,
and the letters of tho parties, nearly all of
whom responded, are probably tho most
convincing attestations that any remedy
ever received. Tho following is a sample of
thoso received:
I havo been subject to bilious hcadiche
aud constipation for several years past; in
fact, have been compelled to take a physic
eTcry other night or clso I would havo a
hcadacho aud dull, mean feeling. I have
taken that bottlo of Joy'a Vegetable Sarsa-
fmrilla, and havo derived great benefit from
t, and intend continuing IL After my own
experience l can heartily aavise tnose iroB"
bled with biliousness and constipation to try
125 Locust Avenue, San Francisco.
Fine Tabic Wine
Delivered at CO cents a gallon, to any
part of the citv. A fine line of nurc
California wines at low prices, at A.
W. Utzingcr's Cosmopolitan saloon.
Rooms With. Board.
Parties desiring comfortable rooms
with board, at reasonable rates, can be
accommodated at Mrs. E. C. lloldcn's,
corner Main and Fourth streets.
Wcinliarti's Beer
At the Sunny Side saloon. Furnished
rooms up stairs.
Good Goods and low rates at the Sea
side Bakery.
Tley Will Meet In (Mention In
PortM To-Day.
To-day tho newspaper men of Ore
gon will meet in Portland in their an
nual convention. The Astoriax is
favored with a copy of the official pro
gramme as follows.
On Arrival. Members of the Oregon
,, - , , ,r . ... , .. , .
lbo secrct:irv of lho' association will bo
30:30 a. n. Asseniblo at thoMarqnani
Grand theatre to receive certificates
and badges of membership.
1 p. 3i. Tako cable cars at Fifth and
Yamhill for Portland Heights and May
field camera obscura, which affords a
broad and grand view of Portland and
2 p. jr. Leave Second and Alder by
Metropolitan electric cars for Fulton
2 r. ii. lake carriages at Fulton Park
for a drive through ltivernow, the "bean-
tlful city of tho dead;" thenco by City
park to Xob Hill, among the palatial
hemes of prosperous Portland.
Gift v. m. ltoturn to hotel for dinner.
7:4T p. at. He-assemble at thoMcrquam
Grand. Preceding tho rrformanco oJ
me greatest moucm vjt j.uu uiu
Homestead." by the famous Denman
Thompson Company, there will bo an or
ation bv Colonel P. H. Winston, the
clover Washington editor. Following
each act, bhort pithy speeches will bo
delivered by prominent members of the
Oregon Press Association.
8 A. M. Take cars at Morrison street
bridge for excursion to Mount Tabor.
y a. 31. steamer tor uascaues ot tno
Columbia. View tho great smelter at
Linnton; tho locks at tho Cascades, and
other points of interests on tho river.
Return to Portland at G p. si. Tho
Marine band accompanying the excur
sion will discourso concert and dnnco
music Lunch will ba served onboard.
7:15 p. si. Cordrays Musee, nnd mi
mediately thereafter Cordray's theater,
where the celebrated play "Monte
Christo" will bo given.
S a. si. Excursion across the great steel
bridge to tho AVillamette-Columbia pen
insula. Electric cars from Second nnd
10 A. si. Steamer from Albina to
Oswego, to inspect Oregon's great iron
iron industry. "A cast will bo made when
tho party arrives so as to enable all to
see the actual workings of tufa great in
dustry. 12 jr. Steamer from Oswego to Ore
gon City, whero lunch will be partaken
of, and immediately thereafter tho differ
ent inanafncturinc interests, tho locks,
and other points of interest inspected.
3 p. si. Arrivo in Portland; adjourning
sine die on boat, thus permitting all to
return to their homes for Sunday. Busi
ness meetings will bo held in the forward
cabin of tho steamer on tho Cascade trip.
Members are most urgently requested to
ba in prompt attendance nt tho stated as
semblages It was stated incorrectly in the Ure
(Ionian that the editor of this paper
""-" written mat stona was noc aoio
to furnish only sufficient money to sup-
ply a fish dinner. This was an nnmiti-
ytl falsehootl aml the committee of
wm. . fl- v .-,,., nt ,,
o? authorize any such statement.
.MrtwwUw w - J -- .
The committee of arrangements had
laid considerable stress upon having
"a fish dinner" here, and in the letter
that was written by the editor of this
paper 'a fish dinner" was promised
them. The word "money" doesn't oc
cur in tho letter.
The Columbian, always ready lo
lie, canght up lho silly falsehood, and
made all it could of it on the assump
tion that it Avas the truth.
It is a matter of regret that the Ore
gon newspaper men are not coming
here, for it would have been a good
advertisement for the town.
Successful Oncnitlon of tho New Client
ical Engine.
The city of Tacoma has shown her
progressive spirit on all occasions.
13nt in no case has she made any more
positie movo than when she pur
chased one of tho Iiindgren Mahan
chemical lire engines for her very
efficient file department Tho city
council aud Chief Lillis thoroughly
investigated the merits of all the
chemical engines in Hie market before
purchasing tho Liudgren which they
decided was the best. The following
letter fully demonstrates that they
were rightm their selectien:
Office of CnruF o? Fujb Depabtment,
Tacoma, Wash., Aug fi, 1800.
Z. T. Wright Esq., Portland Or., agent
for the Lindgrcn-Mahan. Chemical Tire
Eiiginc Company.
Dj:ab Sic: Tho double eighty-gallon
tank Iiindgren chemical firo engine,
bought through yon for tho firo depart
ment of tho city of Tacomn, was sub
jected to two very severe tosts to-day on a
dre. Thoenginoworkedsplendidly. It does
all you claim for it. It gives me entiro
satisfaction, and I unhesitatingly pro
noanco the Iiindgren a grand success as
a department fire engine, and as such I
cheerfully recommend it.
Yours truly,
H. M. Lilijs.
Chief of Tacoma Firo Department.
Tho above engine is a four-wheel
double-tank engine, fully equipped.
Mr. Z. T. Wright, of this city, feels
very proud of tho engine, and is now
figuring with a number of towns and
cities on tho coast for chemical en
gines. He also handles tho very best
firo hose in lho market; also general
machinery, as well as tho celebrated
Advance thresher. Oregonian, 9th.
Latxk. Since the issue of this pa
per, Z. T. "Wright has received an or
der from Spokane Falls for two of tho
donble-tank sixty-gallon chemical en
gines. Church Sociable and Festival.
The ladies of tho Scandinavian
Lutheran church will give a sociable
and fancy fair at at tho old LIL.
cannery near tho Clatsop mill on
Friday evening, August 15th, at 7-50
p. if. for the purpose of raising funds
to pay for their church soon to bo
erected nt Upper Astoria.
The ladies aro arranging a nice fish
pond whero the public can fish with
silver hooks. A good time is prom
ised. Don't fail to attend.
;irl Wanted.
To do cooking and general housowork.
Apply over Carnahan's store.
In the cars of the undersigned a
purse of monev, etc. Tho owner can
have the same by proving property and
paying for tins advertisement.
Your Friends
At the beach will appreciate a nice box
of fruit. Thompson & Ross have a fine
assortment, and will give careful atten
tion to all such orders.
TelCliliono liOdsctDs JIobsc.
Rest Beds in town. Rooms per night
LO arid -SS.cls., per week S1.50. New and
clcau. Private entrance.
A House and All Its Faruiture Constructed
of Driftwood.
Over on North Beach, Pacific
county, "Washington, not far from
Long Beach is a neat little story and a
half house known as "Driftwood
Cottage." The owner is a Portland
man who conceived tho idea of utiliz
ing somo of the driftwood which is
scattered along tho beach in abund
ance, and which is of all shapes and
sizes, from a very small stick to an im
mense saw log.
Thehouso and all its furniture is
made entirely of drif twod, picked up
on the shore, and is very ingeniously
constructed. Not only was comfort and
convenience consulted, but elegance,
ta3te and skill are shown in the make
of the house and its contents.
Bedsteads, tables, chairs, lounges,
benches, stands, whatnots, shelves,
doors and in fact, tho entire articles
used are all made of picked up pieces,
many of them put together in tho form
of mosaic work, and are decidedly
unique and attractive, ornamental as
well as useful.
A peculiarity of the occupant and
his family is that they subsist almost
entirely on fish and game, in the se
curing of which great ingenuity is
A liberal offer has been made for the
house and ila novel furniture, and if
accepted, the building will be careful
ly taken down and sent to Chicago,
there to be put together again, fitted
up as it now stands, and be on exhibi
tion at the World's fair.
Sayings nnd Such.
The hole in the boy's tronsera out
lasts any other part of them. Dallas
(Tex.) News.
People who say sharp things often
get the reputation of being blunt.
Baltimore American.
Tho cat has nine lives, which shows
that nature had a pretty fair idea of
what the cat would have to go through.
Saratoga Sun.
Is thr.t Imparity of the blood which pro
duces unsightly lumps or swellings on tho
g!ar.i!srf the neck; causes painful running
s.iri!S on tfic arms, legs, or feet; de elopes
ulcers In the cye3, cars, or nose, oitcn caus
Iig blindness or deafness; is the origin of
1 huplcs, cancerous growths, or the many
o.l.or manifestations usually ascribed to
"humors;" and fastening upon the lungs,
erases consumption, and death. Being
tiic most ancient, it is the most general ot
rll diseases or affections, for very few
1 cj-suus aie entirely free from it.
How Can
It Bo
Ey taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by
the rcinarkablo cures it has accomplished,
often when oilier medicines Iiac failed,
has procn itself to be a potent and pecul
iar medicine for this disease. Somo of
these cures are really wonderful. If you
suffer from scrofula or impure blood, be
suro to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
' Every spring my w If e and children .have
been troubled with scrofula, sores break
ing out on them in various places. My
little boy, three years old, has been a
tc.TiMe sufferer. Jast spring he was one
n..i?3 cf jores from head to feci. I was
.dviscd to use Hood's Sarsaparilla, and w o
5..4 ,:.:! token it. Tlieresultisthatall hae
Iteu cured of the scrofula, my little boy
Lelng entirely free from sores, and all four
of my children look bright and healthy."
Y7. Jl. ATiir.:iToi. Passaic City, N. J. ,
food's Sarsaparilla
oM by lmsUti. $5; six for S5. rrepsretl Iiy
C.L110OD & CO.. AiKjthcKiries, Lo .veil, Mass.
!CO Doses One Dollar
To take the last argument from
the croakers and in order to siiow
the public that it is not the moncy
alone that 1 am after, but tiiat 1 am
anxious to make a
I hereby voluntarily offer to mako
an equal division of the winning
and of course I'll win among the
different Renevoicnt Societies of
Astoria, as follews:
Astor Lodge No. G, K. of P.
Reaver Lodge No. 35, 1. 0. 0. F.
Gushing Post No. 14, G. A. R.
Finnish Renevolent Society.
Fishermen's Protective Union.
Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P.
Scandinavian Renevolent Society.
Sea Side Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W.
Temple Lodg No. 7, F. A. & A. 3L.
Young Alen's Christian Association.
Woman's Relief Corps No. 3, GA.R.
Carpenters' and Joiners' Union.
Astoria Typographical Union.
Young Men's Institute No. 10G.
Mediterranean Mutual Society.
And any other similar organiza
tions 1 may have leftout in this list,
but who care for the sick and assist
the needy.
Now for a Grand Rally !
And lets show to the outside world
ASTORIA, can't be beat anywhere.
To all who stand by me in this
fight, I assure more than full value
for their money.
Yours, anxious to win,
Herman Wise,
The Reliable Clothier
and Hatter,
In Occident Hotel Bnildin
I will open on or before August 1st, the Grandest
Line of Clothing Ever Shown on this Coast, which
I will sell for LESS MONEY than the trash which
is now being faked off on the Public as Eare
Thirteenth Annual ExhiMtion.
Under the management of the Oregon Slate
Board of Agriculture, will be held on
the Mate Pair Grounds, near
Salem, commencing on
Kfonday, September 15th, 1890.
And lasting one week.
OTES 115,0001
Offered for agricultural, stock and me
chanical exhibits, for works of art and fancy
work and for trials of speed.
Kcduccd rates for fare and freight on all
transportation lines to and from the Fair.
Important improvements hae been made
upon th grounds and increased facilities
arc offered exhibitor.
Tie Pavilion fill lie Opi
Four Nights During
A siilemlfd field ol horses entered in the
speed department, and fine exhibitions of
racing will ue gien each U.iy.
Entries for premiums close Monday at
7:3) n. m. Exhibitors are urced to make as
many of their entries on Saturday before the
Fair as possible. Goods, animals and ar
ticles for exhibition must be in their places
by 10 p. m. on Monday.
Man'j day ticket 50c
"Woman's day ticker . 25c
Man's season ticket $2 50
Woman's season ticket 1 00
Send to the secretary at l'ortlanil. Oregon,
for a premium ikt. D. II. LOONEl',
J. T. GREGG, Secretary.
Wm. W. WiiKRnr,
Civil Engineer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
City and Suburban Froperty Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made for
Outside rartles.
I. W. Case, Banker. Judgo C. n. rage.
Office on Third. Street,
Near Court House, - ASTORIA, OR
J. B. Wyatt,
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil,
Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine,
Lard Oil. Wrought iron Spikes,
Galvanized Cut Kails.
Agricultural Implements, Sewing
Machines, Taints, Oils,
Groceries, ZHS-to.
Rlagee, Argand and Acorn
Cooldng and Heating.
D53To cfcs Scully,
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers In
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city
Office and Warehouse
lu Hume's New Ituilding on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No, 37.
only S2.00 per 100 square feet. Slakes a
good roor for years, and anyone can put It
on. Send stamp for sample and lull par
ticulars. Gum Elastic Itoonxo .Co.,
3a & 41 Wkst BnoAmvAY, New Yokk.
CiOcn.1 Agents "Wanted.
Practical : Watchmaker,
A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches,
Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, eta,
at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly
Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman.
Carpenters ami Builders.
Holt & McUurtrle's old stand, have over 200
plates and drawings ot alL kinds and styles
ot dwelling-houses, ranging from sooo to
$12,000. Call and see them.
ta m
r Fs
bs itanges.
in case s Asiona Are ii on
Astoria Real Estate Co.
TJERIWS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Is the Choice of
Snperior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots.
Orders for any quantity to be directed to
- H. "WEINEAED, Portland, Oregon.
Corner Twelfth and IS. Telephone 12.
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tlG Bon Ton Eeslanrant oftlie Town
Dinner Parties, Banquets, aSpeciatly
TJtc Finest Wina nml Jiqtiors.
Privat3 Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. No connection w itli hN old place on
Main Street.
Main Street House
The above .Restaurant is Just Opened,
with everythinfr .New and
First Class
This is the Cleanest and Quietest
Place in the City.
Ao Climcse Employed.
W- W, WBCEJ5fc"
ESpEnlargetl and Befitted" to
Shoalwater Bay
Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc.
Frankfort Real Estate Co.
nPK-TPvc; J Cor. Commercial and
uuuiWiis 1 Havel's Brick Block,
navel's Brick Block,
Investments Made for
n n Ttnv ttro J Correspondence solicited. Man?, Circulars and all Information
P.O.BOX 662 -j ci,eerfuiiy fumished.
FL7NN, The Tailor,
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles
lie buys for Cash at Eastern Trices. 'Ue Guarantees the Best , Workmanship on all
Garments. Call and see for Yourself. Barth Block, ASTORIA, OR.
e Styles
Lager Beer !
the Connoisseur.
P. O. Bex 405
HAYDEB, Prop's.
JMeefc the Popnlar Demand.,3
and Eastern Oysters.
Tearl Sts,
Frankfort, "Wash,
435 2d St., Astoria.
Non - Residents, a Specialty.
t MJArfaat2 nmmtr
B';si, -